How to control myself on craving chips/foods?

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How to control myself on craving chips/foods?

This topic contains 29 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  cappy 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi all,

    I am new to 5:2. I am a girl who is not overweighted, but would like to lose at least 4kg to keep in good condition. Today is my 3rd fast day, but after my breakfast (8am), I didn’t eat anything until 5pm, then start to eat a lot of chocolate pitachips after that. I guess we can not call today as a fast day. I will do another fast tomorrow. It seems like my total calories today is already more than 400 cals, because of those chips, I probably already added 500 cals or more to my food intake.

    I would like to know how do you control your craving and hungry on your fast days? I can’t step away from those chips obviously. :((

    How to make up my mind to lose weight? I hope I can make it before Christmas…

    By the way, I workout around 5 days a week. I go jogging 3 days for about 6 km, and hot yoga for other two days..

    Any suggestions?

    Hi Monkeyw
    What keeps me going on a fast day, when I’m ready to cave in, is to remind myself I can have whatever I crave
    “tomorrow”. Usually about midway through the fast day I start weakening and thinking I’ll just put it (the fast) off for another day.
    At that point I just remind myself I’ve gotten this far, just push on.
    AND keep those chic pita chips out of the house while fasting.

    Mulville has summed it up really.
    Don’t give are already nearly finished. Have them for breakfast! You have one now, you know you won’t be able to stop.
    Don’t start…..

    Throw them in the freezer for ‘ tomorrow ‘

    Put washing up liquid on them, if you are serious about losing 4 kg

    Just dont let yourself down on a fast day, otherwise you have to do it all over again and who wants to repeat a fast day ???
    They are hard enough as it is without starting 4 in a week!!

    ( where can one get said chips? They sound un real!!)

    Dear Mulville and dumpling,

    Thanks so much for your reply. I was super busy today (and I made it – for my fast day). I thought this was going to work, I wouldn’t think about chips or junk food. But I was wrong. I ate a whole package of chips “before” I ate my prepared “fast dinner” within 20 minutes while I was super busy during my work. My stomach feels very sick in these few hours, it’s probably because of my non-eating day (I didn’t eat for 8 hours I believe).

    I am not worried about my calorie intake, but feel unhappy.

    I am going to lock all my chips for tomorrow. Another new fast day. I guess I will keep eating little by little through the day, rather than make myself wanting to eat.

    Send the chips to me!

    And try to eat from 1 pm onwards
    Have herbal teas and water before then.
    The longer you can hold off food, the easier ( maybe? It works for me, once i start eating I don’t want to stop)

    Dumpling, where is the “like” button? They should put one in your reply. I am going to click on it..

    I just saw you is a kiwi chick!!

    I’m from chch, but now live near Whangarei.

    Kiora cousie

    OMG! Are you also from NZ?

    I am so excited!! I will definitely do a good 400 cal FD tomorrow..!!!

    No, don’t do 400 do 500, the extra 100 is my gift for you cos you will one day share pistachio chips with me in Hamilton at the gardens!!
    Let’s meet at the Italian one and I’ll bring pineapple lumps ( they are better frozen) and you bring them 🙂

    You are welcome.

    ( you know you have to fast now, cos you are accountable, my fast day is going to be Monday and Wednesday next week…now I am accountable.!! Making trifle for tomorrow, .. Sunday, so can’t be fasting then!)

    Good luck

    Let us know how you go.
    Nom nom

    Pistachio Chips!?? Pita chips…

    I’m sure there are probably pistachio chips.

    Dear Dumpling,

    Thanks!! I will do it!! Tomorrow is Saturday here in the US!! 🙂

    Will post here tomorrow to see how it goes. I don’t have regular fast day yet. I am thinking to do it tomorrow (Sat), then Monday, Wednesday and Sat next week. We will see how it goes.

    I will “try my best” to keep those chips for you, definitely!!

    I don’t have regular days….this being my second week!!
    Just go with what works and if you are finding 3 too hard, def do 2 and dont beat yourself up.
    2 is better than none and you have 5 weeks, so could lose at least 3-5 kilos in that time. Better than a kick in the head.
    Once you get to nz do 2 days no Wheat and sugar to keep your weight dropping.
    It’s Christmas…live a bit!
    Doing 500 cals might be too hard.
    ESP as we are in stupid kilo joules

    Keep us posted.
    Enjoy tonight’s binge!

    Haha hey monkey! I think everything has been said already… Oh and keep that appointment in the Hamilton gardens set for somewhere in July / August, that way I can join you guys as well.

    All I can say is keep at it, enjoy your fast days and just imagine the toxins and fat leaving your body!


    Thank you so much!!

    Tomorrow is my fast day. I don’t think I lost any weights yet, but I will try my best!!

    She’ll be back In America by then, but nothing to stop us eating at the hamilton garden cafe if we are still chit chatting.
    July is my birthday and school hols so me and hubby can come down ( it’s 4 hrs) and we could have a Hamilton/ Auckland meet up and show you the gardens…in winter, but they are still nice!

    Hot chocs all round.

    We can stay with some mates …any excuse for a night away!!!
    Open it to anyone who wants to come.

    Non fast day essential.

    Hahaha that sounds great! I’m done with school in July so that sounds like a perfect time for a winter meetup. Hot coco all around, like you said 😉

    Can’t wait to get out of this hell-hole at least..

    Well you get your visa and your sorry fat arse down here and I will put it in the nz meet up thread that we are ‘ meeting up! ‘
    And anyone can join us, kids, hubbies, families, aunties. Make it a fun Friday night party!!!
    Or Saturday lunch or whatever people want to do.
    We can book the whole cafe out ( our own fast diet function)
    Everyone books their own table.

    I am not sure if I can survive from tomorrow’s fasting or not!!!

    Hamilton Garden in July?? Are you kidding me… :p

    Hey monkey, of course you can!! Your body has absolutely no problem with fasting, it’s your mind that’s working against you. Your body just has no idea what it wants yet, and it’s up to you to tell it!

    Also no, not kidding, we’re just special that way.

    Also dumpling – “sorry fat arse”? Now I’m soooooo going to beat you to 70kg.

    I have a nice place to hang out in my mind already.. :p

    The frost on the ground will make the gardens glisten!!

    Bring it on…70 here I come ( NOT, but hey can I have 73? I am a lot taller than you after all!)

    That can help a heap, yeah ^^ Why not also find a nice place to hang out in person?

    A LOT taller than me? Please, you’re 5FT8 and I’m 5FT7.

    Until 3 mths ago I thought I was 5 7 too!
    But we measured the kids and I was like..’ Do me, do me’ and I was 5 FT 8
    Who knew!???

    Bmi came down, so yay

    I’m nearly a model…

    Fine, when we meet we’ll stand back to back and determine who’s taller. I’ll still be thinner. Puh.

    Your bum will still be bigger….

    Most likely, yeah. Being a martial artist and all that. They’re called muscles.

    calm down guys..

    A way to also cut back on chips is to change up the type you eat when you aren’t fasting. I would suggest making homemade kale chips so you get that bit of saltyness that your body is craving but you aren’t throwing away all your hard work since they are still healthy, nutritious, and low calories. But like everyone else is suggesting, believe in yourself and just power through your cravings on fast days. Here’s a recipe you could use for em!

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