I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

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I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

This topic contains 3,042 replies, has 111 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi!

    Hope you’re enjoying a good weekend!

    CaliB thanks so much for the pizza base recipe, awesome!

    Jade and Annette,how great that you’re on holidays! 🙂 Spring will you also be on holiday soon?

    Chubster I’ll miss you, and you’re fabulous advice and humour.

    Ok here, but am on the marking/grading treadmill, will have a holiday or ‘staycation’ in about 6 weeks 😉

    so I got my vitamins confused, I’ve got a Vit D deficiency, so am on some high potency tablets. Am wondering if that was why my knee started playing up, as I never injured it, and there is no Arthritis, curious, anyway it explains the low mood and fatigue. Thanks for wishing me well on the 100 day no booze, am really doing fine today, and despite having a bit of a rubbish week, that part has gone well, I’m very hopeful about the impact. Roll on October…my sister is joining me on it, and we’ve allowed 5 ‘escapes’ just in case, emergency, weddings etc, which I hope not to use. I went to my ‘local’ bar to see this little flamenco group, who perform there regularly, and sipped club soda, I was surrounded by glasses of wine, but luckily the atmosphere carried me through 🙂

    Annette I’ll join you on the biscuit and chocolate free zone. Have had some PMT cravings today, not helped by a headache, so have already had an ice-cream and some chocolate. Jade well done for the longer windows without food, I’m also finding I can go longer, but also find there’s a tipping point, and if I leave eating too late, it can go wrong. Adding fats is empowering but can be a nightmare if the whole day turns into into a food fest, as adding the fats PLUS any other foods means the calories are epic. I don’t eat butter nor meats, or bread/pasta/potato but I do have cheddar cheese (the slices) nuts, avocado, full fat yoghurt, cream in coffee and mayo, in small amounts and veg/fruits. Annette I’m a bit of a nut fiend, so am trying to limit them to about 30grms, not every day though. Again it comes back to what’s right for you, that’s why the booze has gone for a while to see the impact…fabulous fasting days to you all!!


    Just returned from 3 days in San Fransico with a girlfriend- ate like a pig and did a walking a food tour of little Italy and china town. We had a blast and now I’m feeling a major carb hangover today- time for a major detox. Back to reality!!

    I’m eating my normal fair again– just had my 3rd slice of the day of cauliflower pizza- I can officially say I’m addicted to it!! It’s strange but I like it as much as I do regular pizza maybe even more because of the no bloating I get it later!! I am a huge veggie lover but I don’t always take the time to cook them.

    Best of luck to everyone this week on your goals– looking forward to hearing about all your progress!!

    Hello Everyone!
    Today is the start of my 8 week challenge to kick the bad habits out into touch and to become slimmer/trimmer and eat as healthy as possible. It has been a tough few weeks and I have seen just how easy it is to let a series of poor judgments around food add up to an incremental weight and inch gain.

    Today I stood on the scales(disappointing but not surprised) and have taken the measurements. I have bought a notebook and the plan is to log what I eat and when every day as well as any exercise that I take on top of the 10,000 steps that I plan to take every day. I know that what I eat/drink is the key to being successful.

    I am going for a trial Krav Maga lesson this evening which I hope will be fun and give my some upper body strength. Always useful to learn self defence too.

    Go, annette — I feel your determination. Using a daily log keeps me focused, too. It’s a great tool.

    Out of pain comes growth, as the saying goes. But they only say it afterwards!

    I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines for this very special marathon. 🙂

    You go Annette!! Sending you cheering applause for your determination and focus! I know you will have a successful 8 weeks and we will all be here to help you through!

    I went on a mini vacation to the city and ate ok except for one day we did a food tour– all carbs and sugar!! I drank a little too and today— wow!! Up 5 lbs!! I’m shocked it’s that much as we walked a lot also. I think it was all that sugar and alcohol – which causes me to stop burning fat!!

    I’m hoping at least some of it is water weight- I’m back to logging my food and keeping the carbs down. I’m going to do at least a 16 hour fast today. I’ll keep you all posted!

    Totally fabulous plan Annette – really inspiring and I know you can do it. I am so inspired, I may just join you 🙂

    CaliB it is going to be a fair bit of water weight as the high carb/sugar intake needs a lot of water when it’s converted into glycogen. Good luck with the 16hour fast!

    Lolly – lovely to see you again! I realised last week that the 90-day exercise challenge had ended and now I am WAY more active that I was 90 days ago so that’s awesome. Sometimes exercise gets a bit of a bum wrap on these forums as it’s not a good way to lose weight but there are so many other benefits that it is certainly worth trying to do more of it (she tells herself… 🙂 ) especially as we age (well, other people are aging, not me, but you know what I mean).

    Jade, hope all is well and you’ve sailed out of bad girl cove?? I’m up and down like the proverbial but still trying to hang in there.

    Happy fasting folks and keep in touch. Spring xxx

    Hello Everyone!

    Thank you Lolly, Cali and Spring. Join me, it’s only 56 days.

    My determination comes from the fact that my clothes that were loose, are now tight. I have made loads of changes to what I eat and my levels of activity during the past 3 years and I feel so much better as a result.

    Exercise is great for toning and shrinking the inches, as well as the happiness factor. I love having some muscular definition in my legs and arms, as well as teeny tiny abs. I suspect that I am fitter now at 55 than when I was at 30.

    My first FD in ages today. I have loads to keep me busy and a lovely Sea Bass to look forward to later.

    Hey islanders – oops, yes Spring, I spent a bit more time in Bad Girls Cove than I should’ve…. But yay for a new challenge.🎉 8 weeks sounds perfect, Annette. I too have crept up, finally peeked at the scale, up FIVE, and realized I had the eater’s version of selective hearing. I.e., I’d been adding lots of good fats but not lowering the carbs and somehow thinking GREAT, that’ll work like a charm. Then added in “exercise doesn’t help weight loss” and basically I was a fat-sucking sloth👹. Oh my. You’re so right, exercise does other good things like make us feel good and something to do with insulin, can’t remember. I just have to not toss my common sense overboard when I visit the Cove. So I guess we’re all back in the rehab cave.🚫 Good, that’s where I need to be! And CaliB, let’s hope our gains are water/carb induced! No way can 5 lbs of actual flab attach itself to us that fast. I mean, I don’t really feel much bigger, though I do have a bit of a Santa belly🎅 In fact I found myself grabbing the roll and wiggling it around like “where did THAT come from”😂 Lol like a small cat had permanently come to sit in my lap.

    Fall semester starts in about 4 weeks, so until then I’ll commit to at least 3 days/week fasting till dinner. At least one will be a true FD (sorry, it’s summer vacay, I know my limits). And no snacks. And some kind of physical activity other than getting up to see what’s in the fridge. I can stop kidding myself about LCHF, because it’s not happening, it just makes me shovel in the nuts – Tango I am also a nut fiend, aren’t they scrumptious? And I’ll still go easy on the grains. I had a grain hangover this past weekend, could’ve been a virus, but why not blame the food. I felt like total ugh after my white flour Friday festival. Did not feel bad after rice crackers and a rice side dish over the past few days though. Could it truly be just wheat? Weird. Lolly I can see you out there, nodding your head, do share any advice you have. Thrilled that LCHF is working so well for you😎

    Hugs to all, it’s so much more fun doing all this knowing I’m not a hopeless solitary case 😘xxx🌴🔆😊jade
    ps: yes, I said 8 weeks was perfect, and immediately shaved off 4 weeks. So I’ll commit to 8 weeks with a reassessment of what’s working after 4. There, challenge accepted!👍

    Brilliant Jade!

    I finished the last ice cream last night as a reward after my first and free lesson of Krav Maga(an hour an a half of an all over work out). I loved both the ice cream and Krav(rather sore and tired today) but know that the sweet stuff is my undoing. For me it is better just not to have it at all.

    I have bought bacon and eggs for my breakfast this week(another experiment) and have talked over the plan to have salad or vegetables with meat(or fish for me)with my remaining son who is overweight. I think that we will be able to make this work between us.

    FD for me and managed to push back lunch until 2pm, when I had 2 grilled lamb chops and some cherry tomatoes. Dinner will be a whole Sea Bass with peas and I will still be within 500 calories. My mum was not a good or a happy cook, but I was also slim eating meat/fish and vegetables. Rice and pasta was not something eaten then.

    I did feel very tired after wholemeal pasta, so maybe there is something in the ‘some people are more sensitive to different foods than others’.I will have to measure out the nuts too as I suspect that is part of my weight gain too.

    I am thinking about some more distance learning in the autumn, with 2 chicks gone and all this time on my hands with a job that is not very inspiring, I think that it is time to get the grey matter going again. My worry(apart from deadlines and essays) is that when it has got very stressful in the past, I have made cakes and then eaten them! I need to have new strategies to cope with the pressures. Any ideas from all of the teachers here?

    Ok Annette, Jade and spring–I’m in for an 8 week challenge-I have a 4 day wedding coming up in the city – yes I said 4 days—my Pakistani family- we stay up all hours of the night but I still think I can manage to eat well as it will all be homemade food. Just avoid bread, rice and sugar and I should be ok. I also want to add the exercise aspect to my daily life. Today I just did a little bit in the form of HIIT and it was so doable…. I think I can make that work on my days that I don’t do a bigger workout.

    Jade…sorry to hear we are both in the rehab cave but at least it’s not lonely in there– good luck with your Santa belly… Hahaha- great visual– I have my own here too!

    Tango– best of luck with the booze break… Usually very easy to do until you find yourself at a party… Although sparking water with a lemon is a great replacement. Hope your knee starts to feel better soon too– interesting that all my early arthritis pain has vanished since I stared fasting and HFLC– my food binge over the weekend brought all the pain back!! Must be the inflammation associated with how I process carbs.

    Lolly- thanks for the ever inspiring posts about the HFLC- I just bought a great book about the Ketogenic diet – I’ll let you know how I like it. I’ll have to look and see the authors name.

    Yay, another challenge! I really got value out of the last one: I’m still keeping up my 30 minutes a day commitment of walking. I did try increasing it, but my back complained and I listened. There were days, especially in the beginning, when only my promise got me up and moving but I’ve come to enjoy it now.

    I think what has helped me maintain this promise was its reasonableness. My previous tendency was to go overboard with rigid goals. One day of non-perfection and it was all over — I had “failed”. Back to the old ways, pass the ice cream, cue the self-loathing.

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about why I am succeeding now, where I never could before. I truly believe that we are always doing what we want to do. I lived in the land of “should”. I wanted to not be fat, but not more than I wanted to binge. My words were saying one thing but my actions were speaking the truth. The short-term pleasure far outweighed the mythical long-term gain.

    Eliminating the sugar has allowed me the clarity of thought to see how to change from within. It really isn’t possible to do this with a foot in two camps. It’s very clear to me that the way I eat now is not a temporary plan so I can resume old eating habits when I reach a goal weight. The difference is, I am eating (and fasting) now in a way I truly love and which makes me feel happy and well. I don’t want to go back.

    The way I have done this is to work WITH the quirks of my mind and body. I tested foods, gauged reactions, made choices — and only made changes I was ready to accept and that fit me. Many of these changes have had nothing to do with food but it’s like untangling an enormous knot to get to the central truth. Food was not my problem — it was my solution. The more work I did to disarm the real problems the less I needed the food.

    The journey that each of us is taking is unique but there are some universal truths out there. When you are ready, the teacher appears. I know this — because you are all there for me.

    Love — Lolly

    Hi Islanders!

    Lolly-thanks for sharing, very interesting about the lack of sugar making things clear, am so happy for you 🙂 I agree that each person has to find out what is right for them

    CaliB-love the idea of the 4 day wedding, sounds like my kind of wedding. I also do, not exactly HITT, but interval training indoors with 12 intense exercises for 45 secs, repeated twice. It really feels tough, but only takes 20 mins 😉 I alternate abs, legs and body strength..about 5 days a week, a long with my Latin fit classes.

    Comespring- agreed, exercise for me is like the sun coming out! yes it’s got bad press, and it’s pity Michael Mosley doesn’t big it up, no-one has to do ‘boring’ exercise or go to a gym but just want ‘floats their boat’ e.g trampolining, hoola hooping, line-dancing, tai chi…you get my drift. I a firm believer older in keeping our feet, active ‘nimble’ and strong is the key to staying healthy at 60, 70, 80 😉

    Jade- I also agree the LCHF seems not to do it for me and my triggers, I’m on the bare minimum of sugars, but many fats are my triggers, so am in the lurking in both camps, and will have to tweak/adapt to suit. Even adding cream and butter (which I NEVER used to eat) I haven’t gained weight but nor have I lost! so something is still not right. However tbh have had some ‘rocky’ times over the last couple weeks, and since I’ve given up wine I just ate “what I liked” this weekend, which meant a bit too much. lack of Vit D is also associated with low mood but am now on high potent VIT D, let’s. Dr told me to not wear too much suncreen, hello! doesn’t she know this is the U.K and we have rubbish summers!

    Annette-enjoy your break, sounds like a plan. I’ve done a few online courses, the MOOC ones can be good, and they are free, I did one on Dyslexia which was really good. I also like Duolingo, also free, for learning languages, it’s not perfect but a great way to ‘shop’ around to see which language appeals to you.

    love the forum! lovely to hear all our views and challenges 🙂

    Good morning dear, lovely Islanders. I’m in Annette!!! I’ll commit to good old 5:2 for the next 8 weeks and to keeping up my 30 minutes of exercise to boot and look forward to progress reports. In the meantime ladies and gentlemen, go to this link and pick out a pair of pink shorts for inspiration… https://www.google.com.au/search?q=image+pink+shorts&client=firefox-b&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiV-pis_u7NAhUDqJQKHQsOAbUQsAQIHA&biw=1920&bih=920 because of course pink shorts are our Island Flag. I rather fancy the glittery disco-inspired ones myself 🙂

    CaliB – all the best with the up coming wedding, such a wonderful way to celebrate. I often think that our western weddings are way to short, especially when people have travelled a long way to be there and it’s all over so soon.

    Jade, welcome to rehab my dear friend (and you are not a fat-sucking sloth!) I strongly suspect that post-meal BSL’s would show you less triggered by rice than wheat-based foods and there is increasing evidence to support this hypothesis. It is linked to gut micro-flora and is quite a fascinating area of study. Problem for so many of us on this thread is that we’ve upset the apple cart so to speak by binge eating crap and altered the way our body processes carbs. I was observing my husband over the weekend (as you do) and he’s slim & fit because he’s not a snacker, only ever drinks black tea between meals and never over eats. Consequently he has the health profile of a man 20 years his junior by today’s standards. Me, on the other hand…

    Tango, you are so right about exercise. My understanding is that it’s a far more significant indicator of the likelihood of living a long life without dementia than any other single intervention, so that’s a pretty powerful motivator. Sunscreen in the UK… Hmm, I do remember 3 very dismal summers in the mid 1980’s when I lived in the UK, so I hear you!

    Lolly, thanks for sharing such positive self-talk, it’s wonderful. I hear the fruit of profoundly changed ways of thinking, and long may it endure. I’ve studied and also received CBT (although my success at practicing it is… fitful to say the least 😉 ) but you’re a shining example of it’s power.

    Okay, well I have much work to do. I’m envious of those of you who teach and are on leave as here, university teaching is only rewarded with 4 weeks leave a year and we also teach right across the year with overlapping study periods… I’m lucky to get a week off between my courses starting and finishing 🙁

    Happy fasting and exercising and tweaking and changing it up till it works. Love Spring xx

    Hi Spring

    Love the shorts, epic (let me see if they have my size- not) 😉 Forgot to say, I’m also in for the challenge. I’ve waited so long for the appointment with physio my knee is pretty much fixed. I’m going to wear a knee support though. Spring, I hear you with university holidays, I’m the same, I’ll get 10 days off in August, I’m hoping there will be some sunshine left? I have a longer term plan to go Mexico to see friends, and get some proper sunshine, but that will take some saving up.

    Keeeeeeeep Fasting!….

    Lolly that’s just perfect, we do what we want to do. And it seems you’ve finally found something you want to do that is also what you “should” do, what a wonderful destination 🎉♥️! It’s a loving way of treating ourselves, I shall keep looking for that marriage of want and should.💕 It’s an interesting journey.

    Spring, the shorts!! Love the one with half the bum hanging out, I could give her a run for her money there😂 I think I want the boxer shorts version! Makes a right proper flag🇮🇩(apologies to Monaco).

    Tango and Spring, are you paid for all that time? I’m paid for 9 months, so I do get a little testy with committee work during the summer. Typically the deans head those committees, and they’re on 11-month contracts, so they have to be there. Honestly they troll the halls looking for people who’ve popped in for some other reason, they look at you with sad puppy dog eyes, and before you know it you’ve agreed to do something to help them.😩

    Just realized that my 3x/week “fast till dinner” pledge might be tough this week. I managed to fast again yesterday until a normal (ok it was a bit large) dinner, so 2 down! Now my problem is many lunch plans starting tmw (it’s hubs’s bd weekend – CaliB, it’s like your wedding celebrations, here his bd goes on for a WEEK). Wow, can’t believe as soon as I make a pledge it seems like Mt Everest. I thought about doing #3 today, but oh hell no, 3 in a row is way too hardcore for me. I’m channeling Lolly here. And Tango, exactly, that’s what I’ve done too. The weekends…. I’ve learned that good fats are fine, but unless I’m sticking to LCHF I need to watch those cals🙄Ha, I watched them all right, it was like an effing parade.

    Annette, will there be pressure from the distance learning courses? Can you take some that won’t overload you? Otherwise, I’m a firm believer in exercise for stress relief. A short walk, just to get outdoors, change of scenery. Or I’ve also taken to reading a chapter in some dishy novel, great way to distract my brain. Esp before bed😴 I’m probably the wrong person to ask at the moment, I’m hardly stressed even with some committee work.

    So I’ve gone and made sure it won’t be 3 in a row, had a fried egg and a sliced banana w/ natural pb. It was just what I wanted, and no grains, 400 cals. I think I’m making some progress….love from rehab♥️🌴jadexx

    People who wear those shorts clearly aren’t from Planet Me, but as long as I don’t have to wear them, I’m in!

    You’re right, spring — CBT is a good fit for me. It’s quick, practical, and results oriented. Perfect if you have a specific behaviour to change.

    “The marriage of want and should”. Perfectly put, Jade. That’s what I want each of us to live in, every day.

    Hello Everyone!
    I had completely forgotten about my dream to fit into those pink shorts. They have been banished to the back of the cupboard until this Santa belly disappears! Mine are pale pink linen,just above the knee and smart. Perhaps I might be able to wear them for the start of term in September?
    Jade-I started a Law Masters a couple of years ago and having completed half the course, sadly my youngest sons’ best friend went missing and was found drowned in the river which runs through this city. He was devastated and needed lots of support, and I decided that after completing that module, I wouldn’t start the next module as i felt that my son needed me.
    There are 2 compulsory courses that both begin in the autumn and if I am going to continue, then I need to pick one and get my head into the books again. I will have far more time to devote to the course than I have ever had, if I take the leap.
    Keeping the food/exercise log is helping me to stay focused and hopefully I will be able to look back to see what I did when it was going well as well as when it wasn’t. I am keeping to 10,000 steps every day(I do that on my walk to and from work)and find that I really have to work at it when I am home.I am aiming for 3 runs a week and have managed to increase that distance too. Food wise I am aiming for protein/fat with fruit and vegetables/nuts and avoiding bread/pasta/rice. So far so good but it is only day 3! The FD went well too and was far easier than I thought because I ate well and felt satisfied with what I ate and enjoyed it too.I always find that the day after a FD I am looking for food all day, so keeping busy and out of the kitchen is key for me. I managed to talk myself out of having a cake in town this afternoon and just had to accept that I was hungry and was just going to be today, but also that I was going to be fine.
    Sorry to hear that several of you are not getting much of a break over the summer. I am term time and my pay is split over 12 months.

    Glad that you are up for the challenge, lets see how fabulous we are whether we are in the rehab cave…or not. The pink shorts challenge!

    Oh dear, two days of more-than-usual sugar and carbs (hubs’s birthday – you’d think it was mine lol) and…my back is out, with no sure explanation. Could it possibly be inflammation? Doubt it, as I’ve taken loads of anti-inflams for over a day now and no relief. We’ll see what the doc says. In the meantime, NO MORE CARBS and this makeshift brace I’ve fashioned from old belts is tighter than any pink shorts could ever be.😧
    Have not forgotten my pledge though, so since I’m already smashing my stomach into my backbone, might as well fast till dinner (a/k/a FTD💐). No exercise, no can do. I may be in the literal rehab cave this weekend! Hugs islanders, good luck on all the pledges, soon the pink shorts will be flying👙ok that’s a bikini but you get the idea. 🌸🌸jadexxx

    Just when you think you’ve got life all sorted out along comes the unexpected. I’ll be spending the next couple of months taking some treatment that could prove a little trying. So, my 8 week commitment just created itself: my goal is to simply stay my current course despite distraction. All best wishes gratefully accepted.

    Lolly all good vibes and wishes sent your way🔆💙✨hang in there, no need to be perfect with LCHF or anything else when you have to tackle bigger things. The best you can do is plenty good enough, so be kind to yourself. We are here for you♥️♥️♥️

    Thank you so much, Jade. I’ll be getting more info soon on what to expect over the 5 weeks and beyond. The way I see it, I’ll just continue with my food since that’s how I eat now — I think it will be one less concern just to have a routine in place. I will do my best and make adjustments where I need to but one thing I am sure of — binging or having “treats” will solve nothing, and only give me two problems instead of one!

    It’s ironic that I haven’t felt this well in years, but I do believe that what I’ve done this past few months will help me now. So I’m grateful for that.

    Jade- back sounds painful and I hope that you are more mobile and not in pain.Lolly-what ever is happening in your life, I hope it all goes well and achieves whatever you hope for.

    I have been having a look at LCHF info online as well as Jason Fung, it seems that a move towards less rice/pasta/bread less often is going in the right direction.We are eating meat/fish with vegetables or salad without those carbs for most meals which has been fine. The fasting element certainly seems to make sense in terms of reducing insulin production and therefore fat. I decided that I would see if I could go from dinner last night to dinner this evening without any food, and it was fine. I had lots to keep me busy and I have been busy all day apart from stopping to cook the evening meal. It was 23 and a half hours, no headache or lethargy either. This is something that I will do again.

    If fasting is such a good thing to do for reducing insulin production, then it makes sense to cut out any snacking, however nutritious. So I aiming to have meals on the NFD and no snacking in between. I hope to see some improvement tomorrow, but I suppose that it might take a bit longer to show a smaller waist.

    I have walked past ice cream vans and cake shops this week. My freezer doesn’t have any ice cream in it and there is no rubbish in the house either. My danger time is shops that I go in for something like milk and then have to negotiate all those delicious things that are ‘on offer’. I keep reminding myself of all those folk in marketing that are trying to part me from my cash and remain tunnel visioned! If there is a difference tomorrow, then I’ll let you know, otherwise it will hopefully be next weekend.

    Lolly, I’m wishing you all the very best for the next 5 weeks and praying that you receive the best possible medical care and experience the best possible outcome. I know that the steps you’ve already taken will make a huge difference, and your determination shines through. Good luck and take care, love Spring xx

    This morning there is 3 lb less of me and around half an inch off my waist. Very very pleased. Visitors this week may scupper my plans for 2 FD this week.

    Big congrats Annette – 3 lbs! I’d say you have a good thing going there. Treat those company days as “days off” to practice eating like a normal human. I.e., fast between meals, have sparkling water with lime instead of cocktails, choose the menu option that isn’t pasta or rice based..and just enjoy! of course you know all that, but practice makes perfect. If dessert must be had lest you appear a martyr, pick the berries with cream or share a mor decadent one with another friend. Enjoy the people more than the food😀 Good luck! And yes yes yes, snacking is bad in many ways. I’m doing a bit of it now as I take meds, but even with slip ups my snacks are smaller. I know insulin is still at play but Rome was not built in a day..,.,how’s that for a rehab haiku.

    Sidelined still with the back, we’re supporting the drug industry big time but I suppose that costs less than bail or a good criminal lawyer.ha ha. Hubs is not used to being the chef, luckily our freezer has enough food to last a month or more, because he only knows how to make spaghetti- with jarred sauce of course! Well I’m going to try to enjoy my forced staycation and do some reading. Hope to be back in the saddle soon! Hugs to all you islanders 🔆🌴🌸🔆xxx

    Hi there!
    Jade I totally sympathize, how are you holding up? I was away this weekend, and sleeping in a ‘different’ bed and carrying heavy bags meant my back really suffered! had a painful train journey back, and am on painkillers, I nearly had to cancel my Latin fit, but got through it, seems to have eased of a bit, hope yours is bareable? The worst parts is not being able to bend down, I felt about 100 years old, and took me an age to get dressed, roll on my yoga class on Sunday. I know what brings it on, carrying a bag with a ‘heavy’ amount of marking/grading, but it gets me every time, I should use a backpack…should being the operative word.

    Annette, drum roll! fabulous news, bet you’re pleased? so nice to have some success…Enjoy!

    I’m still at a plateau, so hanging in there, tweaking here and there, 3rd week of no wine, so am waiting for some results 😉 I’m trying to drink plain soda water to replace it, not always successful as it’s nice to have some flavour, lime cordial and soda, trying to save it for treats, as generally don’t *do* any sugary drinks.

    Lolly, you’re an inspiration, I hope this change isn’t too challenging, hang in there.

    As it’s nearly the end of term for me, 2 more weeks of classes, yes! (holidays will be mid-august)but I’m getting very weary, bad back, knee playing up again, got sunburnt (silly) and am losing my voice, any teachers familiar with this pattern? On a brighter note, I’m going to start a new class, Zumba kids in Sept, 7-11yrs, it’s quite different from my adult Latin, as involves games and *fun* and choreos are broken down…there’s also a ‘cultural’ element, ‘has anyone been to Cuba? in Cuba there’s a dance….etc etc..so it’s quite cool, and the music is of course *cleaner* not much shaking *booty* hopefully just being childlike..wish me luck as this has to work for me, one day I want to give up the day job!, dream on!

    Spring? are you out there?

    Sorry I’ve been MIA– just stressing as my kids passports have hit a snag in the red tape of our government and my trip is getting closer by the day!! I still have to send them to LA for the visas so instead of talking on this thread nonstop about my acute anxiety and frustration I have buried myself in mindless American reality TV of the Bacholrette to get my mind off of it!!

    I haven’t read any threads so I have nothing to offer of any importance but I’m not having any more weight loss- very sad about that– heading to my 4 day wedding tomorrow – hoping to not gain anything!!

    Wishing you girls all the best- when I’m back on track with my travel documents and not a mess over them I’ll check in more often– wishing you all the best!!

    Good morning everyone!! Well it sounds like we’ve all moved from the rehab cave to the infirmary so I’m sending out super-strong healing vibes today for all.

    Jade I really hope your back is improving and you are able to eat something more to your liking than jar-spaghetti and also that your drug use has not required criminal intervention! What have you been reading by the way? Any recommendations? I’m a reading maniac, so always up for a few suggestions 🙂

    Tango, I hope your back is settling too – I have problems with my back periodically so I can empathise with both you and Jade about the way it basically puts your life on hold until it’s better. I’m wishing you both a rapid recovery. I really love your descriptions of your dance classes and I’d love to come to one of them. I’ve told my husband that if I ever get to my goal weight we’ll do another dance class – he’s always keen to do them and we’ve done a few over the years but I have really disliked the feeling (especially when I was 50lbs heavier)that I looked like the cruise ship Queen Mary being steered around the room, so I’ve never continued with them.

    Annette, you’ve done wonders as always. Once you put your mind to it it seems nothing is too great a challenge and 3lbs is so impressive! You are an inspiration as always and hope the 8 week challenge is still going well, without all the work food on offer for a while.

    Speaking of inspirations, Lolly, I hope you’re doing well? I’m sure your quiet determination will see you through this very rough patch and do keep in touch.

    CaliB – I’m sorry to hear about the passport hassles and I hope it’s sorted very quickly for you. The weight loss will come but I’m sure it can wait until after the wedding – have a wonderful 4 days celebrating and enjoy every morsel 🙂

    The sun is shining today which is blessed relief after what feels like weeks of rain. I’m away from home today as I’m having a new laundry installed and I didn’t want to get in the way of the burly blokes getting it done. It will be a lovely surprise for when I get home today and I can spend the evening filling all my new cupboards…

    Speaking of filling cupboards, I’m actually going through a very odd phase at the moment of wanting to de-clutter and throw stuff out. I’ve never been a hoarder but in the last few weeks I’ve noticed a definite urge to get rid of/give away stuff that I don’t use/need and it’s feeling quite liberating. A friend said it was probably linked to menopause and life transition and I’m wondering if she’s right, so thought I’d ask those of you more ‘advanced’ in years 😉 (I’m 55 BTW, so no spring chicken 🙂 ) whether you too experienced anything like this around menopause?? I’ve just taken about 100 books from my study to go to a charity shop and I’m cleaning out drawers and cupboards for no apparent reason… Interesting times!

    Okay, well I’m off to find a coffee and then hit the shops and fantasise about how awesome my new laundry is going to look on my return home. Take care everyone. Love Spring xxx

    Hello Everyone!
    It has been the 3 hottest days of the year when my sister was here for a visit. We have been out and about which has been lovely. We have had lunch, ice cream, dinner, and tea and cake, ice cream, out and i have enjoyed it all. The really sad part is that we both bought a large bag of chocolate each( I blame the extreme heat!) and I had planned to give her mine with a few missing to take back with her. We both forgot and she has left leaving me 2 big bags that have been opened in my fridge….any ideas that remove them from my grasp?

    I am doing the same Spring and am also 55. My life is in transition, 2 have recently left home, one is working away for 2 months..and no I hardly cook at all.I am having a huge clear out not only of their stuff left behind but also of ‘stuff’ that I have been give for Christmas/Birthdays and never ever wanted. I have decided that I am only having things in my house that I love or need. Mind you, it is quite carthartic to get rid of stuff, isn’t it?

    Hope the laundry looks fabulous, Spring. How is your back, Jade?Is the passport sorted Cali? Tango, don’t forget to measure your waist. I am off out for a walk with my friend now away from the chocolate. My plan is to do another 24 hour fast from after dinner this evening, to try and undo any of the damage of the past few days. I hope that I haven’t put that 3 lb and half an inch back on.


    Step. Away. From. The. Chocolate. 🙂

    I’m hopeless at throwing junk food out of the house once it’s there (something about being raised by parents who grew up during the depression) but I ALWAYS regret not having done so when I’m feeling bloated and fat. So I vote for putting it in the bin (with wrappers off of course, so there can be no midnight rescue!) and feeling virtuous instead. Perhaps you could post them to your sister?? Hugs, too, for the nest emptying – I’m beginning to understand how basically (at least in our heads) our kids never really grow up.

    I hear you on the de-cluttering and I plan to spend time this weekend sorting through laundry stuff to make sure no broken mops, empty containers or instructions on how to clean garments I’ve forgotten I even owned make their way back into my shiny new cupboards. I still need the electrician & plumber to come back for the final hook up and then for the tiler to come through, but I’m thrilled with the way it’s coming together.

    Have a wonderful weekend Islanders, a rapid recovery to those currently in the infirmary and take very good care. Spring xxx

    I didn’t do the fast, but will start tonight after dinner and then just do 24 hours without any food at all. The chocolate total is 700gms, each 100gms=500 calories!!!!
    There was a grand total of 50gms which were the ones I liked and have now eaten, the rest(soft centres-not my favourites) have been consigned to the bin. They don’t have any wrappers on and are still in their bag. My sister didn’t like the soft centre either, so I don’t think that she would appreciate them either.

    I have just ordered a sewing machine with a view to use up the fabric that I found during the grand attic sort, so that I can make curtains/blinds and keep busy out of the kitchen. I want to learn to make clothes for me that I love and that no one else is wearing. I had an tin that all of my sewing stuff was rammed into, now that I have emptied it out and bought myself a sewing box, the idea is that I should be able to keep it all together. It was a bit sad throwing out all of the name tapes though!

    The laundry sounds fabulous and the sort of thing that I needed when I had 4 little boys, now there is not much laundry going on here anymore. I don’t miss doing 6 loads in a day!

    My de cluttering continues- my mantra is ‘do I love it? do I need it? If it doesn’t fit into that…it goes. It is rather how I feel about the inches on my waist!

    Lol Spring, “step away from the chocolate” – as if! Annette I so wish I could send you my Singer sewing machine, I never use it, not even sure how to use it. No doubt the shipping would cost as much as a new one. But what a wonderful idea, if you are good at it. Congrats on sending the so-so chocolates to the bin! That took some power💪

    Lolly, still sending good vibes to you, one day at a time girl, you can get through it. X

    My back is still plaguing me, so no exercise possible, though I suppose the silver lining is that narcotics seem to stop both the pain and the whole digestion process. I’ll spare you the graphic details but just say whatever I eat simply sits in my stomach and there is no possible way to want more, especially looking like the pillsbury doughboy. So I’ve managed to lose 2 kg that I’d gained – little miss yoyo – even though I feel and look rather roundish. Going to a pain specialist tomorrow to get some kind of wonder injection. I can tell you I’m quite tired of feeling poorly, so if this is what old age is like, I will be searching for a Thelma to my Louise. Good thing there are no steep cliffs on the the island (but maybe a volcano…hmm?) Catch up with all you lovely islanders later, hopefully with good news..🌴😉..jadexxxxx

    Jade-sending hugs an perhaps sleep to get through this until your appointment with the pain specialist.I hope that this isn’t what old age looks like or I will be your Thelma.

    I spent my FD priming and undercoating 8 cupboard door that have panes of glass in and a door that I have over the years, stripped off their paint with a whole range of chemicals and a heat gun.I came to the conclusion that I was never going to get it all off, so have slapped the paint on and now they look much much better! It was a tough FD yesterday in that I had planned to go without food until dinner but caved in at lunch time. I think that the problem was that I was too close to the kitchen, a bit lonely on my own all day and it was quite warm. I toyed with going out, but was worried about the food everywhere and my love of ice cream.

    I am a bit disappointed as I stood on the scales to find that there is not much difference between the pre and post FD.I suspect that it might take a couple more FD to get back to my pre visitor weight before ‘chocolate-gate’!

    Very kind of you to offer your sewing machine Jade. I am not a natural at such things, but out of necessity years ago, I learnt to make curtains when we were too broke to buy any of the size that we needed when the boys were small. Now I have all of this time on my hands and I have the fabric, I would like to use it for something that I would like.

    I am quite excited about the machine, which should be here next week. They also run sewing classes above the shop in a a whole range of things, so will have to go to them too. I want to learn to make dresses for me in fabric that I love, that actually fit without altering, I am short but curvy, so that is going to be a challenge! I also have dresses that are too big and if I could alter them, would wear them all through this winter.

    How is everyone?

    Hello group,

    So many posts, and I have only read the past four, so far. A quick “me too” moment, i.e, keep the junk food or throw it away.. I haver this conundrum every weekend (have to buy in stuff for other people) and by the time I add up the amount it would cost to throw is away, balanced with me stuffing it, I always think… throw it away.

    Yesterday evening we had a BBQ and my sister (9 1/2 stone 5ft7) was there too. When everyone had finished we were picking at pizzas, mozzarella, chicken pieces, bread.. and she said to me “I think I have the been whereby when I start I don’t stop, I don’t feel full like everyone else”. My husband replied, you girls are just trying to justify gluttony, however, he overeats but he gets full. Everyone else there go too a point whereby they got too full. We just didn’t feel full like everyone else. It’s why I try and moderate portion sizes, not rely on my own internal appetite/feeling of being full.

    Maybe we are just hedonistic, but from bitter experience, I know there are those moments whereby I personally, would cave. food is my crack sometimes! So I don’t think we should feel guilty about throwing things away although I would never tell my mother…. who would save everything when we were younger and use it some way the next day. I remember she said she was perplexed when she married my dad because if she left food in sight he would just eat it…

    I have started to get back into running , even thought I’m not really meant to, bad knees and hips,… but it really has helped with the mood and stress relief.

    Annette, I find, apart from fluid fluctuations, it takes a few days/weeks to notice any weight changes following eating too much or cutting down.

    Annette, you say about buying large bag of chocolates, I don’t know about you, but I had days in the bingeing much more frequently years, where I would have just eaten the whole lots anyway. So well done for not just eating them because they are sugar and just there.

    Something to ponder on. I know it’s discussed before but what is it in English culture about the “go on just one more won’t hurt” mentality. I had eaten a pizza yesterday (a full 800 kcal version) and more fresh ones had been made, and a close family member kept telling me to have more. Don’t get me wrong I looove pizza, and can always eat more without feeling too full. The same with alcohol, as lovely as it is, I am fine with one glass, but there is insistence and justifications from others “go on” when I say yes, “yes enjoy yourself, let your hair down” “t’s a lovely evening, you’re no at work” why does that enjoyment have to come from having more! I was fine as I was…. sorry to have a moan, but battling with my own willpower is hard enough.

    Bingeing hasn’t disappeared but as usual my two out of control bingeing demons are definitely stress, lack of sleep and week before the P.

    We go on holiday in two weeks and I am considering 800 kcal for two weeks, but need to read up more about the effect on metabolism and ultimately bingeing!

    A brain dump. Hope you are all well.

    Hello Queen,
    I suspect that whoever was encouraging you to have more of anything was simply trying to undermine you, whether they were doing it consciously or not. My friends would never encourage me to have more of anything. Some people are threatened when others lose weight/change shape and thus encourage them to eat/drink more to get back to being nonthreatening. Perhaps you can learn to say a hard ‘no’ with a smile and walk away from them. It works wonders and the look of bafflement on their faces is a complete joy, but you have to sound serious with your ‘no’ or they will try to convince you otherwise. What size is this close family member?

    You may not feel full. I saw this programme on the BBC called ‘why are we getting fat?’ by Giles yeo who is a geneticist that has been studying obesity for years.He says that there is a mismatch between a brain that thinks that we are going to starve in an obesiogenic environment, where there is so much food around. He also states that there are more than 100 genes that are linked to obesity, so that many of us are simply fighting our biology.However, exercise can make a big difference in reducing the weight.There was i young man who had the double risk variant of 1 gene and who lost 11 stone by exercising and then by changing what/how much he ate.

    There are also a 100 trillion microbes that live in out gut and one called something like Kristen sinella keeps us slim. To have good microbes we need to eat a diverse range of foods that are high in fibre to give us more diverse microbes which means plenty of fruit and vegetables, olive oil, full fat yoghurt in particular but essentially a Mediterranean diet without the pizza and pasta.

    Have a look at Jason Fung on YouTube. He talks about the benefits of fasting which has helped me to cut out snacking, however healthy in between meals and to get back to 2 FD a week.

    Darn, I lost a post, needless to say it was brilliant and I can’t remember a word. Lucky I can even type with all these painkillers in me. But the essence is that what other people do or think doesn’t matter. Especially when it comes to dessert, I’ll often have a nibble to be polite but then protest that I’m just too full. RAGING LIAR THAT I AM, AS I COULD EAT THE WHOLE DANG CAKE but they don’t need to know that, do they😉 And they never care. LOTS of people never finish dessert. I mean, go figure, but it happens so when we do it, it’s not as though we look weird.

    Annette is right on with Dr Fung. I love his easy, uncomplicated approach. Well, it’s not always easy to do but it sure is easy to understand. Stop snacking, and stop eating sugar. Too many foods are full of sugar (energy bars eg) and it’s just the sleazy food mktrs selling us processed crap. Instead, throw some nuts and grapes in a bag, and voila you have a fresh wholesome snack. Likewise with hummus and cherry tomatoes. It takes approx 10 seconds more than grabbing an energy bar. I hate to get on a soapbox but I have studied marketing and buyer manipulation and it flat burns me up when I see it working. Effing water in a bottle??? Ah yi

    Yep, junk food is my drug at times, too, but not nearly as often now that I’ve cut out the sugar and junk carbs as a general rule. And the redistribution/loss has no choice but to follow. But if energy/protein bars and porridge are still part of breakfast, I can’t help but think the day is going downhill from there. I know mine would.

    Believe it or not, my biggest vice now is grapes. I try not to overdo, and to have them with som protein like yogurt or hard cheese or even natural PB as a dip (don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it!). And I’m not trying to kid anyone, I could still eat my weight in Cadbury bars, but I’m talking about days when I’m in control, which are much more frequent now. Because I’m happy with the choice of delicious fruits and things like caulicrust pizza. It isn’t just steak and salad, rinse, repeat ad nauseum.

    Hmmm speaking of caulicrust pizza, I think I’ll make one for tonight. Yum! And ladies, look at it this way, no one has failed if they haven’t given up. Love from the rehab/infirmary cave, jadexxxx🌴🌴

    Well said dear Jade 🙂 (even if you are now a grape junkie… 🙂 )

    I haven’t given up yet so therefore, I haven’t failed and here I am, Monday morning and beginning a FD regardless of the choices I’ve made up to this point. New Day, New Hope. Actually it’s been going okay lately (just between you and me of course as I’d hate for any pesky Greek gods/goddesses of retribution to overhear)and I’m making hay while the sun shines which admittedly is in short supply here in July. Enjoy the pizza Jade.

    So good to see you Queen, and yes, definitely ignore what ‘helpful’ relatives sometimes feel they need to tell you/call you. You know your body so well and we’re all learning so much more about our bodies as we try things out and the science lets us into more of the picture than we had before.

    Annette, it sounds like you’ve kicked to the curb whatever was snapping at your heels food wise and I am not at all surprised. Lizards beware!! love Spring xxx

    Jade I hope that you are feeling better.I love grapes too…always have. You have come a very long way from doughnuts in your car!

    Well done Spring. I am working in FDs around my boy that is working shifts and I am planning to have another bash at a 24 hour water only FD from after dinner this evening, but I will need to be super busy to do that, so have planned tomorrow with that in mind. If I cave in before, that is fine too as I will still have had a time of fasting so it really is win win.

    Your confidence in me is lovely but perhaps misplaced. I am just doing my best most of the time and then sometimes I wobble. But to er is to be human.

    Hi there,

    Just catching up here, have had a rough week, and my body has been ‘rebelling’ after a very long term, I tend to start off bright and perky, but by week 13 of the term start to ‘fold’ haha! healthwise and everything wise. Jade hope you’re back issues have improved? but as you say it’s finding the source of the pain. I can totally sympathasize, my back was very sore this week, but has improved a lot, I now have a cold which isn’t very useful 🙁

    Annette and Spring, I’m also coming up to 54, and have been going through periods of chucking stuff out, I think it’s a kind of reinvention of who one is? and it can be really carthartic. I agree with you Annette, that if you don’t love it, it needs to go! I’m Feng Shui fan and have my flat divided into different areas, which I’ve just reviewed, especially the money, health and love areas. I still have a bag full of my ex’s clothes which I haven’t really had the courage to go, but it needs to, the ‘chi’ or energy is probably not so healthy.

    Have got into a rut with 5:2, so re-read many threads over the weekend, including Jason Fung. I haven’t been able to lose weight really over the last 6 months, still carrying 21 Ibs I would need to get to about 9 stone, I’m also quite short. I’m going to go back to basics on FD’s and try for very strict calories, I think I might have been sneaking in more on FD’s, I might also go to back to back on 2 days a week. I’ve got into a bit of a habit, of eating no breakfast on NFD then eating junk later on ‘cos I deserve it’. I’m still don’t eat pasta, potatoes, or much bread, but will try to eat more lentils/quinoa to get the nutrients. I’d love to be able to get to a goal by October, my bday. I’ve managed 3 weeks with no wine, so happy with that, 79 days to go, and I’m collecting money for a charity. I sometimes think success with this WOL isn’t so much willpower, as being honest with myself recognizing what I really want,
    and why I might be sabotaging my best efforts! the answer is probably right under my nose..xxx



    Forgot to mention, my SIL makes all her own clothes, and I’ve always been quite envious, I might be inspired by your decision 😉 I’m attaching a website called By Hand, which has very simple patterns for dresses etc, my SIL, made the Anna dress (short one) and it is very flattering shape…


    Hey islanders, just a quick note before I’m off to the doc, wish me luck, I think they’re doing an epidural. I really wish they’d do an MRI and figure out what the f is the matter but I guess if this doesn’t help, they will. Or maybe I’m just too old and not entitled to decent health care. Right, call me a wahmbulance….🚑

    Tango, very cute dress pattern. I like the idea of giving yourself a longterm goal. From what I can remember when I was steadily losing on 5:2, I actually felt hunger even on the 5 days. But I was determined to get back down to fit into my clothes, and I did. Still wanted to lose more but the impetus wasn’t the same. Anyway, if you really want to blast away those last stubborn lbs, I recommend treating the 5 days as diet days too, just not as strict. Now I can almost feel others on th forum reading this and saying NO NO it’s not a diet on those 5 days. Well, to bingers it is, let’s face it. Left to my own devices, I’ll eat back the calorie deficit of a FD th very next day. But that’s not to say it is so awfully hard just to restrict calories on the 5 days to something along the lines of 12-1400 cals. It’s just not carefree and fun. What does make it easier though is to ditch sugar and bad carbs, make those 12-1400 cals on the nFDs really count. Fish, veg, banana and peanut butter – yes, that’s a caloric treat but at 300 cals for a banana and 2T natural peanut butter, it’s about as nice a ride as Space Mountain at Disney World and lots cheaper too!

    I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but the last few lbs are stubborn. I haven’t lost mine because I haven’t cared that much, my clothes fit, I’m enjoying maintaining etc. but if I truly want to lose them, there’s just going to have to be a bit more hunger endured.

    Never mind any of this if you’re doing LCHF. It doesn’t float my boat, so Lolly is the expert there, maybe there is no hunger at all. But I don’t mind hunger. And if you pick whole, nutritious foods, and time your meals so that you have enough cals left at night to have a decent evening meal, it’s not that hard. But bottom line – for me anyway – is that there is “no free lunch” i.e. There is some deprivation to be endured and habits to be broken.

    Dang, I must be missing the classroom because that was a stern lecture! As always, please don’t take offense, I am really lecturing myself. For months I’ve wondered why I haven’t lost my last 5 despite fasting and, derrr, it’s because I overeat on my nFDs such that I fully make up the calorie deficit. And don’t even get me started with my “selective hearing” diet, where I get to be LCHF in the morning, Beverly Hlls diet at lunch, and Whole Foods Wonder Trough at night. Yep, guaranteed to work if the goal is to overeat😜.

    Love you guys, here’s to another week of experimenting and helping each other succeed.🔆🌴😎xxxx

    Haha Jade, you make me laugh out loud! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the procedure you’re having will do the trick and your back is as good as new in no time. And I’m happy to read your (not very) stern lectures btw and of course you hit the nail on the head when you said ‘There is some deprivation to be endured and habits to be broken’. Yip, there are no magic bullets. I’m pretty sure that even on LCHF there is significant hunger when the calorie intake is below TDEE (my Atkins attempts have certainly confirmed that for me, despite my ketone levels being embarrassingly high…) and even now, when I often go without breakfast and then have an omelette and salad (no carbs) for lunch I can be hungry again quite soon. If there’s stress about, then you can guarantee I’ll be ‘hungry’ again within minutes but we all know what that’s about 🙂

    For me, the key is recognising that the urge to binge is essentially unrelated to when I last ate or what I ate. That’s why my ‘head’ has to be in it if I’m going to lose weight and when my head is somewhere else, it ain’t gonna happen.

    Annette, I’m very glad you are human 🙂 and your plan is very doable. Good luck with the 24 hour water fast.

    Tango – making your own clothes is a great goal and I loved the pattern. I sewed all my own clothes in high school and still make the odd thing if I can’t find what I’m after and it’s really satisfying (not to mention cheaper!).

    CalliB I hope the wedding has been a great success and I’m looking forward to the stories. Shout out to lolly too for strength and health.

    Hang in there Islanders, Love Spring xxx

    Hi there!

    Jade, I totally agree about the hungry aspect, you’re so right. Some days are so much easier than others, and as you say often better when there are no carbs the previous day. Serves me right to feel hungry when I know this ;-(

    Spring, yes totes in synch with you about stress, amazing how hungry I become. I’m hoping this week when classes are over, and I’m doing admin (aka marking/grading) I can enjoy a bit less stress. On the downside we have a family member who is quite ill, so if I suddenly disappear, you’ll know where my head is..

    I might remove my scales for a while, and weigh on one day a week, they always lie after FD’s anyway, as the weight settles etc. I tend to be ‘whoosh’ in terms of putting on weight and taking it off 😉

    I’m not sure why I’ve found the non-wine 100 days so easy, I think I was ready for it! Nearly a month now, have not really felt the benefit to be honest, but think after 10 weeks one feels better. Food does seem to be much harder, obvs. I read that after 9 days without sugar your body starts to feel the benefit, 9 days doesn’t seem like very long, maybe worth a try.

    As always cyberhugs to all, may we continue on this quest.


    Hello to everyone, and thank you all for the good wishes. It’s been a busy couple of weeks but I should have some results tomorrow and have a better idea of where I go from here.

    A few well-intentioned friends have said to me recently that I shouldn’t be bothering about diet right now, meaning that I don’t need to deprive myself of anything. But it’s exactly the reverse: the way I’m eating now feels so good and right for my body that it is helping me stay strong. I’m grateful to have found what works for me and to have it in place so clearly that I don’t even have to think about it anymore.

    I was interested in the discussion of feeling hunger. Since starting with LCHF, I can honestly say that I haven’t experienced any. I have felt empty of food on a FD, but never hunger. I found that fascinating, because in my old sugar/binging days I was forever hungering for more and there was never enough to feel satisfied no matter how much I ate. I know that when I first saw “Eat only to satiety” I thought this would never work for me! But it does. And I’m grateful.

    I’m down to 18 st./13 lbs. now, meaning that I’ve now lost close to 3 stone. Just real food, and as close to effortless as weight loss can be. I credit Dr. Fung with the simplicity of the concept and this forum for the structure I needed.

    Hope the news was good, Jade. You always make me laugh out loud when I read your posts. I cheered when those chocolates hit the bin, annette! Keep humming “How dry I am”, Tango, until you drive everyone around you to drink. Do keep your head, comespring — we all need you around!

    Hello Everyone!
    The lasted until lunch time on the FD and then ate light and managed to hold out until my evening meal which was hard. I wonder if it was the carbs the night before that made it so difficult?

    The chocolate is still in the bin and I feel strangely powerful having done that too. I do have end of term chocolates which I intend to share at Christmas, but last night there was a siren call to open the smallest/one person box. The first thing is that I don’t really like orange chocolate but my boys do and the second is that I had a small bar of chocolate at my slender friends house(I haven’t had any since chocolate-gate)earlier in the afternoon. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

    I had spent the day out shopping with my friend and it was lovely. We stopped for toasted teacake mid morning and then went for lunch at another retail venue. My lunch came with both fries and garlic bread which I thought at the time was excessive, I ate most of the fries and then decided that I had eaten enough and then had a couple of bites of the garlic bread and then pushed it away. I knew that I was on my own in the evening and that I wasn’t going to cook. I could have easily justified eating the lot, but I was full and the garlic bread simply wasn’t as fabulous as my memory of it was and so it was easy to leave the rest.

    I am fast coming to the conclusion that I feel much better when I eat real food that is simply prepared. I don’t need to have rice/pasta/potatoes/bread at every meal(also less washing up!) and I also think that I feel more on an even keel without them. Hopefully, there will be some improvement with my waist measurement soon.

    Congratulations Lolly. Can you share exactly what you have been doing? Tango, well done on the wine challenge, I suspect that your skin looks much better without the fermented grape even if you cannot feel any difference so far. I was shocked at how much better I felt without sugar(in my tea/jar sauces etc) but most striking was how I felt complete rubbish when I then had a pudding at work-the afternoon was a total struggle in trying to stay awake. Nuts are my ‘go to’ snack now. Thanks for the dress pattern, I can’t believe that I will ever be able to make anything wearable, but I am excited as I wait for the sewing machine to arrive.

    Spring, I am not counting up to a TDEE at all anymore. I am simply keeping a record of what I eat and then will re-evaluate at the weekend when the tape measure will be deployed. If I get stuck with a pattern and have no idea what it means then I will call on you to translate for me! Jade-how are you? Is your back getting better?

    Hey islanders…feeling a bit ship-wrecked but safely back on shore🌴🔆💕Nerves do not like to be pinched, but what they like even less is drugs with bad side effects. I’m off those, have had lovely shots of something that probably would keep me out of the Olympics, and feeling much better. Proving once again that when the body’s chemical balance is altered, sheer hell can break loose. I do need drugs, just not one that turns me into a psycho.

    Lolly you are absolutely right, why would you toss an eating regimen that makes you feel better, when apparently you are feeling worse for other reasons?? Stick to your guns girl, and I do hope all will go well. Leaving a tiki torch on the beach for you to always find us🌴 xx

    Tango, Spring, Annette, everyone…goodness how I relate to your posts. Always so helpful in helping me figure myself out.

    Here’s my new deal, girls, which may explain my difference with Lolly on the Hunger Games😆. I think I already reached my proper goal weight. I’m not saying the body “knows” really, but I’m saying I’m being a bit ridiculous to target a lower number when I feel good, my clothes fit, my husband says I look great and I’m reading articles that say older women cannot do the Twiggy look. They’re right. I see those women around, they must weigh under 100 lbs and their clothes are skin tight and I’m sorry to sound catty but they look absurd. It doesn’t look healthy or happy, but at best simply prideful. I’m down to ~120 and it’s time to stop being a moody teenager.

    So I’m going to open a maintenance wing in the rehab cave. You know of course that rehab is a constant for me, but I think I’m ready. Like you Annette, garlic bread, any warm bread for that matter, smells awesome but it’s not a craving that drives me bonkers anymore. Holy f**king s**t how did that happen. Well, I know to fill up on the good stuff first, then have a bite of the bad stuff if I feel like it – and because I’m me I still HAVE the damn bad bite(s) because if there’s a saint’s cave around here you can be sure I’m never moving into it…but I think I’ve reached some kind of detente with food. I’m going to see if I can maintain it. Basic rules:
    1. First rule: there are no rules. HA, just had to say that, because **** rules.
    2. Enjoy the good fats and veggies, the rest can work itself out. And screw breakfast, unless I’m really hungry.
    3. Fast at least until dinner a time or two a week. Then try not to go all reptilian.
    4. Eat a real meal, not a snack.
    5. Donuts are not a real meal. Neither are margaritas, but there’s some good citrus in there, don’t want to get scurvy now do we.
    6. However, a donut could come at the end of a real meal, but you won’t give a **** then, which is really the way to feel about white flour fried in hydrogenated goo and coated with corn juice.
    7. I don’t like rules, so again….**** them. But I need a little structure.

    Just some ruminations as I dry out here on the beach. Love to all🌴🔆🌴jadexxx

    I hope that you are feeling better, Jade. It sounds like you are happy with your weight and I have to agree that scrawny is not a good look for anyone. My goal is to be strong and healthy, and to heck with what number the scales might say!

    I have a ‘tummy’ that I would like to shift, but it may be that after 5 babies I am being rather ambitious as my youngest baby is going to be 20 next month! I do feel that whatever the number on the scales might be, my body is looking the best that it has in a very long time…and I am very happy with that. I am going to concentrate on 2 FD a week, getting in 3 short runs a week(missed several weeks) and going to Krav Maga every week (an hour and a half of physical exercise) and to get 10,000 steps a day in minimum.

    Here I am at 8pm all alone and no idea what I would like to eat or even if I am hungry. I have come a long way!

    Hello group,

    Sounds like you are all finding your own path as it were, and doing well.

    I’m so with you Jade, about the other five being diet days. I had a week of no bingeing and if I’m honest, however motivated I am/was, sit me down with a loaf of bread, biscuits whatever when tired I’ll gobble the lot. So each day I have one sandwich, and one dessert is a diet day for me! I have totally tried the eat what you want (at structured times) and I can just keep going when everyone else is stuffed. The odd thing is for others when they have a massive supper or breakfast they then don’t want much for for their next meal, breakfast or later in the day, respectively.

    I opened a packet of oatcakes at breakfast time today, then we had welsh cakes, I’m tired and day before the big p, and all those lovely things that haven’t turned my head all week suddenly I felt the urge to have everything like a woman possessed! I’m trying to blame hormones, but I’m just a piglet. That whole have one and be mindful about it doesn’t work,
    I have one and think “holy moly this is euphoric where can I get another”. I guess I can blame sugar, but like you Spring, I can have meat and veg and still eat all that stuff if I have unlimited access to it. Bizarre behaviour when I know in the long term I will feel terrible.

    Still working it all out and think only a labotomy will help! That or living in a cotton wool cave where there is no stress, enough sleep and only access to healthy food!

    I have one week before a holiday hoping hormones will go down tomorrow and can get back on it.

    Thank you all, Annette, Spring, jade
    And all others for your continued advice and support.

    Tango, also meant to note I’m the same with adding fat into the diet, if I add more and stick to Tdee fine great, but adding it to a what then turns into a binge has, in the past, just caused me to gain weight, but I didn’t do a year long trial as it were!

    Leaving a gap between eating Windows is also helpful. Jade what do you have these days when you first get up, is it still coffee? Do you have milk cream in it? We had guests over and I had salmon on wholegrain seeded bread, I want hungry but felt like my appetite was out of control for the rest of the day.

    I need to watch the videos advised by Annette. For me just large portions aren’t helpful. I am almost better “just saying no” the. Getting on with the day and looking forward to my evening meal that can be anything I choose.

    Greetings assorted misfits, among whom I feel very at home 🙂

    Lovely to see you Queen, and yes, I can still overeat regardless of how ‘good’ I’ve been, how recently I’ve eaten or what I last ate. I do go quite long periods now between what I call ‘real’ binges (i.e. for me that means where I deliberately set out to eat too much and go out and get the food I’m craving) and that can be many months between, in fact it’s quite rare now. However, when there’s stress around I find myself reaching for and nibbling on whatever is to hand. I have been a very rebelliously adolescent lately (also blaming hormones 😉 ) so I’ve gained back a bit of weight recently as I’ve been eating more fat (I know, what can I say? I just have to stop eating a pound of butter a week I guess). Basically, I can’t be trusted around food and perhaps we should add yet another wing to the rehab cave, the padded one…

    I LOVE your rules Jade, I think they’d be a good fit for me too. Especially **** the rules. I am of course a rule-breaker at heart as my 14 year old self never really, truly, ever made the transition to adult life so wrangling that little sucker is a full time job. BTW, did I mention I did some blood sugar readings 1 & 2 hours post meal plus a few random ones for the hell of it and they were just fine. It didn’t seem to matter what I ate (i.e. I threw in some carbs that I only ever eat once or twice a month like grain bread, and hot chips with aioli, as well as the ones I have more often like pasta, chick peas, lentils etc.and my BSL’s behaved like Pollyanna rather than a 14 year old delinquent. There have to be some bright spots, right?? I really hope your back is feeling much better and continues to improve and that you can get off the meds ASAP.

    Annette, go you on the major control!! What did you end up eating that night?? Wouldn’t it be great if we could live each others lives for a bit, be that paragon of virtue in someone else’s life where there is no emotional involvement and nothing to lose. A bit like a dorm mum maybe 😉 I could be there to smack your hand away from pudding at work and you could be here basically slapping me 24/7.

    Okay, well dear hubby is cooking us a rack of lamb and roasting lots of weird-looking veges from the local farmers market and I’m about to fix us both a don’t-even-think-about-driving gin & tonic. Love to you all. Cheers, Spring xxx

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