If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,843 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 2 days, 10 hours ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 601 through 650 (of 3,893 total)

  • 600!!!!!!!!!!!
    Amazing and thank you for all of your kind words. I am doing this alone but with 4 young men to feed, so completely understand how tough it can be. I just couldn’t believe how much I put on when i didn’t think that I was being a piglet, but I do love all of the Christmas food. Well never mind, lesson learned for this year.

    asmith.bath I completely agree with you, the body changes are quite extraordinary.I am really loathe to spend money on clothes because I seemed to find that new ones only fit for weeks before they were too loose. I have become a charity shop girl, I offloaded all my old clothes that I had worn for years and was sick of the sight of….and then got previously worn/loved ones that I really liked for a fraction of brand new.Like you, I am developing my own style too.

    SherryR Welcome. Keep in touch and let us know how it is going?

    Symba7 glad to hear that all is well.I really worried about how hard it was going to be to get back into the groove and it has been easy peasy.I can’t fit comfortably in my clothes now, so it is quite an incentive to do it right!

    double happy 600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Astounding and thank you.I think it was very wise just to wait to be well. I have eaten a lot of chocolate and cake, while waiting…but I am sure that we would still feel rubbish if we had fasted.I think that planning is key to this and I struggle too when I haven’t. I have a supply of tins of soup in the cupboard and in the freezer too.

    I can’t decide whether to fast on Monday and deprive myself of my most favourite pudding in the world at work(sticky toffee) or do Wednesday and Thursday when the pudds and mains I could live without. I am not sure that I am hardcore enough to do 2 consecutive days. Such a conundrum!

    Good Afternoon Fast Friends,

    I am delighted to share that I have been out for my first run in a month and despite my serious misgivings, it went well. We ran mostly and walked a bit for just over 7 miles in the chilly sunshine this morning. Thank goodness for muscle memory.

    Off to potter in the garden before the rain descends again!

    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Dear everyone – I have been “lurking” for long enough! This thread is the first thing I look at on my fast days – Mondays and Thursdays – and always find inspiration! Have been fasting since mid October after picking up the book – lost 12lbs up to Christmas (stopped on 21 Dec and put 5lb back on over Christmas/New Year/January birthday period) but hey ho I plan to be in this for the long haul so not panicking at all! They’ve almost all gone again and hopefully will have got rid of the last of those pesky 5lbs by the end of this week and be back to normal. Will kick up the PC tomorrow morning to read as usual – but now I’ve blown my cover!
    Carolyn x

    Hi Carolyn and welcome.
    Your post did make me laugh!Fantastic weight loss, well done you.

    I am trying to decide if I will fast Monday and Thursday next week or try hardcore Wednesday and Thursday-purely because it’s sticky toffee pud tomorrow!

    I have no doubt that the other fast friends will be full of support and inspiration.

    I did wonder about giving up puddings for February this afternoon.But the days are grey enough.

    well Annette you can’t give up pudding for February because it doesnt rhyme!! We have a dry July for alcohol free (so nice little rhythm to that ) but searching through the months it looks like enjoying pudding has to stay.

    Very very funny!I shall just have to bear the puddings then!

    It wasn’t a big decision to have the pudding and I really enjoyed it, very scrummy. So the grand plan is to fast Wednesday and see if I can do Thursday too.

    The other more major plan is to run on Tuesday and Friday to get up a bit of speed on 2 short runs. I have also planned the running around fasting and the truly appalling weather that is coming.

    I know that I can run when I fast, but I just don’t want to give myself any excuses.

    Great achievement, Annette, to start a thread and end up with a community of fast friends! Really nice to hear some new voices too in recent days!

    I’m struggling to get anywhere close to my target at the moment – I seem to be hovering around the weight I was at the start of December before the Christmas break. I managed not to gain more than a pound or two over Christmas but did get used to eating cake and biscuits again, which is a pity.

    Ive just got a part time tutoring job and take along home made cake or biscuits for my students for our coffee break – and if there is any left over, Im not very good at resisting it for the rest of the week!

    In addition, Im finding it difficult to stick to 500 calories on fast days. I do most of the hard work and then eat too much at supper! I need to get some will power back if those last few pounds are to vanish!

    Ive changed my fast days to Monday and Thursday rather than Tuesday and Thursday – and having a two day gap inbetween does feel quite a luxury. I dont think I could handle two low calorie days in a row like you Annette! But can quite understand your reluctance to do without the sticky toffee pudding!!

    Hi reluctant multi-tasker,
    It is lovely to hear from new fast friends.

    Well done you for being the weight that you were before Christmas, I have another 9 lb to lose to get back to where I was!I was finding it tough to keep to the 500 cals before Christmas, but last week was fine. I am a woman on a mission though to shift this bulk asap.

    Well I shall just see how the 2 days go. It may work or not, if it doesn’t then never mind the world will not end.I may just have to make different decisions in the future….or not!

    Feeling a tad despondent this morning! I restarted this way of eating a couple of weeks ago after a few weeks off due to me taking up a temporary contract which required being on my feet 12 hrs/day running to and from a stock room. I have re-started with a much more honest approach than I had prior to Christmas. No drinking alcohol on a fast day (yes, I really did do that), no sneaking high calorie nuts on a fast day (after said alcohol), sticking to 500 cals strictly and exercising like a woman possessed. Yesterday (a fast day for me) I headed to the gym and did my HIIT on the treadmill (I used to be a personal trainer so I know a thing or two about HIIT and I know that I was working out really hard), I did a full body weights workout too. This I am doing three days a week. I am fairly active outside of the gym walking my dog and when it’s not raining I try to walk everywhere as I hate trying to park a large car in a minuscule space! I have even adopted a low carb approach (still eating lots of veg) to control my sweet tooth and have cut down on the wine hugely (at least three days a week off and only a couple of glasses the other days). Two weeks ago I was 11st 7lbs. This morning I was disappointed to read that I am up a pound a half! It’s not near my time of the month, what on earth is going on inside me?! I am 43 years old, was 9st 7lbs in my early to mid 30s. The weight used to fly off me with a similar regime back then. I do feel and think I look better and people have mentioned I look slimmer but when I’m a stone and a half – two stones away from my goal and not losing, it’s very depressing! Any advice would be appreciated. 🙁

    Hi Ali
    I thought I’d answer as I am a bit of an (unlikely)(middle-aged) gym babe! And a dog walker.. and my married (and target) weight is 9 stone 7!
    Clearly you know a lot about exercise, so dont really need that kind of advice, but I can tell you what I’ve found helpful in losing weight so far. Previously I’d been at the gym and exercising for 11 years and just went up or down a few pounds, so the 5:2 has really helped me.
    I now find that keeping a food diary on MyFitnessPal (on pc or smartphone) is quite a handy thing to do, even if it is just for your fast days. Sometimes you just dont realise the calorific value of things – for example Ive been somewhat amazed the fact that a small pot of low fat hummous is something like 157 calories, so probably wont eat that again on a fast day as it didnt fill me up enough to be worth it! Also, if you are honest with yourself and log everything, it might help you not to sneak the extra handful of nuts or whatever your temptation is.
    If you can bear it, I would also cut down on booze. How about a glass of wine rather than two? Or just at weekends? May seem a bit boring but booze puts on weight like nothing else – and might undo all that hard work on the treadmill!
    Lastly I would say stick with it. Ive been tracking my weight loss on MyFitnessPal and Im not one of these people who loses weight steadily. One week pounds vanish and then I level off again, even when Im doing lots of exercise and sticking to just below my TDEE on non-fast days. So if you are feeling better, looking better and your friends say you are slimmer, it sounds as if you are making great progress! And as Annette has said most eloquently you need to check your measurements and the fit of your clothes more than just relying on the scales!
    Good luck and keep going – Im sure you’ll be pleased with the results!

    Thank you Reluctant multi-tasker! You are absolutely right in all your suggestions. I will start to use MFP app again. I do feel better without the wine so a weekend only approach is what I’ll aim for. Years ago I would be able to just diet and continue to indulge in my Chardonnay habit. I guess it’s more of a fight in your 40s! Have you been doing this long? How close are you to your goal? 🙂

    Have to admit that much to my surprise, I find I have slipped into my fifties..

    Before I had my children I was quite skinny and could eat almost anything and not put on weight, but I put a dress size on with each child so went from a 12 to a 16. Starting at the gym helped change my shape enough to go to a 14 – and the 5:2 is getting me to the point when I can just about get in to a size 12 pair of jeans again. I feel as if I can now recognise myself when I look in the mirror rather than seeing a rather matronly person who didnt seem to be me..

    I’d like to see if I can get to my target weight of 9 stone 7 (without looking gaunt) so need to lose another 4-5 lbs. It doesnt sound like much but I have a hunch that those last few pounds will be more difficult to shift than the initial stone and a quarter!

    I started the 5:2 at the start of October – and had a two week break from it over Christmas, largely as I find it harder to fast when there are lots of people eating nice things all around me! I’d like to get to my target weight before the summer but I should get there earlier if I continue to make the same progress. Have to admit though that since Christmas I havent been quite so disciplined on my fast days and have probably eaten 600-900 calories rather than 500 so I have resolved to try to do better this thursday!

    Good luck to you and to all the other fast friends out there!

    Bought a pair of size 12 jeans today which amazingly fit fine. ( even after lunch out at the all you can eat Chinese buffet for my husband’s birthday) I’m aiming for 10st at the moment so another 3lbs to go but may try 9st 12lb. See how it goes,no pressure now after having lost over 2st. Now what should I do with my size 16s and 14s?

    Hey Sonunda that is brilliant – size 12!!!! Well done – you must be really pleased.

    Think those other jeans should go to the charity shop….

    Aw thanks Cathyork. I think you’re right about the charity shop thing though isn’t there always the temptation to hang on to them ‘just in case’ arrrggghhh-think positive!!!!

    Hi again Reluctant M-T. My word, you’ve done so well! You are so close to your target, which is my target too so I’m more than a little green! Well done. I’m putting everything for today and yesterday in Myfitnesspal and have vowed to stay off the wine til Friday. As long as the kids tow the line it shouldn’t be driven to boozing! Now where’s that delicious box of green tea…?

    Sonunda, congrats on your loss! God, how I’d love to be so close to seeing the number 9 on the scales! Get rid of the big jeans. There’s no going back that way!

    Hi Sonuda – I’ve kept my size 14 jeans – I wear them with a belt to stop them slipping down – but that is quite good for morale! Ive just got a new pair of 12s for those special occasions as I cant afford to replace them all at once.

    Yes, think positive! You’ve done brilliantly! Those size 16s should definitely go to a charity shop – unless you want to hang a pair of 16s near the fridge (or other source of temptation) as a kind of warning!!

    Hi Ali43 – we will all celebrate with you when you see the 9 on the scales! I’m sure you’ll get there – you sound quite a determined person! My weight has fluctuated quite a lot between 10 and 9 in recent weeks and it seems a long process to get sufficiently below the 10 mark to feel like Ive achieved what I set out to do.

    Hope the MyFitnessPal helps – it can be quite a revelation to find that a seemingly healthy juice drink that you’ve picked up at a cafe has quite a few calories in it that you’d rather have had in food form! Im certainly watching what I drink now as it seems the easiest way of avoiding sugar etc. Sparkling mineral water and lime is my way of coping with fast days – and a lot of tea (though I cant do without milk).

    Good luck with the no wine regime till Friday! It should taste even nicer for the wait!

    Thanks RM-T! I remember that feeling from years ago when you get just under 10 stones but need a slightly significant loss to make it seem permanent. How funny, I’ve just returned from Tesco with four limes to have with my sparkling water (not all at once I hasten to add)! Have a good week everyone. 🙂

    Hello all

    I love reading so many posts and when you feel you need that bit of extra motivation to keep going
    I started 5.2 last wednesday, fasted yesterday and this Fri also fasting. I sat and watched the documentary which I found online of 5.2 and really wanted a change in eating so thought I would give it a try
    I have found it so easy and do not feel hungry, fast days can be tough. I normally weigh in on a Tuesday and lost 2 inches from my body, not bad but scales stayed the same, I remember reading alot of posts saying it takes sometimes a week or so for the scales to show.
    I was going to my local rosemary conley class and struggling to keep to 1300 cals a day, basically starving myself, but 5.2 is so easy
    I have also noticed my clothes are looser, I do not have a lot to lose, only around 10 lbs, I do hope this works for me as love it
    Hope those scales move…..

    After 6 weeks I’m 1kg heavier than I started, although I’ve lost centimetres. My doctor once agreed that my body is weird – I usually get the unusual symptoms for something and not the typical. For me 5:2 was always going to be at least a 3 month experiment, so I’m not demoralised by my results so far.

    Hi arla
    Measurements far more significant than the scales, I would say! That’s why Annette’s original post has been so helpful to people. Weight fluctuates for so many reasons, and if your clothes are looser, that’s wonderful. Well done for staying patient though!

    My clothes are barely looser – and my weight has only fluctuated UP. To be honest it’s a little frustrating that nobody has said ‘that sucks’. Acknowledging that it’s disappointing & frustrating would be a nice change. Not having that is more of a bother than gaining weight

    That truly sucks! May it change in the future for us both.

    I do feel for you, arla. You have every right to feel aggrieved. If it helps to make you – not to mention me – feel better, I agree. It most definitely sucks!! I could put it more bluntly but would probably be politely asked to leave. I don’t drink, smoke, eat junk food, or live a couch-potato lifestyle, but, boy, I could swear for England, or even for Europe, in several languages!

    I’m on week 53(!!) and while I have lost a few inches – but NOT around the middle – and have dramatically reduced, bordering-on-low BP and healthy cholesterol and blood glucose levels (try telling THAT to the GP who keeps shovelling the meds down my throat “just in case”). In all, I have lost 6 of the 20 kilos I want to lose, but not an ounce since September!! It’s as though some bugger up there is saying “You’re FAT. Get over it!

    Heard a woman being interviewed on the radio today. She spent £5,000 having 9lbs of fat removed via surgery. I’m sticking to the 5:2.

    I turn my back for 5 minutes and there is a huge flurry of activity!

    It is really demoralizing when the weight stays the same or even goes up. I know, it’s all happened to me, but looking over the months of weight and inches lost, and gained, I have come to the conclusion that sometimes the body just takes time to catch up, a plateau is a wonderful thing-whenever I plateau, I continue to shrink. I have put on weight and been miserable, but then noticed that I had lost inches in places that I don’t measure.Dresses were longer and I couldn’t work out why, then realized that I had lost fat from the bottom of my neck to the top of my bust.I would rather lose inches that lbs on the scales.Although I will continue to monitor progress with a combination of scales/measuring/clothes.

    So without sounding twee, well done all of us who are putting our health first.For me it remains a marathon and not a sprint.

    Lets not lose sight of the other benefits that includes the improvements in health, fitness and perhaps mental health too.I am seeing this as investment in my health long term.My blood pressure has gone from being very high to normal.

    There is no doubt that I too have a goal of standing on the scales and the number starting with a 9…you will all hear the Champagne corks pop when I do.I do see this as a long term investment.If I can avoid diabetes, dementia and cancer by fasting, then I am happy to do so.I know that my relationship with food has changed and that is a good thing,I am choosing better quality food and I am certainly more mindful of what I eat.

    Wishing you all happy fasting.Shall we see if there is any improvement in the inches at the weekend?

    @hermajtomomi Yes that really would suck! [and insert other expletives of choice]. I too rarely drink, have never smoked, don’t eat junk food (there isn’t much of it that is gluten/dairy/soy/potato free), and though I don’t exercise as much as I used to (specialist advice rules out most things that are fat burning) and don’t overeat. The last gets assumed a lot! I shake my fist at my dang PCOS belly. I grew up eating whole food and have always preferred sharp/sour tasting food. Too many things out there are far too sweet {ick/shudder} for me to like.

    Is allergy season for me so my asthma = poor core at this time of year. I am going to take up planking this weekend (the exercise not the silly social media thing).

    It seems my fingers are thinner – I’ve lost 2 rings in 5 days. The first one I got back cos it was at work and somebody handed it in. But last night’s ring is gone 🙁

    I am LOVING all the activity on this post! It has remotivated me! Plus it has kept me going today, my first fast day this week.

    I started 5:2 in September, anxious to lose the 7 pounds I’d picked up over the summer. By November that weight & several inches were gone. Which meant I was 10 pounds from my goal weight. And now, post-Christmas, I’m sadly back up 3 pounds. {sigh}

    It is difficult for me to lose weight, & so easy to put it back on. I’ve basically been at the same weight for 3 years now…& my youngest child is 4. I’m a vegetarian, work out 5 days a week plus play tennis on top of that, & rarely consume alcohol because I hate the wasted calories. I am an hourglass figure & look better NOT pencil thin…so I don’t have an unrealistic vision in mind. I also don’t care about the number on my scales as much as the shape & size of my hips/thighs. But I have recently changed my goal weight by 5 pounds…I’ve been within 2 pounds of that since my last child & felt & looked great. So hopefully when I hit that target I can just work on maintenance.

    Sorry…I’m rambling. We’ve been iced & snowed in here & since I fasted today I think I need to turn in & call it a night! Lol. Happy fasting to all who will be fasting Thursday!! Tomorrow is my anniversary so I’m certainly glad I fasted today. Ha!!

    sorry to hear about the loss of your rings.I wish that I could offer more positive suggestions, but the only thing that has kept me going, has been the changes that are internal and therefore hidden. You may have an improvement on your asthma perhaps?

    mommabear I thought that you had left! Lovely to hear from you again.I know that it is tough to lose weight and keep it off. I am currently the lightest that I have been in 20 years and my baby is 17, I also look the best that I have in that time too.

    I was looking at photos of when I was 20, not only was the fashion for baggy clothes and awful, but I also had the slim figure of a boy. I was miserable without any curves.

    I too have an hourglass figure and want to maintain it-just less of it.

    Oops, late for work!

    arla, the assumption that you overeat is a killer, isn’t it? It is said that many overweight people avoid going to the doctor’s precisely because they don’t want to be harangued by the quack about eating unhealthily. It’s happened to me – stop eating snacks, I’m told (I don’t do snacking), leave out the fatty meat (as a kid I used to get wallopped for trimming microscopic bits of fat off meat, and things haven’t changed since), use the stairs, not the lift, up to your flat (you don’t have lifts in conversions, dumbo), yadayada… Fortunately I go to the doctor’s very rarely. Medication reviews happen over the phone. Then you get acquaintances who assume you must have a sweet tooth(I’m lucky, I don’t).

    Assumptions people make about others, whether they relate to weight, age, gender or whatever cause one hell of a lot of misery.

    Exactly! 2 years ago I suddenly felt really unwell & as it was the day after Boxing Day, my normal GP’s practice was closed. So I went to one I’d been to before, but got a different doc who was obsessed with why wasn’t my high blood pressure being treated + my BMI was too high. He wouldn’t listed to the fact that I’d had very low BP all my life, and that I had several of the symptoms women have for heart attacks. He didn’t do a cardiac enzyme test & told me to take Gaviscon for the unbelievably bad heartburn where I couldn’t sleep. Saw my doc 3 days later and my BP was almost in the stroke zone. Took 8 months to get it under control & another 5 months after that it turns out that it was my gall bladder the whole time! But not the typical stuck stones.

    I’ve got all the CT scans & ultrasounds to prove my heart is fabulous, and so was everything else (but the gallbladder). The specialist never said that if I lost weight it would fix it … it might help but wasn’t the cause (a work colleague of mine is has been his patient since he was 35, and he’s a whippet thin cyclist).

    I’m hoping that in another 2 weeks I’ll have lost some weight as well as another inch or 2. I’ve got a couple of plastic costume jewellery rings that I’ll wear until my rings fit on the next finger. I’ve worn a ring for 33 years so it feels wrong not to have something.

    Thank you for your post! It’s a marathon, our entire life, with each step like another breath. Keep focused on 5/2 and nothing else.

    wah-hey, this morning I dropped to 100g over my starting weight. The lowest I’ve been in the 6 weeks. (Weighed today as I’m away for the weekend so want to use the same scales for consistency).

    Well done arla.

    I have lost another 2 lb this week and no inches.But I also ran 7.3 miles and 4.6 miles in the week and I walk to and from work, which is 1.5 hours x5 days as well.

    Due to the pudding choices that I have made this week, I have also fasted for 2 consecutive days. It was much better than I thought that it was going to be, and the first one was far easier than the second, but the evening was very tough. I wasn’t hungry, but I did want to eat.In the future, I am planning on non consecutive fast days!

    I have a 10K race on Sunday, probably in the rain,almost certainly in mud. All this and I am officially a veteran(53…just) in the running world. I think that at 55 I will be a super-veteran!Just 3 weeks on Sunday until the Half, oh dear.

    I am expecting to keep up the losses of 2 lb a week for the next 3 as I start to increase the distance and number of runs.But inches going from the hips and waist would also be very welcome!

    How are you all doing?

    Finally below my start weight (lost another 1kg since Friday). 😀

    Whoop whoop! Well done arla.

    started on 7th Jan this year but have only lost 5lb. 1.5 inch from my hips and 2 from my waist. Today is supposed to be a fast day but I have lost motivation and havent stuck to it today 🙁

    Hi Angela1966. You say you’ve ‘only’ lost 5lbs in weight, 1.5 inches from your hips and 2 inches from your waist since 7 January. You sound disappointed – but actually, isnt your achievement something to be proud of?? That sounds like pretty good progress for someone who only started the 5:2 a few weeks ago!! Well done!!

    We’re all different and some of us lose weight dramatically and quickly, some lose it slowly, and some lose it rather intermittently. I’m hovering around the same weight I was back in early December – having previously made rather quicker progress. It is easy to lose patience and not to appreciate the benefits we have already seen – like slimmer hips and waist and noticing that you actually feel lighter when you move about.

    Feeling down about your progress probably hasnt helped your motivation today on a fast day, when it can be tough resisting the temptation to eat. But if you can tell yourself that you are doing well, and the next fast day is a stepping stone towards doing even better, maybe you’ll find it a bit easier next time?

    The 5:2 ‘lifestyle’ seems a very effective way to get down to your target weight – and if it takes a year or two to reach that, no matter. You’ve been able to eat normally and enjoy food for most of the week in the process and in time you will have the tools in place to keep to your ideal weight once you’ve reached it, maybe by fasting once a week if that’s necessary (and it could well be beneficial to your health in other ways to do that anyway). So keep positive – you are making real, tangible progress!

    Hope you have a good weekend and all the best for your low-calorie days next week!

    5lbs and a total of 3.5 inches since 7 Jan is pretty good going and nothing to be discouraged about, Angela.

    Could it be that a) you only have a small amount of weight to lose? or b) you already eat healthily so that the change to 5:2 is far less dramatic than for someone who has previously been consuming loads of fat, sugar, etc?

    Also do watch out for some very rewarding side effects, like reductions in blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose, and generally starting to look really great. You may also be losing inches in bits we don’t measure. So do hang on in there if you can.

    Great news, arla. The downward trend seems to have begun. I daren’t go near the scales as I’m pretty sure I’ll get the same old, same old – still stuck with a loss of 6 or just possibly 6 1/2 kilos since the beginning of Feb 2013. The temptation to throw the wretched scales through the window – without bothering to open the window first – is much too great!

    As our friendly neighbourhood runner you are an example to us all, annette. We’ve got a runner in the family who regularly runs 10Ks and half-marathons and I know the pleasure and pride she feels as she gradually improves her already commendable performance.

    As a working mum with two growing boys she also treasures the “me-time” she gets while while out running, accompanied by her trusty iPod. Rather than running to music, she prefers Radio 4. Having to concentrate on speech, she reckons, diverts her from fatigue, pain, etc.

    My clothes are getting tighter! Only because I’m replacing my size 16s with size 12s! Getting used to the feeling of going into a shop,picking a size 12 and it fitting,which I’ve done 3 times this week. One dress was actually on the large side,though the jeans are fairly snug due to my ‘traditional’ build and sporty thighs! Over 15kgs gone since July-not far to go now so no particular hurry,don’t think I’ll get much smaller. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone.

    @sonunda wow that IS a great outcome! I am following in hot pursuit! You are exactly where I wanna be. Well done!!

    Thanks,Freefalling. Hope you get there soon. (I’d better step away from the Doritos if I don’t want you to ‘overtake’ me!)

    Hello Fast Friends,
    Great to hear your news and I can sympathize with the thoughts of throwing the scales out of an unopened window!

    I ran a rather windy 10K last Sunday with my son and the Bath Half is 2 weeks tomorrow.Because I have done so little training either due to the appalling rain here in Somerset for weeks, or ill with a couple of viruses, I have had to move my goals from running a better time, to getting round and running all of the way.I have joined a gym very close to where I live so that I can get some miles in without getting soaked or blown off my feet.Reading a book by Paula Radcliffe(trying to learn a positive attitude in the final part of a run)I learned that to run better, I should lift some weights and that will improve speed and core strength.It would appear that I have very weedy arms and can just manage the smallest weights, so that is a very visible goal to achieve over the coming months.
    I have fasted for a couple of weeks, but I am not now and will probably start again the week after the Half to give my body time to recover.Weight goes up a bit and then down a bit,with a general downward trend.The scales are going away for a month and then I’ll take stock.I am going to be building muscle(10 mile run tomorrow) so the scales are not going to be an accurate assessment of how my body is changing.I am pleased to find that I have lost an inch off my waist and another inch off the under bust, but most of all I am thrilled that I can get my trousers back on and do them up without looking like a burst sausage!
    I have started listening to Desert Island Discs on my ipod when running,but i might try radio 4, so thanks for that too.

    Well done everyone. Stay safe in the weather, wherever you are.

    hello my fast friends, so good to see all of you, welcome to our new friends. life has rather run me over of late, so I haven’t been here much. missed a few fast days because I just couldn’t manage with the doctors visits, physical therapy etc. thankfully the weight has stayed pretty stable (not a lot of energy for eating either, 🙂 ) still a bit brain dead, so need to go. just wanted to say Hi and encourage everyone to not give up. I am sure this way of life is the way to give ourselves the best chance of good health and skinny jeans. 🙂 hugs Phyllis

    Hi Phyllis,
    Sounds like life has been hectic and not in a good way.Well done for the stable weight and so kind of you to encourage others not to give up.Do take care and be kind to yourself as you would be to others. I am in my skinny jeans, they are a bit tight, but that was a goal that I never expected to reach.

    Annette xx

    Desert Island Discs is a great choice for the iPod, annette, with its mix of music and speech, which is sometimes more interesting than the music especially when the castaway isn’t a household name. I didn’t realise you were down in Somerset. Hope you are managing to stay safe and dry. Touch wood, we haven’t suffered much in theis part of North London – so far at least.

    Phyllis, it sounds as though you are having a trying time, but you also come across as a lovely foxy lady who won’t let things get her down. Hang on in there. xx.

    oh,my goodness, I just saw the reports on how bad the weather is over your way. Hope everyone is safe and dry! hermajtomomi, glad you are ok. I love the foxy lady suggestion. I’ll try to live up to that. 🙂

    I will say that I hope the rest of this new year settles down a bit. 🙂 I could live without the added physical and financial stress. still, I tend to be positive, a Tigger in a house with two Eeyores. LOL. my family just rolls their eyes and smile indulgently. 🙂

    Annette, those skinny jeans will be loose before long. I’m impressed that you are still running after your illness. one strong lady I think.

    come to think of it, we are ALL strong ladies, look at what we are accomplishing. not as quickly as we would like perhaps, but we are learning to care for ourselves. that’s a great thing.

    wishing everyone a great week. stay safe y’all. Phyllis

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