I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

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I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

This topic contains 3,042 replies, has 111 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Not great, annette. I made it to dinner time and then I had soup and salmon. Well more than 500 calories worth so it wasn’t a FD after all. And today I had a big salad well before lunch.

    I think this just isn’t a time when I’m able to stick to a program. Too much going on. I think I’m just going to roll with it and try to get my feet back under me when I get back to “normal”.

    How well you’re doing, Lolly! Four pounds in a week is extraordinary! You have been so kind, so inspirational and consistent in your hard work. You well deserve that great success.

    Dear Jade, let’s just concentrate on hanging on until our “biorhythms” are back on our side. ::sigh::

    What great news !! weight loss is always good !!

    I also when I buy butter, bacon and pork, all look at me with a strange way …. it will take for people to know that fat does not hurt!

    You said that adapted well LCHF? with time you will see that it becomes increasingly easy and natural not consume carbohydrates.

    Happiness to you and many kilos off

    Hi, Anaide! I don’t think we’ve spoken directly before tho I’ve read your posts when I was in my deeply apostate mode. I’m delighted to have you here with us encouraging us to give up those last nasty carbs and keeping us on the straight and narrow!

    You’re right, of course, about those simple carbs (we always seem to forget that fruit and veggies are carbs too). I know in the marrow of my bones that I have had my last mac & cheese and pizza forever. And I’m OK with that. Thrilled, really, to be free of the tyranny of them. But there are always those last stubborn things that give us pleasure and make life interesting.

    For me it’s kombucha. I’m sure it’s at the heart of why I’m having trouble now just as much as this big transition we’re in. But I just don’t think I’m ready to get through Summer without it. I will restrict myself to one a day but, until it gets cool again, that may be the best I can do.

    OTOH, it’s good to know that you and Lolly and whoever else is toeing the line properly are out there generating as much gravity as possible to pull us Black Sheep back into your disciplined and healthy orbit!!!!

    Rise and shine dear ladies!!! It’s a wet and windy winter’s day here so not much is shining but it’s been good to catch up with the Island goings-on.

    Very glad to hear you escaped the clutches of Nurse Ratched Jade 😉 and WELL DONE lolly on another 4lbs, that’s great work! Chubs, too, a shining example despite the hassles of moving that can provide myriad excuses and can get a ‘I’ll do it when this is over’ chorus going. Inspirational, all of you.
    Annette, let us know how the Ice Cream goes – I used to make my own ice-cream when I lived in a very remote part of another country where you couldn’t buy it but haven’t done so for many years. If you add in lots of berries (and perhaps some pistachios?) it might also reduce the sugar load per serving, as that seems to be where you’re happiest.

    I’m eating for Australia at the moment. I’m currently rebelling at every flimsy roadblock I put up in the name of moderation and just can’t be arsed, as the kids would say. I’m sick of trying frankly, so I’m focusing on staying active and eating good stuff that I actually enjoy. This is a frustrating place to be (i.e. not losing weight) but it seems all my Big Girl Pants are in the wash. This is emphatically NOT a plea for sympathy, just a ‘this is where I’m at’ post and I take complete responsibility for it, but thought I’d write it as honesty has always been my favourite thing about this thread 🙂

    Strength to those of you fasting today. Love Spring xxx

    Opps – I posted above but then all these other posts came up because it had moved into a new page – sorry if I appear to have ignored the most recent half dozen posts and welcome Anaide!

    Good morning ladies, spring- great to have a sense of humor about where you are in this process and acceptance that this is the best you can do for now. Life is a continuum of ups and downs and if we roll with it then we are much better than if we fight with ourselves constantly- it will change again when you are ready– until then enjoy every moment!!

    Chubs- you’re “black sheep” comment had me laughing!! I too used to drink kombucha daily until I started LCHF and happened to glance at the carb content- before I only looked at the calories and added sugar. I switched to sparking water as I really liked the effervescence. I’ve been happy with the switch- the only thing I miss are pizza and bear claws.
    Btw- I found a great low carb pizza recipe that uses eggs and cheese as the crust. It’s so delicious and completely satisfies my pizza craving- if interested let me know and I’ll post it.

    Jade- I can so relate to where you are- I was there myself- you feel stuck and like nothing is ever going to work- hang in there- you will find what works for you!! Sometimes it takes a while to find that perfect fit for your body to respond to — we are all here to support you!!

    I am happy to report that Ramadan has been going very smoothly this year- in past years the first week was always so painful for me. I know that doing the fasting these last few months and switching to LCHF has put my body in a fat burning mode- now I don’t get hungry all day b/c I’m eating my own fat! I’m so amazed that this actually works- I really had my doubts but now since switching to this way of eating 3 1/2 wks ago I have lost 8 lbs!! That’s a miracle in my book.

    Time to wake the kiddos and get them to school.
    Have a fantastic day!!

    Cali, tooooo fabulous — and perhaps appropriate, in its way — that LCHF has prepared you so well to negotiate Ramadan! I was going to ask how it went and was delighted to read that it’s already better than previous years!

    Lol Spring, I’m eating for the rest of the planet! Hello from Camp Recidivism🌴🔆 It’s a new spot between the bad girls isthmus and the rehab cave. I’m not feeling it right now for LCHF, not if I have to look at fruit as off limits. I guess it all boils down to what one is happy with. Chubs, k hear you loud and clear re the kombucha. I was happy with whole foods, I was even sorta happy when I cut out grains (not that I felt allergic, I was just overeating them). But putting fruit on the endangered list is too restrictive for me. I might try it again, who knows, but I know how I react when I am overloaded with rules, and it’s the way I was yesterday. I was like a caged leopard, which is an odd analogy because a leopard would be searching for meat, but I was after the best, most perfect, luscious pastry in the world. Sadly, I was in WalMart and might’ve still settled for cream horns had there not been 12 in the package. Ha, even I have my standards!! But I did settle for Toblerone and Cadbury, shared it with a good friend later and enjoyed a bit before then too!

    All right, I need to rewind the tape of the past year and go back to basics. Fasting is cool, I like what it does, the reset, the appreciation of simple things, all of that. I don’t like eating fat when I want grapes. Actually I don’t really like fat at all, unless it’s on a carb. I appreciate all the viewpoints here, and please please continue to share. I love hearing what works for anyone else, it’s always worth a try! And if it doesn’t work for me, it’s still interesting and I’m so pleased for you😍. But I feel as though I need to relax and stop trying to improve myself for a bit. And by that I don’t mean giving up, but just going back to 5:2, avoiding junk, mostly. Keep it Simple Stupid. The rest of my life is complicated enough at the moment!!

    And now I have to clean my house before the cleaners get here, lol. Good cardio. Gotta work off that chocolate! Hugs islanders, we may have different paths but the goal is the same💪🌴xxx
    ps Hey CaliB, we crossed💕 – thanks, you anticipated what I said! We are all looking for the right thing, and we’ll all find it eventually if we keep looking. Good luck with Ramadan👍

    Sweet spring! So glad you’re checking in and keeping the lifeline at hand. Perhaps we’ll be ready to start again together somewhere down the road.

    No good news to report from Canada either on the intermittent fasting front. But I did get a lovely piece of good news last night. My son who is a grunt in my husband’s organization — got to start ’em on the ground floor so they really understand the workings — has been chosen to hand deliver something that’s urgently needed up here in Vancouver. He’ll be arriving in the next couple hours. And I’ll be able to take a break from packing to entertain him for the afternoon.

    He went to middle school up here more than a decade ago. His school friends, alas, have moved to other parts of the province but we’ll see what interests him. Then he’ll stay with us tonight. He’ll fly back sometime tomorrow and we’ll be leaving later in the day.

    Altho he’s lived with us before up here on the North Shore, he’s never been to this house and seen this view. Our other kids have visited here during our previous stay. I’m delighted to finally share it with everyone in the family and delighted to have this wonderful diversion from the tedium and anxiety of packing. So who cares about food and diets. …at least for today and tomorrow.

    Again I see many with distrust of the consumption of fats (good).

      Two years ago I removed my food all vegetable oils, margarines and processed, replaced by lard, butter, olive oil, coconut oil and milk cream and fatty cheeses.

    Meat also with the natural fat.
    Besides having lost more than 20 kg, my bookmarks the last blood test show that I’m on the right track, all very good! levels when he was 20 years (56 years now).

    I still have a lot of weight to lose, but in a matter of health could not be better.

    I have helped with this information.

    The notion that fat doesn’t make you fat is alien to what we have been told for so long and that is difficult to comprehend. I know that I have lost an inch off my waist in the last month by having yoghurt from full fat milk, butter, avocados, nuts by the handful and olive oil in salad dressings etc. I feel fuller for longer and find that eating less carbs is easy. I am eating all the fruit that I like, but less pasta or rice or bread. I am sleeping better too.

    My plan is to keep eating this way for the next month and to try and eat more fat..and then see what the result is. More off my waist would be brilliantly.

    Very interesting that the tide is turning and those that have more fat are reporting positive results. Dinner for me this evening was a fillet of salmon brushed with full fat mayonnaise and then coated in a mixture of grated breadcrumbs and cheese. Baked for 20 minutes and scrumptious with salad.

    Hi Annette:

    There has never been any study that showed the higher percentage of fat in the diet, the fatter you are. It just sounded good to those pushing the low fat diet. Here is a recent study that addresses the issue a bit: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/06/08/eating-fat-doesn-t-make-fat-study-finds.html

    Hi all,

    Hearing some interesting things, and although I’m not totally embracing LCHF, my diet is basically mediterranean, but I am adding a bit more fat, to replace the carbs I don’t eat. Think that’s where I have been going wrong, as ‘quit’ all those carbs last year, and have struggled losing. I’m not a fan of butter, so will stick to olive oil, and eat chickpeas/lentils as protein slash carb. nut butters are fab, especially almond, and cashew, but a bit of a danger for a binger like me ;-).

    So the beginning of the week was a real downer for a few reasons. I went and weighed my self on some different scales, quel disaster! had gained weight, after the period of white knuckle FD’s b2b and zero calories. Anyway have decided to go with my own scales as they show a loss! Secondly have felt so tired, cannot even bring myself to do my usual strength routines and feel like my legs are made of lead, my Monday Latin class I thought was a bit lack lustre, I hope the students didn’t notice :-0, don’t think they did. Anyway happily by today I still feel tired but a bit more positive. Think my thyroid levels might be off, so am going to visit Dr, next week to check.

    Even if the scales are not being kind, I can see the loss, I’ve had to move a notch on my beloved Fitbit! hooray! and someone said to me I looked ‘thinner in the face” I didn’t mention “I’ve just done a b2b fast, and am starving hungry” lol! CaliB, hope the Ramadam is going ok for you? I have many students who are fasting, it’s a challenge as this week has been quite hot, and still light at 9-9:30am, and they cannot even drink water..

    The approach I’m aiming for at the moment, is to get as much vits/minerals from food, especially the Vit B’s, D’s A’s and E’s, along with all the minerals that are needed. Annette, I love your approach of eating what food you like as much as possible, and my list is similar, with the odd piece of cake thrown in for good measure. Save my wine for w/e’s only, the med diet does say a drink in moderation ok. Was also going ask you Annette, do you eat before running? or only after. Although I can’t run at the mo (still awaiting physio) I used to have either some yoghurt or a low carb protein smoothie, or some peanut butter on a carrot, whatever, about 2 1/2 hrs before a longish run, to provide some fuel, and allow time for some digestion. Some folk like to ‘run on empty’ and refuel after.

    I think I need to accept that no matter how much weight I lose, it won’t be ‘life changing’, that work/reflection has to happen before. While my mum was alive she was always unhappy with the way she looked, and often looked in the mirror and groaned! I found a photo of her the other day on a family holiday, and she looked fabulous, a mother who’d had 5 kids, with a lovely figure, shame she wasn’t happy with it. Sadly that’s been passed down, and I too look in the mirror and groan, but am working on it! :-0, dancing in front of a group of people, some strangers has been a huge milestone, and I’m hoping that with either ‘me’, the slimmer one or the current one I can be happy!

    love to all Spring, Jade, Chubs, Karen, Lolly, FC, Queen, thanks Simcoeluv I read a similar article in The Guardian this week..

    Hey Tango, I could have written your post today! And to all you lovely LCHFers, I’m not challenging that you like it or that it wouldn’t work for me. I just don’t like that much limitation in my choices, and like you Tango I don’t like butter all that much, but do like olive oil. So I guess it is more the Mediterranean for me. Glad to see you blazing another trail there Annette☺️

    The problem with LCHF for me is just feeling too deprived, which I didn’t feel when I cut down on carbs but still had fruit and any veggie I wanted. Easy to pass up bread etc. So I will definitely focus on the good fats but without counting carbs. I just wanted to assure everyone I do know LCHF works, it’s just not making me happy at the moment.

    Chubs, enjoy hugging that dear son of yours💕 And hugs to all of you, I am firmly back in the rehab cave. Loving the island way of life 🌴🔆😍xx

    Jade, as long as you have something that’s working, I couldn’t be happier for you. Mediterranean is another fine choice which may be more to your taste. Plenty of scope there!

    Just because LCHF works doesn’t mean that it’s everyone’s cup of tea. One woman’s restriction is another woman’s liberty. 🙂

    Here’s to all of us, in all our choices — cheers!

    Saw a programme the other night where they were advocating a diet that had a wide range of food to improve gut health, thought that full fat yoghurt was the best thing to eat for that too. They also thought that eating plenty of fat in the form of butter, eggs, nuts, cheese, olive oil as well as fruit and vegetables was very good and referred to it as Mediterranean, but without the pizza and pasta.
    I don’t know that I am eating a high fat diet, but it is rather higher than it was. I am eating less carbs in the form of rice/pasta/bread less often. That is my approach of nothing banned or forbidden. I made ice cream(4 eggs/300ml cream/100g caster sugar) the other day(No ice cream maker) and we tried it last night, and it was lovely but I wonder what they put in ice cream to make it soft scoop?It was simply creamed and eggs frozen although I may have over whipped the cream.
    I eat breakfast before I run at the weekend which is when I would run 3+ miles. I have gone back to eating homemade meausli (porridge oats/dried fruit) as I simply feel better and now add the nut/seed mixture on the top as I like the taste. I usually eat breakfast, wait an hour or two depending on the weather and then run. Post run, I have a glass of milk when I walk through the door to re-hydrate and replace some protein for my poor muscles. I usually do a little over 2 Miles after work in the afternoon, just 2/3 times a week. It is humid and hot in the UK and I find it hard to run.
    I look in the mirror and wonder who the hell that grey haired woman is looking back at me! On the plus side, I have a body that is in much better shape than it has been for the past 20+ years. There isn’t much that I can do about the battle scars of pregnancy, but I do hope to lose a bit more of the belly as I fight against middle aged spread.
    Jade, why don’t you eat the fruit and vegetables? Eat more of the good fat, less of the carbs and forget counting calories? A food that is more calorific is simply one that our body uses differently. I will try and post the Micheal Mosley article from the paper and he explains it all rather more eloquently.

    Hopefully this is it and it works. http://bit.ly/22oIO6e

    I make ice cream without an ice cream maker too. If you separate the eggs, beat the white to a fluff and mix it back in gently that helps. Also, take it out of the freezer and stir it with a fork or even beat with a whisk while its in the process of freezing. A little gelatine might also help, but I’ve not tried it.
    I liquidise the cream with strawberries sometimes and add that in too, sweetening with some stevia.

    Take it out ten minutes before serving.

    Thank you for posting that link, annette — now I can save my breath to cool my soup since Michael Mosley has said this all so well!

    Exactly, Annette – fats are no longer a bad thing in my mind, so I’m using full-fat dressings (usually homemade to avoid sugar – my homemade ranch with blue cheese crumbles is delicious). Also love nuts and like adding olive oil to things like hummus. So yes to higher fat, but no to truly low-carb – thogh I’m still limiting the grains but not banning them. We all know what happens then! I turn into a 2-year-old 🍼🍼😫

    And thank you dear Lolly – you are so sweet to encourage me. Apricot, I may have to try that ice cream, I don’t have a machine either but sounds doable.

    I’ve certainly learned that bucking the old ways is good. I love having a salad that doesn’t taste like cardboard. Thanks to all for the great ideas shared here – it is all helping me understand what’s the best healthy solution for me. Happy spelunking, islanders! Drop by the rehab cave for some good fats💕🌴💪🔆 xx

    Hi again islanders, just dropping by for a follow up. I feel as though I may finally know what is the right way for me to feel normal. It feels peaceful, though just typing that makes me a little nervous. But after deciding that LCHF (at least the counting carbs version) was not for me, I shared pizza and salad with D and woke up yesterday feeling better than I have in months. Not from the pizza, lol! But from feeling in control despite having pizza. Knowing that pizza didn’t have to derail me. So then I fasted all day until dinner at a BBQ place, and had red wine, smoked chicken, and a tossed salad, with a smidgen of beans and about 5 french fries from hubs’s plate.

    No big deal to normal people, but I realized that I didn’t want the bread or a bunch of other carbs. I seriously had exactly what I wanted. Maybe it’s the biorhythm, Chubs, maybe it’s the spate of sunny days we’ve had here, but it feels just fantastic not to have any stupid cravings. I want to study it, bottle it, hug it to my heart, and try desperately not to overthink it!!!😝 Anyway, just sharing good news from the rehab cave, because I share so many FUFDs not to mention FUnFDs. Off to do my weekend chores now, hugs and good vibes to all of you ♥️🔆🌴♥️ jade xxx

    Yeah Jade!! So happy to hear that!! I feel like you had a peaceful breakthrough of feeling satisfied and content– perfect!! It’s what we all crave for. I do believe we all find it in our way and in our own time. I’m in Ca clapping for you and hoping the same for myself today as well and all the rest on this thread- great inspiration!!

    Thanks so much, CaliB! I hope for the same for all of us, and just love sharing what works and even what doesn’t for one but may for another. The human body and mind are so interesting. Feeling good still today, that same sense of peace, knowing I’ve tried virtually everything and have likely identified the thing I can live with best. Ha, rather like my approach to marriage! Have to say, this is harder💪😉Cheers to you and thanks for the clapping!👏💕🍷😍🌴

    Hi everyone!

    Jade, that’s a fab news! 🙂 thanks so much for inspiring us! hope it continues to feel good 🙂

    I’m feeling a quite lack lustre with fasting at the moment. I’m not sure if the liquid only FD’s were a very good idea. I feel like I’m ‘running’ on empty and I didn’t lose anything, despite 2 weeks of doing them. I think there was some compensatory eating? as I’ve said before the body doesn’t lie! Anyway it’s depressed me because I can’t seem to shift these last 10-12 Ibs. Have read a bit more about perimenopause (which may explain my mood) and often what they don’t mention is that estrogen levels actually rise (not fall) at certain stages of perimenopause (sore breasts, nausea, cramping and PMT) This is me down to a ‘T’ and it’s about every 2-3 weeks all/or some of the symptoms, not a pretty cocktail. I’m annoyed that there really isn’t much guidance for women, and it seems like something you have to just get on with, for a long time! So that’s my theory about why I’m plateauing. Am also going to Dr, to check my thyroid function (blood test) because it could be that it’s has gone out of whack. I’m just going to do 2 normal and ‘painfree’ FD’s this week, and get back to basics.

    Annette, thanks for the yoghurt recipe, I’ve just sent off for milk thermometer, can’t wait!. Chubs, I’d forgotten about Macadamia nuts, thanks for the reminder, they have B1 and Magnesium, really important for us perimenopausal ladies..

    I think the higher fat content is helping 🙂 I have waltzed easily past the usual suspects in the supermarket, and have had no particular inclination for chocolate. I’d still like to test my cholesterol level though now, to check if I’m ok, as read there are no symptoms generally for high cholesterol.

    Hope you all have a lovely Sunday..xxx

    Interesting Chubs and Tango about the B1 and Magnesium in macadamia nuts. Having not been much of a nuts and seeds eater in the past, I’m amazed at how many minerals and amino acids they have. I’m going to pin the wiki report on the science thread about amino acids we need from diet and their listed sources. Most interesting, and probably why liquid diets are not great longer term. As I’m not a vegetarian, I can get many of these from meat and fish, but it’s interesting how many there are in eggs and cheese too.

    I’ve been reading Volek and Phinney’s book on low carb living. They have a lot to say on fats and the way they carry vitamins and minerals around the body. It sort of explains why I began to feel so lacklustre when I tried a low fat diet, though I did lose some weight (which returned as I couldn’t sustain it). I say sort of because as long as the vits etc get into the bloodstream, rather than being ejected with fibre, they will be carried by the body’s own fatty acids in the absence of dietary ones. But it didn’t suit me, I find low carb easier.


    Just a quick pop in to say hello and a quick update.

    So many posts and I haven’t read them all yet.
    My update
    I have had some progress, not in losing… but in maintaining, I had gained a lot during a short space of time and wanted to get out of the that of turning to food whenever…. (fill in the gaps, choose an emotion..!). Today there was a little, ok big blip (I won’t go into detail but no fudge, cereal of biscuits left in the house, and it’s not a hormone day) but things had got better. I still really like eating, sadly.

    I won’t get too involved in the low carb debate as I really can’t offer anything too inspiring or evidence based. I think ideally, my diet would be portion controlled wholegrain carb, veggies, healthy fats, fruit, lean fish/lentils and sugar free yogurt… for, in my view, from what I have read, would promote optimum diet. With cake in moderation…every now and then… ha ha I just laugh in the face of moderation (oh, to be a moderate girl!). I have tried to analyse so many times, and I think low carb is great in some ways, as for me, personally, it cuts out all the foods I really overeat and binge on (pretty much… but I can eat a bag of apples) but I just eat too much full stop. I can finish off the plate of broccoli, roast chicken whatever it is if I’m in the mood, I don’t really get full. I also think one can rebound from falling off the wagon as it were, plus I felt quite tired when I eliminated carbs completely (apart from fruit and veggies) and I always felt as if something was missing. However, if, for me I was only given the option on meat/fish and veg I am quite sure I would be half the size, despite bingeing. I am, unfortunately (and fortunately as I love the people around me) in a house and have to serve carbs to others so not an option plays have to maintain energy levels for a stressful job whereby people rely on me. At the moment anyway, but I am inspired by all your results and stories! well done.

    I had been doing well for a few weeks, as mentioned Last night, little sleep, I started the day happily but had protein… but then cereal. The whole day was a downslide. A proper binge day. Cereal, even porridge isn’t great for my hedonistic side.

    Apart from that I had been not bingeing, progress for me.

    Whoops, premature sign off. Keep going everyone, and please keep in touch whether you are progressing or having a blip… 🙂 All the best.

    PS a bizarre random thing I have found Jade is if I have pizza in the evening with mega salad I am fine, pizza during the day however, and I am likely to slump and the lizard appears 🙂 Great you are working out a way for you though, we all different in our chemistry…

    Hello Everyone!
    I have some baffling and exciting news. Ran/walked the 10K this morning and got round 20 minutes faster than I thought that I would and even beat my ‘it would be wonderful and impossible’ time too. very pleased. But as part of the less rice/pasta/ bread…less often and more fats which for me means more salmon/nuts/avocados that I have been doing for the past month, I thought than rather than have our usual pre race meal of pasta/cheese/bacon and creme fraiche..I had two large fillets of salmon tha were brushed with mayonnaise and then covered in grated parmesan and breadcrumbs with some chips and I had the rest of the bread roll(with chips in the middle-deep joy). This morning I reverted to the homemade meusli with a pile of the nut/seed stuff on top all eaten with the homemade yoghurt from full fat milk…and I felt fine over the 6 miles, but best of all, I felt fine all day. Post race is usually a glass of milk, tube of Pringles and Chocolate…and I usually feel rubbish with a splitting headache all day. I had the usual post race goods and have felt fine all day and my legs aren’t sore at all.

    So. Have more seeds/nuts helped? Is it more fat in my diet? Is is less rice/pasta? It is such a difference to how I always feel…that I am thrilled and need to find out what it might be, so that I can do it again.

    There is a You Tube video of Micheal Mosley talking in Australia this year about diet and exercise which is very interesting. I am not sure that out American friends can view this, so if they can’t I will watch and list the salient points and then share it on here.

    Great to have you back Queen. I am trying to find out whether I can come up with any tips for you from these various programmes that I have seen lately.

    Annette- truly great news and so exciting that your body is handling the race stress so much better- I think the extra fat has been good for the recovery aspect. I would love to hear about the MM video so do update us when you can.

    Tango-I am also in peri menopause and have been for 3 1/2 yrs now- I started taking maca powder in the form of a product called Femmenessence- there are several formulas depending on what stage you are in- for peri menopause I take the maca life formula. It has been a total lifesaver for me. The accupuncturist that recommended it said it is the only product her group of practioners have found helpful for peri and post menopause symptoms. I get mine from Amazon.

    Apricot- great info on fats- I will check out the reading you mentioned. I too have found that increasing my fats and lowering my carbs and now I only eat in an 8 hour window has been working wonders on my weight loss.

    Jade– hope you are continuing to feel good and in control– wishing you all the best on that front!!

    Queen- best of luck on your search for what works for you for weight loss. I had to (very reluctantly) lower my carbs down to 40 gr a day and increase my fats and protein to 100 gr a day and eat in an 8 hr window and — bingo…. Success for me but more than that all my cravings are gone and I am content… Not my usual feeling on a diet. Some people don’t like the high fat but I live for high fat and would gladly eat fat over carbs.

    I am happy to report that I am finally within 5 lbs of my goal weight and pants are fitting that have been hiding away for years in the back of my closet. Hoping to reach goal weight by August as I have a big trip planned. The last 5 may hang on tight!

    Wishing you all a great day- or night!


    Hey Queen, always love hearing your news, good bad or ugly☺️. Yes, i would lay good odds on bad things happening to me after a pizza lunch. And there are some days that make no sense at all, so Tango I would chalk a lot up to hormones. I’ve been meno/post-meno for years, still think I’m battling it. Not that we can’t fight back, but it’s a different battle than it was before. Sisterly hugs to you xx

    Somewhat haphazardly, I’m following you, Annette – nothing is completely off limits, but I’ve upped the good fats, kept sugar mostly out of the house, and put more carbs (esp grains) in the “treat” category. So… I had regular old pie last night, oh it was a bad-carb festival, BUT I had it after a yummy big salad with greens, veggies, olives, steak, avocado and olive oil vinaigrette. Now there’s a secret that isn’t really a secret – have the good fats, protein, and veggies first. That pie did kick ass, but I was happy with a small piece. Oh I could’ve eaten more believe me, but I chose to be a thoughtful version of happy.

    So Annette huge congrats on your running time! And for the way you prepped and felt after. That’s wonderful!! Sounds as though you proved Apricot’s theory re energy. Study it, hold it close to your heart, and rejoice🎉👍 – then bottle it and send it around the globe☺️😎 Man, that salmon sounds delicious, and it’s so good for you. YOU’VE TURNED TO THE DARK SIDE, I KNOW IT. 😏 Good for you, and may it continue!

    I’m feeling so healthy I decided to do a FD today. A few minutes ago I got to feeling deprived, because I’m a whiny baby, so I fixed my favorite diet drink, fruit soda and cream. Yes, sugar-free because nothing’s off limits in the rehab cave. Black raspberry soda with a splash of cream, I’m telling you it’s crazy good. Whatever works is my mantra for now. Take care and happy experimenting, dear islanders💪🌴😍🔆xx
    ps: caliB we crossed, well done you! Last 5, watch out!👊🤗

    That’s fantastic Annette, no wonder you feel thrilled to bits. You did so well, 20 mins faster is huge! It’s many years since I ran 10 miles, I was nearly half the age I am now 😨. I stick to swimming these days, less hard on ageing joints! And the last time I did a long one was two years ago, 2 miles, just had a banana before. I starch packed for a 10k swim three years ago, finished ok but as it was the first and last, I’ve not had anything to compare it with! Now I think I’d try going very low carb for that just to try it out, but you have to get well adapted a couple of months before.

    So when is the next? You can’t just rest on your laurels!

    Thanks Everyone,
    I have my eye on a Half Marathon in early September. I have wandered round the course twice before, it has been very hot and sunny on both times I have struggled round.I have tried to get better, but at 55, perhaps that is a little ambitious. My only 10K training has been run/walk 2 miles 3 times a week with the odd 3 or 4 miles at the weekend. I still find it weird that I feel so much better and the only thing that I have changed is more fat, less rice/pasta/bread less often and the seed/nut meusli for breakfast.
    For me I have to like what I eat and see a benefit to any changes that I make.I like to eat food and so am very interested in learning new recipes. The salmon recipe is scrumptious, Jade. Try it. I buy a bread roll, purely for the breadcrumbs as I know that I would scoff a loaf of the white stuff. I simply enjoy what is left of the roll.
    The MM video is an hour long, but I will listen and take notes and then post them on here.There was also a programme on the BBC about genetics and obesity, so I will watch that again and post the points that were made here as well. My plan is to do this by the end of the week.
    I am planning 2 FD this week, but I feel that I need to eat today, so I will.

    Annette that’s brilliant with regards to your time and race achievement. You obviously had some bread but was very interested to hear you haven’t suffered energy slumps without so many carbs!

    The high fat low carb diet was in the DM (I know a great source of information!) but checking it’s not what you are following:
    BREAKFAST: 40g of protein, 65g to 75g of fat – you can mix the fats as long as they add up to a minimum of 65g.
    LUNCH: 80g to 100g of protein, two handfuls of green salad or green vegetables, 70g to 80g of fat.
    DINNER: 140g to 200g of protein, 60g to 70g of vegetables, 70g to 80g of fat.

    No, what do you think…. 60 grams of fat- at least at each meal???? whaa 1620 kcal of fat?! that’s at least four tablespoons of fat at each meal, I cannot see myself losing weigh on this and would feel sick but curious to hear if you are having this much low careers? I also have very dry skin so keen to find out if a plan like this may work… of me personally that amount of fat would make me quite poorly I think. I also wouldn’t use saturated fats just incase, we don’t know for sure they are ok to eat.

    A previous poster noticed a change in mood, something I am selfishly interested in. Suffering longterm anxiety and low mood (although lack of resilience can’t be found in food form!) I wonder if it may affect hormones and mood. I presume the LCHF sends one into ketogenesis, this also fascinates me as they treat some epileptics with this type of diet…so the effect not he brain is amazing…

    PS are you guys still breakfasting?

    Bingeing Qeen, it’s so confusing when they don’t talk about real foods. You don’t have to have that quantity as fats or oils, but whole milk yogurt, eggs, avocado and nuts are all high fat. Then if you add butter to your veg to serve, or cooked something in olive oil, coconut oil or butter, or used an olive oil based vinaigrette, you’ve probably pretty much got there. But also I suspect they are talking about the average man on 2400 kcal, too. Think percentages rather than grams.

    I’m on FD and I’ve just had coffee with half a teasp of MCT oil in it, which I’m hoping will stop me being hungry until later today as no sugars and no insulin spike but a tiny bit of fat to keep me going and encourage more out of my cells!

    Annette there are several medical people on here who would know better than I, but it may be that your body was able to use the fat that is in your skeletal muscles effectively as well as the glycogen stores there. And you have been getting yourself nice and fit too, well done. Runners often “hit the wall” or “brick” at around 16 miles, when the glycogen has been used up and the brain is crying out for it. That’s where some sports doctors now think the Keto diet has advantages, as the brain has been trained to run on the ketones provided by fat as well as on glycogen. But all this is fairly new stuff and controversial in some quarters. Dr Tim Noakes, Dr Phinney and a sports doc in Australia have been working with this, and they get controversy all the way.

    PS Bingeing queen, I have brunch now, so mostly two meals a day, with brunch any time from 1130 to 4pm, depending on how hungry I am and what I’m doing. I go as late as I can on FD, but rarely manage only one meal and never a water fast the way some on here do.

    Thanks for that info Apricot! I’m like you Queen, I find LCHF fascinating and want to know more about the effect of food on mood and energy. So here’s a question – as I’ve posted recently, LCHF just doesn’t suit me as a full time way of life. But many days, it suits me just fine. Could there be a benefit to doing LCHF some of the time? And I don’t mean the benefit of eating whole foods, but the ketosis or whatever shifts things to using body fat. Probably not, even as I type this, I’m thinking that ketosis requires a few days just to get started. Anyway, just a thought. I need an escape hatch from any total restrictions, so I’m still pleased with the modified approach.

    I managed my FD yesterday without too much trouble. I got bored midafternoon and almost caved, but luckily I wasn’t really feeling hungry, just bored. So many useful tips I’ve learned here – ha ha BALT for the win🏅! So today’s goal is to skip breakfast. To answer your question, Queen, I do try to still skip morning eating but if I’m truly hungry I’ll have some eggs. No way can I have carbs at breakfast, you’d see a full-throated lizard chasing me the rest of the day. Hey that gives me an idea I’ve been wanting to do for a while, to list the tried and true things that help me stay in control. Maybe I’ll get to that soon.

    Make it a great day, I’m emerging from th cave for a bit of sun – happy surfing, islanders!🏄🌴🔆😍

    Jade, sustained ketosis usually requires a very low carb level. However, many people report weigh loss and general health improvement while on a liberal LCHF, which leaves room for most veggies and some fruit. Dropping the sugar and grains alone is enough to stabilise mood as they both spike insulin response (with the inevitable crash).

    Scrambled eggs in butter is a brilliant breakfast which will keep you satisfied easily to lunch. You’re so right about not starting on carbs first thing, because it sets you up for the roller coaster the whole day.

    Bingeingqueen, I’d be more worried about excessive protein in that list you quoted there than the fat!

    CaliB- thanks so much for the info vis a vis peri-meno 😉 I feel like misunderstood teen at the mo 😉 and my energy levels have plummeted, I’m going to get my thyroid blood test checked first, but think your suggestion might be ok for low thyroid sufferers.

    Jade-as I understand it, the LCHF can be rotated, so 3 days of low carb, (20grms) and then back to normal carbs (50grms) anyone tried this?

    Queen-breakfast, not so often now, and no longer on the porridge oats, just greek yog/berries OR boiled egg and avocado..depends on how much time.

    Annette-well done 10k 🙂 did I understand that you ate salmon? or was it muesli before? I will be back running as soon as I see the physio about my knee. I’ve had to wait so long for the physio that my knee is virtually better, lol, however I dare not run until I’m aware of some strengthening exercises, as don’t want to mess if up for my Latin classes. Some can’t handle fats before races, but I guess it’s just trial and error. My sister ran a marathon on a handful of Special K, 🙂

    Apricot-glad you get to swim, I love swimming but not in the sea where I live, not convinced it’s very clean! I do quite a lot of strength and weight bearing exercises, recommended by the King of 5:2, MM, he does squats, push ups, lunges 3 to 4 times a week, as well as HITT. I *hate* dumbbells but heavy weights, really make the difference, and last week cos my energy went down the drain, I did no strength training at all, result: my arms already feel a bit wobbly, amazing no?

    My nod to trying to make my lifestyle less stressful is a weekly yoga class, great for flexibility, not so great for weight loss. Best thing I’ve taken from that is the ‘downward’ dog (do it everyday) and also ‘child pose’ check them out, you feel quite ‘blissed’ out. I also meditate most days, 15 mins x 2, it can be a chore, but it is a real help. There’s a bit of a misconception with this, in the 15 mins, your mind does wander, but bringing it back to focus is part of the deal, and just having the 15 mins, means a little bit of space 🙂 was intrigued to read that Ruby Wax the comedian has written a book on it.

    Fasting tomorrow, good luck everyone! xx

    Queen, I am just eating real food. As you know, I ban nothing, simply avoiding sugar is what I try to do, most of the time. I want to be as healthy a I can be by eating good food that I enjoy. Today at work for lunch, the choice was Seafood Risotto which I like, but I also know that it is almost all white rice, so I chose a slice of Quiche-cheese, eggs and ham with salad and a spoonful of hummus. I felt full all afternoon and I really enjoyed it to. When I got home from work I was very tired and had a couple of handfuls of walnuts and an apple. My evening meal has been a bowl of the nut/seed meusli with full fat yoghurt, an apple, a banana and several apricots.

    If you were to look at the calories of what I have eaten today, you might throw your hands up in horror. If you ignore the calories completely(on the basis that it is a hopeless measure as our bodies process different foods in different ways)and look at all of the good fats and vitamins I have consumed with the low level of carbs, then you might regard my days food as very good.

    I have 6 avocados in the fruit bowl which I am waiting for them to ripen. I know that I will be eating one a day when soon with some homemade dressing(2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 2 tsp white wine vinegar and 1 tsp Dijon mustard-give it a good shake and it will probably ‘do’ several salads.Did you know that extra virgin olive oil is very beneficial against breast cancer?

    Tomorrow, I am having a salmon fillet-18g Fat which I will then brush with full fat mayonnaise(1 tsp ish) sprinkle with parmesan/fresh breadcrumbs and then eat with salad and the rest of the roll.I will enjoy it, know that all that Omega 3 is doing me good and know that I can eat like this forever.

    Did I mention that my hair, skin and nails are simply fabulous? I always had nails that would break…not anymore. I am thinking about giving up moisturizer(the nut/seed meusli has been wonderful) and conditioner.

    Fat fills you for longer. Have bacon and eggs for breakfast and be full for 4 hours, or have yoghurt with fruit or cereal and be full for 2. Really interesting research.

    Tango, I had the 2 salmon fillets the night before the run and the muesli with nut/seed mixture with full fat yoghurt, on the morning of the run. I might try bacon and eggs and see how I feel for the next longer run.

    Why not try more fat in your diet? See how you feel. I do feel fuller, sleep better, feel calmer and rather happy as I am eating food that I enjoy, do not count calories and think that a life with less rice/pasta in it is fine.

    Please don’t think that I am some paragon of virtue. My trip to the supermarket saw me leave with a Pain chocolat and eat it before I crossed the road! I was tired and vulnerable to shop manipulation.

    Very interesting Apricot.

    Good morning fasters and non-fasters 🙂

    Lovely to hear of all the good stuff happening, well done Annette on the run and Jade on the normal (I always knew you were normal) and Tango, CaliB, Apricot & lolly doing so well, despite the challenges of peri-menopause.

    So lovely to see you too Queen and congratulations on the successes and for sharing the challenges – I too can binge on anything if the urge hits and it doesn’t often fit neatly into “I binged because I ate X Y or Z’ more like ‘I binged because it helped me to cope with my feelings’. A shout out to Karen and Chubs (hope it’s going well on the road) and to penguin too.

    I had a good FD yesterday and feeling okay today, so maybe the tide is turning for me too Jade and I can emerge from the rehab cave for a little surf & sun. God knows we need it here, being in the chilly grip of winter. Spring xxx

    Thanks Lolly, I very much appreciate that info. Always nice to see you on the island😍! And Tango, I’ve not heard of rotating the true LCHF days, but that’s sort of what I do. How amazing would it be if something I was already doing was a thing😎 though I can’t say I do 3 strict LCHF days in a row. Better stop thinking so hard about it, I can hear the lizards whispering….. I’m intrigued by your yoga and meditation, have considered taking a yoga class but here in the boonies it means a bit of a drive. I know I could do it at home, though probably need a video to keep from snapping a tendon. That book by the comedian sounds interesting, I may need to check that one out.

    Annette, it always cheers me to know you are not a paragon of virtue! Paragons are so hard to emulate🤔Also, love the reminder that the calorie effect is different with good fats and whole foods. I admit, I can gain with whole foods, but very gradually I’m finding there are more days I don’t overdo, the longer I stick with it. My LCHF no-grain period was a very good habit-breaker re bread and processed wheat. They’re no longer on the never list but also not on the craving list either. Wheeee 🎉

    Spring, dear Spring, congrats on nailing a FD. It’s all any of us are doing, just dusting ourselves off from the latest lizard battle and doing that “sway” thing you described. I could be a hula dancer with all the swaying I’ve been doing. Lucky to have this forum to stay motivated, learn good stuff, try new ways to fight the battles. Sounds like soup weather for you down there☃ it’s beastly hot and humid here, but that can take away my appetite so that’s a good thing.🌞🌞🌞

    Good luck to all fasting today💪 I’m going to try to behave like a normal person, and it’s still just a pale imitation but maybe in 20 years or so it’ll become a habit! 😂 Cheers from the rehab cave🍷🌴♥️xxx

    Loving all the great ideas on this forum lately– I have been slowly increasing my carbs to include berries and a little brown rice – quinoa and lentils are next for me. I’m terrified of reawakening my cravings and binging but I need to know which foods do this to me. So far so good…. I feel like I’m walking in a mine field and any minute I may explode if I make a wrong choice. What I know to be true now is if that happens I just fast the next day and that seems to calm down the cravings. Sometimes I feel like an alcoholic skirting on the edge of the drink!!

    We get up at 4 o’clock to eat before beginning our fast for Ramadan and today I was not able to go back to sleep before I had to get the kids up for their summer beach programs. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long and arduous day. I can already feel the bad mood slipping in. I will be a whole lot of fun at work today!!

    I have been making a homemade buttermilk dressing and enjoying salads in a way I have not done for many years. Having a full fat salad dressing sure changes things for me.

    I do agree with Annette my skin and hair have definitely changed tremendously since starting this high-fat low-carb diet.

    I would love to respond to each one of you on all of the wonderful things you have brought to this form recently but I’m just too dang tired and grumpy to do it now!! Just know your thoughts and ideas always help get me through the day!!

    That’s brilliant, CaliB – and very scientific I might add. I love experimenting, and always good to keep in mind that it’s possible to hit the reset button with fasting. Though for me it can take several hits on that thing before it resets ME. Ha.

    This is for all my crazy island girls:
     photo crazy_zpsci7r52ve.jpg

    Hello Everyone,
    First FD in a few weeks and all went well this morning. Sadly not much in the way of choice for lunch, so made the best choice that I could. Dinner is the Parmesan-topped salmon(which I have been thinking about since lunch!) and all in all, I suspect I will clock up more than the 500, but never mind. I have done my best with the choices that I could plan and those that I couldn’t.

    I have another 4 weeks until school breaks up for the summer-whoppeee! I am going to try these weeks having 2 FD a week and continuing with more fat/less carbs and see just how I feel, look and whether the waist shrinks anymore. I am going to be so disappointed if the waist doesn’t get smaller, but it won’t be for the want of trying.

    I want to eat good food that nourishes me, without stressing about how much protein/fat/carbs is in every damn thing. I will always like cake/chocolate/ice cream but I can learn to have them less often and perhaps appreciate them more.

    Hi all

    Annette- love your plan to eat food to nourish 🙂 and sending you vibes for a shrinking waist, I’m sure it will.

    Jade-awesome! you nailed it, normal from time to time, how true! The meditation is my take on trying to keep my life in some control, but I’m in and out of the rehab cave, but I’ve noticed that when I let the meditation go, the week can start to go pear-shaped, so I stick at it. Our teacher is fab, and not too seriously spiritual for my liking, she teaches us little chants to do at home (sorry neighbours) and they are real stress busters. There are some Apps, ‘Headspace’ is the popular one..whether it’s helped me control the lizard is another question. I’ve read when our mind races, cortisol is released (yes that horrible hormone again) which in turn releases glucose, you know the rest…. focusing on something, can lower this…interesting stuff. Think you can reach this state from anything absorbing, running, hula hooping, swimming etc can be meditative.

    Spring-congrats on the FD, isn’t it a great feeling when it goes so right? I’m a great believer that despite fluctuations, and lizard attacks sticking at will work, it’s what is going on inside, the ‘easy on’ weight, is generally ‘easy off’. On Mon I put on ‘7 Ibs’ next day this had gone…

    CaliB, feel for you with that early rise for Ramadam, that would make me ratty, and I wasn’t even fasting, I feel your pain and some of my younger students who are fasting,look very tired at the moment. So are you going to introduce the carbs slowly? as in an elimination diet? love the thought of all that shiny hair! is it the fats themselves OR the vitamins from the fats? Vit E? A?

    I’ve had more energy today! Was feeling so rubbish yesterday, went out and bought some cheapo effervescent minerals/vits, after I get my blood tests, can get the better quality version, but anyway they seemed to work, as today was on the case with my exercise routine, a la Michael Mosley, squats, jumping lunges, the works, felt s**t for the first 5 mins, but gradually got better, I’m back in the saddle!

    love to all Chubs, Karen, Lolly, Queen, Apricot..


    I am loving all the intelligent questing in this thread! You all spark me to challenge my thinking and test my theories and it’s a gift to be here.

    Another 3.5 lbs. for me this week, and feeling fabulous. Of course, my brain immediately started calculating 3.5 times X weeks…. It doesn’t work like that, more’s the pity, but it sure beats the gloomy outlook I had just a few months ago. So, I’m taking my time to savour this result and trying not to look too far down the road. Today is the only day I can be in.

    Cheers to you all.

    Wow, congrats to you Lolly! So pleased it’s working well and lol no, it’s not an exact science is it. 3.5 x Xweeks = recipe for mental disaster😜 But you are definitely on the right path and that’s fantastic.😘

    Oh Tango, how much like me you are. First 5 minutes of almost anything! At least we know if we just push ourselves, we’ll start to get into it. Doesn’t always happen, but more often than not. Otherwise I’d never get anything done😝😃 – glad the Vit/min gave you a boost!
    I thought of you all as I fixed my scrambled eggs with olive oil for a mid morning breakfast. I’ve been so well behaved this week, no snacking after dinner, so decided to recognize that I was actually hungry this morning, not bored. About to go for an IKEA shopping odyssey, so needed something in the tank. Hope I can get out of there without too much trauma. Cheers from rehab 🌴💕jadexxxx

    How was Ikea Jade? Did you go in for a couple of things and leave with a car full?
    I survived the Fd until 10 pm when I caved in and had some seed/nut stuff and then felt so much better and sleepy.
    Today I have been looking for food all day. It has been a rice twice today, so not great but much much better in the grand scheme of things this week.

    Lolly…that is AMAZING. I have never lost 3.5 lb in a week, I have maxed out at 2 lb and was thrilled with that the one time it happened.I stood on the scales this morning post Fd to see that I am exactly the same. Rather demoralizing but for me very very normal, it usually takes a few days to show any difference. I am hoping that the vibes from Tango will help shrink my waist a bit more.

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