Hellooooo from DC!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Magistra 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I live in Washington DC. My A1C1 levels have gone up because of bad eating habits. my primary care physician had mentioned that i need to lose weight since i am a pre-diabetic now. then i lost about 11 pounds (US) weight. ALL of my indicators came back to normal! I never ever fasted and all religious traditions uniformly say the same thing: Fasting is good. Came across a TED talk http://www.cosmicscientist.com/ted-talk-neuroscientist-shows-what-fasting-does-to-your-brain/ and then ran into this webisite thank you

    Yeah, i just checked the box to be notified if someone writes a post as a reply

    Hi travellarry,
    I’m on week three of the 5:2 and I enjoy it. I find the non fasting days harder than the fasting days. Today is a fasting day for me. I’m up in Boston, so not too far from you. Welcome aboard! That’s great that your indicators all went back to normal after the weight loss. That’s a success! Hope you find that you enjoy fasting.

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