Annette, way to go, you really have come a long way and it’s great to see you feeling the power again👊 – I’ll have a look at the link. CaliB I’m struggling with low-carb, I just don’t like the fat that much, and I know that’s the key to satiety. Tango, like you I have gotten near the goal but battling the sugar and carbs is the last obstacle – we’ll get there, I know.🏆
Welcome keeluz! Read up on dr Lustig and sugar, as Annette said – we all are a little different in how seriously we’re affected by it, but cutting down on the sugar junk has really helped me. I used to have that craving every night, and now I still get it but not that often. Also, after a while it simply becomes a new habit, NOT having dessert. So there’s both a psychological (habit) and physical (insulin) response we have to foods like that. You can imagine the food mfrs’ goal to make their food irresistible – well, there is science that helps them accomplish that goal. The best way for us consumers to fight it is to understand it.
And even so….I fell off the wagon a bit yesterday, after some emotional family stuff (that’s actually improving). I guess I felt relieved and then couldn’t resist buying cookies, then last night had three (they were large🐽). And a bit of ice cream. Yes, it’s far less than I’d have had back in the day, but I am cross w/myself mainly for not enjoying them as much as I should have – they were delicious but now I’ve convinced myself that sugar carbs are bad, only to be eaten in unavoidable circs and NOT simply when I’m sitting at home making my own choices. *sigh* I guess I need to tweak my rules so I’m not such a rigid mental mess when I have a ***king cookie😂 Geez.
OK then! Today is another day, in fact a holiday here in the US – back on the low-carb train I go. Cheers to all of you, glad you are here on the island with me♥️🌴xxx
4:49 pm
30 May 16