I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

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I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

This topic contains 3,042 replies, has 111 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi Spring. Don’t beat yourself up about the binging. I had a terrible couple of weeks but have managed to get back on track which is amazing given my dieting history. Its only since I’ve been on this forum that its become easier. The support and encouragement is so helpful even when you do fall off the 5-2 wagon. Your not the only one to weaken. We all will, at some point but stay with us and it will get better.
    You can do it.

    Spring, one more message for you: you are a lovely woman, full of compassion, with a great sense of humor – in short: you are fabulous!! You and nobody else should dare to define you about your eating habits! So you are a binger? So you are eating lots of unhealthy stuff from time to time? So what? That really doesn’t matter to who you are. You might feel that it matters, but it really does not. I don’t care what you eat, I only care about you as a person, a loving one that is, one that I really care about. One that I hope will come out of that corner in the cave where you might think that is your place right now. You need to be among us here and now. I do hope to read from you again really really soon. Sending you my very best wishes, Karen xx

    Well said, Karen. This is big picture work. So if we don’t travel in a straight line that part disappears over the long haul.

    BTW, have I ever said “nice to meetcha”? If not, it’s so very nice to have you here!

    Don’t worry Spring. Think about what you would say to someone else..and then apply that to yourself. DO NOT be negative or blame yourself…it achieves nothing except misery.

    Was there anything that prompted it? For me, ice cream is like a gateway drug to anything sweet. I am in rehab(most of the time) but then I think it is fine and that to quote Jade ‘I can behave like a normal person’…and then find that after all that I have scoffed…that I really can’t and no idea what normal looks like, but that wasn’t it!

    Be kind to yourself Spring. We are all here to help and support. I found the comments on here invaluable when I was feeling low and used to read them even when i felt unable to join in. This is only a small blip, so don’t be upset with yourself.

    Aw, look at that big islander group hug going on!{{๐ŸŒด}}} Love itโ™ฅ๏ธ !!
    Hey Spring, I landed on Planet I Am Normal just last week! It was a short stay๐Ÿ˜ฌbecause I soon blasted off to Planet Cadburius Maniacus. Oh my it was chaotic there. But after several false starts I’m back in the island rehab cave. Come join me when you’re ready, and you will be – that’s the good thing about us, we aren’t hopeless, we’re just rather…normal. We sneak out of the cave window like teenagers on a Friday night, because let’s face it the other teenagers, over in the family room playing charades with their parents, are either a total fraud or decidedly not normal.

    Whew, I’m not sure about the low-carb thing today. Had BBQ (no sauce) and a salad for dinner, not quite half a pint of beer, and I just want to go harvest some wheat or mow down an apple orchard. Yes I feel that desperate! Ugh. I’m going to try to tough it out by drowning that lizard with water now.๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿฒ

    Let’s all shoot some flares so that 5:2 path is fully illuminated๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ Love and luck to all๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ˜xx

    Thank you so much for your really kind words Karen & CaliB, lovely to know you’re there for support, it’s a great thread that way. To be honest, I’m just finding the 5:2 hard going at the moment and it is a very yo-yo existence. I’m in a bit of a bind with trying other approaches as the bottom line is whenever stress levels are high, so is the desire to eat and for me it does not seemed linked to what I’m eating. By this I mean, even when I’ve been eating well for some weeks, when the stress levels/hormones kick in my body is after just one thing, more fuel. I’m fortunate in that we eat really well so for me it is less the start of a junk-food disaster and more a case of increased portion size and a blitz on cheese, but either way the calories end up back on my body.

    I can’t do very HF (I have no gall bladder and the results are… well, embarrassing to say the least ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) although I do try to have a healthy intake of fats from a Mediterranean-style approach with good feta, olive oil, olives, nuts and avocado etc. I don’t eat much in the way of carbs as it’s just a vehicle for fat for me, so keeping them down helps on both counts.

    I know I’ve said this many times (sorry), but for me, it’s all about psychology, an on-going effort to manage my thoughts and subsequent emotional responses and I’m pretty confident that when I can reach a point where I’m all grown-up and able to manage this more consistently, then the place of food/appetite/desire will be less fraught. We are all so very different I know and we all have to acknowledge where our own truth lies but this is what I’m aiming for and if 5:2 can’t be a part of it at the moment, so be it. For now I’m focusing on increasing my exercise as my main goal with starting 5:2 was reducing my BP and this is one area where I can continue to make a difference even if my weight plateaus or yo-yos. I’ve been amazingly consistent (and very surprised) with meeting my 90-day challenge of 30-minutes a day of moderate exercise and I’m hopeful that will become more of a way of life. Would love to hear how others of you are travelling with the challenge??

    Take care everyone and keep fighting the good fight! Spring xxx

    We crossed dear Jade – you always make me laugh!! I’m sure I would have snuck out the dorm window with you 40 years ago… xxx

    Hi everyone!

    Spring, sending cyberhugs ๐Ÿ™‚ and echo the comments above! This WOL has peaks and troughs for us all, I’m so aware of this but put it down to ‘life’ and my ongoing food issues/body image problems, a roller-coaster comes to mind, sorry for the cliche. Hormones play a big part for me as well ๐Ÿ™ mainly being hypothyroid, which ‘mimics* the symptoms of peri-menopause, so depression, slow metabolism and weight gain, and feeling the cold. Apologies for the human biology lesson, but when I did my Anatomy and Physiology course (I passed by the way!!) I was gobsmacked by the way the hormonal system has such a profound effect on our well-being. Add to that (for me) being 53 and in the throes of peri-menopausal, it’s no wonder we reach for the bread! lol. I read an article that said something like: in peri-menopause the ovaries don’t do a final and graceful swansong, no they keep flogging away, and make several attempts to exit!, which results in wild fluctuations! pass the donuts..;-)

    I made it through my zero food day, yippee! I didn’t think I could do it, and was worried about the ‘starvation mode’ reaction. Today is a normal FD, but am aiming for very low cal. I have my Latin class tonight, so will be interesting to see how I fare, which is why I’m eating something. I’m on a mission as have a goal July 2nd (big birthday party) I hoping to get through some zero FD’s ‘come hell or high water” we’ll see, we all know how it can go. On Saturday I went overboard, booze, crisps, chocolate, cake you name it. When I saw the wrappers in the bin, it wasn’t a nice feeling!.

    Spring, I’ve also been doing the 90-day challenge, and it makes me very hopeful. I’d be happy to do other forms of exercise, but time is the obstacle. I’d love to take up some water-sports (need a wet-suit here) and some more dance-based classes, Tango (!) etc. Here there’s a new class called ‘Clubbercise’ club/disco music and neon lights, not sure how convinced I am. I think any ‘strength’ based exercises are great for well-being, and a distraction (thanks Karen for the Fitness blender) At the moment I’m walking rather than running, cos of knee, you’re right it becomes a way of life and It’s such a mood enhancer, and has a great impact on my stressful job, the one I hope to change one day.

    I’m still quite worried that my career plans are not going to work :(, getting an independent fitness class like mine going, can be a major headache and concern, although I am going to add kids to the mix in the autumn. Yet again I can’t decide if to apply for a teaching position abroad, which would pay very well. Or keep plugging with my classes, and hope it turns out. It’s basically a leap of faith.

    shout out to all! Jade loved ‘looking for something to Harvest!
    fabulous support on this thread xxx

    Hi Spring, so good to read from you ๐Ÿ™‚ I totally see that you have to take it easy on fat without a functioning gall bladder. Yes, much of it is psychological. But may I also say, that I truly believe that there is also a lot going on in our bodies with only normal body functions, let alone all the hormones. And this is something we simply cannot influence with our minds! Really, there is no sense in beating yourself up on something you cannot influence, because it is deeply ingrained in our DNA. These books that I am currently reading are laying this out very nicely, all the science behind our eating patterns. They are accusing all health officials and doctors who give us the advice: get your act together, exercise more and eat more balanced, preferably high carbs, low fat, low sugar. This simply doesn’t work for us (with us I mean all people).

    We do not overeat because we lost control but we are overeating because this is how we are designed. Here is the quick summary of a famous experiment with rats (you can find it in the book Why we get fat): They had two groups of rats where they removed the ovaries. They gave the first group access to as much food as they wanted. All the rats got really fat. No surprise here, right? But then they put the second group on a strict diet. You know what happened? They still gained lots of weight. They also got fat, but reduced their activity level drastically. Lesson learned: rats in menopause are programmed to get fat, they store all the glucose they get in fat cells. The rest of the body is not getting enough energy to function properly though, so this is why they are reducing their activity. And more importantly: because all is put away in fat cells they need to eat more to get as much energy for the rest of their organism to function.

    Again, this is a hormone reaction that is happening and no will power in the whole world will change that!

    Menopause means less estrogen and this means that our body will store more fat.

    Some good news before I finish my lecture (sorry, guys, tell me if you are sick of my lectures!): we can influence all the effects that the lack of estrogen has by influencing a very prominent hormone, namely insulin. Keeping the blood sugar level down. The details are all in this book, and in the other books that I mentioned in other posts.

    Spring, sounds very healthy that you give yourself a break from 5:2 when you don’t have the energy for that right now. Good that you are keeping up so well in the challenge! You might recall, that my challenge was to simply follow 5:2 and not overeat on TDEE on non-fast days. I switched gears after only a few days, so didn’t succeed at all in my 90 days challenge. But it was still the right thing for me to do.

    Tango, congrats on passing your exam! You must be very excited that you have so many options now all laid out before you. And a pain at the same time as you have to make a decision. Maybe you can delay the final decision a bit more? Give your classes a bit more time to get going?

    Jade, with the LCHF you need to keep in mind to eat lots of fat. Without that you get desperate again quite easily. It is a HUGE effort to overcome that belief that fats make us fat. They do not make us fat if we don’t eat carbs at the same time. They can satisfy you. Eat lots of fat with your proteins. Forget the calories. Don’t drown the lizard with water but with olive oil, butter or coconut oil ๐Ÿ™‚

    LA, sending you a big hug ๐Ÿ™‚


    Hi everybody,
    According to the name of this thread, you guys supposed to be experts in fighting binges. So question for you:

    How you break a binge that lasts for several days? Where to start to stop eating?
    All practical suggestions are very appreciated.

    Hi guys!

    I am totally AWOL while I’m home and away from “home”. I probably will be for the next month while we pop back and forth, pack up and drive back down. I am NOT good at handling disruptions…

    But I read this this morning and thought it would be of interest: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/22/upshot/it-isnt-easy-to-figure-out-which-foods-contain-sugar.html?_r=1

    Thinking of you and wishing you all well even if I am off the reservation. No doubt I’ll come crawling back begging you to straighten me out around July. And I’m hoping this helps you avoid the things that will get in your way.


    Hi coldpizza. Your not alone with you binging urges. I’m fighting one right now, its awful. I’m on a fast day but I’ve just made my husband his dinner. How I resisted eating the chips I cooked I don’t know. Almost had one to my mouth. So I’m on this forum right now to get some encouragement and distraction. The fact that I can come on here and be honest about how I feel helps a lot. Especially when the voices in my head are urging me to give in. Will I last till morning ? I hope so but it will be hard.
    I’m hoping whatever reward my brain gets from eating every time I’m feeling emotional will wane in time, the more I resist. Well that’s my hope. So Coldpizza get online there’s support waiting.

    I find that wholefoods help me to pull back from a feeding frenzy. I have used nuts and fruit to quieten the sugar lizard post ice cream fest that has turned me into a psycho looking for more of the sweet stuff. I love mashed avocado on 2 slices of wholemeal seeded bread and that is both filling and makes me feel nourished. Try a glass of milk to see if that helps. We know that protein and fat fill us up, so aim for things that you like in that food group.

    My top tip would be avoid sugar. It is evil how it messes with our biochemistry, makes us crave more then we feel tired and crave the sugar high again.

    I had a good FD yesterday, but today there have been biscuits, then a pudding(I am freezing and the day is grey) and then a walk home via the supermarket resulted in a danish pastry. I have eaten nuts and fruit since I walked through the door to quieten down these sugar led urges. I know that it is a battle that I will wage for the evening and all because the biscuits started it.

    If you are finding it tough, have a glass of milk(to hell with the calories) and go and pamper yourself far far away from any food. I always go to bed early on a FD trying to avoid all the food programmes or ads.

    Thank you caspersmum and annette52 for your kind words and suggestions.

    I am trying to fast today too. But I was not able to complete a single fast for a week now. It is easier at work, but I am dreading to come home, close to refrigerator, and all food supplies.

    I was really shocked to see my gain for the week undone my losses for 35 days. Maybe the bitterness of that will hold me away from sugary things.

    It is almost 4 pm, time to go and face my demons. Scared…

    It’s very hard, much more than people think. Saying ” it’s only till tomorrow” doesn’t quite get it when there are chips there now! Well done Caspersmum!
    I’ve found Michael Mosley’s tip of tangerines not being massively high cal very useful, I’ve often used them to satisfy the urge for something sweet, and even on a fast day, the 34 cals doesn’t take too many up. I often use milk too like Annette if I can’t get through the evening. I mix in some water and have it hot, when heated it seems to taste almost the same as having no water in, so not that high cal, and it seems more satisfying. Last week both my fasts were 650 cals. The next day I had breakfast as late as possible to try to make up a bit, and I lost at least a pound (possibly more, but having been ill this week it may go back so I’m not counting it yet!)

    I’ve started having a bit more fat on fast days. I cook chicken breast in two teaspoons of butter, garlic and herbs, chop it up and drop the lot into bouillon with plenty of green veg and a carrot cooked in it. Or scrambled egg with smoked salmon. I’m less likely to binge after that, though I have needed the milk once after it.

    You’re right, Coldpizza, it can take a while to lose the gains, it took me a week after a nice weekend away!

    Hello lovely ladies and well done Tango on the zero fast!!! I’m very impressed by anyone who can do that, amazing. Btw, it sounds as though you’d still like to follow your heart on the new job direction so I say stick with your heart’s desire rather than bat for safety. However, I also know that job stability and income are uber important so sending vibes for wisdom.

    Karen, some very interesting studies there, so much still to discover and understand about the human body. I’m very happy for you to continue with your lectures but then I’m an academic… and I’m on here today because I have grading to do… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Coldpizza – I hope the Lizard attack is easing off now? If I had the answer to your question I’d be a billionaire of course (not to mention slim as a reed) but my current strategy is to eat lots of bulky vegetables with natural yogurt when I feel a binge beckoning (broccoli, zucchini, a little carrot). Also, because the desire to eat when I’m not hungry is always linked to thoughts and emotional reactions to those thoughts, I’m trying to stay in the space between thinking/feeling and acting. The bigger I can make that space the better off I am in heading off a lot of non-hungry eating. Sometimes I’ll finish off with a sugar-free sweet and I know they are supposed to be poison too and their are whole websites devoted to demonising them (although I eat the Stevia version) one of those really can tell me ‘you’re done eating now.’ Not that I’ve had a great deal of success with anything lately of course ๐Ÿ˜‰ but sometimes another person’s strategy can help to mix it up bit. To be honest, I try many different approaches as no one thing will work for long but I guess the important thing is to keep going. It’s interesting you say that the bitterness of gaining weight will keep you from binging – I have to battle the opposite reaction, a kind of ‘oh well, I’ve gained, might as well make it worthwhile’ and then give myself permission to scoff so I feel better. I’m getting better at batting that Lizard away too, but its a persistent son of a b&%$h.

    Annette – sounds like wholefoods are always your best bet although your workplace with all its biscuits and pudding sounds like a tough place still. Really, you’d think in today’s world people would know better and offer healthier choices.

    Casper – well done on resisting the chips. I also come on here sometimes just needing that extra bit of oomph needed to get through another hour. I’m doing a semi-FD today so I will have a normal meal with hubby tonight however it’s no easier now for knowing that relief is on the way. Delayed gratification has never been my long suit in fact, when it comes to appetite/desire for food, I only seem to have the crap cards ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Happy travelling Chubs and see you on the other side – we’ll be waiting here with open arms on Misfit island.

    Well done on the loss Apricot and a loss is a loss. It sounds like the extra fat on FD’s is really helping, so here’s hoping a few more pounds will up and follow that one out of your life. Back to the grading ๐Ÿ™ Much love Spring xx

    Jade, hope the latest experimentation with LCHF is going well for you and you have finally slayed that Lizard once and for all. Love Spring xxx

    I have been eating homemade yoghurt(very easy to do) from full fat milk from the past few weeks now and it is much more filling. I have switched from homemade meusli(porridge oats and dried fruit) as an experiment and now have a mixture of baked seeds and nuts for breakfast(I can pop the ‘recipe’ on here for anyone interested) with the yoghurt and I feel both full and nourished until my lunch.
    I love fish, avocado’s and nuts and have always eaten butter as I much prefer the taste. I don’t have a gall bladder either, and know when I have eaten too much fat. I am trying to eat smaller portions of rice and pasta less often.

    I have gone from cooking a filling meal for 4 young men every day, FD or not, to cooking for 1 or none. Now I need to plan what I would like to eat and just to consider my needs is both a new experience but also thinking about the practical aspects of buying/cooking for 1.Just me to please over the weekend too.

    I can see that scrambled egg and salmon is going to feature on my menu!

    Wow, I made it through my latest binge urge. It was really hard. Ended up going to bed early with a book. So you see Coldpizza your not the only emotional eater, we all have demons. Its taken me 3 weeks to get back on track and try and lose my holiday weight just to get back to what I was before I pigged out in Majorca.
    Iv’e been delaying my eating till later in the afternoon but I did have a small beans on toast at 11 am. Maybe that was the problem, I don’t know but in future I’ll go back to leaving it later in the day. I went looking for low calorie ready meals so on some days I don’t have to think about food but with being gluten free its hard to find any. That’s another problem for me as gluten free processed foods are higher in calories.
    Fast days done this week but must try to eat a bit healthier.

    Thank you everybody for your comments. It really helps to see that you are not alone having the same issue. Yesterday I fasted till evening, and ate somewhere between 400-600 cal. I found that yogurt with leafy salad was good filling. I also avoided any pasta. Nuts were a little bit tricky, because my trying to limit myself to 4 Brazil nuts was unsuccessful, and was followed by about 8 more – my major calories intake for yesterday. Put a note for myself – no nuts during fasts. I also ate frozen mango chunks, don’t know if it was good idea or not. I did not eat any bread (even though I had nice bread in the fridge). Small victories. ๐Ÿ™‚ I will by an avocado for today evening and some scramble eggs (Thank you for the idea annette52).

    I also liked the suggestion to try not to eat as long as possible in the morning – so sipping black coffee right now.
    I also noticed that the binges come when I am alone. I never binge when my husband at home. Maybe I should make a big picture of my husband and put on refrigerator and on kitchen table.

    Comespring, I wish I could control that space between wishing and acting. I have all nice plans to stay away from food on my way home, and than Boom! Seems it happened with very little time. You cannot believe how much a person could eat for a half an hour!! But I still remember time when I could go without food for 36 hours easily.

    Caspersmum – Great job making it through! I am working on it.

    Thank you again guys for your support. It was really helpful, I am much calmer now and believe that I can get through that. Hugs.

    Wow great work here on the island๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ’ช! No, coldpizza, you definitely are not alone. And the whole “I can have it tomorrow” thing can backfire big time here in the Rehab Cave. My brain hears that as “good girl, fast today then you can undo it all tomorrow.” Sure, I know what they say, eat what you want, just not as much as you want. I’m sorry, there is cognitive dissonance there – in my head, at least. What I want IS to have as much as I want. And that’s why I finally applied for islander citizenship. I am a lifetime head case. I think we once discussed having a flag emblazoned with someone head first into the chocolates? And I wonder what our national anthem could be! How about I want it all, by Queen (would be fitting, given our own queen:) – whatever cave she is hiding inโ™ฅ๏ธ).

    Annette I’d love the recipe for those baked nuts/seeds. I have finally also accepted that the path to freedom for me is – for now (nothing dooms me faster than to say “never more” – no offense to Poe) – to avoid whole grains and anything remotely resembling sugar. Hey Chubs, thanks for that link! Do head back to the reservation when you can. We’ll leave a light on for ya.๐Ÿ’ก๐ŸŒด

    So re the LCHF, I have my gall bladder still, but it doesn’t appreciate too much fat. I felt like **** the Night of the Neverending Chicken Skin. And I do still need (psychologically at least) a bit of fruit – great tip Apricot re the tangerine. Just that bit makes me feel un-deprived. At first I had to have a LOT of fruit, but gradually gradually I am strangling that m***erfu**ing lizard, I mean I am not just chasing it off this time, I am flat killing that SOB. It is war on the island!โš”๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ—ก And we will win.

    It has taken me a long time to get to this acceptance stage re the carbs, over a year. Ha, that is some grief process! I’m stubborn. But finally, deciding to cut out ANYTHING that I could happily/mindlessly overeat, and cut down on fruit, does make me feel much better physically and less insane. I’m bored as hell with food right now (oh great, another steak and veggie dinner woo hoo๐ŸŽ‰) but I’m not deprived. I have to remember to switch up the veg for some variety, not just rely on salads. My treats are apple slices with natural peanut butter. Or a few grapes with plain yogurt. I’m doing the true “eating to live not living to eat” life and you know, there is a grief aspect to it. So I’m hoping that after a while I can make grains etc. a part of my life again, viewing them then the way I view fruit now – tasty but not lunacy-inducing.

    Oh dear, I must stop blathering and get myself to work. Thanks all for the terrific posts, I learn so much here. We’re all works in progress, and as you said Spring, we often have to use different strategies on different days – when our appetites seem to belong to different people! Ah life…what an adventure. Love to you allโ™ฅ๏ธ๐ŸŒดโ™ฅ๏ธ

    My big news is that I deliberately took a diversion on my walk home, to go to the ice cream man. I got there, took out my purse and then decided to go without..and walked away. I got home and then had a rather one sided debate about whether I should go out for a run(10K in 2 weeks and haven’t done 5 K yet), finally got my kit on and out of the door in the warm sun..and did my best run for a very long time and did a little over 5K too. I felt good in the sun-must be solar powered!

    Just made another batch of the seed/nut meusli. I really like it and feel sure that it must do me good too, which isn’t why I eat it. I simply like it. Here it is Jade- a cup(130g) of sesame seeds, 1 cup of pumpkin seeds, 1 cup of sunflower seeds, 1 cup of flaxseed(linseed), 1 cup of dried coconut, 1 cup of finely chopped almonds, half a cup of walnuts all in a large bowl. Then put 3 tablespoons of hot water in a cup and add 3 tablespoons of honey, add half a cup of almond oil to the honey/water mixture and then stir it into the bowl of seeds and nuts. Pour it all out onto a large baking sheets with sides and cook on a low heat-there were no further instructions, so I cooked it on Gas Mark 1 for 30 minutes. Then turn the heat off and leave to cool overnight and then store in an airtight container. I eat it with yoghurt, my son puts it on top of porridge.
    I am continuing to try and avoid sugar, but biscuits at work are there all the time and lunch was poor, so I succumbed. I am getting better and haven’t bought ice cream for a couple of weeks now. I am like Pavlovs dogs, sunshine=ice cream.
    My lack of gall bladder doesn’t stop me eating nuts by the handful, I know that I will pay for it later, but they are so much better for me than chocolate, which is my rationale! I love the national anthem and the flag-genius.
    FD for me tomorrow, which is going to be tricky as I haven’t got much to do at work. I fear it is going to be a long day. On the plus side it is half term and a whole week off. Whoop whoop!

    Wow! How wonderful to know that it is possible – to turn away from a temptation.
    I did not eat any refined sugar today, and stayed away from crackers and bread.. I think my lizard is starting backing off. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Running 5 K – it is really over the top! Congrats!!!
    I really need to work on that…

    Well done Annette! I don’t think I’d have walked away!. Not FD today, but I ate three slices of bread and butter. I’m not at acceptance point. Oh dear all that carb. But for lunch I had a bit of Quinoa with chicken and veg, so not too bad really. Enjoy your half term, let’s hope it stays fine.

    The nuts and seeds sound yummy, Jade! I’ve just been roasting mine dry, nice in salads.

    Hi all– my life has been crazy busy so I haven’t had much time to write on this forum lately but I still read them everyday. I’m laughing at Annette walking away from the ice cream man– well done!! The internal dialogue must have been like a comedy show of devil on one shoulder and angel on the other- inspiring you made a strong stand!! Your nuts sound amazing!!!!!

    Apricot– bread and butter is way too delicious!! I am a bitter hound – trying to find low carb things to put it on.
    I just bought a low carb baki g mix and made biscuits- it’s more to have an avenue for my butter than anything else!

    Coldpizza- congrats on staying low carb– not an easy task!

    Jade- I totally agree on that line of thinking and how detrimental it is for an over-eater like myself– I fasted today so tomorrow I can binge!! Recipe for disaster!! Laughing at the “oh yeah stark and veggies!!” Comment as I too finally realized that carbs needed to take a backseat if I want to lose weight.

    Casper- great strategy- go to bed on FD with a good book- I often do that and it really helps!

    Spring- I can relate to the thought of “oh well I messed up and Gaines weight so might as well really eat some more …

    Tango great job on the 0 fast- that’s no easy task!

    Karen – I’m still really enjoying the HFLC way of life so thanks again for the ideas.

    I’m trying to find a way that works for me… Thinking about doing 5:2 and other days not eating until lunch.

    I agree – spring– mixing it up keeps things moving along and prevents diet boredom…

    Off to make dinner…

    Hope everyone has a great night!!

    Missed Jades OP on nuts and seeds but caught Apricot’s reference to it.

    If nuts and seeds is your wish, this Dukkah is pretty awesome. You can use it to top hummus, sprinkle it on salads or roasted vegetables like cauliflower or, if someone is still eating bread, the traditional way to eat it is to dip some bread into olive oil and then into the dukkah.

    This keeps up to a couple weeks in an airtight jar in the fridge though it is at it’s best freshly roasted so I make much smaller amounts. The actual amounts are very flexible and I like half macadamias and half pistachios too. Nigella seeds look a little like black sesame seeds (only smaller) and go by many names including niger, kalonji and onion seeds. If you can’t find them it’s fine to leave them out.


    โ€ข 1 cups sesame seeds
    โ€ข 1/2 cups coriander seeds
    โ€ข 1/4 cup macadamia nuts, chopped reasonably fine
    โ€ข 1/4 cup cumin seeds, coarsely ground
    โ€ข 1/4 cup nigella seeds
    โ€ข kosher salt and pepper to taste

    Roast each ingredient separately until aromatic. Grind together until whole seeds are broken but not pulverized. If grinding in a food processor or coffee grinder (great for small amounts), grind in short bursts to avoid mixture becoming a paste.

    Store in a tightly covered jar.

    Makes about 2 cups

    Chubs– sounds delish!! We own a market in town and sell nigella seeds but I’ve never tasted them- maybe I’ll try them now thanks!!

    Hi everyone,

    As I’m so often banging on about psychological issues, I thought I’d provide this link to what I’m on about because this woman sums it up SO well – she is my all time favourite teacher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4EBc7dgf5I

    Love Spring xxx

    Hi Everyone — I’m lurking here…reading the posts but usually not responding. But learning all the time. I’ve been wanting to thank Karen for her posts especially about LCHF which I am following. You could just sign my name to all your posts along with yours because I agree and experience everything you say! It’s funny. I’m loving this way of eating. My need to binge is so low. I think the higher fat keeps me satisfied. I’m not a very good cook but it’s so easy to make tasty food — last night’s dinner was chicken breast stuffed with guacamole and then wrapped in bacon. Served with asparagus. Sooooo good. However, after dropping 4 lbs in the first week or so, I really haven’t lost much. I bounce back and forth between a couple pounds. Frustrating. I won’t change the way I’m eating because I feel so good but that fast weight loss is not happening. I probably need to lower the calories — you might remember that I need a hip replacement (and surgery is scheduled for June 17!) and can do very little exercise or really movement at all. So I’m probably eating too much…..though I rarely snack….my meals keep me so sated. One nice thing is that my blood pressure has gone back down to the normal range. It seems like it went up when I was putting on lbs and not moving much. But has dropped — just losing 6 lbs plus this way of eating? Maybe. I also wanted this morning to thank Spring for that link….I’ve forgotten the woman’s name already — Prema? Anyway, I started watching the video and love listening to her. What a message. And she has a sense of humour that really adds to it. I can see myself watching those videos as I’m recuperating and not really into reading yet. Thank you so much for posting that link!
    Thank you all for the interesting posts. I think much of my struggle with bingeing all my life is made easier just by it being out in the open and knowing that there are many people with the same struggle. Intelligent, fun, warm, kind people — all with the same struggle. Really lessens the intensity of it so much.
    Hope everyone has a good day.

    I’ve been doing some Googling this morning on LCHF and came across this YouTube video — Butter Makes Your Pants Fall Off. The fellow has a website too with lots of good information. Besides LCHF, he also promotes intermittent fasting.

    Just to add, today I walked into the room with the biscuits, to find a large tray with croissants, butter and jam. As it was a FD, I looked at them and then checked the calorie content which was 400. I decided to walk away and have lunch instead.

    Goodness, 2 days running??

    Thanks for the links. Just watched, very interesting.

    Tomorrow is a weigh /measure/clothes try on day. Hopefully there will be a downward trend somewhere. Off work for a week-whooppee! Huge de-clutter of clothes and stuff ahead. I am also planning a week of protein/fat and vegetables/salad as an experiment to see if there is any difference in how I feel and whether there is any shrinkage anywhere.

    Just remembered, saw a programme about alcohol last night. Not only is a glass of wine the equivalent of a doughnut in calorie terms, but those that drink alcohol eat more than they realize, while they are drinking. I can’t remember the % but it was significant.Interesting?

    Hi Annette52. Since I’m a red wine drinker I Googled the calorie counts and I came up with 125 calories for a 5oz glass vs 260 calories for a glazed donut. I guess if you had a 10-oz glass (which I have done before, for sure!), it would be the same. I totally agree that drinking wine can make you eat more. Before I started eating LCHF, this was definitely true for me. I would often sit down to have a glass of wine and some nuts before dinner and would end up eating WAY too many nuts! I’ve cut the nuts out now and don’t eat them at all so that has helped! I do like my red wine and would much rather have a glass of wine than eat a donut any day. But I have to stop drinking 7 days before my upcoming hip surgery and then probably can’t drink for 2-4 weeks after when I’m on pain meds so I might lose the wine drinking habit….which would not be a bad thing.

    Hi FastCanadian,
    I rarely drink alcohol, I used to get dreadful migraines that it simply wasn’t worth it. As a result, I am not very knowledgeable about glass sizes, but then I suspect that there is also some serious underestimation of the size of drinks that people think that they have too. They have conducted this trial where 1 group doesn’t know that they have a non alcoholic beverage and the other group has alcohol. They left the same amount of snacks for both groups and then weighed what was left over and found that the alcohol drinkers consumed not only the calories in their drink but ate far more than they realized as well. I always thought that salty beer snacks were there to make you thirsty and thus drink more.
    I love nuts, they are part of my high fat diet. It might be worth cutting back sooner rather than later, as it was also found that sleep is much poorer after alcohol, to say nothing of the increase in health risks.It would be cheaper too!

    Hi Annette52,
    I have measured my wine a few times so I know what 5oz looks like now. Plus, while I enjoy a glass of red wine (often before dinner), I don’t like too much because I really don’t like that buzzed feeling. Just enjoy the taste and probably the act of it. I’ve been bottling my own wine for quite a few years now so it is way cheaper than buying it at the store. I also have my glass of wine usually around 5 or 6 pm so by the time I go to bed at 11, it has worn off. If I do drink later I can tell it affects my sleep for sure.

    I love nuts too but I just don’t seem to have much control over how many I eat. Better for me to just cut them out of my diet. I’ll have a few if they are offerred when I’m out, but I don’t buy them. Too bad but that seems to be what works best for me.

    Hey hey, let’s not take away the wine too!๐Ÿท๐Ÿ˜ก Unless of course it causes problems – not here, in fact it’s probably saved my sanity not to mention marriage. OK then, red wine makes the cut, but sorry, doughnut, you are still in time-out๐Ÿšซ

    Wow Annette have you crossed to the dark side? Two days running, you are a MACHINE. Talk about mindful decisions, go you. Good luck with the accounting tomorrow!

    Hey CaliB wow you own a market? And sell all sorts of yummy natural food I bet – how wonderful! I think? I would likely go hog wild if I owned a store. ๐Ÿฝ

    Hey FastC good to see you too and best wishes with the upcoming surgery.โ™ฅ๏ธ Watching those videos should help – I loved her gentle humor, too. And the message of course was terrific. Loved her story about the Dalai Llama not understanding why people in western cultures were so prone to self-criticism. When you think about it, it is rather silly for us to do that – what good does it do…. Spring, thank you for posting it. I really did need some of that wisdom today, dealing with a delicate family situation that needs a calm touchโœจ Too bad I didn’t have such a calm touch today in the kitchen, golly I really just can’t focus on more than one thing at a time! And now we’re going out for pizza….I’ll try to hold the damage to one piece. And a glass of wine. And maybe some chicken wings. And still love myself in the morning ๐Ÿ˜

    Thanks too, Annette and Chubs, for the nut/seed recipes. Lately they barely make it to the kitchen – I opened the bag of raw almonds in the car yesterday. Yes…in the car. Eek. OK ohhmm…must love myself in spite of myself. ANd on the plus side, at least I didn’t rip into any carby starchy things.

    And on the minus side, I must now get myself to the store to buy some things for D, who’s visiting this weekend. Will try not to buy too much junk, but between you and me and the rest of the free world who can see this, it’s one of those times when sugar might be called for. I will try desperately to behave myself ๐Ÿ˜ณ Stay strong everyone – hugs{{๐ŸŒด}}} jade xxx

    Haha Jade, imagine if one of your first posts to this thread had been “I ate raw almonds in the car…” ๐Ÿ˜‰ So? You think you have a problem??? How far we’ve all come.

    I second the cheers for you Annette – you’re on a roll to shed the rolls. Are you thinking of trying on the little pink shorts?? I do recall that they were going to be on our Island Flag. I have been on the look out for pink shorts since then although not yet a little pair.

    FastC, I’m so glad you’re finding the HF suits you so well. I have no off button unfortunately so it doesn’t so work well for me but then nothing is working for me at the moment. Sigh. I like my wine too although 5:2 has been great in ensuring I have several AFD’s per week.

    Okay, well, even though it’s Saturday I have to work all day and as it is a full day of assessing student clinical performance there is always too much rubbish in the staff room. I will just have to channel you all for strength! Love to all, Spring xxx

    Just had a little weigh and measure which has cheered me up. Going in the right direction but a little way to go to get to where I was, but I think that I will give up measuring my calves and thighs as i can’t see them changing much more.The pink shorts have been put away…far far away. I tried them on and was so sad about how they fit or rather didn’t that they were the tipping point for me ditching the porridge/fruit meusli. When I get back to were I was, then I will get them out and see how far I have to go.
    I hope the day goes swiftly, spring, and you can avoid the rubbish in the staff room.I still can’t believe that I managed to walk away from ice cream 1 day and croissant the next.If there is an international nut shortage, it will be my fault. I love them and scoff them by the handful, they are good for you, fill you up and they are not sugar!!
    Jade eating almonds in the car…what happened to doughnut girl? Spring is right, we have all come such a long way.
    The supposed health benefits of drinking wine can be achieved by 25g walnuts or a cup of tea….just mentioning it as I duck for cover!
    Have a great weekend.

    Hi all– laughing at the butter made my pants fall off video!! What a great phrase! He has some great info and hats off to him for losing that much weight! I for one love butter more than just about anything else. I have rediscovered crackers made from flaxseed called flackers that I ate while doing a wheat free cleanse last year- only 1 net carb in 6 crackers– great for spreading things on- cream cheese, PB. Granted they are flax seeds but they have the illusion to my mouth of being a cracker!

    I have my daughter’s 15th bday this weekend so I’ll be buried in party planning.

    Haven’t braved the scales today – maybe next week after another FD.

    Loving cooked spinach lately with…. You guessed it… BUTTER!! Makes me smile and I don’t miss my sweets yet… Maybe in a few months.

    Off to bed… Have a great weekend!!

    Hi everyone!

    Greetings from a bit of a ‘sultry’ day in the UK (South/East)

    Spring, thanks for that link, thought it was very useful, love her dry sense of humour, and the ‘yes, but’ comment also really rang true, I’m finding a colleague at work really annoying, but am making an effort to be a bit more understanding, but the ‘yes but’ rears it’s head (sure it’s my ego). Agreed the workplace can be unfriendly in terms of biscuits, on FD’s I have to detour the staff kitchen, ๐Ÿ™

    Annette, loved the ‘international’ shortage of nuts ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for your recipe as well. Also Chubs thx for the Dukka, that looks amazing, will give it a whirl..
    FCanadian and Jade, I’m in the wine club, I mentioned in another thread, that I’ve REALLY cut down, and drink 2/7, one glass only, otherwise I do get headaches..there’s evidence for and against isn’t there? but we’ll believe what we want to, I think mostly. It does mean we might not sleep as well, as it’s said to interrupt the REM sleep, but I only drink on w/e’s, so hopefully not too much damage done?
    Calib like the sound of the crackers, I have to be careful with anything like that, as tend to overindulge, even if low carb.
    Thanks for all the great tips of the LCHF, I am adding some more fats, but cautiously, I’m not mad about either butter/cream etc…I recognize the contradiction, as chocolate is loaded with fat but also sugar, which I love, the so called “50-50′ foods, with high fat/high sugar. I’m constantly amazed at the mixed messages the press give! no wonder people get confused! here in the UK, there is still disagreement, in an article the other day I read “people must recognize that in 100 grams of cheddar cheese there is 400 calories” but what they don’t point out is this would ok, if it was not consumed with a hunk of bread, or pasta or if the portion was less. The secret is all in the combinations, would you say?

    Finally had a ‘whoosh’ moment! but am only cautiously optimistic, as feel the lizard is subdued, and could just pop up at any time! I did b2b FD, one liquid only, it wasn’t easy but the 2nd day IS so much easier for me, as you’re really in the ‘zone’, I went about my normal business, gave my Latin class, not so much as a blink of an eye, felt quite euphoric! It did wear off though ๐Ÿ˜‰ lol. Thursday I was a ‘wilting’ flower, lack of energy, maybe ‘paying the price’ not sure. Will have another 2 weeks of these b2b, then take stock. It does feel great to be in control, but I’m only as good as my last FD.

    Thanks for nice things said about work. Have felt more hopeful this week, my classes (Latin fit) are growing, but it’s a slog after nearly 3 years, as an ‘indie’ (Independent) to keep up the enthusiasm. Any business I’m sure is the same. The main thing is I’m passionate about it. I was married for 10 years, and divorced 3 years ago, I think this venture deffo fills a void/loneliness. Being single has it’s pluses, but grass is always greener. Going out for a meal with a partner is a major pleasure. I really miss that ๐Ÿ™ and making food. My fridge is a ‘singleton’s’ fridge, one lettuce, 1/2 a bottle of wine, and an avocado…lol.

    Have a fab weekend! hugs to Karen, Lolly, Coldpizza, Apricot and Caspersmum xxxx

    Tango, good for you! What a positive attitude๐Ÿ’ชand of course I don’t meant that it doesn’t take effort and thought. But do keep going with the dance, it’s your passion and it shines every time you write about it. Thanks also for the b2b example, I always like some new and shiny goal and maybe that will give me a whoosh – or at least be interesting. Getting bored is my biggest problem with LCHF, ha ha indeed there could be worse problems.

    Lol Annette and Spring – worse things… like eating doughnuts in the car! Yes I guess a mini-binge on raw almonds in my world smacks a bit of Mother Teresa sleeping in on a Saturday. Good thing I hadn’t purchased the Costco-size muffin tray. Those things could choke a horse.

    And Annette whoop whoop on the shrinkage๐ŸŽ‰ Well done! and those pink shorts can’t hide forever. Let’s get this done and dusted, as you all say. A week away from the food at work should help – and good luck with the continued training for your 10k. ๐Ÿƒ

    Cali I’ll have to look for those flackers, do you find they’re a bit dangerous in the fiber sense? I like something that’s a bit crunchy and do miss crackers. I found something called Whisps, crackers made just of Parmesan cheese, and they’re pretty tasty but a bit rich.

    Yesterday was a total snack disaster here, I was worried about some problems D is having – the kind you have to just let run their course – and to distract myself…let’s see, I started off well, with eggs. Then grapes. Then Whisps. Then as the day dragged on…peanuts, grapes, more Whisps. Late afternoon, taro chips with hummus, more grapes….then out for BBQ dinner (ribs, salad, 2 glasses red wine), then home where I was STILL anxious so had a huge apple !! not at all hungry but anxiety did mimic it rather well. D finally made it home and the lizards slithered off because I could actually focus on real stuff instead of my imagination. Whew. I know 1000 things I could’ve done, so don’t even bother telling me – instead, I am following Pema’s advice, it is just the way my lovable self was yesterday. I actually believe that it was the way I needed to be, even though it’s not the way I need to be most days.

    We’re all learning a lot, trying hard, making progress, so what’s not to love? โ™ฅ๏ธ๐ŸŒด It’s a rainy Saturday here, might cook up a big pot of soup in the rehab cave, y’all drop by! ๐Ÿ’•xxx

    It has been a glorious day in the SW when the sun finally began to shine. I had set myself a task during half term of clearing out the cellar, it is full of stuff that when i moved in 2002(post divorce) with 4 boys, stuff was just thrown in and forgotten about. So, today has felt very cathartic, getting rid of stuff is rather fabulous.

    Tango, my dinner tonight was a salmon fillet brushed with mayonnaise and then sprinkled with a mixture of parmesan and fresh breadcrumbs, cooked on GM 6 for 20 minutes. It was delicious with the soft bread roll that I had to buy for the breadcrumbs(spread with butter) and I had a pile of cherry tomatoes on the side. Dessert was a couple of handfuls of almonds, a satsuma and a banana. Now that my boys are out more than they’re in I am starting to think about what I would like to eat and spend time and effort on that too. We shall have to come up for some splendid meals for us singletons.

    On my brief trip to the supermarket this afternoon, I looked at the ice cream and walked away, but before you think that I have morphed into a super human, I did have an Almond Croissant when I was in town today…and it was delicious.I have just been mindful since. I wonder how long this is going to last????

    I am sure that you are very lovable Jade.I really need to get a couple of 10K done this week, if only to convince my mind that I can do it.

    Hello everyone. I am brand new to this and a bit fed up tonight. I always end up back on a binge after I’d done really well. It’s so fristrating(understatement), the difference this time is that I’ve found you guys. On reading your posts I can relate to you all. I think it’s the first time that I can say, these guys are like me, they know what I’m going through with food. Do any of you know why we do it? I didn’t get to read through all of the posts yet, personally I wonder is it due to some kind of imbalance in the brain, I mean in the happy hormone department??? Or is it just the comfort? I don’t know, and apologies if this has been discussed at length before. For me it’s ridiculous. I know that too much sugar is bad, I know being overweight is bad and I know when I have too much crap, I can feel really ill???? What I don’t know is why I do it? I went to a lovely counsellor recently and she said I don’t have binge eating disorder because I don’t get sick after I binge. Does anyone have a name for what we do, it doesn’t really matter I suppose, but I would like to know more so some day I might be able to stop. ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜˜

    Hello Keeluz,
    Have a look at Robert Lustig. He is my guru in the sense that he believes that we are victims of our biochemistry and it is not our fault that we binge on the sweet stuff(which was a lightbulb moment for me)that is what we are designed to do from an evolutionary perspective. There was a short harvest of fruit, and honey was only available if you could get past the bees. So for humans to crave and scoff the sweet stuff when it was available makes perfect sense. But, now with food available all the time and much of it stuffed full of sugar, especially if it is low fat or diet, we are on this treadmill of craving/bingeing unless we reduce the sugar in our diet.

    I gave up sugar in my tea after 40 years and banished jar tomato sauces and learned to make my own(very easy) and became an avid label reader for a while. However, it is much quicker not to buy anything that has a label! According to Lustig there are 2 things that we can do to reverse the impact of sugar, eat brown rice, brown pasta, wholewheat bread, fruit and vegetables, cheese, milk, unprocessed meat, seeds, pulses and nuts. The other is to take exercise which is anything that makes you sweat!

    My top tip would be to write down what you eat/drink alcohol for a week, then you can see what changes you can make to improve the quality of what you eat. Less sugar means less cravings. If you drink anything fizzy, give that up immediately, you will feel much much better in a week.

    Personally I think that how I behave around food, depends on the quality of the food that I have eaten. I feel much much better with less of the white stuff in my life. I stopped hiding and scoffing family packs of chocolate, in fact I stopped buying them at all.

    Give it a go for a week and see how you feel. You will feel much better.

    Hi Keeluz. I started binging or comfort eating when I was going through a rough time. Sometimes I was upset, sometimes angry but always when I had an emotional problem. The rest of the time I ate fairly normally. I ballooned and gained several stones. 30 yrs on its no different except I’ve had enough. I realise that when I’m down or angry I eat to make me feel better. I never do but now my brain is programmed to to react in this way. I’ve tried numerous diets but this 5-2 has been the best I’ve ever tried. Of course I still get the urges to pig out but I know that after a fast day I can eat whatever I want. I have given in to the feelings which as you know are overwhelming sometimes but now most of the time I can manage my 2 fast days. You have to find something that works for you. As the evenings are the worst I just go to bed early with a book. Just tell yourself no I wont give in. You’ll find the following morning you’ll feel great. I’ve now lost 30 lbs and Im feeling much better.

    This forum is a godsend when you want advice or support. Good luck.

    Hi Keeluz, welcome! this is fantastic thread, and there is a lot of support, as we all have ups and downs when it comes to food, and very personal successes and ‘failures’ (failure doesn’t really exist in this WOL)

    Agree with the points form Caspersmum and Annette ๐Ÿ™‚ My diet is also very similar, no bread (rarely unless it’s a spectacular bread) potatoes or pasta, no processed foods (full of sugar) but I do eat eggs, greek yoghurt, tuna, avocado, nuts, veg and some fruits (berries mainly) I use sour cream and mayo with some foods. I eat lentils and chickpeas (full of protein). I make homemade hummus, whizz in a blender 400 g of chickpeas (tinned, but wash them) tbsp olive oil, lime or lemon juice, some cut up spring onions, cayenne pepper and paprika. I’m in the middle of tweaking how much fat I can have and lowering carbs, see above LCHF, I use olive oil for cooking. I love spices/hot chile ๐Ÿ™‚
    I add protein powder (vegan) to yoghurt. You’ll see above a recipe(s) for various scrummy things people have added. On paper this looks great! in reality it’s not always easy, and I can be a slave to the sugar demon that lurks within me, to deal with a bad day at work, tiredness or sadness!

    I nearly got to my ‘target’ weight last year, but messed it up over the xmas holidays! Back on track now, and am losing weight. However, this is a WOL that gets you reflecting on many areas of your life, and varying issues surrounding food, there is no ‘blueprint’ and this forum shows this, it’s your own personal journey. I have body images issues, so although losing weight might help this, I’ve got to work from ‘within’ and accept what ‘mother nature gave me’ now! as losing the weight will only be half the battle in a sense. Saw this great TV prog. to keep it brief this woman, who had a lot of weight to lose, was struggling with low self confidence, and didn’t ‘believe’ that she looked better or that she could be beautiful) They did quite a few dynamics to make her feel better. One of them was to be the ‘nude’ in a life drawing class! (she got to wrap a sheet around her)at first she was so nervous, but later she began to relax, when she saw the images of herself she was amazed. It was a realization that, the moment to start believing is now.

    At the moment I’m doing B2B FD’s and find it effective, as by day 2, you don’t feel the same hunger pangs, but don’t feel weak either. It would be great to add another FD within my week, but I err on the cautious side, and don’t want to get too obsessed. On FD’s my motto is just ‘stick it out, come hell or high water’ it’s such a great feeling the next day. I’m trying to cut down on coffee during FD, as seems to be counter-productive. I drink enough water to sink a ship, and Miso soup, if I get really hungry.

    Good luck and speak soon xxx

    p.s I do a lot of exercise, dance, walk, yoga, pilates…

    Welcome Keeluz, I totally agree with Annette, caspersmum and Tango– we all come to this particular issue in our own way — mine was growing up with parents that fought at every meal time and the stress of it made me eat to dissociate from my surroundings. Over time it became a way of life for me. I didn’t always have a weight issue but I knew I had an eating problem. The weight would come off with exercise when I was younger but as I reached my mid fourties that all changed.

    I have been the most reluctant on this thread to give up processed carbs– I thought I could manage them in my life if I did every other day fasting. I did it that way for 2 months and I had very sluggish weight loss and I felt terrible.

    These amazing people on this thread would talk about their ups and downs and what was working for them. A few of them do low carb high fat diets along with fasting. I decided to try that one and it has been life changing for me.

    The urge to binge is closely related to our intake of carbs and how it affects our insulin levels. All the people on this thread are probably highly sensitive to carbs and insulin – it may start as behavior we adapt for comfort but it quickly becomes a hormonal issue that gets out of control.

    The good news is with fasting and limiting carbs- especially if you are able to increase fats, you will feel satisfied and not have the urge to binge as often. It is a great relief!

    We all have bumps in the road when we get stressed and then the urge comes back- sometimes we give in- sometimes we just write on this thread to each other looking for a lifeline to pull us back on track.

    The best thing is being here where we all understand what you are going through. The support here has changed the way I feel about my eating issues. I used to feel alone and ashamed that I had this problem, now I feel connected to a whole community that at any given moment will be there for me to listen to my woes and lend support or cheer me on for my successes.

    You’re in good hands!!

    Best of luck!

    I think that we all have issues around food. I think that habit and psychology have a big part to play along with the information we have/are given about what food is good for us and the relentless advertising for snacks/high sugar food. You only need to walk around any town to see the numbers of overweight and obese individuals who are all ages, clearly what we have/are doing simply isn’t working.

    I have been very clear that my goal was to eat food that I like and to lose weight.I have no interest in any apparent quick fixes and never thought that the 5:2 would work anyway. How wrong was I on all counts. It is now very obvious to me that changes have to be made, habits must change and responsibility lies firmly at my door. I am master of my own destiny.My choice, my responsibility.

    I have learned such a lot from these forums, tried things out, some worked well and some were a disaster. But if you don’t try it, then you never know. We are all complex souls with our own childhood/adult experiences that colour meals/food and that is just a small part of who we are and how we behave.

    I stand before you a menopausal woman who no longer has puddings every day at work because I finally realized that they made me feel rubbish afterwards, the sugar crash and craving simply wasn’t worth it. I cut down on sugar in my tea to the tune of 35tsp/week simply by reducing my tea habit from 8 to 3 mugs and that was because I was worried about my daily caffeine consumption.I then became aware that I had stopped buying family packs of chocolate that I told myself I was going to share..and then never did, stopped hiding food, in fact stopped buying the chocolate when I realized it was making me think about my next ‘fix’.

    I think that most of us are governed by the white stuff, we are designed to react to it and seek it out from an evolutionary perspective. Trouble is with all of the food around us available all of the time and much of it highly processed and stuffed full of the white stuff…a marketing mans idea of heaven if you work in the food industry, we are destined to fail. However, if you mainly eat food that doesn’t have a label, I have found that I feel much better and I am no longer looking for stuff to binge on. If I am, it will be fruit or nuts.

    So, no mood swings, psoriasis all cleared up and less of me overall, remains rather thrilling. Must go, cooked a roast for the first time in 3 weeks, I have missed roast potatoes!

    Link to article by MM about his change of diet to more fat and less carbs. http://bit.ly/22oIO6e

    Thanks Annette- great article!! Welcoming back fat in my life has been one of the greatest joys of this diet!! I really look forward to my meals and I savor every bite!!

    Probably my most surprising discovery is how the LCHF diet seems to wipe out my carb cravings completely. Not sure if this will last or not- I usually love bear claws with a steaming hot coffee– I’ve lost carb cravings before but I always fall off the wagon somehow and end up pigging out on pizza and garlic bread!

    I have been doing a 16 hour daily fast recently because I was feeling like I needed a change. Anyone do anything else than 5:2? Not sure it will work for weight loss.

    Ramadan begins next week and although my husband and I are not at all religious, we choose to do it as a spiritual cleanse. He grew up with it and finds it very useful to reset the mindfulness in his daily life. I have been doing it the last few years as a way to have quiet reset to my life every year.
    Not sure if it will be any easier this year after all the fasting I’ve done recently. The only real big difference is the liquid restriction along with food during the daylight hours. I’ll keep you posted.

    Wishing everyone a great day!


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