Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,459 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 2 days, 9 hours ago.

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  • Morning all.

    Summer has finally arrived in Dunedin, we hit around 26 degrees yesterday and today is pretty warm as well. I think that’s all our summer for the year because it’s supposed to get progressively worse during the week and Christmas Day is supposed to be rain and something like 14 degrees.

    Thin, what a drama! I’m glad you finally managed to get it all sorted, but it’s annoying that it cost you so much to get it sorted. I guess that’s something that insurance wouldn’t cover?

    Turn, yes I really enjoyed the Dunstan Trail, but I rode it in Labour Weekend and it was ridiculously busy. It definitely would be better to do it in the middle of the week when there’s a fewer people on it.

    Helen Kate, great to hear from you again. Maintaining weight again is better than gaining. I hope you have a good break.

    Anzac, have a great break and enjoy the snorkelling

    Charlie, how’s the ribs feeling now? On the mend?

    GFSA, Excellent work! Your rate of loss may have slowed down, but at least you’re not gaining like some of us at the moment 🙁

    Cinque, I hope you went ok recovering and cleaning.

    Well I had a good weekend, not eating-wise but I got some relaxation for once, no gardening, no tee pad construction. I had a couple of rounds of frisbee golf, took the kids out to the playground, watched a bit of cricket and started eating the raspberries and strawberries from our garden that are starting to ripen up now. I had a nice 20km ride in to work this morning, only marred by a run-in with a motorist. The guy pulled out of a driveway right in front of me and I had to yank on my brakes to stop running into the back of him, his passenger wound down his window and started swearing at me. Then they started indicating to turn into a side street that I was going to go up, but he didn’t turn into it, just stopped in the middle of the road even though there was nobody coming. I went round and up the street and his passenger started swearing again and the car drove off straight. I think he was wanting me to go post him on the outside and was planning to scone me with his car door.

    Well have a great day everyone.

    Neil, what idiots in the car. Glad you were unscathed, physically at least. I hope you get a bit more summer. You mention insurance – to promote tourism which they are desperately lacking, the Canary Islands offer automatic group insurance to any visitor to the island affected by covid. It covers all medical and extended accommodation expenses for the patient and their travelling companions. The catch is that you must actually have covid confirmed by a PCR test – two false positives don’t count.

    We’ve put it behind us and are now looking forward to our Christmas pet-sit on the doorstep of The Chilterns where we hope to take long walks with our furry charge in beautiful surroundings. DD will join us on Xmas Eve.

    FD was a success, 900g down. Back in the 58s but considering a second FD this week as the daughter of our dear family friends from Perth who lives in London will be coming to visit us on Boxing Day (Sunday my usual FD). We’ve spent Christmas with her and the family for about 25 years (other than the last two) so it will be so much fun to reunite.

    Afternoon all

    Starting to feel a bit more like Christmas now. The office is emptying out day by day as people head away, we’re starting to get tings sorted for Christmas Dinner (Traditional BBQ fare), the presents are almost organised, and the days seem to be taking forever.

    I got my ride home done without incident and had a good ride in this morning, breaking one of my segment records for a grunty little hill climb. I treated myself to an early Christmas present by getting a subscription for Strava. I had just been using the free version but there are some cool features on the premium membership that I thought I’d try.

    I hope everyone is getting on ok and I wish you all a merry Christmas if you don’t check in again before then.

    Good morning,
    Yes Thin, I had a good fast day on Sunday with my miso soup with fish in it.

    Haven’t you got a lovely Christmas organised!

    I got my booster yesterday. A bad time with car queues and computer delay but nothing compared to the Thin Saga!

    Neil, so sorry to hear of that idiot motorist. I hope your heart rate has settles down.

    Best wishes to everyone.

    Afternoon all

    Well my weigh-in was up 1 kilo on my low weight from 2 weeks ago, now sitting at 101.5kg. I guess it’s a few to many starchy and sugary foods. I’m still feeling pretty positive about it though. My eating is steadily improving, the slips are still happening but not as frequently, and my exercise is improving with the weather. I managed a thoroughly enjoyable ride last night on the way home from work and another one this morning on the way to work.

    I think the thing that threw me last week was the big morning tea shout at work to thank us for our hard work over the year. A day of snacking on savouries, spring rolls, Christmas mince pies, chocolates and cake did the damage. I’m hoping to maintain around this weight for my last weigh in of 2021 next week (no point trying to lose over Christmas, just limit the damage) and then really try to hit my weight from Boxing day on.

    I have suggested to my family that we not have nibbles available at Christmas dinner since most of us will be having Christmas lunch with our other half’s families. There are always bowls of chips, dips, crackers, nuts, chocolates, etc at our family gatherings sitting there as temptations. Unfortunately my sister has said she’s not having lunch with her other half’s family because they always meet Boxing Day so says she wants to have nibbles available for her and her family. So frustrating.

    Well have a great one everyone.

    Neil, too bad about the Christmas snacking rituals. All I can suggest is that you quietly ignore the snack food and don’t get started. It’s not as hard as limiting yourself once you’ve started tasted some things. Or just treat it like a mad feasting day and then have a FD asap afterwards. I’m throwing one in tomorrow even though I’m in charge of all the Xmas food. I’m making white bean turkey chilli con carne. OH won’t even know it’s a FD.

    Cinque, so pleased you had your booster. Which kind did you get? Was it a drive-in?

    We are settled in our house-sitting place. The owners said they’d be off-grid for the first 24 hours of our stay and I was thinking, surely they’re not going to Oz or NZ for one week! Last night I got a message saying that they’d reached their stopover in Abu Dhabi. The dog, a four year old mutt, is lovely and there are great walks right outside the back gate.

    Thin, your house-sitting set-up sounds really good, and a well-deserved break after the trials of the Canary Islands.

    Cinque, I got my booster at about the same time as you. It’s a good feeling to have that third dose in as the case numbers rise here in South Australia as well as all over the place.

    I am very happy to have DD and husband and dog here with me for Christmas, and to have the wider family all gathering here tomorrow evening for our Christmas supper. It’s going to be a beautiful day so we can be outside. Most people will have had a big Christmas lunch with in-laws so it will be cold meats and cashew-nut loaf and salads, followed by choc-ices for those who need something more.

    I hope all of you have a happy Christmas and a really good New Year. Thanks to all members of this special group for inspiration and encouragement.

    See you next year!

    Helen Kate

    HK, have a wonderful time with your family.

    My FD didn’t knock much off my weight but I’m thinking I could also deduct the weight I would have gained had I not fasted yesterday. I was so hungry last night but didn’t give in to it so it’s a bit disappointing. When I resume fasting after Christmas, I’m planning to end the milk in coffee and tea as that’s the only thing that’s changed.

    Happy Holidays everyone. Stay strong, just get on with it and enjoy all the festive season has to offer in very small quantities.

    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Wherever you are, whether you’re in the parts of the world where it’s Christmas Day now or tomorrow, we wish you a wonderful Christmas Day. Whether you’re with family, friends or in isolation give this day to you to celebrate you and all the better thingsnin the world.

    Thanks for the rreminder Thin! Enjoy Christmas fare in smaller doses.
    Merry xo

    Hello everyone.

    I hope you’ve had a lovely christmas and were able to spend time with people you care about.

    I’ve had a busy fortnight and my eating has been quite uncontrolled in the last 2 weeks. With trepidation I hopped on the scales this morning, dreading the result. While it was up, it’s not as awful as I’d feared. I am back onto 800cals today and am determined to stay on the straight and narrow until I’m back at a comfortable weight again. I was anticipating the food challenge of a 70th birthday party on Tuesday, but the state government has just announced restrictions which limit private gatherings to 10 people so the party was cancelled moments ago. It also frees up some time for me as I was going to bake the cake.

    I was given so many chocolates/nuts/biscuits for christmas. What I can’t give away I’ve decided I’m binning. I hate throwing food away but I just can’t deal with having treats in the house. I want only good food in the house right now.

    My new year’s resolution is starting early! Eat well and mindfully, embrace healthy habits.

    Take care everyone.

    Greetings everyone,
    I hope you have successfully navigated Christmas Day without too many concerns.
    Thank you everyone for your concern of my ribs, at last the pains seemed to have subsided.
    Had a wonderful few days with my cousin and her children, Mr 9 followed OH everywhere around the farm and Miss 14 spent a lot of time with us girls as we recounted our childhood, and cooked foods that our shared Grandmother used to cook for Christmas, then I cleverly gave 90% of it to them to take home for their Christmas.
    Weight is neither up or down, so with the treats almost gone, I am looking forward to my fast days this coming week. Sorry for my absence, but in the three days leading up to Christmas we spend a lot of time doing Random Acts of Kindness to people that live alone or don’t have family to share Christmas with.
    Gingerbread Christmas trees are a great hit, along with small fruit cakes and rum balls, also raspberries, blackberries and Boysenberries from our garden.
    Thank you everyone for your tales, I have read them all, and Thin what a drama with your holiday, and yes Neil, motorists think they own the roads around here as well, I no longer ride on our roads, way too scary with all our traffic.
    I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas,
    I look forward to our shared journey with this wonderful caring group in 2022.
    Love and best wishes, Charlie.

    A little late, but Happy Christmas to all of you. I’ve been thinking of you but things are still a little rough here with OH’s memory problems and coming to the realization that this is probably not going to get better. We did manage to have Christmas Eve Day tea with some of his family which was very nice and good for OH to get out and see everyone. We’re all vaccinated and boosted but it still made me nervous to be there without masks. But I guess sometimes I need to stop worrying so much.

    It’s been cold and rainy here for the past several days and we could even get a little snow in the next day or three. I hope not. Our driveway is not good for ice or snow.

    So good to hear you are all doing pretty well with the holiday eating. Stress eating along with holiday chocolates and such has managed to keep my weight mostly in the 67’s. Cinque, I’m anxious to get back to the op shops again before too long. They’re open but it’s hard to get away from the house these days.

    Wishing you all a Happy New Year. Enjoy your warm weather!

    Hello friends

    Just home from beautiful Lord Howe Island and now have a 3 day turnaround to unpack, wash, repack and somehow get the International RT-PCR test before we head to Fiji

    We ate well and were very active as there were so many lovely walks and beaches to find. Just a small gain but I’m happy with that. Fiji will be a whole other story but I am determined to avoid the bad food and I’ve already checked out the sample menu’s at the three restaurants on the resort and there are lots of nice sounding salads. I will hit those and not the burgers and chips

    I will catch up on your posts now but I just wanted to drop in and say hello and a belated Merry Christmas

    Anzac, glad you had a great time on Lord Howe. All the best with the testing. After narrowly escaping a cancelled Christmas with the Canary Islands false positive debacle, it almost happened a second time when, just as DD was setting off to join us on Christmas Eve, she was advised that some of her work colleagues had tested positive for covid. Fortunately, she was negative and we enjoyed a wonderful five days looking after a lovely dog in a spacious house adjoining The Chilterns. It was fun to see our London-based Perth friends after so long.

    CharlieG, it was heart-warming to read of your three days of random acts of kindness.

    Neil, did you manage to navigate your sister’s snack foods?

    CalifD, so sorry to learn of your OH’s declining memory. It must be distressing for all three of you. We continue to wear masks everywhere. It’s mandatory on public transport and I confronted two young gits on a bus on our way to the pet-sit place asking why, out of respect for all the elderly people on the bus, they weren’t wearing the masks they were holding. They replied that they didn’t give a sh*t about those people and they could just move to another seat. Their parents must be so proud.

    On the way back to the boat, we spent a fabulous day at Bletchley Park. All three of us were completely exhausted after four hours with about half of it still unseen. The tickets are good for a year so we do hope to return. One is completely immersed in another era where everyone wanted to do their part for their country. Stark contrast to the ‘it’s all about me’ attitude encountered on the bus and just about everywhere. The only thing that marred the BP experience was the PC signage from Google (one of their sponsors, sadly) attempting to draw some parallel with today’s diversity message, totally irrelevant to the time and in direct contradiction with what was actually going on considering the treatment of Alan Turing.

    LJ, tough decisions to throw away all the Christmas treats. It’s a wonder that people still give you that kind of stuff considering how hard you work not to return to where you were.

    Cinque, Merry, hope you’re both OK.

    HK, was it a great time with DD and the doggo? And then the additional members? Our Perth friends (parents of those who we saw on Boxing Day) said it was 43C on Christmas Day. I don’t miss that. It’s 15C here – a veritable heat wave.

    I’m still below my trigger weight but only by a fraction. At least there’s still a ‘5’ in front of everything else. I’ll have a FD tomorrow, Thursday. I did notice that my portion sizes have crept up considerably. This is a function of 6:1 versus 5:2, there are too many days to get into bad habits in between.

    It is my longest time between posts! Just hectic.
    So nice to read your posts.

    Cali thinking of you and Mr Cali particularly. It is so hard to have that memory loss be continuing and not be able to do anything to improve it. I hope you can all make the most of every day. (A couple of days here of nearly 40C so I’d happily send 15 degrees over to your place!)

    Thin, I got Pfizer after 2 Astro Zeneca. Glad to be triple vaccinated but oh dear cases are snowballing here.
    Lovely to read your fabulous catch up.
    Hooray for Christmas with DD and catching up with good friends. And hooray for not being in a Perth heatwave, it was a shocker.
    Bletchley Park would be so interesting. I guess there are always wonderful people working hard for the common good, but they are not necessarily the ones with power and influence. Sigh.

    Helen Kate, what a lovely Christmas.

    Merry, best wishes to you and yours.

    LJoyce, yes, sometimes it just has to be the bin. Otherwise you would be using yourself as the rubbish bin (as I always have to say sternly to myself).

    Charlie, so nice to read another post about precious family time and those lovely acts of good will.

    Anzac I am so happy you had a lovely holiday on Lord Howe Island. I hope every minute in Fiji is a delight too.

    Well, last day of a tricky year. But all in all my good eating habits are strengthened, and I am weighing less that I was a year ago (so my clothes say). I’ll know for sure when I have my 4th year follow up at the hospital and get to stand on their big scales.

    Looking forward to another year of being good for my own health!

    Best wishes everyone.

    Happy new year everyone hear you are treasured online friends. Your thoughts, advice and stories that you generously share on this forum are greatly appreciated by me. I hope you all have a good year in 2022 and are feeling hopeful about the year ahead.
    Special thoughts to Lindsay and Cali and their respective husbands who are facing difficult health challenges. I do think of you often.

    I aim to eat well and mindfully this year and have started on boxing day with plain 5:2. I decided aiming for rapid weight loss too easily failed. So far it’s working as I’m down by almost a kilo. My NFDs have mostly adhered to my resolution which is a boon. I am also trying to practice patience this year and to be happy with slower rate of weight loss – not something I am good at and definitely need to learn.

    I’ve had a busy post christmas time. Although the 70th (and the cake baking) was cancelled there have been multiple other birthdays and one more on Thursday that I needed to make birthday cakes for. This is the one that I’m delivering shortly: https://imgur.com/a/t9bMKN8 An icecream cake was requested – much easier than baking if you by the various icecreams rather than churning them yourself. Although you can’t see it themain icecream hidden inside is banana flavour – that was the key request from the birthday girl.

    I must go now as I promised this for midday and I’m late!

    Take care all. Hope you have a nice new year’s day.

    Evening all and happy new year.

    My wife and I are old and square so we didn’t bother staying up to ring in the new year. I got up just after 7am and got out for a nice 50km ride over the peninsula and had an afternoon round of frisbee golf. Eating was good for day 1 of the year. I had a blueberry smoothie made with a bit of protein powder and some psyllium husk for lunch and dinner was some tuna, sauteed kale and a small portion of some potato gratin . All the veg were from our garden, which is a great feeling.

    I hope everyone had a great new years and I wish you all a great 2022.

    Neil, we did manage (by chocolate I think) to stay awake until midnight, watching some 80s music show before realising it was 12.08am and we’d missed it.

    LJ, good luck with regular good old 5:2. It works, we know. I can’t open the photo but it sounds great – except for banana ice cream, eew!

    Cinque, that was a long absence and everyone survived so hopefully you don’t feel any pressure to make a daily appearance, lovely as that was.

    I’m not one for new year resolutions. While creating the new daily weight worksheet for 2022, I was forced to confront my weight records and noted that I’m up 800g on the same time last year, even more on the year before – but less than the year before that. I’m still below my trigger weight of 60kg but now almost out of wiggle room. I’m planning a second FD tomorrow.

    Happy, Healthy New Year all!

    Merry Christmas (yes a bit late I know) and Happy New Year (also a bit late) to all.

    Christmas was quiet (as it is for us always) and New Years quiet as well (again, as it is every year) although I did manage to stay up until 12.10am, only because Miss GDay pestered us to stay up and watch the midnight fireworks on the ABC. Must admit I was in bed at 8.30pm, reading a book with a pot of tea waiting for the New Year to arrive with Mr GDay having quite a few snooze (or should I say snoring) sessions along the way to midnight – it’s all go at our house…..lol.

    I write today with some good news – about half an hour ago I submitted my final assignment for my Cert IV in Nutrition and Weight Management course…..Yippeee. In the last week I’ve submitted 8 separate assignments. They were all three quarters finished months ago but with Mr GDay having several hospital trips to Adelaide and being unwell and my week away with Miss GDay the assignments were sitting in limbo for about a month until I was finally able to get back to them again in mid December. So fingers crossed there is not too many re-submissions required once assessed.

    Weight loss is still going well but I didn’t reach my goal weight before New Years as I had hoped – too much time spent on study and not enough fast days but I’m very, very close so watch this space in the next few weeks.

    Stinking hot weather here of late, many days over 40 degrees with air conditioners running around the clock. Neil I did have a chuckle at your recent post about summer arriving because the temp had hit 26 degrees, I’m thinking wow we get that temp during Winter. And windy, every day has been so windy, the only exception being early morning at 5.30am when I go for my daily walk. A few days ago I was joined by a couple of very cute kangaroos while out walking, they took quite an interest in me and followed me quite closely for the majority of the walk.

    I must dash, want to watch the SA tv news. I don’t watch the tv news often as I’d rather scroll through the ABC online news and pick which stories I want to read, but as covid is running rampant around our state at the moment and many cases reported in the major town about 10kms from where I live, I’m eager to see todays update.

    Bye for now

    Monday and a sensible temperature.
    It has been too hot and I hurt my neck so relieved to say my neck is getting better and it is a lovely 18C here.

    Hi LJoyce, thankyou, you are a treasure too.
    We might need another picture of the amazing cake, something didn’t wrk with the last try.
    But I hope the birthday girl and everyone there had a lovely time.

    Haha Neil (and everyone), not much New Year raging among us. I was in bed by 9:30, woke up at midday as someone was letting off firecrackers, and then back to sleep.

    Thin, you will rock 2022.

    Gday, I know that burden of umpteen unfinished things hanging around… and the wonderful wonderful feeling of finishing them off one by one. Hooray. Well done. What a brilliant way to start the year.

    I am having a fast day today.

    Sending best wishes to everyone. Lindsay xxx

    Morning all, wow sounds like we’re a bunch of party animals 😉

    We have a bit of relief after yesterday’s temperature. We hit 32 degrees at home, and while I still managed to get a bit of gardening done and played a couple of rounds of frisbee golf, most of the day we were just sitting around the house. Today it’s a far more comfortable 23 degrees. I got out for a big morning ride and this afternoon we’re going to take the boys out to an animal park so they can get out of the house.

    Have a great one everyone

    Cinque, I was with you for a FD yesterday. Dropped 700g so feeling better already. After several days of 15C temps, it’s now dropped back to 10C.

    We haven’t learned our lesson about travelling – or perhaps it’s just determination to learn to live with covid – and we’re heading back to Spain on Friday (£17!). We’ve rented an apartment and a car to minimise local contact. Hopefully by the time we come back to England in a couple of months, common sense will prevail and the test-to-fly coupled with a PCR test on arrival rigamarole will have been scrapped. There are more non-masked ‘special people’ in any train carriage than passengers on that last flight back.

    Good evening all. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.

    Sorry I’ve been MIA for a while. Had to put my head down and really focus on some doctorate work there for a while. Still have STACKS to do, but am finally getting into a weekly rhythm I can work with. The weight’s not going well – gained 2 kg over the Christmas period – but as I’ve finally either eaten or disposed of the remaining Christmas treats, etc., it’s time to knuckle down to weight loss again. I can understand LJoyce’s frustration with being given so many edible treats. Mind you, mine were also partly self-inflicted, as there are some things only available at this time of year, but – brakes on. I’ll try to post fairly regularly, too, for more accountability.

    Thin, seems like you’ve managed some travel despite Covid, and also Anzac65 to Lord Howe island. Good for you.

    Congrats, G’DayfromSA, on submitting your assignments, a great relief.

    CalifDreamer, so sorry to read of your OH’s memory difficulties. I guess you’ve looked into his meds, to ensure nothing is causing side effects like confusion? Blood pressure too low is something which comes to mind.

    Neilithicman, glad that road rage driver didn’t inflict any damage, or rather, that you avoided being “doored”. That’s what I’ve heard it called here.

    Cinque, are you triple-vaxxed now? I got my third dose just before Christmas.

    Okay, hi to everyone else. I’ll catch up more next time.

    Stay safe, stay well everyone.

    Hello Lovelies,

    Haha yes Neil
    (We are more like this, maybe https://imgur.com/xSW5AkJ )

    It is friendly weather here today too.

    Nice Fast Day Thin. Mine went well, and I am feeling lovely this morning.
    How great to be heading to Spain for a break.

    Betsy, so good to hear from you!
    And great news that you have been able to buckle down on your work and get that work rhythm going.

    Yes I got my third shot on the 20th. I’m bunkering down to give them a chance to get the rapid testing sorted properly and better procedures in place to respond to the current challenges.

    Best wishes to everyone,
    I hope today is a delicious, easy, light eating day.

    Hi everyone

    Neil, Thin, Betsy, Cinque, GDSA, Anzac, Cali, Charlie, Merry lovely to hear your updates of life at the moment.

    Apologies for the faulty iggur photo – not sure what went wrong, but I’ve attempted to reload it: https://imgur.com/a/ltQPLYh The birthday girl’s verdict was very positive. I now have another cake to make for a Thursday birthday – much more traditional this time – a vanilla cake with fondant icing has been requested (I can’t imagine anything worse). However, whether the cake appeals to me or not is irrelevant – they all know they can request their favourite on their birthday. Unless it’s something that only a professional should attempt, I’m prepared to give it a go.

    I’m still persevering with normal 5:2. After a NFD that was a bit excessive, the panicked thoughts about needing to do something more drastic and rigid reappeared, but I managed to talk myself out of it. I needed to remind myself that I’d be much better served by just trying to be a bit more controlled on the next NFD. Which I was.
    Today’s FD. Next Monday will be challenging as I have the kids from Sunday afternoon to Monday evening and I have to do a FD on Monday (in preparation for an infusion on Tuesday). I just need to be well planned with my food and to be strong when the kids are eating sausages, chips etc.

    I have been spending an hour each day in the early evening working in the front garden. I’m trying to get the rest of the digging, planting and mulching completed so that I can finally declare the front garden finished. This week has milder temperatures, so 6pm gardening means bearable temperatures for gardening. I hate gardening in the summer heat, so getting this finished while the temperatures are mild is important. I have until this weekend to get it all done.

    Take care all.

    LJ, that ice cream cake looks fab, but now I can’t get past the banana flavoured ice cream inside. I love bananas but not bananary things, same for strawberries. As you say though, it doesn’t matter whether you or I like it. And, surely you ARE a professional cake maker? I’m doing naked 5:2 now for a while. I want to get back to the bottom of my wiggle room instead of ‘just making it’ under the top.

    Betsy, welcome back.

    Cinque, glad you had a good FD and seem in good spirits.

    It sounds like Australia is getting in a bit of a mess. Have all the border closure measures only served to delay the inevitable? Keen to see what happens in WA. Hope you all get all the RATs you need and for a fair price. I wouldn’t risk standing in a big, long queue to get tested. LFTs are free here but there’s currently a shortage due the high numbers of workers getting Omicron. Different story for travelling though – they’re exactly the same tests but results are conducted via a lab and they’re fleecing the public. This will be our third trip overseas since September and the monotonous form-filling and testing is becoming second nature.

    Morning all

    Well I’m back at work today, that week and a half off went too bloody fast. I managed to get out for several good bike rides and did a few things with the boys (we went to a couple of movies, went to the animal park, went to the new deep sea monsters exhibit at the museum and had a nice lunch out.) Back to reality now. I guess the good side of it is that I find it easier to eat well during the day while I’m working because there isn’t a supply of snack foods I can be tempted by during the day. I didn’t get through Christmas and New Years unscathed, I gained about 2 kilos, but hopefully now the silly season is over I can get back on track.

    My exercise is on point, I think I’ve found a good balance between doing enough to keep my fitness up without overdoing the riding. When I’m not working I’m going out for around 2 hours every other day to let my body have time to recover on the off day. When I’m working I’m alternating riding 45 minutes in riding the long way to work, and riding 10 minutes in via the direct route, again giving my body a chance to recover. Now I just have to match it with my eating.

    Thin, I hope you have a good time in Spain. Don’t drink too much Sangria 😉

    Betsy, great to hear from you again, looks like we gained the same amount during the holidays, let’s work together and both try get it off by the end of January.

    Ljoyce, that ice cream cake looks amazing. I’ll bet my teenagers would make quick work of it. They managed to finish off the rest of the 6kg Christmas cake I made (about 1/4 of it left after Christmas Day and gifting to friends and family) as well as all the holiday chocolates that inevitably get given at Christmas, and the double recipe of lollycake that I made which my wife was planning on giving to her brother and sister. The little buggers are still thin as rakes. What I wouldn’t give to have my teenage metabolism back.

    Cinque, LOL A lot of people are like that at the moment I think. I’m not too worried, I put a post up on facebook a while ago saying that I wanted to concentrate on the positive things that had happened through the year, when I started listing them it made me feel really good about the year. Bad stuff will always happen, but if we focus on the positive it will put us in a much better head space.

    Have a great day, week and new year everyone.

    Good morning,

    LJoyce the cake looks fabulous, good luck with the next one too.
    Wo you have a full on weekend and early week, sending lots of good wishes.
    Best wishes in the garden. I hope you get everything nicely done while being kind to your back and hips etc.

    Hooray for basic 5:2. I am like you, my NFDs should be a perfect support for my fast days, but it seems I need to re-re-relearn my evening behaviour:
    Eat my meal. Then don’t eat anything else! I’ve remembered my trick of making myself have two drinks of water to give my brain time to register that I don’t need to raid the kitchen. I need that trick.

    Thin, sigh. Australia is in a mess. The PM assured everyone the worst is over and we can get back to normal, just as omicron was arriving and the testing sites became overwhelmed by everyone wanting to travel as well as all the new cases.
    He also had the lovely idea of letting market forces deal with Rapid Antigen Tests, so they are incredibly scarce and selling for up to $70 each, right when they are most needed. Also people can’t upload their results as they hadn’t thought of setting that up, so no-one has much of an idea of what the current case numbers are, except that they are probably three times what the daily figures say.
    Fingers crossed that a week or so will have the main issues fixed.

    Neil, hooray for a positive outlook (she says after writing that last paragraph 😉 ).
    Yay for balance with exercising and knocking off that excess two kilos.

    When you were talking about how tempting packet chips etc are, I meant to suggest the trick of eating them as slowly as you can. All the lab work goes to that initial crunch and burst of taste, but eat them slowly and you just have clag in your mouth, and it really did help to put me off them.

    Sending best wishes today. I am going to mind my grandchildren while my daughter gets her third shot, so I am looking forward to that.

    Hope you have a lovely day. Cheers.

    Good afternoon lovely people.

    I am very relieved. I just pulled two vanilla cakes out of the oven. As I was trying a new recipe I had absolutely no idea whether it would work. It’s basically the ingredients for a plain butter cake (also known as a victoria sponge or pound cake – depending on which country you are in), but using a traditional Australian sponge method, but with warm milk and butter stirred in at the end. I was hoping to get the lightness of a traditional sponge with the moistness and keeping qualities of a victoria sponge. It looks very promising so far. I’ll post a photo tomorrow once it’s decorated. Thin, I’m definitely not a professional, just an amateur who enjoys baking cakes – unfortunately I really don’t enjoy decorating them – it’s fiddly and I don’t have the patience for fussy things. I always stress to those who get my cakes, that it will be rustic not fussy – I largely rely on things like fresh berries and purchased chocolates for quick decorating.

    Yesterday’s FD was a struggle. Like Cinque, I find the after dinner temptation to snack the biggest challenge. I’m trying to use the teeth cleaning method (I think that was Thin’s suggestion), as I don’t feel like eating anything once my mouth tastes like minty toothpaste. I forget though, as my ingrained habit is to clean teeth just before bed.

    Neil, sorry to hear the holiday flew by so quickly. Sounds like you had some good family time though.

    Thin, have a lovely time in Spain. Is this your first time back since before covid? I seem to remember you spent the winter there just before covid appeared (or was it Portugal).

    Betsy, I’m glad to hear you are making good progress with your thesis. I hope you have a little time for other things too this year.

    Cinque, I try to have a glass of water before I eat anything, as I remember you saying it’s often thirst. However I’m frustrated by how often I forget to do this.
    I too have school holiday babysitting – like you I enjoy spending the time with the kids, but it is exhausting and takes to recover.

    GDSA, glad to hear that all those assignments are finally submitted. Hopefully this year will see you qualified and practicing.

    Hello to everyone else. Hope you are all having a good day.

    Cinque, I forgot to say that I loved that 2022 cartoon you posted. I hope the testing issues get sorted out quickly. $70 is gouging. Perhaps the elite tennis players who’ve been given exemption from vaccination have recently tested positive for covid. It would be in their interests to divulge you’d think.

    LJ, we often have a few mixed nuts in the evening. We eat dinner earlier than anyone we know – 5pm – so it’s a stretch until bedtime. But I consider the nut calorie count part of the evening meal. I roast them on demand so there’s no temptation to raid the supply at other times.

    Our trip to the Canaries was cancelled in Jan/Feb due to travel bans. In September, we went to Malta for our anniversary, then the Canaries in December (we considered it a low risk trip with 200 total cases on the island vs. 140,000 new cases a day here at the time). Before the pandemic, we’d been in mainland Spain for two months and just got back to the UK a few days before all this kicked off. Although we are both fearful of any crowds, we found ourselves immersed in Carnival fever in Barcelona, mixing with tens of thousands of revellers over several days.

    Neil, back into it. I also have a couple of kgs to shed. Not from Christmas, nothing changed, but just slow creep from two years of 6:1.

    Good evening all.

    Yes, it’s good to be back and starting to be more accountable again. Most of 2021 I sat around 85 kg, which is one of my “sticking” weights, little change in measurements, either. But – come Christmas and all the goodies not available at other times of the year (read gingerbread, for that) plus 3 separate Christmas meals with different friends, and I am now 87 kg.

    So, yes, Neil, let’s aim to lose at least 2 kg during January. If I keep to strict 5:2, it may be more. I’m thinking that on my NFDs I should add some extra protein, to reduce cravings, and on my FDs, to make sure I drink extra water, as Cinque wrote, and LJoyce affirmed.

    Cinque, let’s hope things settle down a bit over the next couple of weeks. If pensioners can have 10 RAT tests free from pharmacies over the next 3 months (no more than 5 in one month), as announced today, it will take an enormous amount of stress off the PCR testing queues, and major release of stress off symptomatic folk who just have a slight cold. I’ve been a bit coldy/ fluey for the past 10 days, dry cough and fatigue but no fever or loss of smell or taste so I’m sure it’s not Covid, but how can I really know unless I have an impossible to get test?! All I can do is wear a mask, use hand sanitiser, socially distance, and make sure I don’t have any close contact with anyone, etc. I’m just going out to do the essentials. It helps that I live alone.

    Thin, yes, it seems that the bullet Australia dodged for 2 years has finally hit its mark. Numbers are high, but with really high vaccination rates and a slightly weaker variant in Omicron, hospitalisation rates and numbers in ICU are still reasonable. That may change in another week or so, but currently okay. And WA has basically cut itself off from the rest of Australia for now, until their vaccination rates are much higher. The Covid numbers there are miniscule compared with the rest of the country.

    Okay, enough Covid. Yummy looking cake, LJoyce. It would be one I’d find hard to resist, though cakes in general don’t appeal to me. I do however love ice-cream and chocolate. Interestingly, my weight gain over Christmas was at least partially due to me deciding to build (and eat) a gingerbread house and indulge in mince tarts. Now they’ve all gone, it should be easier to stay on track.

    Aiming for my first FD on Friday, wish me luck! 🙂

    Stay safe and sleep well.

    Good morning all.

    The cake is finished. I got an early start as the royal icing that is holding all the decorations on needs to dry and harden before I deliver it. Otherwise they are likely to slide off in transit! (I’m having difficulties with Imgur at the moment, so I’ll try again to post a photo later.) Thankfully the supermarkets carry lots of edible decorations for cakes, so you don’t have to make them – just ice the cake and glue the decorations on with some royal icing. Even I can manage that.

    Betsy, I am also sitting in the mid 80s and and determined to see a lower number by the end of January. I will join you in a FD tomorrow.
    Funny how we each have such personal favourites when it comes to christmas treats that we find too tempting. I loathe the heavy fruit products like christmas cake and mince pies, but I do like gingerbread too – but not if it’s covered in royal icing (which it usually is). My biggest temptation is homemade shortbread, which I make in large quantities to give as gifts.

    Thin, I saw on the BBC news this morning that the covid test for reentering the UK was going to be scrapped. That should be good news for you. Enjoy your time in Spain – hopefully a little warmer than the UK at the moment.
    My “go to” evening snack is usually 3 rings of dried apple with a handful of raw almonds. Not unhealthy, but not calories I need either.

    Have a good day.

    Good afternoon,

    Fast day today. So far so good 😉

    LJoyce, Those cakes sound wonderful.

    Good luck with the evening. For some reason I find it easier on fast days.

    Thin, they have sorted some things out. Some free tests for us concession card holders as Betsy said, and lots of warnings about no price gouging.
    (And now the news is all about the world’s number one male tennis player.)

    Betsy, sorry to hear of your unwellness. I hope you feel better soon.

    Good luck for tomorrow’s fast day, LJoyce and Betsy, and your planetrip to Spain, Thin.

    Okay, nearly soup time.

    Cheers to everyone.

    LJ, I bet the cake is great. Thanks yes, I had a great day hearing that travel testing announcement – It will make our lives a lot easier (too bad it came three weeks too late to save us hundreds of euros on the last trip). It certainly made no logical sense when our daily cases were so high. Also scrapped is the need to isolate on return and the expensive PCR is replaced with an LFT (RAT to you). It still has to be administered by a designated lab, not the free home kits, but I support that as too many people would lie about the results.

    It was a good FD, plus a beautiful kingfisher landed on a mooring line right outside the porthole, just stunning.

    Betsy, Cinque, pleased that you can access testing kits.

    Betsy, the symptoms seem to change with each new variant. Fewer people having taste changes with O variant but sore throats and chills more common. Interesting reading about Djokovic.

    After getting a bit frustrated with imgur, I have finally managed to load a photo of the cake.
    https://imgur.com/j41qR3B The only fancy element are the flowers that I’ve “glued” to the fondant icing – they were bought at Woolworths. I should probably have covered the side of the cake in either buttercream (which is the filling) or fondant (which is on top), but it just seemed like excessive icing to me. My great niece didn’t care. She was just excited that I’d remembered her love of fondant icing and had put a nice thick layer of that on top. Everyone else I know throws the fondant away and just eats the cake underneath!

    While I’ve got imgur working I have another photo: https://imgur.com/2Yt0hQg
    This is my new door knocker and was a christmas gift from my niece and nephew. They knew I wanted a knocker rather than a door bell and asked what style I liked. I said just get a plain ring in the same colour as my existing door hardware. I was told that a ring was boring and I couldn’t have it – Hadn’t I seen something more interesting. I said, well I did see a dragonfly online that I loved, but it’s more expensive and it’s made in the US. Amazingly they managed to get it posted here from the artist who makes them in Rhode Island in time for christmas – I was fully expecting it not to arrive until late January. I love it, I think it looks like a piece of jewellery.

    One more bit of news. I finally finished the front garden planting this afternoon. I can’t finish the mulching yet, as the stores are out of stock of the mulch I want. That’s ok, as I already have a thin layer on the garden and I can top it up later. Now I can have a few weeks of just watering things in until I have to start on the back garden in autumn.

    That’s all my news, goodnight.

    Hi All,
    Yes I too have gained the pesky 2kg over Christmas, but have made inroads to remove it with some good fast days this week.
    We too have been laying low as we’re considered and then told no to being close contacts.
    Yes our friends tested positive, but we had socially distanced, and been outside with them, but getting a test is impossible. Our area is full of tourists from Melbourne and waiting in a queue for hours to be told they are closed and come back tomorrow when we have no symptoms was not on, so instead we have isolated on the farm for almost two weeks now, and still no symptoms.
    Impossible to get RAT tests here as well, so we stay in iso until our 14 days are up.
    Fortunately we have enough break between bnb clients that they will not be affected.
    We are also triple vaxed, getting our third on December 19.
    Loving all your tales, and LJ that ice cream cake looks to die for, except for the flavour, I am only able to eat banana that I dried in my dehydrator, and that is only for after dinner if I have any spare calories left.
    Well after Christmas and New Year being really hot, since 9am yesterday, it has been really cold, 14 degrees and over 70mm of rain. Great for the pastures, but a bit of a shock after all the days in the mid 30s.
    Well enjoy the upcoming weekend everyone, I am cleaning out my sewing studio to begin my next quilt, and to start making smaller clothes for me going into autumn as I refuse to buy, really hard to find anything that is not made in China, and none of them fit anyway.
    Happy days folks,

    LJ, the cake looks professional, Is it hard to slice? MY OCD tendencies had me looking for slicing paths amid the flowers and, thick or thin slices, I’d be hitting the florets. Not to mention the hard icing – how’s it done – with a sharp, hot knife? The door knocker is super. I have a dragonfly dangling in the front of the boat. We see spectacular iridescent blue ones on the canals in summer.

    CharlieG, gosh, 14 days is a long time to isolate. Is that the govt. guideline or are you trying to stay ultra-safe? Isolation is now seven days here. Even if you live with someone who’s tested positive, you can carry on as normal provided you’re vaccinated and test neg. daily – not possible of course if tests are unavailable to you. I wouldn’t queue up for anything ever, let alone get in a queue with potentially covid + people. How exciting to be making your clothes smaller.

    Hi Thin,
    yes we are being very cautious, we are both somewhat immuno compromised, OH after his heart attack three years ago and chronic asthmatic, and I have always had a weakened immune response since birth, plus we live in an area where COVID has become a stigma, little do they realise it is not if you get COVID but when. Hence why we are triple vaxed.
    Our govts still can’t make up there minds as to how long we need to isolate,
    Your moving to Spain for a couple of months sounds wonderful, sadly I can’t see us getting out of Aus anytime soon.
    Eldest daughter and hubby are heading back to Europe shortly until the end of 2023. Going to miss the young ones for that time, they turn 6 in March, over in Europe.
    I am hoping that when they return, that my other three will come home for a while, they have suggested that we have a big family Christmas in 2023, but who knows what the world will look like by then.
    Enjoy Spain!

    CharlieG, I feel for you. OH and I moved here within a month of DD starting her first job in England (we were coming for the narrow boating adventure anyway but she got here first) and even though we’ve been in the same country since then, we hardly see her. I am still coming to terms with the empty nest and miss her being around so much. Soon, I suspect she’ll be looking at other jobs in who knows which countries and of course we can’t just follow her around the world. Missing the grandchildren growing up would be so hard for you. I read someone’s comment yesterday, “my children think their grandparents live in a computer”.

    Morning all

    Wow the activity has picked up on the thread in the last couple of days. I’ve got a bit to catch up on.

    Cinque, I hope you had a good time minding the grandies

    Betsy, good luck with your fast day today, I’ll be joining you.

    Ljoyce, the cakes look good, the little flowers on the top are cute too.

    Charlie, good luck with the isolation

    Thin, I spotted a kingfisher on one of my rides a week or so ago. It was the first time I’d seen one in the wild for ages, it was pretty cool. My next ride I spotted a grey heron and some rosellas. It’s always nice to see some interesting birds while I’m riding

    Well it seems like 2kg is the magic number for the group. I’ve set my goal on doing 5:2 more strictly and making every effort to avoid sugar and starch as much as I can. I’ve joined a facebook group of NZers doing Fast800 that I’m going to post to every day to have a bit of accountability. I’m weighing myself every day at the moment as well to try to keep my motivation up, I’m tracking down at the moment which is good. The last 3 days my weight has been 103.9, 103.2 and then 102.6 this morning. Signs are good so far. I’m fasting today with some spicy lentil dhal for lunch and then I’m planning on doing some meatballs and marinara sauce for dinner. I didn’t ride yesterday but I managed 10,000 steps, and this morning I rode 22kms to work and will be riding home up the hills.

    Well have a great one everyone and have a great weekend

    Hello friends,
    Lovely morning after fast day and I had 2 chickpea flour wraps with a mixture of cooked green beans, roasted red capsicum, and avocado (squeeze of lemon) for breakfast. More than 2 serves of veg already.

    Dreadfully humid here, but at least it is raining.

    Thin, what a delight to see a kingfisher. I woke to the sound of a kookaburra a couple of times since Christmas. So excited because I haven’t heard one for years. I felt terribly deprived.

    LJoyce, great cake! (Thin, surely the birthday girl would have just plucked the top off to keep for herself, and let everyone else eat cake 😀 )
    LJoyce, were you pleased with your new recipe?

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your dragonfly knocker! Most beautiful one in the world, surely! What a treat it will be to have that welcoming visitors.

    Congratulations on the garden done! What pleasure it will be, watering everything in.

    I think I said that I am concentrating on two garden experiments this year. Spaghetti squash, and baby watermelons. I had so many watermelon seeds come up, but only two have survived and they are still so tiny. I can’t imagine them managing to grow and fruit and ripen before it gets too cold, but I will keep looking after them the best I can. The spaghetti squash are small and slow too, so maybe it is the season, so far only boy flowers.
    I’m also battling woolly aphids, I wish their predators would come along and eat them up!

    Charlie, How exciting to be planning a new quilting project, and even more exciting, wonderful made to measure clothes of material and size you can choose! I would love to be able to do that. We might demand some photos!

    So sorry you have to say good bye to your daughter’s family for a while. I hope they have a good trip back to Europe. Fingers crossed for a big family Christmas in 2023.

    Neil, nice work, and yummy food! I made Ma Ki Dal again yesterday (my current favourite). I’ll have some for lunch.

    Good to hear about the fb group (we will miss you if you don’t stil come here sometimes though!).

    Cheers everyone

    Don’t worry Cinque, I’m not going anywhere, there are just quite a few of us on that page that are in a similar position. We’ve been on 5:2, lost weight, kept it off for a while, then have some creep back on. We’ve formed a little sub-group with those of us hitting the re-set button to have accountability and give support.

    We didn’t have success with watermelons, even growing them in our glasshouse, but we are having good success with rock melons. They’re currently just bigger than the size of cricket balls and my wife has strung up face masks to support them.

    Good evening all.

    Good to catch up on all the recent posts. I was very impressed, LJoyce, with your last cake – you made the icing so smooth! Love the dragonfly doorknocker. My lavender is in full bloom at the moment and covered with bees, some butterflies, and I’ve seen a couple of dragonflies there, too.

    Thin, re RAT kits, sadly, although pensioners are eligible for free tests, I think we’ll be waiting at least a few weeks before enough become available for us to get any from the pharmacist. I guess it will be like hand sanitiser, which disappeared for a couple of months early in the pandemic and couldn’t be found anywhere, and now there’s almost an oversupply everywhere. Just have to be patient.

    Neil, glad you’re staying with us. Each month, I actually join a forum that runs month to month for extra accountability too.

    Okay – my FD? Well, I was doing okay, but then disaster! My neighbours had given me a real Italian panettone for Christmas and I’d eaten some, and then some more and then even more over recent days, but I saved some for my Italian friend. Unfortunately, she told me on the phone this afternoon that she already has a full panetone at her place, and is actually needing to lose weight. Well, I couldn’t sabotage her weight loss, now could I? 🙂 So, I polished the rest of the panetonne off late afternoon/ early evening, converting my FD into a TDEE. Well, it’s all gone now, so I should manage better next week. I’ve been drinking water this evening to stop me from doing any further snacking.

    Cinque, a kookaburra! How lovely. I see a variety of birds at my birdbaths on my back lawn, but that’s one which hasn’t appeared. I’ve counted 20 different types of birds so far that I’ve seen drinking water or taking a bath.

    Charlie G, clever you to be making your own clothes. I’ve had the unfortunate opposite problem by putting weight back on, in having to buy some larger-fitting clothes again. Not many, as I’m determined to lose the weight again, plus I dived into the bags of clothes I set aside ages ago to take to the op shop and retrieved a few items. Once I lose the weight, out they’ll go again.

    Goodnight and sleep well.

    Neil, hurray to be on track (bicycle and weight-wise). I love herons and rosellas (and kookaburras, Cinque). The thing that impressed me most about Australia when we first arrived was its amazing birdlife. We were camping by a billabong in the NT and it was as though birds were escaping from an exotic aviary. But they were wild. Later, we had kookaburras living in our suburban street in Perth. Hearing them from your own home is spectacular. And dozens of rosellas enjoyed our garden fountain for a bath – what a cacaphony! Betsy, 20 species is brilliant at one backyard location.

    Cinque, I hope to hear more about your spaghetti squash success. I agree, I hope Neil doesn’t get side tracked with FB. Neil, why can’t the sub-group post here? You might be right, Cinque, the birthday girl probably just peeled that icing off the top and claimed it for herself. None of it lures me for eating but that doesn’t detract from LJ’s superb skills. And I’m in awe of any keen baker who’s able to resist themselves (like my former neighbour in Perth) because I just think, why even bother going down that path? Same goes for Betsy’s panetonne – I’ve never even tried it. It just doesn’t hold any appeal for me.

    We are now in sunny España. These two hour flights to Europe are a dream after the Aussie long-haul endeavours. Picked up a rental car and we’re on our way to Mojácar.

    Just started reading the book and have just registered for the site.
    Hoping to get inspiration, ideas and support.

    Afternoon all

    I was busy today. I spent 3 hours cutting grass at the local scout camp for the frisbee golf tournament in 3 weeks time and then helped my dad saw up and carry out a gum tree that came down in some strong wind recently. A total of 22,000 steps so far today. I’m absolutely knackered. My weight was down to 102.1 this morning, down 1.8 kilos since my weigh in on Wednesday morning.

    MsO, welcome aboard. Whereabouts are you based. Most here are in Australia, a few of us in New Zealand and a few checking up on us from various places in the Northern Hemisphere.

    Thin, Facebook is a lot better for instant support. Because a lot of people are on it all the time, you can get instant responses from people when you need it and get the notifications on your phone right away. I like this site and use it for tracking my progress and chatting but it can be a day or two in between posts sometimes.

    Betsy, I hear you. I tried a fast day yesterday and did ok on Lunch and dinner, but then I was making some sweets out of some leftover fondant icing (mixed peppermint oil through half, raspberry essence through the other half and coated them in dark and white chocolate respectively and had to nibble while I was doing it. Ended up around 1200 calories rather than 800.

    We’ll have a great one everyone

    Good morning all. Just finished church online, and decided to post before closing off the computer.

    Well, I am completely amazed. Having had only 1 TDEE (with panettone) and 1 CD since I re-started my weight loss journey last week, I have gone from 87.1 to 85.8 kg. Not sure how, but I’m very happy to already be showing progress. I’ll probably stick around 5 kg for a few weeks, as it’s one of my sticking weights, but so far so good.

    Thin, hope you’re enjoying the warmth of Spain, after the winter cold in the UK.
    I would never choose, myself, to buy/eat panettone, but because the neighbours gave it to me, I thought I should cut off and eat one slice to be polite, just to say how good it tasted, etc. Then I unfortunately discovered that it was actually quite delicious and incredibly “more-ish”, and I gradually polished off the lot. Well, all gone now so no longer there to tempt me.

    Re birds, although I have a small back unit (2 on a sub-divided property), not only are there 2 big flowering gumtrees in the back garden, but also a long strip of a Board of Works grassy area that abuts my back fence, along which people often stroll with their dogs. I’ve also deliberately planted some Aussie native shrubs, a bottlebrush and a couple of hakeas, to further encourage the birds. Fortunately, Wilbur rarely goes round to the back now he’s getting older. I let him out and in through the front door.

    Speaking of Wilbur, I may have to take him to the vet’s this week. He’s developed a mild limp which I’ve been observing and hoping will resolve on its own. It may be arthritis, or he may have tried to jump down from something awkwardly. An injection of anti-inflammatories might be needed.

    MsO, welcome to the site, and your weight loss journey. Lots of good weight loss and food ideas are often posted here. Thinatlast, Cinque and LJoyce come up with great recipes.
    You may find it useful to also log onto the monthly forum – Join the Journey in January is the current one – where the focus is more strongly on daily accountability/ weight loss. There’s usually an Xcel spreadsheet there on page 1 for people to log their food goals, plans re when they’re fasting, etc. I’ve found using both forums to be helpful.

    Neilithicman, yay for losing 1.8 kg. Hope you keep it off. If you have a lot more 22000 step days, you’d almost have to! Very impressive.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Afternoon already!
    Still looking after my sore neck, and everything else, haha, including my diet. But I forgot it was Sunday! I’ll fast tomorrow instead.

    Yay Neil, and I am glad the fb group is immediate, healthy and supportive. That creeping back on of weight is such a trick.
    Congratulations on getting those hours of grass cutting done. I bet the frisbee people appreciate it so much.

    Ooh yum those rockmelons! Haha, masks are perfect for holding them.

    This morning my squash plant had a girl flower, so I could feed her lots of pollen. Yesterday I picked flowers, dipped them into the besan cheela mix I had sitting in the fridge, and panfried them, and they were wonderful.

    Betsy, I love panettone too. I have been especially missing it this year. My home help used to get given one from an Italian family and pass it on to me (she had very conservative tastes) and I enjoyed it so much!

    Hooray for managing such a good loss in spite of the overindulgence. Let’s hope you have a wonderful week or two and zoom past your sticking point. You will feel so good!

    What a fabulous set up you have made for birdlife! (Mostly pigeons and Indian mynas around here). Poor Wilbur though. I hope he is okay.

    Thin, you remind me of the bird life I saw when I was living and teaching in the remote NT. Flocks of red tailed cockatoos, and the white-faced heron standing in the water. So many more.

    Enjoy beautiful Spain.

    Welcome MS O, have you had your first fast day?

    Cheers everyone

    Second post today – must be a record for me.

    I just came inside after watering my back garden and refilling the birdbaths. There was adequate water in them, but with rain recently after a few weeks of none, the water was brown from dust brought down.

    Just replying to Cinque – the birds I have seen, a few I’m not 100% sure of their identity, but the rest, yes – crested pigeon, spotted turtledove, peaceful dove (no regular pigeons), noisy miner, Indian miner, common blackbird (including brown mate and offspring), eastern rosella, rainbow lorikeet, sulphur-crested cockatoo, red wattlebird, little wattlebird, yellow-faced honeyeater, magpie lark, Australian magpie, little raven, pied currawong, maybe the Australian raven as well – hard to guesstimate sizes..
    The above I’m sure of. Here’s where it gets a bit harder, may not have IDed accurately: little grassbird, singing bushlark, Richard’s pipit, rufous songlark, white-winged triller (breeding male), possible white-winged chough (female or immature).
    So, no very small birds. The little grassbird and the Richard’s pipit were the smallest. I need to get hold of (i.e., buy) a bigger and better book than the two I’m using for birds of Australia, and I need a higher resolution camera. The birds I’ve seen so far have just been by chance, me looking out the kitchen window at just the right time.

    Okay, may not have been of interest to anyone, sorry, but seeing the birds is something simple which brings me pleasure. I wrote the bird names on a scrap of paper as I saw them, and recently transferred the names to somewhere more permanent. If I could only remember where 🙁 . At least I still had the scrap of paper! 🙂

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