I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

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I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

This topic contains 3,042 replies, has 111 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Annette, way to go, you really have come a long way and it’s great to see you feeling the power again👊 – I’ll have a look at the link. CaliB I’m struggling with low-carb, I just don’t like the fat that much, and I know that’s the key to satiety. Tango, like you I have gotten near the goal but battling the sugar and carbs is the last obstacle – we’ll get there, I know.🏆

    Welcome keeluz! Read up on dr Lustig and sugar, as Annette said – we all are a little different in how seriously we’re affected by it, but cutting down on the sugar junk has really helped me. I used to have that craving every night, and now I still get it but not that often. Also, after a while it simply becomes a new habit, NOT having dessert. So there’s both a psychological (habit) and physical (insulin) response we have to foods like that. You can imagine the food mfrs’ goal to make their food irresistible – well, there is science that helps them accomplish that goal. The best way for us consumers to fight it is to understand it.

    And even so….I fell off the wagon a bit yesterday, after some emotional family stuff (that’s actually improving). I guess I felt relieved and then couldn’t resist buying cookies, then last night had three (they were large🐽). And a bit of ice cream. Yes, it’s far less than I’d have had back in the day, but I am cross w/myself mainly for not enjoying them as much as I should have – they were delicious but now I’ve convinced myself that sugar carbs are bad, only to be eaten in unavoidable circs and NOT simply when I’m sitting at home making my own choices. *sigh* I guess I need to tweak my rules so I’m not such a rigid mental mess when I have a ***king cookie😂 Geez.

    OK then! Today is another day, in fact a holiday here in the US – back on the low-carb train I go. Cheers to all of you, glad you are here on the island with me♥️🌴xxx

    Hi guys-

    Sorry I’m not reading right now. I just saw this video that made yogurt making really simple and really clear. http://honestcooking.com/make-sous-vide-yogurt/

    He uses my cute little individual serving canning jars — love that! He also illustrates that you can do a family-size container. And he shows some ways to use your homemade yogurt as well.

    My notes would be that the sous vide part is so unnecessary. Just put your freshly jarred yogurt in your microwave cavity overnight. …making sure everyone knows that they must not turn it on. What you’re attempting to accomplish is keeping the yogurt warm as long as possible so the matrix can form. Some people do that by wrapping it in towels and letting it sit on a counter. Some use insulated coolers. I think annette suggested bottling your yogurt in a thermos bottle. That works too!

    You can see how firm his yogurt is but you can make it even more substantial by stirring non-fat milk powder into your whole milk before you heat it. And you can steep a vanilla bean in it as well if you feel like it. Don’t even need to spit the bean if you don’t want the little black seeds in your finished yogurt.

    Also, when he demos yogurt cheese he does it unflavored. If you stir in some favorings before you drain it you can get some really tasty stuff. Chopped green onion, puréed garlic (rub it against a cutting board with the edge of a chefs’ knife) and a little salt & pepper will get you a Boursin-flavored yogurt cheese. Did you know that’s what Boursin is? Minced dried apricot, slivered almonds chopped up into small shards and some honey will get you something that’s great on toast and scones. I know we don’t eat that stuff anymore but we might have family and friends who do.

    Anyway, thought I could tempt someone into giving it a try to see how easy it is and how great the results are. You’ll save a young fortune and be skipping a lot of the junk commercial dairies put in theirs.

    Thanks Chubs! Excellent video, looks simple enough. I recently bought “low fat” yogurt because it’s the only plain sold at our store (besides 0% Greek, which tastes far better) – it’s gross! I like his tip to strain thru an everyday coffee filter to make it Greeky. So while that’s happening to the store bought stuff, I’m going to buy whole milk and a thermometer so I can make my own!! Hope all’s well in your busy life. xx

    Welcome, Keeliuz, to the island 🙂 We are actually on a treasure hunt here for the recipe for painless and sustainable weight loss. Come join the fun!

    Cali, Canadian, glad that LCHF is also working so well for you. After another week on it, I now understand why I haven’t lost weight in the two weeks before (not that I gained any either): I ate too many proteins. One can be pretty generous with them, but if you eat too many, they also transform into glucose in our bodies, which doesn’t help if you want to lose weight. The formula that Phinney/Volek are giving is: ideal body weight in kg multiplied by 1.0 or max. 1.5 = grams of proteins that you can eat every day. My ideal body weight is around 70kg, so I am trying to not eat more than 80g of protein each day. Guess that 100 g would be ok, too, but since I still want to lose some weight, I tend on the side of caution. If I eat only 70g that is fine too.

    Since I am trying to stay below 30g of carbs every day, the rest of my nutrition has to come from healthy fats. So I am actually not counting calories at all. I count carbs and now also watch out for how many grams of protein I am eating. The rest I fill up with butter (yum yum), coconut oil, olive oil. Coffee with heavy cream (yum yum yum), whipped cream with the few berries that I eat each day, and also almond butter. No calorie counting or restricting whatsoever.

    I understand that eating these healthy fats is actually needed to get your fat metabolism going. It sounds like a paradox, but it actually works: you need to eat fat (under the conditions explained above) to lose fat.

    It is the nicest side-effect of the world, that all the fat prevents you from developing any kind of cravings. I take it as a signal of my body now: if I have a craving for carbs, I immediately try to eat something fat, like a slice of cheese with some butter on it, or some green veggies with a good amount of olive oil.

    I am losing weight again now. Great. But what is even more important: my mood has improved significantly since I am eating like this. I am so much more relaxed, cheerful, optimistic than I ever was before in my whole live. This goes way beyond dropping some kilos, this is my whole body and brain and whatever else changing.

    But I still need to work on integrating the diet into my life. Sometimes I wait too long with eating until I am really really hungry and then tend to overeat on one meal (portion control was always my biggest challenge). But then again, no stress, as I have the rest of my life to figure out how to optimize that 😉

    What is also quite funny is the way that people look at you when they see you eating loads of food that we were trained to regard as BAD and UNHEALTHY. My family is also still eying me suspiciously to see whether this is just another diet experiment. But they like the more relaxed Karen, so I would assume that they will be happy if this becomes my new way of life.

    Greetings and hugs to all islanders! Keep up the great spirit 🙂

    Karen xx

    Karen, it’s heavenly frying eggs in tbe leftover bacon fat!

    K-Lo…another Karen

    So Karen and all doing LCHF, are you not fasting? I’m stuck in this in-between zone, I like fasting and I also like the loss of cravings on LCHF but I’m not totally on-board with counting carbs to such a low level. I went pretty low for a few days but was bored out of my mind. I think I’ll stick with just cutting down.

    But CHUBS OMG that yogurt video. I did everything he said, even straining after it was “yogurt” to get Greek style. It is soo delicious, and thick like clotted cream. And easy! Well, once I bought a candy thermometer. After heating the milk to 180 degrees (F) then down to 110, I put the bowl in a slightly warmed oven (turned off) then left it overnight. Strained it through colander lined with coffee filters for a few hrs this morning. I just took a spoonful from the fridge, IT IS SO GOOD.

    I’m fighting desperately through a FD here, I’ve been really lax but want to get to goal finally and be honest about maintaining, which I’ve been doing for months and calling it 5:2. Gotta get this show on the road🎭🎟💪- we can do it, islanders! Salmon with a dollop of yogurt for dinner in the rehab cave🌴🌴xxx

    Hi Jade- I am still trying out different fasting times but what I have been doing this week is a daily 16 hour fast – from dinner one night to late breakfast or lunch the next day- in combination with HFLC- so far I am very satisfied and I have lost a pound this week. I do up to 40 carbs a day now- I use the Atkins carb tracker to keep me on track. I eat a lot of cheese and butter and cream and veggies– my protein never seems to gets high enough but I am happy. Luckily I am not missing sugar….. Yet.

    I may have to throw in a 5:2 to keep my weight loss going. I have loved the butter makes your pants fall off videos and have learned a great deal from them- he is basically a Dr Fung follower just restating the info in a shorter easier way.

    Hope that helps and when my life slows down a little I really want to look into the yogurt!! Sounds amazing!!!

    Morning All,
    I have decided not to fast this week, partly because I am trying to run more and partly because I can choose what to eat this week. I am not counting calories or giving up all carbs, simply aiming for more fat and vegetables/fruit and smaller portions of rice/pasta and less often. The seed/nut meusli is not enough to get me to lunch if I have run 4 miles, so today I am trying 2 thirds of my homemade meusli(porridge oats/dried fruit) and the other third of the seed/nut mixture.

    My aim is to have less fat on my belly and a smaller waist, and I think that is starting to happen again. It is early days consuming less carbs than I was having before. No idea if I am having a high fat diet, I am simply eating more than I was. So the experiment continues…

    Hi all,

    Hope everyone doing ok ;_-)
    I was fasting yesterday (liquid only) it wasn’t very pleasant, but got through it, Caspersmum, I also go to bed early on FD’s, which is great, sleep is apparently essential to calm the hunger hormones. Today I’m doing a ‘normal’ fast, amazing how exciting 500 cals can be 😉 I’m not totally convinced of liquid only FD’s as worry about the overall ‘toll’ on my active lifestyle, but am doing 3 weeks of these, to ‘surprise’ my body..ha ha..

    Annette sounds like a plan, you’re right that once you add exercise to the mix, you have to think more about how to get the energy and nutrition you need, every mouthful counts, your nuts sound great.

    Jade I’m also a bit resistant to cut down carbs too much, anyway I don’t do ‘bread, potatoes and pasta’, my main carbs are chick peas (some fruit and veg) as they are protein dense as well, and a range of other benefits, for ‘women of a certain age’. I try to focus more on the Vits/Minerals, such as B vits, calcium, zinc and magnesium, so use that as a guide for eating, cos I’m a veggie. I am adding a little more fat to meals, (olive oil on veg brings out the A,D,E,K vits) but am not going to do it for the sake of it, ‘I like butter maybe on a scone? but this is also a trigger for me. Cheese I love, but also a trigger..
    Will have a go with yoghurt, sounds awesome.

    I have my Latin class today, so am not doing anymore exercise, as have a sore back, may have overdone it.

    Sending positive vibes to all! Hi K-lo! well done CaliB and Karen, glad it’s going ok 🙂 Hi chubs, Spring and anyone else..

    I am quite confused to know what is a carbohydrate and what is not…and then what other people think they are or not. I am fussy enough and have no desire to eat a limited amount of food choice and then be both miserable and obsessed.
    My plan is to stick with those scrumptious avocados and pair them with salad, unless I have been on a run(more than 3 miles) and then it will be on 2 slices of wholemeal/seeded toast. I will aim to eat food that is higher in fat-smoked salmon and eggs at the weekend or during the school holidays for my lunch when it is just me to please and I am not running more than 3 miles.I will continue to have butter but as I have less bread when at home, I shall chuck it liberally into any omlette/scrambled egg that I make. I am gong to continue to eat fruit-what I like and when I like it as I am not a fan of vegetables(apart from peas and carrots). My nut addiction will continue unabated with almonds and walnuts and brazils which I snack on by the handful, or add to a salad with a homemade dressing. I shall continue to make home made yoghurt from full fat milk(much more filling)and add to the homemade seed/nut mixture or to that with some homemade meusli if I am running. Roast potatoes will be a weekly treat unless the boys are out/away in which case I will not have them at all.
    I suppose that I am aiming to eat the best that I can with the food that I like the most-the key to sustaining this, I feel.I was in the supermarket buying some plants when I really wanted a cake or to buy the 6 pack of ice cream. I made the decision to leave with the plants and a large bag of nuts(they only come in 1 size) and ate them all the way home.
    I would love to think that I was a reformed character, but I am very much in rehab, just making each decision one at a time. No doubt though that less sugar in my life means that I am much much calmer and enjoy what I eat, without looking constantly for the next sweet fix. I had no idea that I was a sugar addict. Now I have nuts!

    Hi Annette,
    I’m also in the rehab cave 😉 and still experimenting with what makes me feel good, not crave or binge and I REALLY want to get rid of these these last stubborn 14 Ibs 🙂 I was also confused initially as what counts as a carb. I just tend to think of carbs as sugars, either simple or complex, the complex ones take longer to break down, although fruit is counted as more simple carb, it contains fiber, so doesn’t spike the blood sugar so much. However, as I understand it, depends on the fruit. Veg operates in a similar way.

    Here’s a list of fruits ranging from high to low sugars.. https://www.verywell.com/low-carb-fruit-list-2242528


    Hi Annette- interesting question- what is a carb and what is it that people think a carb is- I thought it was only grain related. Now that I am realizing that my weight loss and binging is so intertwined with carbs I am diligent about tracking them to see how many can I eat and still lose weight. It seems carbs are in a lot more foods then I realized. The grams add up fast and I was eating well into the 200-300 range when I didn’t pay attention. The key is to find what foods you enjoy and allow you to still loose weight and not ignite the desire to binge- this is unique for each person. I’m on a quest to slowly increase my carb amount to see how many I can have and still lose weight and not want to binge- it is a definite science experiment. I had a low carb ice cream alternative with some chicory root sweetened chocolate the other night and the next day I was a mess of cravings. Dr Fung has explained the role of non sugar sweeteners and insulin leve response- it is practically the same as it is with sugar. I saw first hand for myself how this happened to me. I was much happier without that sweet – ish treat.

    I read the New Atkins book (I was not a fan of Atkins before) and it really made a lot of sense to me. I use their app to track my eating and I love their plan of figuring out what level of carbs my body can handle- we are all different. I like feeling satisfied but not like I want to shove one more bite in just because- I am hoping to keep an eating plan that reduces my binging because it makes me really upset to constantly police myself to not overeat- it’s exhausting!!

    Taking my 12 yr old on a class trip to a water park today- I am not ready for my bikini-(I don’t own one yet!!) so out from the archives comes my oldy moldy one piece that’s probably 10 yrs old b/c I hate bathing suit shopping!!

    Because my cravings and binging got going from the ice cream I had 2 days ago I will fast today to get back on track– better too so I don’t have to bring food to the water parkI–‘ll just bring my powdered vitamins with ground flax seeds and add water when I’m there– if I don’t eat ground flax seeds every day my hair starts to fall out and I can’t tolerate thinning hair on top of everything else!! Menopause!!!!

    Best of luck to you on your quest Annette – it is a balancing act for us all!!


    We are fine with some carbs, just not the refined quick fix ones. But I know what you mean. Compare an apple with a clementine: the apple has 22g of carb, the clementine only 9 (it is a bit smaller though). But Apple has potassium in, which is good to have. I don’t think we should be banning them wholesale, just being much more selective.

    Thanks for that link, Tango – of course my go-to grapes are high sugar! But good to know, I like all fruit, and always have apples too, so my devious plan to outwit my sugar lizard is slowly working😈. My FD salmon with homemade yogurt topping was flat-out delicious. I had to have a bit more yogurt and fruit before bed, so it wasn’t the strictest of FDs but not bad considering my slightly hungover state from a dinner party the night before.

    I love this discussion of carbs and how to find the right individual level! Definitely seems to be the key to curbing cravings. Annette, I think we are alike – I was bored when I cut out most fruit. I had enough carbs not to feel deprived or anything, but gosh it was boring. And in summer, we are surrounded by such wonderful varieties of fruit….I just can’t. Fun to experiment, isn’t it? All while eating beautiful, healthful who,e foods.

    CaliB, I agree about the sweeteners, I’ve slipped back into having a diet drink and it’s not like the sugar hit of yore but it’s definitely causing problems. I downloaded a free book called Never Binge Again, by a psychologist Glenn Livingston – the title is a bit misleading, because it’s equally helpful just for cravings. Similar to Brain over Binge, he calls the lower brain The Pig (the survival impulse – to eat as we’ve now been conditioned by too much sugar). He describes how to separate its voice from our own, so that we truly call the shots. Pretty entertaining, and free😎 Anyway, I like his idea of creating a food plan – like you’re doing Annette – his is a list of things that are Never, Unlimited, and Conditional, but then you can amend the list as you go along. But the goal is to “never binge” i.e. eat stuff or behave in ways you’ve identified as “nevers.” Eventually, all of it becomes just the way you naturally eat/behave. A good example of one my “conditionals” is that I will have dessert only in social situations when it would be fussy or rude to refuse. So maybe it’s just a shiny new toy in our Arsenal of things we use to get to Planet Normal, but I love toys😀

    Great job on “going nuts” 😂instead of grabbing the treats, Annette – get that habit going! CaliB, have a blast at the water park – and go you, planing to fast💪 And Tango, good luck with your fast today, I’ll join you in a B2B at least until dinner – we may go out with D – but getting well acquainted with hunger until then can’t hurt. Hope your back feels better, mine’s a bit sore too but from pulling weeds. Not nearly as elegant as dancing! Shoutout to Spring, Chubs, Karen, Queen, and all the islanders – cheers and hugs♥️♥️jade xx

    Sorry! I’m amazingly behind again and far too into my HJLN program (that’s High Junk; Low Nutrition) to show my sorry face here but I did want to say that I’m glad you got to see how easy the yogurt is, Jade. The reason I posted that video is I think he did a great job of showing how simple the procedure is.

    Cali, it *is* good but be aware it’s just yogurt. I don’t want to over promise anything. It will be rich and firm. It will be just as tasty as you make it — since you can add anything you want. And it will be devoid of anything you didn’t want in there. I think that part is *excellent*! It will probably be much cheaper than commercial yogurts. But, bottom line, it’s just yogurt. …unless you add the herbs and onions and strain it and make it into Boursin-type yogurt cheese, that is. 😏

    Missing your company, your sage advice & encouragement and your inspiration, All. And MAN!, do I NEED it! But I’m afraid I’m in the last couple weeks of packing up, shipping off and then driving home. I will SERIOUSLY need to start at Ground Zero mid-month. I feel like I’m living a game of Chutes & Ladders. But knowing you’ll be there when I can grasp that lifeline makes all the difference! As we say in SoCal, hasta lo vista.

    Hello Everyone!
    I had wondered how you were Chubs.We will be here for when you land and join us again.Good luck with the packing up, shipping and driving home.

    Drum roll please…I have lost an inch off my actual around the belly button waist!I lost 3 inches in the first year and no more, nothing until now. While I have lost inches all over in the past 3 and a half years, I was starting to give up on my waist getting any smaller. I am putting the success down to less sugar in my diet and perhaps more fat. I am thrilled to have a waist that is now 4 inches smaller!!!

    I might celebrate with an Almond Croissant!

    Hahaha Chubs, I was just going to log off as I too have been in a less that moderate place re: food (not eating junk, just way too much cheese and NO portion control…) when I saw your post so thanks for the laugh. I’ve been reading here but while everyone is doing so well it seems a shame to rain on the parade. I was going to reply to your other thread too, but on reflection I realised I couldn’t offer any wisdom. I hope you find that key or switch or whatever it is that will have you back on track. For me there is definitely a switch that flicks prior to a significant weight loss but once it flicks back again it can be damned hard to reverse. I’m trying to stay in a plateau but I have to confess my plateau has more than a little incline in the upward direction 😉

    I’m not getting down about it though and I’ve given myself permission to rest from the effort for a bit. It feels kind of nice actually and my exercise and calmness of mind levels have skyrocketed as a result. It will happen in the end and it won’t be rushed seems to be the lesson I need to learn right now.

    I dearly love you all and I’m thrilled to bits with all the success I’m witnessing on here as you all duck and dive and refine and tweak to make something just right for YOU. Love Spring xoxxo

    We crossed Annette – well done!!!! Enjoy every flake of that yummy almond croissant 🙂 xx

    Oh my goodness — I go away for a couple of weeks and return to find you’ve all caught the LCHF torch and are running with it! I’m so excited to have such good company. 🙂

    I couldn’t wait to get home and have a fast day yesterday and straight back into strict LCHF. I feel heaps better already. I went to a moderate level while I was staying with family and kept my weight stable but I really want to see those scales shift again.

    Lovely to see all your posts!

    annette, that is *insanely* exciting!!! Just knowing that can happen is a real shot in the arm! It is just reward for all the hard work and hard running you’ve done and I couldn’t be happier for you!

    Dear spring, let’s go set up camp down on the Bad Girls’ Isthmus and lick our wounds. Probably less calories than the stuff we’ll be avoiding from now on!

    I managed a clean fast yesterday, Trying for another one today to break the spell. We just have to keep ourselves busy and distracted so nobody else pay any attention if you hear spring and I cutting down forests or whooping up war dances or anything. 😏

    Don’t leave us Chubs and Spring!
    It is exciting to have shifted and inch after such a long time. I don’t think that running x3 times a week has anything to do with it, because it hasn’t had any impact after the initial shrinkage on my waist. I cut down on my sugar consumption in January and no waist shrinkage then. It the last couple of months, I have eaten more fat and less bread/pasta/rice…and now I have lost an inch. Co-incidence? I don’t think so.

    The Almond Croissant was scrumptious and I enjoyed every morsel. Yesterday I was awake from 3am(no idea why, menopausal? and then my brain was busy) and after a busy day of meeting friends, clearing stuff from a cellar and then going on a beautiful 6 mile walk.After cooking dinner, I found that there was no milk, so tired and vulnerable, I left the shops with chocolate too…and scoffed the lot before I fell asleep!

    So, far from perfect and very much a work in progress. Never mind, lets just keep going.

    Annette, Chubs, Spring, Tango, CaliB, and every other lovely island inhabitant or visitor…we have all gone to parties at Bad Girls Isthmus (lol Chubs, nailed it!), sometimes for very long parties! Annette, I just want to reach across the Atlantic and hug you for being so delightfully not perfect😍 – of course you had chocolate, girl! I had THE identical night. Broke my own rule about desserts, after failing to talk hubs into some after dinner. I just went back in the kitchen and voila, transported myself to the Isthmus. Short party, but felt just right. An almond croissant kind of party.

    Gang, this is the cycle (not the circle lol) of any human life. It’s what you described Spring, that switch being on or off. Sometimes we’re up for a good fight, sometimes we’re not. I believe avoiding the sugar/bad carbs helps a LOT, but it doesn’t immunize us. The best I can do sometimes is just not to jump off the Isthmus cliff and try to drown myself👋 – Then I hack my way back to the rehab cave💪 because I do want to feel good, look good, be healthy, etc. Swinging that scythe is great mental cardio.

    After a sort-of b2b this week, I was amazed to realize I had forgotten what it felt like to be serene about fasting. The first day was hell. The second day, I wasn’t preoccupied with food at all. It’s sort of what I remember about my early days doing 5:2. And I probably caught myself in a good “switch” time on day 2, but it was worth it to get that lovely feeling again. Must keep that in my head now! I may visit every cave on the island today 🌴🌴♥️♥️ – love and hugs to all of you! jadexxxx

    I am so *grateful* for you guys! annette capsulizes it in “So, far from perfect and very much a work in progress. Never mind, lets just keep going” and then Jade goes lyrical and hysterical with it. Do you remember “biorhythms”, Jade? Very 70s but more or less what you’re describing and we all live out despite best intentions.

    Bet lots of the rest of you have come to the same conclusions and offered the same support while I was off being a piggy and alternately exhilarated and self-loathing.

    I’m headed toward the rehab cave. I fasted Wed. Yesterday I did too except for eating an entire jicama. I’m also glad to say I managed to taste some applesauce I was making and also a VERY sweet pineapple syrup without succumbing again. I’m going to try to fast again today. I *really* want to get all the nasty food of that ugly 10 days out of my system. I really want that clean lean feeling again!

    I feel like if I can make it through 2 clean weeks they will be my placeholder when I go back into disruptive times. I’ve discovered that I’m just not a person who tolerates change well. It’s good for me and I can really enjoy once I’ve made the “new” “normal” but the transition periods are tough for me and I just have to recognize that and cope. But I think the period of (hopefully) discipline I’m in will be an anchor even if I go drifting again during the move.

    Meanwhile, thanks to all of you for being out there! Can’t explain how critical it is to me finding my way back. Hope to return the favor in the future!!!!

    I just love this forum. I don’t post often but I read your messages. I would have been better off years ago if I’d known such smart, funny, caring women could be bringers like me! I thought it was only horrible people like me. Really, it’s quite a revelation. I kept it a secret for so many years…..still don’t broadcast it.

    I’ve been doing very well for quite a while. Loving the LCHF way of eating. Can’t say the pounds are dropping off (because of my need for a hip replacement, I hardly get any exercise), but I feel sooo good on this way of eating. The mental aspect of it is amazing. I think I’ve been seeking fat for a long time and not knowing it.

    I hosted my Book Club Tuesday night so bought food for it. At Costco I bought a bag of cashew clusters (sound sort of healthy because of nuts but really mostly sugar) and dark chocolate covered mango slices (again sounded like might be healthy). They were delicious and after people left and the next evening I binged on these treats. Ate out of control. As is usual for me, I would eat well during the day — no urge to binge — but come night time, I binged out of control. I finally got up and put the remainder of both bags down the garbage disposal!

    Went to bed in a sugar-induced haze. Woke up the next morning and thought I was sick. First thought it was a cold. I was all congested. Blowing my nose constantly. Since my hip surgery is June 17, I’m nervous about getting sick and having it cancelled. But then that congested part ended and I was sick to my stomach. Multiple trips to the bathroom. That continued last night and even this morning.

    I really think it was a huge reaction to all that sugar after having been almost totally off sugar for weeks and weeks. An allergic reaction. I really felt sick. I am going to use this as another tool in my arsenal — not only is sugar and binging not good for my looks, I am quite severely allergic to sugar and really have to stay away from it.

    I wonder if this carbohydrate sensitivity is something you’re born with or if it is triggered at some point during childhood. I’m leaning toward the born with option. My mother was like this and I wish I’d been more understanding of her struggle with it. I think I was the worse of my 4 siblings (one sister is built like our dad and has no carb problem at all — a brother is more like mom and I think his carb problem shows up more in drinking alcohol). I’ve never been hugely overweight — and often within the average range — certainly was able to control all this more when I was a smoker. Weight became a bigger problem when I stopped smoking. It’ not even the weight so much as the ‘stinkin thinkin’ about food for all my life. I’m rambling…..

    Anyway it’s all very interesting and I thank you for reading and for your insightful posts.

    I think maybe I made it to the Rehab Cave! I managed a clean fast on Wed. On Thurs I only broke my fast with a jicama (about 250 calories). Friday I did a 500-calorie fast. So far, so good!

    Yesterday I hoped to get back to my pattern but my husband wanted to get out so we spent the day out and had lunch at a restaurant. I had a small salad — they didn’t have a meal-sized salad — and I had crispy deep-fried chicken skin with it. Never had that before but OMG! I don’t think that did too much violence to my program and I had grilled salmon and tomato soup for dinner.

    Today is a day of activity too. May have to grab lunch on the run. But I remain hopeful that I can make this week a week of re-establishing my pattern so I can rely on that during the drive home. Transitions are the toughest thing for me. And it turns out we’re leaving sooner than expected. Steve hopes to be on the road early Friday when I thought I had another week.

    Congrats on your week, Chubs– sounds like you are back on track. Traveling can be so hard on the dieting front– I’m happy you are feeling better and safe journeys home!

    I start Ramadan tomorrow and I’m hoping all the fasting I’ve done up until now will help get me thru it. I don’t usually lose weight during that fasting so we will see this time around with my new LCHF diet if it makes any difference.

    I’m so excited that a new work out studio is opening in my town- it is called Orange Theory Fitness- don’t know if any of you have heard of it? My dearest friend opened 2 of them in her hometown and when I visited her last (she is in Memphis) I tried it out. Best workout of my life!! Can’t wait to start going to the one here when it opens.

    Going out to dinner tonight with the family- Mexican food. I will have to resist the chips and salsa!! I have no off button for them.

    Happy to report that since starting the LCHF diet 3 weeks ago and doing daily 16-20 hour fasts I have lost 6 lbs! I am really thrilled! I have about 7-8 more lbs to go but I’m expecting these last few to be the most stubborn ones.

    I know I have been raving about my love of butter and I’m sure you’re all sick of hearing about it but I never imagined I could eat 4 T of butter everyday and still lose weight. Hoping this isn’t too good to be true!

    Wishing everyone a happy Sunday wherever you are!

    I have just been searching for a butter dish! When the spread is finished then there will just be butter in this house. The more I read, the more this seems to make sense.

    I ran/walked 6.4 miles yesterday and found it very tough. Although I had a glass of milk when I got home, swiftly followed by peanut butter on toast, nuts and fruit..I felt lousy a couple of hours later when out with friends. I started to sweat and shake, so pit stop to a shop for me to buy a small bottle of fizzy and chocolate. I started to feel better almost immediately.I had changed my breakfast to 80/20 meusli/nuts but I think that I will make it 100% next Sunday before the 10K run and make sure that I have money for sweets afterwards.

    My friend who had 10 stone to lose with SW(has now lost 2.5 stone)and is diabetic. I was explaining that she has to have food with 10% fat only but can eat as much carbs as she likes. I explained about the LCHF way of thinking and she was worried about getting confused and then not losing weight. I understand that and want to support her. It is a complete minefield!

    I will try and share these articles that are rather interesting.

    Ah! Ramadan. Last Ramadan we were in South Africa. Cape Town. My husband has always worked closely with a good number of Muslims in LA and he marveled at how lucky the Muslims of the Southern Hemisphere is that Ramadan comes during winter when the days are short and the evening meal comes at a much more reasonable time than it does for us Northern Hemispheres where it’s got to be *tough* to hold out until 9 or 10 (when does sun set in Central Cal? We still have light closer to 10 here in Vancouver).

    I will never forget the day after Eid (is there a name for that?)! Everyone was out in colorful clothes and the diversity of Muslim women’s clothing there — from simple scarves wrapped in a dozen different and elegant ways to the full cover with mere eye slits — added to the exotic and the festive.

    Cape Town has about the same Muslim population as North America but it’s a magnet for people from all over Africa and the Middle East so it’s far more open to Islam (as I wish we *all* were!). It was *great* to be there. I have never seen such incandescent smiles in my life and I hope the memory never dims.

    What a dramatic reaction, annette! And how intrepid of you to be willing to put yourself through that! Glad you’ve got a strategy for coping with it.

    Can’t help you on that score but we love this butter pot. http://www.emilehenryusa.com/Butter-Pot-Leaves-plu858621.html Can’t see from that pic but the inner container is shaped like a truncated cone. So when you push in the butter the profile is wider at the bottom and the more narrow top portion will keep it from slipping out. It holds a pound full but I only load it with a half pound. It gets HOT in SoCal so I put a few ice cubes on top. They melt, of course, but then they provide the water barrier that keeps the butter fresh.

    Here’s a better pic of both halves of the butter pot: http://blog.localroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/EmileHenry-ButterDish.jpg And here, in case you’re not familiar with the concept, is an explanation of the design. http://p-fst1.pixstatic.com/524498fc697ab00ed9000af5._w.300_h.234_s.fit_.jpg

    Your friend has done a MARVELOUS job despite the obstacles of diabetes. Did you start out with her? Has her diabetes been improved by the huge amount of weight she’s lost so far?

    hi all, sorry for radio silence, but it has been a busy week. Fast Canadian, thanks for sharing your sugar experience with us – sounds really like you had an almost allergic reaction to the sugar you ate. Remembering this reaction of your body might help you to stay away next time, who knows. Our bodies do adapt to the LCHF for sure. If we then change it and bring back lots of carbs all of a sudden, it must be a true shock!
    My body is running well on butter and other fats. Am getting more and more used to eating more and more fat. Carbs are not an issue for me any more. Amazing, really, but there is no craving at all for sugars or bread.
    I tend to eat too much protein, so meat or cheese or fish – not in one go, but it adds up during the day. And then I am not losing any weight. But on days where I manage to eat only moderate amounts of protein, but lots of fat, next day it shows on the scales.
    Fat actually makes me feel great. It is like my body has been waiting to get more of it all along. Skin looks better, mood is improved.
    Exercising is also fine. Today I ran 13 km and only needed some water on the way as it was really hot here in Germany. My body doesn’t need any carbs anymore to perform just fine. Fat is my new fuel 🙂
    Butter with cheese is a new favourite of mine. And for breakfast I am actually eating Mascarpone (!!) with a bit of almond butter. And some berries. So delicious! So fat. What a great start into the day.
    And I don’t do any fasting anymore. I tried it a couple times and you know what happened? I overate the following day. Like I had to make up for it. So I decided to rather eat normal every day. And since I am losing weight (as long as I stay moderate on the protein) it does not really matter anymore.
    I am almost where I always wanted to be. If I lose another kg or so, that is great. But even if I stay where I am right now, I am fine.
    I look forward to the maintenance part with LCHF.
    The wine is another element that I find hard to give up. Have a glass on most evenings. And two or three on the weekends. Dry wine. The 2 or 3 glasses are a weight loss blocker for sure. So one needs to be mindful. But I can live with that, I would find it too hard to give up the wine.
    Cali, hope the Ramadan goes well for you! Sending you all good vibes ~~~~~~ stay calm and just carry on with everything that is good for you ~~~~ Karen

    Annette- wishining you great success with your run! That is so amazing, I am not a runner but always am in awe of those blessed with the right joints that running is their sport of choice.

    Chub, your travels sound wonderful- I would love to someday go to Africa!! I agree about the beautiful colors and contagious smiles of those people.

    We are heading to Pakistan in the end of summer to visit my husbands family- we haven’t been back in 11 years- I have been 3 times over the last 19!years of my married life and I am always in tears when it’s time to come back. His family is so warm and loving that it is hard to say goodbye. I am from here and of mixed European heritage but I’ve always loved all things foreign. My husband immigrated here alone when he was 20 b/c he really wanted a change in his life.

    Anyway- as I said earlier, we are both non-religious but we find Ramamdan very healing for the soul so we begin tomorrow at 4:30 am.

    I think seeing the scale go down woke up my “I lost weight so I can eat like a pig” side today- bottomless pit!! I find the scale is sometimes a detriment even if it is good news…. Oh the life of a binger… Always trying to stay on the high ground and eat only until slightly full!!

    Now in a food coma and need a nap before the Mexican food tonight!! Good night girls!!

    Thanks for the good wishes Karen and Chubs- I’ll post you all when I’m feeling crazy and it will calm me down. Congrats on the weight loss Karen! I am so happy for you that you have had such great success on your weight loss journey. I also so grateful to be turned onto this LCHF diet plan- really life changing for me so thanks for that!!

    Wishing you all a great day!

    Chubs, thanks for the links. The butter pot looks lovely. I shall have a look in the shops tomorrow and see what is available. I have explained to my boys this evening why we will no longer have the margarine spread in the house. So, we’ll see how it goes. I feel like I am unlearning everything that I have ever been told about food and what I should be feeding myself with…and it is weird. But I also think that more fat and less carbs makes an awful lot of sense on many levels.

    My friend has struggled with mobility, bad back and breathless…but 2.5 stone has made a huge difference to her fitness and mobility. Her blood sugars are much improved and she needs less insulin too. I hope that she will continue to lose weight and improve her fitness.

    Thanks for the good wishes for the run. I am raising money for Cancer Research and if you saw me in action, you would know that I wasn’t a runner either!I know that I can walk it easily and there will be lots of us, so it will be fine.

    I am going to eat mindfully this week which for me simply means less pasta/rice/potatoes/bread and more nuts/avocado/salmon/cheese/eggs. I am intrigued to see what will happen as the weeks tick by.

    Hello there Jade, Annette, Chubs, FastC, CaliB, Karen, lolly, and all other wonderful Island friends 🙂 Btw, there’s no chance that I’m leaving the Island for some time, it just been very busy so I’ve only been reading rather than posting. We were away in Sydney over the weekend with our children and their partners so needless to say there was no fasting going on, just lots of amazing food and lovely conversation and togetherness, despite the truly horrendous weather http://www.smh.com.au/environment/weather/sydney-storm-aftermath-battered-city-recovers-after-extreme-weather-20160605-gpc6qn.html We avoided any catastrophe and our flights in and out where largely unaffected, so we’re feeling blessed but the clean-up is going to take some time.

    I am, as usual, in a funny place with food although I’m doing a FD today – I’m not quite sure why but maybe it’s just become a habit on Mondays? 😉

    I, too, am still ‘trying’ and I’m also a work in progress so that is something I suppose, despite my frequent ‘knees-up’ on Bad Girl isthmus (at least we’re not trying to take over the whole Island…) Next week I have to go back and see my GP for a BP check, and that’s always a good motivator to find a solution to the current fix (it’s why I started 5:2).

    Hang in there friends, together we can DO this. Spring xxx

    Hi gals- glad you are safe and sound, spring. Sounds like you had a fantastic time with your growing family despite the horrible conditions. Good luck with your FD- dr appt are always good motivators!! Hope the BP is where you are wanting it to be.
    First day of Ramadan for me. Woke at 4:30 to eat and drink and won’t break the food/water fast until almost 9 tonight. I feel lucky to have you all with me today as my cheerleading team, always encouraging and bringing understanding and strength.
    Annette- even more impressed that you are running not out of sheer love of it but to help those who can’t do it…That is an amazing feat- wishing you all the best!!

    Sending all of you good wishes for your day, or night!!

    Gah, did you all know there is a bus line that will take you to the bad girls isthmus and then run over you? I think I’m officially in the bad girls infirmary. Good lord Spring, stay safe in that awful weather!!🌪🌫

    Sounds like a lot of good work going on here, yay!! But I’m not in a good place to talk about much of anything health related today – and have to run meet a friend – so later I’m going to read up here, ponder things, and try to figure out what is wrong with me. Could be I need to take a break from fasting, I don’t know. However, I am not leaving the island, seeing as how I’m in a figurative body cast at the moment! Catch up with you all later – hugs♥️jadexxxx

    Be strong, Cali! You too, Jade, but I’m confused about what happened. Is it something you’re ready to talk about? It must have been bad because this doesn’t sound like *anything* I’ve seen from you before.

    We went to a party at our landlord’s last night. It was a raucous family thing with a 5yo’s birthday, an engagement and an old family friend who was visiting for the first time in a decade. MOLTO happy vibes! And then, a pod of Orca’s swam by and cavorted for the boats, kayakers and paddle boarders out in the sound. One of my landlord’s son’s and my husband jumped in a boat and were out there within a dozen meters of them! Here are some pix from my husband’s camera. He said it was tough trying to get a shot not knowing when or where they’d surface and fighting the up and down of the boat so they’re not spectacular but they are the proof of an AMAZING experience.

    Orcas in Howe Sound

    Orcas in Howe Sound

    Orcas in Howe Sound

    I just wish we could get a pic to that kayaker who is going to go home and say “you won’t believe what happened to me out in Howe Sound!”

    Meanwhile, I was sooooo good at the party. I passed on the cake and ice cream and stuck to salad and some loin of beef. But around midnight when I couldn’t sleep I snuck out to the kitchen for a piece of salmon and a cup of black bean soup. And the really maddening part is It was freakin’ midnight. I couldn’t sleep but I *could* have resisted for a couple more hours and been able to say “nice job yesterday, Chubs!”. But I just didn’t even try very hard. I just got out of bed — TWICE — and indulged. What a mook! (as my husband would say).

    Well, we pick ourselves up and keep going, right?

    LA, hubby and I kayaked for two weeks from Vancouver island and saw Orcas “up close and personal” almost every day. I was thrilling!!

    …It … not I

    K-lo, I am so jealous! I live with a view of Howe Sound (near Horseshoe Bay on the mainland) every day. And I have wanted to learn to kayak because the water is calm, protected by Bowen Island. But last time we lived here I was too fat to get in a wetsuit and this time (when I believe I could) the timing was bad. The water is still pretty cold and I’d have to demonstrate first that I could right a kayak. I’m not at all sure I could do that! So it will have to stay on my bucket list for now.

    It must have been fabulous to be out there with them right at their level!!!

    Orcas are less common here (though they tell me they sometimes see migrating Gray Whales. My landlady who has lived next door for 20 years or more said this is the first time she’s seen Orcas here. And it had to be something of a big deal because the Bowen Island ferry diverted substantially from its route to get close and was still in the water by them for 10 or 15 minutes to take advantage.

    Are you from BC?

    Morning islanders🔆🔆 – gosh, FastCan you describe my sugar problem so well, I’m convinced that it is like an alcoholism yet I don’t have a problem overdoing the booze. I just have typically needed that sugar hit in the evenings. I’ve missed sugar terribly, and it really p*ssed me off no end to have felt deprived AND constantly pick up lbs if I dare to eat just a bite or two of the bad carbs. 😡😡 Ah shoot, I just don’t know what my system really needs. I don’t like LCHF, but I’m not happy overall with having just good carbs. I was feeling as though there was an empty spot that needed to be filled, so last night (get ready) I filled it with ice cream and cookies. Made sure to take the lactase pills first. Gah. Thought of you and your 6-pack, Annette 😉 Back to the infirmary, drawing board, something. I thought I had it all figured out – WHEN WILL I STOP SAYING THAT, IT’S LIKE A CURSE, RIGHT?? Lol Planet Normal.

    Ok, really I’m fine, just throwing a tantrum🍼😫 I guess it’s all the “biorhythm” thing, I can’t expect to have a food formula that works for every single day. KarenM, I’m intrigued by what you eat – you say you’ve cut down on protein and obviously you’ve cut out the carbs, so what exactly DO you eat? I like butter well enough but mostly as a topping for (uh oh) carbs. Ha, there I go again!

    Chubs, wow lovely photos of the whales! Gosh how thrilling🐳😍. Thanks for posting them.

    I must get my weird, hormonal, sugarholic self to work now. Fueled on black coffee, as usual – it’s all I want in the mornings, and strangely I don’t feel sick at ALL but rather normal. No sugar crash from the goodies last night. I hate to say I just needed a recharge, but maybe that was it. Oh stop thinking and get to work silly jade. Hugs all you wonderful islanders, I hope to be released from the infirmary soon and join you in the rehab cave🔆🌴🔆xxxxx

    Dear Jade —

    It is breaking my heart to see you struggle like this, because it is exactly what I was doing. What I want to say to you is that there was no relief for me in half measures, no straddling between worlds. I gave up the sugar. It took 3 days to clear my system, and frankly, it was white-knuckle all the way. BUT after that I was free. Then research brought me to LCHF. You ask what one eats after reducing carbs and moderating protein, and I know you are having trouble absorbing the answer after years of being told differently, but the answer is — fat. Butter. Bacon. Cheese. Cream. Olive and coconut oil. Nuts. All delicious. All filling and satisfying. And most relevant to you right now, all removing those horrendous cravings. That last one seems impossible, but it’s quite true.

    It is not my practice here to tell people what to do, so forgive me for addressing you so directly. We all need to work out our own way. But I have found what works for me, and I pass it on in the hopes that it might help you with some understanding of what LCHF entails. This link is to an awesome site, with clear explanations, insights, and fabulous recipes — and a 2-week daily guide complete with shopping and menus. http://www.dietdoctor.com/

    With every best wish and a hug — Lolly

    Thank you dear Lolly! I did feel good on LCHF at least my version of it, but then felt bored and empty. Did you battle that, too? What happens when you have a bite of cake or do you just not ever? I can’t see myself refusing one cookie, if offered by a grandchild, e.g. But I can behave, most of the time, and that’s what I was doing but then POW I just fell ass over teakettle, especially after the scale shot up. Part of me wants to retreat to the way I was this time last year, just conquering hunger and steadily losing. Well, darn, don’t we all wish we could turn back the clock😁

    I should increase the fats I guess? You’re right, they don’t play a huge part in my life. Thank you for caring enough to share♥️ Xxx

    Thank you for being so gracious, Jade. I am happy to share anything I find works but I dread the thought of being pushy about it!

    At a guess, I’d say that your version of LCHF was behind the emptiness and boredom. Most newbies to it (myself included) can’t grasp at first that eating high fat really means that. We’re used to cutting things down, so we get the dropping sugar and starches things. We understand that unprocessed real food is best, so no problem there. But ADD fat??? How can that possibly work?

    It’s about the right balance. High carbs and high fat = typical bad diet we know all too well, and the fat gets blamed. High carbs and low fat = typical advice for weight loss we also know all too well — and it leaves us craving and unsatisfied, with only a matter of time before we fall off, feeling like failures. It’s not sustainable, yet for decades it’s been standard advice.

    Most of us bought the mantra that eating fat makes you fat. As it turns out, we’d have been better to eat the butter and throw away the bread! And that’s real butter, not margarine or processed oils. And it’s the fat in a LCHF diet which make you feel so full and satisfied.

    No-one could have been more of a sugar junkie than I was before I began 5:2 and then LCHF. Yet I don’t miss or crave it one bit. I don’t expect you to believe me because I wouldn’t have, but it’s true. That was an unexpected bonus. It changes you. Other changes include mood regulation, regular sleep, better skin, less inflammation. Oh. And EASY weight loss, with zero hunger.

    Do I eat cake? No. I’m a sugar addict. This is a permanent change for me and that’s just the way it is. I’ve pulled myself back from diabetes using LCHF and no cake in the world beats that. It doesn’t matter what other people can eat, this is what I need to do to feel well. Others are fine on a liberal LCHF and there’s quite a range of approaches. As with 5:2, you find what works. I love what I eat now, and my rule is to only eat foods I like. I’ve never felt better.

    A view from the trenches, if you will. Take what you need and leave the rest!

    I identified with you in relation to the sugar for two years I am LCHF, most people do not accept that you do not eat cake, bread, rice and other junk foods, even in this face intolerance, few people understand that the first bite works as a trigger and thereafter the compulsion is uncontrollable.

    In my work I say that I am skeptical and I have diabetes, to not be insisting.

    How much fat do … disgusted when I put cream in coffee, but ignore that the sugar is far more harmful.

    I have a lot of weight to lose, but health comes first!

    Hugs from Brazil

    Very very interesting.

    I bought a butter dish yesterday, clear glass with a lid-perfect. I have told my boys that when the margarine spread has been finished, it will be butter only here.
    I am convinced that more fat and less rice/pasta/sugar/bread is the way forward because since I increased the fat and decreased the carbs…I lost an inch off my waist within a month. Bearing in mind that there had been no further decrease in my waist in the past 3 years, after the initial 3 inches.I am slimmer and trimmer all over, but the waist just wasn’t shrinking at all.

    Dinner for me this evening was 2 salmon fillets that were ‘painted’ in full fat mayonnaise then added grated cheese with some grated bread from a bread roll. Baked for 20 minutes then eaten with a pile of cherry tomatoes and the bread roll spread with butter. I had a cheese and mushroom tart yesterday at work with salad, it was delicious and very very filling.

    I like nuts and snack on them. I like fruit. I would always choose fish over meat left to my own devices. I love avocados. I can buy and eat white bread in roll, but if I buy anymore, I will eat it. I shall be making some more yoghurt later with full fat milk, makes me feel fuller for longer. The nut/seed meusli is delicious, but I need more carbs when I run more than 3 miles, so I have more meusli with the nut/seed mixture.

    I am trying out different combinations of food and simply seeing how I feel. I am quite fussy and although nothing is banned, I am finding that I can ignore the siren call of sugary things most of the time. I left the supermarket last week with a large bag on nuts rather than the 6 pack of ice cream or the pastries.

    I am only going to eat foods that I like, so I shall see how I go and see how I feel.

    I am in the second of my FDs. So far both have been clean with just water. But today I think I am the hungriest I’ve ever been in my life.

    Happily, I haven’t cooked in a week and I’m cleaning the fridge of any remaining food in preparation of a cleaning crew coming on Friday morning so there isn’t much that’s really tempting. But, man!, this is going to be a *tough* day to get through.

    My fingers are crossed that it’s the beginning of being firmly back on my program!

    Hoping you all are having much calmer days!!!

    Hi islanders 🌴 – Nurse Ratched is writing up my discharge from the infirmary, after a day of…lets see, almonds, cheese, tomatoes, a bit of hummus and yogurt, and half an apple. She raised an eyebrow at the apple, but I convinced her it was a compromise. Whew, what a thrill ride that was. I took a look at the diet Doctor link, they do have some very good recipes on there. For now, I’m back on the LCHF train.🚉 Let’s hope it doesn’t make a stop in Sugar Creek again soon. I like the idea that it’s flexible – I hope to graduate to the group that can have more than 20g a day.

    Chubs, I hope your FDs went well – tall order to do that in the midst of all you’ve got going on. Annette, looks like you and I are doing the same experiment for now – I too can ignore the siren call of sugar “most of the time.” I admit I got a bit scared when the siren seemed to drown out everything the other day – that hasn’t happened in a while!

    Good luck whatever is in the offing for you today, friends – thanks for the advice and strength shared🔆😍🌴 jadexxxx

    How did it go Chubs?
    Don’t panic Jade. It happens to me now and again but that is so much less often than it used to.I see that as a win.
    Boring day at work..a couple of biscuits ..then lunch which was fine but a piece of cheesecake left onto my tray and it was delicious. When I got home I tried making vanilla ice cream(4 eggs, vanilla, cream and caster sugar), this is something that I wanted to try for ages. It is in the freezer so we’ll see tomorrow evening what it is like.Back to the wholefoods this evening.

    Let’s just keep going.

    I am so happy to report a dismissal of 4 lbs. this week! I’m no longer 21 stone something, not even 20 stone something — I’m 19 stone something. Haven’t been there in a LONG time and I’m just so grateful to have found my way at last.

    Thank you all, just for being here to listen and share.

    É bom ver você, Anaide! Algumas palavras de boas-vindas. Concordo com você – a saúde deve vir em primeiro lugar e você é um bom exemplo!

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