Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Morning all. Weigh in this week was back down from last week. I’m still feeling a little bloated, so it might drop a bit more over the next couple of days, as long as I can stay away from the bread and sugar.

    I do have a giggle when I see you Aussies complaining about the cold in winter. We’ve had a bit of a dreary one so far. May is usually pretty good weather, but this year it’s been pretty cold and grey, they said on the news last night that it’s been our coldest May since 2009. We’ve struggled to get out of single digits on quite a few of the days, but the worst thing has been the wind. It’s been so windy all month, at a time we usually have nice settled calm weather.

    Well, have a good one everyone

    Good morning everyone,
    Melbourne is very cold (comparatively šŸ˜‰ )

    Giggle away Neil, I know you are right, but goodness it feels cold!
    I remember a Canadian friend laughing when we complained years ago, she said “Well, you aren’t dressed for it!”
    Respect, she came from a place that got to -30c
    And just a few weeks later I was in Queensland (Mackay) and saw guys complaining about the cold morning, while wearing shorts and thongs.

    (But I am dressed for it and have the heater on, but my internal thermal regulation still isn’t adjusted. So hard in Melbourne when the weather jumps around so much, we never acclimatize.)

    Hooray for the weight coming down. Best of wishes for this week.

    And sympathy for the cold, cold, cold where you are.

    Thin, hello, goodness what a wonderful outdoorsy, active life. I hope your next stage will have some action adventure built in too. Even just a little bit.
    Yay for DD getting a much more manageable package.

    I’ve heard people talk about Clarkson’s farm and it sounds so good. I overdid him a bit on Top Gear, now I think his driving me up the wall might outweigh the important insights into farming.

    I hope you can keep snug in the gloom.

    Anzac, woot! One more sleep.
    Best wishes for the most wonderful time!
    Sympathy, yes, I know all those eating points so well. I only left the alcohol one off because I am so alcohol intolerant. (A bit miserable that it is so good for me to be alcohol intolerant and have LPR).

    Hooray that your knee is improving and good luck with the million tasks.

    I am stuffed, but it is because I had little Ms 9 for the day yesterday, which was such a treat.
    Luckily I have had some great meals stocking my fridge and freezer to make meals easy (some good cooking a couple of weeks ago). Nearly through them now so I have the pleasurable job of deciding what to make next.

    Sending out best wishes to everyone

    Anzac, have a super trip! So pleased that your knee is better. Your poor family visiting England; the weather has been rotten for them. I’m sick of it especially when I think that, in a couple of weeks, the days will start to shorten and we’ve hardly had any decent weather yet. I’m pleased you like ‘Clarkson’s Farm’. (Cinque, I didn’t like him at all on the Top Gear show but now I’m his greatest fan.)

    Neil, well done with the weight loss. Your description of your weather reminds me of a winter I spent in Queenstown. That wind howling up the valley! We’ve been toying with the concept of relocating to NZ when we get off the boat but the weather is the thing. We know there are milder places on the north island. Perth is becoming increasingly dry so we question the merits of starting from scratch in a hostile climate. For now, we do nothing and keep floating. Making decisions is increasingly difficult with age.

    Cinque, here they say, “there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing”. I do commend the British for getting out and doing things in the outdoors regardless of the weather. People faithfully walk their dogs in the pouring rain, go kayaking in a freezing canal and anglers will sit patiently all day in horrid weather. How lovely to care for the grandies, well one of them anyway, How are they all getting along? Hurray for meals ready to go.

    DD was here with us again for a night which was a treat. One week down and she’s enjoying her new work-life balance strategy of a three-day work week. (Which might seem funny after 16 months off).

    I had a good fast day on Sunday where I didn’t feel hungry at all, just a nice light, empty feeling all day.

    There are swans nesting opposite, Canada Geese came over with their goslings to see if they could get a hand-out (no), also a robin and a heron. I always think of Penguin when I see a robin which leads me to think about Merry.

    The sun IS shining this morning so I must get out and take advantage.

    Hello all.

    Neil you are so right to have a giggle at us Aussieā€™s for complaining about the cold, I know that I couldnā€™t live in the cold temps of NZ that you are used to. It has felt extra cold in the last week due to a lack of sunshine, quite a few overcast days making it feel very gloomy indeed.

    On the bright side we did have some rain last week, about 3 hours of light rain, enough to see me out in the garden spreading fertiliser around the garden beds and lawn, which I might add is looking spectacular at the moment. I must have looked a sight as I couldnā€™t find my hooded raincoat ( just shows how long since Iā€™ve needed it) so to save my long hair getting wet I donned a shower cap – it gave Miss GDay a good laugh but did the job.

    Neil what a find with those floorboards and a great job in restoring them, they look fantastic.

    My laptop is back with a new hard drive installed and everything set to run super smoothly. Some of my data and photos were stored in the cloud and some on the hard drive, now everything is saved in the cloud (and also on my portable hard drive as a back up) so the laptop is super, super quick because there is no data on the actual hard drive other than the operating systems. Plus everything is now synced between my laptop, desktop, iPad and iPhone to the cloud storage and everything I save, download etc will now automatically save to the cloud. Very happy indeed.

    Have been busy putting the office/gym back together, building flat pack storage units and putting together a few new pieces of gym equipment. The new carpet tiles look fantastic. Iā€™ve been very mindful to not refill the room with unnecessary items and clutter so Iā€™ve had to say goodbye to quite a few bits and pieces that I love but are not really necessities. Itā€™s looking good and going to plan so far and I now have substantial bare floor space in the centre of the room for a free weight/exercise area.

    Weight is still steady but itā€™s time I factored in a few fasts over the next few weeks to drop a few kilos. The cold weather brings on the cravings for carby comfort foods so Iā€™m mindful of keeping things in check rather than allowing my weight to creep up. Miss GDay has been on at me for weeks to make creamy pasta and garlic bread so I gave in tonight – it was delicious but I know it will show on the scales tomorrow. A few more meals like that and itā€™s too easy to stack on a few kilos in a short space of time.

    Hope everyone is travelling well, take care and keep warm x

    Alarming news just breaking that Dr M. has gone missing on the Greek island of Symi.

    Yes Thin read this upon waking just now (5.30am Friday here). Last seen 1.30pm Wednesday (Greece time) so doesnā€™t sound good. He went for a walk along a rocky coastal path and didnā€™t return so Clare raised the alarm. Everything crossed he is found alive and well xx

    I see they have drones out looking for him, hopefully they find him safe and sound.

    Thin, there are certainly some nice places around New Zealand, but like everywhere there are payoffs. Bay of Plenty and Nelson are really nice areas that are usually pretty mild in the winter, but then the payoff is that they are more prone to extreme weather events. Cyclone Gabrielle absolutely destroyed some areas around 18 months ago. Dunedin on the other hand has reasonably settle weather, we have the lowest rainfall of any of the major cities, but the payoff is it can be kind of cold and grey during autumn, winter it can be cold, but is usually calm and sunny.

    The last few days it’s been surprisingly mild. May was our coldest May since 2009, but the first week of June I’ve been waking up to temperatures around 12 degrees.

    Gday, the flat pack furniture is the bane of my existence. My wife always corralled the kids out of the house whenever I was putting together anything substantial, because she knew that the language that would be coming out of me for the next couple of hours would be strong enough to strip the paint off the walls.

    I hope everyone is going ok, and I pray that they find Dr M fine soon.

    I just read about Dr Mosely and it’s not looking good for him. It’s just terrible but all hope is not yet lost

    We arrived in Townsville last night where we went from deluge flooding rain and cold to 28 degrees and glorious sunshine today. Off to Maggie tomorrow

    Neil, when Mr A first moved to Sydney he scoffed at us in our big coats and gloves and walked around in shorts in winter. Now 30+ years later he is as rugged-up as everyone else, complaining about the cold.

    Must get ready to go out, chat more later

    Good morning everyone,

    It was a worry to hear this morning that they still haven’t found Dr Mosley. I think it must be good that they know he made it past the rocky cliff.

    Thin, I can imagine you settling happily in NZ… and it would be cool to have you back in the Southern Hemisphere again.

    My granddaughters continue to be simply gorgeous. Miss 7 is into dinosaurs (as well as penguins) (she read about giant prehistoric penguins and got hooked), Miss 9 is growing up way too quick, and she made friends with a dog the other day, a big step for such a dogphobic.

    I did another batch of bulk cooking (chicken and veg soup, Shrewsbury stew, fish pot pies) so my freezer is stocked again.

    So lovely that your DD has more time (a 3 day working week is so civilized!).

    Say hello to the swans, robins and herons. So nice to think of Penguin. It is currawong, magpies and pigeons here, and the noisy noisy miners.

    Gday, I am so glad you got some rain. How happy that garden will be with water and fertilizer.
    Woot for some nice fasts.

    Hi Neil, Hi Anzac!
    Anzac, enjoy that holiday, so glad you could escape the deluge.

    Best wishes all

    Terrible news this morning. I am so sad to learn of the discovery of a body in the search for Dr M. I shall be forever grateful for him for the 5:2 concept. It literally changed my life. Ten years on, I remain a faithful adherent and have maintained the 23kg loss I achieved through intermittent fasting. All my thoughts are with his wife and children this morning.

    Such devastating news. Shows how tenuous our lives are and we should treasure every day.

    So very sad to hear that Dr M has passed. I have been checking the online news sites every couple of hours for the last few days, holding onto hope he would be found alive and well. . Appears to have fallen down a steep rocky slope. Yes intesha life is so very precious for us all, we never know what is around the next corner. Feeling so sad for Clare and his children šŸ’ššŸ’š

    This is so sad. Our dear Dr Mosely is gone and in such a sad way. He gave us all a new future and changed our lives. I’m in tears and yet so grateful. Praying for his wife and children tonight. RIP Dr Mosely and thank you.

    Really sad, the report I read said he was only 10 meters from safety when they found him.

    Hello to everyone,
    I have been reading lots of lovely comments and articles and clips marking Dr Mosley’s sad death. A lot from people who are grateful to him for 5:2 and other shows, and lots from people who worked with him who talking about his kindness in making their interview easy, or the good work he did as producer and behind the scenes.

    Like you all, I am so grateful for 5:2 and so appreciative that he really did follow evidence and presented it in a way to get it out into the community and all over the world.

    That is such a beautiful expression cinque; it sums up just how I feel. Sad but grateful for a wonderful man. I feel for his poor family and his many many friends

    Morning all, weight bounced up again this week, having stomach issues again, which is probably the likely cause since I didn’t go crazy eating last week.

    We had our coldest morning of the year so far, it was around -6 degrees, and everything was all white and crunchy.

    Oh Neil -6ā€¦. Iā€™m struggling because weā€™ve had a week of overcast weather, the sun has disappeared which is unheard of here, itā€™s been so gloomy but the upside is the nights have been weirdly warm – back into summer pajamas and have kicked the blankets off the bed – strangest weather the last few months.

    Good morning from…. yep, cold, grey Melbourne.
    I am getting into winter mindset and quite enjoying the winter things.
    Nicely comforted by the fact it isn’t as cold here as at Neil’s!

    <3 Anzac. I am the same age as Michael Mosley, well, his birthday was in March and mine is… tomorrow! But that has added an extra layer of poignancy, that I am getting up in the morning and making my breakfast, and he can never do that again.

    I’ve been doing well with my eating. It makes such a difference to be that little bit healthier (as in CFS symptoms aren’t so bad) and so much easier to plan well around food.

    AND I have worked out (you can tell my nature is naturally quite gluttonous) that I am much better off drinking smaller cups of coffee (and tea). I enjoy them just as much, but it feels better (and I don’t go through coffee as quickly).

    The Cinque story: learning moderation. One step at a time. Haha.

    Neil, I do hope you can figure out how to best manage that nasty bloating. It makes life so hard. But yes, if you have been eating well (moderately šŸ˜‰ it will be inflammation adding to your weight. Best wishes for a good weekend, and everything settling down.

    Gday, I hope your weather is back to normal and your garden is growing happily.

    I’m having lunch with my sisters tomorrow. And time with my daughter’s family today.

    Sending out best wishes

    Happy birthday dear Cinque! I hope you have a wonderful day with your family

    Thin and Cinque, such lovely messages from you both on the tribute page. I will add mine soon

    We had the best time in FNQ but home to cold old Sydney and work. Boo. I did put on weight (no surprise) but not much and I am already working it off

    Hi to everyone else, take care

    Happy Birthday Cinque!

    Thankyou Anzac and Thin!
    I had a lovely day.

    I am so glad it was a lovely break Anzac.

    Morning all

    Weigh in this week was down 1.1 kilos from last week. I’ve been sticking to between 800-1500 calories all week, my stomach isn’t as uncomfortable as it was, but I still feel bloated after eating in the evening. I might try eating half portion in the evening and go to see a doctor if it keeps up after that.

    Happy belated birthday Cinque, I hope you had a good one.

    Have a great day everyone

    Hello all. Coming late to share my sadness too at the passing of Dr Mosely. How many people are alive and living their best lives, because of his work and commitment? It feels like we have lost a friend.

    Nothing else I want to write about in this brief note – missing in action again, for which I am sorry. My life is a bit erratic at the moment. I haven’t even been reading the page lately – most unusual, even when I don’t post.

    So, back soon, I hope.

    Best wishes friends.

    Quick hello and happy belated birthday Cinque.

    Nothing new to report from me. Weight still steady as I havenā€™t fasted since my last post but plan to do so this weekend. Have dropped off on exercise lately too and Iā€™ve been eating too late in the day as well as early evening – my previous routine of eating within a four hour window, usually between 11am and 3pm has gone out the window the last few months.

    In the hope of getting back into the swing of exercise, better eating patterns and fasting, Iā€™ve complied a weekly nutrition, exercise and fasting program to ensure I fit all of the above into my weekly schedule. A bit regimented I know but Iā€™ve been so adhoc with everything and need to get back into a solid routine if Iā€™m to get back into the 59ā€™s again.

    Happy Thursday everyone although was saddened to see this morning the activists desecrating Stonehenge. I donā€™t get it, protesting about the governmentā€™s destroying the planet and oil production and they desecrate a world heritage listed natural structure – doesnā€™t help their cause at all in my opinion.

    Good morning everyone,
    Brrr here.

    Anzac, how is it going? I hope you are able to do all the activity you love doing, and have got into the mountain of work.
    FNQ pleasure, sustaining you through EOFY pressure!

    Neil, good work! Keep at it.
    I do hope you can figure out what you can do to avoid those stomach troubles. Fingers crossed for you.

    Lindsay, so good to hear from you. I’m sending you so many good wishes as you navigate your way through tricky times. Best wishes to Mr Lindsay too.

    Gday, all power to you this weekend!

    I agree with you about Stonehenge. Desperate people do desperate things, but destruction breaks my heart.

    I am going well, in my winter woollies (found a very nice woollen jacket in the opshop yesterday) and managing to keep all my various ailments managed. I need to see the dentist and it is a lot harder than it used to be! Community Dental service will ring me on the 2nd of July to discuss whether I can go on the waiting list, local dentist had the answering machine on and hasn’t rung back. I had better finish off here and try again.

    Cheers all

    PS Gday, I do thankyou for your birthday wishes.
    And I am glad to hear the protestors at Stonehenge used chalk paint. Probably less damaging than the pollution in the air and, oh dear, all the rubbish left around at the festival.

    FD for me. It’s been 8 days since my last FD because I fasted on Saturday last weekend just in case due to DD coming to visit for Fathers’ Day on Sunday. Not that we ever do any celebrating in a commercial venue on those types of dates – the crowds and inflated prices put us off. That was our third time having DD to stay since she returned to the UK and we’re so grateful for the frequent visits.

    Summer is finally here. Sunshine, warmth and no wind or rain. OH has hay fever so he’s not much fun but I’ve been painting (albeit less enthusiastically than when we first acquired the boat).

    Cinque, I didn’t know that your grandie was afraid of dogs. That’s sad. My brother was bitten on the face by a family member’s dog when he was two years old but, despite the teeth marks in his cheek, he’s been a dog lover all his life fortunately.

    Pleased to see the new converts to 5:2 on Dr M’s tribute page (top right). Doing it in his memory. And hopefully for themselves.

    Ok, no time to waste, I must get outdoors. Sadly, the days will now be growing shorter but it’s currently daylight until after 10pm.

    Have a great week all.

    Hi all, was nice to see a post yesterday on Dr Clare Bailey (Mosley) Instagram page thanking everyone for their kindness and support on Michaels passing. She is taking a break from the public eye for awhile but will return to carry in Michaels work which is great news.

    Extended fast over the weekend (46 hours) wasnā€™t as long as I intended as a visitor on Sunday after bought food which I felt obliged to eat over a cuppa. Still, 1.3 kg down this morning from Friday mornings weigh in. Being extra mindful of keeping my good carbs to a minimum for the next month so I stay in a medium to high level of ketosis and fast track some weight loss. This will be a good motivator for me to keep everything on track and not stray from my plan.

    Must dash, heading out of town today so must get moving

    Morning all, Had a frustrating weekend, Return of the bloating and sore stomach, weturn of the grey drizzly weather, and then our cat has developed an issue with her teeth that might cost us $2000 to fix.

    My stomach issue has eased today, but I have an appointment with the doctor next week to get it checked out. Chronic stomach issues can be a sign of some more serious complaints, and I don’t want to take any chances.

    Hello everyone.

    I have a new and now finally fully functioning laptop. What with crashing hard drives and new software issues, it’s been a much longer process than I anticipated. I ended up handing everything over to a professional to sort out as it was beyond me. I collected it this morning, fingers crossed that’s the end of the issues. I’ve been managing with an iphone for so many weeks now, that it feels a bit weird to be using a laptop again. The only frustration so far is that the location of the shutdown button is in the same spot as delete was on my old laptop – I’ll leave you to guess how many times I’ve accidentally shutdown in the last hour.

    In my absence we had the tragic news of Dr M’s passing. That was as much a shock to me as I’m sure it was to everyone who has found his work on intermittent fasting so very useful and life changing.

    I haven’t had time to catch up on posts yet, but once I have I will write better post.

    Morning all, and welcome back Ljoyce. It must be good to get a shiny new laptop to play with.

    I had an OK week, just had a bit of overeating on Friday with our regular movie night. But I was down almost another kilo this week, so I’m a happy chappie. Hopefully I can keep that going in the right direction.

    I’m trying to get my bike fitness back up so I can go on a trip in October, I’ve been pretty slack about it the last few months because the weather has been so grey and miserable.

    I hope everyone else is good, have a great one everyone.

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