I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER do that again.

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I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER do that again.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Tom Chamberlain 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • It was a fast day yesterday so I hadn’t had breakfast or lunch as normal. I had to go food shopping after work so by the time I got I it was about 7:30 and I needed to do a bit of baking and I didn’t finish until about 9/9:30. I am doing the 5:2 with a friend and I text her asking how she was doing on her fast day and as she hadn’t eaten yet either we thought “oh why don’t we try and do the hard-core 36 hour fast seeing as we are going to go to bed in a few hours anyway. And we survived! Both went to bed having not eaten ANYTHING since the previous nights dinner.

    I woke up absolutely fine, didn’t feel hungry or sick, and I thought great! I can do this more often, go me! But then, disaster strikes – I stood up! OMG it felt like I was majorly drunk. I ploughed on as it was weigh day and carried on getting ready and made it to the train station. I started to feel a bit sick and dizzy on the train so when I got to my stop I got off and I had a sit down before I started my walk to work. By the time I had got to work I couldn’t even bloody see straight. I tried to drink some water have my breakfast and it only made me feel worse. By the time a colleague came in I had my head on the desk whimpering about not feeling well. She suggested I eat one of the quality streets at reception for guests to help my blood sugar so I did and it seemed to help. About 5 mins later I still felt rough and went to the bathroom to splash my face with water and I immediately throw up!!! How? How is it even possible, all I had in me was half a granola bar and a quality street.

    After some tea and another chocolate I felt fine. My god I am NEVER doing that again. I felt like I was going to die. My friend experienced the same difficulties except hers hit around 2am so she felt that rough AND lost sleep over it. I feel like I got the better end of deal with a whole nights sleep.

    I have never felt so bad. It felt like stomach flu, being drunk and hungover all at the same time. I got to work at 8:30 am and only now at 3pm do I feel human again.

    Have truly learnt my lesson. enevr will i fast for 36 hours again. nothing is worth the way i felt this morning.

    Thanks for that! I was thinking of trying it but definitely wont now x x

    Hi Miss YoYo, I am really sorry about your experience. I am not medically trained and have little or no knowledge as to why your body reacted the way it did. I am a mid 60s male and regularly do the 36 hr diet twice a week with no ill effects. Many other posters manage to do the same with no ill effects while others have reported various negative results following a fast day. One thing I can say from personal experience is that standing up quickly or firmly can lead to feeling dizzy and unbalanced. This has happened to me on several occasions but I have not suffered continuing ill effects as you did.
    All of us are different and we need to follow this diet in a way that suits each individually. I would suggest that you seek medical advice to get confirmation as to why you had this experience. It may or may not be as a result of a 36 hr fast but either way a doctor should hopefully find the cause.
    Good luck.

    I know that a lot of people do manage to do 36 hours without any problems that’s why I had no qualms about trying it. If it had just happened to me I would have written it off and probably tried again but after speaking to my friend who told me what happened to her before I had told her and that we experienced that same thing really put me off. I was just a little disappointed in the regime as every other aspect had worked so well for me.

    Ah well! No harm done I only lost a few hours 🙂

    I was worried I would get a lot of people telling me I had done things wrong and getting on their high horses but EVERYONE will react differently and I just wanted to share the other side to the story.

    BUT I love 5:2 in general I’ve been doing it for 5/6 weeks now and couldn’t not be happier with the results bar this morning.

    Miss Yoyo,

    I’m really sorry you had that experience. It didn’t sound very pleasant at all.

    For myself, I have been doing Alternate Day Fasting for six weeks. And, when I fast, it is a true fast. So I am doing a 36 hour fast every other day. And I have never experienced what you describe. So I guess it is different for everyone. For me the hardest part was the first few weeks, getting used to the coming and going of the hunger. It does come in waves, and it lessens as your body gets used to it.

    I’m sorry it didn’t work for you, but it has been absolutely fabulous for me. I feel fantastic. Full of energy and vibrancy. And I have lost 25 lbs in six weeks. And I get to eat whatever in the world I want on the eating days. So, again, I guess everyone reacts a little differently.

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