I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

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I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

This topic contains 3,042 replies, has 111 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 651 through 700 (of 3,046 total)

  • Go Fast Club! Yay for us, even FUFDs can’t keep a good woman down.

    Nice going, Melb, making that meal fit your FD. Holding off all day is tough sometimes, but it’s nice to then be able to eat a “regular” (albeit smaller) dinner. Love that your bf cooked for you — sweet!

    No salad tonight, I offered hubs grilled veg and salmon and his eyes lit up. Easy FD dinner, and the fresh summer produce is so nice, roasted with italian seasoning, salt, and a bit of olive oil. I like to roast them a full hour, those babies are glazed with their own sweetness when they get out of there.

    Michel, yes I always add protein to a salad, cheese at the least. Just leaves would never be enough to keep me from gnawing my arm off. Ha, i hear you about the eating “normal” – what the **** is that anyway. Healthy, we get. Your focus on “healthy” is right on. I hate to sound like a broken record, but ditching snacks is having the same effect on my nonFDs as being hungry for FD dinner: I want real food and I’m happy to get it. I just eat more of it (not a problem!!).

    Annette, now you’re getting great arms, too? I would love to tone mine, but jogging and biking don’t seem to help, and that’s the only exercise I like. Do you lift weights? I have terrific biceps but the lower half is flappy, like I have a turkey under each arm πŸ™‚ Glad cooler weather is coming so I can hide those things.

    Whew, I’m actually getting a bit hungry again, so I’m off to bed fantasizing about scrambled eggs. Does anyone else have to get up several times a night from all the water? Thank heavens my bedroom is upstairs from the kitchen.
    xxxx jade

    Jadelark – grilled salmon and veg… SO JEALOUS! Boyfriend is “allergic” (retches at the sight/ smell/ mention of fish or seafood) so I never have fish at home. Ah, the bitter compromise of relationships! Also your description of secret eating .. it’s like I am there in the car with you. If only I can work out how to get my brain to remember how I feel after the last bite instead of only thinking about how I will feel during the first bite!

    Penguin – ah, the thesis. Hope it’s going well! I actually lost quite a bit during my masters but put on 4 stone (o-O) during the PhD. Late night pizza and all day jelly babies and not getting up from the chair for hours… so not a good look!

    The builders are still doing the bathroom, now days and days behind schedule and we have a friend coming to visit at the weekend. Good news is I am leaving the house early each day to use the toilet & shower in my office building, so being jolly productive work-wise!

    I also haven’t been able to weigh myself which is possibly good, as it is forcing me to focus on the longer-term health benefits of fasting regardless of weight loss. In an ideal world (you know, where we’re all as slim and glamourous as 1930s fashion models and we piss on kraken doughnuts for fun without the slightest temptation to eat them), I want to keep doing a fast a week for health benefits even after I’ve lost the weight. So fasting without knowing if I’m losing is a positive step towards seeing it as a long-term way of life.

    Having said all that, I did calculate that my average for then past ten days, including fast days and eff ups is 1600, which is still some 600 below my TDEE. So by the simple laws of calories in vs calories out, I have enough of a deficit to have shifted 2 pounds of fat. No idea if that will show up on the scale, as and when I can fight my way through the piles of plaster board and copper piping, but my tight work trousers certainly feel a lot less tighter around the tummy!

    Wishing you all a pleasant day of healthy food choices and kraken slaying!

    Morning All,
    I think that my arms simply have less fat on them, so that the muscles are more obvious. I would like to think that jogging has some effect as I swing my arms as I run. I don’t lift weights but gather that everyone should especially girls. On a visit to TK Maxx I bought myself some Pilates resistance tubing, so 3 different levels of difficulty which apparently works the upper and lower body with resistance training with 9 minutes x5 times a week=500 calories too. I just need to commit and make a start.
    I think being aware of the secret eating is a big step forward. It takes time to change habits, but 1 day at a time is a great start, which worked well for me.
    I can completely understand the studying food stuffing. I would bake in despair usually with a deadline looming and then eat it all! I was starting to go out for a run which was certainly helping, but I am having a break from it at at the moment.
    I had a look at TDEE on various other sites and they all gave me a figure that was much higher than this one. So I am sticking to this one. You may not lose 2 lb on the scales, but may have shrunk, so don’t be too down-hearted if that is the case and do have a look at the comparisons of 1 lb of fat to 1 lb of muscle on the internet. Made me realize what a huge achievement a whole lb of fat is.
    FD for me today.

    Morning Fast Club!

    Taking up the lard baton and going for a FD again. The path is looking kraken free till I get to mom’s for dinner. I’ve lost 4.4 of the 6.6 lbs I gained since last Thur! 6.6 lbs in 4 days, how is that even possible? Talk about being in denial. Oh well, I’m back on the wagon and the road is leading to a healthy lifestyle.

    Jade: Your veggies sound so delish. I’m not a cook, so when you say “roast for an hour” does that mean you baked them in the oven on a cookie sheet or do you have some special roasting pan w/ a lid? And what temperature?
    And, yes, I have to get up numerous times after a FD.

    Melb: You are spot on: I need to focus on how I feel after a binge and nothing else.
    We had our bathroom remodeled last summer. It took twice as long as planned for, but we were able to use another bathroom in the house. I don’t know how you are surviving.
    Congrats on staying below TDEE and having looser trousers. I like the way I look in your ideal world. πŸ™‚

    Annette: Interesting info on the various TDEE s. And way to go on the arm definition!

    No snacking & healthy meals!

    The scale is a liar! Only because it can’t reason (unlike this crowd of PhDs!). It has no clue whether loss/gain is from fat, but somehow mine likes to say “haha you ate less and are still fat as ever.” The cal averaging is a brilliant counter, Mel. Take that, gnarly scale. The “law of calories” will prevail.

    Annette, I saw the range of TDEEs, very tempting πŸ™‚ and also, has everyone noticed the wide range of calories on MFP? I mean, why is “homemade stew” even a thing on there. There is no way to even speculate. Thank heavens eating less often has made it easier to tote up my meals. ps it sure as hell knows what a Krispy Kreme is πŸ™

    Michel, another FD? The incredible shrinking Texan! OK, the veggie roasting is super easy! I use a baking pan with sides to contain the juices, which eventually roast away. Cut up any veggies you like (last night I had squash, green beans, onions, mushrooms, and a can of diced tomatoes with juice). I’ve started just tossing them IN the pan instead of pre-tossing in a plastic bag. Add a T of oil (+/- depending on how many veg), salt, herbs, toss with hands, lick fingers :). I don’t cover, b/c I like those things to dry out a bit. Roast about 1 hour at 400 (fahrenheit), until the liquid is about gone, stirring occasionally (esp if not much liquid). Also, if I use new potatoes, I micro them first for a min or two before dicing.

    Hey FYI re diet drinks…I worried about possible spike effect on appetite, even though I hadn’t noticed any lately. I’m always looking for research problems, thank goodness school starts soon πŸ™‚ So WebMD and Mayo Clinic say fake sugar can’t spike insulin, because it can’t affect blood glucose levels, because it’s NOT SUGAR. I know…water is best, but water does not get me through the Valley of the Afternoon Kraken. I’m behaving well enough without giving up Crystal Light, too.

    Good grief, sorry this is so long. Time to go enjoy some of my last official days off. Happy fasting and healthful eating! xx jade

    Jade: Thanks for veggie recipe. Sounds so good, I gotta give it s try.
    I’ve hit the”valley of the afternoon kraken”. Drinking my Crystal Light to get me thru. Little worried about shopping at Wal-Mart before heading to mom’s.

    Mantra: “I’m only buying healthy food”

    Hi all…well forget about fufd, I have had a totally fu week. I am never letting the OH go away again without me. I just used it as an excuse to eat stuff I never would have eaten had he been here. First FD or rather fufd was Monday… Went well then had chicken breast with salad leafs…still all good…then I ate 6 bloody packets of walkers square crisps. Then on Tuesday my next fufd I ate fine until got home and stared at a Chinese take away menu for over an hour debating whether to have Chinese, and I did. 6 sweet and sour chicken balls, chicken chop suey, egg fried rice anndddd smoked chilli chicken. I mean ffs, I probably had chicken sweats. Then Wednesday I went for meal and wine and cocktail’s with my sister…then today I ate a crappy frozen pizza for dinner…it wasn’t even nice. Today was meant to be another FD after two fufd’s. I turned into an eating machine just cos I was alone. I am ashamed and have heart broken myself at my outrageous behaviour.

    I must have a serious word with myself and have a lot of making up to do. How will I hit my WL target before holiday behaving like this. Confession over. So sorry to rant. You guys all inspire me so much and all I am doing is sharing my personal doom but I do appreciate having somewhere to vent my horror and frustration.

    I am going to bury my face in my pillow in a moment and try and have a good sleep, refocus and kick the arse out of next weeks fd’s and get my butt exercising again to try and get on top of my dreadful eating festival.

    Much love to you all and thanks for listening. Perhaps I will manage a more positive post next week and respond to all of your wonderful posts when I can lay my hands on a laptop instead of trying to do on my lil mobile phone.

    Keep going guys. I’m gonna beat the living sh!t out of the kraken food demons and will return with good news.xx

    Ltd!! Good to see you here, we’ve missed you. I’m sorry, I laughed and loved your rant (lol chicken sweats), but I know you feel like crap. I’d do the very same thing if my OH took a trip. IF ONLY, I sometimes think. Might have even played some nice revolutionary music to add a nice touch. We’re all either recovering from a week like this or one nerve away from it. Forgive yourself and move on.

    Just get on the wagon again tomorrow. Aim for a FD but if it doesn’t happen, then just aim for healthy eating. If I’ve learned anything, this plan builds on itself progressively. You can’t win it all in one day, but you also can’t be undone by one FUFD or even a week of them. I had a whole month of them in July and by sheer pissiness have forced my knuckleheaded brain to accept that I will keep trying as long as it takes.

    Best of luck as you beat the living shit out of kraken demons — look out now, she’s kicking ass and taking names!

    Michel, hope you survived WalMart (do they even sell healthy food anymore?:)). It’s a mine field in there!

    One day a a time, clubbers, we’ll get there — love you all xx jade.

    Hello my beautiful friends!! Wow, a couple of days and the site is like a kraken on fire.
    fizzy – loved the picture of you furtling in the pantry (although the urban dictionary definition would cause a blush, a bit like ‘fighting the kraken…’). Well done on the C25K efforts, all part of the same process of improving health even if FD’s are on the back burner.
    Michell – thanks for the tip to re-watch the MM show as I need that motivation again every now and then. I wish I could slow down my eating but hubby and I are like a runaway train at the table some nights, taking turns to say ‘slow down’ if we notice it’s ratcheted up another notch.
    annette, I loved your comment ‘the world will not stop spinning’ if we FUFD’s – good advice for sure.
    Melb – I nearly wet myself laughing at the thought of pissing on kraken doughnuts πŸ™‚ and way to go on the loss. I once had a 1 kg lump of silicon ‘fat’ (it was a drug company promotion some years ago) and I remember thinking wow, I won’t belittle a loss like that in future. I still do, but it’s good to be reminded just how much 1kg (2.2lbs) of fat is. I was so sorry to read about your friend’s illness by the way, sending strength to you both.
    Kitty – welcome back!! Although it sounds as though it’s been a tough couple of weeks with a few more to go – pop in here anytime and we’ll be here for you. My prayers are with you too for excellent care and great outcomes.
    mcca – so good to see you here again and it felt like old home week when I logged in this morning. A FUFD still gets a tick in my book. It beats the crap out of a Didn’t Even Bother FD or a Can’t Be Arsed FD (although they can also be quite legitimate approaches on some days πŸ˜‰ ) I think it’s amazing how many different ‘eating alone’ or ‘secret’ eating motivations there are, from shame to pleasure and power. We are so going to figure this all out one way or another.
    great to see you too ltd and what an amazing week you had and LMAO about the chicken sweats. I had an image of you flapping your arms and yelling bock, bock, bock, booooocccckkkk. And please, please feel free to rant and vent all you want – so good to hear the good and the bad and it makes us all freer to share the horror stories.
    Jade, are you a stand-up comic by any chance?? You make me laugh!! I love the light bulb idea of no snacks and use that strategy a lot. I try to avoid snacking if at all possible and only have fruit/nuts when I do (although that does depends a lot who is in control on a particular day, me or the crazy inner b*%^h-child). And can I have your virus, please?? You have the normal virus for sure and I need it. I can also relate to the orgasmic nature of a good binge and I am going to plan a special treat this weekend, just to enjoy that sensation, if in a more controlled manner!!
    Okay, well I have to get back to grading papers but have to report that I am at my lowest weight since starting 5:2 and have lost the 700 gm I put on over the last 2 weeks. I owe it ALL to you and the reinforcement you provide as I stride past kraken caves with my virtual sisterhood of supporters.. Spring xxxx

    Woo hoo! Another successful FD. Made it out of Walmart with tons of healthy/fresh stuff. Didn’t even go down the processed aisles. Managed to keep track in MFP of all my calories and it really helped knowing the Fast Club was in my corner.

    Itd: I’ve had many a FU week when my OH is out of town. (who on this thread hasn’t?) No reason to apologize for the rant, that’s what we are here for. Any day can be a FD and a vacation is a great motivation.

    Spring: Good to hear from you and huge congratulations on hitting lowest weight. Keep up the great work.

    Keep it healthy and mindful!

    Hi Everyone!

    Big thank you to Michel – you held a mirror up to me. I knew I liked eating alone and that was bad but had never really thought about it more than that… I know that sounds stupid. I’m in a family of 4 but somehow manage to engineer eating my meals alone. How weird is that??? Way to give my kids an eating disorder…. breakfast and lunch are always on the run so we just grab stuff. Dinner – hubs away all week so I usually feed the kids separately. I’m either fasting or so full from my 4pm ‘kitchen cleanup’ (where I put everything I can find in my mouth) that I am not hungry. None of this is normal so am going to make a concerted effort to eat in company. Slowly. Fork down, water in between:-)

    Jade – I totally get what you mean about eating a meal in company being fine. It’s the secret eating where the pace and content are out of control. I’m sneaking about like I am having an affair with Mr. Kipling (UK-US translation = Mr Kipling is like male version of Betty Crocker. Brand of cake).

    Michel – thanks for the reminder about the MM documentary. I too had conveniently forgotten that it was the day-on-day-off fasters who were eating ‘what they wanted’.

    MelB – way to go getting back on the wagon, well done!

    Annette – great news on the arms!

    LTD – try not to beat yourself up. Someone here suggested the book ‘Normal eating for normal weight’ which I am reading and is great, it has some advice about how not to beat yourself up after bad eating, which I won’t try to replicate here because I will do it a disservice, but it is definitely worth a read.

    Spring – Congrats on your lowest weight!!!!! That’s great news.

    Hello to everyone else too!! x

    PS Why is it all women here? I’ve been wondering this. Why do we end up with all the weird eating habits? Do you think men binge eat too but don’t label it as such, or do they ‘just overeat’??

    Hi group,

    McCain think men, from my Kikuyus experience are less likely to gorg on the carbs like we do. Also men are less likely to seek out support perhaps? I notice also, I’m very secretive about my binges, I like to do them alone. Yet (of course they could be secretly eating) but most men I know who are overweight seem to openly overeat, they either drink or eat fatty foods rather than have the carb binges.

    I’m also finding it helpful to view my eating as an eating addiction, I have to remind myself of this and I find it helpful- I think ok, this is a problem, this is what I’m doing and I might do and it’s helping me to plan a bit more.

    The other day I hadn’t had much sleep and was left looking after children all day in the house… Let’s just say all the bread disappeared (why is it always bread, cereal, stodgy?!). So I am being really mindful about sleep. My dad has lost a lot of weight and when questioned if he had been on a diet he answered “When I start a meal I can just keep on going, I am eat and eat and eat, I felt this was gluttony and I didn’t want to do it any more”.

    Makes me wonder if we have a genetic propensity and we shouldn’t beat ourselves up about it. Just plan ahead and be as kind as we can to ourselves.

    Oh and by the way- nearly all my binding is done alone and there is no stop button.

    Any way, moving forward, I’m finding skipping breakfast helps but fasting I need to eat all kcal before bed or else I can’t sleep and lack of sleep and stress are my two main triggers!

    Sorry to dip In then out again … Hope you don’t mind. Loving the support here -I often have children around and don’t have the time to give a considered response but thank you all so much. They say friendships are built on trust and me too moments….!!!

    Argh to automatic text correction. I meant to address the first paragraph to mcca.

    Ps I don’t know if anyone else has noticed a high carb or fat breakfast leads to bingeing- I’m better off not eating anything when I first get up, does this apply to anyone else? I woke and had three bowls of museli (I’ve noticed if I have dark choc, bread, cereals in too large a quantity, ) and two coffees at 7 am and was full on bingeing by ten!

    Hi Queen! Our trailblazer! Good to see you again. I too am looking after children so don’t have time to reply a lot of the time but I read everybody’s posts each day and look forward to opening my mail each morning as I get the alerts from The Fast Diet giving me the ‘binger’ updates!

    Totally agree about breakfast. If I open my ‘eating window’ too early, I am happily onto second breakfast by 9 or 10am. If I can limp through to 2 or 3pm without eating, I can swing a fast day without too much pain.

    Queen – love how your dad made it sound so simple. I have a sneaking suspicion that men have the ability to follow through the train of thought (“I didn’t want to overeat so I didn’t”)… if only it would work like that for us, eh? πŸ™‚

    Morning All!

    Give me strength! Fri morning “free” breakfast smells really good. I’m having lunch w/ my mom & daughter so I really don’t need breakfast too.

    My mantra: I am NOT a breakfast eater!

    Hello All,

    Why not make your own meusli? Mine is about 1KG jumbo porridge oats in a large bowl, approx 400g sultanas and 400g raisins with a bag of 200g nuts that I chop. Then just mix it all together in the bowl and then put in an air tight container. I measure out 75g for breakfast(in a small bowl) with a couple of tablespoons of full fat yoghurt. It doesn’t have any added sugar and you could other fruit if you like, but just be aware that dried fruit is high sugar.

    It doesn’t matter what time you start eating, then only thing that matters is how many calories you consume. Losing weight isn’t magic, just maths.

    For just one week, write down everything that you eat and drink in a journal and calculate the calories in everything that you consume. Compare that with the TDEE on this site-go to ‘resources’ then ‘BMI calculator’. It has really opened my eyes on why I am struggling to lose weight(consuming too many calories). The other huge plus is that I can now make informed choices on what I am going to consume and lose weight.If I know how much a food item ‘costs’ in calories then I can decide whether or not to have it. That really helped me stop the secret eating as well as the binging, which also made me feel rubbish too.

    When I was 3 stone(42 lb) heavier than I am now, I bought myself WW frozen meals for a week and was shocked to my core at how small the portion sizes were and then realized that I could blame my bulk on all sorts of things but the simple truth was that I was eating far too much. Now that I am struggling again the only conclusion that I can come to is that I am consuming too many calories again.

    My journal shows me the error of my ways. Sad but true. I have over-indulged this week and may well throw in a 3rd FD tomorrow to help reduce the damage.

    Hi queen and welcome:

    Almost everyone has observed that they get hungry after they eat carbs. The reasons are posted many places on this site. Many have found eating one high fat/protein meal in the evening is the best way to handle the issue.

    Here are some tips: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    I broke down and had a piece of apple strudel. It was not very good. So instead of just eating more because (duh) it is there, I walked away. How amazing is that? I was even alone! Who am I?!

    Mcca: I’m happy to hear that some of my rambling has helped you. I think awareness & small steps are key for our progress.

    Queen: Lack of sleep – I can see where being tried can leave you vulnerable. I know when I’m tired & don’t feel good I often find comfort in food. Besides fighting kraken takes a lot of mental energy. And don’t get me started on stress eating.

    I find it interesting that most of us on this thread can’t do breakfast w/o unleashing the hunger monster. For me it doesn’t matter what I eat. If I start to early, I will be miserable all day.

    Quote from the book:
    “Keep the commitment small. When creating new habits, small steps are more effective than grand gestures.”

    Take a bow for walking away from the apple strudel! Can you hear the round of applause? When things are not as good as you imagine that they are going to be, it becomes easier and easier to walk away and save those calories for something that is worth it.

    Quote is spot on too.

    Well Done !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Annette: Thanks for the support & encouragement. I’m feeling all of you with me today “saying do you really want that?”

    Keep it Healthy & Mindful & No Snacking!

    Fantastic achievement. Polish your halo and bask in the glow….

    Shoot, I wrote a newsy little post earlier, so excited to see everyone, and it poofed.

    Michel, nice job on the strudel, you flat took that kraken OUT, girl.
    Spring, congrats, looks as though you’ll need a teeny bikini for the pool. I am a huge smartass — my mom always said “laugh, or you might cry!” so unless someone has died I usually do. I miss getting the giggles with her, but she left a lasting legacy πŸ™‚

    Mcca (lol “McCain”) and Queen, it’s so hard to limit oneself while feeding kids — they can eat forever. I loved Michel’s quote, about breaking habits through small commitments. That lovely book about “normal eating” did say this was a long process (no kidding!) and darn if it wasn’t frustrating trying to do everything at once. So my current commitment is to stop snacking, and TDEE be damned for now. Maybe your one thing could be to stop eating kid leftovers? Kick that habit then move on. All I know is that when I was competing for “Miss 5:2″ I was losing my commitment to do any of it. It helps to see that even Annette, who could win an award for mindfulness, has her struggles. As for men, they didn’t take near the body-shaming hit that we have from girlhood. Plus a lot of them wear their 34” waistbands just 2 cm above the hoo-hah and actually believe they’re a size 34.

    Annette, your matter-of-fact attitude – “it’s just maths” — is so calming! Are you a financial/accounting type, steeped in simple logic? You could make motivational tapes for the psychologically overwrought like me. I have to say, I laughed when first reading your meusli recipe, thinking it was for one serving. Wow, a whole KG of oatmeal? Sign me up for THAT breakfast. Though I’m in the camp that should avoid breakfast, at least in the a.m. Especially a kilo’s worth.

    If anyone is interested, I found this link about sugar cravings helpful. I’m not planning to give up sugar, but I’d love to control myself around it. https://www.womentowomen.com/insulin-resistance/insulin-resistance-our-love-affair-with-sugar

    Keep up the efforts, Fast Club, they are paying off! We will get there, and then we’ll all strut our bikinis down the Champs Elysees, n’est-ce pas? xx jade

    I will not snack!

    I roared with laughter at the idea that I was one of accountant/financial types. I have to add most things up with a calculator!

    If you want to lose weight then there are 2 rules, to have 2 FD of no more than 500 calories and the other is to not consume a morsel more than your TDEE OR YOU WILL NOT LOSE WEIGHT.

    Last week I ate up to my TDEE of 1800 and x2 FD of 500= lost 2 lb.
    This week ate more than my TDEE every day and despite x2 FD and 3 runs= weight stays the same. It is just maths.We are not going to be in our bikinis anytime soon unless we stick to the TDEE for 5 days and FD x2.

    Try it for next week as an experiment, using the TDEE figure from this site. I will do it as well and we can compare results next weekend. Are you up for it Jade?

    Oh you drive a hard bargain, Annette… YES I’M UP FOR IT. I say that now that I’m one week into my “new habit” of not snacking, which is going pretty well, so sure… I’m ready for another goal. Bring it on!

    Wait, starting Monday right? πŸ™‚ I’ll be ready. I have an appointment with a creme-filled doughnut tomorrow.
    xx jade

    Quick note to say; I finished the day w/ no snacking (except for apple strudel) which equals no secret eating. Probably did not stay in TDEE with Mexican food for lunch and homemade kingranch casserole for dinner. But overall a good day.

    No snacking!

    Brilliant Jade. Check in Saturday with the results?

    To allow 5 NFD’s and 2 FD’s we will need to start now. This is a way of life so just deduct the doughnut out of your TDEE for Sunday. I will be fitting in a roast dinner, which will probably be more calories.

    Let us know if that creme-filled doughnut is as wonderful as you imagine?

    Well done on the non snackng MichellMB and Jade.

    Oh, right Annette, you meant one of those weeks with 7 days? :)… see how good you are with numbers?

    Seems like a small enough commitment. See how she did that, clubbers? She’s a magician. And I think my doughnut just disappeared, because I can’t spare the calories today, have a party tonight and must behave.

    Michel, congrats on slaying the Snack Kraken! I definitely flubbed tdee yesterday thanks to after-wine snacking….

    One step at a time. I will NOT snack and I WILL obey the tdee. That could be two steps πŸ™‚ but I can do it for a week!
    xx jade

    Hey- just a quick question for you all. How do you say no to food? I mean, I always WANT food. Today for example, was with a. Crowd and hubby brought me out choc cake without me asking. He had brought it and sat it in front of me and I said I didn’t want it and he sadly said “I’ve got it for you now” and no one else wanted any- and I love chocolate cake. Obviously I find it hard to say no to food any day, but I am often with other mothers etc and cake or such like is served despite me saying no and I am a people pleaser and don’t want to appear awkward or draw attention to myself. I suppose I need to be assertive…. Anyone else find this tough?!

    Queen that’s a tough one for me too – especially if it’s homemade by the person offering. You can’t just eat a bite then leave the rest as though it’s not very good. Ha, hard for any of us to eat just a bite, period.

    I have said “oh that looks so fantastic but I’d better not, my tummy’s a bit tender.” No one EVER asks for more details then. Or if it’s after a meal, where clearly my stomach is not tender, I might say “I’m sorry I just cant, I’m stuffed.” Or ask for the tiniest sliver.

    Or if I’ve kept my wits about me, I can fit it into my tdee. It is hard to write that with a straight face, but I’ve heard it can be done πŸ™‚

    Does your hubby not know about your 5:2? Might be time to tell him, if not. Mine just knows I eat “light” several times a week, but he would be the last person to offer me cake, as he doesn’t care for it.

    Wow Jade, very impressive, to tackle 2 steps but I am sure that you will rise to the challenge. Think next Saturday..

    Bingeingqueen, it isn’t food that makes us fat it is habits. Not just ours but those around us too. I found that there were some people around me who were perhaps unaware that they were trying to sabotage my efforts. Change is difficult and sometimes people feel threatened that when we change ourselves, that we will no longer love them either. It can be complex, the relationship between people and food.
    My approach was to thank who ever had bought/brought me cake etc with a big smile and simply say that I didn’t want it and then give it to them. If they pressed the matter I would say that I wasn’t feeling very well and left it at that. No good saying a ‘soft’ no, but a firm ‘no thank you’ is often necessary in the early days. Just keep refusing and then people will stop offering or pressing it on you.
    If you are meeting up with mums then simply refuse as you have just eaten, be vague if pressed and move the conversation onto themselves. It will pass and you can think about that 6-800 calories that you have saved.
    It is like all things, just needs a bit of practice. It does get easier and one day you will forget that you ever worried about it.Put yourself first and what is best for you and it is surprisingly easy to refuse all sorts of things!
    Any help?

    Howdy lovelies
    Just popping in, visitors gone but am now packing again for Monday’s trip to the big city!
    Well I’ve finally been stopped in my voracious eating tracks by my dear husband, who caught me at 3am inhaling 3 brioche rolls and a Toffee Crisp. He asked me what had happened to my healthy eating as I had been doing so well, and now I’m just back on the junk food train again. I was so ashamed at being called out, ffs did I honestly think that no one would notice I’d gone back to how I was pre 5:2????
    I’ve given all the excuses, poor health, visitors, travelling, depressed, needed comfort, bla bla bla….but what I’ve really been doing is trying to justify eating badly.
    Now I’m having my spinal surgery in November, a major procedure which has a long recovery. Then in January I’m having a different operation but the surgeon for this one has said he won’t operate until I’m under 12 stones (~170lbs?).
    Despite being fully aware of this target I’ve been eating like a beast. And it has to stop. Jeez, you all must be tired by now of hearing me say the same thing over and over….

    Anyway, I’m taking control, as of now. I will weigh myself tomorrow morning and find out how much damage I’ve done from being 198lbs a month ago. And I’m going to post here how much I’ve gained. Tomorrow WILL be a FD.
    Apologies for the massive self indulgent self pitying post my dear clubbers….but if I can’t confess all this to my gals, then what’s the point? Thanks xx

    Annette and jade thank you- I might need to text on here every five minutes of the day with the challenges that arise!

    Definitely a good one to say I have eaten or my stomach isn’t feeling too great – although with the husband he had been with me all day so knew I hadn’t eaten. I hadn’t been clear what I was planning to be fair but he did get one for himself and have a sneaky feeling it made him feel better to get me one too! Interestingly I find if I say no, it seems to make others feel guilty about what they are having and then I feel really bad! They don’t realise I have the potential to eat a whole cake if I don’t “just say no”!!! Annette you are so right it’s about habit, I think because when I haven’t been mindful I have just been “yes” to whatever is going but I just can’t do that anymore. Also cake? What is it with that stuff it’s everywhere and i am not even bothered by it until I start eating it. I overeat on anything – cherries, whole grain bread … So to keep having those extra bits of cake that I don’t crave if I don’t have, seems pointless to have, as you point out Annette, an extra 600-800 kcal! That firm no is really helpful guys. I hate being rude though….

    Thank you jade and Annette. I was trying to do a just two meals today, to get myself back into the swing of fast days but I ate the cake so that kind of blew it…! Xx

    Thank you!

    Kittybangbang all my posts are selfish- don’t worry about it. If we had others like us to chat to we probably wouldn’t be turning to this forum. Group support is essential and I think only people who binge understand. I know many people aren’t wired the same way.

    Lots of studies have shown its not falling off the wagon that makes the biggest difference to weight- even normal eaters overeat… But, it’s getting back on it. You sound like you have loads going on… However, the next hour, two hours, four hours, six hours don’t have to be the same. You’ve done it, yum now back on it, can you get them out of reach, refocus on goals. For me, going one morning without overeating is a huge achievement! So I congratulate myself if I make a day and. A fast day is like ….yay me!

    My big tip is keep your hands busy! Xx

    Glad it was helpful.
    Bingeingqueen. Refusing food is not rude, with a smile and a white lie. You might just have to live with the guilt until you realize that everyone is so bound up in their own lives the focus is not on you for long. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or what your potential to eat might be, the power is in your hands and it is your choice.Use it. Only you can decide whether you explain to your husband about this way of life or not. I chose not to tell anyone until I had lost 14 lb, when some people had started to notice.The most supportive has been my slender friend…go figure!
    The world will not end over some cake, really it won’t. But maybe you will feel more able to refuse it next time? If you check out your TDEE and see what you have consumed so far, you may find that it is not nearly as bad as you imagined. If it is, then never mind, tomorrow will be here soon enough and you can start again. Perhaps try 3 meals, that might be far easier to manage. It doesn’t matter which you do as long as you stay below the TDEE. Be very pleased with your achievements to day and give yourself a pat on the back. It is a marathon, not a sprint.

    One other thought, Queen…with the other mums, could you say your doc warned about some prediabetic concern, so you must lay off the sweets? Wouldn’t work with hubs. Or for that matter with the mums if you’re having cake sometimes but not others. IMO not really a lie, though – I’m surely “pre something” the way I tuck into sugar. Pre-insane if nothing else. By the way, loved your advice to Kitty. When I feel good about food decisions, however small, my head feels more tightly screwed on (ha, almost typed “up”).

    Oh Kitty I feel for you….none but this group could appreciate the exquisite awfulness of being caught out. Then again, that kind of kick in the pants can spur a change. For your health’s sake and for selfish reasons, I want you back on 5:2 so you’ll stick around to kvetch with us. Let’s share the struggle. Of course we complain here! I am telling you, with a wine hangover, I am struggling mightily today, probably why I’m camped out online πŸ™‚

    However, it’s time to drag my sorry ass out for a walk to get some vit D, speaking of doc’s advice. Happy thinking all! xx jade

    kittybangbang. It is great to have 2 goals to keep the focus. Have you worked out if you lost 1 lb a week what you could lose by the November op? And if you lost 2 lb a week?
    May I suggest that after the weigh in, you have a look at your TDEE on this site and stick to it for 5 days and the 2 FD and then see what the result is? I suspect that will be enough of an incentive to keep going with positive results.

    You’ve been caught out. Move on and start again tomorrow.

    I have just had a brilliant idea. Jade and I have a date next Saturday to see what the scales say after 5 NFD days up to the TDEE and 2 FD of 500 calories. Anyone else what to join in? Any treats have to come out of the TDEE remember…Do you mind Jade?

    lol I peeked in again – haven’t walked yet, decided to vacuum instead. Ugh, so much pet hair….

    Heck no I don’t mind opening up this challenge, let’s make it a party. It’s already having a great effect on me. I love doughnuts, but I also love challenges and I hate to lose.

    So, Annette, you’re not an accountant…are you a coach of some sort? You’re good, whatever you are. I think maybe you’re a wizard. So glad you are here.
    xx jade, who is seriously off on that walk now

    Jade you really make me laugh out loud. Not an accountant, not a coach, sadly not a wizard either…and thank you. Just trying to help.

    Wow! So many great posts!

    Queen: I had to take a hard stand at work a couple of years ago. We had a real food pusher. A guy that would bring it to my desk and way it under my nose. I was struggling with a little bulima at the time and it was really a struggle for me. With the help is s therapist, I learned to say no. I had to get really firm and a little angry with him before he started to leave me alone. Now, the people in the office will ask if I want some and move on. I still struggle cause I want some but it is not like it was and I get respect not jeers.

    Sorry you were caught, but it is probably a blessing in disguise. Hopefully he will be a support for your health eating.

    Gotta make smoothies for the family…..I’ll be back!

    Thanks everyone for your very helpful words of wisdom – I’m feeling so much more motivated already. Actually need to write some down for peeping at when I feel weak.

    And thank you Annette, I will gladly join this little challenge, what a great idea. Just the thing to galvanise me into getting back into 5:2. Looking forward to the results!

    Just had a long chat with hubby, he is very glad I’ve had this kick up the ass as he is worried about my health, and very rightly pointed out how disastrous it would be if the spinal surgeon refused to operate because of my weight! What a reality check that was – the thought of losing out on something which could help me get my life back. So hell yes let’s stick together and do this!!!
    Hope you are all well and dropping the lbs…….

    I just made the best smoothie w/ choc protein powder, vanilla protein drink, frozen bananas, choc PB2 and frozen spinach.

    I will join in the challenge. I will do my best to track the TDEE, but I’m already having a hard time figuring our smoothie.

    2 goals: No snacking & TDEE

    Kitty: Way to go! Talking to you hubby/partner should be a huge help. He can help keep things our of the house so your not tempted.
    We are here for you.

    MichellMB if you can’t figure out the smoothie, then have something that you can. I think that smoothies are usually very high calorie and best avoided.

    Great to have you all join in with this one week challenge.

    I have managed eating up to my TDEE, which meant that I looked longingly at the very last Almond Croissant in the shop window this afternoon….and then walked away. It felt good though….

    I made it! No secret eating today. I did have snack w/ OH, but not very big. I think I came in at TDEE.
    So for me a very successful day.

    Jade: I made your roasted veggies today and they were so yummy. Hubby was impressed. I used a Lipton Herb & Garlic pkt to season them. Thanks for the idea.

    I hope everyone had a healthy day.
    Good luck to us tomorrow!

    Annette – wow, I have so much admiration for you! Sounds like you really have a handle on your eating. I look forward to hearing more tips and successes from you!

    Well done Michel, you smashed it! We all know how difficult the secret eating thing is, so I’m delighted that you’re making real progress. Keep it up girl!

    It turns out that I put on 5lbs during my crazy beast eating, madness! But I’m fasting today and am rereading the book to remind myself of the science behind it.
    Even though I’m away this week in the land of takeaways I WILL NOT exceed TDEE, and I WILL get another FD in, Thursday I think.
    Are we comparing numbers on Sunday?

    Signing off now til I’m home again, but I’m filled with resolve and determination. You guys really are a huge support, and I thank you all again. May you all succeed in your daily kraken fights. Hugs.

    Nice going girls! I managed to squeak in right under the line. No doughnuts had to be walked past, but Annette, big kudos on your (almost) tearful farewell to the almond croissant. A few weeks ago, I’d have seen the “last one” as surely gift-wrapped just for me.

    So I fought the bbq kraken last night. Decided to consult MFP beforehand, and MAN she is a cranky one. Baked beans= 170-cal/serving which by the way is TINY (1/2 c.) and should be tinier still when dressed up for a party (extra brown sugar, bacon, who knows what else). I had a spoonful just to enjoy the taste, otherwise fixed a careful plate. No doubt TDEE was saved by the hosts, who had lovely sugar-free margarita mix on hand. Those things can be my undoing. I felt as though you were all there!

    Michel, so glad the roasted veggies were a hit. The Lipton seasoning packet sounds yummy, have not tried those before. Re the smoothie, can you make just one, and see how much of each ingredient you add? It does sound delicious, sometimes those are just the thing, wish I had one right now. Made do with banana and yogurt, no skipping breakfast today after BBQ and alcohol, my stomach said please please give me something normal to repair myself.

    I’m feeling the warm glow from all the halos πŸ™‚ – just knowing I’ve behaved, at a beer-BBQ no less, makes me feel all puffy proud of myself. Thanks again Annette for the challenge idea. Tomorrow is FD, good luck all!
    xx jade
    ps to Kitty, just saw your post after I posted. Go you! Back to basics by reading the book is a fabulous idea. Those 5 lbs will get gone in no time. AND you’ll start feeling better all around. xx

    Afternoon All,
    Very easy to walk away from the Almond Croissant when you know that it represents 600 calories…and I simply didn’t have them to spare. I had worked out what the calories were for each meal, before I went out into town. Information is power.

    Kitty 5lb could be gone in 5 weeks or even less. No drama. Then you can get cracking with the rest with the support of your husband…and us.Comparing numbers on Saturday, but don’t panic.

    Gosh Jade, what has happened to you? I have created a monster! Well done with preparing ahead for the BBQ and sticking to your guns. Very very impressive.

    MichellMB Well done with keeping within your TDEE. Smoothies can be very high calorie,so just check out the ingredients.

    Just cooking a roast for dinner and then a FD tomorrow like many of you.

    Onwards and downwards Fast Friends…

    So funny, Annette, I almost wrote “knowledge is power” and then you said it. If I’m enjoying math, I’ve for sure turned into some new kind of creature. Seriously, I feel like a kid with an allowance again, checking to see how much is in the bank.

    Those must be some kickass croissants at 600 cals. My KK glazed-creme-filled is 370, which even MFP admits is an entire doughnut, not just “50 grams” or other such nonsense. Maybe I’ll have enough to spare today. However, I must drive if I’m to have one, and that is not happening anytime soon πŸ™‚

    Must get ready for school, lest I give the kids a lecture on calorie counting.

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