Help with inflammation?

This topic contains 122 replies, has 88 voices, and was last updated by  Tifwellaton 7 years ago.

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  • Reading through these posts really does highlight the need for good research in the area. I cant help but wonder if some of the positive effects in regards to inflammation and joint pain are due at least in part to just the change in diet alone. For instance, although I love fish, before I began fasting my consumption of it was somewhat sporadic. I now eat it as least twice a week as it is great on fast days. The increase in omega 3s in my diet may therefore account for the fact that I am experiencing less joint pain- rather than the fasting itself. I dont want do diminish the positive effect that fasting can have, just point out that these positive effects may be due to primary (due to fasting itself) or secondary effects (improved awareness of diet, increased intake of fresh foods, or the effect weight loss in reducing pain) All sorts of pain go away (arthritis, nerve pain, etc)

    Im just writing to report something quite incredible.

    Im new to the 5:2 style of eating, (3 weeks into it) and have lost 3 kilos. Not a significant weight loss but steady.

    However, what is incredible is that my old ankle injury from 4 years ago (torn ligament) has completely subsided. I have been jogging, walking, doing pilates and yoga, playing intense cardio sports (volley and tennis) without a single hint of pain. Ordinarily I would have had aching for a day after a simple walk (and this has been soemthing that has hindered a return to exercise). For me, this is remarkable. After four years of consistent (dull) pain triggered clearly from exercise, this is becoming evident that exercise no longer causes the ache.

    I am greatly interersted in understanding the link between fasting and inflammation. But I can certainly ascribe to the notion that … something good is going on! Thank you and wish the best to you all!

    Wow, I empathize with you Chris, having suffered with just severely sprained ankles 4 times and back muscle spasms (yet only briefly), I sincerely hope this diet helps! What little I know, as per Wikipedia, “central symptom of fibromyalgia, namely widespread pain appears to result from neuro-chemical imbalances including activation of inflammatory pathways in the brain which results in abnormalities in pain processing” one might reason that reduction of inflammatory agents could have an effect, but certainly the exercise benefits do help in stress reduction. I was curious too, as a friend of mine suffers from auto-immune problems due to stress and chemical exposures, if the combination of anti-inflammatory foods (such as garlic or onions) and limiting or avoiding the inflammatory foods, plus IF or CR diet and exercise might help? Rest well, de-stress, and let us know if you notice any improvements!
    Great to hear that lenak – I’m sure that must feel great, not having joint pain!! IF sounds like a cure for much of what ails us, incredible how a simple diet plan can do all that!

    I’m delighted to comment that at the end of my third week I do not have any inflammation around my knee which I had ACL surgery on nearly 30 years ago. While I am keenly interested in the scientific research behind this decrease, I am simply enjoying the increased ability to move about with less pain after countless years of feeling like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz before he was oiled up by Dorothy and the Scarecrow. This experiment and experience I am on with the Fastdiet is truly fascinating as I regain an awareness with my body and my being that is making getting older more of a joy than a sorrow. I am grateful for finding the Horizon show online and to Micheal Mosley and by extension to Mimi Spencer for co-authoring the book. Thanks!

    Just started on the 5th August and I will be very interested to see how I get on with the inflammation as I have Crohn’s Disease (now had for 44 years). I also have hip, hands and knee problems with Athritis and I,m 53 now so dreading what I could be like as I get older. I also have high blood pressure, B12 deficient due to part of the small bowel being taken away, had a large ulcer so on Omeprazole, I also had a large incisional Hernia operated on due to problems with my small bowel resection in 2010. So had 2 major ops over the last couple of years and lots more health problems, I,m still smiling though and might be even more so with the 5:2 fasting. I will let you know how it goes.

    I have an elevated CRP and ANA my doctor says there is inflammation somewhere in my body. I have started the diet and have just finished my second fast day with a loss of 2kg. Very happy with the first result. I am due to have blood tests in September to see if the markers are still high. Will keep you posted.

    Yes Michael, I’m very interested in the details of oxidative and inflammatory processes. I’ve been wondering about connections with levels of acidity too. I have a lot of osteoarthritic changes and would like to reduce this as much as possible. Preventive management of joint deterioration is only part of the story and the medical profession seems mystified by the rest of it. It can’t all be genetic predisposition and inevitable, or “just wear and tear”.

    Hi everyone, I am a newbie, just thought I would post as I suffer from ulcerative colitis and haven’t seen much written about this in connection with fasting.
    I have suffered from UC for 6 years, diagnosed 3 years ago and had flare ups of varying degrees during that time, despite regular prescriptions of steroids, immunosuppressants and anti inflamatories. Currently on 100mg per day of Azathioprine which is an immunosuppressant and mostly keeps my symptoms at bay although I still get flare ups every couple of months. Worst side effect of the meds has been chronic headaches daily for about the past year (I get through about a box of paracetamol a week which my consultant says is fine?!!).
    Anyway, since starting the 5:2 diet 2 months ago I have noticed a dramatic improvement in every aspect of my health. No diarrhoea, no headaches AT ALL and I’ve lost the 10lbs that I stacked on from taking the steroids 2 years ago.
    I really thought this diet would be detrimental to people with bowel conditions, but am thrilled to have discovered it is quite the opposite.

    Am very interested in the possibility of the 5:2 helping with inflammation, I have had severe lower back pain for 6 months, getting up in the morning has been taking a while, it has been taking me an hour to get mobile, turning over in bed during the night has been painful. I have now been fasting for 4 weeks and have realised that most of the discomfort has gone, it started getting less about a week ago and now I am virtually pain free in the mornings. I have had back pain for approximately 4 years with increasing severity over last few months, it is possibly a coincidence…..however long May it continue! If a reduction in inflammation is connected to fasting then I think it is potentially more important than weight loss!

    Hi Michael, I am very interested in reducing inflammation for my SLE so that I can continue with my job, support my adult daughter and not be in pain every day. Mostly I would like to stop taking the anti-inflammatory drugs entirely. I control a lot of the pain with food but not enough. Every now and then the Lupus gets out its big guns and mows me down for a few days.I feel my eyesight is diminishing as well Could be the Plaquenil I guess.
    Also my daughter is now on the last funded biologic drug for the various Psoriasis she has, so there is nowhere to go if it fails. I am thinking if we can reduce our inflammation then the various medications we take will be more effective,

    For those with chronic inflammation, consider a multi-pronged approach that includes looking at food sensitivities (not necessarily allergies). I’ll use my own experience to illustrate how it works.
    I started informally doing fast days shortly after seeing the PBS program. Not every week, and almost never 2 days a week, but often enough to give a little boost to my weight loss from time to time. But on some days, the food cravings were intense and sabotaged the fasting.
    Shortly thereafter, I went on a 2-week anti-inflammatory diet that eliminated all the foods that many people are allergic to, plus anything specific to me. It’s a bit of a challenge, because most of the ordinary proteins are on the “avoid” list. No soy, dairy, red meat, shellfish, or peanuts, for example, and I’m allergic to chicken and turkey and walnuts, so that left me with finned fish, lamb, and those tree nuts that I’m not allergic to — plus vegetarian options as long as they didn’t include soy or gluten. Meals had to be prepared without gluten, refined flour or sugar, and certain fats (e.g., butter). Going out to dinner required careful choices on where to go and a lot of negotiations with wait staff when I got there. For 2 weeks, it was livable, and now that I have done it I sometimes go back on it for a few days if I suspect that I let something creep back into my diet that is a problem.
    BUT, here’s the good news. In those 2 weeks, I lost 5 pounds and had multiple improvements: my adult acne went away; my reflux went away; my IBS went away; and portion control became easy because the cravings were gone. I was eating all I wanted. I had more energy than I had enjoyed for a long time.
    In starting to add foods back into my diet one at a time after those two weeks, I discovered that I was sensitive to many foods that are often recommended for dieters. How could I tell? Several ways:
    1. My reflux would come back shortly after eating them; or
    2. I would feel incredibly hungry after eating them instead of less hungry; or
    3. My gut would cramp up; or
    4. If it was truly an allergy, not just a sensitivity, I would get blisters in my mouth. (That was how I tracked down the ingredient in some salads that would generate that response — goodbye, bell peppers!) Or
    5. Any combination of the above
    I now know, for example, to avoid dairy, because the reflux comes back and my gut feels awful. Organic rice milk has become my go-to substitute for milk; haven’t found a suitable substitute for yogurt because all the non-dairy yogurts have so much gunk in them that they are not going to be in my refrigerator, much less my gut. I compromise on goat or sheep milk yogurt, which doesn’t have as strong an effect as cows milk yogurt. (I’m no purist.)
    On a more dieter-friendly note, I also no longer eat commercially made chocolate chip cookies, because I had an immediate bout of reflux and gut discomfort after eating one, and food cravings within a very short time thereafter. Don’t know if it’s the refined flour, the refined sugar, the oil or butter, the chocolate, or whatever other ingredients are in them. But, knowing that they make me feel awful, it’s now easy to avoid the temptation. That was, however, my big picture window into the impact of what I ate on my health.
    So, if you’re having food cravings on the 5:2 diet, I suggest you keep track of what you eat and whether the food cravings only happen after certain foods. If you see a pattern, avoid those foods on fast days and see if it gets easier. If so, think of those foods as something you used to like but no longer do, and find tasty alternatives that do not generate cravings. Or, consider following the anti-inflammatory diet for a couple of weeks, then adding your normal foods back in one at a time and seeing if any of them sabotage your weight loss efforts.
    Happy eating to everyone!

    Hi all, I have had ulcerated colitis for 20 years the drugs I’m on now manly control it, I only started today with a fast day for weight loss but i’m really interested in the comments about inflammation is there any food groups I should avoid as my consultant says that food does not affect this condition anything that would help would be great

    Definitely. Since reading a US study on the incidence of chronic diseases in the over 65’s which roughly showed a doubling in the last 10 years I have been worried (ref Hung W. BMC Geriatrics 2011). I guess that this also applies in the UK and other developed countries. There appears to be no real known cause or cure for these chronic diseases.
    My 80 year old arthritic knees and basal cell carcinomas all seem to have improved since starting the diet a year ago. Also I am silly enough to to go jogging and even sillier to keep records. These records show a substantial decrease in jogging times over the year which is certainly not what I expect at my age.
    On behalf of all seniors can I propose the 5/2 diet as a possible cure for chronic disease?

    Hello Old Derek – excellent news about the improvements in your skin and knees. My knees are a bit twingy after years of hill-walking but I think are a bit improved. I find that I can make a fist with both hands throughout the day whereas 7 months ago before I began fasting, the right hand was an issue well into the morning. I think 27 years of mouse use in the office made some contribution to that.

    May I ask if you are a long-time jogger? I have made a modest return to jogging in my sixties after decades when I only walked, so your improving times are inspiring.

    Is Michael still on the forum? I just discovered this tread, but realize its from jan 2013.

    Well, I’m extremely interessted in this subject as I have suffered from ME/CFS for over 6 years. Scientists have linked this disease to inflammation of the brain ( ) and since starting 5:2 about 8 weeks ago I am a new person.

    Last august I could not walk due to ME/CFS. In february this year I started 5:2 in hopes of getting better health and new brain cells. Weight loss would be a bonus.

    The forst week all my spots and pimples cleard up. I have been on and off antibiotics because of them the last 4 years. Now they vanished. I lost 7 kg the first 7 weeks. And from not being able to walk I have recently joined a jogging group and can run 10 km!

    Is there a link??????

    I have been on the forum since the beginning of February. I have not noticed that Michael posts here at all.

    Hi Barbarita
    I have been jogging for a while. In Sydney (Australia) we have an annual run of about 10 miles called the City To Surf (80,000 entrants last year). It started 44 years ago and so far I have been lucky enough to finish every year. I dont have medical insurance so this is my health assessment tool. My knees have had osteoarthritis for about the last 20 years and this has been a bit limiting. Most medical advice says that one should walk but not jog with osteoarthritis. However I have not seen this confirmed by research so I continue and thank the Fast Diet for the recent improvement in my knees. I am lucky to live opposite a cemetery with grass between the graves so my training sessions consist of a fast walk on the grass for half a mile followed by a mile or more jog and finishing with another fast walk. Possibly you could try a version of this. It does take me about 4 days to fully recover so dont get too enthusiastic at the start. Best wishes
    Old Derek

    Thank you Old Derek. Ironically I live out in the wilds so no nice grass for me, it’s either rough pasture or country tarmac. 44 years! Here’s to your 50th.

    I’d like to add that since starting 4:3 last September my asthma (which is seasonal and usually hits in the winter) didn’t appear and neither has my hay fever this Spring!
    I am amazed…..AND I haven’t caught a cold for all that time when all about me have suffered and sniffled!
    That’s pretty amazing in my book!

    Hi. I mainly lurk but did introduce myself on another thread a few months ago. I just came across this thread and wanted to add my two cents worth to the conversation as someone who has been doing the 5:2 for just over 12 months. I have occasionally over the past few years taken the odd anti-inflammatory (Mobic) for a painful ankle and sometimes knee, exacerbated over the years from a hereditary disorder called Charcot Marie Tooth Disease (CMT for short).

    I started 5:2 as a way of shifting 5-7 kg that had crept on as I’d approached 50 (now just on the other side) and I liked the sound of the health benefits. What I didn’t expect, and wondered initially whether it was some sort of placebo effect, (I am a sceptic by nature) was the total elimination of the dull ache in my ankle and knees that I had been used to living with for years.

    I would only take a Mobic when pain got too much (mainly in Winter). However I have not taken any medication since strating 5:2 in April 2013 and except for a very rare twinge, that only serves to remind me of what I once was regularly putting up with, I have been painfree since.
    I mainly do 6:1 for maintenance now as I do not want to lose anymore weight but do want the health benefits and so far so good. This really has slotted perfectly into my life and as a self confessed foodie I couldn’t be happier.

    I started the fasting diet (4:3) two weeks ago and have lost half a stone. I was reading through this thread just out of interest without making a personal connection but I suddenly remembered (yes really!) that I’ve been suffering pretty badly for the last six months or so with arthritis in the base of my right thumb (pinch movement i.e. index finger to thumb was constantly painful) and the beginnings of what I assumed to be carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists. It’s made everyday tasks painful and accidental knocks quite excruciating.

    I suddenly realised with amazement that I am currently suffering no pain at all in my thumb or wrists! I can’t believe I hadn’t noticed this effect! Whether it’s a true consequence of fasting or Michael’s suggestion of placebo effect is immaterial to me. I only know that it doesn’t hurt any more but if it’s placebo it’s happened within minutes of beginning to read this thread (I wasn’t expecting any improvement or aware that it might be an effect of fasting) and I now realise the pain went away a while ago but I can’t say how long. Amazing and very welcome!

    Lizzy, carpel tunnel manifestsdas a dead hand, particularly at night, caused by pressure on the nerves in the wrist. It is not painful. Arthritis and trigger thumb and trigger finger are.
    I have experienced and had successful operations for carpel tunnel and trigger thumb. Also used to have arthritis pain in my hands. Since 5:2 over 18 months, this is the first winter in many years that I have not suffered. Coincidence? I don’t know! PVE

    Hi PVE My sister has the most awful problems with her hands so I might try to persuade her (she’s a very stubborn person!) to give the IF a try. Nothing the medical profession has offered has been much help so far.

    Good idea. Lizzy. Let her think it was her idea! Good luck. PVE

    I too am interested in the anti-inflammatory properties of 5:2. I’ve given up dairy, which helps greatly, and I’m hoping 5:2 will help even more. One thing I am sure of: I did 5:2 back in 2013 and lost weight painlessly. But I only did it for a month, and that was back before my health issues worsened. Now I’m back on 5:2 FOR GOOD, and eating plant-based. I am confident that as time goes on, I will feel better and better.

    Dr. Mosley, if you ever read this, I read in Mimi’s new book “Fast Beach Diet” that you are updating the Fast Diet book for 2015. I am so looking forward to it!

    Hi everyone, I have been on the fast diet for two weeks and three days. I started the diet because I have an ankle injury that has not healed as well as I would have hoped. My weight ballooned and caused more problems for me. My job requires 15 km of walking a night. So far, my ankle feels good, again I’m not sure if it is the weight coming off or not but I will let you know how my overall health is in week 8 for contrast. At the moment there is a noticeable difference between both legs. When I stand still, I feel the difference and when I walk I notice a slight pain in my left ankle only. If I walk for long periods, the pain increases but only in my left ankle.
    My measurements before the fastdiet:
    Weight: 97kg
    Bust: 104cm
    Waist: 101cm
    Hips: 120cm
    I will post again in 6 weeks time to see if it improves.

    A friend of mine has ” sarcoidose” and also has a weight problem, is the fast diet a good idea? After reading about the 5:2 it seemed that this could maybe help her. She’s tried lots of diets but no success for obvious reasons. The medical advice that is hanging over her head is maybe she should start prednisone again but at a higher dose. I’ve ordered the book for her, she is enthusiastic. Basically I’d just like to know, could it harm her?

    I am extremely interested in anti-inflammatory results and information.
    I have insulin resistance and testing 10 years ago showed very strong insulin response during glucose tolerance test that showed Diabetes Mellitus.

    I lost 20k weight on Optifast (regained it) lost 20k on Dukan (high protein low fat) and achieved a healthy weight, also regained that…BUT (huge but for me) have had high crp for more than a year and no one I’ve consulted has been able to suggest how to reduce it, nor what was causing it…have not located a cause despite extensive testing/scans and joining a lot of research programs for exercise etc.So, I have introduced a healthy fat regime for myself cause I thought maybe all the focus on low fat dieting (medically supervised) had caused the inflammation for me. So, I have gained a lot of weight.
    Found my way to 5:2 via the documentary and am excited at the information I may be able to reduce my weight helthily and now also to learn possibly reduce my CRP numbers because I am very conscious of the disease connection and alarmed at where I may head if not arrested.

    Saw my GP yesterday and got the go ahead and her support for the 5:2 and my intention is to transition off my metformin as I lose weight on this “diet” because my intention is to keep it up. So far, not being very successful as I tend to succumb to hunger at about 7 pm on my fast days. For a long time my blood sugars have been controlled by diet, however, I now suspect I have had raging insulin undetected. Have kept up the metformin as my GP advised it was pancreas protective for me, didn’t need it for the blood sugar control, have got that with removing simple carbs.

    Thanks hugely for all the information! I am very grateful. 🙂

    Hi Matrika:

    IF has been shown to cure diabetes:

    Good Luck!

    Thank you so much simcoeluv!

    Great to get this from a doctor.

    I am sending this link to my GP, who is very receptive and helpful.

    I think we are finally making some progress…for me the last few years have been like bashing up against a brick wall over and over and doing the reading all by myself.

    Feel like I can just relax and get on with it now and won’t need to continue ploughing through all these books!

    Thanks again for the link simcoeluv.

    all very interesting… I have experienced a radical reduction in symptoms in my OS in my lower spine and knee. Is the perceived reduced inflammation benefit of the IF diet due to the health benefits of the diet per se or due to a reduction in inflammatory factors throught dietary changes?

    I mentioned in another post today that I feel the addition of strict food choices based on what may be appropriate for my body (organic, low FODMAP and blood group food choices) has boosted the overall effects of intermittent fasting.

    Michael…”I will go into the mechanisms around oxidative damage and what he means by cellular stress resistance at a later date if anyone out there is interested.”

    Yes please. 🙂

    I am totally amazed with doctors and medicine, they never seem concerned about it, inflammation is the major cause of so many diseases, and two simple blood tests CRP and ESR will monitor your inflammation levels, I have mine checked twice a year, I never bother with cholesterol or other tests I don’t think they matter.
    Our modern diet is deadly, omega 6 fats are inflammatory omega 3 are anti-inflammatory, wheat products are inflammatory, we eat ten times more omega 6 than we should because oils and fats from a lot of vegetable oils have too much omega 6 (corn, soy, sunflower, cottonseed even canola) and corn and soy fed cattle also have too much omega 6.
    Reduce your inflammation levels and you will stay healthier for longer.

    Regards Stuart

    So many plus points, it is such a pity that our medical experts are not so wel informed. Often prescribing drugs instead of encouraging their patients to first try IF.
    My son has just been diagnosed with Whipples disease so Hopefully he’ll also give this a chance.

    Hi everybody…

    Really interesting to read about other peoples experiences… I suffer from inflammation and degenerating discs… chronic headaches and fatigue… naturopath (ron) tells me i have lupus and that i should do the 5:2… so its been 6 weeks.. no improvement on headaches or inflammation or fatigue.. Really starting to think its definately related to the food i eat… Im a sugar fiend… well icecream mainly! Also have a face rash which ron thinks is food allergy… tried no gluten and it def cleared up somewhat… not so pimply or red.. but still hasnt gone away.. reading other peoples posts about dairy and inflammation has got me thinking i need to give that a go… noticing after i eat dairy products my face gets really hot… dead giveaway me thinks! So maybe i need to consider what i eat every other day not just my fast days… going to give that a go and see how i feel… glad to hear so many people getting amazing results from this diet.. keep up the good work everyone!

    Hi Brandi,

    Your post is filled with so many issues. May I make some suggestions based on my own experience and a background working in Health for decades. Make of this what you will… 🙂

    Do please get a medical diagnosis of lupus or not, as it may be. Then you know what you’re working with.

    Do not give up too many things at once because then you can’t isolate what is affecting you. My strong view is that sugar is a demon!!!! Give that away first and have a bit of fruit. Since I stopped sugar binges, my skin rashes have gone, my weight is 20 Kg less, and my blood pressure has improved. Headaches, fatigue, listlessness all come with sugar addiction.

    5:2 is a great thing for me for nearly a year now, but works best in company with plenty of vegies. I don’t want sugar these days – I take care not to start because it’s so hard to stop and I NEVER eat it at night because it keeps me awake. Then I’m tired!

    Dairy might be a problem but give A2 milk and organic yoghurt a go first. Milk gets messed with as much as any supermarket food. Reduce your bread in-take rather than go gluten free. In case you not gluten intolerant but you CHOOSE go off it for a long period, then it’s likely that you will BECOME gluten intolerant and for many people, it’s not reversible. For many, it’s the chemical crap that is put into commercial bread that causes bad reactions. I make our bread from my own sour-dough or else buy it from a local organic bakery.

    I suggest you knock off the sugar first!!! Hope this is of interest to you.

    Take care,

    I do think ‘cure’ is a dangerous word in this context. Certainly IF has been shown to reverse the progress of Type 2 diabetes.

    Hi Ros:

    I’m not sure what terminology you are using and am curious.

    If a person that has been using increasing amounts of insulin for over a decade finds him or herself with normal blood sugar levels without using any medications of any kind, is that how you define ‘reverse the progress’?

    About carpal tunnel…

    May I suggest that everyone is different and carpal tunnel is no exception. I did not have a dead hand but had some movement restriction and some median nerve involvement which caused acute pain. Acupuncture helped to control the pain for a while. It depends on which tendon sheaths become ‘sticky’ and what nerve branches are involved that dictates the degree of pain and disability.

    I had an endoscopic surgical release done and it was magic. No recurrence for 15 or more years with normal use.


    Yep. That sounds like a great reversal to me. I am very cautious about claiming someone talking about ‘cures’ in forums like this. There are so many things that could be going on and we, the readers have no idea what they might be.

    If I am picky about my own post, I should have said, “I.F. has been shown to ASSIST with reversing Type 2 diabetes.” When the diet is radically changed, the symptoms may well disappear but that doesn’t mean one is not disposed to a return if the bad old diet comes back. Thus my preference for the word ‘reversal’.

    My caution is just about the ethics and etiquette of forum discussion rather than anything relating to the experience you described. I can see very clearly, that these changes are magnificent.

    Please understand that my comment has to do with hesitating to talk about things like ‘proof’ or ‘cure’ when we are all enjoying these posts but we don’t really know each other and don’t know all the determining factors.

    I hope this makes kindly sense to you.

    Hi Ros:

    One of the reasons Dr. M felt this might be a life extension diet is that it prevents diseases that might otherwise cause someone to die. If you don’t die of complications from diabetes, for instance, you live longer.

    I don’t practice medicine on line. Just pass on info openly available to all and not drug related. Here are examples for anyone’s review. People have to make up their own minds:

    Hi Ros
    I agree. Your terminology ‘reverse’ diabetes is probably accurate. Unless the weight loss and regular fasting is maintained the diabetic problems will return.
    Regarding the relationship of sugar and skin rashes…you have said to give up sugar but to have fruit instead. So, which sugars did you remove from your diet? Cane sugar? Not fructose?

    Hello Purple, 🙂

    You’re right of course, fructose causes some people difficulty. Indeed one of my family finds fruit sugars very disagreeable which is sad. It doesn’t trouble me however, but the sucrose really does. This might be dose related so-to-speak, in that I rarely eat more than two pieces of fruit per day but the refined sugar is the ‘can’t stop’ item for me. I have had to accept that it’s pretty much an addictive substance for me and happily, it’s made a lot of difference.


    Thanks Ros
    A dear friend is having skin issues. I’ll suggest a sucrose free diet. Purple

    Hi Simcoeluv,

    I do recall that Michael was alarmed about the complications of diabetes as it transpired in his Father’s life and implications for himself. A life that is either prolonged or more comfortable because one is well is a most desirable prospect. Any information that helps with this is highly desirable indeed, so thank you for that!

    About word choices… Your original point prompted me to make comment only about the importance of careful choice of language. I don’t know you or what you do but I’m sure that language can send such tricky messages? And the word ‘cure’ is one of the trickiest whoever we are – we take responsibility for what we suggest as well as what we decide I think. Don’t you?

    Thanks for clarifying.

    Hi Simcoe and Ros
    Unfortunately some people seem to forget this is just a support forum of anecdotes. None of us are representing ourselves as professional medicos and merely sharing life experiences. Everything said on this forum has to be taken as personal opinion and utilised by the reader if they so choose.
    It is this ‘layman’s’ sharing that makes the forum so powerful. Keep up the good work posting ideas for us all to read. Cheers PVE 😆

    For sure, Purple. Personal experience is a really good hand to share. I must say I’ve enjoyed sharing with you and other folk both here and on the southern hemisphere conversation. You’re a great support person!


    David Gillespie is an Australian lawyer who was alarmed when his wife told him she was expecting twins because they already had a few young children and he was worried about how he would manage to keep up with their care as his energy levels were low and he was overweight.

    Sweet Poison is the result of his research into how he could lose weight and keep it off. The book is dedicated to Lizzie, Anthony, James,Gwendolen, Adam, Elizabeth and Finlayson. His father in law is a doctor and he is clearly a very, very bright man. Every claim is referenced and it a book worth reading for anyone who has difficulty controlling appetite around sugar and for the references which make it possible to follow through if you wish and he recommends Harpers Illustrated Biochemistry (McGraw Hill) to aid in coming to grips with the biochemistry 101 chapter in the book. You can skip that chapter and just absorb the other info if it is relevant to your own health. As a diagnosed type 2 diabetic, it was very relevant to mine…and I must say, entirely different to what I was told by a slew of dietitians working in the diabetes field who kept insisting I could eat sugar (as if it was an essential food group).

    It was most helpful to me and the owner of my local coffee shop who was a type 1 diabetic who drank about ten small bottles of apple juice a day when I first started reading the book in his coffee shop. He stopped that when I was about a day into the book. 🙂

    The next book Gillespie wrote was about polyunsaturated fats.
    He is not a medical researcher (he describes himself as a recovering corporate lawyer) however, the book is infiormative for anyone with inflammation issues and particularly for anyone with fluctuating blood sugar levels or who describes them self as addicted to sugar.

    Gillespie lost his weight and is now healthy and full of energy, enjoying the young family he has. I have no idea if he is known outside of Australia.

    He is one of my super-heroes because ploughing through the medical literature is really difficult for a non-medico and making it intelligible to other non-science graduates such as myself is even harder. He does it well.

    Thanks Ros P 😆

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