Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,224 replies, has 834 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 23 hours, 54 minutes ago.

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  • Good morning everyone,
    It is the start of a hot day here. I’ve watered the garden (still not mulched, poor thing) and have the strategic blinds down and the fan on.

    I have been able to do a little bit more and focused my energy the last couple of days by a) making chili con carne (Jamie Oliver recipe) b) turning it into 6 ramekin meals with mashed sweet potato and some greens and into the freezer and c) still some in the fridge that will last me another couple of days.

    So I am starting to be able to free up food prep time that I can hopefully use to do other high priority things (like coming here to chat).

    Anzac, I am glad that rain stopped! Hooray for quiet time for you to concentrate on looking after yourself. All power to you.
    So exciting to be planning that wonderful trip!

    Your lamb and salad meal sounds just perfect.

    I read Cali’s post about the Dr Suess Cooking Challenge (never heard of it, but it does look enjoyable). But I thought, hey, you don’t mean LJoyce, you mean….

    Intesha! I couldn’t remember your name!

    That means it is WAY to long since you posted here! Come on, post immediately!

    I had to search back for it. I checked out the beans thread first incase you had posted anything there (it is so much shorter) and our recipe thread. No Intesha could I find (I knew I would recognise your name when I saw it) but so interesting to go through those threads again!

    It reminded me of how active this forum was when I first joined! I regularly posted in at least 4 threads and kept my eye on all the new posts. Glory days!

    But how glad I am that we are still going.
    I do hope I can post more regularly, and do some proper fast days!

    Thin, isn’t temperature relative, I’m laughing at you finding England’s weather so warm at the same time I am wilting at 32C and knowing that, by the end of summer, 32C will be a blessed relief.

    Neil, Woot! for your first fast day of the year.

    Cali, I love rhubarb too!
    Friends have been talking about forced rhubarb on fb: fat and pale, but I am happy with the thin, dark red, stalks found in Aussie backyards, I just love the flavour. When I gave up sugar I was glad to find a recipe for a lamb and rhubarb tagine. So yummy and I can still get my rhubarb hit.

    Ha, your friends visiting Australia, that was a LOT of traveling from place to place.
    I am glad they had a good time. We should have got you to indoctrinate them into the proper use of vegemite before they came!

    My BIL is recovering now (covid) and my sister too, but still tiring easily.
    Good post from twitter yesterday: “Masks protect us well from EVERY variant.”
    And also from flu!

    That Dr Suess Bake Off looks fun. We’ve just had one of the Great British Sewing Bee series (probably not the latest one, it was on ‘free to air’) which is similar format and was such a treat to watch.

    I hope childminding is going well LJoyce!

    Cheers to everyone

    Hello all

    It’s been such a long time since I posted that even Cinque has stopped calling out to me. A salutory reminder!

    Happy new year to you all, and may 2023 bring peace and good health.

    Things aren’t great here in this new year. After thinking it couldn’t be worse than the past two – it looks like it is going to be challenging to say the least.

    OH was diagnosed with a brain tumour on Wednesday. He starts treatment next week – a preliminary 2 hour appointment to fit him for a metal mask (sounds like something out of an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical), before he starts radiation oncology. But first, more surgery on Wednesday for something unrelated. My poor poor love. He’ll have an MRI first to make sure there’s only one tumour. The PET scan is less accurate than the MRI, and they will need very accurate pictures for his treatment.

    On a happier note ….our puppy is a joy and delight, and we are very happy we decided to keep her. We called her Scarlett, and she and Rosy are starting to engage as pals, now the other puppies have gone to their homes. Rosy has been a perfect mother…I couldn’t have asked for better. She and I go out for either a walk with my DS and his two dogs (and sometimes, his 8 year old son) in the very early morning, or on alternate days when DS runs, Rosy and I go to the dog park for a very energetic gallop for her, and a more sedate walk for me. Once the puppy has all her shots and OH is feeling stronger, he’ll sit with the little one in the puppy section of the large park. But …that’s for the future.

    My weight is up, though not to where it was. I’m cooking food to tempt OH, and it’s higher calorie because he’s lost so much weight. I know I don’t have to eat it, but at this time the companionship of a shared meal is a higher priority than the calories in it. It is always healthy, at least. One habit I’ve maintained through thick and thin is time restricted eating. Not always 16:8 as I did back in the day, but I never – never – eat within that 12 hour window, and mostly it is 14:10. I am much more active now, just by having to maintain the house/garden/pool/dogs without much help, but the good outcome from that is that my fasting blood sugar is perfect. Rarely over 5, even if I eat carbs with my evening meal.

    I won’t go back and answer all the posts – but I will try to stay closer to the forum. I enjoy reading all your news.

    Take care all.

    Lindsay, so sorry to hear of your OH’s latest challenges, he has certainly had a rough time (and you of course). I hope the treatment goes well. I’m so envious of you having your DS nearby.

    Cinque, what a great post, you sound full of bounce. How large are the ramekins you speak of? You reminded me that I must make some Hairy Bikers’ Chili con Carne when we return. I’ve decided it’s not warm here after all! The boat is toasty though. What a lot of effort we put into supporting all those people who came to this thread in droves back then – where are they all now, I wonder?

    I’m happy to be here eight years on and still touting the benefits of IF. It’s a FD for me, my second of the week as I added one on Wednesday just to get myself in a good starting position for the unknown food week ahead. Not relishing the long flight but excited to get zooming in on all manner of bird and wildlife.

    Morning all

    It was a nice weekend here. Yesterday especially was a hot sunny day, and we’re far enough south that it’s still light enough to be out doing things until 10pm. I went out riding after dinner and was out until after 9pm. I ate too much on my non fast day on Saturday because we had my wife’s cousin over for dinner/movies and we ended up having movie snacks on top of dinner, so I threw in an extra fast day yesterday to make up for it.

    Lindsay, I’m so sorry to hear about your OH I hope that the radiotherapy works well. My wife still hasn’t fully recovered from her surgery on her brain tumour almost a year ago. She’s way better than she was, but still can’t fully close the eyelid on the right-hand side, so usually has it taped down.

    Cinque, our rhubarb isn’t forced but it grows huge, the stems are up to 2 feet long and 2 inches wide at the base. I gave away 4 kilos of it to neighbours the other day and we still have tons of it in the garden. I use it for adding a tang to cordials. Strawberry and rhubarb cordial is especially good.

    Thin, I hope you have a great time on your trip.

    Well fast day today and control day tomorrow, hopefully my 3 fast days this week will show up on the scales on Wednesday and that will kick start me on my way back down to where I was 2 years ago.

    Have a great one everyone

    Hello Everyone,

    Lindsay, at least I hadn’t forgotten your name, and I was SO close to calling out to you, but I was completely exhausted after all that name hunting for Intesha and I wanted to say something nicely thought out to ask after Mr Lindsay, and it was too much for my poor old brain (I could only just spell out a cheer to LJoyce)…

    So aren’t you just the BEST for posting and letting us know what is happening.
    Oh, but so challenging, these times ahead. Sending so many good wishes to Mr Lindsay and hoping so hard that it is only one tumour and that the radiation zaps it quickly into oblivion.

    Enjoy those meals together, and keep looking after yourself, so you can look after Mr Lindsay.

    The puppy news is so exciting, I don’t think I knew you were going to keep one, but how nice to have them keeping each other company and being gorgeous for you. Hello Scarlet! Hello Rosy!
    Twice as many ribbons to win too!

    Thin, I am about this full of bounce https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/02/49/12/87/360_F_249128714_BqiPYfEXNhqEU7yh6Hh441U2lhiHK7cL.jpg
    But then I have been worse lately. Flat.
    So much better!

    The ramekins hold 2 cups, so they are just perfect size for a meal for sedentary me.
    When I get one out I will take a photo (if I remember) as they do look pretty with the dark red stew, the golden mash and the green.

    I’ve worked out a really easy breakfast too, that is chickpea flour pancake (just besan and water) with kimchi mixed in. It is yummy and full of flavour but so easy and quick.

    I think of you as the 5:2 Grand Master here!

    Ooh yay for your telescopic lens, I hope you can get some gorgeous pictures!

    Neil, hello and haha typical for fate to undermine your first week of the regime. Hooray for an extra fast day slotted in.
    Your rhubarb sounds amazing, and goodness me, I can just imagine how delicious rhubarb and strawberry cordial will be.
    Sending best wishes to Mrs Neil, what a long journey to recovery. It would be so lovely if her eyelid would get its movement completely back. Fingers crossed.

    Well I am going to nick to Hammerbarn and buy some mulch, and then I see my eye specialist this afternoon. So busy!

    (Did you get the Hammerbarn reference?)

    Cheers all

    Good morning, Cinque how could I not reply to your request 😉. I read all the posts but just don’t have the energy to reply, some days I find it hard to get myself out of bed. My Dad continues to be a drain and not taking to the nursing home at all. He never stops complaining, has refused medication and food on occasion and just being thoroughly miserable. I have had so many meetings with management and staff, we’ve had Dr’s come and assess his mental state and the list goes on. Even though he will be 96 in April he is still very mentally alert. He is forever picking fault with everything, the tablecloths have not been changed, the salt shakers are empty, they take too long to answer his call button and it goes on and on. I’ve changed from seeing him every second day to every third otherwise my sanity would be in question.

    Like Neil I have put on 7kg from my lowest weight but at least it’s not the 87kg I started with. My lowest was 65kg. Like LindsayL I have a 14-16hour window where I don’t eat. I still have quite a bit of food in my freezer and pantry and although nothing too drastic it still has to be eaten and with only me to feed it’s taking awhile to get through. Once this is cleared I will be able to go back to only buying what is necessary and no Thin I can’t give it away. Being on a pension and with prices so exorbitant I have to be very frugal.

    Anzac your trip sounds wonderful. I have been to Egypt 7 times, I love the history although some places leave a lot to be desired. I hope to go back at some stage to see the new museum and the new finds they have uncovered. I loved Petra in Jordan and Greece is on my bucket list. I have flown first class with Emirates once and that was to NZ quite a few years ago when they were relatively new. There were only 3 of us going over and I was the only one coming back. I must say the Dom Perignon was flowing 😳 too bad it was such a short flight. I have flown business with them with upgraded points but I know longer fly with them after I had a bad experience with them a few years ago and they were not very compassionate.

    I am driving down to Melbourne on the 21st Cinque but not sure of my movements. My friend that you met is turning 70 and she doesn’t know I am coming.

    Anyway I may not post often but I enjoy reading what everyone is up to my life is lived by your adventures. Thin you certainly have been doing some travelling.

    Take care everyone and hope the new year is kind to you all. Lindsay my thoughts are with you and your OH


    I took a photo of one of the rhubarb stems I picked for dessert tonight.

    Good afternoon everyone.

    Lindsay, so sorry to hear that your husband has yet more health challenges to deal with. Hoping that your family is coping with the news. I’m hoping for the very best for you all.

    Intesha, My father always needed something (or several somethings) to complain about when in aged care. I eventually worked out that trying to find solutions didn’t help, he’d just find new issues to moan about.
    Reducing your visits to the nursing home sounds like the only sensible thing you can do, when your Dad’s issues are not something you can solve.

    Cinque, I’m wishing for better health and a bit less fatigue for you in 2023.

    Neil, my two rhubarb plants are growing well too, but the stems aren’t as long as yours. I cook it with strawberries or apples and some stevia, yum.
    I hope your first week on the new eating regime rewards you.

    Thin, flying off for another adventure. Have fun, I’ll enjoy your reports on the wildlife you see.

    Take care everyone.

    I managed to mulch some of my garden yesterday, so I am very pleased, but need a slow day.

    Intesha, so good to hear from you!
    I am sorry life feels so hard. Feeling responsible for someone’s wellbeing when they are unable to be happy or content must be among the hardest things in the world.
    I am so glad you are looking after yourself more, and planning a trip to visit your friend. I hope your spark comes back.

    Sympathy for that hard yakka of eating through a freezer. Won’t you love it when you can choose meals from scratch again.

    My health is so bad that I may not be able to catch up with you, even if you were able to fit me in, in Melbourne, but it would be lovely if it happened.
    What a lovely 70th birthday surprise for your friend!

    Neil, that is one beautiful stick of rhubarb!

    LJoyce, thankyou so much. Fingers crossed. Best wishes with the children this week.

    Hoping everyone has a good, easy day.

    Morning all.
    And that you for the lovely responses, Cinque, Thin and LJ. And for your kind message, Cinque. It’s a roller coaster. But ….after 18 months, he’s still vertical, as my old uncle used to say when I asked after his health, so that’s something.

    Here’s a pic of my lovely little Scarlett. Such a handful, and so so sweet.


    Our vet took her sister, and came yesterday for a play (and to give Scarlett her shots). It was lovely to watch them together, and see how excited Rosy was to have two of her pups to play with.

    Intesha, it must be so very difficult to watch your father in his misery, and not be able to help. Unrelated but relevant, I have been watching the program on ABC where kindy children are paired with aged care residents, and the improvement in the general health, mobility and mood when they have the stimulation and social contact. It would be so good if programs like that became more common.

    Cinque I am sorry you’ve not been well at all. Yet through it all, you remain so cheerful and determined to get on with things…. you have my admiration.

    Thin, off on another adventure. How nice to be travelling.

    Things sound a little grim in the UK. I heard news yesterday of a friend from a long time ago, who slipped on ice and lay in her dressing gown for 3 hours, before an ambulance came, before spending 6 hours ramped in the ambulance and 4 days in A & E before they could get her a hospital bed. During the nurses’ strike, which made it so much worse. I thank heaven everyday for the care my OH is getting here.

    I am sorry your DS is away from you for a while – as you say, I am lucky to have my DS a couple of suburbs away, and DD just a 10 minute walk. They both lived away (Vietnam and Canberra) for many years, as did we, so it’s such a bonus to have them back with their families. We see a lot of the little ones, and it’s a great diversion for OH.

    The 6 year old continues to entertain. Her latest is her quest for a black labrador. Going off to sleep the other night, my DD asked why she wanted one. “Well, sometimes I get sad, and sometimes I get cranky. So frankly, I could do with the support.” Lord knows where she heard that, but she put it to good use to support her case.

    Neil, Intesha and Anzac, my motivation to get back to goal isn’t as strong this time. But I know we can do it. Once we get on the train, it will become easier. Surely.

    LJ rhubarb and apple sounds good. Do you have a recipe? i’ve never cooked it, but my cold climate OH says he loves it.

    OK off to get ready for the hospital. Talk soon.

    Morning all

    First weigh in after starting my new schedule and I was down 1.1 kg. It’s a good start but hopefully I can continue the progress.

    Lindsay, so cute! Those big floppy ears remind me of our old dig we had when I was a kid. She was a Spaniel/Labrador cross. She had the build of a Labrador but had those big floppy Spaniel ears.

    Cinque, we mulched up some of our garden yesterday too, We’ve been using pea straw around some of our plants, which has the added bonus of random pea seeds sprouting in the garden and growing alongside our plants.

    Ljoyce, I cooked up my rhubarb with apple and strawberry so now I have some stewed fruit the boys can have on their cereal. It’s about the only time the older one eats fruit other than bananas.

    I’m loving this time of year. We have lots of raspberries, strawberries, rhubarb, currants and blueberries in our garden. My sister-in-law dropped round a couple of kilos of cherries off her tree, my brother is harvesting apricots off his tree. It’s a great time of year.

    Well, time to enjoy a post weigh-in non fast day. I’m not going to go too crazy. I have some leftover beef saag and salad for lunch, and we’re going to have jackfruit curry for dinner, I may have a nice cheese scone or sausage roll with my coffee today and try to stay to around 2,000 calories.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Morning. A quick post, before some breakfast. I’ve taken rosy out already, which gives me a good 4000 steps to start the day.

    Thin, of course I meant DD, not DS. I do know you have a daughter, not a son! Brain fog (as the Duchess of Sussex would say, haha).

    Good work Neil. That’s a nice start. Very motivating to have such a good loss. The puppy does look a little spaniel-like in that pic. I wish I could post the video of her going crackers when DS brought his new pup, a 9 month old white English bulldog. It was the first time Scarlett had seen a dog that wasn’t red. The bulldog was stoic, despite the Irish running around her, barking. They soon settled, fortunately.

    OH is off for his surgery today, and some worry combined with being able to eat what and when I feel like it, will likely see me drop a bit. Only upside.

    have a good day all.

    Good morning everyone.

    Sorry this is a quick post as I have to head to a physio appointment shortly.

    Lindsay, thinking of you today, I hope your husband’s surgery goes well.

    I seem to have started a stewed rhubarb craze.
    Glad your boys like it Neil. Something I find it useful for is as a lighter breakfast in hot weather, your boys may like it too. I get a small glass tumbler and I layer the stewed fruit with greek yoghurt and top it off with a small sprinkle of muesli for crunch. It looks like dessert but tastes like breakfast.
    It also makes a nice fruit yoghurt, I use one part cooked and cooled fruit to 3 parts greek yoghurt.
    Lindsay I don’t have a recipe but I have adapted my mother’s method. My mother cooked chopped rhubarb and granny smith apples together with lots of sugar and water and some cloves. It ended up the texture of apple sauce. I loved the flavour, but I prefer my cooked fruit to still have some texture so I have a different approach.
    When it comes to fruit quantities, I just use what I have to hand. If I was buying it, I would buy an equal weight of apples and rhubarb (you can use firm pears instead of some of the apple too). The rhubarb needs the ends trimmed off and cut into 15-20mm lengths. The apples are peeled and cored then cut into up into wedges about 1cm thick. Traditionally you would always have used green apples, but I find the granny smiths break down into a saucy texture when stewed, so I use a combination of green and red apples (mostly red).
    I put the apples in the saucepan first, then I top with the rhubarb (if you put the rhubarb on the bottom it disintegrates quickly), I add a tiny amount of water 2-3 tblsp (just enough to stop it sticking, the fruit will release a lot of water), I sprinkle with stevia (you can add more later if it needs more). Bring to a simmer, put on the lid and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and give the fruit a very gentle stir. Taste and add more sweetener if needed. I then place 4-6 whole cloves on top of the partly cooked fruit (not essential, but it really complements the apples). I place a clean tea towel (or paper towel) over the top of the saucepan and then I put the lid firmly back on. Leave for at least 30 minutes, then remove the cloves, which should hopefully still be sitting on top where you can find them. The heat within the saucepan does finish cooking the fruit without it breaking down into mush and the cloth on top absorbs some of the steam so you end up with a very thick stewed fruit. At this point you can eat it hot or cold (nice with yoghurt, icecream, cream or custard). You can also use it in crumble or pies. I usually make a largish batch and freeze most in small containers.

    Neil, well done with the weight loss. After starting a new eating regime, it’s good to get that reward.

    Cinque, a big hug from me. I’m so sorry to hear your health is so bad. Given how positive you usually are, I know that means that things really are dire. I really hope you have some quiet recuperative weeks. I will be wishing for better times ahead for you.

    Take care all, I really must rush. I like to get the physio 45minutes early, so that I can go for a walk in the nearby parklands.

    I’m still doing 3 FD and 4 NFD per week. My NFDs are a bit erratic, but I weigh after each FD and my weight continues to drop 0.2-0.3kg each time. That makes for a reasonable weekly loss and it easier to do the third FD if I don’t have to be overly strict on the NFDs. I’m still eating out a lot, so it’s handy to have that flexibility.

    Good morning dear people,

    How is Mr Lindsay?
    I have been sending so many good wishes your way

    I do hope it all went very well.

    It is lovely to hear the dog tales, and to see a picture of the beautiful Scarlet.
    And I laughed so much at Ms 6’s story.

    I have been listening to the latest podcast series from my twins Van Tulleken and found it very interesting. I am sharing the link to the one on will power because it was so good to hear the latest thinking about it, and it is so relevant to doing 5:2, to weight loss generally. It is only 30 mins https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001gj4y
    I was thinking especially of you and Anzac, and Neil too, and Intesha and Cali ofcourse, ha LJoyce, all of us, trying to do 5:2 with other difficult things going on in our lives.
    Affirming too, of the things we say to each other here.

    Neil, peastraw is my favourite mulch, especially because of the peas that come up. When I pick the little tendrils to add to my salad I think how expensive restaurants pay huge money for them.

    But they only had sugar cane mulch and the package I bought smells SO strongly of banana. I am sure I will get down to at least one decomposed one. Eek.

    What a lovely time of year it is! I am hoping my strawberries will be happier now they are mulched, and I put in basil, even though it is a couple of months late.

    Congratulations on some nice scales action! Best wishes for this week.

    LJoyce, what beautiful rhubarb and apple directions.

    Yay for my extra energy. Even the mulching didn’t cause too much PEM (post exertion malaise). I am slow this morning, but not too bad, and so delighted at being able to get more done. I was even able to write a list!
    (That podcast also made me realise just how much will power goes into managing chronic illness, as you would know too).

    I hope the physio was lovely.

    Yay for that steady loss of weight. I really hope I can do the same.

    Best wishes everyone

    Good morning friends, I thought I posted about two days ago but in fact it was over a week ago and that is very scary. I fully intend to post daily from here on out

    I am so very sorry to hear about your husband Lindsay, life can be so cruel sometimes. I am sending oceans of healing and positive thoughts your way. Scarlett is gorgeous

    Lovely to hear from you Intesha but I am sorry that your father continues to be a burden and such a drain on your mental health. I agree with LJ that there is nothing you can do to fix the situation and going to visit every third day is a very good idea

    I’m glad to read that you had a little extra energy yesterday Cinque and may it continue. I wish I had a magic wand that I could wave and everyone’s health issues would disappear

    Mr Anzac is going well but still struggling with control. Some days are fine and others are much less than fine. We went to Wollongong to see a friend’s new house on Thursday and it was touch and go as to whether he could come. The day before was very bad but luckily Thursday was ok and he drove down. I had arranged to go down with friends as a back up just in case as I don’t drive much these days as I have lost my nerve after a near-miss and only drive locally now.

    I hope the physio did some magic LJ. I have had several sessions for my left knee and it is now much better thankfully as it was hindering my walking

    Thin I only have a video of the shower on the A380 and it culminates with a very unflattering picture of me in the mirror taking the video so I am not prepared to post it on a public forum. I’ll do a google and see what I can find

    I have lost half the weight I put on in Vanuatu and that is very slow indeed. I need to pick up the pace and that should be easier now my knee is better

    Hi to everyone else, take care

    Good almost-afternoon,
    Thinking of Mr Lindsay and hoping he is doing okay.

    It is a hot day in Melbourne, but I am feeling pretty pleased with myself. My health is still up, and that is with minding the little girls yesterday and making lunch for everyone. It is so nice to end each day a bit in front.

    Anzac, all power to you posting every day. I’ll be here cheering you on each day.

    I’m cheering on Mr Anzac too, and hoping that as time goes on his control gets better and better. It must be so frustrating.

    Yay for the lovely weight losses you have had so far.
    Don’t push yourself so hard that it isn’t sustainable. Well, okay a three day push might be the go, but your precious body needs that longterm steadiness, and without you beating yourself up. Just plain 5:2 will get you there.

    Haha I am not boss of your life, you make your own decisions. I’m best cheering you on for them!

    So glad your knee is better, best wishes for today.

    Best wishes everyone!

    Hello all from a hot day in Sydney

    Thanks for your kind and motivating words Cinque. I hope your energy levels are continuing to be ok today

    Mr Anzac cooked a roast chicken dinner last night and I ate way too much and the scales are punishing me. Boo. I’m having a lean day today and planning my first proper FD on Tuesday. Yikes

    LJ I’m not a fan of rhubarb but my dear Mum used to love it. She mostly made pies with it.

    I hope Mr Lindsay is going ok

    Maxx is not enjoying the heat, he is stretched out on the cold tiles right now, but every now and then he goes and lies outside on the hot pavers in the sun. We don’t understand why but many other owners on the Labrador forum say their dogs do the same crazy thing. We have to gently encourage him back inside

    I have been cooking for two days, both for my Dad and for us so we have some healthy meals in the freezer. I’m feeling cooked myself in this heat. It’s only about 30 but having had three la Nina’s in a row we aren’t used to it.

    Time for a swim in the pool and a few laps for exercise. Take care all

    A cooler day in Melbourne, phew.

    A family gathering: we thought the Craigieburn RSL would be good: big, well ventilated, good menu. But sadly it was so loud and we didn’t really get a place to rest and chat. The food servings were stupidly big (they must make so much from pokies they give everyone at least 4 times more than they can eat.) Poor Brian ordered risotto and got a plate with at least 6 cups of thick risotto piled up on it. Not joking.

    It was too loud and chaotic for me so I didn’t eat much.

    Anzac, well done with the cooking, it is SO good to get a bit ahead with food. So nice for your dad too.

    Ooh Fast day on Tuesday! If I am feeling well enough, and I might be! I will join you with a fast day then.

    I bet the pool was wonderful.
    Hello to Maxx!

    Hi all
    Another week slips by. I was quite happy today with my weekly weigh-in. Only .3, but it was in the right direction, so that’s .5 for the year so far.

    RSLs are generally not particularly conducive to family chatting are they Cinque? We sometimes meet our Gold Coast family at one at Broadbeach. Fabulous venue, but the noise! Oh my. And the food isn’t good. Some salads, but overdressed to the devil. It is as OH says, ‘how do you want your chips?’.

    Anzac sorry the heat is getting to you – it’s been funny weather alright. It is good to get ahead with the cooking. I have a freezer of lasagne at the moment, in convenient two-serve glass containers. I rarely cook it – not a meal for a couple, and particularly not for a carb-wary person like me. But we had a group of dog judge acquaintances down for lunch to assess the puppies, and it was an easy meal to prepare and serve when the time was right, with a salad already made, and some good sourdough. Then a few weeks ago a friend and her son from the Gold Coast came up to see the puppies before they started leaving home, and i cooked it again because the son wasn’t sure what time he’d get away from work. That’s a long story to say I have stuff in the freezer.

    I bought a chest freezer a couple of months ago, because I wanted to get some farm meat. I got an eighth of a beast, which is a lot because we don’t eat much meat these days, but it is top quality with no preservatives, no hormones, sustainably farmed etc, and delivered to the door pre-frozen. I must say the quality is excellent, and it will be good for OH to build up his red blood count, which the immunotherapy plays around with.

    Talking of OH ….he is still in hospital. What should have been an overnight stay, or perhaps 2 nights, has turned into 6, with no guarantee he’ll be home tomorrow. There’s some fever, and infection at the wound site, so they are pumping him full of antibiotics to nip it in the bud. Well, it’s gone past that point, but to make sure it doesn’t get worse. He has really picked up the last day or so, which is a relief, even though he has to stay in hospital.

    Anzac the labs seem to feel the heat. I notice it with my dog show friends. My mother and son visitors have 3 labs … all different, all lovely, and all pant like crazy in the hot weather. I hope Mr Anzac in time gets better control. It must be very distressing for him (and you).

    LJ thank you for the rhubarb tips. I’ll try to get to the fruit shop and get some for OH’s homecoming. He’s often said he loved it, but I’ve never known what to do with it.

    Intesha you may have put on a few kilos, but 72 is way better than 87, so congratulations on keeping off 15 kilos. A huge investment in your health and wellbeing.

    OK must go and have some coffee and sourdough, before the little girls arrive. My breakfast of late has been the sourdough with a small bocconcini ball, tomato, basil and red onion, drizzled with avocado oil. Delicious, healthy, and sets me up for the day.

    Have a good one everyone (Neil, keen to know how this week’s weigh-in goes).

    Morning all

    I had a good weekend, I got a bit of gardening done and got out for a good ride. I woke up on Sunday morning with a bit of a sugar hangover. I had been cutting out most of the sugar from my diet over the last couple of weeks, but on Saturday we had a combined birthday party for my wife’s sister and step-father and I overindulged a bit on the chocolate, birthday cake, and pavlova and when I woke up on Sunday I had a splitting headache. I didn’t eat a lot yesterday because I wasn’t really feeling hungry. Today is a fast day and so far, I have managed to resist the temptation of the two big bowls of lollies someone has provided this morning. The lollies are quickly disappearing so I shouldn’t have to resist the temptation for too much longer before they are all gone.

    Lindsay, I hope the antibiotics do the job. My dad had issues last time he got an infection, and it took several courses of antibiotics to get rid of it. And yes, I’m also looking forward to see how this week’s weigh in goes. Still 2 more days to go with a fast day today and a control day tomorrow to negotiate.

    Cinque, I prefer restaurants that give decent portions rather than the tiny servings you get from some restaurants, that you end up going away hungry. But some definitely seem to go too far the other way. What my wife and I do recently, on the rare occasions that we do go out for dinner, is to look at the size of the meals coming out of the kitchen. If the look too big then we’ll either order an entree size each, or order one meal and share it.

    Anzac, roast chicken isn’t too bad is it in terms of indulgence? Unless it was the extras like roast potatoes/gravy you were indulging in. Cold rast chicken is one of the things I used to eat on fast days because it’s high protein, low in fat than other meats, and reasonably low calorie.

    Ljoyce, it sounds like you’re doing well on your fasts at the moment.

    Thin must be enjoying her break because she hasn’t posted for a while. I hope we get a good report back soon.

    Have a good one everyone, I’ll check back in on Wednesday after my weigh-in

    Hello everyone,
    It is hot, hot, hot in Melbourne.

    Anzac, I wonder if you have been able to fast today.
    I couldn’t but I am following my good everyday guidelines (so far 😉 )

    Lindsay, I am so sorry the recovery is taking so much longer for Mr Lindsay.
    It is so hard when recovery time is dragged out, but once he is home and doing well, this stress can fall away. I hope he is home today.

    I envy you that beautiful meat.
    I have been glad to read that if we are hungry and carbs haven’t filled us up, it is generally protein our brains are craving. (So Anzac, your chicken munchies might have been just what you needed, low carb as Neil was saying).

    And what a lovely breakfast, Lindsay.

    Neil, that is one good weekend.
    (I wish I took a photo of the risotto, it would be enough to feed a family of four and have a bit left over to make rissoles tomorrow.)

    I have some sad news.
    I was fb friends with Klondi after we had met up a couple of times.
    Do you remember her here a few years ago? 5:2 worked really well for her. We met for a coffee, took grandkids to a play, and met up with BetsyLee.
    Klondi wasn’t big on fb but sometimes ‘liked’ a post I put up of grandkids. Yesterday I was looking up a friend who I don’t follow any more, and saw Klondi’s name and wondered why I hadn’t heard anything from her for a long time. The last post was her doing a park run in August 2021.
    But when I looked I realised that she has sadly died. It must have been sudden. There is a post someone put up that was her funeral or memorial on the 27th of October 2021. I think I might have seen it in my feed at the time, thought it was a family do and didn’t read it properly.
    Her name was Glenda Pascoe. She was lovely.

    Cinque, really sorry to hear about Klondike, I do remember her, and Penguin, the other regular poster that we lost. I never met either in person, but you do get a glimpse of their personality through their writing.

    Oh no no no Cinque, I utterly shocked. Do you remember that Mr Anzac, Maxx and I met up with Glenda and her hubby and their little dog back in August 2019. They came to Sydney in their campervan and we had a lovely picnic lunch. She was so fit and healthy after losing all the weight doing 5:2 and doing lots of those park runs. How sad….I sent up a little prayer for her. Such a lovely, lovely woman

    I am fasting today….so far so good. I am making san choy bau for dinner and serving it in lettuce leaves.

    Goodness, you have been busy on here. Thank you to the four of you for keeping us going.

    Cinque, I have a photo of you with Klond and really enjoyed her posts. Given the dates, I first wondered whether she’d succumbed to covid. But on reflection I think you mentioned at one point that she hadn’t been posting because she had some health problems. That’s too bad.

    Thanks for answering my question about ramekins, they are huge. I’d been wondering about those freezer portions because the only ramekins I’ve owned have been teeny.

    Anzac, I laughed about the Emirates shower and how you couldn’t share the video. May you have many more mile high showers!

    Neil, good luck with the next weigh-in. I was sorry to read that your wife still suffers side effects from her brain surgery. So frustrating.

    Lindsay, this is the surgery for the nasty squamous cell carcinoma on OH’s leg, correct? Hope you get him home soon.

    It is nice and warm in Botswana, lovely to be in shorts and flipflops, 32C with thundery afternoon showers. We almost missed the connection in Brussels due to the first flight arriving a little late. They held it for us so we had the embarrassment of walking down the aisle with the hostile glare of passengers wondering what took us so long. In reality, we were running for our lives as ‘the gate has now closed’ message was played. LJ, I thought of you on the long haul flight from Frankfurt as the premium economy seats were behind ours and looked very spacious and comfy (Lufthansa).

    It took us three days to get here thanks to Air Botswana cancelling our flights from JNB, re-routing us and re-scheduling no less than five times. The last time was just as we were leaving the boat for the train to the airport so it was quite stressful taking care of changes en route. I asked the airline for a complimentary hotel room, not for a minute expecting to get one – but we got that, transfers, dinner and breakfast. Ok so the hotel forgot to give us breakfast before the early shuttle but, hey, this is Africa.

    Although our luggage was checked through to JNB (we weren’t expecting to ever see it again after that mad dash in Brussels), it is such a burden. We have both resolved to revert to hand luggage only in future. If there is a future, I’ve come to loathe all that goes with air travel.

    We hope to go on safari into the Okavango later this week. In the meantime, I weighed in on my trusty travel scales at 58.4kg this morning so I am very happy. I managed to do a FD on Sunday.

    Take care all and keep up the great work.

    Morning all

    Well my weigh-in wasn’t quite as expected, down a measly 200g, but at least it’s moving in the right direction, 2 weeks in a row now.

    Thin, sounds like quite a trial, but sounds like you’re enjoying the trip other than the travelling side of things. I hope the safari is good. I’ve always hated the travelling part of travelling too.

    I managed to score a free 5 litre swing-top jar from work yesterday. It was full of lollies that a business sent their contact in our department. Crazily, our office managed to eat them all within 2 days. People go nuts when there’s free food in the office. I nabbed the jar and I’ll use it for brewing my kombucha. My current jar is only 3.8 litres, so I’ll be able to make a bigger batch and only make it once ever 10 days rather than every week.

    We’ll have a good day everyone.

    Good morning,
    Cool and rainy here and so dark I need the light on.

    Yes, I can’t stop thinking about Klondike, she was so warm and friendly and so enjoying life once she had lost that excess weight.
    In that fb post people talked about how much they will miss her and what a wonderful send off they were able to give her.
    I do remember her catching up with you, Anzac, there was a lovely photo.

    Neil, you are so right about being able to know people you have never met, we can share such important things on forums like this. I do so appreciate you all.
    Let’s cheer that measly 200g maybe it is gone for good?
    Wow, I have a couple of 3 litre jars for my beetroot kvass, so I am very impressed at the size of a 5litre one. Happy brewing (and omg all those lollies!)

    Anzac, woot for your fast day! How did it go? Did you wake up with that beautiful empty feeling this morning?

    Lindsay I wonder if Mr Lindsay is still in the hospital trying to beat that tricky infection. Has this held up the oncology treatment? Oh life. Sending so many good wishes your way.

    Thin, I had to look up ramekins to get a sense of how huge mine are 😀 and yes they are usually 1/2 – 1 cup capacity. (Plus it means ‘little ram’ as in battering ram! But no-one knows why).
    However 2 cup ramekins are common too. Mine are such a perfect size for freezing meals.

    Mine are this sort https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/zKAAAOSwvtphhw31/s-l1600.jpg I found 8 in opshops 😀

    Sympathy for all the airline trouble in Botswana, but yay for being there! I bet most passengers were sympathetic, they may well have gone through the same thing themselves.
    Hooray for the complimentary hotel room too.
    Excellent scales weight!
    How exciting to have that safari ahead.

    Oh boy, I have done nothing for two days (except get a ct scan – hospital weighing machine still out of order which is a pity as I’d be interested to know how much I weigh.)
    First I had to recover from that loud RSL and then I was wiped out by the heat.
    Now I have SO much to do!
    One more cup of coffee before I go….

    Best wishes everyone

    Good morning all

    This, yes when travelling goes well it is a joy. When it doesn’t it is a despairing disaster. Sorry about the cancellations and troubles but I am pretty sure you will love the safari

    I didn’t end up having a really proper FD but I kept it to under 1000 calories so let’s call it a first up control day. Cinque, I too have a CT scan coming up this Friday as I have had pain in my upper right abdomen. I’m sure it’s nothing

    Neil I have seen some very amusing sights when it comes to free food in the office. Downward any amount is good, congratulations

    Must run, take care all

    Good morning all.

    Cinque, I was so sorry to read about Klondi. Klondiqueen, I think she also called herself. I hadn’t met her in person, but it was hard news, more so for you and Anzac, who had. It’s a funny thing, an online forum. We quite possibly know more about each other than we are prepared to share with face to face friends, and that intimacy means we grieve people when we hear they’ve passed.

    Neil, take the 200 grams. It’s a loss, and a good one.

    Thin, what a lovely chatty post. I am living vicariously through your travels, while looking forward to the day we can go away again.

    OH had recovered from the SCC surgery, with 4-6 weeks of bed rest and home nursing to change the dressings every second day. My DD’s friend, a dermatologist, was amazed he’d healed so well, given it had gone to the bone, and awkwardly placed on his shin. Often these things don’t heal in older people. This particularly surgery was for a hernia …which came (literally) out of nowhere. He was to have an epidural, but ended up with a full anaesthetic, because of the brain tumour. Then he got an infection, which meant his protracted stay in hospital. As I write this, you are probably imagining him laying weakly in bed. In fact, he’s stacking the dishwasher, whistling away and trying to dissuade the puppy from attacking his feet. He has bounce-back-ability, that’s for sure.

    Thank you for your thoughts Cinque – he finally got home yesterday.

    Free food in the office. Mmmmm. A minefield of potentially offended cake providers if it’s rejected, or diets sabotaged. I read in this morning’s Australian that taking cake to the office is as damaging as passive smoking.

    OK time to get back to work. I have a PhD and another coming next week, and my interest in both is zip zero, which is not fair because it’s years of work for the candidates. So I had better get my motivation revved and into gear.

    Enjoy your day all.

    Thursday morning,

    A nice light eating day Anzac!

    Lindsay, you are right, she was Klondiqueen!
    I am so glad Mr Lindsay is home! And happily pottering around. Oh the little pleasures of life.

    I do hope those Phds become surprisingly interesting as you go, and don’t remain just pieces of work.

    I’m heading down to Philip Island today with my daughter’s family, so the penguin obsessed 6 year old can see the penguin parade. Lots to do, I think Miso knows I am going to be away, she is very snuggly. On my knee at the moment.

    Best wishes to everybody.

    Hello friends from a lovely warm Sydney

    How time is once again flying, already the third week of January. Yikes!

    Oh wonderful news that your OH is up and about Lindsay, whistling and playing with the puppy. I love the term bounce-back-ability and will plagiarize it often from now on. Mr Anzac is the same and I put his down to bl00dy-mindedness to not let cancer beat him. I am not allowed to mother him in any way shape or form other than to rub heat into his sore legs or back at night. His most uttered phrase on the subject is ‘you have to move forward and upward’. Good for him, I don’t know if I could be so positive. I remember straight after his first operation, it was a 5.5 hour surgery, and he said he was in quite a bit of pain. Knowing how stoic he is, I mentioned to two nurses who just said that he was on the maximum amount of pain relief and walked off. I could see how much pain he was in so then I insisted they check it and sure enough the blasted machine was not working. So zero pain relief after major surgery! I would have been howling like a banshee

    I hope your trip to Philip Island was wonderful Cinque but also didn’t tire you out too much. Animals know when you are going out or going away somehow instinctively. Maxx certainly does and will stand at the front door if he thinks we are going out without him. Even a quick trip to the shops results in him hurtling down the internal stairs to the front door where he can stand on the landing which is human face height for a crazy kiss on the ear and much tail wagging and bouncing on the spot. Too cute

    I had another very low calorie day on Thursday and a CD yesterday and I am happy to announce that I have lost 2.2 kilos which is all of the Vanuatu weight plus a bit more. Hooray!

    I too can’t stop thinking about KlondiQueen. So sad, she was such a beautiful person and I hope her hubby is ok. His health was not great so I am worried for him

    I can’t wait to hear how Botswana is going Thin and I do hope you managed to do a safari. We did a couple in Tanzania and they were absolutely incredible. We went to Tanzania after Rwanda and even spent two nights in a camp (luxury tents thank you) and one night, in the middle of the night, a stampede of wildebeest hurtled through the camp site. Very scary indeed but otherwise it was such an amazing experience. We also went to Zanzibar which is still one of the most interesting places we have been.

    I have a job interview on Monday – finally! I did not think it would take this long but I have to keep reminding myself that a lot of people are still on leave. Wish me luck! In fact they sent the most complex interview prep sheet I have ever seen so I better go and start preparing

    Hi to everyone else. Talking about Klondi made me remember another friend who used to post here who I really warmed to – Quacka. I miss her too

    Take care all

    Neil, I’ll remember that – “the travelling part of travelling”. Very good. Poor DD is off to a rocky start. Second of three flights was changed by the airline causing her to miss her flight to Belize later this morning.

    Lindsay, sorry, I got your poor OH’s surgery all muddled up. These days I have trouble keeping up with my own time lines, let alone anyone’s else’s. Good that the SCC surgery is behind him and all well-healed. And pleased that you have him home. It’s been a terrible year for you with so many hospital/medical appointments.

    Anzac, we went to Tanzania a few years ago. Serengeti, Ngorogoro and then to Zanzibar. We stayed in a former prison which was interesting. Good luck with the interview. Is that in person or a zoom thing? The world is so different from my working days. DD interviewed for her UK job on her bunk bed with her pyjama bottoms still on. She was pretty sure the boss was in his PJs too!

    Ooops, that’s as far as I can get, I have to go. Cinque, hello. Have a fab time away. And hi to LJ if you’re out there.

    Hi all
    Lovely chatty post Anzac. I too would have been howling like a banshee. Brave, aren’t they, our blokes.

    Good luck with your job interview – hope it’s what you want, and the interview is successful. Hope too you are enjoying some down time. Good work on the weight loss.

    Your trip to Phillip Island sounds lovely Cinque – how far is that trip? Not too tired, after it?

    I have no real news, but know if I skip a day or two on posts, I sort of slide away.
    So back to my PhD editing, while Rosy sleeps at my feet and Scarlett behind the sofa. It won’t last too much longer. In the meantime, here’s a pic of me and mini me.


    Hi all,

    Just checking in to let you know I’m still around, although still not reading posts as I have very little time to myself these days, but I did see as I was scrolling down to the text box that Klondie has left us, very sad.

    After the horrible year that 2022 was for me, 2023 is going to be even more full on. I won’t go into details, but Miss GDay’s health issues have escalated dramatically in the last 6 months, and she is no longer able to physically attend school so I will be home schooling her for what it seems will be the remainder of her school years.

    On the study front, here we are, six months into my 18-month diploma studies and I have yet to submit one single assignment. I really need to commit to getting moving on this now as time is running out to be finished by the due date of January next year.

    I’m still, yes still, trying to get my business off the ground while also taking part in the Government Self Employment Assistance program for the next 12 months.

    There’s a bunch of other stuff going on as well that I won’t go into here but I’m trying my best to remain positive and not dwell on everything, especially for Miss GDay’s sake but geez I feel like I’m a duck – trying to be calm and relaxed on the surface but paddling like a mad thing underneath, treading water and not getting anywhere.

    Needless to say I’ve put on about 7kg due to my bad eating habits at times over the last 6 months, absolutely no fasting at all as well as no exercise at all due to a hip labral tear which I’ve been battling with for the last 6 months. Despite medication and other medical treatments there has been very little in the way of improvement with the ongoing pain.

    On the positive side in the last few weeks I have gone back 100% to my healthy eating, ditched all carbs, eating only 2MAD between noon and 4pm and am now in the middle of a 72 hour fast, my first one since May last year. I’m not concerned about the extra kg’s as I know I can easily get back to the 59’s now that I’ve put my mind to it.

    I know for me, putting on the extra few kilos with clothes feeling snugger or not fitting at all, not feeling so good when I look at myself in the mirror, not being able to exercise or go for a run has had such a huge negative impact on how I’ve been feeling about myself.

    With so much going on in 2023, I need to mentally and physically get back to the person I was 12 months ago. In the last few weeks, moving back into my ‘old’ routines and habits has certainly made me feel better and more positive about working through everything going forward. I like the old me and I want her back.

    I do hope everyone is going well and on the downwards trend in their weight loss journey. Take care everyone xx

    Morning all

    The weekend was a bit of a bust. We had movie night with my wife’s cousin on Friday night and I ate way too much sugar. I had lots of plans for Saturday, but I was so lethargic after all the sugar that I just sat around the house watching sport all day. Sunday I got out to do some garden work and got some work done on my bike. I also managed to keep my eating to a bit of fruit during the day and then the evening meal (bacon and egg pie and salad) I’m having my fast day today and I’m going to add in a second fast day tomorrow to try and balance out the weekend excess.

    Gday, good to hear from you, but sorry to hear things aren’t going well for miss gday. It’s the same for me with the clothes. I had to buy some new shirts and trousers because I no longer fit into my older ones, which I was really depressed about. I’m really hoping that I can also get back to where I was when I was at my thinnest.

    Lindsay, in your picture it looks like the pup is sneaking up to push mum into the pool.

    Thin, That’s normal for around NZ for a while, not interviewing in pyjamas, but generally wearing them around town. There was a real estate programme recently where the people on the show were trying to find a house to buy in rural areas. One of the couples was originally from Poland and said one thing that struck them when they moved to NZ was going into the supermarkets and seeing lots of people shopping in their PJs. They said they liked it because it showed NZ was pretty laid back and accepting of people no matter how they dress.

    Anzac, Whoop whoop for weight loss! Congrats on the 2.2 kilos gone.

    Cinque, have fun on Phillip Island.

    Have a great day everyone and I’ll catch up in a couple of days for my weigh-in

    Good morning,

    Anzac, you talk about time flying… True Words!
    Yay for Mr Anzacs bloodymindness, and your determination to get that nurse to check the pain relief machine.

    I did love being at Phillip Island. I sensibly didn’t try to go to the penguin parade, but was so glad the rest of them went and had a wonderful time.
    I was very tired coming home and accidentally got google maps to take me to my street name and number but in Beaconsfield. I did not need that extra convoluted driving!

    But I am recovering well. I shouldn’t have (I really needed radical resting as we call it in the ME/CFS community), but I nicked out yesterday to Savers, and I can’t regret it because I found: 1 knitted linen tshirt, one silk top, a silk summer dress, a merino/silk jumper and two really good pairs of as-new leather shoes: one pair of comfy beige sandals and the other ones blue ankle boots with a slight heel (just enough to feel I am a precious inch taller!

    Silk, linen, merino, leather. My favourites.

    I hope your job interview is going/has gone really well and you love them and they love you.

    Well done getting that recently added weight off.

    Your frustration with your weight (yours too Neil!) have made me think how mine (my frustration) has calmed down so much thanks to that podcast I talked about a while ago https://www.maintenancephase.com/
    It combats the prejudice and underlines how much about weight is due to factors outside our control.
    You are doing a great job living your life well and doing the things that are in your control. I do hope fate gives you an easy run for a while.

    Another affirming bit of media is this article by Giles Yeo that I like very much:

    Yes I miss Quakka too! (For a while I used to get her mixed up with you).

    I’m going to stop here and do ten minutes tidying up the kitchen, and then come back!

    Part 2
    The dish washer is going, and the clothes washer too. Thankyou machines!

    Thin, it was lovely you were able to pop in, mid holiday. Did you see giraffes? (my favourite)
    Has DD finally got to her destination?

    Lindsay, Phillip Island is about two and a half hours away, so a long trip for me. I am not sure I could do it again, so I made sure I appreciated every minute. Especially sitting on the sand, looking at the horizon, with the little girls playing in the waves.

    Cheers to Mr Lindsay and the two dogs. Will Scarlett grow those beautiful fringes like Rosy has everywhere? She does have the gorgeous rippled ears.

    Gday, sorry to leave you to last, I just had to work methodically! I am SO glad to hear from you, but also so sorry that things are terribly difficult.
    Are Miss Gday’s health problems a continuation of that bad bout of covid? Whatever they are, I am sending so many good wishes to her, and to you.
    It is amazing you get anything done in a day, with all you have going on. Ouch for that nasty hip pain! You deserve lots of medals

    Do try not to give yourself a hard time. Anything that can slide, has to slide.
    (I know how hard it is, everything that slides makes other things more difficult, and you do need income…. but be as kind to yourself and as slidey as you possibly can).

    I am glad you have managed to eat more healthily the last few weeks, it will help with everything. And it sounds like you are getting a handle on everything, so maybe nothing else has to slide. Woot! Fingers crossed.
    Lots and lots of good wishes.

    LJ thinking of you too!

    Lots of good wishes to everyone

    Good morning

    A very soggy day here yesterday and today was supposed to be the same but actually the sun has been shining most of the day

    My job interview is at 4.00pm today. It’s not my dream job as it is at a superannuation company rather than a bank. I prefer to have business subject matter expertise behind me as otherwise I find it slows you down too much. However the recruiter was pushy so I agreed to do it. Let’s see

    G’day, thanks for posting and I am so sorry to read about Miss G’day, I do hope things improve soon. Good for you to still be able to get back into your wonderful healthy eating routine.

    Your purchases definitely sound worth the extra effort Cinque, but I’m sorry that this plus the Philip Island trip tired you out so much.

    Lindsay I LOVED the picture of the pooches and I agree with Neil that scarlett looks like she wants to push mum into the pool. They are both gorgeous dogs

    Neil, sugar, ugh, why do we do it? I raised both eyebrows at the pj discussion – do people seriously go to the supermarket in their nightware? YIKES. I won’t leave the house unless I am dressed reasonably, my hair is done and I have at least a bit of make-up on. I look terrible without makeup and I wouldn’t want to scare little kids lol

    Wow Thin, we did the same trip! How fantastic were all three places? It was in Ngorogoro that we experienced the wildebeest stampede. I am really looking forward to hearing more about Botswana

    Must run, I need to do some more interview prep. Wish me luck

    The quickest of posts, as I plough away at work, before taking OH to his postop appointment. back later

    But …on the subject of being out and about in pyjamas. Thought you’d like this image taken in Kaifeng, China, when I worked up there. Yes, it was cold. But still…..

    (I called this image ‘And they laugh at us’, because there weren’t many Europeans there, and it wasn’t unusual to have people in the street point at us and burst out laughing).


    Morning all.

    No change on the scale this week, which was expected after eating way too much at our movie night. At least my back to back fast day managed to avoid a gain (well yesterday wasn’t quite a fast day but I managed to keep my eating to 1100 calories)

    I was in the local dairy last night and a woman there was buying a whole lot of junk food, fizzy drinks and chips and she had a girl that looked 6 or 7 years old that was demanding at the top of her voice “AND CHOCOLATE! I WANT CHOCOLATE!” The mother was initially saying no, so the girl started screaming her head off. The mother still said no, so the girl just walked off, grabbed a block of chocolate and put it on the counter with the other stuff and glared at the mother. I’m really glad I never let our kids treat us like that.

    Well have a good one everyone.

    Good morning all, another lovely day in Sydney. Perhaps La Nina has finally wandered off?

    We just booked tickets to a music festival in Wollongong on Sunday. I don’t know how Mr Anzac will go but he just wants to get on with life and music festivals are our favourite thing. The line-up was too good to miss: Hoodo Gurus, Noiseworks, The Living End & two other bands. Seeing that I am still unemployed we will stay in a nearby hotel Sunday night which is only 850m from the park so no need for the big drive home. We are also having some friends over on Saturday for a swim before going out for lunch to our favourite Thai restaurant….so I need to be very lean on my eating leading up to the weekend

    Neil, that child made me shake my head in sadness. Mr Anzac has a friend who lives a few streets away and they do not believe in disciplining their kids. I remember going to their cricket final when the three boys were very small and they were SO naughty but their mother just said ‘oh don’t do that’ in a very gentle voice. One would run up, grab an apple from the bag, take a bite and throw it on the ground and grin. She would gently admonish him and he would run away for a few minutes then came back and do the same thing. Four times. I was quite horrified but guess what? Their eldest is now 15 and has been caught with drugs, alcohol and other things we won’t discuss here. Very sad

    I hope your post op appointment went well Lindsay, I did laugh out loud at your picture but at least they were upmarket pj’s 🙂

    The scales told me kindly that I am now down 3 kilos since returning from Vanuatu so I am very happy with that. I must run to get ready for a doctors appointment to get my CT scan results. Have a great day all

    Hello everyone,
    Very excited about the 2023 Australian of the year!
    All power to her.

    Anzac, woot for 3kg that you didn’t need being gone.
    I do hope you and Mr Anzac have the BEST time at the festival.

    No mention of the interview so perhaps it was just mehh, and lets wait for the good one to come along.
    I hope the Drs appt went well.

    Lindsay, that very warm looking outfit! In cold weather you just don’t want to get changed, so wearing the same clothes around the clock seems particularly useful 😀

    Cheers to Mr Lindsay, I hope all the post op appts and things are going well.

    Neil, Oooh those movie nights are a trick.
    I hope you are having a great weekend (and enjoying your new Prime Minister?).

    I was recovering well from my holiday but then a day with little Ms6 wiped me out (loved it though). I am managing better today, but I have both of them in the morning and don’t want to cancel because it is the last time for the holidays. Trying to rest up today.
    But also wanting to do a bit of cooking.
    I’ll see how I go.

    Sending best wishes to everyone


    Hi all from a very hot Sydney. Love the sunshine though

    Cinque, I too was ecstatic to hear who the 2023 Australian of the year was. Superb choice. I hope you get some cooking done but also rest up enough to get through two little ones tomorrow

    The interview went ok I think, I am much more excited about the role now. However I was very honest and told them one of the key required competencies was a non-strength so I am not too hopeful. They are looking to fill multiple Business Analyst roles so fingers crossed one of the other roles may not need that particular skill

    I am so baffled by the person who is/was so seemingly desperate to employ me back at my old place in my dream job in payments. He said things that made everyone think it was a done deal and he just needs to do some paperwork then NADA. It has now been 6 weeks since I left and I have heard nothing. I texted him on Tuesday as a last resort but no reply. That, as they say, is now a dead duck

    All good with my CT scan but not so good with blood tests. I am pre-diabetic so I need to really REALLY lose weight and get more active. No better motivation required.

    Take care all

    Ooh Anzac, that must have been a fright to get those blood results. Hooray that you are already doing the best possible things to get those blood sugars down. Was your doctor good with advice and support?
    Do you need to be testing your blood sugar each day? Or have they caught you early enough that they will see how you go in a little while?

    I have been going so slowly that I ate lunch at 2pm while I was zooming my sisters, but I had cooked ribs, and now I am going to make some glutinous rice bowls (with extra vegetables) to be delightful breakfasts for the next several days.

    Okay I am back to hoping you get offered that job or an even more suitable one with the same firm.
    It sounds like the last job put having someone permanent ahead of having you, which is VERY disappointing.

    Off to prepare vegetables, chinese sausages and all…

    I didn’t even get called for a second interview. What? They are looking for several BA’s in a tight market and they don’t want my 35 years’ experience? Talk about a blow to the ego and confidence. I think I’ve been offered every job I’ve ever interviewed for and now this. Wait until you hear the reason:

    We found ##### knew her area of expertise, we however felt that the fast pace and rapid need to flex might be an area where ##### may not suit the Super Servicing stream

    Is my age going against me? I knew my lack of superannuation experience would go against me but this is a very niche area and they are not going to find many suitable candidates with this experience. I was also honest up front about drawing visual aides being a non-strength but the excuse above does not mention either of those

    On a brighter note, we are having lunch with friends at a nice Thai restaurant today and going to the music festival tomorrow down in Wollongong. The sun is shining and there is much to be grateful for. I must not eat my emotions though so I will be mindful. Mr Anzac’s tummy is not good but fingers crossed we can get through the weekend without issues

    Thanks for your kind words Cinque, they mean a lot

    Take care all

    Anzac I’m afraid you have to cop it on the chin so to speak. Age discrimination is rife when it comes to employment and experience counts for little nowadays.

    When Mr g’day and I were made redundant within a few weeks of each other a few years back, we applied for countless jobs, all easily within our skill range and with years of experience in those skills behind us, both of us in management positions in skilled industries. Me being 52 and mrday being 64 it seems we were too old for the jobs, even when it was clear the employers were struggling to get suitable applicants.

    For many jobs we saw the employers took on people who had no skills at all, but were young.

    It’s a fact of life now, hence why I went back to study so I could employ myself and mr gday retired, because he’d had enough of the knock-backs, as did I.

    I forgot to add to my previous post that going back to my normal way of eating is paying dividends, I’ve dropped 1.4 kg in the last 14 days.

    Just one more bad habit to conquer, coffee. I’m still only having coffee in the mornings (none after noon) but I’m having more cups than I should each day, so my next goal is to reduce my intake back to just 2 cups each morning.

    What terrible scenes on the news today of NZ with the flooding, it seems the weather is certainly going crazy all around the world. I hope all is okay with you and your family Neil and as well as our other NZ posters.

    Cheers for thinking of me G’day, but we’re at the other end of the country and had nothing but brilliant sunshine for the last few days. I was out chopping firewood for the community most yesterday while Auckland was getting drenched. It was crazy there though, they got 245mm of rain in 24 hours. At the heaviest they got 3 times their normal January rainfall in a 7 hour period.

    Those floods in Auckland are diabolical. I feel for everyone over there

    I love how community minded you are Neil and enjoy reading about your very active life

    I am definitely beginning to agree with you 100% g’day. I was so confident I would have people lining up to employ me. Pride comes before a fall right?

    Must run as it is pooch walking time

    Good morning,

    Anzac, how devastating. That ageism is so real, I agree with Gday that it is too likely. (I’d be tempted to respond to that ‘reason given’ with “Sounds like ageism to me!”)
    Gday, your experience, and Mr Gday’s, was so disappointing too.

    So little appreciation of wisdom and honed skills, such focus on people being young and quick and being able to embody energy and be bossed around.

    But one knockback doesn’t make a pattern so lets hope the next lot aren’t idiots.

    Enjoy the festival!

    Neil I am glad you were not effected by the floods, but oh dear, sympathy for those who were. Where are you Turn?

    Gday, Woot for your normal way of eating!
    Doesn’t it underline how important it is to have a ‘normal way of eating’ that looks after us well. That way, when we get back to it, the results are so good for us.

    I’m doing well with my ‘normal way of eating’ which is getting very close to being my habit. carbiest at breakfast (glutinous rice bowl today), meat (or other protein) and three veg for my midday meal and soup for my evening meal. That is what seems to suit me best.

    Okay, I think I need my second cup of coffee (Gday I am like you, and best if I stop at two). Won’t I enjoy every sip though!

    Best wishes everyone

    Good afternoon everyone.

    Sorry I haven’t been able to post lately. The demands of school holiday babysitting, combined with heat (which seems to sap my energy), it just became too much for me.

    I am woefully behind in posts, but have skim read the last few at least.

    Anzac, don’t let one idiot recruiter get you down. I’m sure there are banks that will be needing a business analyst any day now and most of them have probably hied you before, which should be an advantage.
    While the blood tests were not good, at least you know now and can do something about it before you get to a diagnosis of diabetes.
    Well done on the weight loss.

    Lindsay, so glad to hear that your husband is once again back on his feet and displaying his usual positive attitude.
    That’s a very cute pup, thanks for posting the photo.

    Gdsa, sorry to hear of your troubles, but it does sound like you are tackling them head on. Good for you.
    Glad also to hear that once back on your usual eating regime the weight is moving.

    Neil, Glad you are persevering with the new eating regime. It’s always disappointing when one bad episode cancels out a weeks weight loss. It happens to me too. Only thing to do is start afresh the next day.

    Cinque, it sounds like you have been struggling for energy too. Definitely not helped by heat or humidity. It does seem like you have also figured out your best eating pattern.
    I’m thinking of making your Nigerian bean stew, but replacing some of the beans with lots of eggplant as I have lots of finger eggplants at the moment. Do you think those tomato and peanut flavours would work with eggplant?

    Thin, I hope the wildlife trip has been worth it, despite all the kerfuffle with flights and luggage.

    Despite 3 FDs each week my weight crept up over January to the mid 80s. It was thanks to far too many meals out, kids staying overnight and lots of tired eating on NFDs. I’m back to doing 2FDs per week now, but have taken a temporarily different approach to NFDs. I haven’t the energy for much meal planning or cooking at the moment so I’m just strictly limiting my food choices to mostly veg and fruit. Each day I add one protein (nuts, dairy, legumes, eggs etc) that fits easily with my plans for that day and I add fats in salad dressings and cooking. Food variety stimulates my appetite, so with very limited options it naturally curtails my eating without any real effort on my part. That’s helping me enormously on NFDs at present. When I feel more like myself again, I will happily go back to meal planning and cooking more interesting meals. It’s not something I would do long term, just while I’m exhausted. The new regime is working thankfully, after 3 days I’m down by 1.5kg.

    Eating mainly veg is not difficult at present as my veggie beds are still producing lots. This was my veg picked this morning and the lunch I made in the airfryer from some of the veg (plus some haloumi). https://imgur.com/a/G69k5XP

    For once it’s not Anzac reporting Maxx’s antics. My cat has developed a new aggravating habit. Whenever I’m out of the house for a few hours she opens the drawers in my dresser and scatters lingerie all over the floor, thankfully she doesn’t try to eat it, she just makes a mess. I’m sure she thinks it’s fun – me not so much. This is what I came home to yesterday: https://imgur.com/a/ANniZHj Unfortunately I can’t dissuade her with the water spray as she never does it when I’m home. The water spray method has worked well for discouraging her from using the dining chairs as scratching posts and she mostly uses her actual scratching post now. As my new (and very expensive) recliner arrives from Nordic Design on Wednesday I’m hoping that lesson sticks as I do not want to see damage to the fabric. I will probably need to cover it with a throw when I’m not in the room as it will be the only fabric covered lounge chair and she is sure to find it more inviting to curl up on than the leather lounge.

    Time to go. Dinner tonight is simple, I will airfry the other half of the haloumi I had with lunch and I’ll make a tomato, cucumber, lettuce and herb salad to go with it (all home grown and extremely fresh).

    Take care all.

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