Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,358 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Lindsay L. 5 hours, 29 minutes ago.

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  • Evening all

    Well 2025 has had a bit of a dreary start to it so far. It’s supposed to be summer, but we’ve had grey rainy, windy weather and temperatures in the mid teens. Yesterday we were sick of it so we drove 2 hours into Roxburgh where the forecast was supposed to be sunny and 26 degrees rather the overcast and 16 degrees we were forecast to be getting.

    This morning was fine and warm so I went out for a bike ride. I overdid it a bit and ended up riding 4.5 hours and rode 108kms, now I can hardly move my legs. But that doesn’t matter because a couple of hours after I got back the weather closed in and we got heavy rain and gale force winds again, so we’re confined to the house.

    Thin, sounds like you had a great break, and congrats on getting your weight where you want to be.

    Weigh-in for me tomorrow, hopefully I’ll see a little movement on the scale.

    Cinque, it’s a constant struggle to stop from bingeing. It is getting easier at the moment with the increase in cheap fresh summer fruit and veg. When we were in Roxburgh we went to an orchard that did pick-your-own cherries and picked up a couple of kilos.

    Well have a good one everyone.

    Neil, thanks and I hope you get where you want to be with your weight this year. That sounds like an epic bike ride. Your weather doesn’t sound great for summer. The thought of fresh cherries makes my mouth water.

    I read through some other posts but now they’re all on another page and I’ve forgotten most of it. I remember Turn and LJ posting Xmas messages, Cinque recounted a very laid back Christmas picnic with family and I was being chastised for only drinking one pint in a pub. Fear not, at those prices, they’re definitely not losing money. We know the owners actually. They don’t pay the band – there’s a whip round at half time to which we contribute generously and tipping for good service is alive and well in England.

    Anzac, thank you for the detailed account of your river cruise. You had a great holiday by the sounds of it. That was a very expensive meal and drinks; it can happen easily when you’re unfamiliar. Did you have a nice, hot shower on the flight home too? Sorry about your job going away. I’m sure you’ll soon find something suitable with your specialised skills.

    Lindsay, sorry your OH continues to have such a rough time with his health. It must be about three years since you first told us his bad news and I remember your saying that the doctors said it was very, very serious. He certainly seems resilient. I hope you both have a good year. We really enjoyed the Vizsla but I can’t imagine one standing still long enough to be inspected by show judges. She was a very pretty dog and her long hair looked beautiful with the wind blowing through it.

    Hello everyone,
    Lovely to see your posts Thin, and hear about that extraordinary pet sitting! What a way to celebrate Christmas. And congratulations on being back to 6:1. Well done.

    Neil, we have a week of sunny weather in the 30’s so I wonder if it will make it across the Tasman. Hooray that you and the family got to a warmer place and got a good bike ride in before the weather closed. But why is that nasty weather after you?

    Sigh yes binge eating. Hooray that now I am back to enjoyable frugal eating. Long may it last.

    Gosh have I just lost my very long post? Blast. I have saved it. I’ll log out and try again.

    Evening all

    First weigh-in of the year was down half a kilo, so far so good. I was pleased with how well my body recovered from my ride yesterday. I could hardly walk yesterday evening, then this morning my body felt fine.

    Cinque, I think the weather is supposed to be improving next week, just in time for me to go back to work….typical 🙄

    Thin, that sounds like the way tipping is supposed to work, rather than in the states where you’re just expected to tip 20% at least regardless of the level of service.

    Lindsay, that sounds like a good goal. I don’t eat a lot of UPF, but it certainly finds its way into my diet in places. I think it was the show “eat well for less” one episode they displayed the average UK diet comparison from the 1980s and now. I think it was something like 5%-10% ultra processed food in the 80s, and over 65% now.

    My goals are to track my food consistently, continue riding as often as possible, and if I do that, hopefully the weight will take care of itself

    Have a good one everyone.

    That’s weird Lindsay, because I got an email notification with your big post in it.

    Neil that is really weird, because I can’t see it’s been posted. And now the copy seems to have disappeared. Perhaps you could post it for me 🙂

    Sure, save you typing it out again. Here’s the message I saw”

    “Hello all, and happy 2025 to you.

    Relaxing on the verandah at the island, after our very pleasant Christmas with the family.

    Christmas damage repaired, and I’m looking forward to a slimmer 2025. Not just slimmer, either. A way of life with much less processed food, and certainly as little as possible ultraprocessed food, if you can call it that. I read an article in the New Yorker this morning about UPF and the damage it causes. I didn’t think I ate much, but I guess if you think of even a tin of beans as being processed, it all adds up.

    Loved your description of your house stay Thin. Yuk, anal glands. Fortunately we’ve never had that problem. Wonder if that is diet related. The wire haired vizlas have only been recognised in Australia in the past 20 years or so – short hair Vizlas crossed with German Wire Hairs, I believe. Nice dogs although I prefer the smooth coats.

    Cinque I made it through to see in the new year, but it had to be with my lovely doggos, because we’d been to a dog show, got home at 11.40, hoping to celebrate with a glass of wine and some quiet refletion, but OH popped in for a quick shower (ha! he does’t know the meaning of the word quick) and emerged wrapped in a towel at 12.05, and then only because he’d heard the fireworks. We didn’t bother with the wine, and the moment for reflection had passed, but a new year nevertheless, and unlike the 8 year old, we aren’t worried we’ll have a bad year because we missed its start.

    Gday How was your Christmas with your mother? Hope you and your DD had a happy one with good memories. It’s been hard for my DD and my son in law, for 6 months now. His mother has done terrible damage in the family. She just can’t stand seeing men in her life happy with other women. She turned on her brother’s two wives, drove a wedge between one son and his wife to the point they divorced, and has taken after another daughter in law, and now my beautiful daughter. It’s cruel, but my SIL in now seeing her for what she is, and has made it very clear that my daughter is his priority. She needs professional help, but can’t see it.

    Neil, having a goal to be lighter is a good one. So often we set unrealistic targets and then feel disappointed in ourselves if we fail (well, I do). So onwards and downwards (who used to say that?) and I look forward to your new year post next year, when you tell us all you’ve achieved your goal.

    Anzac, sorry about your project ending, but the others’ comments are so true. Less stress, more time for yourself and your OH and doggo, and somehow fitting work into a balanced life.

    Turn, Calif, it was good to read your posts – happy 2025 to you and your families.

    OK, tea time. Take care all.”

    Oh the disappearing messages, Lindsay! I can’t see your post either. That will be weird to see Neil’s name with a message from you but I’m looking forward to it.

    Neil, good luck with your eating and biking plan. I really hope you’ll be posting those double digits this year. I was watching a no-nonsense food/nutrition doco last evening. It focussed a lot on glucose spiking. The presenter was emphasising to a 31 year old lady weighing 197 kgs, yes kilos, that if she must include sweet items in her diet, they should never be eaten as a between-meal snack, instead she should save them to consume as a dessert because, after a meal of protein and fat, there will be less insulin spiking. It is staggering how little people know about nutrition and, as GDSA mentioned, we have a whole new generation that has no idea how to cook a meal. What happened to teaching what we called ‘domestic science’ in high school? 25% of Britons are obese and a further 37% are overweight.

    There it is! It was Merry that used to say ‘onwards and downwards’. I’d never heard of ‘anal glands’ before DD became a vet. Yes, it can be due to a lack of fibre. Some food was delivered in large sacks during our stay and I heard DD muttering about the lack of fibre in the so-called ‘vet approved’ diet. Our dog (dingo x kelpie) didn’t have that issue in her 15 years of life. In fact, apart from standard preventative measures, she was only at the vet twice during her life – once to spay and once for a grass seed in her ear.

    Sorry, I forgot CalifD in my earlier post. I hope you three had a peaceful time together.

    Morning all.
    Neil, thank you for posting my post. How very odd, that you could see it,but it didn’t make it on to the site under its own steam.

    Thin, yes, three years since OH was diagnosed. We are still fighting with the hospital over compensation. It truly isn’t about money. Had that been the goal, we could have sued the anaethetist who prescribed the penicillin. But he immediately owned his mistake, kept in touch, and told us what he was doing to ensure that mistake recurring. The hospital, on the other hand, discharged OH while he was having a heart attack, in their rush to get him out the door, and then wiped their hands of him. No follow up, no offer of care. Just a letter from their lawyers, telling us to negotiate with them if we wanted compensation. And this, after full admissions of their errors. Despite it all, he is so resilient and goes along fortnightly for his immunotherapy without any hesitation. But it will be good when the legal stuff is over – I find it very upsetting.

    The island is lovely at the moment – and not too busy with school holidays, fortunately, although there are a lot of families here. We hear so much about recession and cost of living crisis. And I am sure the ‘have nots’ are having less, while the ‘haves’ are having more. But it’s a funny thing – there was a woman on television last night being interviewed about how much groceries cost, and how hard it was to make ends meet. And there she was, with the debris from what appeared to be a nice cafe meal in front of her. Priorities, I guess. I don’t remember when we were kids, or when OH and I were struggling with mortgage/kids etc, ever being able to afford even a coffee out. It seems the norm now. (Oh don’t I sound like an old person – which of course I am, if we’re being technical …but really I’m just reflecting on how a cafe meal now is factored into the cost of living.

    Thin, that doco on glucose spiking. Was that a young French (I think) woman who calls herself the Glucose Goddess and blogs about controlling glucose? She’s very interesting and has a number of simple strategies …ie eat a good protein breakfast, don’t eat sugary foods between meals (add them after a meal), drink a tablespoon of vinegar before the highest carb meal of the day, and exercise for 10 minutes aftr the evening meal. All easy to do and designed to keep glucose levels stable.

    OK, breakfast time. Boiled egg, I think, and a slice of sourdough. OH has lost his appetite, so it’s a bit of a challenge to get him to eat enough protein. But a boiled egg always does it, and a lovely mango, the last we picked off the tree before we came away.

    Cinque are you a tennis fan? Only a few days to go before the AO.

    Happy Friday all.

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