I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

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I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

This topic contains 3,042 replies, has 111 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Didn’t I tell you Jade?? Not only a stern talking to but a 24 hour water fast – WHOOO HOOO!!! You are amazing and definitely on the fast track to normal, go you 🙂 I, on the other hand, have been eating and eating and eating in response to some very anxiety-provoking circumstances in life. Sigh. It is a pattern so old and familiar that I want to… blah, blah, blah, blah-de-blah.

    I will wake up tomorrow though, and do my best Scarlett O’Hara impersonation and will. Not. Give. Up. Love to all, Spring xxx

    Hi there!

    Thanks for the your kind words re the peri-meno. Sad and worrying times here in the UK, but am trying not to use it as an excuse 😉 (sorry for any politics on the thread)

    I think coffee does react differently for different people, and I’d be lost without it, so am trying to cut down basically. It doesn’t make me so much wired, but I do have ‘crashes’ in energy, which might be because of it, and the way it can ‘strip’ the body of B12 and iron, which I can’t afford with my fluctuating teenage hormones. Well done for water fast! it’s not as hard as one thinks, but for me didn’t seem to shift any more weight, can the body go in to starvation mode? MM says no, but I’m undecided. On the bright sight it’s an amazing break for your body..

    I feel your pain, sending cyberhugs, Scarlett sounds like a good approach. The lowish carb, and more fats definitely helps, and keeps the lizard in check as does longer eating windows, but I think we’re all prone to those responses, it’s a constant balancing act. I think someone on the forum somewhere said, if you feel uncontrollable cravings on a FD, it’s not the end of the world, give in before it turns into a binge, pat yourself on the back and start the next day.

    Annette, am going start making yoghurt this weekend! I keep you posted on how it is, also will do your nut recipe. I’m going to try some ‘flavour bombs’ a recipe I got off the NY times website, site is down as we speak, but will post later. Basically cilantro, thai parsley, spinach, ginger, garlic, olive oil blitzed and frozen in an ice cube tray, they can be added to stir-fry/lentils/chick peas whatever.

    Once I get my blood tests back I’ll know if I need more vits. I’ve decided that I probably should take multi-vits, despite the ‘if you have a healthy diet you won’t need them’ camp and other surveys by “Which” magazine. I think a good quality vitamin, can work wonders,(I was taking them last year but quite pricey) especially after 50, and also like me hypothyroid, B vits for mood. I find exercise is amazing for mood, but there is a price, as the exercise high can be followed by a low, so I’ve got to be more careful about what I eat afterwards, not always easy but am learning. Does anyone else wish they had a personal guru/trainer/cook, who would fix all our meal/exercise woes for us, I suppose it’s all part of the journey.

    Happy fasting!! xx

    Haha Tango – I think what you’re describing is a wife. I need a wife. We all need a wife. Someone to look after us in the old-fashioned way that good wives did back in the day. My Dad had breakfast cooked for him everyday and served to him in bed with the newspaper and he never cooked a meal or washed a dish or item of clothing or cleaned or did any childcare. He did earn the money though and it seems that was all that mattered back then. It’s a very different world now and while my daughters have ‘equal’ partnerships, I can’t help but think they need a wife too 😉 Also, it sounds like you really know your body very well and what’s best for it. Sadly, higher fat intake just leads to me getting fatter, as satiation is not something I respond to when I’m stressed. When I do up the fats my GI tract doesn’t cope well either but I do generally stick to a Mediterranean approach which is relatively low in carbs and suits me most of the time. Right now however is not one of those time. The flavour bombs sound like a good idea – I’m all for simple and easy approaches that are also real food so thanks for that. Hubby is cooking a seafood stir-fry with lots of vegetables for dinner tonight, yum 🙂

    It’s very quiet on the thread so I hope that means everyone is busy living happy and productive lives?? A big rehab cave shout out to Annette, Queen, penguin, Apricot, Karen, Lolly, CaliB, FastC, Chubs, Jade and sorry if I’ve missed anyone. Spring xxx

    Hi Spring

    Here’s the flavour bomb recipe (make sure you cut up the cilantro finely to avoid stems getting caught in the blender)



    Hey lovely islanders🌴🔆 Oh Spring, didn’t you know the rehab cave has a buffet corner? I went there last weekend, surprised there is any food left! We can’t escape bio-rhythm or whatever the proper term for it is, but there is no divorce from our grand mix of hormones, emotions, and daily lives. I swear some days I have this searing lust for pastry and other days I could write sonnets to hard boiled eggs. It’s weird, in a weirdly normal way.

    Hey tango, forgot you were in the UK, I really hope that gets sorted. I know it’s a rather shocking change, but surely the world can put its pants on and not lose its mind over it. As for total fast, no I don’t find it better for weight loss BUT it is easier to get through than with an enticing nibble. And I’m exploring the whole insulin response thing now. If it’s true that every time we eat anything, there is some insulin released to deal with it, then maybe my problem stems from that – too frequent snacking. And the downside of all that snacking is that I tend to never eat a real satisfying meal. Lately I have, and even though there are some teeth gritting hunger pangs in between, a nice square meal is a delight.

    Funny, I just picked up a women’s mag at the grocery, because I felt like reading some rubbish after long days at school, and of course it included the mandatory “tips for weight loss.” Many were good ones like less sugar, more sleep …but #12 was “eat every 3-4 hours or your blood glucose decreases and your metabolism slows down” – and it even advised setting your cell alarm to remind you to eat. Holy effing cow😳 surely SURELY we are long past the time of constant snacking? No? Sigh….. As for the idea of slowing metabolism, Fung explains that very well, that intermittent fasting doesn’t give the body time to think much of anything except to not pour insulin into the bloodstream, as there is no food to deal with. So I have to laugh at someone saying my metabolism will slow down if I “fast” for more than 3 hours.😜

    Boy could I EVER use a wife/personal assistant. Have said the exact thing to hubs, how lucky are you to have a wife. I guess it depends on the wife😂but if I had another me to help me, that would be grand💪 – a personal chef and trainer wouldn’t be bad either. I spent a day at a weight loss spa once, it was a freebie on a business trip, and oh god it was heavenly. The food had like minus calories and was delicious and beautiful (though not at all actually filling). Not that I have a choice, but guess I’ll stick with myself as my personal assistant. And Spring, my parents were the same way! My mom grew more liberal with age but when we were kids I helped with all the housework and my brothers took turns taking out the garbage, wtf mom😂but no real complaints, I did learn a lot more😎

    Let’s do our best Scarlett O’Hara impersonation today, shall we? I was fairly controlled yesterday, no snacking but dinner…not the best choices, as I had picked up sugar free ice cream on a stick at the grocery and had THREE for dessert. Ok, one for an appetizer and two for dessert. Oh goodness, it was ugly in many ways given my barely-there tolerance for dairy. Today it’s full rehab, shooting for 18-6 to keep that insulin quiet! Sorry to ramble on so much – 💬love to all – jadexxx

    Lol “butter makes your pants fall off” has a Facebook page! Gosh do I love him. Not sure this video link will work, but in it he rants about “purists” – i.e. rigid thinking about what’s best and what works. Specifically, he had recommended cooking in everyday lard and got criticized for it, I guess, as not the healthiest option. His response is a wonderful smack down on behalf of people who maybe can’t afford to be purists or simply don’t want to be. I can afford some purity but in the end, ultra-rigidity does not work – sooner or later I will explode the rehab cave like Jimmy Cagney in White Heat.

    So…Hallelujah for a flexible approach, for the idea that what works for YOU and makes YOU healthier, slimmer, more controlled – or whatever your goal may be – is the right way! 💪♥️x


    Once again I’m in the weeds and way way behind so excuse me if these responses are chaotic.

    spring, not sure why you want to drink vinegar (actually I *like* vinegar and have many in my pantry that I sip, but drink?, not so much) but here is a recipe for a “shrub” which is a pleasant fruity drink made with vinegars: http://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1017410-summer-fruit-shrub SKOL!

    Tango, try to not buy into the mythology about menopause. There’s some research that says what our menopause will be like is largely determined by genetics and there’s other that says it’s largely determined by our expectations. I’m here to tell you that there are things like hot flashes that aren’t so much fun but I’ll also tell you that you may be into and out of menopause in a matter of months. And once done, it’s DONE.

    I never did any hormone replacement. I belong to the school that says our biology is inevitable and we might as well accept that with what grace and tweezers we can. You may feel differently but why not at least try to approach it with a positive attitude and keep a folding fan at hand?

    Too funny that you guys are looking for wives. I am a full time wife. A dying breed to be sure but it fits our life in transit so I chose to be a full time family support technician when the kids were small and needed me at their disposal when my husband was in another country or another part of the continent.

    I suppose it makes other people’s lives more do-able but I doesn’t necessarily do anything to make *ours* more do-able. ::sigh:: But come on over! I make breakfast every morning at whatever hour it’s required and have dinner ready every night. …unless I don’t feel like it. Then we go out. 😊 (PS My husband ended up with a gastric bypass so I maaaaaay not be the solution you’re hoping for.)

    I had 4 excellent days of effortless disciplined eating and then it all fell apart again.

    My daughter sorta moved into our house while she was housesitting which is to say that I returned to mayhem and have to reorganize everything before I can finish unpacking. This happens all the time and really, REALLY gets me down. I want to go back to Canada!!! …and eat everything in sight.

    Speaking of which, we went out to our fav Mexican restaurant the other night. I ordered paella and went home with a doggy bag that weighed 2.4 pounds (really, I weighed it). I’m still working my way through it. Then I’m going to get disciplined again. I HOPE!!!!!

    Hi girls– love all the posts lately- I’m STILL in Ramadan- it ends next week so I apologize but I still I have the personality of a doorknob…next week I’ll be more lively!

    I also love Butter Bob and I will check out the link.
    Loved the flavor bomb recipe- hope to do this soon.
    I am also in Peri- menopause so I certainly can relate and I think just like our pregnancies are all different- so is our menopause- for some it’s barely noticeable and for others it’s like falling off a cliff everyday!
    I’m also sending good thoughts to those of you on the other side of the pond– really hoping everything can work itself out and Humpty Dumpty can be put back together again. These are crazy times for sure!!
    Can’t believe magazines are still telling us to eat every 3 hrs to help us loose weight! Ha!! What a joke! That definitely has made us all fatter!!
    A wife would be awesome!! I stayed home for 10 years and raised 3 kids and I wouldn’t change it for the world- definitely it is a dying profession. My grandmother had to work 3 jobs to support her family as her H was not a great provider and she always said that the day women went back to work was the day they sold their birthright right down the river. I never understood what she meant when I was younger but now I think she meant that having a mom at home taking care of everyone was the glue of the family- but who takes care of her?? We all need a wife!!

    I’m sure there are more posts I want to respond to but I only slept 5 hours last night and I’m sitting in my work parking lot procrastinating!!

    Sending good thoughts to all you lovely ladies- I find it interesting that no men seem to be on these threads!!

    Maybe we talk too much for them!!

    It’s wonderful to see so many of us looking at LCHF with open minds. It’s working miracles for me on a strict version — 2lbs down this week — but even incorporating just some of the principles is clearly inspiring some changes here.

    One aspect which is a real bonus, fast days for people on a low carb/no sugar plan are a breeze. Since our regular days don’t cause huge spiking of insulin levels, we easily “switch over” to burning our own stored fat during fasting. This explains why we feel little or no hunger — we’ve plenty of reserve to draw from!

    Jade, I also cringe now when I see all that brightly glib diet advice in the media. What’s worse is hearing it from people who should know better — nutritionists, personal trainers, doctors and therapists. Just before I found 5:2, at a quarterly follow-up at a major hospital, I was treated to a snippy interview by a dietitian who could barely bring herself to look at me while she lectured me on the food pyramid and joining a gym. On my “Plan for optimizing health and wellness” she wrote: “BMI is NOT between 18.5 and 24.9”, and nothing more. As it happens, tomorrow is another quarterly exam, and this time I won’t be sitting there silently suffering condescending contempt if the doctor passes me on to her again!

    Haha lolly, I’m glad you’re going to stand up for yourself against sanctimonious health professionals. I once told my dentist he appeared to confuse oral with moral… Also glad to hear that FDs are a breeze for you but sadly I’m not sure many have that experience on here. For me they were certainly doable to begin with and not as hard as I’d anticipated, but often now they are damned hard, resulting in a FUFD and another try. Still, trying is the important bit as this is a long term battle if ever there was one.

    CaliB I hope you’ve caught up with sleep – had to laugh at the image of you sitting in the car park and procrastinating by posting! We did have a couple of men on the thread once but possibly we scared them away with all our talk of hormones 😉 Certainly there appear to be more and more men who feel they have a problem with disordered eating, including the binge variety.

    Okay, well I am going to start work myself. The thread is very quiet atm so I hope all is well – Annette, are you out there?? Love Spring xx

    Yep. I am here and enjoying the wit and repartee of you all. I just don’t feel able to join in at the moment as I feel low and have fallen from grace with a huge bump(i bought a pack of 6 ice creams yesterday and ate 2 by the evening).

    There is lots of change in my world at the moment. I have been a single mum very much on my own with 4 little boys to bring up from when they were 5,7,9 and 11.They are now, 19,22,24 and 26. The youngest who is so full of fun and completely exhausting has fallen in love and moved 4 hours away to be with the love of his life, so that has been a big change. The second eldest is moving out next week to live with his girlfriend a mile away, the eldest is going away in a fortnight for 2 months to work in Australia by work who have an office there and the third one finally has interviews for post grad jobs that are all over the country. I am feeling very redundant and a bit lost. No longer do I come home from work and cook for a hoard, there might just be be or 1 other now.

    On top of which, my body has decided that it might not be ready for the menopause after all. I am not impressed to find myself back to frantic visits to the chemist for the past 2 weeks. I am 55 for heavens sake!

    I need to come up with meals for 1 that are high in good fats and low in carbs. I loathe most vegetables, but like salad.

    Dearest Annette, what an AMAZING woman you are! When I read your post I saw you not at all as redundant but as a strong woman who has such a wonderful legacy in four well-adjusted young men who are able to love, embrace life and succeed and they couldn’t have done any of that without the solid foundation you gave them. That is SO valuable! It is a time of enormous change though, so I really get why you’re feeling so low, especially as a number of the moves are happening together. Take very good care of yourself dear friend, and feel free to stay on the Island regardless of how ‘good’ you’re being. Just between you and me, I would have eaten all 6 had I bought them, so 2 represents real restraint to me! I also get the frustration at suddenly needing supplies when you thought it was all over… Damned hormones. Love and strength to you Annette. Spring xxx

    Oh Spring you do give me a laugh – I’d have been after all six as well. Annette I had THREE the other night! But more important, Spring hit the bullseye on the job well done raising those fine boys.😇 It is hard when they leave, but they will be fairly close by except for the lad in Australia. And they are healthy and happy! What a tribute to their dear mum. No doubt there will be grandkids in your future, too, so get ready😍

    Menopause on the other hand…😡I still have a few flames and I’m almost a decade older. Let’s just say I have a built-in thermal vest for the winter months😂! Some byproducts of it are lovely but it’s a hormonal roller coaster, with lots of free repeat rides! so please look for help among the many homeopathic remedies as well as the HRT from docs. I did not do HRT but did cut myself a LOT of slack on moods etc. The sisterhood of support is very strong, you’re not alone on this path♥️💜💚

    I’ve been enjoying the Butter makes your pants fall off guy, all his videos are entertaining (and he has a lovely southern accent). However, he highly recommended the Eat Stop Eat book, not sure why now given that he (butter guy) does LCHF, but of course I bought the book – haha, my advice is save your money unless you’re a young body builder. It’s not a bad plan, 24-hour fasting i.e. dinner to dinner, twice a week, but otherwise lots about supplements and exercise. And “eat what you like.” I mean, I just can’t freely eat what I like – it’s sorta the same as our FUFD, to fast all day then have dinner that exceeds 500 cals. So far, not a great weight loss method for me! But the takeaway thought is that even a 24-hour fast on a FUFD is going to help combat cravings by regulating insulin in some way. So . . . Hooray right, Spring? Even a FUFD is doing some good.

    But I think I’ve discovered something else this week. I feel much better eating grain-free. And snack-free. Maybe I just eat less, but the variety (esp fruit) is still enough to keep me happy, unlike LCHF. This is a big discovery for me, I can’t remember another time I “felt better” avoiding certain foods. Well wait, dairy, but dairy actually made me sick. Grains, on the other hand, never made me feel sick, in fact I felt just fine eating them. Or so I thought – after skipping grains again for a few days, I just feel lighter and “good” in a way that’s hard to explain. But I may like it enough to keep doing it, at least more often than not.

    Well that’s my two cents from rehab today. Have a lovely weekend, dear islanders, hugs to you all🌴🔆♥️🍷jadexx

    So, I didn’t get to see the offending dietitian again — probably just as well — but I did get to take a survey since it had been a pilot project. My thoughts were clearer on paper than I think I would have been in person! Now I can let the burden of resentment go and move on, lighter.

    Isn’t it interesting, Jade, about the grains. Unlike fats and protein, the body has zero requirement for carbs. There are no “essential carbs”. So, if you think about it, every time we eat grain we are eating something our body doesn’t need. Same with sugar. When we reach the point that our insulin can’t cope with it all it gets stored as body fat. Go far enough and we have Type 2 diabetes. Hello, world epidemic.

    Hi girls-
    Annette- wow I am amazed you are not eating ice cream all day every day with those kind of big changes going on- I would definitely be having lots of it with chocolate and nuts on top too!! I find it so admirable that you were able to raise 4 boys into successful and loving young men on your own!! That is a job well done!! I have 3 kids ages 12, 15 and 17 just the thought of an empty nest sends me into tears!! I have a few more years but not many. I’m sure it’s a battle to now focus on the next phase of life and not just look back and reminisce.

    Lolly- glad you did not have to face the dietician but you had a place to write out your concerns. Like you said, that is probably better anyway and will be hopefully read by those who can help change the condescending manner of the dietician- let’s hope!!
    I had never thought about our body not needing grains. I just knew they give me all sorts of problems… Weight gain only being part of there gift to me!!

    Jade- so glad you like Butter Bob- I think he’s adorable and I love all his simple recipes and advice. I now drink a nice steaming cup of decaf coffee with heavy cream in it every night and it seems to satisfy my sweet tooth even though I don’t sweeten it.

    Spring- you always have the best words of support for each of us just when we need them! I appreciate your insight and kind heart.

    I am having company tonight and I am hoping I can find my personality somewhere before they come. When I fast I seem to put my personality away for a month and just live a very quiet life. I will miss the cocktails!! No alcohol during Ramadan for us!! All this sacrifice is making me not so fun- I will enjoy going back to my hedonistic ways next week!!!

    I want I get back on the weight loss track too- I am hoping to get my metabalism back up after this last month. I will start working out again and go back to 3 fast days a week and HFLC. Hopefully that will work.

    I’m curious how I will all do once I loose the weight (notice I don’t say if but when!!) with the fasting and diet changes i have made, I am hoping I find that place of maintainence that has been eluding me. I never want to have to do this again!!!

    Here’s to life and it’s never ending changes!! Good luck to you Annette as you ride the wave of your changes- we are all here for you sending you thoughts of peace and contentment and excitement towards your next phase of life!!

    Thank you so much for all your very kind words and support. I have another week at work before we break up for the summer and I have decided just to go with the flow, as number 2 also moves out.

    My grand plan is that I will then have 8 weeks of total control of what I eat and when. So as an experiment, I am going to try to give up pasta/rice/bread/potatoes and just see what happens and how I get on. The other part of that plan is to ditch the ice cream and the rest of the nonsense-the pleasure is brief but the desire for more rubbish goes on all day.

    One thing that I really have to curb is my nut consumption. I love them and scoff them by the handful, so plan to measure out some for the day..and see how that goes. I will be keeping up with you all but retiring to the rehab cave for the most part.

    Hi all,

    What a lovely and supportive forum this is!
    Annette I’m also sending massive cyberhugs, what an accomplishment, and what lucky boys, I haven’t got children, but I can imagine it’s a period of adjustment, as is, let’s face it, the whole menopausal time, just to keep us all on our toes! 😉 I’ve heard friends in their 60’s say they are really happy now they’ve got the menopause out the way, and are really having a good time, something to look forward to!

    CaliB- respect to you 😉 for the sacrifices you’ve made during Ramadam, my students are really looking forward to Eid..

    Spring-I also feel that FD are never easy, white knuckling mainly,but the more Mediterranean diet helps. Jade yes I think even a FUFD can be of some use, if there is a very long ‘window’ of fasting, and if the FU-ness isn’t too intense, a biscuit maybe? I’ve also found the non-breakfast/non-snack is getting easy, and am now used to quite an empty feeling, but manageable. I think I’m in that ‘transition’ phase, i.e no grains but probably over-doing on certain fats, and dealing with “hangriness” ;( I still haven’t lost anything, just stayed the same. I’ll have to work on what works. I got some of my results from Dr, have got a B12 deficiency, (I am a veggie) so they will give me some injections!, am actually pretty pleased because convinced that my ‘mood’ was hormones, it might well still be, but it’s nice to have a *diagnosis*, no wonder I felt like s***! I’m finding my Latin classes quite testing, and even going up stairs leaves me huffing and puffing! can’t wait to get the injections. Also seeing if my thyroid and iron is Ok…
    Chubs-don’t worry I’m waiting to see if I just had a bad month hormone wise, hopefully I can ride the storm, I don’t get hot flashes, only low mood.. By the way, I’m a big fan of Mexican food, as I lived in Mexico, I can understand the doggy bag. One of my fav chile is Chipotle, can you get it? amazing blitzed with sour cream.

    Happy fasting! hi Lolly!

    Now that’s looking on a brighter side, Annette – with more free time, you can conduct more scientific experiments that will likely help us ALL😍. Here’s another two cents on grains. I overdo them so easily, because they’re yummy yet I can convince myself whole grains are healthful and even more so if slathered with the new wonder-food, butter. But unless I have just a nibble, ha like that ever happens, I usually feel a bit stuffed/sloshy, so then I march myself down to the Swamp of Retribution – I’ve seen you all there, that place where we yell at ourselves to the point of paradoxically wanting to eat an entire bakery. I have wondered whether I felt stuffed because I overate or because grains simply absorb more water – regardless, no grains = less stuffy = more happy.

    Funny that potatoes don’t affect me this way, so I haven’t cut them out – an interesting correlation is that I was never a big potato fan. Rice was our potato growing up. I keep hearing that white potatoes are as bad as sugar, but maybe it’s more complicated. Anyway, I’m a big fan of experimentation! One-size advice never fits all, does it – Lolly, so glad you had the last laugh over that rude dietician. If anything makes me mad, it’s people thinking that if they’re lucky enough not to be afflicted with X, then why should anyone else get help overcoming X. Grr.

    CaliB huge kudos for your Ramadan sacrifices – makes sense that you would have to tuck away a part of yourself. Fasting has a way of forcing us to be introspective. And yes indeed, it’s when, not if! You will lose the weight and we are all learning ways to make the loss sustainable ever after. Tango, I think you nailed it, getting used to the OK feeling of emptiness between meals (without snacks). It takes some getting used to, but like fasting for longer periods, it’s not that hard. At some point, I envision enjoying meals, truly having what I like, without worrying what it’ll do to me. Good old Butter Bob reinforced that idea. I mean, he’s really been to the abyss.

    A special hug to you, Chubs – I reread your post and you have sooo much going on. Moving back home to all that is quite an adjustment. Don’t spend too much time in Retribution Swamp. Maybe set your sights a bit lower than 24/7 disciplined eating? Just expect the occasional visit to Bad Girls Cove. I was there last night, and despite a stomach ache from ice cream (you idiot, I told myself in RetributionSwamp), I just wanted something even “badder” (because of course I did after dairy), so I dug up some very old caramels from Halloween! Good grief.

    I love this thread for the sharing of what has worked, what hasn’t, without any bossiness. I saw something on Facebook today about everyone being a combination of masterpiece and work in progress. I shall continue painting my masterpiece in the rehab cave. Cheers islanders! ♥️🔆🌴🔆🌴xxxx

    Hi Jade,

    Agree that the same foods affect different people differently. If you want to be scientific its very easy. Just buy yourself a blood glucose meter (as used by diabetics). They are very cheap, usually about $30-40 dollars. Measure your blood glucose prior to eating something to record a baseline. Then eat whatever it is that you want to eat. Measure 30 minutes later, then 1 hour then 2 hours, then 3 hours. Record the spike and how long it lasts.

    You say potatoes don’t affect you but bread does. Simple experiment above will prove or disprove it.

    I did this with one slice of pizza and a big bowl of veggie salad (no potatoes). Fasting BG was 4.5mmol/L. Then ate a slice of pizza and BG spiked up to 8.5 and took three hours to come back down to my fasting level!! Bowl of veggie salad. Fasting BG was 4.5 again and it spiked up to 6.5 and was back down after two hours.

    Pretty conclusive result. Pizza is a no go zone, veggie salad is a lot better for me with regards to glucose spikes. Glucose spikes means you store the foods as fat. The lower (down to about 3.9) you can get your fasting BG the better off you will be.

    That’s fascinating, bigbooty! Thanks for the idea, I’m intrigued. Hey islanders, there’s a gadget that measures normalcy, dare I try it?? Oh you know I’m going to😂

    Silly question, BB, but what is the difference between BG and actual insulin response, if any? I remember reading something about that, but I confess the science throws me into a fog.

    I had a true southern meal last night, fried chicken, carbs including bread and dessert, and pleased to say I didn’t immediately lose my mind then and today feel no particular craving. Lol so my two options are (a) to think I’m completely cured, so bring on the French toast for breakfast!!, or (b) to think I no longer have to lose my mind about bread, as long as I don’t eat it at every opportunity. Door number two, please, Monty.

    It’s rainy here in the rehab cave, maybe some nice soup later, after a nice fast. Hugs all 🌴🌴🌴♥️♥️xxx

    Your body runs on glucose (and ketones from fat breakdown). Eat simple carbs and it gets broken down into glucose real quickly. Bread, pasta, etc. causes a large spike in blood glucose. Your body needs to operate within strict lower and upper limits (3.9 – 5.9mmol/L). As a result your body produces insulin which is the signal to stored the excess glucose as glycogen (stored form of glucose) and when that’s full (you can only store about 200-300 grams) you store it as fat. So the glucose meter is an indirect measurement of the amount of insulin your pancreas is producing.

    If you’re serious about weight loss Id be limiting the simple carbs you get from grain based foods. Try and get your carbs from veggies (except potatoes) where the carbs a locked up in fibre. And no bread with fibre “added” isn’t the same thing. That’s a convenient thing big food does to get a “health tick”. They go to all the trouble of removing fibre so they can process the food easier and then they artificially add it back in so they can say its “healthy”.

    Oh eek this involves sticking myself with a needle, doesn’t it. 😳 Multiple times.😨

    You know, I think I’m gonna stick with the old self-observation technique. I’ve learned a lot about my response to different foods thanks to all the wonderful advice here. Grains and sugar, definitely prime suspects👹👻 I’ll skip the pain and just accept that😉🍷xx
    ps bigbooty totally agree with your view of the food industry!!!

    Morning all and thanks for the laughs 🙂 from CaliB’s “I am hoping I can find my personality somewhere before they come” to Chubs “Swamp of retribution” and Jade’s options for losing her mind, you are endlessly entertaining!! Lovely to have you back Annette and you’re a wise woman with a really doable plan – I look forward to hearing how it goes.

    Jade, I think it’s a great idea of big booty’s to monitor your blood sugars to assess the impact of complex carbs/grains (not that I’d be in a hurry to inflict such pain…) because the heart of the matter seems to be how individuals respond to particular foods. We know there are plenty of people who eat a variety of whole foods (and I include grains here) who will never get anywhere near obesity/type 2 diabetes and we’re only beginning to learn why that is. A recent study I saw did stool samples to assess gut microbe composition (the so called gut-biome) and then compared 2 individual’s blood sugar responses to a wide variety of foods over a period of time (a week if I remember). The results were wildly different with some carb-based foods that are currently considered suspect causing no spike in one (i.e. Sushi and croissants/bread) but those same foods sent the other person off the chart yet they didn’t react to rice, for example. The participants then ate only the foods that didn’t spike their blood sugars and after a period of time doing this they re-did the gut biome to find that the bacterial profile had become more complex. So clearly, how we process the foods we eat is an important factor too and a great deal of new knowledge is coming out about the complexities of individual metabolism and response to foods. I’d be really interested to see the results you get Jade.

    Big booty, thanks for your explanations and I think it’s also really important to remember that insulin not only facilitates the storage of excess glucose as glycogen (definitely something it does a lot of in an overfeed population!) but the primary role of insulin is actually to make the glucose in the blood available to the cells to use as energy. Insulin is not the enemy here and it must be produced for us to function; the problem is the excessive work we create for the pancreas in asking it to produce more and more insulin to manage the regular, high consumption of energy and simple carbs (especially sugar & white flour based foods) that are very easily converted into glucose and need to be stored.

    Okay, well, I have exams to mark today so best not ramble on anymore and instead focus on the task at hand. it’s a FD today and i am determined it will be clean as a whistle!! Much love to all, Spring xx

    PS when I logged on there was a post from Chubs but when I refreshed at some point it wasn’t there – does that ever happen to other people??

    You wouldn’t get a more squeamish person than me. My wife puts all the band aides on the kids’ fingers when they hurt themselves. But using the little lance that comes with the meter is really very easy.


    No insulin isn’t the bad guy here. Its just doing its job. But if you monitor your BG response to different foods you’ll get a picture of what’s causing the problem. I slice of pizza will send my BG through the roof. I should repeat it for rice which I haven’t done. Would be interesting to know if it has the same effect.

    🗡⚔💉💉💉😫😫 Moi je n’aime pas des aiguilles!!!
    Argh, when I donate blood I have to look the other way (even for the blood test part) or I’ll faint.

    Yes I’m a big weenie.🌭😢

    I’m heading to Pakistan in early August to spend time with my husband’s amazing family. His older brother is suffering terribly from diabetes and I am hoping to pass on as much info as I can about IF and LCHF diet to help him with his illness. I have been watching a lot of Dr Fung and retreading pieces of the Obesity Code. Any advice anyone has about type 2 diabetes would be greatly appreciated.

    I just made my first cauliflower crust pizza and it was so good that I stuffed my face to the point of pain…. I guess even low carb pizzas trigger binging for me… I absolutely love pizza and this one was delicious!!

    I will have to crawl into bed with this over full belly!! Why oh why did I have to eat that last piece!!

    If I had any doubts about my place on this thread I just solidified it with a huge pizza binge!! I am a lifer I guess!! At least I’m in good company!!

    Haha CaliB – I well know that sobering realisation that binging is still binging regardless of how ‘healthy’ the food might be. Would you mind sharing your recipe for the cauli pizza base? I’d love to give it a go although pizza isn’t something I eat much. Re your brother-in-law, from my reading it’s the break that the pancreas gets during IF or even 5:2 that is a vitally important part of the new approaches to type 2 diabetes. I guess it will depend on the kind of diet your husband’s brother is eating and how open he is to suggestion, but I imagine that IF or 5:2 would fit most situations regardless of the type of food eaten or the cultural obligations to share and/or provide meals. Have a really wonderful trip 🙂

    You crack me up Jade 🙂 🙂 🙂 and I’m sure researchers will crack the design for an accurate non-invasive method very soon – I believe there was some recent success with a method using saliva but it did involve forcing spit out of a dental swab and into a syringe :-0 and I’m not sure which I’d prefer to be honest! I actually have a couple of BSL units around the house and office that have been freebies over the years, so I may dig one out and have a go if the strips haven’t expired. I don’t eat a lot of carbs anyways (Gale Force 9 binges excepted) but it would be interesting to see how I respond to a couple of the ones I do eat, like chickpeas and lentils. Be brave in the name of science girl!!!

    It’s great to be here with all the other lifers on the island, I feel very at home. Spring xx


    Here is the link – it is for cauliflower breadsticks but I added tomato paste to the already baked base before adding the cheese topping- I also added extra oregano and olives on top. No wonder I ate like a pig!!

    Thanks for the advice spring- he may definitely be open to fasting but I’m not sure about diet changes- he lives in the land of rice and naan at every meal. I am just now hearing about the fatty pancreas and how fasting clears that out. Fascinating!!

    I’m with you Jade- the very thought of needles and I want to pass out! I love the science behind it and getting accurate feedback but I’d have to draw the line on seeing my own blood regularly to do it- I’m with ya— big weenie #2!!!

    Still mulling it over, Spring – I’d love to know about the spikes but not a fan of needles or lancets. I’m pretty sure I know my triggers:
    Bread, crackers, probably any grain – still not sure why, but no denying they send me to bad girls cove
    Grapes, but only when I’m too dumb to realize I’m thirsty

    And the behaviors that make it worse:
    Overeating – when I’m too full, I want dessert; when I’m hungry I want good food.
    Over-drinking (usually a problem the next day)
    Snacking, I guess? Because I need to stop thinking about food in between meals.

    There, that’s not so hard. But I’d sure like to know under what circumstances bread etc will send me to the bad cove, because it doesn’t always. Ok, don’t rush me, maybe I’ll do that lancet thing, no promises though.

    I’d sure like that recipe for cauliflower crust, CaliB! I’ve made the faux potatoes before and hubs liked those, but I don’t need a potato substitute. I do love pizza though.🍕🍕 Oops I keep forgetting I should not think about food on a FD. My bad. Off to Retribution Swamp with me!👹Lol let’s have a great week islanders, I know Yoda said “do or do not, there is no try” but I think we’re awesome for trying – 🌴♥️🌴xxx

    Ok I see it finally worked!! I had all kinds of cute and clever things to say but now I’m just too tired and frustrated so I will just post the recipe.😬😬


    I like this recipe because I didn’t have to squeeze out the cauliflower like most pizza recipes. The crust is a little bit more soggy but I am lazy so it’s perfect for me. 🙂

    I made a few adjustments in that after the crust is baked I added tomato paste, oregano, black olives then topped with cheese and baked one more time. It is absolutely delicious! A sidenote is that it causes me severe gas so maybe take a beano pill or risk bombing out your family☠

    If you must have bread eat it as your desert at the end of your meal. I read some research that said there was a different insulin response from the same amount of bread depending on whether it was consumed at the beginning of a meal compared to the end of a meal. So never eat your bread roll while waiting for your meal to arrive at a restaurant. Eat it after your meal.

    You’ve listed what triggers your eating, so you at least know what to work on. Drink lots. Ive found that when I water fast a drink of coffee or mineral water is all I need for the hunger signal to go away.

    Thanks BB that makes good sense – have the carbs after the protein/fat. I just had some grapes after dinner to apply that theory.

    No need for bread though because y’all I looked up a recipe for cauliflower crust and made that big bad thing. OMG IT IS SO GOOD. I still want the recipe you used CaliB, because this one was a pile of work (from the food network), a bit too eggy so I had to cook the crust about 5 times longer than it said, to get it crisp. It felt and tasted like pizza and only 600 calories in the whole dang 12″ thing (toppings included) which easily satisfied both me and hubs. Holy cow what an easy FD. Thank you for that, CaliB ♥️🍕♥️

    CaliB, that’s very frustrating and I can see 3 posts beginning with the test one as you’d been locked out and the last one said ‘locked out again’ – I hope the issue is sorted now and you don’t feel rejected xx

    Jade, the ‘be brave girl’ was actually an injunction to myself, not you!!! I’m also not keen on needles… I did find a BSL unit and an hour after lunch my BSL was 5.0mmol/l so I was happy with that. I actually have no indicators for pre-diabetes so I was only being mildly curious about how the carbs I eat might affect me. You are spot on with your assessment of what to avoid and I think it will become increasingly evident with on-going research that the long breaks without food are really important to the equation (i.e. the drat ‘no-snacking’) which is why many people have improved or ‘reversed’ their pre-diabetes/Type 2 diabetes with 5:2 on a diet that includes whole grains.

    Good tip about the timing of eating carbs BB, thanks for that. It’s exciting to know that the results of a great deal of new research is in the pipeline to add to what we’re learning about how the body uses food. Stay strong people, we can do this you know!! Spring xx

    Hi there!

    Just been catching up on the thread, some very interesting points. I read in another thread that this WOL works as long as you stick to it, think that’s the key, not to give up when it seems like it’s not working, it’s no quick fix. I’ve been on it since April 2015!, lost 10 Ibs, and put it back again, but have changed my eating habits over the years, am hoping this will work.

    I might be tempted to monitor blood sugar, to confirm which foods work against me 😉 My main carbs are lentils, and chickpeas + veg, and now having less binges, but as we all know we are never really out of the woods.

    I’m doing a 100 day non-booze challenge, day 3. Happy for anyone else to join me. When I have a glass of wine, I tend to undo good work, so would like to see the result of just not having it around…still it won’t be easy. I’m going to see some flamenco tomorrow, and will be nursing a Club soda. I don’t drink a huge amount, and have read it doesn’t spike insulin, but if so why do I always become hungry after a drink? Anyway that’s the plan. I’m taking a photo everyday for 100 days, to note any changes! Coffee of course didn’t work for me as a no-goer, should have know..

    Brexit, bad weather, football and tennis, have all had a bad effect on my Latin classes, so a bit depressing, I’m praying it will pick up. i might have a go at the Pizza, but with another veg, as not allowed cauliflower due to thyroid..
    Happy Eid Mubarak Calib, cyberhugs to all..xx

    I’m hoping this one goes through! I won’t write a lot in case it doesn’t- thanks for the EID wishes- so happy it’s over- a great but difficult experience. Thanks for all the wonderful support- really helped me through the hard days!

    My dear bingers, you have amused me and encouraged me and been my lodestar but now I am overloaded by the task of putting my life in good order. Food can’t be a priority right now. Or at least NOT eating can’t be a priority. I seem to manage the eating and overeating part very well.

    The Fast Diet e-mail that multiply in my inbox overnight indict and overwhelm me. I have to take a break until the Fall.

    I will miss you. I truly will.

    CaliB, I want to say how truly impressed I am that you made it through Ramadan. I’m sure you did even though I haven’t been reading.

    Adios until I can get my life back!

    Here is the cauliflower recipe- I used it as a pizza with tomatoe paste and olives, turkey pepperoniand cheese added after the first baking. Great one because you don’t have to squeeze out the cauliflower- I’m lazy so this part was better for me😀

    It won’t let me post the link to the cauliflower pizza so I will just write it out for you all soon.

    You will be missed Chubs but I really do understand the need to take a break from things that just have to go on back burner for a while. Wishing you all the best in your journey the next few months- we will all be sending you good thoughts and will await your return!!! Thanks for your kind words! Your encoeangement really helped me through it!

    I am probably the only human on the planet that gained weight during Ramadan!! It was the pizza binge I’m sure!! Now back to the old routine to try and get the rest of these ponds moving in the right direction!!

    Dear Chubs – I will miss you such a great deal 🙁 and wish you all the very, very, best for this transition in your life. I received this in my inbox this morning from the wonderful Ani Pema Chodron and thought I’d send it on to you to wish you peace:

    “Just wait and be patient with your anguish and with the discomfort of it. This means relaxing with that restless, hot energy, knowing that it’s the only way to find peace for ourselves or the world”

    Tango, lovely to see you back and good luck with the club-soda challenge. In Australia we have a ‘dry-July’ fundraiser but its only 31 days – 100 would probably kill me. You’re so right about keeping on and getting up to start again. I lost 55lbs (25kg) without a great deal of effort (ha, memory is a selective thing!) but have been gaining and losing the same 5-7kg (12+lbs) for the last year. I’m a bit (lot) over it I have to say but determined to hang in there until the mojo returns. I still have about 25kg to lose, so it’s a difficult in-between place which feels scary as I don’t want to go in the upward direction again. Weekly weigh-ins have made 100% of difference as it’s meant I can’t deny what my eating behaviour is doing and it definitely limits the damage.

    CaliB, well done on the fast and your post came through no problem. Looking forward to the pizza base recipe!

    I have a few final exams to mark (groan) but then I’ll be free for the day. That’s a good feeling 🙂 Peace and power to all, Love Spring xxx

    Spring, I just wondered if you have any of Ani Pema Chodron’s audiobooks. I love her calm voice and gentle humour. She is such a blessing to the world.

    Hi Fuvvie,

    I totally agree, she’s a gem and I think I have everything she’s ever written but have never bought an audio book. At the moment I’m taking part in a 6-week on-line retreat with her through Shambhala which has been wonderful – destabilising, as in no ground underfoot, but wonderful if you know what I mean! She goes into silent retreat very shortly for a year and I will miss her. Spring xx

    Here it is:: the long awaited cauliflower pizza recipe- I like this one b/c there is no squeezing out the liquid! I am lazy so this is perfect for me😀

    Cauliflower Puzza

    4 cups riced cauliflower (about 1 head of cauliflower)
    4 eggs
    2 cups mozzarella cheese shredded
    3 tsp oregano
    4 cloves garlic
    Salt and pepper

    1-2 cups mozzarella cheese shredded
    3-4 T tomato paste
    Black olives
    3 tsp oregano (optional)
    Turkey Pepperoni (optional)

    Preheat oven to 425 prepare 2 pizza pans by lining with parchment paper.
    Rice the cauliflower by breaking it into small florets and put in cuisanart a few pieces at a time. Pulse until it resembles rice. Put in large glass or ceramic bowl, cover and microwave 10 min.

    Remove cauliflower to another bowl to cool down down and add eggs, cheese, garlic, oregano, salt and pepper and mix well.

    Pour out 2 equal portions on trays and shape into pizza, spread about 1 -1 1/2 ” thick

    Bake crust- no topping yet- for 25 min until golden and a little brown.

    Take out and add toppings and bake 5-10 more min.


    I do add a ground Indian spice called ajwain to the crust b/c this pizza gives me a lot of gas and that spice really helps with that. Maybe that won’t happen to you!

    Thanks CaliB! So it wasn’t soggy? I had to cook my crust about 45 min. even after the squeezing. An thx for the gas tip, ha cauliflower does have its secrets.😉
    Spring, I love Pema Chodron, have seen her videos and have a book. I’m not a very calm person but i do try🌅x
    Power’s out here so this has to be short – stay strong islanders. 🌴🌴xx

    Mine was not soggy- the cheese and eggs make it more solid- it wasn’t as firm as regular pizza but I could hold it.
    Let me know how yours turns out.

    Bon appetite!!


    Jade…i watched a youtube video about cauliflower pizza. The guy has a very different method and he gets a non soggy crust. Look for Chef Buck

    Many thanks for the recipe CaliB, it looks reasonably easy for a non-gourmet chef like me 😉 I’ll try it this weekend as its very cold and wet and this would seem like fine fair with a glass of something red and warming…(sorry Tango x)

    Greetings Jade and K-lo, and have a really lovely weekend everyone! Spring xx

    Hello Everyone,
    School is out for summer! Delighted to have 8 glorious weeks until term starts again. My poor body seems to believe that it is much younger than it really is and after 3 weeks of trips to the chemist, I am having a sense of humour bypass! I have felt sore and bloated for most of the time and in my misery have scoffed considerably more than I should have done every day with chocolate becoming a regular feature.

    The plan is that I will allow myself a wobble over the weekend(no.2 son moves out tomorrow) and then I will be rather wonderful for the next 8 weeks. I am going to write down what I eat, how I feel and any exercise taken with a minimum of 10,000 steps.I plan to run 3 times a week(just a couple of miles) and get some very overdue decorating and gardening done along with de-cluttering my house as each boy departs.

    As I am going to be ‘billy no mates’ at meal times for the most part, I also plan to come up with a range of meals that I like, are very tasty, good for me and economical. So next week, it is back to x2 FD, I might try a water fast…and then back to weekly weigh/try clothes on/measure waist.

    I don’t drink so can’t join in there. I think cauliflower is vile along with most veg…so mine is going to be a 56 day no chocolate/cake/biscuit challenge. Hmmm, how hard can it be??????

    Chubs, I will miss you tons – I’ve appreciated your insights and advice and hope you will at least lurk in the shadows. No need to have emails hounding you, I don’t “subscribe” but just check in here when time permits. Peace and hugs♥️
    Luckily I’m on summer vacation so time is plentiful🔆Isn’t it great, Annette? Happy to see that you will be devoting time to yourself. Had to laugh at cauliflower being “vile” as I feel that way about broccoli. Maybe wholegrain pizza crusts for you😉 However, with the egg and cheese as binders, maybe other veg would work – squeezed out zucchini maybe? Best of luck as you tackle your goals – enjoy the weekend and big hugs to #2 son😘
    Spring are you in the midst of a semester there? I hope it goes smoothly – marking papers is not much fun….I hope I am done until September. Our students take their licensing exam in just a few weeks, so they’re about done with practice exams.

    CaliB thanks for typing the recipe! I had used tomato paste on mine, delicious. And Klo, I did see the frypan technique, may have to try that. This pizza is a keeper no matter what, thanks again Cali just for mentioning it. Sometimes I forget that presentation can make a big difference. And pizza…well, that always seems like a treat.🎉

    Tango good luck with your booze-free challenge. I don’t get undone by wine, as long as I don’t overindulge. The danger is the next day, feeling crappy, not sleeping well, and just hauling ass down to bad girls cove for the day. But I agree that with menopause there’s no telling what’s messing with us inside. I’m still pondering whether I want to do some lancet testing😧 – might just be curious enough to give it a whirl. Meantime Spring and I will be toasting you onward🍷🍷

    I’ve managed to maintain this week, what a miracle. A few grains popped by in the form of brown rice crackers, which hubs and I ate yesterday when the power was off. But talk about an appetite suppressant – the heat! Neither of us wanted to even move our jaws. It has helped enormously that he is onboard with IF and clean eating now. Doing it his own way (light breakfast then nothing till dinner) he lost 15 lbs and is chuffed at the compliments he’s getting. We hardly ever have more than 2 daily meals now. I’m trying to do more fasts-till-dinner without limiting dinner cals. But the snacking bug has still got me👹 – ah well, it’s good to have a challenge💪 Hope you all have a great weekend – don’t sweat the small stuff xx 💚🌴💛

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