I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

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I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

This topic contains 3,042 replies, has 111 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 401 through 450 (of 3,046 total)

  • Good morning Fast Club! Best of luck to you today Fizzy and whoever else is fasting. May you have strength and many distractions from eating πŸ™‚

    No FD for me today, but I’m trying some variation of the 18:6 that others do. I’m not sure it’s the best way for me, but we all know what happens when I start eating. I really noticed yesterday the hunger disappearing if I just went and did something else. It’s amazing how much more time you have when there is no meal to plan or eat. It helped immensely that I have been distracted lately by a case of poison ivy…. Well, whatever works!

    Michel, pulling the car up “not quite parallel” is a genius move – haha! We should make a list of how we all engineer the perfect binge. And then take steps to sabotage the binge so that we don’t sabotage ourselves. Hey, it’s the anti-sabotage sabotage!

    And with that, it’s off to work with me. Happy Friday and hugs to all you wonderful people. xx

    Hello lovely fast clubbers!
    I haven’t been around as I’ve been in hospital, my liver decided to become inflamed and generally cause me much annoyance. Also found out that I’m going to need major surgery before the end of the year, so I haven’t been in a good place. But I am out and on extended bed rest so hopefully I’ll be feeling better soon.
    I haven’t caught up on all the posts I’ve missed yet but I’ll spend some time reading later today to see how you all have been.
    As far as healthy eating has been concerned I’ve failed big time. Chocolate, cake and ice cream have been my friends, my comforters and my nemesis. Feel I have failed myself after doing so well. The doctors said I’m not strong enough to be fasting at the moment but I dunno, we will see when I’m feeling a bit better.
    Hope you are all well, wishing you all strength.

    Jade, sorry about the poison ivy! That stuff is terrible.

    I can’t even laugh about the not-quite-parallel car comment… it’s too close to home. I guess I should take comfort in knowing I’m not the only one… but that’s not much of a comfort. I hate that we all even have these experiences.

    Yesterday was a success for me. I managed to keep myself on track and just have a small portion for dinner. I definitely went to bed hungry but had an OK sleep and am certainly looking forward to breakfast this morning. Anyway, I know I was over 500, but probably somewhere under 700? At least I hope.

    Today I go in for my annual check-up with my doctor. I’m pretty sure I weighed more this time last year than I weigh today so I’m hoping for a gold star or a lollipop or something!

    Thanks for all the “thank you’s.” I feel like it was both a lifetime ago and possibly a whole ‘nother life.

    Good luck to everyone today, fasting or not!

    Kitty – sorry to hear about your impending surgery. Best wishes and healing thoughts for your liver and your mind… we’re all in support here.

    Morning All!

    Well, I had hoped breakfast would be my biggest challenge of the day. Wrong! There is half a cake sitting in the kitchen, cookies sitting out on a file cabinet and leftover breakfast burritos. This makes 4 out of 5 days w/ food in the office. I don’t know how I’m supposed to focus on work when I can smell the sugar in the air. I hate this constant struggle.

    Hey Clubbers!

    Made it till 12:30 before giving in. I ended up eating more cake than I should have but there is still some in the kitchen spp I guess it could have been worse. Only 1 1/2 hrs left, I think I can make it.

    Jade: I hope the 18:6 works for you and that the poison ivy clears up quickly. Nasty stuff.
    Unfortunately, I perfected the non-parallel red light move years ago and I have the hips to prove it.

    Kitty: I’ve been wondering where you were. Sorry to hear about your stay in the hospital and the need for surgery. Praying for your strength and health to return.

    Penguin: Hope you got that gold star at the Dr office and congrats on a successful fd.

    Here’s hoping everyone has a great weekend……..stay strong and mindful of every mouthful!

    Oh Kitty, so sorry to hear you’re ailing. Sending you big hugs and hope for better health as you await surgery. Even if you can’t join us in fasting, do keep us posted and stick with us as we all attempt to (a) eat mindfully, (b) pull up right damn side to side with the next car at a stoplight, and (c) alert the family, media, and possibly just random passersby whenever we grab a snack! If you’ve been in hospital you’re no doubt sick of eating that food, whether in private or not.

    I don’t mean to make light of what you’re facing, just trying to cheer you up πŸ™‚ Prayers and good thoughts are flowing from all of us!!

    Good grief, Michel, your workplace is like Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. We have food where I work but usually it is some leftover from a reception or something else, and often not too appetizing. Not even worth eating if I can even believe I’m saying such a thing.

    Penguin, hope the doc visit made you happy! I am with you on the 500/700 — either requires control and I really do not like tallying calories. I know I said I would do that but screw it, I hate toting things up on my fitness pal, it reminds me of doing my taxes. Talk about a binge trigger…..

    I didn’t make it past 12:30 today on my 18:6 experiment. But resisting breakfast was a good idea. Too bad I love breakfast foods! But like dairy products, they do not love me back.

    But I love my fast club – whether we are fasting or not. πŸ™‚ xx jade

    –eek what a cornball. But I am so grateful for all of you. xx

    Morning Healthy Eaters!

    Jade: I love breakfast foods too. Maybe you can have them for lunch or dinner. I often have an egg for a fd dinner.

    Yesterday was a mixed day for me. Way more cake than I should have eaten (I ate what was left πŸ™ ) and pizza for dinner.
    But on the success side; I was able to stop, think about it, and then pull back out of the parking lot of the ice cream place. I had my $ out & everything. I’ve never done that before so I think this is working.

    On eating in the car– I saw a lady eating corn on the cob in her car yesterday. I could not believe it. It was a big ear of corn, the kind that takes 2 hands to eat. She was really going after it. It really made me stop & think.

    So, today I will strive to eat mindful and not alone. I’m really bad at both of these on the weekend.

    Good luck and eat healthy fast clubbers!
    Keep us posted.

    Oh fast clubbers, thank you so much for your kind wishes and support. I’ve got a long journey ahead of me but I will continue to drop in and enjoy the fun here, even if I can’t do 5:2 just yet I can still encourage and support you guys. As I’m forever saying, a win for one is a win for all of us!
    Talking of wins, I’m so proud of all of you for showing such strengthen the face of many challenges. Good grief Michel, I think the people you work with have eating disorders, what is with the constant food fest there!?!
    Can’t remember who started the two days commitment to fasting, but well done on taking it in hand and spurring on your fellow clubbers. I’m rooting for all you guys…. Know that no matter how bad you feel after a slip up or a chow down in the car – you have done amazingly up til then and will continue to do amazingly tomorrow.

    Go on guys, kick the ass of bingeing! You can do it!!!! Xxx

    Michel – seriously? Corn on the cob? That makes me laugh AND cringe. What an awful thing to eat in your car. I suppose if I saw that, I might really consider how I look when people do catch me eating. How awkward.

    Thanks, Jade. The doc visit went OK, and I’m pretty sure I weighed less than last year but I didn’t ask. I didn’t get a gold star for my efforts either, just a “surprise” PAP. Sorry, that’s probably TMI, but I figure we’re all ladies here so you can imagine my panic at not having shaved my legs, polished my toes, or having performed any other form of personal grooming.

    Kitty – thanks for the reminder – ‘Twas I that suggested the 2-FD challenge, which I had already forgotten about. Not about the fast days themselves, but that there were other people lemming along after me. I’ve got one down, and plan for another tomorrow before the week officially ends. How’s it going for everyone else?

    Oh my, a surprise pap would not be a nice surprise at ALL. Hahahaha penguin, all I can say is “exactly!!”

    Corn on the cob in the car…now that is a new one. I can’t even imagine what my clothes would look like after that. Makes my Krispy Kreme joyride look downright sophisticated. Except of course that NO ONE HAS EVER SEEN ME. Ha. High fives to you Michel for leaving the ice cream store!! That is so great. Money out and everything, I hear you sister.

    So I had two FDs this week though not rigid ones. Too hot and tired to count calories, but pretty sure under 700. I have to say, with the heat I am eating more mindfully. That and the poison ivy have made me a whole lot more aware of my need for body comfort. It doesn’t quite feel normal yet, but it does feel better …and much better than being stuffed.

    Kitty, you’re a champ for cheerleading in spite of your own troubles. I hope you are feeling better. Wish we could send some heat your way!

    Big hugs to all — xx jade

    2nd fast day today! And I’m taking my brother wine tasting… I’m going to have to keep myself honest and only have one glass. Food portions will likewise have to be small. I’m like you, Jade, in that if I come in somewhere between 500-700 calories, I’m not going to beat myself up about it.

    Good luck to everyone today – you’re better than the food and you can have it tomorrow if you really want it!

    XOXO, P

    Good morning fasters!

    Well, I only gained .4 lb last week. Frustrating because I want to be loosing, but really a win – over the binging. Before 5:2 I would have eaten way more.

    Spent the weekend trying to pay attention the eating alone (snacking). This is one of those things I know I do, but I’m starting to realize just how much. Not a binge, just 100 – 200 cal throughout the day. That’s on top of the cake, cookies & ice cream. It’s no wonder I don’t loose weight, even w/ 2 fast days a week.

    Kitty: Hope you are feeling better and I sure do appreciate your support. I was wondering if instead of fasting, you could try committing to only eating healthy stuff 2 days a week? Just a thought.

    Penguin: Awkward, is right. Strange thing to eat in the car. Made me wonder what the inside of her car looked like, especially the steering wheel. Yuck!
    No one should ever have a “surprise PAP” I need to be well prepared for that.
    How did your do at the wine tasting? Did you get 2 in?I don’t like wine but I love the goodies they serve w/ it.

    Jade: Congrats on getting in 2 last week. Glad you are feeling better.

    Fast day today………Be strong everyone, sending out positive vibes

    Happy Monday you beautiful fast clubbers! Penguin, how did your Sunday go? I hope you smashed it. I’m going to try for a FD today, even though there’s a family bd to celebrate. I may not clock in at 500, but if I can exercise control, I’ll be happy.

    I’m also pretty happy to see a 1.5 lb LOSS on the scale today. πŸ™‚ I’ve really felt the mindful eating kick in this week.

    My new secret weapon is what I’d call a “flexible” 18:6. I’ve limited myself just to coffee until at least noon, later if possible — until hunger truly kicks in. Then I eat what I like for the rest of the day, with the idea of mindful eating (no cut off time, either — I had a bedtime snack last night of several cookies). Something about ignoring hunger at the beginning of EACH DAY is really working. The morning hunger goes away, and I feel the same kind of “reset” we get during a FD. And no need to calorie count, thank heavens.

    I’d love it if others would try this and see if it works for you. Seriously, I wasn’t expecting to feel such control this past week, so it was weird at first. Like I’d been invaded by zombies or something. Maybe the poison ivy migrated to my brain!! Ha, I guess it’s just been a long time since I felt in control, not dominated by my food thoughts…sure hope it lasts.

    Good luck to all today with mindful eating — fasting or not. We can do it!
    xx jade

    Hi lovelies!

    While I wouldn’t say I exactly “smashed” yesterday, I at least put some pressure on it, maybe even cracked it a bit. If nothing else, I exercised control and probably came in around 700-800 calories. So not *really* a fast day, but close enough that I’ll count it. I did manage to have only one glass of wine, though it was a pretty big one. Lunch was leftover veggies and hummus, with only 3 little wedges of pita bread, and a few bits of roasted veggies that I made for the boys. Dinner was three boiled eggs. What can I say? – I was tired.

    Today, however, has started off rough and I’m going to have to be mindful for the rest of the day to not completely wreck myself. We had pie for breakfast as a treat for my brother who wanted to see if Oregon blueberry pie is as good as Maine blueberry pie, and of course we served it with whipped cream. That was bad enough but I’ve also already helped myself to two handfuls of this crack-like, effing delicious Cajun spicy trail mix that my husband insists on buying a HUGE bag of, eating a tiny portion of, and then leaving it on the counter for weeks.

    Jade, I’m down for the waiting until noon challenge. I’ve often thought that it would be helpful, even easy for me to say goodbye to some of my calories that way and that I wouldn’t feel particularly deprived if I didn’t eat in the morning. Evenings are always the hardest for me and when I tend to consume the most food. So “saving” more calories for later in the day is definitely a good idea so long as it doesn’t make me eat more than I might usually.

    Congrats on the loss, too!!

    Michel – even if you’re not losing, not gaining (or not a significant gain, which .4 isn’t!) is still a win. I’ve put on a good 3-5 pounds (depending on which weight I want to go with, I was never “officially” below 187, but I did see 181 on the scale one day, right before I started going back up.) I’m back to 189 now and feel like I’m starting all over. I’m not doing an “official” weigh in until this Friday.

    Good luck to everyone today!

    Haha penguin — smashing, cracking, mildly irritating…all good:) And just boiled eggs for supper? You’re strong — and still in the 80s, so yay. Holding the line, wherever it may be, is a victory. And it’s effing hard some days, so yay for all. Michel, you have more control than before, right? I think this “mindful” business is a work in progress. Progress being the key word.

    I have to admit, eating alone is the single worst habit for me. I desperately wanted some alone time with those cookies last night. I marched each one right past my husband. HE even started to look at me funny – he is one of those “we had dinner, who could be hungry?” people.

    Oh, the evil sweet/salty snack mix. I had one of those at a meeting this past week. I almost had to slap my hand to keep from tipping the entire container into my face. “Betcha can’t eat just one” is a dare they invented with me in mind. “Betcha I can eat none” is my defense. Not that I win every time, but at least it’s a fairer fight now.

    Oh these Monday FDs do drag on, don’t they? Glad I have you all to share with. xx j
    ps: So in case it wasn’t clear, I’m still doing 5:2, just skipping breakfast every day.

    Jade: Way to go! Down 1.5 lbs. Your an inspiration.

    Most days I don’t eat breakfast (except for some here at work πŸ™ ). I’ve skipped breakfast for most of my life and it works great for me. Delays the hunger monster. Hope you find continued success w/ it.

    Really good job on not eating alone. Way to own those cookies.

    Penguin: Sounds like you won the day. I believe, for us, staying in control is just as important as a 500 cal fd.
    Pie for breakfast…….the stuff dreams are made of. (And hips, and thighs, and tummies) But memories w/family are irreplaceable.
    I understand the “starting over feeling”. I keep gaining and loosing the same 5 lbs.

    Strength in the face of food

    Hello lovelies
    You all continue to inspire me with your stories of willpower and strength, well done guys.
    Michel – that’s an excellent idea, and I absolutely will commit to two healthy days a week. Very impressed at you still being so encouraging even tho I’ve been a big huge fail recently. Thanks so much. You have so much strength, you are doing brilliantly!
    Jade – your 18:6 plan is exactly what I was doing, but more because of my sleeping pattern than intentionally. I don’t really sleep during the night much so sleep all morning, which means I don’t eat til afternoon. It was working very well until I fell off and got run over by the wagon!! I love reading your posts, you bring so much cheer to the group, thank you!
    Penguin – you’re doing so well, and three boiled eggs sounds absolutely fine to me! Keep up your commitment and keep inspiring us.
    You guys just continue to kick ass, ill keep checking in when fatigue allows, but know that I’m rooting for every one of you and sending positive thoughts from chilly Scotland. Now how about some of that heat over here please? Xx

    Kitty: While you were giving me such a wonderful compliment I was out having a wonderful unplanned fancy dinner with my hubby that totally blew my fd. I had been doing so good. Nothing to eat all day and I chose salmon, veggies and potatoes. Then they brought hot bread & butter. I don’t know about y’all, but I can’t send that back to the kitchen. I ate half the salmon and potatoes, all the veggies and was feeling ok about the blown fd. Then my OH asks “what desserts do you have?” That was all she wrote, fd out the window.

    Try to remember we all get run over by the wagon sometimes. Eating right/healthy is just so hard for some of us. I’m happy to hear you like the 2 healthy days idea. I just believe a cleaner diet well help you feel better and heal quicker. Thoughts & prayers sent your way.

    Stay strong fasters!

    Hello there fellow fast-clubbers πŸ™‚ I wrote a lovely long post last week when I returned home but it was eaten by cyber-termites and I was so very pi*%d off I swore off the computer altogether. Then life got busy again so here I am to say ‘Hello’ and take some time to read up on all your posts and goings-on. Only gained 1.1kg while away :-0 and had one FD last week which went well but I’m away from home again this week so no FD’s. I surely need to get into it again though as my jeans are getting way too tight – sending out super-sized-strength-vibes for the fasters.

    Spring: Congrats on minimal weight gain while out of town. Have fun.

    Well, I had not planned on fasting today due to “free lunch Tuesday”. What I had not planned on was the 2 big boxes of donuts I found in the kitchen. This was unexpected and I was alone in the kitchen. Needless to say I was eating before I gave it any thought. It’s like my brain said “food–eat it now” and I did.

    I will still try & get in 2 this week. Wed & Thur.

    Hoping everyone has a great day!

    Hey welcome back Spring, and well done on the small gain — sounds as though you acted like a totally normal person! Congrats! Hope your travels continue to be fun. 5:2 will be waiting when life settles down again.

    Boy, as Michel and Kitty pointed out, sometimes we’re on the wagon, sometimes the wagon runs us down. A la poor Penguin, blueberry pie for breakfast…I would jump under that wagon head first. And Michel, boxes of doughnuts waiting in the break room, hello Wagon from Hell.

    Kitty, it’s great to hear from you as always. Thank you for the kind words. What a fine suggestion to commit some days simply to healthful eating. Any step toward better health is good! Wish I could send you some heat in the meantime.

    Michel, similar experience last night eating out. All was fine until my light-ish meal came with enormous slices of warm garlic bread, which was actually better than my main course. I gave new meaning to “mindful eating” πŸ™‚ — every crumb quite mindfully consumed. But at least no cookies later. And haha yes I did “own” those cookies the other night. Thanks for my new motto! So I hope you owned that doughnut like a BOSS. The great thing about 5:2 is being able to move the 2 around.

    And yay it’s Tuesday! I love Tuesdays. Hope everyone is having a good one! xx jade

    Hello all. I just thought I would check on. I haven’t had a spare moment to catch up on all of your posts since I got back from my hol in Devon but I hope to on the weekend. I definitely gained after my break but have fasted Monday and Tuesday in a bid to get on top of things so will see what weigh in brings on Sunday…

    I hope u are all doing well and finding successes. I am definitely more mindful of what I eat these days although one night on holiday the OH was snoring sooooo much I never got any sleep at all..so gave in and got up at 4.30am…watched the sun rise in Devon which was beautiful then ate a cream tea (scone, clotted cream and strawberry jam) at 6am lol. I told my OH I had eaten it too…it was amazingggg and I only ate one even though there were two scones….that’s gotta be a win πŸ™‚

    Good luck for all those fasting today and all those not.

    Will catch you over the weekend once I’ve read all your news.

    Take it easy and be kind to yourselves x

    Happy Wed Fasters!

    My “wagon from He!!” turned out to be a wagon train. I went down and was run over by wagon after wagon. This morning I was very tempted to say: to heck w/ all this “trying to be healthy” and just go back to eating whatever I want. Then I thought of all you wonderful fasters and decided to make today a fd. I know I can do this, I just have to keep trying to find the motivation to stay the course.

    Idt: Welcome back! Hope you had a wonderful time in Devon. Only one scone? A big win! And way to get back on it, fasting Mon & Tue. Very impressive.

    Today is #1 of 2 fast days this week……….I’m in control and will succeed!

    Welcome home Ltd – thanks for that lovely image of mindfully having cream tea while watching the Devon sunrise. And well done on having just one scone – and tackling the FDs on your return. Buns of steel!! I am still enjoying thinking about your sunrise tea….

    Michel, I confess to being run over by the cookie wagon yesterday. Ha, I blame my hubs again – we had a plan for dinner out, then he took a late afternoon nap…. Not a binge but a rather steady stream of cookie snacks before dinner, while waiting. Not going to whip myself for it. Don’t you find that wagon mishaps are less frequent than before? I climbed back aboard this morning for another go πŸ™‚

    It’s just that some days, I really can’t, the timing isn’t right…so even if it’s a scheduled FD, I have to let myself out of the box. Not to be a lunatic, but just to have the cookies or the whatever. But that’s just some days. Other days, fasting fits my brain and my heart. Or I find myself able to eat like a normal person who doesn’t think about food except when hunger is really there. I’m working toward being mindful most of the time, whether fasting or not. We’re all succeeding at least some of the time!

    Happy Wednesday to all – we are powerful! xx

    Hi all… scones, cookies, donuts, oh my! I’ll add bread pudding to the list. I’m exhausted this morning after going to bed late (we spent almost an hour wrangling wayward chickens last night at midnight and were short 5 by the time we gave up – they were thankfully all accounted for this morning!) and I’m not committing to making any sense today but I am committing to a fast day. I’m already miserable, so I thought I should just pile it on and get it over with.

    Michel – you overcame the hardest part of this. Re-committing is really tough. That’s an accomplishment in itself.

    Jade – I’m right there with you. The whole reason this WOE/WOL works for me is that I get to be my normal self, even if my normal isn’t normal. I’d never be able to give up the occasional mindless cookie-fest. But I am, overall, more mindful, and I think that’s helped.

    Welcome home ltd, spring!

    Successful fd – 1 down. Yea!
    How did everyone else do?

    Penguin: Chicken wrangling? Really? I’m laughing just thinking about it. Around here we use the term “hurding cats”. Both sound impossible.

    We are in control of what we eat! Stop & Think!

    All I can say is: I am REALLY looking forward to eating some real food tomorrow. I’ve eaten raw cherries, blackberries, roasted vegetables, and two eggs today. I need a cookie!

    I hear ya sista

    Hey all seekers of health & happiness

    Dropping in to say so-far-so good for fd #2.
    No extra food around the office to “bump” into. Feeling strong, should be able to make it to dinner.

    Has anyone else gotten in 2 this week?

    Feel the force and stay mindful!

    I’ve completed one so far. I just found out that we’re having visitors from Saturday to Monday, and their two kids (9 mos and 4 years!) so I am planning meals for them and for the dinner I’m hosting Friday night with another couple. I have no idea if I’ll be able to get another fast in. Really, my only option is to fast again today πŸ™ That sucks. I guess if I stay busy enough with cleaning and cooking today that I should be able to do it. Damnit, I was really looking forward to some oatmeal!

    Someone feel sorry for me.

    Penguin: I feel sorry for you. Nobody wants to cook & clean, especially on an empty stomach.
    But, way to stop, think & make 5:2 work for you. Why not make today your fd and have oatmeal for dinner. Then you can enjoy your company. You got this! Make it happen!

    Oh I do feel sorry for you! Just think of the fun ahead though. Maybe the cleaning will distract you — try not to cook anything irresistible. Maybe go chase some chickens for a kitchen break. Ha, the midnight chicken wrangler…you really could write a book.

    I’m going for FD2 today but it’s a struggle! I missed a golden opportunity yesterday, wasn’t that hungry AND had dinner alone (hubby out with friends). Well, I shall soldier on today with you ladies. Just coffee so far despite a fleeting desire for breakfast. Slayed that dragon, or at least wounded it.

    Michel, yay for a food-free day at work, probably doesn’t happen very often!? Are you trying B2B FDs too?

    Go team–we can do this! I think!! AAAGGHH. Ok, yes! Stay strong!

    Jade: Not trying to do B2B but, when Mon & Tue are blown and can’t do the weekend w/ OH at home; that leaves Thur & Fri. I figure if something comes up today I still have Fri. And I am determined to to get in 2.

    Nice to know we are all in the same fast boat today.

    Good luck and stay song in the face of food.

    Whew, this has been the hardest FD ever! How did everyone do?

    It didn’t help that hubs postponed the dinner plan (happy hour) again. I caved at 5ish and had a good 3-400-cal “snack” (leftover salad full of avocado, so at least not junk). Had we actually gone out then, as planned…who knows, but the heat has clobbered his appetite (oh dear heaven I wish), so I chewed about a thousand pieces of trident (I’m just ignoring gum cals, don’t even try to make me care), ate half an apple, and fixed eggs and toast for us later — I held it to one egg and a slice of toast, which was all KINDS of virtuous because I could have eaten the frying pan itself at that point. It might be north of 500 cals but it will do!

    Whatever kind of day you had, I hope it was enjoyable! Cheers and hugs to my fellow fast clubbers – xx jade

    Jade, hardest one for me, for sure! I was so obsessed with food today – it was awful! I definitely went over, but I’m not sure by how much. I had two servings of veggies throughout the day to help me not just give in and devour all the groceries I bought today. Dinner was oatmeal, but a lot of it (leftovers) and it had been sweetened with maple syrup. Not too sweet, though, so I consoled myself in knowing that.

    And jeeze, my husband just pulled three loaves of fresh bread out the oven. WHO does that??

    There’s always tomorrow – I’ll be there soon enough. You’ve got this, Michel. If I can do it, you sure as heck can!

    Night ya’ll!

    Go all you good things!!! πŸ™‚

    It’s been so great to log in and see the ground littered with half dead and dying dragons and demons and other nasty trip-me-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night gremlins of food and to hear of all the triumphs. I swear, it’s the many, many little triumphs that make all the difference in this battle I reckon and not the big gestures. It’s all the times that you only have one scone (go ltd!!) or you only stay on the ground for a few wagons before climbing back on board and smashing out 2 FD’s (Whoa, way to go Michell :-0 ). Awesome stuff everyone and very, very, inspiring, thank you. And you have all my sympathy sanguine with the eminent arrival of guests with small people in tow who need re-fueling all the time. And NO-ONE can turn down warm garlic bread Jade, so absolutely no need for any guilt there. In fact, guilt needs to be banished altogether; it’s just food and we’re just human.

    Kitty I hope your feeling better or at least getting time to rest? Hope it’s going well for you too Chrissy, HelenR, mcca, fizzy and queen??(sorry if I’ve missed anyone).
    I had to jump on the scales this morning to face the music (another small triumph as I would often not, telling myself I’ll weigh in after a few days of good eating… well that never happened) AND believe it or not I’d lost 500gms (1 lb) despite eating out for a week. Admittedly it was mainly 2 meals a day, Brunch & Dinner, but there was absolutely no thought of calorie control and included large amounts of cheese πŸ™‚ Just goes to show that meal reduction can be just as effective as FD over a day, so pretty happy. So now life goes back to normal and 5:2 is here waiting for me… GULP. Wish me luck, and the best of luck to all of you, Fabulous Fast-Clubbers xx

    Our posts crossed sanguine – GO YOU!! Smashing out another fast day is very, very impressive πŸ™‚

    Morning All Clubbers!

    My 2nd fd was really going good until………
    I made it to dinner. Had a nice salad w/ avocado, egg & seafood salad. Then my mom pulls out the chocolate pie, surprise! I think she would have kept it hidden if it had just been the w of us, but my OH & daughter were there. So it was a family thing. I ate a modest sized piece and boy was it good. I was happy to see I was down a little this morning on the scale. Still making up from Tue’s eat fest.

    Planning to wait till lunch for the 1st meal today. We’ll see how that goes, there is Chick-fil-a in the kitchen already. But I’m going for a 16 hr fast window from last night.

    Penguin: Hot fresh bread from the oven? Holy Cow! Brings back memories of childhood. Mom always made fresh bread. We ate it hot from the oven all the time.

    Spring: Way to go! How awesome that you lost w/o even trying. Very inspiring! Good luck getting back on the wagon.

    Thanks again for the 2 day challenge. It’s really helping.

    Happy Fri! Good Luck w/ Fasting or “Normal Eating”!
    We are in control

    Happy Friday everyone!
    I’m back from a long slump. My niece came over from Ireland on May 28th and stayed until June 11th. We had a lovely time with the family, etc. I was too new into FD to comfortably stick with it so I put it on the back burner. The problem with doing that is that it sat on the back burner for 6 or 7 weeks. Not good!
    So, this weekend I am re-reading the Fast Diet book, and spending a lot of time reading the backlog of your wonderful posts. Is there anything in the world better than knowing that you’re not alone with this food issue? My best friend is like a clone of me, but even still, these posts are just amazingly inspirational. Even reading about binges is inspirational because we can all identify, and we all just want to help one another.
    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I will start back on Mon/Wed FD’s next week.

    Hey Peanuts!

    Hey everyone! Will someone kindly fly over here to Oregon and slap the sh*t out of me??? I mean, really. I had the most amazing weigh-in this morning (I’m FINALLY at 185.0lbs!! Woo-hoo! Wasn’t expecting that!), but since this morning all I’ve done is eat trail mix, croissants, bread pudding, a beer, and batter straight from the bowl. WTF is wrong with me? It’s not a binge, but it’s like because I can have it, I’m going to have it all.

    Michel – good for you on being down a little. I’m hoping I have the same fortune after today… πŸ™

    Hey peanuts — welcome back onto the wagon, and glad you had fun with your family. It sounds like a special time. Back burner for FD is a good way to look at it. Ready when you are, right? Reading the book is helpful and this forum has been a lifesaver for me.

    Wow, Spring, have you turned into a normal person!? To drop weight on a vaca….that’s just amazing. Tell us more about how you did that! How did you feel? Was food not on your mind? Could you please send a vial of your tiger blood around so that we can infuse ourselves with it? I want to be this type of person!

    Michel, your yesterday sounds like my Mon, which I guess wasn’t a very proper FD with the garlic bread. But it was a longish fast followed by controlled eating. There is no reason not to lovingly accept a treat with family. Heavens, you ignore them all week long where you work. I’m impressed with your control!! And topped off by a win at the scale — nice. I didn’t gain or lose but to maintain last week’s 2# makes me happy.

    Penguin, you crack me up. I do the same thing when the scales deliver a gold star (congrats on that by the way) I just say holy $*** I weigh how much?! I must be starving! And then Katie bar the door, I’m on a tear. Hey, if you let loose one day, no biggie. It doesn’t even sound that bad, just a lot of variety :). If you have to recover next week, you are still doing great. I am still amazed that you cooked and cleaned on a FD.

    You all are amazing. Today was a regular day for me, so far pretty controlled but I just got done opening up some chocolate nut thing in the car, oh DARN I wasn’t going to DO THAT. No more eating in the car!!! I will now attempt to eat a controlled dinner. Happy weekend to all xxxx

    Morning all! Rainy here, so rather than do my usual Sat chores, I was browsing through the “recent posts” and found this gem posted by suejen on Aussie Determination, about her body’s perspective on how she has treated it that day:
    “I hope my body would be saying ‘Yes she’s looking after me today. No mindless eating or grabbing at the supermarket and stuffing her face (not like usual anyway!). And she parked right at the very end to get a little exercise too. Plus a nutritious dinner with vegies coming up. She treats me well.’ I HOPE it will be saying the same to me at the end of the night!! What would your body be posting about your day?”

    Interesting, right? If I had listened to my body last night, I would not have had quite as much sugar, that’s for sure. But today is another chance to get mind and body together πŸ™‚

    Stay strong everyone and enjoy your Saturday! xx jade

    Hello lovelies, me again. It’s been a bit slow here, sorry to keep droning on BUT I had another epiphany. Of sorts.

    I decided to fast today, luckily was busy away from home so didn’t miss food all day. Dinner was homemade veg soup — had a generous cup, and it was very good so I thought about having another cup because I was ~200 cals into my FD allotment. (I mean, right?!) I was full, though. Satisfied, anyway.

    And then it hit me. Every recent binge began when I ignored the point of being satisfied. As soon as I go beyond that point, even if it’s just to get my 500 in, it’s as though I’m desperate to recapture that wonderful feeling of satisfaction. And it can’t be recaptured then because I’m no longer hungry! So then, something goes haywire in my brain and I lose control searching for that elusive satisfaction. Or who knows what I’m looking for, but I never find it.

    Maybe? I don’t know, but tonight my inner voice said “hey, maybe quit eating? or you will unleash the kraken!” And oh man, I hate fighting krakens! Probably because I pick fights with them all the time and usually lose πŸ™‚ I mean, yeah I can sometimes muster the strength to fight the urge to overeat, but it’s a lot easier to avoid it altogether.

    Maybe I’m preaching to the choir, but it was a new idea to me. Always searching for answers, this one. Hope you’re all out there and ready for a brand new day! xx

    Morning Fast Clubbers!

    Today is a fd and I really need it, but I’m not really feeling it.
    All I want to do is lay in bed, watch TV and eat yummy things all day. But, I’m at work, doing paperwork and not eating anything.

    Welcome back Peanuts! Nothing better than a family visit.

    Penguin: Congrats on hitting 185. And I totally understand that compulsion to eat after seeing good numbers on the scale.
    I ended up at an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet on Fri. Needless to say I should never be allowed in a place like that. It may take all week to recover.

    Jade: I shudder to think what my body was saying to me after that display of gluttony. Probably “what the f#@! were you thinking?” Talk about eating long after being satisfied. That was a perfect example of trying to recapture that “wonderful feeling of satisfaction” you spoke of. The kraken was unleashed and I lost the battle.

    Hoping everyone success on this Mon Fast Day

    The Kraken – now we’re talking!!!, No ordinary dragons/demons/monsters for us, no ma’am, only the most fearful monster from the deep can come close to describing the terror of the Kraken-sized urge to “EAT” and the horror of a failed FD.
    Well done Sanguine on reaching 185 (probably even less by now!) and I also battle with the desire to eat as some kind of bizarre reward for… not eating and losing weight. No, it doesn’t make any sense but a very strong urge nonetheless and I thought of it as I watched the UK Horizon TV program “What’s the right diet for you?’ (or something similar) and they showed how it also relates to exercise. Basically they monitored a group’s normal activity for a week then made them exercise hard 3 times the following week and monitored them again the following week, turns out they did a third less activity than they had in the ‘normal’ week before the exercise intervention. The rationale was that by reducing their activity in week 3 they were compensating for the extra activity of week 2 (the 3 sessions) and yet all of them felt they had been MORE active the week after the exercise… Shows how our brain can deceive us for sure.
    Welcome back peanuts to this family of reforming binge eaters and we’re all expert in the “5:2 on the back burner” strategy and it is always still there πŸ™‚
    Jade – keep the epiphanies coming as I loved your idea that maybe continuing to eat is an attempt to re-capture the feeling of fullness/satisfaction. Definitely food for thought there (sorry, no pun intended, honestly) and I’m always on the look out for something/anything that makes me pause and consider before eating more than my body needs/wants.
    Meanwhile, despite your rather grand suggestion that I was becoming a ‘normal’ person (haha – whatever that is πŸ˜‰ ) today I have to confess to an epic fail of a FD yesterday. I’ve only had one other epic fail FD in the last 12 months (it’s almost 12 months since I started this diet) and yesterday was due to an unexpected lunch at work for a colleagues birthday. It was also a ‘go out to eat’ lunch which was extra hard as I’ve managed to fake my way through at-work buffets before but ordering in the restaurant defeated me. Next thing I knew I had demolished a salt and pepper squid salad and of course I told myself that would be my only meal of the day but no, I clearly didn’t listen because at 6:30pm I demolished a bowl of cereal, 2 pieces of thick-cut fruit bread with lashings of butter, 6 grain crackers with cheese and pickle, a bowl of ice-cream with chocolate sauce and 4 oatmeal cookies I’d baked yesterday. Probably a few other bits and pieces have conveniently slipped my mind right now but EPIC fail it most certainly was. So Jade, no, definitely not a normal person but today has been better and I’ve eaten sensibly and also swam 30 lengths of the pool (1.5km) as punishment (no, actually I love to swim!).
    So to all my dear normal-in-an-abnormal-kind-of-way friends don’t despair just keep pausing and thinking/considering and together we’ll all get there xx

    We cross posted Michell – I hope the FD is almost over and you wake in the morning with that great feeling of not only did you do it but now you can get up and EAT!!

    Happy Tue Fasters!

    Feeling much more in control today. And, as luck would have it, no free lunch today. So I’m going for a fd today. Yesterday’s was not a great success. Made it till I got home then went a little crazy. That gave me a 21 hr fasting window, but way more than 500 cal.

    Spring: Way to jump back on the wagon. One of the great things about 5:2, tomorrow is always another opportunity to fast. And 30 laps in the pool! Way to go!

    We are in control and will make healthy choices!

    Hey lovelies!
    Sorry I’ve not posted much….found out that I need not one but two major surgeries – one spinal and one abdominal. The spinal one is apparently going to give me some mobility back and reduce my pain, so bring it on!
    Now I am starting back 5:2 in earnest, as I need to lose a good chunk of weight so that I’ll be in the best possible shape for surgery. The heavier you are the riskier the anaesthetic, so I really need to kick ass on this one! But I couldn’t be in a better place for support with all you hilarious folks! I’m gonna try to check in more, and read your inspiring and touchingly real posts. Goodness knows I’ve been fighting that damn kraken myself recently, but the commitment to my health begins now!!
    Anyone fancy buddying me for FDs? Either set days each week or just decide on the day?
    We will defeat this damn kraken, together!!!

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