I Need to Reset – Help!!!

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I Need to Reset – Help!!!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Anonymous

    Hi – been on the diet for about 3 months with some good results but over the past 3 weeks have found that the fasting has fallen by the way side – frustrating thing is that I know that this is the best approach for me but starting to get annoyed at my lack of willpower or planning or whatever it is so any advice or stories on how best to snap back into 5:2 would be appreciated – cheers!!


    it is not a reset
    it is ur body wanting what it wants

    if u did this 4 3 months it shows u can do it
    so u do have the guts & fortitude. u did it

    better than nuttin & just never doing

    maybe u went over 2 days so make it up during a wk ave or that 3 week make it up 4 that in 2 months

    give urself 1 feast day no guilt or a 3wk feast

    click or search my name or 4 that matter anybody else’s name

    & u will c how people r doing it w/out it feeling like a prisoner 2 a dieting

    have fun w/ this experiment take all the knowledge u have of being a dieting prisoner and get ur free out of jail card

    wish u success on ur adventure 🙂 life is 2 short 2 b frustrated

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