Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • https://imgur.com/a/dUa6AxY

    Tester – I just finished a post and it all suddenly disappeared! So this is a test.

    The same thing happened to me earlier today Jony 🙁

    Evening everyone. The posts possibly disappeared because we just started a new page? Up to page 523 now!

    Today was pretty good. It was cold, there was a lot of snow on the mountains behind us and the temperature hit a balmy 6 degrees today. I got out for a ride in the morning for 90 minutes or so, went and did a VR activity in the local library, a bit of shopping, a scenic drive, and then a couple of hours in the local pool. Pretty much anything that didn’t involve going outside (apart from my bike ride)

    The forecast is for similar the next couple of days, then turning nicer on Friday (the day we go home) typical!

    Oh well, we’ll have to make the best of it.

    Have a good one everyone.

    That looks beautiful Jony. Commiserations on the missing posts. Lucky me then, I started one this morning but didn’t get far so saved it to a word document for later. Good wishes for tomorrow Lindsay.

    Wednesday morning,

    I’m going well with my good food days at the moment. I’ll have a fast day tomorrow.

    Merry, so good to hear from you and that you have been able to help your darling family (hello to the cute little US one) and also make good decisions for your own health, and now heading home and back to 5:2.

    I’m not a poster girl until I re-lose a couple of inches around my waist. On my way though.

    Lindsay, all my good wishes heading your way today. I have a candle lit for its beautiful flame and I think of you every time it catches my eye, which is constantly.

    Haha Anzac, you are having Melbourne weather. So lovely to hear of your meal with your dad, precious times.
    I am so glad you have booked that second holiday in Fiji. Boy do you deserve it!

    Well done with the steps too, great to do! And I do think that is the trick, to keep the 2 fast days going and then gradually shape the other days of eating to have less (no) ultra processed food, smaller serves of carbs, more and diverse serves of vegetables, excellent protein, and lots of drinks of water of course!

    Jony, so pleased to see your post, and so sad to learn we have missed a good catch up. Best wishes to you and hope you are going great!

    Hooray for your good day Neil, but brrr! I’m glad that cycling will keep you warm outside.

    Hi Thin!

    Hi everyone else too, best wishes for the day.

    Hi all, happy Wednesday.

    Super happy, I fell into the 60’s a few days ago – not age but weight. 4.5kg to go till my goal weight. Well my first goal weight of 65kg. I will re-evaluate when I get there and see if I’ll go further to get back to my lowest adult weight of 62kg. Given my strength training is increasing I will be mindful of how that will effect the scales so will also be looking at clothes fit, muscle mass vs fat mass etc. I know that I am already seeing a difference in my upper arms and can feel how my muscles have certainly increased. I can’t help but give them a little squeeze now and again – so nice to feel muscle instead of flab.

    Mr GDay and my late father are (and were) also always called by their second name. Seems to be quite common.

    Did anyone watch Insight last night? It was okay, interesting to hear the stories of the guests but I don’t like the format because the presenter just seems to read through a list of pre-determined questions and doesn’t actually interact or respond to the guests comments etc. Tonight is MM’s Australian show – lord knows we can’t forget it because SBS have been plugging it to death the last few weeks. MM was also interviewed by Michael Rowland’s on ABC News Breakfast this morning.

    My 70 hour extended fast went well, no cravings or hunger pains and I could have gone further but decided not to. I guess I’ve been doing them for so long now my body has adjusted. I’m in a constant state of ketosis for quite a while now and the fasts coupled with exercise greatly increase ketone levels – so lots of fat burning – yay !

    I recall saying a few posts back that my home gym was just about complete. I have to confess that I splashed out big time yesterday and bought a cable weight home gym set. It was delivered this morning in 4 large, heavy boxes which I’ve just unpacked and will put together this afternoon (and perhaps well into the evening by the looks of all the individual pieces, nuts bolts etc). Mr GDay just rolled his eyes when said I wanted to get one, but I did get a $200 discount so it was a bargain. I did have one many years ago ( early 90’s I would have bought it) but gave it away when I was pregnant with Miss GDay as I thought I would never use it again but I’m not fussed as the new one is much more modern, contoured seating, better cables and pullies etc. I had to re-arrange the office/gym slightly so I could fit it in and in doing so decided to get rid of some stuff that I’d been hanging onto to years but never use. Mr GDay is delivering them to the OpShop as I type and some he has posted on our local FB Buy Swap and Sell this morning with most of it already sold.

    Last week we hung the boxing bag which I purchased second hand about 2 years ago in the car shed and I also purchased a second hand Power Tower a few weeks back which was in new condition. The tower is too tall to fit into the office/gym and Mr Gday was not too keen on hanging a hook from the ceiling for the boxing bag so I compromised and am happy for them to live in the car shed. I do promise that there will be no more gym equipment purchases…..I promise.

    Well this gym set won’t put itself together so off I go. Can probably guarantee that the construction manual will be written in gibberish so expect a bit of swearing coming from my way.

    Lindsay, that’s funny about Gozo. I keep realising when I’m nowhere near the laptop that I haven’t answered a question you asked many posts back regarding our plans for winter. We are back on the boat, it’s definitely looking and feeling autumnal here. We have a short distance (a tunnel and one set of staircase locks* to conquer) before we reach the marina where the boat is coming out of the water for its hot zinc hull treatment which takes a week. I’ve organised a pet sitting gig nearby for the duration. The boat will go in the same marina Dec-Feb inclusive. We’re hoping to get to the Canary Islands for Jan/Feb.

    *Staircase locks are so-called when the top gate of one lock forms the bottom gate of the next. So once in, you’re committed to completing the entire flight. Great fun.

    Neil thanks for the update on your wife’s surgery. It must be both a relief to know it’s not considered urgent but disquieting to have it hanging over you. Sorry the weather’s not cooperating on your holiday and that you have time to post here while you’re on it! Page 523 – I joined this thread when we were on Page 42.

    Anzac, great motivation for losing weight and, yes, you deserve those great holidays at last. My Perth walking buddy wore one of those step counters and I was always dismayed to discover that our 5km walks didn’t amount to much in the step count. 6000 comes to mind but I may have that wrong.

    Merry, it sounded like you really needed that beach holiday. All the best for getting and staying on track and looking after yourselves as a priority. I’m not a poster girl either Merry. We swore off alcohol for two weeks after Malta and lasted five days. We walked for three hours yesterday and succumbed to a pint of Guinness. I would have happily had a half pint but they had no draught, only huge cans. I first tried for a decaf coffee but they had none of that either.

    GDSA, yay for the 60s.

    Cinque, hi back. Sorry to anyone on the previous page, I never dare go back.

    Greetings everyone,
    Just a quick pop in, Lindsay I hope everything went well today, I have been thinking of you both and sending positive thoughts your way.
    Neil, we have the same problem when we sneak away for a few days, always turns nice for the journey home.
    Thin, I was wondering how you would survive winter on the boat, the Canary Islands sounds much nicer, just hope the volcano has settled down by then.
    Hi to everyone else.


    Here we go again! As a journalist I’ve had plenty of practice at regurgitating lost material but last night when my post disappeared I just couldn’t find the energy to redo it, so I’m back tonight. I took the pic on a recent trip by my new social mountain biking group, the AOK Shark Bell Riders, on Coast Rd between Karitane and Warrington on the lovely coast north of Dunedin, NZ. I’m rapt with how the group is going – initially I would have been happy with a dozen riders but we’re now nudging 30 for each weekly ride, most on e-bikes. They’re a very social group and firm friendships have been made; we have a lot of fun, even though some of the rides I cook up are on the tough side. It’s exactly the sort of group I wanted to join when I retired, and the fact I had to set it up was no prob, as I’ve done this several times before, including one three-day annual event involving 300 riders. We even let in some Aussies and South Africans!
    Anyway, the reason I’m posting is to report on my year of intermittent fasting, as the one-year anniversary came up recently. When I started last year I weighed 107kg and I now tip the scales at 95kg. I was actually stalled at 105-106kg right through winter for some obscure reason, as I was still sticking to the fasting rules. Maybe now summer’s coming I might start losing again, as I’d like to shed another 10kg.
    I’m thrilled I was able to plunge below 100kg quite easily at the start – it was a great feeling. The fact I’m still sticking to the 5:2 intermittent fasting regime proves it’s sustainable. I reckon the beauty of the regime is that when you’re struggling on a fast day as everyone around you gorges themselves on lovely treats you just have to remember – tomorrow, I can eat whatever I want and I’m still losing weight! In my case, it’s anything I desire within reason, as I don’t want to blow all the good work I’ve done on my two fast days each week.
    I’ll leave the last word to some jeans. Jeans? Yes, they can tell a story all by themselves. I cruised down to South Dunedin recently buy some nice jeans. I’ve been wearing 38 inch Levis, held up by a belt, but the shop guy handed me two pairs of Volcoms, one 36in and the other 34in, to try on. 34in?!# I was very sceptical about the small-fit models but guess which ones I walked out with, as they fitted me perfectly. Yes, the 34’s. These Volcoms are made from slightly stretchy fabric (originally so they’d be hard-wearing on the skatepark), which no doubt helped, but I was absolutely rapt.
    So to wrap up, I’m staying with 5:2 fasting, as a reckon I can do it. Tomorrow’s fast day, which means it’s salmon day. And I love hot, smoked salmon . . .

    CharlieG, hi there. Last winter, we had flights booked for the Canaries but, like everyone else, our plans were cancelled. We hadn’t planned to be in the marina with the boat for winter. Building snowmen was all good fun when it was a novelty but I’m not keen on doing that again this winter. We’d be going to Lanzarote but I’d love to see that volcano.

    Cali – yes op shops are definitely a good way to afford the change in clothes sizes – looking forward to that eventuality! Yeah for getting to 67kg again – onwards and downwards  Sounds like you & Lindsay have been both going through a journey of supporting your OH with health issues. So scary. Hope things progress well.

    Thin – in awe – 23kg! Really interesting reading your story of consistently just chipping away and getting the results – fantastic! The narrowboat experience sounds rather romantic and adventurous.

    Cinque – do you have a favourite fast day menu? You’ve been doing this since 2015 – I feel like I’ll be able to glean plenty of tips and wisdom from the long time fasters here!

    Merryme – I like your sign out of Onwards and Downwards and if you fall off the horse get back on. Good encouragement 

    Anzac – you’ve got plenty of holidays to look forward to. Hope that your planned trips go ahead with out any of the delays/changes/hold ups that Covid has provided so far to every day life.

    Gday – you sound so motivated with your exercising. And 70 hour+ fasts! Sounds like it’s paying dividends with your weightloss.

    Jony – scale victories plus the clothes giving some good feedback. I’m looking forward to that … may take some more time before I see that level of change but I just keep telling myself “consistency”.

    Fasting tomorrow. Hope all are doing well

    Morning all. Not a full post, but just to let you know my OH has come through his surgery, and is on the road to recovery. It was, to quote the surgeon, ‘long and difficult’ ….almost 5 hours, with another 3 in recovery. He went in yesterday morning, and was finally taken to his room at around 8 o’clock. It was a difficult day – when he’s had surgery before I’ve waited in the hospital, but this time he was whisked away and I had to go home. The hospital has a tracking system so I could log on and see where he was at, but towards the end of the surgery it sent me a message that they could no longer track the patient, which sent me into a spin. Just technology, but very alarming in my heightened state. I went up briefly when he was in his room and was relieved to see him.

    Thank you all for your kindness and support. It means a lot. xx

    Good morning

    Gday! Celebrations! https://njycamps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/rainbow-colored-fireworks-gif.gif
    Big congratulations for getting into the 60’s.

    I did watch Insight’s show on emotional eating. https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/video/1951253059759/emotional-eating
    I don’t watch Insight often, so I don’t know what it is usually like nowadays, but given how difficult it was for some of those brave people who contributed, I think they were wise to have it so controlled, and the participants being ready for the questions.
    I thought it was really good and thought provoking. They were mainly concentrating on emotional eating when it gets so bad that it is a mental health issue, while at the same time a physical health issue.
    It made me really aware that I have the double whammy of being an emotional eater and also of having that problem with foods that spark the intolerable hunger.

    I was struck most by discussion around ‘restraint’: that you let go of restraint when emotional eating. So that dealing with it, and recovering from it, involves making changes to our lives and eating habits that don’t feel like we are restraining ourselves.

    I can make that work with 5:2, and the other changes I have made to my eating, because I feel that 5:2 is a gift, and eating in a way that is good for my body is a gift. Such precious gifts. (And I have done quite a bit of counselling about my childhood.)
    But I still do have bingey times, smaller, and further apart thank goodness, and it is that wonderful feeling of letting myself eat all I want that is still central to them.

    One participant was a bit different, he explained that whatever he does, he does 100%. He used to work and run, but then had an awful car accident that left him with disability and pain and eating was what he started to do, so he puts 100% into eating haha. He reminded me of you Thin, we need to tell hm about 5:2 so he can put 100% into that.

    (Next stop is to watch the Dr Mosley one)

    Jony, excellent to read your catch up, and big congratulations for those size 34 jeans! https://i1.wp.com/stjosephshighfield.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/celebration-time.jpg?fit=800%2C547&ssl=1
    And fireworks for that 95kg
    Hooray for the success of the bike riding group you brought into existence!
    Enjoy that salmon today! I’m fasting with you.

    Hannah, when I first came to 5:2 I settled on having cuppas with milk in the morning and miso soup in the evening. That is what worked for me (I just couldn’t give up those cuppas with milk)
    But when I need something more (which is quite often now) I have a bowl of low carb veg in the middle of the day.
    Then sometimes I swap it around with other soup or some leftovers maybe, but that has the possibility of undermining me (too much swapping and I lose track!) so I am concentrating on cuppas, veg and miso soup.
    Must go and soak things for that miso soup right now! (dried soy skins, dried mushrooms and seaweed).

    How are you going with choosing what to eat on fast days?

    Ooh I am fasting with you too today! Lovely.

    Thin, it would be so cool to see that volcano! Surely you would see it as you flew in?

    Lindsay, how are you all this morning? I hope it went really well and Mr Lindsay is settled and comfortable as possible. Best wishes.

    LJoyce, how are you going? Sending good wishes your way too.

    And hello to everyone else too. Are you happily home now Merry?


    Greetings to all

    I can’t possibly catch up with all the news but wanted to say to you, Lindsay, that I am very glad to hear that your OH has got through that long and tricky operation safely. All good wishes for his return to strength now. So good to have it over. What amazing work these surgeons do.

    Cinque, I’ve enjoyed just now reading your words about the Insight program on emotional eating. I will catch up with it. Eating is so tied up with emotions for many of us, certainly for me.

    And Thin, it’s nice to have you back and I’m glad your time in Malta was good. And the Canary Islands will be interesting as well as sunny. Sounds like a good plan.

    Anzac, how nice that you could have your Dad over for dinner. And your holiday plans sound terrific – great to do both Fiji and Lord Howe Island. I am just hoping that my DD can come from Sydney to Adelaide for Christmas – she organised her leave months ago and she and her partner and their little dog will drive over and spend three weeks here. Fingers crossed!

    Calif, you have had a tough time with your OH’s health problems. Hope it is smooth sailing now.

    No time to write more but I have enjoyed reading all the bulletins.

    I had a failed FD yesterday. I was crazily tired after two bad nights of sleep. I had still intended to fast but then had a visit from a neighbour who was wanting to talk about whether she should have chemo or not. I made cups of tea and put out biscuits and next thing I knew I had eaten one. And after that it all went downhill! I will be back on the horse on Sunday.


    Hello everyone. I am very behind, but trying to catch up with the posts.

    Lindsay, sending my very best wishes for a speedy recovery to your husband. I hope you and your family can be hopeful and a bit less anxious now.

    CaliD, so very sorry to hear that your husband has had such a hard of it lately, not the mention the stress you must have been under. I hope his improved health continues now.

    Anzac & Thin, how wonderful that you have some travel plans to look forward in a few weeks. I hope you are thoroughly looking forward to the time away.

    Jony, GDSA, Anzac, Cali congratulations on your weight loss.

    Cinque, yes I saw the Insight program and within 5 minutes of just listening to it I found myself standing in front of the pantry looking at my options. Not good that just listening to other people discuss this triggers my own behaviour.

    I’ve had a very slow day today. I had the basal cell carcenoma cut out yesterday so it’s a bit sore today. I’ve been told to keep my arm elevated on a pillow – that I can cope with, even though it means clumsily using the ipad one-handed. It’s the not getting it wet (which means no shower) for 48 hours that I’m grumpy about – even with being able to wash using the hand basin I just don’t feel clean (and refreshed) without at least one shower a day. It’s going to be an interesting scar as it goes completely across my forearm and if I don’t tilt my arm to the side, it makes it look like the whole hand has been transplanted – I’ll look like Frankenstein’s monster. It could have been worse, at least it’s not across my neck.

    I am continuing with restricted eating and trying to stay as close to 800 calories as I can manage each day. While I’m losing weight, it’s painfully slow – 0.2-0.3kg per week. It feels like a lot of deprivation for a small result. If I could get my TDEE up a bit it would help, but I’m finding it difficult to do as many steps as I’d like at present. I can manage 6000-8000 steps most days, but I need to be over 10000 every day to get my TDEE up to a reasonable level. This week I reduced my food choices to mostly veg and fruit, with a little dairy and egg. I always seem to find it’s easier to keep my daily calories restrained if I have less to choose from.

    Hello to everyone I haven’t mentioned. I hope you are all having a good day.

    Good evening all.

    Finally back after a short hiatus. It’s been an interesting past week, with pluses and minuses.
    One plus – a really good talk with one of my supervisors where he set out some structured steps to follow, which helped my motivation. Second plus – I finally phoned a friend about setting up my desktop computer properly, we linked up using something called Teamviewer where he could access my computer remotely, and voila! Two hours later the desktop was set up and running properly.
    Minus – woke one morning last week hardly able to support my weight on my left leg – knee problem. I was walking with crutches for a few days, but with medications and physio, now in much less pain. Still can’t fully straighten the leg, but so much better than before. MRI scheduled for next Monday, see an orthopaedic surgeon for review on the 26th.

    Weight? Creeping ever so slowly downwards, but I won’t believe it until there is a clear 2 kg loss. I haven’t been fasting, but have had several lower calorie days.

    LindsayL Hoping you’ll now see rapid recovery in MrL, and that the general stress will be less.

    CalifDreamer, Glad that it seems as if your OH has come out the other side of his recent health challenge. Hope it all goes well.

    Anzac65, LHI AND Fiji! You deserve them, and I hope they both come to pass.

    Thin, Hope you negotiate the next lot of step locks, and that the narrow boat is successfully treated so you can depart for your Canary Island holiday with a light heart.

    Jony, Great that you’ve set up a bike club that is working so well, and hope that your weight loss continues now that summer is approaching.

    GDayfromSA, yay for the scales moving downwards for you.
    Home gym? Hmmm. I also have a few pieces of gym equipment. My treadmill sadly was an unfortunate purchase, as I find I prefer to vary my speed as suits me, not being forced to conform to the treadmill’s speed. However, I love my cross-trainer and rower, not so sure about my stationary cycle as it seems to stress my knees a bit. Haven’t thought of a home gym to strengthen all the various muscles, but I literally have no more room to put anything, so will be giving that idea a miss. Hope yours gets set up without too much aggravation, and does you proud.

    LJoyce, glad you seem to be much better. That’s a relief.

    Helen Kate, good that you’re persevering with your weight loss. Hope Saturday goes well.

    Neilithicman, what a pain that the weather is only going to improve for your return home. How did your boys cope?

    Hannah T3, you’ll enjoy your op shop browsing/ buying. It’s one of the things LJoyce is very good at, finding excellent bargains.

    Merryme, glad you had several days away, by yourself, to recoup.

    Cinque, we have less than 3 weeks to go, to be out of lockdown! So glad! I really want to go to a couple of op shops, as I have bags and bags of donations. I’ll probably take the clothes to the Salvos and the books and other bibs and bobs to Savers.

    By the way, did you watch the first episode of the 3-week Dr M show on SBS last night? I was very concerned about DrM. After only 17 days with some junk food, some normal food in his diet (he didn’t show the normal food, but said he was eating some) he was already almost diabetic according to his blood sugar reading. With his family background and health history, he really shouldn’t be challenging his body with foods that it doesn’t properly cope with.
    Sure, it’s an excellent illustration of the dangers of the excessive junk food consumption of many overweight Aussies, but really? Last time he did that, on a BBC show, I think, his GP wife made him stop after some weeks because of what it was doing to him, but in only 17 days?
    I feel he’s really now risking his own health by participating the way he does. What do others think about it?

    Okay, the program will still be interesting, in seeing how the participants’ weights, sugars, etc., turn around. It’s all encouraging.

    And more than enough from me. Sleep well, everyone.

    Forgot to mention – lovely to see MerryMe’s post.

    Lindsay, great news on OH. Such a relief for you. And us.

    LJ, how much weight are you hoping to lose now? It does sound slow but downward is downward and that’s all we ever need. You will do it.

    Jony, great catch up and summary thank you. Your post was definitely not there when I last posted. Frustrating plateau but good for you for keeping with it. Yes, great mantra, ‘tomorrow I can eat anything and still lose weight’. And those yummy treats aren’t always as good as they look. In particular, I find cake rarely lives up to its tempting appearance.

    Betsy, good to have you back. Sorry for your health issues though.

    HK, hello to you. Losing the weight was the easy part. Maintenance is a different story. Sorry for your friend who might require chemo, that’s a tough one.

    Cinque, hello, oh dear, battery power is going, going, …..

    Quick post as I’m waiting for a webinar to start for my fitness studies.

    LJoyce, all the best for a speedy recovery and getting back into the shower. Miss GDay is the same, absolutely has to have a shower every day.

    Betsy, being a guinea pig is what MM does which I suspect is part of the reason for his success and popularity. If there is a point to prove then he is willing to put himself through whatever is required to show people the truth. He is always closely monitored to ensure he is not putting himself at too higher risk and I think Clare just goes with the flow now as he has been doing this for so long. I do admire him for what he does, not too many would be prepared to do it. I’m looking forward to next weeks episode.

    The home gym is all setup and is so much better than the one I had many years ago. It took me 7 hours to put together but there was no swearing involved despite a few steps missing on the instructions and a couple of left over parts at the end (again, not on the instructions) which was a bit annoying because I had to undo a few components to put those parts on.

    I have missed reading a few posts here and there so hope everyone is travelling well.
    Must go, webinar starts in a few mins.

    Good morning everyone,
    I was on grandma duty yesterday morning, and recovering the rest of the day. Which was annoying as I missed your post Lindsay, it hadn’t come through when I posted mine on Thursday morning. And I was so keen to let you know my relief that Mr Lindsay’s op was done and he was finally in his room.
    Such a long time in surgery and recovery, but what extraordinary work they must have done.
    How is he now? I know nothing about throat surgery, does he have to put up with a tube down his throat while everything is healing? Oo that would be hard.

    Helen Kate, bad sleep is just terrible at ruining our ability to eat properly, let alone fast. We are hungrier, hungry for the wrongest things, and less able to stop. Hooray for a new fast day coming up tomorrow!
    Have you had better sleeps now?

    I do hope that BCC scar is healing well. It will look like a silver bracelet when it fades!
    You must be pretty well up to shower time now, so enjoy!
    I share your frustration that losing weight is so much harder. Do you think it is aging? I fear it is.
    I think part of mine is that my CFS has been so much worse the last couple of years, so I am even more sedentary than usual. But I did walk around the block on Friday and play ball with my granddaughter yesterday and feel well enough today to do another walk, I think, so maybe that will help.

    You could have been one of the brave people on Insight. Did you have to turn the program off?

    Betsy, hooray for that supervisor giving you such great practical help. There is nothing like a clear structure to make the impossible become do-able.

    But Oh no, your poor knee. How is it now?

    So glad your weight is creeping downwards. Keep on keeping on!

    Haha yes, the op shops will be inundated with so much stuff! Hopefully they will be better prepared for it this time. And what a bonanza for op shoppers. I have stuff to donate too, and quite a few things I have got sick of and I am excited to have the luxury of replacing them.

    I have watched the (first) Dr Mosley one now. I went in prepared to be almost too irritated to watch it, but his 17 day junkfood spree aside, I thought it was really good at highlighting the lives of the people involved.
    Also it was great that the Indigenous worker is so involved, I really like him. And a good serve to Diabetes Australia and the Australian Dietary Guidelines saying they need to update. Infact Diabetes Australia has now put out its statement about reversing Diabetes 2 which is good and the Australian Dietary Guidelines are in the process of updating their advice.
    I do think his take on what should change was pretty right too.
    I am keen to see the next episodes.

    Guess what, I am (finally!) making Thin’s cauliflower soup recipe. All cooked, just waiting to cool down to blend. Made with my own chicken stock too.
    Also I went shopping in the Indian grocery and the SE Asian grocery and came home with so many treats including more white fungus and bamboo shoot strips that I have never tried before (miso soup tomorrow!).

    Sending best wishes to everyone

    Cinque, I’m fasting today so I won’t be joining you tomorrow. DD is coming for the weekend so I’m making the chicken and bacon casserole tonight for the first time since we left Perth when I used to make it as a family FD meal (adding rice to theirs). Let me know how the cauliflower soup works out. I like the way you described your shopping as treats – lovely, healthy ones.

    I can’t comment on the MM shows as I’ve not seen any TV. What sort of rubbish foods has he been eating? Re: Insight, I always thought the topics were great but didn’t like the format and Jenny Brocke’s accent got on my nerves (the way she over pronounces the ‘T’ at the end of a word). I know it’s a silly thing but one of those that completely distracts me from what’s actually being said.

    Hello everyone.

    Welcome news from NSW and Victoria, with vaccine rates up and restrictions eased to make life a little easier on those of you in those states.

    I’ve been doing a bit better with my daily low cal plan since I limited my food choices 6 days ago. Funny how limiting my food options always makes eating less so much easier. When I can’t have whatever I fancy and just have to eat more of the same limited food range, it’s easy to decide that actually I don’t want a snack and occasionally I don’t even want to eat a planned meal. What that proves to me is that too much of my eating is usually not about hunger, just a desire for food.

    My arm is healing and much less painful, but I have had to put all the bandages back on to protect it, as a collision with the bench
    top started it bleeding again yesterday. So I put a pad of clean gauze over the area and wrapped it up again to provide a collision buffer.

    Betsy, how is your knee? It sounds painful and a bit worrying as what might be the cause. Having had my share of knee issues, my mind is going to all the possibilities.Hopefully the MRI will give you a good idea of what is going on. Just remember that an orthopaedic surgeon has only one treatment tool at their disposal – surgery. That doesn’t always mean it’s your only option, especially in the short to medium term. It’s good that physio treatment is helping as that may indicate that a less invasive solution might be possible.
    How is Wilbur doing, back to his old self after that infection I hope?

    GDSA & Cinque, that first shower was wonderful, thankyou.

    GDSA, I imagine after 7 hours of hard work setting up the gym you didn’t actually need to use it to get a workout.

    Lindsay, I hope your husband is recovering well and that the hospital rules allow for you to spend time with him while he is in hospital.

    Thin, you may be pleased to know that from November Australian residents and citizens can come home much more freely as long as they are vaccinated. NSW won’t require any quarantine period at all for returning vaccinated Aussies – although I don’t like your chances of getting back to Perth under similar rules any time soon. Not that you need to rush, the Canary Islands sounds nicer – and cheaper.
    You asked about how much I want to lose. I must get back under 80kg. A few weeks back my weight had ballooned up to 86 and I’m almost back to 84 now. I do prefer to be in the mid-70s but to be honest, for me almost all of the major health markers (BP, cholesterol, blood sugar etc) are excellent if I’m under 80, aiming for less is more about vanity than health. The only health issue that benefits from me being as light as possible is reducing the weight on my joints. That is also important, so in the long term I would like to get back to where I was a couple of years ago, before all the weight yoyoing that came with covid.

    Cinque, I love your delight in finding healthy treats and inventive ways to use them in your meals. Was the cauliflower soup good? I must admit I have an excellent Mollie Katzen cauliflower cheese soup recipe that I make when I’m in a cauliflower mood, so I tend to ignore other cauli soup options.
    No I didn’t turn Insight off and I did manage to pull my head out of the pantry without doing much damage (just a dried nectarine).
    Some dietitians are ahead of the pack when it comes to diabetes. My cousin’s daughter is just 31 and with a family history of diabetes was overweight (but not obese) and already pre-diabetic. She found a dietitian that put her on a low carb diet to get her weight down and to try and reverse her diabetes risk. It took less than 4 months for her to lose the weight and she is no longer pre-diabetic. She did find the really strict limitations in carbs quite a challenge in daily life, although the dietitian has now increased her daily limit quite a bit which helps.
    I think with diets the thinking always seems to be that one plan fit should fit everyone, but I don’t believe that. I think we, as a society, need to stop arguing about which diet is the one and only right one – it’s the wrong question, as there isn’t one right diet for everyone (didn’t the CSIRO already prove that a decade ago). I think the right question is which diet is right for you – I think that answer to that is personal to each person with health issues, who is trying to find a sustainable path back to good health.
    I’m sure you are right that losing weight gets harder as we age – the question I’ve pondered is why. I think it’s partly that our TDEE declines with age, so we need to eat less each year, but most of us don’t make that adjustment. I also think that over time we can acquire more health issue that reduce our activity levels, which lowers our TDEE even more. Finally I suspect there is the psychological effect of dieting fatigue, when we are attempting to lose those few kilos we regained yet again, it gets harder to keep repeating that.

    Helen, I hope that sleepless night was not repeated. Lack of sleep can have such a direct impact on poor food choices as our body attempts to convince us it needs quick energy as it’s not properly rested.

    I am looking forward to going for a walk with a friend in the Wetlands area in Oaklands Park. I normally just walk around the neighbouring streets, so a change of scene is always welcome. We went to Mount Barker the week before last and walked along their linear park walkway which ends with a large wetlands area. It reminded me that I hadn’t walked around the wetlands near here in quite a while. I rarely venture there in the cold wet weather. I find it more inviting in the warmer fine weather, when the presence of a cool breeze across the water and the shade of many trees is so welcome.

    I hope you are all having a good Sunday. Take care.

    Good morning all 🙂

    Lindsay, I can only imagine the feeling of panic when your OH was in surgery and they couldn’t track him momentarily! So glad to hear that he is doing well and you can visit him. Hope he is progressing well in recovery.

    Cinque – you FD sound super low cal. I haven’t made miso soup but it seems another staple of the fasting community. I see you made Thin’s cauliflower soup – what did you think? I love it – it now makes it into every FD – generally my lunch after just coffee in the morniing and generally something with eggs or salmon in the evening.

    Helen – did you get back on the horse on Sunday? There is something about sharing in other people’s stories/hard stuff that really can have an affect on our own choices too eh. Hopefully your friend knows she is well supported by you through this decision making process. So many tough things in life.

    Ljoyce – I hope you are enjoying those walks – they sound lovely. I love going around Hagley park here in Christchurch. It’s such a mood booster when I get a proper walk in.

    Betsylee – how’s the knee feeling?

    Gday – have started watching the Australia’s Health Revolution (was tricky at first to get access as I’m not in Australia) – really enjoying it so far. Very sobering! Like you I admire MM and his willingness to approach hard subjects.

    Had a great weekend – OH and I got a couple of dump runs done and lots of gardening. It makes our outdoors look and feel so much fresher. It feels great to have a productive weekend and actually see the progress made. Off to work now, a long day but will hopefully make the fast go quickly!

    Have a great week all 🙂

    Morning all

    Well holiday was good and bad, The weather improved so our holiday in central went well, we had a great trip to Wanaka and Cromwell and a lovely stop in St Bathans at the way home and did several nice rides round Alexandra and Clyde. Then the day I got home I got sick and spent the whole of Saturday lying around the house feeling sorry for myself. Sunday I was feeling better and got a lot done in the garden, but then when I was helping my sister top one of her trees I slipped with my pruning saw and gave myself a nasty cut around the back of my finger. Oh well, I’m back at work now. I decided not to take my boys on the cycle trail after riding half of it and seeing that some parts of it were pretty dicey, and my boys aren’t confident cyclists. Luckily it’s labour weekend this weekend so I’m going back to ride it by myself.

    Well have a great day everyone, I’ll try to catch up on the posts tonight.

    Hello everyone,
    I forgot that Sunday doesn’t work so well for me fasting these days, but then I remembered and so neatly changed my fast day to today.
    And of course school and kinder for my grandkids are back on Friday this week, so I can change it back again!
    Life keeps me in a whirl. 😉

    Thin, Dr Mosley’s junk food was just what your would expect eating from remote WA roadhouses. 😀

    Ouch LJ, I hope your healing wrist can avoid banging into things for a while.
    Hooray your limited options plan is working. I’m going to think about trying that plan too.
    Thanks for that run down on diets and aging, such a good comprehensive consideration.

    I am enjoying the cauliflower soup.

    Hannah I made my fast days really low cal partly because I don’t count calories so I wanted to be sure it was less than 500 once, and then not have to think about it again. I do feel fine about 800cal fast days but on the other hand, sometimes my cuppas with milk and large in number and it adds up.

    I hope your fast day goes wonderfully!

    Neil, I am glad it was just one crook day. Best wishes and what a great weekend to look forward to.

    Lindsay, how is MrL going? Cali, how is MrCali going? Merry, how are you?

    Sending best wishes

    Lindsay, sorry you had to endure all that stress with MrL’s surgery. I can only imagine your panic when you lost the electronic notifications. I hope his recovery is going well and that he’s comfortable. Take care of yourself and try to relax as much as possible. Hugs to you.

    Hi all
    Calif, thank you for your thoughts. Hope you are getting back to a more settled life, after what you’ve been through.

    Thank you too Cinque, Anzac, LJ, Hannah, Betsy, Charlie, Helen, Thin, for your good wishes (and others too…I’m sorry if momentarily your names have slipped from my mind).

    LJ I was lucky that hospital lockdown ended the day before his surgery, so I was able to visit.

    So glad for you all in lock-down that the vac numbers are up, and you’ll be able to get your lives back soon.

    I’ve just heard Queensland will reopen for Christmas. If only we could get our vac rates up too – we live with the sunshine factor …sun shining, north queenslanders and islanders (eg on my island) never having experienced a case, don’t see the urgency.

    I have a question about the good Dr M. He’s been trumpeting for a while now how it is possible to cure diabetes (although many doctors disagree). So, if his diabetes was cured, why after only a couple of weeks has his fbs shot to prediabetic levels? Surely that indicates his diabetes is in remission, not cured. I find it quite unsettling, because while he is doing great work in the Indigenous communities in particular, without the message that constant vigilance will be required, the diabetics could easily revert to previous habits, after normalising their blood sugar. Perhaps all will be revealed in the next two problems. But I feel quite disappointed with the first episode. I also felt it was misleading to put the tropical fruits on the ‘bad’ side of the diet board. Yes, too much sugar for those who tend towards overweight or diabetes. But good fibre and vitamins that make these fruits fine for people like my OH, who could eat a mango every day without a problem.

    My news isn’t great. OH came home Friday afternoon. Then I had a phone call from his surgeon, to say that the pathology had detected cancer….they couldn’t identify where. So currently we are waiting for the results of specialised tests that had to be done in Sydney, before we know if it is thyroid cancer, or metastisis. Waiting, waiting.

    two programs of course, not two problems.

    Oh Lindsay,
    Sending more hugs and healing thoughts your way, Mr L is certainly coping it on all fronts at present.
    So brave of you to share it all with us, I do hope the sharing helps you.
    Cinque, glad you are enjoying the cauliflower soup, I made some two weeks back, and added a leek that was lying around taking up room in the fridge, it was so good, it gave me a week off thinking about fast day meals.
    OH is cruising now he has got into TWOL. He dropped half a kilo last week, me, I am fighting another plateau, even though I have given up all carbs except the odd apple, banana or brown pear, and usually it is only half as I give the rest to OH.
    Today’s fast though I started right on last low number, so expecting improvements for tomorrow.
    Have a great week everyone, off the get the washing in before we get more rain.
    Cheers, Charlie.

    Lindsay, I’m really sorry to hear about you OH, I hope the doctors can track down the cancer and that it is a form that’s easily treated, Thinking of you with fingers, toes and everything crossed. The waiting must be really hard.

    We had some good news on the vaccination front over here. The government ran a “Vaxathon” on Saturday to try to get as many people in the country vaccinated as possible, and over 130,000 people got vaccinated in one day. My town now has over 90% of the population with at least one vaccination and almost 70% double vaccinated. It is good signs, but as they said the rate will slow down now because the last 10% are all the sceptical and the anti-vaxers so it will be a real struggle to get much higher than we are. But we should be able to get everyone else who has received at least one dose double jabbed by the end of the year. It will be great to have at least 90% of the population double vaccinated.

    My holiday was a real mixed bag on the health and fitness front. I got plenty of exercise with 3 rides of over an hour and plenty of walking, but the eating was up and down. Lots of travelling means a lot of convenience food so we got a pie on the way up to Clyde and I got morning tea a couple of times after my ride, then on the last night we went out to dinner and the pub had absolutely massive portions. I’m not expecting too much movement on the scales this week.

    Well have a good day everyone, I hope everyone is doing well.

    Hello everyone,
    Just on midday here and I have a nice pot of miso soup on the stovetop.

    Charlie, those $@*! plateaus! Cheeky Mr Charlie cruising through! But you will get there! I hope today is a good day.

    Neil, oh dear! Those massive pub portions are a trap.
    Well done NZ and vaccinating. Hopefully you will be like Australia where a lot of vaccine hesitant people have changed their mind as time goes on, as work sectors and businesses mandate vaccinations and as they realise what they will be shut out from. Hesitancy has gone from 10% to about 2% here I heard.

    Lindsay, good points about Dr Mosley. My BIL has just been diagnosed with Diabetes 2 but I know he and my sister won’t be watching this show because Dr Mosley irritates them so much!

    I am so dreadfully sorry to hear they have detected cancer in Mr Lindsay. I am echoing everything Neil has said. My fingers and toes are hurting they are crossed so tight.

    Best wishes to everyone

    Lindsay, I am so sorry to hear about MrL’s pathology results. I will keep everything crossed that they locate and treat the cancer quickly.

    A quick update from me. I have my pathology results now. The doctor confirmed it was a skin cancer and that they got a good margin of healthy cells, which should prevent it regrowing.

    Take care everyone, I’ll try to post more later.

    Hello all…and thank you Neil, LJ and Cinque for your all body parts crossed! Alas, to no avail.
    There is cancer in his throat, a secondary kidney cancer which has metatisised. Highly unusual, and one of the reasons the surgery was so difficult. The surgeon immediately organised an oncologist who stressed the seriousness of the situation, and has already begun a course of oral treatment, as a first line of attack. Four weeks on, two weeks off, then the same again, then another PET scan. If I can see a light, it is that we have had the very best and kindest of medical care, and we were able to get an immediate appointment. So we have a plan of action, as it were, and there is some comfort in that.

    LJ good news that the skin cancer is unlikely to regrow.

    I am exhausted, to be honest, and won’t write any more. I’ll read if I don’t post often …and I won’t go away.

    thank you friends.

    Lindsay, I’m sorry it’s not better news, but pleased that they are commencing treatment so swiftly. Sending you a big virtual hug.

    Have just caught up with a few recent posts and reading with interest.

    Lindsay, this is mostly for you. Firstly, there was a little humour in your post last week about tracking OH’s hospital movements – it made me smile as I was tracking Amazon packages at the time and thought ‘how times have changed’. But not so funny when your precious package (OH) couldn’t be located for a while. I’m so sorry to read your most recent posts that cancer has been discovered. Thank you for keeping us informed, these are difficult times for you both so it’s appreciated whenever you feel like it and understood when you don’t. It’s comforting to learn that OH is in such good hands and I wish you both all the very best.

    Lindsay, re: Dr MM, I haven’t seen the show. My understanding of Dr M’s claim was that diabetes could be reversed through fasting and diet, not cured. So the minute the patient reverts to rubbish foods, diabetes returns.

    Cinque, thanks for conjuring up a horrible see-through oven on a roadhouse counter with warmish, yellow looking deep-fried things like corn dogs and meat pie floaters. OH had to attend a hospital for some tests yesterday. Deep within the actual out-patient department was a shop, “Friends of Whatever” selling the most appalling array of snack foods imaginable. Quite an incredible paradox when what we eat has such a bearing on our health. On the other hand, the care and efficiency of the NHS staff was exemplary.

    Neil, it’s so challenging to eat well on the road.

    On the tracking subject, we now have supermarkets in England where you can simply select and walk out with your groceries without ever going through a till. Cameras and weight sensors determine what you’ve taken and charge you through an app as you leave the shop.

    LJ, I will go back to your earlier posts to discover what kind of skin cancer you had and where.

    LJ, OK, BCC on your forearm. Not terrible news. Wish I’d seen the post earlier as I could have mentioned a plastic bag over the offending area with surgical tape around the circumference at each end would have allowed a good shower – they should have told you that.

    LJ, yes I’ve been closely following McGowan’s stand on the border. Our friends in WA seem so taken in, hook, line and sinker despite his ‘stuck in 2020 time warp covid thinking’. Preventing Western Australians from leaving has delivered economic benefits to the State and he’s used this economic capital for political gain, ignoring the public health issue. All well and good if he’d used the time to get people vaccinated (still only 55% dbl jabbed in WA). Unfortunately, in five years in office he’s still done nothing to address ambulance ramping. And that’s with 0 covid cases. So WA is totally ill-equipped to deal with the inevitable. The Australian media has been irresponsible with its reporting but I see the tide turning.

    Lindsay I’m so sorry to hear that. By all means take some time out to process the news, but know that we’re all here to offer support if you need it.

    For my weigh in, I guess the bad cancelled out the good work from the last week because I’m still hovering around the same weight I’ve been for the last couple of months. Just over 100kg but just under 101kg.

    Well I hope you all have a good day, especially you Lindsay, it seems like you need a couple of small wins at the moment. Hugs.

    Lindsay, I wish I was there to give you a big hug. The fact that they are starting treatment so quickly means that there is hope and they are getting on it right away.I’m glad to hear that he has the best and kindest doctors. That is a huge, both for him and for you. Does the hospital have a nutritionist? Sometimes they have good suggestions and it’s something you can feel like you have a little control over when everything else seems out of your hands. Even if you’re not posting, we’ll know you’re here and we’ll be sending positive thoughts your way.

    Hi Lindsay,
    So sorry to hear your news, sending you all the hugs that you and Mr Lindsay need.
    So good that he has already started his treatment, and we hope it all goes well.
    All the best for the future,.

    Hello everyone,

    Lindsay, such awful news. So glad there is a plan that Mr L can concentrate on following. I’m so glad he has you for support, and his wider family too. Sending continuing best wishes and all power to the treatments.

    LJoyce hooray for that scar, and what it signifies.

    I’ve been thinking of your limited food strategy and decided mine is to stick to protein and veggies this week. I’ve put aside all my recipes I want to try (which is a bit of relief as I have been so low on energy lately) and just plain cooked veggies and meat for a week. Simple is good!

    I watched the second of the Dr Mosley program, and enjoyed Living Black, which followed it, where they interviewed Ray Kelly, the co-presenter.
    They weren’t very nice about mangoes Lindsay!
    But I really enjoyed seeing how the participants were coming along.
    And I did appreciate the serve Mosley gave the politician Chris Bowen for his response to action like a sugar tax. Bowen was in classic politician mode.

    Must go,
    best wishes everyone

    Hello friends

    Lindsay, I am so sorry to hear the terrible news about your OH. I do hope with every fibre that they can get on top of it. Please know we are all thinking of you and sending positive and healing thoughts

    Work is crazy again and something really horrible happened at the end of last week that sent me spiralling into comfort/stress eating. Put on a kilo of the 1.6 I’d lost but a very good FD yesterday saw a whole 700g disappear

    I have read all of your lovely posts but no time to comment. Take care

    LJ, thanks for answering my question about how much weight you wanted to lose. I hope you soon get back under 80kg. Who was it that said ‘you can never be too rich or too thin’? My knees suffered from all those steps in Malta. Even carrying a heavy bag of groceries up or down steps can be felt in my knee joints. I’m so happy that I no longer have that constant pain from carrying an extra 25kg around permanently.

    Hi All,

    Sending hugs to Lindsay and Mr Lindsay and that the speedy reaction to the diagnosis lends to a positive outcome xx.

    I agree with Thin on MM about his stance on diabetes, unless he stated something different in his latest tv show that I missed, he always talks about reversing not curing diabetes. He is certainly correct in saying that eating tropical fruits (and most fruits for that matter) besides apples (in moderation) and berries are not good options for those wanting to lose weight or bring their blood sugar levels down due to the high natural sugar content. For those in these 2 categories, its not worth consuming fruits for the fibre content as the sugar content will only hinder their weight loss/blood sugar reduction goals, plus there is plenty more fibre to be had from vegies. Once their goals have been achieved, then its okay to add fruits back into the diet, but again, in moderation.

    Cinque, I haven’t watched the Living Black episode yet but intending to do so on SBS on Demand, so glad you have given it a good review.

    I’m doing a 36 hour fast at the moment in preparation for my big day of cooking tomorrow to re-stock the freezer. On Wednesday I made 3 big pots of stew/curry – one made to Miss GDays liking (meat, potato, carrot and pumpkin) and the other to Mr GDays liking (same as Miss GDays but with the addition of cauliflower and chickpeas) all packed into single serves and frozen. The 3rd pot is the same concoction to Miss Gdays but with the vegies diced very small and the consistency a lot thicker – this batch will be made into meat pies tomorrow.

    As well as the meat pies, I will make a huge pot of spaghetti bolognaise and a couple of lasagnes to freeze and hopefully I will have enough time before school pick up to make Clare Mosley’s zucchini cake which I made last month and was absolutely delicious.

    Weight is still heading downwards and I was quite pleased when I took my monthly body measurements this morning – I’ve lost 1-2 cms across all measurements, with the exception of my upper arms which was expected due to my increase in strength training. I’ve written myself a new strength training routine which is more balanced to the upper and lower body as I have been focusing too much on the upper body for the last few months.

    Mr Gday is wanting to buy a wood fired pizza oven for our outdoor area because our chimnea can only fit one small pizza at a time. Great idea but too many pizza’s is not going to help the waistline but I guess it can be used to cook many other foods that are more in line with eating healthy.

    Must go and lift some weights before Miss GDay becomes hungry again and wants a feed – that girl has a bottomless pit for stomach at the moment.

    Oh I forgot to say that I don’t intend to be eating the high carb foods that I’m cooking for the freezer. They are for the rest of the household to have their ‘carb hit’ while I’m on my fasting days, plus I don’t have to cook while fasting, only re-heat. But I will need to do a bit of ‘taste testing’ while cooking so I’m fasting today in preparation for the small carb hit tomorrow.

    Evening all

    I thought I’d better find time to post tonight as the next few days will be very busy, culminating in a family dinner for 10 on Sunday – first one I’ve done in months. It will be a big test of coping with a meal that deviates from my diet plan.

    Thin, I seem to remember that quote was from Jackie Kennedy-Onassis.

    GDSA, sounds like you have the bulk cooking routine sorted.

    Anzac, good to hear you were able to put the comfort eating behind you – not easy to do when you are so stressed.

    Neil, glad your weight is still coming down.

    Cinque, your new eating plans sounds a lot like mine – except for the meat – I’m using mainly legumes and eggs as my protein. It’s working too, my weight is dropping faster on this plan. With so few choices I’ve lost interest in food.

    I don’t know what nutrition data DrMM is using, but I don’t understand why he keeps recommending apples as being low in sugar. I even went back and double checked the data in Nuttab (the complete nutrition data from Food Standards Aus & NZ). https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/science/monitoringnutrients/afcd/Pages/foodsearch.aspx

    Per 100g apples have 10.3-12.2g sugar. Not surprisingly it the sour granny smiths that are 10.3 and pink lady (Australia’s most popular apple variety) is the highest at 12.2g However unless you are buying the bags of tiny 100g apples intended for school lunchboxes your apples will be considerably larger than 100g. These days, most apples sold loose in supermarkets or green grocers are large and 180-200g, which means you are getting more like 20+g sugar per apple.
    As a comparison, 100g peeled watermelon has 7g sugar and pineapple 8.2g sugar – according to DrMM they are bad for diabetics and they should be eating apples instead. This is the data for pink lady apples: https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/science/monitoringnutrients/afcd/Pages/fooddetails.aspx?PFKID=F000105 What am I missing? Is it to do with something other than the total sugar content?

    I agree with his recommendation of berries, they are 3.8-9.2 grams sugar per 100g (strawberries are lowest at 3.8 and blueberries the highest at 9.2).

    Instead of apples I think he should be recommending stone fruits (all under 10g per 100g) or melons (all 7g or less per 100g).

    I’ll get off my high horse now, I don’t take kindly to documentary makers who don’t get their facts straight.

    Hello to everyone else.
    Take care all, I’ll post again in a few days.

    Morning all

    Ljoyce, I’m not sure, but I think it’s possibly because apples have more fibre than other fruits (2.4 grams per 100g) so it helps regulate your blood sugar, since fibre slows your absorption of sugar. Fruit like watermelon and grapes especially are mostly just water and sugar so you eat them and you’ll get the big blood sugar spike. That’s also why the recommendation is to eat whole fruit rather than drinking juice where you get the sugar and calories of the fruit without the fibre.

    Personally I prefer gold kiwifruit, they have really high fibre (3.3g per 100g) they have the added bonus of having enzymes that aid with your digestion of proteins. I eat a couple a day, but I’ve had to cut back to one a day at the moment because the ones we’ve been getting in the supermarket are absolutely massive. They’re about the size of apples, I weighed the biggest one and it was 220g.

    Gday, congrats on you progress, sounds like you’ll be giving the Rock a run for his money with your guns now 😉

    Thin, I don’t know about being too rich, but you can definitely be too thin.

    Anzac, sorry to hear about the issue you had. Hopefully it’s better now?

    Cinque, if you want a break from the monotony of meat and veg then eggs and high protein cheeses like Haloumi and cottage cheese are good for a break

    Well I’m off this weekend to ride the Dunstan trail that I missed out on riding in my holiday last week. I’m not sure if I mentioned it, but I was going to take my boys on the trail, but when I rode half of it while they were sleeping I found that some of it was pretty dicey, a grade 3 track with narrow bits that drop straight down to the lake. So I’m going to drive up and ride it on Saturday, stay the night and then ride back on Sunday.

    Have a great long weekend everyone (if you guys also have Labour Weekend at the same time as us.

    Good morning on a rainy Saturday here,

    I have just thinned out my lettuces which has given me a salad spinner full of baby lettuce leaves to have with everything for a few days!

    I’m going okay with food, but my kitchen is nearly bare so I hope I can get to the shops early tomorrow morning. I will buy some halloumi, Neil (which rather goes against trying to make food a bit boring 😀 but I will be at the shop that has really good stuff).

    Actually that reminder to be boring has made me decide to put off the shopping until Monday, with my pantry and garden I can easily last.

    Anzac, I am so sorry something really horrible happened to you, or near you. I do hope it hasn’t had ongoing consequences. It must have been really stressful, well done from recovering from that comfort eating binge so well.
    I hope you are able to have an easy weekend and really look after your health.
    Sending lots of good wishes

    Thin, I do hope your knees have recovered, and yes hooray there wasn’t an extra 25kg to carry.

    Gday, I hope the cooking all went wonderfully and that your freezer is now stocked with delicious food.
    Lovely body measurements! Woot! Keep going 🙂

    LJoyce, hoping you manage your busy days well I hope it is enjoyable and exciting to cook for ten and everything goes deliciously.

    Re Doctor Mosley and apples, my theory is that he has over simplified the research that shows tropical fruits are generally sweeter that fruits from temperate zones. He was whittling it down to ‘apples are better than pineapples. Your recommendations are much better!

    I’m not sure fibre makes that much difference with Diabetes 2
    In this interview the diabetes specialist says better to eat 6 punnets of strawberries than a banana! https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/overnights/diabetes/13533726?sf249480286=1&fbclid=IwAR1O3uVr6DIi1bolxM3lVZFi758-z6Y2Ydcg57g3yX9CIJfk_QoyzZEjMW0

    Wo Neil, huge kiwi fruit!

    I do hope you are out having a great ride

    Best wishes to everyone, Lindsays <3,

    Dear all

    A Fast Day for me today and time I sent a quick message to the group. I enjoy reading all the messages even though I don’t post very much.

    Lindsay, I’m thinking of you often, as everyone is. A hard and worrying time. So good that you have a good family and good doctors, and a fine dog to give love and laughs..

    I am happy for all the Sydney people and the Victorians who are emerging from lockdown. My stepson in Melbourne is so happy that he says he’s had a couple of cries. Tomorrow he and his wife will be having their three children and their partners and their dogs over for a big pancake breakfast and a celebration.

    My DD in Sydney is enjoying the greater freedom but not the way traffic is now back to normal! I am hoping that she and her partner will be over here for Christmas. Fingers crossed.

    I am sticking pretty well to the FDs. The non-FDs are more variable. Sometimes there’s moderation and control and sometimes there is not. On the whole I think there is progress.

    Neil, hope you are having a wonderful ride this weekend. Sounds pretty exciting.

    Anzac, I’m sorry work is so stressful and that there was a horrible event. I think you are doing well to only occasionally resort to some comfort eating – I would have my head in a giant bag of potato crisps like a horse with a nose-bag. Hope things ease up for you.

    LJ, glad your arm has healed and that it was a simple BCC. You are exactly right about the dangers of fatigue – “our body attempts to convince us it needs quick energy” – and I am all too easily convinced!

    I must end now – my sister has arrived and is leaving her dog Paddy with me for a few hours. Sorry there are people I haven’t responded to – best wishes to all.


    Hi all,
    Weigh in this morning saw 105.6, finally I have found the 105’s, however I have decided to keep my treat that I bought weeks ago until I get under 100kg, which I hope to achieve before Christmas, there is though a birthday in a few weeks time that might derail things a bit.
    I have been reading all the posts and thank you, you are all keeping me motivated with all your trials and tribulations.
    My life has been turned on it’s head, I finished up a govt board at the end of June, which helped to give me the motivation to come back to fasting, but last week I had two things happen a day apart, both farm related and now I am doing two online meetings a week until the end of June next year.
    They are exciting, but they will consume more of my time, so no more sleep ins to 7-30am, up and at it at 6am from now on, I will still pop in from time to time, but please understand if I don’t post as often.
    Thank you all for being such a wonderful supportive community.
    Thinking of you all as life picks up pace again.
    Cheers for now, Charlie.

    Charlie G, congratulations on your milestone. Is that upcoming birthday your own? If so, you can take control. A few years ago, I told my family that I didn’t want any more cake to celebrate. I had come to realise that this was to satisfy everyone else’s needs, not mine. The disappointment was palpable! Secondly, if it’s your birthday, you get to choose the restaurant assuming that’s another of your traditional celebration methods. Having chosen the venue to suit, you can then go online and make your menu choices without being influenced by hunger/other people’s choices. And, of course, don’t forget to have a little fun too! There are lots of things we can spoil ourselves with besides food.

    FD for me. Where’d everyone go?

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