If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,853 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 1 day, 19 hours ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 451 through 500 (of 3,903 total)

  • Thank you Tally99 and barbarita.

    So barbarita where are you in relation to a waist measurement that is less than half your height?

    I have lost 5 inches off my waist since January, which I am thrilled about. However, that leaves 3 to go.

    Hi Annette

    My waist is 29 my height is 64. By waist I mean the narrowest bit between bust and bottom. My belly button now resides north of my hips and south of my waist and I can never get the tape measure to stay round this level. Tummy still sticks out too much when viewed in silhouette!


    Hello piper and all fast friends

    Wow piper – I had no idea that you were as small as 10 stone!

    You skinny minny you – Well done!

    (You need to give us more information on ‘Help all LOACA’s etc’! I have to scout around on other threads to see what you are up to (or down to as it happens!)

    Have a fab Xmas piper and all fast friends!!

    I’m starting to notice that this thread and LOACA’s has a very similar list of posters. Why would that be? Is it that LOACAs are more likely to not want to measure, count, quantify but just be happy to be comfortable in their skin?

    Are there any blokes on this thread? Just asking.

    Hi. @annette52 thank you for your very positive and inspiring post! I don’t get on here often but am grateful for your good words and sensible approach. Xmas here we come!


    Thank you.On one hand I feel a bit of a failure with goals planned and then not met, but just pulled on the size 10 skinny jeans with a top and no muffin top….so I am pretty pleased with that.

    I went out to a party last night and got lovely compliments from the husband of my friend, who I haven’t seen for months. That was a great boost. This morning I have a hazy recollection of the number of glasses of wine and the nibbles consumed.Another party tonight……

    Hello fast friends.Lovely to come on here and feel the yuletide vibes and all the other good stuff. Lost 3lbs this week so happy with that, been making healthy choices and doing lots of brisk walking, although the weather is going between fresh and crisp then a bitter windchill factor. Sporting wee rosy cheeks as my Mum used to call them (and it’s not from the mulled wine yet :)) Measurements look the same from 9th Nov but that doesn’t feel right – my smaller jeans are now very loose around my thighs. Not so good at the measuring mullarky. Clothes fit/feel is the best indication for me together with what people are feeding back. A few more people have been very interested in starting the 5:2 in the New Year. I’ve signposted them to book and forum – we are the evidence. Happy to help them if they decide to. Today I weigh exactly 13 stone (182 pounds) and was 15 stones 4lbs (214 pounds) at end July, 32lbs lost. I’m delighted with that. I’m not a steady loser – some weeks 3 off then none the next week, then some the next week but I’ve come to appreciate that that’s how things are for me. As long as I’m continuing to lose overall and I’m still feeling healthy, energetic and ENJOYING the whole process then I’m a happy bunny. Taking a festive break until New Year. Hope to reach my target weight of around 10st (140 lbs) in 2014 and continue to enjoy all the health benefits.Was diagnosed with impaired glucose tolerance last Spring (pre diabetic?) so hope to see that improve when I’m retested in March. Thanks to everyone for their support, guidance and encouragement. The entertainment too :).

    Have a grand time of it over the festive season. Here’s wishing you all that you’d wish for yourselves…………………xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Time4change What fantastic news! WELL DONE!!!

    Time4change- you’re doing great!

    Toms- not even close to being done. For a good portion of my years, I weighed between 104-106 lbs. I am 5′ tall. There’s still way too much pudge in the middle. I have 15 lbs to lose, just to get down to the top of my BMI, and that’s probably still going to be too much for my frame.

    Merry Christmas All!

    Dear Fast Friends,

    Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to Everyone!

    Hello my fast friends, No I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. LOL. so sorry I haven’t been posting much. life has gotten in the way.

    I’m so far behind, I’m afraid to try and respond to all the posts, don’t want to risk leaving anyone out.

    just want to wish everyone a happy Christmas and happy healthy New Year. Phyllis

    Hey MountainMyst- glad to hear from you! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Thanks Piper, did you have a good Christmas? since we don’t eat mince pies at our holidays, I have tried out the pecan pie diet this week! once slice and a cup of coffee would be all my fast day calories, but I enjoyed every bite.

    just been maintaining for the past couple of weeks, but have really enjoyed the holidays and am back to 2 fasts this week. onward and downward! hope to see a 139 on the scales this week. take care all, wishing you a wonderful new year. Phyllis

    WOOOHoo! Congrats on the loss!

    My Christmas was pretty good. By the way, I love pecan pie. This was the first Christmas without one. 🙁 Daughter-in-law brought a yummy pumpkin desert that she made for both Thanksgiving and Christmas that everyone loved. Had the usual crowd.

    I would say that I hope to see 139 on the scale next, but don’t know what damage I’ve caused in last week or so. And I don’t care- it was Christmas! 🙂 xx

    Hello Fast Friends,
    I hope that you have all had a good Christmas.
    I am avoiding the scales as my clothes are tight, but what ever number they do say(when I am brave enough to hop on) I am at least a 21 lb lighter than I was this time last year.

    Next year I will not bother to get Christmas Pudding, Christmas Cake(for those 3 that like dried fruit), Chocolate Yule Log and Chocolate Pudding.(for those 2 that don’t). No one wanted anything else after Christmas Dinner, although the pressure is on to eat the Yule Log as the ganache filling has to be eaten before Tuesday.

    I am not sure when to fast, it’s a bit complicated with family and friends.

    had a good Christmas here. glad you had a good one Piper and Annette. I’m trying to ration the candy my daughter gave me to one piece a day, but sometimes a couple jump right into my mouth. LOL. glad I only get Ferrero Rocher once a year. 🙂

    Annette, I vote for enjoying your family and friends and celebrate that 21 lbs lost. you will be able to lose anything you gain in the new year. we don’t have a lot of family and parties to worry about so it’s a bit easier for us to start up fasting again.

    I LOVE that this way of eating enables us to celebrate, relax and enjoy that holidays without guilt and KNOW that we are in control and can fast any time we need a booster.

    fast day today for me, wishing you a great day! Phyllis

    Thanks Phyllis. My youngest bought me chocolate/sweets too. It is a struggle!

    I have been out to the shops and bought 3 pairs of identical pairs of trousers(different colours)that will take me through the chill winds of Winter and probably Spring in the UK!I have decided that it makes sense to replace some of my outgrown clothes with that elusive animal…trousers that fit perfectly!

    Also starting to panic. I have to get running again.On my own in the week after work. My son(coach, pace-setter) will be working long hours the next 3 months.Our next Half is in 9 weeks!!!!!!!!

    I can’t work out when to fast……….

    ooh, new trousers that fit!!! good for you! good luck with your training, I admire you training in the lovely winter weather. 😉 I’m sure you will squeeze in a few fasts in there some where. take care Phyllis

    Thanks Phyllis.
    But I need a plan that it is set in stone, so that I know exactly what I am doing when. The plan is to get back to fast days on a Monday and Wednesday.To run on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.Ceroc on Tuesday.

    I am back in the groove of the 5:2 because I have stood on the scales and seem to have put on 8 lb in the 3 weeks that I have been off plan and trying to cope with Christmas!

    I have been finding it very hard in the cold dark days of winter.
    But a couple of small patches of psoriasis have returned on my legs. I want it to go along with the lbs.

    I am going to attempt Alternate Day Fasting this week to kick start my poor stuffed body back in the groove before I go back to work.

    I’m getting ready for New Year’s Eve by sorting out fat clothes to go to charity. Or shall I ask my fat sister if she wants them? Ouch! Silly cow seems to think I’m losing weight just to make her feel bad.

    Time to start making New Year Resolutions.

    Resolution 1: Stick to 5:2 until 65kg is the reliable upper limit of usual weight fluctuations.

    Resolution 2: Do not give a flying fig what stupid people like my sister say. The reason I want to be under 65kg is my own good health and self esteem. No other motive required.

    Hi RoBa,

    How lovely to be sorting out fat clothes for charity.Enjoy your fantastic achievement. Well done!

    It is really interesting the reactions of those who also need to lose weight. My sister in law who came to visit and hadn’t seen me since I had lost 10Kg, but never mentioned my weight loss. I was upset, but noticed that she only spoke of her weight gain and not my loss. My dear friend who has been over weight since I have known her for 20 years, as have I.She appeared to be oblivious and only commented that my polka dot T shirt was very slimming. When I pointed out that I had lost weight and inches, she could barely congratulate me.

    I am going to stick to the 5:2 forever. I want the health benefits, not just the weight loss/control. Just think where we can be this time next year?

    Hi Annette, I understand what you mean about needing a schedule. sounds like you have a good plan for going forward. I’m sorry to hear about those lbs and psoriasis sneaking back up on you. well, a big part of this plan I think, is learning what we can tolerate and what effect food has on us. winter is a bit more difficult food wise as we want comfort foods (usually not low calorie) I don’t generally find myself craving salads in the cold weather. 🙂
    Hi RoBa, good for you! sorting out the fat clothes, because you aren’t going to need them anymore. probably wouldn’t offer them to my sister though, LOL. I guess its hard for people to be happy for us, when they are miserable. maybe down the road she will be open to taking care of herself, you are sure showing her the way.
    I’m with y’all, I’m going to do this for ever. really hoping to see health improvements and avoid all the negative health traditions in my family. I think there will be a lot less of us next year. 🙂

    Hi everyone-

    Congrats to all for making it through the holidays!

    Roba- sorry to hear about the hip, but congrats on the resolutions. Your sis is probably not actively wishing harm on you, but feeling bad about herself and being prickly as a self-defense. I know it makes you crazy, but go on, be the “littler” and nicer person. 😉

    Annette- as we all know, you are pretty active. You’ll get in shape in no time. So, my question is, are you going to read Michael’s new book, and are you going to incorporate it into your plan? Even thought about it?

    Other posters (on the site) had some hard questions-while I didn’t think Michael was trying to kill us, I was also concerned about keeling over. I’ll have to exercise just to get to the point of exercising!

    Hi Phyllis,
    I have decided to fast today, after I tried on those trousers…..they are rather tight. Not much of a struggle on it’s own, but I am surrounded by chocolate, cakes and biscuits. Boys always seem to have food in their hands. I have been out to the shops to get out, away from food and look for clothes that I like.

    Soup for lunch and it will be Salmon and salad for tea. I don’t crave salad either, but i have some in the fridge that needs eating.

    I think that you are right, it is tough to be happy for others when they are miserable. My sister in law has high blood pressure(takes drugs for that) and struggles to walk uphill, she also eats lots of takeaways, drives everywhere and complains about her weight. My dear friend has arthritis in both knees and struggles to walk very far. Both would benefit from losing a significant amount of weight each.

    The sentiment about being open to taking care of themselves is rather lovely.
    I had a look at the posts on this forum and saw how far we have all come.Quite something.

    I have no doubt that there will be a lot less of us next year too.

    Hi Piper, congratulations on making through Christmas. I think I’ll do MUCH better once all the candy is gone. I succumbed to the Ferrero Roche yesterday, so blew my fast day! first time I’ve done that. ah, well, I try for 2 days next week. know what you mean about exercise,I think if I tried to exercise like Michael did on the exercise show, it just might kill me. 🙂

    Annette, I’ll bet some of that weight is bloat from all the goodies. it is hard with tons of goodies about, but sounds like you are off to a good start. I actually did crave salad the other day because I had eaten WAY too much the day before, but it is unusual for me in the winter.

    I have been on medication for high blood pressure since my mid thirties, all off my family have strokes and heart attacks. I’m hoping that I will be able to get off the meds, or at least cut down. so far, it’s still up, somedays seem to be going up!!??? you would think that loosing 20 lbs would have a positive effect. going to check in with the doctor the first of the year.

    wishing everyone a good weekend. Phyllis

    My default position whenever anyone, especially a sister, is being nasty is to just turn up the volume on the smile and be double-plus super nice. Gets ’em every time.

    But truly, I do catch myself wanting to tell people how 5:2 works and sounding like some smarmy git on the shopping channel trying to sell something. If I can lose 10kg in 8 months by failing on this diet surely everyone else can too – I want everyone who is overweight to feel better about themselves and be in control, at least a little bit, so they get this buzz.

    New Years Resolution 3. Make the chocolates last till Easter – two a day but only on eating days. And that is if I can hide them from everyone else 😉

    Hi fast friends! Hope you’ve all had a good Christmas. Sounds, from the posts Ive read, that most people feel positive about the New Year – and maybe some new clothes a size or two smaller..

    Thanks, RoBa for making me laugh about turning up the volume on the smile etc. It can be upsetting, as RoBa and Annette have found, when friends or family don’t acknowledge your achievement in losing weight. But maybe some people genuinely dont notice, some people worry about saying the wrong thing and some people feel threatened by seeing a slimmer you, especially if they are overweight themselves. Maybe it makes them feel worse about their situation because they havent had the willpower that you are showing? Lets hope that the tubby friends and relatives do end up feeling inspired by your weight loss rather than intimidated by it!

    I’ve had a mixed response but a couple of people have become interested in doing the 5:2 which felt very positive.

    One of the reasons I started doing the 5:2 diet was that a friend at the gym had started doing it and I knew if she lost a lot of weight and I failed to make any real progress (as for the last 13 years) that it would make me feel low. That galvanised me into giving the 5:2 lifestyle a go, even though I couldnt imagine how I’d cope with so few calories!

    Must admit Ive found it hard to see the scales creep up over Christmas – too much temptation close at hand. I know I can shift the weight once I go back to 5:2 but after making so much progress it feels like a backward step. And Ive just realised than Ive eaten two chocolate truffles whilst writing this message to you all. Oops. In the New Year, this has to be a chocolate/mince pie/Christmas pudding/Baileys free zone!

    Hehe…reluctant multi-tasker…oops…two chocolate truffles while writing this message? I am at the moment starring at my favourite chocolate bar…and wondering whether I should follow in your footsteps?

    Anyhow, re the not commenting on having lost weight: I wrote the same story somewhere else: my sister-in-law hs a long as I know her always been slightly over-weight. At some point she had lost a lot of weight and before she came over to see me and hubby, I was warned by everybody NOT to mention her weightloss as this would have shown her that I found her slightly too big. So I ended up commenting how great she looked and how healthy, pretending I did not see her weightloss.

    What I am trying to say is that some people might not comment on purpose to not hurt your feelings.

    I have lost 6kg in the last roughly 7 weeks and NOBODY commented, not even hubby. I asked him what he thought of my new me and he answered politely that he could not answer this question as whatever he would say, might be misunderstood. He ended up in saying he loves me the way I am and whatever makes me happy makes him happy. (Pretty diplomatic!)

    Anyhow- long blurb- all the best for the remaining year and health and happiness for 2014 to all of you.

    you know what, Roba, I have sisters, too, and one of them is dying, so it’s not so much about if I can smile, and think I won. You know… we can light it up, let’s go– you can’t lie. If I could “hear, see, and feel” you, why didn’t you understand that your sister could read you like a book-

    Hi Stef,
    I take your point but think that there is a world of difference between telling someone how healthy and great they look, as opposed to saying absolutely nothing.It did hurt.My naturally slim friend has always commented on my weight loss and telling me when the clothes start to look daft and I need to replace them.

    I also think that it probably takes about a stone minimum to ‘see’ the difference.Layers when it is chilly make it much harder. But me wearing shorts and a t-shirt, for the first time in 30 years, was fairly unmissable.

    I think that it has rather more to do with feeling threatened. After all, if I can lose weight, then anyone can. Says she who will never refuse a cake or pudding!!!

    Like RoBa, I have had to stop myself from extolling the virtues of this way of eating to people.It has made such a huge difference to how I feel and look, to say nothing of the effects that I hope it is having under my skin.

    Phyllis I am sure that losing 20 lb will have had a profound effect on your body. It may be that with your family history you may need to take drugs to protect you from heart attacks and stroke. It may well be that losing more weight may reduce the amount that you need to take.Fingers crossed for good news.

    I was doing so well yesterday on my first fast day for 3 weeks and then it all went down hill with rather a lot of chocolate that I forgot I had, along with a sad film.On the plus side, now that it is gone….it’s gone.I haven’t gained any weight, but then I haven’t lost either.Ho hum.

    Hey Piper, not sure I got the gist of your message, but I’m sorry to hear about your sister. I’ve got five sisters so I can afford to be a bit out of sorts with one or two of them at any time. A good thing about sisters is you can bag them out and still love them. One of my sisters who was super sporty suffers cruelly from rheumatoid arthritis and it breaks my heart to see her suffer.

    There is a fair bit of sport in the family in watching each others weight. I use that to fire up my motivation some times.

    Keep well every one. Be back in the new year.

    Sorry, Roba, Annette, too.

    The posts hit me in a sore spot.

    Hi Piper,

    Are you OK?

    I didn’t understand the second and third sentence, but I certainly understood the first.

    Sorry to hear about your sister.

    Hi Piper, I’m so sorry about your sister. I imagine you are feeling pretty sad about sibling rivalry right now, even the friendly kind. sending you a hug and a wish for comfort for you and your family.

    I grew up in a family that all the women were always on a diet. I have been sharing 5:2 with all that are interested. one cousin has lost a lot of weight, drinking some kind of special teas and coffee, costs a lot of money each month. I told her my way works great, and costs nothing. 😉 most of them will not try it though, they prefer a pill or magic potion. ah, well.

    I lost my mind yesterday, ate chocolate all day long! I shudder to see the scales this week. at least the Ferrero Roche is gone. LOL. I think we will all do much better the first of the year after all the hidden goodies are gone.

    good luck with the coming week. blessings all Phyllis

    I’m okay, a little shaky. Like MM, I also lost it for a while.

    MM, in your honor a bought a 3 pack of Ferrero Roche. I still have two, but I also had my first piece of Lindt.

    Hello Fast Friends,
    Phyllis I suppose a ‘magic’ but expensive way of losing weight is rather easier that making the effort with the 5:2. If you don’t change what and how you eat then the changes will always be short term.

    Panic set in yesterday when I realized that it was exactly 9 weeks until the Half and I have hardly run. It was cold here yesterday and I just couldn’t face it.So now we have a run in the wind and pouring run!

    I have decided that I will start again on the 6th when all the chocolate/cake will have been eaten and I am back at work.There are too many parties etc to juggle. BUT I will get back in the groove next week and concentrate on running this week.

    I hope that you are all doing well and enjoying the holidays.There is going to be a lot less of us in 2014!

    hi Piper, I am impressed!! all those choccies and you only ate a couple. 🙂

    Hi Annette,I think the idea of waiting until you get back to your routine to get really get restarted. and I’m sure you will get back the groove. I’m really sorry that you are out running in the rain, NOT fun.

    I’m doing ok, seem to have gotten past the worst of my munchies attack. have been having some kind of viral thing going on, so energy levels very low. just taking it easy and doing the best I can at the moment. Have enjoyed the holidays though.

    everyone be kind to yourselves today. Phyllis

    The rain was horizontal and there were gales. We couldn’t actually see where we were going!We gave up and squelched home after 10 mins. It was pointless.
    So the plan is to have another go tomorrow.

    I have come to realize that I am unable to be in the same room as an open tin if biscuits, without taking several.So, hopefully the boys will demolish them today, along with the rest of one cake.

    Christmas next year will be very different.

    Here Here, Christmas will be very different next year for us too….far far too much, going on with the usual traditions…… which we have now changed for good.

    One week of very much over eating, full, bloated, very unwell, heartburn, not sleeping good.
    Hubby stated today, “Don’t go near the scales, we will try on Friday after this weeks fasts” his weigh in wasn’t good and he is not talking about it!

    Everybody else seems to have done better than us, maybe hitting the two stone goal…..and celebrating …too much…

    Piper, you are so good 1 Ferraro Roche and A piece of chocolate, I went with eat the lot mode and when they have all gone they have gone…….well nearly all put away now, just lovely Christmas cake…maybe a couple of pieces a week

    Fasting today and swimming starts again next Monday ( to many children about for lengths) and get back in the swing.

    Good luck to everybody fasting………..Happy New Year to all.

    This thread is about ignoring scales and calories and using the fit of your clothes as a guide to well being. I think of it as more of a ‘big picture’ strategy and that is the kind of person I am. Details aren’t so important to me.

    However, and this might seem contradictory, science is my thing. Dr Karl is a science writer and tv presenter who makes good sense and here is his article about why a calorie is not a calorie all the time.


    One of my favorite snacks is a handful of almonds but I’ve worried that they are highly calorific – now I know that only some of those calories affect my weight.

    Hi RoBa,
    This thread was started not to ignore the scales but to use them as part of the bigger picture.I have always felt that the potential tyranny of the scales can demoralize and make us feel as if we have failed, whilst ignoring the fact that many of us have continued to shrink when the scales stay the same.I used to panic when I hit a plateau, but I look forward to it, because I know that I will be shrinking when I do.

    I have learned that BMI is a construct dreamt up by the Insurance Industry in the USA all those years ago.That the pharmaceutical industry made millions $ when the BMI boundaries were moved to include those who were previously not regarded as overweight.

    I have learned that the only measurement that matters now is a waist measurement that is less than half our height.I have put on weight over December and look forward to that going again and a bit more while I strive for the elusive waist measurement…..5 inches gone so far and just 3 to go.

    I know that my body is much more toned, that muscle is supposed to weigh more than fat…but how much? I will continue to weigh myself once a week and measure my body and try on clothes all on the same day.


    Lots of us on here were chasing a weight loss goal for Christmas, just to keep us all on track. Again we are all after weight loss on our clothes also, going down sizes and passing on our large clothes to friends and charity shops.

    My waist is now less than half my weight, at 31 1/2, my height at 5′.7″…loosing 5″, nice to see it in a healthy zone.

    Everything…..which ever way suits each person is right….as long as its the thinner down side trend.

    Thank you symba7.

    To All Fast Friends,

    I wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year.

    My new years resolution is to slim my waist down to less than half my height, and to do that I suspect the scales will need to start with a 9.

    See you in 2014!

    Happy New Year to All…………Hope it’s a Good one for Everybody.


    Happy New Year everyone!! here’s to a thinner, healthy new year for all of us.

    Annette, horizontal rain! I admire your willingness to even attempt a run in that. Hopefully your boys have eaten all the tempting goodies to make your life easier.

    Jean, isn’t it funny how our bodies are letting us know when we’ve overdone it? still a few days of overdoing helps us appreciate the good days. Hope this weeks fasts go well for you and hubby.

    RoBa, I am finding that I judge my weightloss as much my the clothes as the scales. I have learned thanks to all you lovely folks that the numbers aren’t everything. once upon a time, any increase on the scale would just send my into a funk. now I see it as a temporary situation. 🙂 Love this way of life!

    wishing you all a lovely day. Phyllis

    Boys in at all hours of this morning, with or without friends in tow. Not a lot of sleep and lots of toast eaten! This afternoon(post nap) I decided that Christmas Cake(previously untouched) would make me feel better after I stood on the scales this morning.Not walking for 1.5 hours for 5 days a week has really had an impact on the weight gain.Thank goodness I am back next week.

    So, the plan is to lose another stone (14lbs) this year, hopefully before the summer. I have a Half Marathon in 8 short weeks and have done very little training, which means that I shall have to start running x5 times a week.The plan is to go out tomorrow morning and run a couple of miles, and see whether I can walk for the rest of the day!

    I hope that you have all done better than me.I forgot Congratulation to symba7 for losing 5″ off the waist and now has a waist less than half of the height! Whoop whoop!!!

    The plan is to fast Tuesday and Thursday. To run Mon, Wed, Fri by myself to get my speed up. Then Saturday and Sunday with my son. So now you all know….i am committed.

    good luck with your walking and running. I’ll just bet that you make that 14 lb loss by summer. I do believe that you are committed, and you can do it. Phyllis

    Good luck on your plan Annette, you are very committed in all ways, a stone off for the summer. Our Christmas cake a third gone…two thirds to go…more slowly.

    Our weigh in tomorrow and then discuss between us our goals for this year. Our kitchen is getting there but a distraction from proper fasting, and both had have this viral condition which is now 3 weeks in, you feel a bit better then it hits you really bad again, usually starts again about 6 pm and through the night. I know Annette you said no fasting while ill, but we will start again properly on Monday! Get back on track and start swimming again.

    Well back to the kitchen..I am the apprentice, fetch and carry and making tea!
    Speak later, Jean

    Annette I am sure you will be successful.

    I know you have taken some time over the last few weeks to reassess your goals and decide what you are aiming for now – good luck with it all.

    Cath x

    Hello Fast Friends,
    It took me an hour to get up the courage to go out for a run.Mile 1 was a real struggle, then I spied another lady runner in the distance and just tried to catch her up. I couldn’t and she had disappeared but I ran almost 5 miles. It got easier after mile 2 and I do love to run in the sun.

    I think that running is a lot like the 5:2. Scarey at the start, but gets easier over time.

    Thanks Phyllis. The Half just over 8 weeks away, I should be clocking 18/20 miles a week, so a lot of catching up to do. I have a PB that I want to smash.

    Thanks Jean. Sorry to hear about the virus, I hope that you are all well soon.I too am back on board next week. Just had another slice if Christmas Cake, also 2/3 eaten.

    Thanks Cath.I know that it can be done and hopefully the combination of some serious(well for me!) running and the 5:2 will help me lose the weight that I have put on over December and lose some more too. Three inches more off my waist would be completely awesome. My goal is March 2nd….the date on the Half.

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