If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,843 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 1 day ago.

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  • Annette, well done on running almost 5 miles!! that’s impressive for your first non-rainy post holiday run!!! I’ll just bet you make that goal!

    Jean, sure hope you and hubby get past that viral thing soon. it’s no fun at all especially when you think it’s getting better and have a relapse. good luck with the kitchen remodel, we will be attempting that next summer, if all goes well. good luck with the fast.

    I had a pleasant surprise when I got on the scales. I lost 1.2 lbs which puts me a 139.2 lbs. been a really long time since I saw those numbers. measurements not bad either. I’ve been sticking to 16:8 on most days and I think that limited my holiday gain. plus, I’ve been really limiting my breads, and I think I’m sensitive to gluten,and it makes me gain.

    happy fasting, onward to our goals in 2014. 🙂 Phyllis

    Hi Phyllis!

    sorry I haven’t read all the posts on this thread but just wanted to congratulate you on your loss lol, well done!!

    happy fasting to you too!

    Angie x

    Hi Phyllis,

    Very well done on the weight loss, amazing after the holiday you must have been very strong not to pick to much. Hope we have not gained too much tomorrow….not fasted today properly, missed lunch and we had a light dinner.

    Hi Annette,
    Well done on your 5 mile run, you are always positive, we will feel it with the swimming, missed 3 weeks due to maintenance work and school holidays, it will be hard going on Monday…….


    Wow Phyllis! You’ve lost weight?????That is awesome!!!!!!!!!

    I was really pleased with the almost 5 miles, but it was really hard to keep going when I started.I felt really unwell and queasy. But, the sunshine made me feel rather happy. I just kept thinking that however far I went, it was more than if I had stayed at home.

    The really hard part is going to be doing it all again in the predicted gales and rain.

    Jean, if you could have seen me staggering along, I don’t think you would have said I was positive! Bonkers perhaps.The swim may well be better than you think.

    Just wanted to share I found pair of linen trousers I had kept for repair. I held them up and thought they looked big, my daughter said try them on and I did over the pair of cords I am wearing and they were still baggy! I love this way of life and have been doing it since August and this forum has helped throughout. I read it regularily but have only contributed a few times – am putting that right whilst still on holiday! The change in my body is incredible.


    A miracle! In the weight that I have put on over the month of December(numerous Christmas Dinners, parties and meals out) While I gave up the 5:2, because it was just impossible to fit it in….. I have lost 2 lb!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have tried to be more mindful of what I am actually eating, but still working through the Christmas Cake and about to spend the afternoon baking(and testing).

    My clothes that were loose, feel rather uncomfortable. I don’t need an incentive to get back to the 5:2 next week!

    Hi all, thanks for the congrats. I couldn’t believe it when I found I had actually lost. 🙂 But, I had a slight advantage on you all. no holiday parties, no travel, no one bringing in food except for us. that made it easier to control what was available for munching. 🙂 AND I have found that eating this way makes me less able to eat very much at a time.

    Angie, I hope you will be able to read the thread. lots of good ideas and really funny and encouraging posts. glad you posted!

    Hi Symba, how did your weight in go? I’ll bet you will enjoy fasting and swimming next week. nothing wrong with taking a bit of a break, but sometimes I do look forward to fasting again. 🙂 you have done so well, I know you will do great in 2014!

    Hi Elaine, whoohoo, baggy trousers!!! good for you. thanks so much for sharing! gotta love this way of life 🙂

    wow, Annette, 2 lbs gone!! I knew it would melt away. those snug clothes will be baggy before you know it! every thing will settle back into routine next week.

    so glad to have found this way of life and all you wonderful folks. here’s to a great year for us all. Phyllis

    Elaine…..Trousers on top of trousers, really Great, well done.

    Annette…….2 pound off, Very Very Well Done.

    Weigh in for us today….2 lb on each…but OK about that, pretty good considering what we have been eating and drinking.

    Hubby is going for another stone before 1st May
    I am now going for another 7 lbs, and see how I go, I think I am nearing were I want to be, I will see if it settles on its own…
    Get the 2 lb off first ..then start counting

    PS, I am noticing my bras are all getting tighter, last notch, and a baggy front! New ones soon!


    Welcome Elaine. Fantastic news about the trousers. Do keep us posted on how it is going and feel free to join in.

    Goodness you are all doing so well.

    Although the 2 lb seems good and is, I somehow managed to put on a whopping 10 lb in those 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So there are another 8 lb to go, to get me back to the weight and shape I was before the madness began. I can see exactly where it has gone on too. Yuck! My plan is to shift those 8 lbs in the next 8 weeks. What I ate and drank really was not worth how tight and uncomfortable my jeans are………..ho hum.

    My bras are a really good indicator of how I am doing. Those that had been rejected are now back in service.

    I’m not going to weigh myself until next Friday. Christmas and new year were total chaos with all the children,their spouses and the grandkids,I didn’t know which way was up! Half fasted yesterday and had a good day today. One thing though,at some stage I went to the loo and,not thinking,pulled my jeans down without undoing them! Couldn’t have done that a few months ago. Mind you,my daughter-in-law did say they were looking a bit big on me.
    Will fast again Monday and Thursday before the big reveal. Fingers crossed.
    Glad everyone had a lovely time by the sounds of it-back onto the wagon now ladies.

    Very wise to wait, but it sounds like you are doing very well. Lovely that those jeans were noted to be too big.You must have known in your subconscious that you didn’t need to undo them. I remember a tugging a skirt at the hem to see how much longer I had left…and it slipped right over my hips!!It was joyful.

    The big reveal indeed. Christmas Cake should be gone today. So that is 3 boxes of chocs to go….and my birthday looming. I hope no-one buys me chocs.

    Let us know when it’s your birthday so that we can all send best wishes. Keep up the good work on the running,which half are you doing in March? It’s a long time since I did one but I might have one left in me!

    Thanks for the welcome – the support on this site is amazing. I have managed to loose 1lb over the Christmas fortnight which I am really pleased about. I did fast as normal but ate really well in between! Back to work Monday – I work on the sixth floor and use the stairs as my exercise but I really must do something else to tone up. have just bought a size14 skirt in the sales. it is tight but will be fine by next year. I have gone from obese to overweight and just can’t get over the delight of it all.

    Need to get new bras as well – someone on this site once likened hers to parachutes and I did relate to that!


    Hi sonunda,
    I will be 53 on the 15th. Hopefully there will be a bit less of me by then. It is the Bath Half, which is full, so sadly you cannot join.

    Hi Elaine,
    The support is completely fabulous. Someone always lifts my spirits when I am down.
    I am very impressed with weight loss over Christmas. If you want to tone up,have you thought about taking up running?It is really good at toning up all over.I say this as a non-sporty person who couldn’t run between 2 lampposts when I started at 51 and now is training for her 3rd Half marathon(13.1 miles)!!

    Congratulations on the skirt and the shift to being overweight. It is rather wonderful.Don’t buy lots of bras, because you will be replacing them several times over!

    Hi Everyone!
    You are all so inspirational, I just love reading through your posts.

    In 2012 I developed an internet shopping addiction and bought many clothes that were too small when they arrived. This week I have discovered that they fit and I have a whole new wardrobe to select from. Its so exciting!

    I have exercised my whole life, my mum dragged me out of bed early morning from a small child till I left home to walk 6km everyday. I moved on to gym workouts and aerobics as an adult. BUT, you can’t out train a bad diet. I am now a member of a smaller gym and have started crossfit style workouts. They do almost kill me every time, but I enjoy finishing the workout and feel a sense of achievement.

    Any way, I’m rambling! So pleased to read your posts, here’s to not stepping on the scales on a daily basis!


    Glad that you find it helpful.

    Fabulous that you have new clothes to wear.

    There is no point in allowing the tyranny of the scales to control you and your mood.Once a week is plenty, along with the tape measure and a try on of the clothes.

    People ask me if I enjoy running. I enjoy how I feel afterwards, how I improve and how my body has toned.

    Keep us posted Dayna.

    ” the tyranny of the scales to control you and your mood.”


    Suggest a different scale that you can control.

    I have one and it’s very obedient. If not, I pull the batteries until it behaves.

    Works for me.


    That’s exactly my point!

    Hi Annette, the Bath half was the last one I ever did in 1993 and my best ever time. It’s always a warm up for the London Marathon which I also did that April. My son-in-law is doing it this year. Good luck!

    Small world!
    Yes there will be loads of uber fit folk who will also be doing the LM.

    I staggered round….walked quite a bit and moaned most of it.Our goal was to get round uninjured, hopefully under 3 hours. We did it in 2.56h, uninjured and in a windchill of -4C. I swore never again….then we ran Bristol Half in Sept in 2.36h and ran all of it. So here we are again, 8 weeks to go, not enough training due to either work commitments or illness. Now the weather is making it very hard going, trainers drying out again.

    I am going to start running short distances x3 times after work to try and get faster and then do distance and intervals with my son at the weekend.

    My burning ambition is to run the BH in 1.59.59. It won’t be this year, but maybe next? I am working on the theory that i must be able to run faster if I am fitter and there is less of me to lug around.

    Respect for doing the LM.Are you still running? Is your SIL doing the LM?
    Thanks for the luck. I am going to need it!

    Having lost weight since July hubby and I were determined to start running again and replaced a couple of gym sessions with a run. Then the bad weather hit and Christmas came,but we WILL start again soon. I did my first half in just under 2hrs and my last 4 years later in 1-35 BUT I was 36 when I started and 40 when I ran that pb so I think you’re doing great-keep at it .
    My SIL will be lucky to make it round if he doesn’t pull his finger out and do some more training! They’ve just had a new baby so he has had a little excuse!

    Wow! Amazing times.But I note your age then and mine now.

    I am aiming for 2.16, which I think is going to be stretch.But I need goals.

    The weather is really making it hard to run. We were jumping huge puddles yesterday along the tow path and gave up to run home, cold and very wet.Neither of us can face it again today.We should be at mile 8…but barely made 5.

    Fingers crossed for a weather improvement and for your SIL more sleep.

    So much for day 1. I was fine until this afternoon, developed a shocking headache and despite lots of water and painkillers, I had to go to bed and sleep when I got home from work. I still feel rubbish.

    How did everyone else get on today?

    Hope your headache went after a good night’s sleep and today goes better for you.
    I had the highest compliment today in that a friend of mine started the 5-2. She told me it was because of me,after seeing how well it had worked-I’d really sold it to her. Got a lot to live up to now!

    Always nice to hear someone interested to follow you on board. Our daughter followed us a month after we started, although not always very good at sticking faithfully she has lost 21 lbs. Again she is like a lot of people with hubby ( who says diets are fads, and could do with at least 60 lb off) and two teenage boys, too many things about to eat. Still she says best diet ever.

    Bad week for me, no swimming, helping hubby to lay wooden kitchen floor, hit my finger really hard with the hammer!! Stupid ….nearly last piece…bleeding for two days very bruised, nail purple and two inch of finger blue! So big bandage on for protection, couldn’t trust water to be clean enough. We have Fasted Monday. Hopefully we can swim next Monday.

    Hope weather improves for the runners, I think it is calm for a few days….good luck.

    Hello, Fast Friends! And Happy New Year! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted or even read posts. Oh my!!

    It sounds like everyone is doing well!!! I kind of took off fasting through the holiday season. I say “kind of” because I did manage a fast day about once a week, but I didn’t always stick to 500 calories…probably closer to 600-650. But I’m happy to report I didn’t gain any weight over the break. However, I’m too scared to pick up the tape measure!! Ha!! But I’m glad I took the break off to just enjoy my family & the season.

    In other great news, a friend of mine has started the fast diet & in her first week she lost 4 pounds! I’m so excited for her. One night she was in tears at how big she has gotten & she wanted to know what I was doing. I referred her to this site & a week later she told me her awesome results. Super proud of her!

    Have a great week, y’all!

    Funny I woke up with a dreadful headache yesterday. My brain resolved it by making me dream that I had hit my head and had a concussion. For about an hour after waking I sort of almost believed that I had a concussion – well weird!
    I went off to do some voluntary office admin work for a charity – they was a fire alarm – worst siren I’ve ever heard and it totally ruined my ability to ignore the headache and I had to come home.
    Anyway, weightwise – I’ve gone back to my odd fixed weight of 13st 0.5lb, which has been the case since Jan 2013. Before xmas, with maximum effort, I got down to 12st 10lb, but there must be something about the 13st 0.5lb being constant.
    I’m really forcing myself to try and walk 10 miles/18000 steps every day – if I miss that more difficult target, then I’m very likely to always be over my previous 6 mile/10800 step target – not gone under 120000 so far this year – legs are a bit achy though 🙂

    I started the 5:2 diet last week after being horrified about how tight my clothes were becoming. I have also started running and swimming again, however was very disappointed to find out in my first weigh in this morning that I had stayed exactly the same weight.

    SO was delighted to find this thread and am going to buy a tape measure on the way home tonight and do as you all say and measure rather than rely on the scales.

    Thank you all for cheering me up and giving me the faith again. Now just need to set some goals!

    Hello Fast Friends,
    The reason for my stonking headache on Monday was because i was ill.My first fast day in 4 weeks and I was fine until the afternoon when I developed a stonking headache and went to bed when I got home from work.Tuesday,I thought that I was better, but didn’t feel well at work and when I got home,went straight to bed. Later developed into a sore throat, shivery with a splitting headache.Today, didn’t go into work, but stayed in bed and now feel much better.I will probably miss the other fast day this week and just get well.

    Jenki2 Don’t forget to measure your upper arms-my big regret, when you measure all the usual places.One goal is to have a waist that is smaller than half of your height.If you have increased your exercise, guard against eating afterwards and remember that your weight may stay the same or even increase as you create more muscle. Of course, you will also be more toned and burn far more calories…but just be aware of that when you next stand on the scales.

    Hi Annette,

    Hope that you are feeling better? Great tip re upper arms, definitely some bingo wings there that need to go! Really do feel inspired to get going again now after a very disappointing morning. Will go swimming this evening and get ready for another fast day tomorrow. Will also resolve to stay off the scales until next Wednesday and to measure success via tape measure/clothes.

    Will keep you posted on how I get on!

    Yes, I do feel much better. I expect that I will be fit for work tomorrow.

    Just bear in mind that this is a way of life, so don’t put yourself under a lot of pressure with unrealistic expectations, fail to meet them and then feel miserable.

    I have found that the scales, the tape measure and trying on clothes, all together, just once a week is a useful indication of change.My weight stayed the same for 4 weeks over the summer, but I lost 7 inches all over!

    This is a marathon and not a sprint.

    Hello Fast Friends,

    I hope that you are all getting on well.

    I have been ill this week and have no energy. I have not fasted this week and will not next week either to recover. No exercise this week or next.On the plus side, the weight and tape measure remain static.

    Sorry to hear you are ill Annette, wish I could rush you around some soul nourishing chicken soup–best pick me up in the world. How sensible to give yourself time out, hope you have a good book and can shut out the world and put your feet up. Being kind to ourselves is the best gift, how long it takes to learn that lesson !!!
    I wish you well, you are so encouraging and kind to others

    Thank you,that’s very sweet of you.

    It seems to be a viral illness which started on Monday with a splitting headache, sore throat and absolutely no energy.I spent Wednesday in bed, felt better each day that passes, but I have also spent every evening in bed too.

    It has taken me a very long time to learn that lesson!

    Hi Annette,
    Hope you soon feel better. Dare I say it…..I have had this viral infection now nearly 5 weeks..sore throat, ear ache, head ache and the first two weeks a hacking chesty cough as well, and very tired. I am a lot better but the sore throat and ear ache are still taking it in turns through the night, one one night and then changes to the other, I felt so tired yesterday but had a good nights sleep so feel a lot better again today, sore throat there today!

    We are going to try maintain this month, we are both back to pre Xmas weight of two stone off. I hit my finger really bad with a hammer while laying the kitchen floor, stupid me, I think I might have broken it, although my bandage is now off it is still very sore and I have to be careful not to knock it. Also I am going back to Dubai, our daughter is delivering our new Grandaughter sometime tomorrow…so I am needed! Too busy for the 5.2…..joking…….it bit difficult at someone else’s house but I will try not to over eat.

    So I think we will write this month off and get on board February, hopefully I shall be fit by then and swimming can start again.

    Good luck to everybody, it’s been a bit quiet over the holiday…..hope you feel better soon Annette.


    Symba and Annette per chance I also have had a viral infection for these past 6 weeks–that’s why I am an expert at the moment of shutting the world out ! especially in the evenings–well can’t hold a conversation because I cough, even had to go to the movies by myself in case I had to leave if this cough started up. I gave up the doc with her plethoria of antibiotics and steroids–went to a herbalist who has put me on a high dose of zinc and vitamin c. She agreed that 5:2 was a good idea as long as all calories I take in are nourishing–so at the moment I don’t waste my calorie count on wine, or cake—those treats are for when I am on my feet. My easy meal is a smoothie of frozen berries, baby spinach, coconut water, omega oil. sesame and pumpkin seeds and kefir and dash of organic maple syrup. So when too tired to cook properly and not wanting to easy out into the 6 pieces toast or cheese and crackers (you all know that routine!!) Best of health to us 3!!!

    Thank you Symba7. I had a feeling that this was going to take a while to recover from. On the upside, I don’t have a cough or ear ache. Sore throat has gone, but I just have no energy at all. I may well be writing January off too, I have just had chocolate for tea. I hope that your granddaughter arrives safely.I hope that you have a lovely time in Dubai and that your poor finger heals quickly.

    double happy I may have to come up with a simple fast nutritious meal rather than the chocolate that I scoffed earlier.I hope that you are better soon.

    7 weeks until the Half Marathon….I am beginning to wonder if I will be fit enough to actually take part now.I am not doing anything next week, apart from work, and hopefully will feel better than I do now.

    Hi Double happy,
    I was interested in what the Doctor said about the 5.2, just make sure you keep eating well balanced meals. I was wondering if loosing the weight made you more vulnerable, I am never ill and being like this for 5 weeks…..but talking on here it makes you aware of different things that are happening to other people, so you are not alone.

    On a Good note, we have a new Grandaughter, all safe, 7lbs 5 oz….our daughter has two boys so the much wanted daughter completes her family. A very Happy day.

    Hi Annette
    Hope you feel better soon – I had some virus before Christmas and it took over a month to shift the cough so look after yourself. I am really impressed by your running I did try running once before but preferred organised classes. I have been doing Pilates at home and if I can fast 2 days a week I can easily keep up the Pilates – I hope ! I had a lovely afternoon yesterday trying on clothes that I previously could not fit in and sorting loads out for the charity shop, some for altering and a lovely silk dress that I might convert to a skirt or use the material to make something else. I don’t think we can bang on too much on this forum at how great we all feel. Elaine

    Symba7 congratulations on the new granddaughter – how exciting- Elaine

    Thanks Elaine, It now makes six but it is still exciting….I think she will be the last one. Off to Dubai to see her Wednesday morning really looking forward to it but I know it will be very stressful, always is! Leaving Hubby behind.

    Fantastic news, the safe delivery of a grand daughter.

    I think that I might have turned a corner. I have been out today for coffee with my friend this morning and just cooked a roast dinner for us all this evening.I feel ok and have been dressed all day.

    I am not fasting this week,I just need to get well.No running either until Saturday at the earliest.My clothes are all rather tight, so it will be quite an incentive to shift the Christmas lbs…….

    And I know loads of people who have had similar viruses and have not been on the 5:2. I think it’s just bad luck if we’ve been ill.

    Good news Annette, I think I should of taken your advice earlier, come off the 5.2 until totally well.

    Hope you have enough energy when you start running again, you will have to take it steady.

    Good Luck.

    Hi Jean,
    I hope that you feel better soon.

    I am exhausted after the walk to and from walk(45 mins each way) to say nothing of a very busy day at work.I got into bed when I got home and will need to move soon to cook a meal, but will crawl back into bed soon afterwards.

    I hear more and more about people who have been ill for 4-6 weeks with various viruses. I work in a senior school, so if the staff don’t infect me then the cherubs do!

    I can’t see me running for several weeks, so may not take part in the Half after all. But, my priority is resting and getting well.

    Illness stresses the body, as does the 5:2. I shall just have to wait until I am well again. I think that might be for several weeks yet.

    hello Fast Friends, first of all, welcome to our new friends! so glad you joined us.

    I’ve been in a slump health wise and when that happens, I can’t think clearly enough to post. so, I haven’t been ignoring you all, just short on brain power. 🙂

    hope everyone is feeling better soon. there has been a nasty viral illness going round here too. not getting out much does have the advantage of not being exposed to such things much ( gotta look on the bright side,:)) it’s taking people a long time to fully recover, so be good to yourselves and do what you need to feel better.

    congratulations Symba on that new granddaughter! hope you enjoy your visit.

    today is a fast day for me, I’m looking forward to it. had too much bread for me yesterday, and feel heavy and stodgy today. good luck all and take care Phyllis

    Hi All,

    Gave up today had a really bad night, been to the Doctor and got told off….a really severe sore throat and a severe ear infection, he advised me I could fly and what to do in the flight, if I don’t I could perforate my ear drum. Very big antibiotics and a nasal spray. On the good side not contagious just take general hand washing precautions with the baby. Now named…Charlotte Kate.

    Bye all for a week…will get on board properly when back.

    Good luck to Everybody…….hope all the bugs clear up by then.


    Hi fast friends! Sorry to hear some of you have been ill – not the best start to the New Year. Sorry if you have to pull out of the Bath Half, Annette, but I’m sure you are right to look after yourself and not push your body too soon after having such a nasty virus. Not great training weather either – even the dog walking is a challenge round here with all the mud about!

    Probably the biggest downside to the Christmas festivies is not the 2lbs which I put on (and am now trying to get rid of again) but that I’ve rediscovered a taste for stuff like chocolate and have gone back to some old eating habits which I thought I’d ditched some weeks ago! So I hope a few weeks of doing the 5:2 again will re-establish a better attitude as well as get rid of a bit more weight. I’d like to lose another 6-7 lbs and then go down to a one day a week fast. That’s the aim for 2104!

    I count up my calories on MyFitnessPal on fast days – just because it is all too easy to underestimate what you eat – and I havent managed to stick to 500 calories the last couple of times – more like 600. Maybe it is harder to cut back in the winter! I have found my last few fast days far more taxing than when I started. Mind you, I was much more cavalier about estimating my calories back then so perhaps I’ve often eaten more than 500 a day! My only saving grace is that I do a gym session and a long dog walk on my fast days.

    Anyone read the Fast Exercise book? Wondered if someone had tried the exercise programme on a daily basis? I have tried to do some intensive bursts on the spin bike at the gym but not regularly enough to know whether it has done more good than my usual routine.

    Finally congrats to Symba on the birth of your grandchild! Lovely news and I hope you enjoy your time with her in Dubai.

    Happy birthday,Annette. Hope you’re feeling better. Don’t even think about ‘dieting’ today! Relax,enjoy and eat cake!

    Thanks sonunda. Sadly I feel dreadful, taking painkillers and spent the day in bed. I think it would be sensible to spend the rest of the week in bed.Just eaten a take away and now ploughing through some Christmas chocolates!

    I was supposed to be running a 10K on Sunday, which I am clearly not doing.I am supposed to be running another 10K in a fortnight, not sure I will be doing that either.The Bath Half….

    However, right now I would be thrilled to be well for a whole day.

    I hope to be back to the 5:2 in February, but only if I am well.

    Sorry to hear you’re not a happy birthday bunny, Annette. Hope you’ll be back running before too long. One of my favourite relatives is a runner who does numerous 10Ks and the occasional half-marathon and I know what it means to her.

    So curl up in your nice warm bed, maybe listen to radio or watch telly or perhaps some favourite feel-good dvds. And if the odd takeaway and a few chocolates make you feel better, fo for it. Spoil yourself rotten and get well soon.

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