Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,458 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Anzac65 23 hours, 52 minutes ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 28,451 through 28,500 (of 28,561 total)

  • Evening all

    Well 2025 has had a bit of a dreary start to it so far. It’s supposed to be summer, but we’ve had grey rainy, windy weather and temperatures in the mid teens. Yesterday we were sick of it so we drove 2 hours into Roxburgh where the forecast was supposed to be sunny and 26 degrees rather the overcast and 16 degrees we were forecast to be getting.

    This morning was fine and warm so I went out for a bike ride. I overdid it a bit and ended up riding 4.5 hours and rode 108kms, now I can hardly move my legs. But that doesn’t matter because a couple of hours after I got back the weather closed in and we got heavy rain and gale force winds again, so we’re confined to the house.

    Thin, sounds like you had a great break, and congrats on getting your weight where you want to be.

    Weigh-in for me tomorrow, hopefully I’ll see a little movement on the scale.

    Cinque, it’s a constant struggle to stop from bingeing. It is getting easier at the moment with the increase in cheap fresh summer fruit and veg. When we were in Roxburgh we went to an orchard that did pick-your-own cherries and picked up a couple of kilos.

    Well have a good one everyone.

    Neil, thanks and I hope you get where you want to be with your weight this year. That sounds like an epic bike ride. Your weather doesn’t sound great for summer. The thought of fresh cherries makes my mouth water.

    I read through some other posts but now they’re all on another page and I’ve forgotten most of it. I remember Turn and LJ posting Xmas messages, Cinque recounted a very laid back Christmas picnic with family and I was being chastised for only drinking one pint in a pub. Fear not, at those prices, they’re definitely not losing money. We know the owners actually. They don’t pay the band – there’s a whip round at half time to which we contribute generously and tipping for good service is alive and well in England.

    Anzac, thank you for the detailed account of your river cruise. You had a great holiday by the sounds of it. That was a very expensive meal and drinks; it can happen easily when you’re unfamiliar. Did you have a nice, hot shower on the flight home too? Sorry about your job going away. I’m sure you’ll soon find something suitable with your specialised skills.

    Lindsay, sorry your OH continues to have such a rough time with his health. It must be about three years since you first told us his bad news and I remember your saying that the doctors said it was very, very serious. He certainly seems resilient. I hope you both have a good year. We really enjoyed the Vizsla but I can’t imagine one standing still long enough to be inspected by show judges. She was a very pretty dog and her long hair looked beautiful with the wind blowing through it.

    Hello everyone,
    Lovely to see your posts Thin, and hear about that extraordinary pet sitting! What a way to celebrate Christmas. And congratulations on being back to 6:1. Well done.

    Neil, we have a week of sunny weather in the 30’s so I wonder if it will make it across the Tasman. Hooray that you and the family got to a warmer place and got a good bike ride in before the weather closed. But why is that nasty weather after you?

    Sigh yes binge eating. Hooray that now I am back to enjoyable frugal eating. Long may it last.

    Gosh have I just lost my very long post? Blast. I have saved it. I’ll log out and try again.

    Evening all

    First weigh-in of the year was down half a kilo, so far so good. I was pleased with how well my body recovered from my ride yesterday. I could hardly walk yesterday evening, then this morning my body felt fine.

    Cinque, I think the weather is supposed to be improving next week, just in time for me to go back to work….typical 🙄

    Thin, that sounds like the way tipping is supposed to work, rather than in the states where you’re just expected to tip 20% at least regardless of the level of service.

    Lindsay, that sounds like a good goal. I don’t eat a lot of UPF, but it certainly finds its way into my diet in places. I think it was the show “eat well for less” one episode they displayed the average UK diet comparison from the 1980s and now. I think it was something like 5%-10% ultra processed food in the 80s, and over 65% now.

    My goals are to track my food consistently, continue riding as often as possible, and if I do that, hopefully the weight will take care of itself

    Have a good one everyone.

    That’s weird Lindsay, because I got an email notification with your big post in it.

    Neil that is really weird, because I can’t see it’s been posted. And now the copy seems to have disappeared. Perhaps you could post it for me 🙂

    Sure, save you typing it out again. Here’s the message I saw”

    “Hello all, and happy 2025 to you.

    Relaxing on the verandah at the island, after our very pleasant Christmas with the family.

    Christmas damage repaired, and I’m looking forward to a slimmer 2025. Not just slimmer, either. A way of life with much less processed food, and certainly as little as possible ultraprocessed food, if you can call it that. I read an article in the New Yorker this morning about UPF and the damage it causes. I didn’t think I ate much, but I guess if you think of even a tin of beans as being processed, it all adds up.

    Loved your description of your house stay Thin. Yuk, anal glands. Fortunately we’ve never had that problem. Wonder if that is diet related. The wire haired vizlas have only been recognised in Australia in the past 20 years or so – short hair Vizlas crossed with German Wire Hairs, I believe. Nice dogs although I prefer the smooth coats.

    Cinque I made it through to see in the new year, but it had to be with my lovely doggos, because we’d been to a dog show, got home at 11.40, hoping to celebrate with a glass of wine and some quiet refletion, but OH popped in for a quick shower (ha! he does’t know the meaning of the word quick) and emerged wrapped in a towel at 12.05, and then only because he’d heard the fireworks. We didn’t bother with the wine, and the moment for reflection had passed, but a new year nevertheless, and unlike the 8 year old, we aren’t worried we’ll have a bad year because we missed its start.

    Gday How was your Christmas with your mother? Hope you and your DD had a happy one with good memories. It’s been hard for my DD and my son in law, for 6 months now. His mother has done terrible damage in the family. She just can’t stand seeing men in her life happy with other women. She turned on her brother’s two wives, drove a wedge between one son and his wife to the point they divorced, and has taken after another daughter in law, and now my beautiful daughter. It’s cruel, but my SIL in now seeing her for what she is, and has made it very clear that my daughter is his priority. She needs professional help, but can’t see it.

    Neil, having a goal to be lighter is a good one. So often we set unrealistic targets and then feel disappointed in ourselves if we fail (well, I do). So onwards and downwards (who used to say that?) and I look forward to your new year post next year, when you tell us all you’ve achieved your goal.

    Anzac, sorry about your project ending, but the others’ comments are so true. Less stress, more time for yourself and your OH and doggo, and somehow fitting work into a balanced life.

    Turn, Calif, it was good to read your posts – happy 2025 to you and your families.

    OK, tea time. Take care all.”

    Oh the disappearing messages, Lindsay! I can’t see your post either. That will be weird to see Neil’s name with a message from you but I’m looking forward to it.

    Neil, good luck with your eating and biking plan. I really hope you’ll be posting those double digits this year. I was watching a no-nonsense food/nutrition doco last evening. It focussed a lot on glucose spiking. The presenter was emphasising to a 31 year old lady weighing 197 kgs, yes kilos, that if she must include sweet items in her diet, they should never be eaten as a between-meal snack, instead she should save them to consume as a dessert because, after a meal of protein and fat, there will be less insulin spiking. It is staggering how little people know about nutrition and, as GDSA mentioned, we have a whole new generation that has no idea how to cook a meal. What happened to teaching what we called ‘domestic science’ in high school? 25% of Britons are obese and a further 37% are overweight.

    There it is! It was Merry that used to say ‘onwards and downwards’. I’d never heard of ‘anal glands’ before DD became a vet. Yes, it can be due to a lack of fibre. Some food was delivered in large sacks during our stay and I heard DD muttering about the lack of fibre in the so-called ‘vet approved’ diet. Our dog (dingo x kelpie) didn’t have that issue in her 15 years of life. In fact, apart from standard preventative measures, she was only at the vet twice during her life – once to spay and once for a grass seed in her ear.

    Sorry, I forgot CalifD in my earlier post. I hope you three had a peaceful time together.

    Morning all.
    Neil, thank you for posting my post. How very odd, that you could see it,but it didn’t make it on to the site under its own steam.

    Thin, yes, three years since OH was diagnosed. We are still fighting with the hospital over compensation. It truly isn’t about money. Had that been the goal, we could have sued the anaethetist who prescribed the penicillin. But he immediately owned his mistake, kept in touch, and told us what he was doing to ensure that mistake recurring. The hospital, on the other hand, discharged OH while he was having a heart attack, in their rush to get him out the door, and then wiped their hands of him. No follow up, no offer of care. Just a letter from their lawyers, telling us to negotiate with them if we wanted compensation. And this, after full admissions of their errors. Despite it all, he is so resilient and goes along fortnightly for his immunotherapy without any hesitation. But it will be good when the legal stuff is over – I find it very upsetting.

    The island is lovely at the moment – and not too busy with school holidays, fortunately, although there are a lot of families here. We hear so much about recession and cost of living crisis. And I am sure the ‘have nots’ are having less, while the ‘haves’ are having more. But it’s a funny thing – there was a woman on television last night being interviewed about how much groceries cost, and how hard it was to make ends meet. And there she was, with the debris from what appeared to be a nice cafe meal in front of her. Priorities, I guess. I don’t remember when we were kids, or when OH and I were struggling with mortgage/kids etc, ever being able to afford even a coffee out. It seems the norm now. (Oh don’t I sound like an old person – which of course I am, if we’re being technical …but really I’m just reflecting on how a cafe meal now is factored into the cost of living.

    Thin, that doco on glucose spiking. Was that a young French (I think) woman who calls herself the Glucose Goddess and blogs about controlling glucose? She’s very interesting and has a number of simple strategies …ie eat a good protein breakfast, don’t eat sugary foods between meals (add them after a meal), drink a tablespoon of vinegar before the highest carb meal of the day, and exercise for 10 minutes aftr the evening meal. All easy to do and designed to keep glucose levels stable.

    OK, breakfast time. Boiled egg, I think, and a slice of sourdough. OH has lost his appetite, so it’s a bit of a challenge to get him to eat enough protein. But a boiled egg always does it, and a lovely mango, the last we picked off the tree before we came away.

    Cinque are you a tennis fan? Only a few days to go before the AO.

    Happy Friday all.

    Lindsay, too bad the legal issues are dragging on adding more distress to the already stressful situation. Nice that you have the island escape home where you can get away.

    Yes, that is the woman I was writing about – I didn’t see the start of the programme but it’s exactly as you’ve described. She was explaining why full fat foods are preferable to low fat and why calorie counting alone can’t help one lose weight.

    I’m like you in my thinking on how people spend their money while bleating about being skint. Interesting isn’t it that the reliance on drinking and dining out not only contributes to people’s financial pressure but is seriously damaging their health.

    Adding to your rant, with a full-time professional job, I was 30 before I’d saved up a deposit for my first house in California and buying it required me to make major lifestyle sacrifices, swapping my beach and bayside windsurfing paradise for a dodgy neighbourhood near the Mexican border with all the challenges that brought. Mortgage rates were significantly higher than they’ve been for the past 20 years too. It was a question of making priorities and living within ones means (the bank would have loaned me far more than i’d have been prepared to take on at the time).

    Here’s an interesting article on childhood mental health: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c4gp19n111vo
    Note how careful one must be with terminology – ‘resilience’ might offend. The mention of presenting all primary school children with ‘winner’ ribbons on sports days struck a chord with me. I always thought that was a bad idea. I once asked the primary school teacher why she’d only corrected some of DD’s spelling mistakes in her homework. The answer was that she didn’t want to quash her creativity. It turned out that the teacher couldn’t spell herself so probably didn’t notice- but what an ignorant approach to learning.

    Good morning everyone from a not quite as hot as expected morning in Melbourne, the forecast has dropped the expected high by a couple of degrees, and that nice morning cloud has protected my home again. Lovely

    I am drinking coffee and it is my favourite time of year for opshopping. Best find so far: a lovely silk/cotton skirt that fits me perfectly at the moment. Oh dear, the cosmos rewarding me for expanding my belly!

    I ended my last post abruptly because my homehelp angel arrived.

    Cali, I am thinking of you so much with the fire tragedy continuing so dreadfully in your state. It is like the wildfire season never ends. I am presuming you are okay, south of the fires that were rampaging in the north, and north of the current terrible ones in LA, is that so? Sending lots of good wishes anyway because it must still be so worrying.

    Woot Neil! Saving Lindsay’s post! Magnificent work!

    And woot for a good weigh in, and haha for good weather for back-to-work. At least it will be nice if you are cycling in.

    Lindsay, hooray for relaxing on the verandah, on the island. Precious times.
    Woot for less ultra processed food, I hope you can do it without cooking getting too onerous.

    Fancy having a dog show on New Years Eve… and very eve! It sounds a great way to end a difficult year.

    I do hope that legal stuff gets to a good conclusion very soon. I can imagine how exhausting it is, but also how important.

    I need to make an effort to get into tennis again, I don’t know who anyone is at the moment so I need to sit and concentrate and then I would enjoy it. (Much better than complaining there is nothing on TV at the moment, which is what I have been doing.)

    Haha Thin, maybe you would make a good tiktok influencer yourself. A good bit of no nonsense would be so refreshing.

    I got my cooking mojo the other day and stocked my fridge and freezer with some really good (nutritious and delicious) meals. Off now to tidy the kitchen and maybe then I will manage a nice balance of watching tennis and ticking things off my to do list. I have some busy grandma days ahead.

    Sending out good wishes to everyone. LJoyce, missing you! And Merry, if you are reading!

    Cheers all

    Hello everyone, happy Friday

    Thin I loved reading about your beautiful time over Christmas. What an ideal way to spend time with your DD and Mr Thin. On the subject of saving, we lived in a small flat next door to my parents for 5 years (managed to not get divorced!) to save up a deposit for our house. Whilst it is now a beautifully restored home, it was very very run down but we fell in love with the outlook over a golf course and nature reserve and this is a very leafy, green area of Sydney. We were both 33 when we bought it (1998) and spent the next few years chucking every extra cent onto the mortgage; we didn’t travel, we rarely ate out so when I was made redundant in 2001 we were able to pay it off.

    I have lost 1.5 kilos already – clearly water weight but I’ll take it!

    Your op-shop find sounds lovely Cinque and I’m glad it wasn’t as hot as forecast. I see that tomorrow is 33 so that might be a bit uncomfortable

    Neil, Lindsay – re the lost post, it is truly weird. I can see both Lindsay’s original and Neil’s repost in my emails but not in the website. It’s like it arrived then whoosh – gone!

    I am so sorry the legal issue is dragging Lindsay and I hope it all gets settled soon. I am sorry too that Mr Lindsay’s appetite is poor but it sounds like you know just how to tempt him

    Neither of our labradors have ever had a problem with anal glands, thank goodness, but lots of friends on the lab forum talk about it.

    Yay for the half kilo gone Neil. How typical, the weather always improves just as holidays end. Boo

    Job hunting continues, there is a role at one of the other big 4 banks that sounds promising. I’m not down about it as I know (hopefully anyway) that it is only until the end of the year. Our ‘plan B’ plans are underway for my retirement from banking and starting a fresh new life in FNQ. I hope Dad can come and live with us in the winter months as he hates winter with a passion. Yes getting on a plane at 100 (he will be 100 in November!) will not be easy but we will have a wheelchair and take our time. He is still walking quite well and his mind is perfect and he spends all day every day reading his paper, watching tv and doing puzzles so he can do all of that just as easily with us up north. It is early days in the planning and we need to come up with a small business to supplement the superannuation income but I’m sure we can sort it out. Poor Mr A is totally stressed about all the work he needs to do to get our house ready to sell including knocking down and rebuilding the huge retaining wall at the front.

    Take care all

    Evening all

    The weather the last couple of days has been better, I got a good 50k ride in, played some frisbee golf with some friends and some mini golf with the family. I got an appointment for a cortisone injection on my troublesome shoulder, but the information they sent through with it said that I’m not allowed to exercise for a week afterwards. I might have to walk into work that week, because I don’t think I’ll get away with riding my bike.

    Anzac, good luck for the job hunting. I understand the stress on getting stuff done to sell the house. There’s plenty that needs to be done on our house. I’m hoping we can get most of it done in the next 2-3 years when our boys finish school. If not, I’m happy just to take a bit of a hit on the sale price and leave it for the next owner to deal with.

    Which tennis are you watching Cinque? The ASB classic is on over here at the moment and I’m hoping Monfils wins the final. I’ll be cheering for Alcaraz in the AO, he seems to be one of the few younger players coming through that isn’t an absolute brat. If he doesn’t win, then I would be happy for anyone except Djokovic to win. I despise him with a passion.

    On the mortgage talk, I despair for the current generation. With the median house price in my area more than 10 times the median wage, there are many younger couples that will never be able to own a house. What we paid for our house 20 years ago is what’s needed for a 20% deposit on an entry level house now.

    Well that’s enough for the night, have a good one everyone.

    Lindsay we had a lovely lunch with my mum, we asked her friend from the next room to join us as she has no friends or family. The home allowed us to use one of the seperate small dining room areas which was good. We bought mums friend a Xmas present as well and she was so shocked and thankful that we had taken the time to think of her, it was very touching seeing her so happy.

    There were a few downsides. A few years ago the home was sold and purchased by an overseas buyer and with that the entire staffing changed so all staff are now from overseas, their English is not so good and they are very hard to understand. The home was not decorated for Xmas. We sat at our table waiting for lunch to be served, they came with the cutlery and just lumped it in the centre of the table, then bought out dessert which was a cold small shop bought fruit pudding with a smidgeon of awful cold packet custard. Then about 20 minutes later the main meal came out one by one. I don’t know what kind of fat the spud, carrot, pumpkin was roasted in but the taste was foul, old fat I’d say. Half the plate was a pea/bean mix which were over cooked to the point where the peas were shriveled and the beans had a grey colour. The meat – ewe, it looked like it had been cooked a week prior, it was like rubber, mum and Miss GDay tried the meat but none of us ate it, I guess it was supposed to be roast lamb ?? Mums plate was the only one to get a smidgeon of gravy. Miss GDay and I had to pay $25 each to have that Xmas lunch. Mum and her friend were actually happy that the meal was hot, they said normally the food is luke warm or cold. Obviously Maggie Beers campaign to improve aged care home food had not made its way to this home.

    The other sad event concerns my wonderful family (not !), Miss GDay spent days making mum an embroidery of flowers which we framed as an Xmas present. A few days later when we went back it was nowhere to be found and Mum had no idea where it had gone. I msg’d my sister in law who is the only family member who speaks to me to see if she had seen it when she and her husband (my brother) visited. I was gobsmacked to hear that my brother had removed it and taken it home. That just shows you the hostility I face with them. I have asked my sister in law to return it to me next time we meet for coffee and I will promptly take it back to mums room and super glue it to the wall if I have to to make sure it stays in the room. Just utterly unbelievable how people can behave.

    Good weight loss to report. As most of you know, I weigh, do BMI, BF % etc each day and every Saturday I work out my weekly average from the 7 days. This week I’m down 1.4 kg, BMI is down 0.9 and body fat down 0.8. I did a 39 hour water fast earlier in the week and I’ve maintained good ketone levels throughout the week with really high levels during my fast. As we all know the first few weeks always have the greatest loss but very happy it has been more than I was expecting.

    Has something changed in the formatting of this site, I can find the option to edit a post anymore?

    I went back to edit immediately after posting and no edit function available

    Strange, edit has appeared for my last post but not previous two…..gremlins

    Yeah things have been really glitchy recently, with posts disappearing but showing up in the email notifications.

    Congrats on the weight loss, dropping your BMI by almost 1 in a week is absolutely massive!

    Hi all.
    Island living is suiting me, clearly. I’ve lost a kilo, although I am not as rigid as I am at home, but I think the extra walking and staying pretty tight to a Mediterranean diet is helping. I loved a big pot of chilli chorizo beans I made just after new year, to help with some dodgy digestion issues, so made another pot over here minus the chorizo, and it’s a great breakfast.
    We’ve had a great couple of days with some setter friends – one woman we met about 4 year ago on the beach here, with her two old setter girls (sugar faces, we call the old ones with the beautiful grey faces) and coincidentally when she got her new puppy, her breeder (also ours) put her in contact with us. I’ve traced back their pedigrees and surprise, surprise. Her 20 month old is my Rosy’s aunt (rosy’s grandfather is the young one’s father – how funny is that). Then we met up today with my lovely vet who took one of Rosy’s puppies and the 4 played so beautifully together. They sure were show stoppers on our off-leash beach (and not a dodgy anal gland between them 🙂

    Cinque whoo hoo for your op shop find. I don’t do much good with op shopping for clothes, but when in Melbourne last year found a hand-made Vietnamese noodle bowl that was an almost exact match for one I’d been given. You can see from the irregularities they ae handmade but same same in all other respects. Such a find, because I now have two noodle bowls for the two of us.

    Thin and Anzac I think our housing stories are pretty much the same. OH and I bought a house before we married (with my savings…his ‘bad’ wife took half of everything, and he spent his share buying a home for his parents who’d sold up to go overseas, but stayed to care for his young childen). We worked up from there – 2 kids, then 3 then 4, few meals out, lots and lots of family picnics, although none of it felt like a sacrifice because we could see where we needed to be and what we had to do to get there. My kids have been the same, bless them. Save, save. Difference is we were able to give them that last bit to get them over the line. But most came from their own hard work and endeavours, and both now have lovely homes (and the bonus is they are close by, after living away for years).
    Gday, what a same your Christmas was spoiled by the poor catering, and by your brother’s mean spirited act. But how lovely you shared lunch with your mother, and were able to bring joy to another resident.
    Anzac your relocation with your father sounds like a lovely plan. How lucky you are to have him. Here’s to finding a job that pays a motza, but without the stress of your past contracts.
    Neil I’m with you on Djokavic. I cannot – cannot – bear him. I think he is a cheat, for a start. Medical time outs, etc. And this rubbish about being poisoned while in hotel quarantine in Australia, and saying it was political. It was border force that deported him, after he lied on his visa application. So, ABD for me (anyone but djokavic).
    There are quite a few local players in the AO whose names I recognise, but I think the changing of the guard has brought a whole lot of new names that I’ll have to get used to.
    And finally, those fires Calif. Oh how shocking they are. Unbelievable. Someone compared it to having half a dozen Melbourne bayside suburbs on fire. Just impossible to imagine.

    Good night everyone – be safe and happy.

    FD Saturday for me as DD is coming to spend two nights on the boat tomorrow. It’s just easier when I’m not left with a single FD portion for the next week’s FD. Still in the 59s.

    GDSA, without knowing the full story, reading your last post made my blood boil. That was a lovely gesture you & your DD made for your mother and her friend. But the disdain shown by the foreign owners and workers towards the nursing home elders’ culture and traditions was sickening. How mean-spirited not to bother putting up a few Christmas decorations. If that lack of respect were directed the other way, one can only imagine the woke uproar.

    Anzac, what exciting plans you have to move to FNQ. I look forward to hearing how they evolve. You did mention a little catering business before (which would be my idea of the ultimate stress) but I know you both love cooking so it sounds ideal for you.

    Cinque, good op shop finds, many of the traditional high street shops have disappeared from English towns these days but they have been replaced with charity shops. This market town has about seven! I get my supply of WASGIJ puzzles from them. I have noticed that the prices have risen significantly since we arrived.

    CalifD, I was talking to my uni friend who lives in San Diego yesterday. They’re currently in San Felipe but she said they could smell the bush fire smoke all that way south (SD, not SF). Hope you’re doing alright.

    It was -5C overnight. We are completely iced in. Ducks and swans are walking tentatively across the basin and yesterday was the first day I didn’t see the three kingfishers (two males, one female). They move on when the canal is iced over. Someone on the towpath said they saw one of the males at Sainsbury’s which made me laugh (he wasn’t shopping, there’s a stream running behind it). At least the sun was out all day yesterday, what a difference that makes over the gloom and, yay, the days are getting longer.

    Lindsay, your post arrived while I was faffing about with mine. Glad you’re enjoying island life.

    Good Afternoon everyone

    It’s Monday FD for me today. My first one in a couple of months. It’s 1pm and I have just had my first rumble of the tummy. All good, I know that I can cope with it.

    We had a lovely holiday in NZ. Had a few hiccups but nothing that we didn’t just deal with. Looking forward to our second OS holiday in May and thinking about where we can go after that. Definitely have the travel bug! Also would love to go back to NZ anytime we can.

    Hope everyone is ok xx

    Hi Quacka
    How lovely to read your post – great you had such a good holiday. Don’t they make the world go round?

    We are off to Bali in February – hopefully. I’ve booked just 10 days away, squeezing in between OH’s immunotherapy.

    It is bucketing here on Stradbroke – the skies just keep opening up. But it should fine up later today – just in time for us to leave the island.

    Thin, it is very sad that our nursing homes are such money making enterprises. I have no issue with workers from overseas. My observation is that so many are kind, gentle, respectful people. But overseas ownerhip? A horse of a different colour. How easy would it be for some rules to be put in place to make sure local cultures, food choices, traditions are observed. Did we learn nothing from the royal commission on aging.

    Down off my high horse to shoot over to the shops – I’ve run out of vegetables and we have one night left before we leave tomorrow night. I also need more dog food. My girls eat like horses when they are here, and I have given them a bit extra, leaving them with nothing for tonight.

    Happy day all.

    Evening all

    Well it was my first day back at work today and the weather was beautifully sunny and warm…f*****g typical!

    Thin, although our weather has been a bit cooler than normal, -5 is definitely colder that what we’re experiencing. I was listening to a podcast today and one of the articles was about a woman in the USA got startled when she discovered that a possum had snuck into her house through the cat flap overnight to escape the cold and had made itself at home in her Christmas tree. It wasn’t pleased when she forcefully evicted it.

    Quacka, glad you enjoyed it over here. There’s plenty to see down in the south island, but probably best you were in the north this time given our weather this month. The Denarau area of Fiji is beautiful if you want suggestions for other overseas destinations that are reasonably close and inexpensive.

    Lindsay, I hope you have a great time in Bali. Our team leader just got back from his honeymoon there and was raving about it.

    Well, back to work tomorrow, today was pretty hectic, but I got most of the catch-up work done, so hopefully tomorrow will be a bit more laid-back

    Have a good one everyone.

    Last day on the island and despite the dreadful downpours, we have managed a beach walk every day. Not today though – we have a late barge, but I have to get the house cleaned and the washing done with hopefully enough sunshine to dry it off. We’d had so much rain over home last month I finally succumbed and bought a clothes dryer – and the sun came out the following day and I haven’t even used it.

    Neil we resisted the cliche we thought Bali was for years, but took a quick trip up there a few years ago and go back regularly now. Lovely people, good food, easy going pace. Last year we went back to Legian but found our usual hotel, the Pullman, had really gone off, and the streets were crowded and the pavements uneven which isnt great for a man with poor sight. So we spent the last few days over at Sanur which was beautiful. Lovely clean ocean, and a beautiful walking/bike path for miles along the seafront, with nice cafes along the way. And that’s where we are headed this time.

    Hope your return to work calms down, now you have the first day done and dusted.

    Minus five Thin? Wow, that’s chilly. Where is your daugher based now? Nice to have her come to stay for a couple of days.

    I’ve done quite well since I’ve been here – no FDs per se, but healthy, moderate eating and I’ve dropped 1.2 kilos. I’ll do some proper FDs this week.

    Cinque my only other op shopping of note turned up a real bargain. We popped into the local Lifeline shop for OH to get some DVDs for the kids and I spotted a lovely, very deep salad bowl that I thought would be great for Christmas. $15. I told the woman I’d take it – she said I could have it for half price because she needed the space. When I came back from lunch to collect it, she’d packed all of the china from the set – 10 cups and saucers, the salad bowl, two vegetable platters, salt, pepper and a milk jug. Royal Doulton (everyday wear, but still) for $7.50.

    On that note – happy week, all.

    Oh Lindsay, Bali I’m so envious. We’ve been there twice, each time for 2 weeks and absolutely adore the people, food, countryside and the fun things to do. We stayed in Legian both times, first time on the main drag and second time beachfront. Miss GDay and I would love to go back but would like to stay and travel around the northern side of the island, away from the hustle and bustle. In my bedroom i have 2 large paintings I purchased in Bali and had framed when I got home. One is of Tanah Lot and the other I don’t know the location but it is a beautiful picture of a man fishing in a small boat with a temple in the background. So many wonderful memories of our time there.

    Neil yes I was surprised about the BMI drop too. The measurements comes from my Fitbit scale reading so while I take the weight readings as being accurate the BF % and BMI are not necessarily so accurate given the limitations of a home scale being able to accurately determine these measures. Even so, it’s showing a downward trend which is good.

    Strange weather this morning, overcast and eery, but as usual it’s going to be very hot. The next few days are supposed to be low 30s so I have flagged a list of outdoor chores I want to get done. Have been stuck inside under aircon the last few day so have been making food for the freezer – spring rolls, spinach and ricotta cannelloni and sweet potato and ricotta cannelloni, the latter 2 being easy meals for Miss GDay to easily heat up in the microwave when I’m fasting. I’m slowly restocking the freezers after depleting the contents a few months ago. Today I will make a batch of ice cream bars from Clare Mosley’s book. They are supposed to be chocolate bars but I mis calculated the ingredients and used too much coconut cream when I first made them and they were a bit sloppy so I froze them and they were really great frozen, crunchy chocolate coating and the inside remained semi frozen. The inside is made from coconut cream, coconut, chopped cherries (can’t recall right now what else) and coated in dark chocolate.

    Must go, iPad is about to go flat.

    Morning all

    Looks like I’m starting 2025 on the weight loss roller-coaster. Down last week, up this week. I’m going to try to do a re-set with a 3 day liquid fast (not water fast because I can’t stand the idea of no coffee for 3 days). I’m back into riding to work and last few days I’ve thrown in a bit of a jaunt either before or after work, I’m trying to do at least 20-25 kilometers per day.

    Well better get back and do some work, have a good one everyone

    Those bars sound delicious G’day. And nice memories from Bali. When we transferred over from Legian last time, we stayed at the Mercure, which is not at all grand, but we got a fabulous room looking right out to sea, on the walking path, and with a terrific big verandah to watch the world go by. There are much posher hotels on the path, but we were very comfortable in our seaview room, so we checked with the manager (we were finally on good terms after the lat visit went a bit belly-up at the beginning) and we booked our trip based on when that particular room is available. Fingers crossed. Service in Bali can be a bit variable – beautifully lovely, but sometimes a bit random.

    Where are you Cinque? Either in an op shop, or settling in to watch the tennis?

    Neil, it’s hard, the up/down pattern. I’m down today and hoping it’s not just because I’m on the home scales and not the island ones.

    OK off to stock up on vegetables and fruit. Have a good one all.

    Morning all,

    Day one of liquid fast went reasonably well. I had just 2 black coffees, 2 cups of miso soup and 1.5L water. The only solid food I ate was a few nibbles of the salad veggies when I was cooking dinner for the rest of the family, but I don’t think a few grams of carrots, celery and lettuce are going to be breaking the bank. 11 hours into day 2 and I’ve only had an occasional stomach rumble, I’m not really feeling hungry.


    Day 2 in the books, again I had 2 black coffees, 2 cups of miso soup, and 1.5L water. I did have a few scraps of grated cheese when I was making the pizzas for the rest of the family Last 2 days have been around 80 calories each. I’m kind of concerned that I haven’t really had any signs of hunger for the last 2 days that I haven’t been eating. I’ve had a bit of light headedness and fatigue, but no real hunger pangs. A visit to Dr Google says that a lack of appetite can be caused gastrointestinal issues, depression, or reduced metabolism caused by prolonged calorie restriction. None of those sound appealing to me.

    Neil, that sounds gruelling but helpful that you’ve experienced no hunger. Just popped in to offer some encouragement/acknowledgment. Good luck with the final day.

    Hello everyone,
    I have been doing lots of lovely grandma things, and a sister thing, and also got a bit crook, and apparently I am so decrepit now that I need to be in top form to manage to write. Hopefully I am in top form today. Don’t feel so yet, but the coffee is still kicking in.

    Quacka, so lovely to read your post! How was that first fast day of the year? I am so glad you had a wonderful NZ holiday, and woot for the next one.

    Anzac, that impressive 1.5kg loss was such a lovely start to your ‘back on the horse’ ing. All good wishes that it is still going easily.
    And best wishes with that job hunting too.

    It must be so nice planning that next step of getting up to FNQ, and may your dad enjoy some lovely Queensland winters with you.

    Hello Neil, All power to you starting the year with a good fast. I thought that not feeling hunger would be a good sign (so long as you remember to nourish yourself a bit). Not ‘waking the dragon’ keeps the dragon asleep. But your fast must be done now, I hope you are feeling good.

    I haven’t managed to watch any tennis, and haven’t been hooked in by anything in the sports reports so far. I bet I start to get interested just as it finishes, and then the next championships will be somewhere that means all the matches are played in the middle of our night.

    Gday, best wishes. Sympathy for the state of your mum’s home. So often business decisions mean overworked, poorly paid staff and nothing but minimum standards all round.
    And more sympathy for badly behaved family members, goodness I thought mine were bad.

    Yay for a good weight loss.

    And yay for yours too Lindsay!

    And wow, what a gorgeous op shop experience. The whole set does sound beautiful. Not to mention the noodle bowl. It is so special to own such beautiful things.

    Good luck with the proper fast days.

    Hello Thin!

    Sending out good wishes to everyone


    Afternoon all

    Well the final day was the hardest. I finally started getting really hungry around midday. I had no energy riding home either. I stuck to 2 black coffees, 2 cups of miso soup, and 1.5L water, then in the evening I was feeling pretty bad so I had a teaspoon of tahini just to get a few calories. The last meal I had was dinner on Tuesday night at around 7pm, and I had breakfast at 7am this morning, so the total fast was around 84 hours when I had around 300 calories total, mainly from the miso.

    I’ve done my re-set, now to try to keep the sugars and heavy starches out of the diet. I broke my fast with a flat white and Greek yoghurt with mixed berries and walnuts. I’m feeling a lot better after getting some calories on board.

    We went to the farmers market this morning and there was a lot of stone fruit, so I grabbed some cherries, apricots and nectarines. Lunch was some beef scotch fillet with broccoli and capsicum. Dinner tonight will be chicken thighs and vegetables. If I can try to eat clean like that for a week then hopefully I can shake the sugar cravings.

    Have a good one all

    Congratulations Neil. Lucky that you didn’t fall off your bike with hunger on the final ride home. I’ve never tried anything like that, I’ve always assumed I couldn’t and left it at that. Or maybe it’s more that I just do the minimum needed to get by. (Says the 6:1 woman).

    Anzac, congrats on the 1.5kg off. Welcome back Quakka. Oh yes, Lindsay’s op shop find. (I seem to have missed or forgotten some details above until Cinque pointed it all out.)

    Hello back Cinque! I’m sorry that you need to be in top form to post here – but pleased that you managed it. I don’t even know what tennis you’re talking about – the weather here makes it feel like tennis would be far from anyone’s mind.

    Lindsay, I saw another episode of the French Glucose Goddess. Here name is Jessie Inchauspé. I really like the way she presents the science. I’m hoping OH will take note of some of her hacks. As someone who hasn’t gained an ounce since high school, it’s sometimes hard to convince him that his diet could be healthier.

    CalifD, are you OK?

    FD for me tomorrow when it will be 8 days since my last fast due to doing last week’s a day early. The kingfisher pair are cited several times daily which gives me the same sense of elation experienced when I used to see dolphins on my walks in Perth.

    Oh, I almost forgot. One of the winter moorers here is a 5:2 graduate. She lost 3.5 stone which I shall now quickly convert to kgs so it means something to all of us here – that’s 22! I knew it was a lot.

    Hello everyone,

    Congratulations Neil, surviving with that very woken dragon. And no energy. Cheers for a reset.

    Hello to Thin, and the kingfishers,
    Best wishes for your fast day.

    Haha the tennis is the Australian Open. I had it on a bit last night but I was concentrating more on my book.

    I listened to this podcast yesterday and liked the praise they gave 5:2 https://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/dr-karl-podcast/sciencetriplej-20241128/104658698

    I will check out your French Glucose Goddess.

    I went for a short walk last night at sunset, it was a beautiful temperature and lots of street trees in scarlet bloom, and flying foxes overhead with the first stars.

    Best wishes all.

    I see on the news today the Global Commission on Clinical Obesity has released new guidelines that move away from using BMI as a weight/health measurement to using WHR and other measures of belly fat, although it didn’t state what the other measures were. It has also split the definition of obesity into two categories:
    Pre Clinical Obesity – where the patient is healthy but is carrying excess weight so treatment is monitoring and risk reduction measures.
    Clinical Obesity- where organ function is reduced due to excess weight so treatments would be surgery, medications etc.
    Sounds like a good change to me, certainly a lot clearer in the definition.

    Hello all

    Tis a lovely day in Sydney after a three day storm last week that was simply mind blowing in intensity. The gardens where we walk Maxx are strewn with debris and branches

    The job hunt continues and is rather soul-destroying to be honest. Whoever decided that is it ok to NOT call an unsuccessful candidate should be strung up. My current employer is dangling and I’m interested as it is in an area I worked in prior to this project and I thoroughly enjoyed. However I’m prepared to accept a perm role (and therefore much less money) but they want 3 days in the office. I have been WFH permanently for 5 years and I cannot stomach going in at all, but will concede to 1 day. Negotiations continue…..watch this space

    I have lost 1.8 so a slower week but still going in the right direction

    Your walk sounded so lovely Cinque

    That epic fast was incredible Neil, hope it does the trick

    Hope you are staying warm Thin

    Hi everyone else, take care

    Anzac it is the way of job hunting nowadays to not advise unsuccessful candidates, even when one has made their way to the final batch by gaining a second interview. When I was made redundant just at the start of Covid and was applying for so many jobs because I desperately needed an income, I only received a ‘thanks but no thanks’ email for two applications, one was a job within state government (local hospital finance dept) and the other was a local government position (admin at local council office), absolutely no one else bothered. I read an article recently that many advertised jobs are not actually for positions that are currently available, companies are just putting out feelers to see who is about for them to keep on file for future recruitment when needed – fact finding missions I guess. Personally I think if one is unsuccessful then it should be law that all applications are destroyed/ deleted – there is absolutely no valid reason in my opinion for a business to keep your personal information if they are not employing you. Even more scary is that many companies are using AI to review applications instead of real humans, the human eye only reviews once the numbers have been culled by a certain criteria set. Great weight loss, well done.

    Morning all

    My weigh in this morning was down just over 1kg. I was kind of expecting more, considering I didn’t eat anything for 3 of the 7 days, and the other 4 days I stuck to 1800-2000 calories. But it’s better than nothing.

    Anzac, is that 1.8kg total? That’s bloody rude not calling or at least emailing unsuccessful applicants. I only had one interview when I was looking at changing jobs a few years back, and I did get a call to say I wasn’t successful, every place I didn’t get an interview at least emailed me to say I hadn’t made the interview stage.

    Gday, yes they had that on the news about the BMI not being used as much. they mentioned the things I’d been saying for years, that there’s no distinction between muscle and fat, male and female, age, etc. Just “if you’re this height, you should weigh this much”

    Cinque, That walk sounds great, I’ve been walking to and from work the last couple of days, because I had the cortisone injection in my shoulder and the doctor told me not to use it for a couple of days (leaning over the handlebars of the bike probably isn’t the best thing for it) Yesterday was a beautiful day so I took a detour through Fraser’s Gully on the way home, it’s a nice track through an area of native bush beside a little river. https://www.alltrails.com/trail/new-zealand/otago/fraser-s-gully-track/photos

    Thin, I hadn’t heard of the French Glucose Goddess, what kind of thing does she do?

    Well I’ll keep on keeping on, have a good one everyone

    Neil, Jessie Inchauspé is a biochemist who offers ‘sugar hacks’ to prevent insulin spiking, including such tips as eating food groups in a certain order, confining sugary snacks to eat as a desert never between meals, drinking a tsp of vinegar in a glass of water before a meal. But I’ve gone off her now because, when I searched for a link to include here the other day, I came across her website selling some kind of anti-spiking supplement that was touted as combatting the glucose spiking caused by ‘just about any of your favourite foods’ including hamburgers, pizzas, chips, etc – which seems an unsatisfactory approach to tackling the consumption of unhealthy food.

    Just did a long post and it’s vanished before I finished and hit submit- damn I hate this app (or whatever it’s called) sometimes. I can’t be bothered doing it all again so to cut a long story very short:

    The Glucose Goddess is seen by her peers as nothing more than a marketing guru. Her research claims for her ‘way of eating’ were based on research she did on 11 people. I came across her many years ago and after researching her I never followed her or anything she said again.

    Can somebody please stop Trump right now, the damage he has inflicted in just 2 days in office is absolutely frightening. It is so scary to think how far he will go. Has the world learnt nothing with Putin and how he has surrounded himself with yes men oligarchs. Trump has now done the same. Hold on people for a very scary ride. Political rant over.

    Gday, and Trump claimed that Americans were the first to split the atom, which is absolute rubbish, we all know it was Yahoo Serious who split a beer atom in his garden shed to make beer fizzy 😉

    Just kidding, New Zealanders are particularly incensed by that claim, because the first person to split the atom was a New Zealander, Ernest Rutherford. He’s known as the father of the atomic age, he’s even on our money, his face is on our $100 bill.

    Neil, are my posts coming through? Because they don’t appear to be, but maybe they are making it to your mail box. Can you post this link for me – it’s the Glucose Goddess’s new series. Yesterday I posted about her youtube channell…but zip.

    thanks Neil

    Well this one showed up, I haven’t seen any more from you in my notifications after your post on the 14th.

    And now Ive read the posts about the Glucose Goddess. It’s hard to sort the wheat from the chaff regarding information, isn’t it? I don’t like the commercial stuff – but as Frank Sinatra once said, ‘a girl has to make a buck.’ (or something like that). So much of what she writes seems instinctively to be fine. So I guess follow those, not get caught up in the buying of products, and stick to what we know – Dr Mosely made a buck too ..millions, I’d hazard ..but we know what he researched and wrote was good and works. So that’s my way forward.

    Trump. Oh dear. and Musk. Double oh dear. A country with such poor health leaving the WHO? California burning, but ‘drill baby drill’, like fossil fuels aren’t contributing to the problem? And the idea of the world’s richest man cutting programs that will inevitably affect some of the poorest? And freeing Jan 6 rioters who tried to kill police officers and wanted to hang Pence, Pelosi? I agree Gday. Buckle up!

    Thanks Neil – I’d posted twice with links since then. But the gremlins seem to be sorted.

    Good morning everyone,

    Gday, hooray for the guidelines getting better about weight and health.

    Ha re Trump, what a Dumpty he is. I laughed when someone online said that she had just realised that if he had won in 2020 it would all be over now, and so suddenly wishes he had.

    Anzac, what a wild weather ride Sydney was on! I am glad it is easier now.
    Fingers crossed for your job. I agree that unsuccessful candidates should be notified. Not doing so is dehumanising, as well as just so hard for practical reasons.

    1.8kg gone is impressive! Are you feeling better already moving, wearing clothes etc.? I just love it at that stage.

    An impressive 1kg gone for you too Neil! Is the cortisone doing its trick now? What a lovely gully. Yay for the Yahoo Serious reference.

    I think I agree with you about the glucose goddess Thin, but I did realise that she is pretty irrelevant to me with my low sugar diet.

    Well, best wishes for a good weekend everyone.

    Its been a bit quiet here recently, I dropped just under a kilo again this week, so down 1.8 kilos in the last 2 weeks. Progress is going well so far.

    Have a good one everyone

    Good morning Neil, and everyone!
    Congratulations on that good progress!

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