Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,464 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 7 hours, 13 minutes ago.

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  • CharlieG, Happy 37th Anniversary! Hope it’s a wonderful day.

    LJ, I loved the sand drawings, also Neil’s mention of the 3D art and HK’s Tibetan sand art. There’s something magical about the images being swept away. I used to love sandcastle competitions for that reason.

    Cinque, someone sent me a ‘too long in lock-down’ email this morning. It comprised sketching arranged around fruit, veg, pasta and nuts. It’s probably not the one you want to share with the grandies but gives you an idea: https://imgur.com/EGCuGXW

    Spreadsheets and lists – love them!

    Turn and Neil: great to hear your news.

    HK, that soup sounds fantastic and glad you’re feeling better.

    Lindsay, so sorry to hear all that you’re having to endure. But how much stronger you are to deal with it all at your brilliant, healthy weight. We can never take our good health for granted.

    Evening all.

    We’ve seen the specialist and it is going to be tricky.

    Apparently the clot has blocked his inner jugular, which is why the outer one has swelled so alarmingly. Who ever knew we had two? Such a clever thing, a body. The anticoagulants hopefully will do their job, and it will be up to the vascular physician to decide if the vein needs to be rested before the surgery. We see her early next week.

    The other not great news is that OH has nodules in his lungs – that will also be investigated next week by a respiratory surgeon.

    But first, a biopsy to see if the thyroid issue is cancer. The wait is hard, but there’s no option.

    The only slightly amusing thing that happened today was that our Rose staged a breakout. The fencer decided to take off a panel to work from the other side and, as he put it, all he saw was a red flash. He chased her through the bush and down the gully before phoning us – by the time we came to the rescue he had captured her because she recognised two dogs over the back of the gully and she ran over to say hello. The fencer said he would have called her, had he remembered her name – the joke of course is he could have called Rosy Rosy til he was blue in the face …she still wouldn’t have come until she had decided her adventure was over.

    Happy 37th anniversary Charlie – a long time…. it’s wonderful how strong relationships get, with the passage of time.

    LJ a sand drawing is so beautiful – what a talent.

    Loved your image too Thin.

    Sorry to all who’ve posted and I’ve missed. Back tomorrow.

    Popped back because I forgot to say Happy Anniversary to Charlie

    Lindsay, I’m glad to hear the update, although it sounds so complicated and the worry will continue. Go the anticoagulants. Lucky you have Rosy to keep you occupied!

    Thin, the pasta picture is great. I can plan an activity around that I think!

    Hard news for Victoria today. I hope other states can keep to no covid for a good while yet. I hope we can keep it out of the regions.

    Best wishes.

    Good Evening Everyone,
    Thank you all so much for the Anniversary Wishes, I feel I have a wonderful Family here.
    Cinque, thank you for that lovely pic! I am truly blessed to have you all here to keep me going forward.
    We have had a great day together, Mr Charlie and I, we moved stock to fresh paddocks, now the grass is starting to grow with the spring warmth. We also with no bookings for our bnb, got stuck in and have started it’s spring clean, by washing all the underplays and pillow protectors.
    Beautiful sunny day to top it off, we both had great weigh ins this morning, mine 108kg and OH 90.2kg.
    Lindsay, as others have said, we are all sendings healing thoughts and wishes. I hope the clever Doctors can get things sorted quickly, I feel for both of you, trust in yourselves. My favourite thoughts at a time like this, worry about the things you can change, and let the rest of it take care of it’s self.
    Yes I know easy to say, but it just may help, stay strong, you know we have your back.
    Enjoy the rest of your week lovely people, check in again over the weekend.

    Good evening everyone.

    Lindsay, given everything worrying that is happening in your life, I’m pleased to see that Rosy many to provide a lighter moment to your day.
    Yes it is me that uses spreadsheets to manage many things. Numbers, formula, graphs etc are definitely my comfort zone.

    Charlie, those weight loss numbers are the best anniversary present. Excellent work.

    HK, yes it certainly has been an unusually sunny day. I had to apply sunblock and put on my summer hat to go for walk. Better make the most of it, Friday looks dismal.

    Cinque, sorry that the covid news was so depressing for Victoria today.
    I think for all of us to change our concept of “safe” being zero cases, to accepting viral spread is going to take a bit of a leap. Not that we have a choice on this I think, this variant has shown us that it won’t be suppressed.

    Turn, you really are making excellent progress on your weight. Especially good in a cold NZ winter – I struggle to even maintain my weight in the cold weather.

    Neil, there must be something in the air in NZ, excellent results.
    That 3D art was amazing.

    Thin, I don’t think I ever built a sandcastle growing up. But I grew up inland and rarely saw the ocean. Odd that I’ve finally ended up living near it.

    Another new recipe tried tonight and it was very good. Ras-el-hanout chicken & veg traybake: https://imgur.com/a/Pb3zWmA Close to original recipe, though I just used 6 chicken drumsticks as 3 serves is ample for me. I also increased the veg, as I wanted more variety – I managed 6 different veg – I was channeling Cinque. It was a good traybake, lots of spice flavour and lemony too. Plenty of leftovers means I don’t have to cook when I return from babysitting tomorrow night, excellent.

    We have been talking about snacks recently and I’ve been snapping photos of my mid-afternoon snack in recent days. https://imgur.com/a/3WlYcKy An apple with 2 tsp nut-seed butter and 2 carrots with a tiny tub of low fat philly cheese. Both around 100 calories, which is usually my target for a filling snack.

    Take care all.

    Good evening all.

    I’ve had quite a hiatus from the forum (and from weight loss, unfortunately) but this is the start of spring here, so a good time to start again with determination.

    It’s a bit hard to try to catch up, but did someone mention beetroot? Love it! Only have the canned variety, though I remember my mother cooking beets when I was young.

    Will write more next time. VERY tired of lockdown, even though it’s necessary!

    Cinque, can you plan an activity around this one? 🙂 https://imgur.com/4A9vp2U

    Morning all

    Betsy, great to hear from you again. I hope you’re getting on well

    Thin, Love it! XD That’s how to turn a still life into a life drawing

    Ljoyce, that looks really good. I was surprised last night. I made a meal with some couscous mixed with sauteed onion, mushroom, purple cabbage and boiled broccoli from our garden. My younger boy absolutely loved it and he polished off two plates of it, eating all the stuff I had earmarked for my lunch today. Oh well, I guess I can make it again, it’s not difficult to cook.

    Charlie, belated happy anniversary to you. 37 years is a great innings. My wife and I are coming up on 19 years. Next year for our 20th we’re planning a big holiday away together like we did for out 10th anniversary. We’re planning on going to Mt Cook/Tekapo/Ohau and spoiling ourselves with helicopter ride to the glaciers, a couple of nights in the flash Ohau Lodge and the Tekapo hot pools. Really looking forward to it

    Cinque, I didn’t hear anything about Victoria in the news over here, what is going on over there?

    Lindsay, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the anticoagulants work and that the thyroid biopsy comes back clear. You really are having a rough time of it at the moment but we’re here for you.

    As for me, I had a D’oh moment yesterday. I rode my bike most of the way to work before I realised that I had left my work swipe card at home, so I had to bike home up the big hill, pick up my swipe card and get back to work again. That probably helped with the fact that I dropped another 300g yesterday to sit on 99.2

    Well it’s a lovely day here in NZ, spring is definitely showing its face with temperatures around 18 degrees predicted for the next few days, so I’ll make hay while the sun shines and get out for some walks/rides/gardening while I can.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Good morning,

    Fast day, but I woke up not feeling well so I have had a bowl of porridge I think I needed and I will see how I go for the rest of the day.

    Betsy, really glad to see you here, Spring is a great time to get back into 5:2.

    Charlie what great work you are doing. All power to you. Yay for the weigh in. Have a lovely spring clean!
    (I used to love splitting wood, long ago when I lived out of the city)

    LJoyce, lovely snack and orchid!
    Chicken bakes are the best, I make one and it is so easy and delicious.

    Turn, woot for missing out on the 67’s! I meant to say yesterday! Luckily LJoyce’s post reminded me. It is such good news.

    Thin, haha!
    The kids will LOVE that and want to do the same. Luckily I have a couple of little pears that will be perfect for them.

    Neil we had a big jump in covid numbers yesterday 120 (and the whisper is 170 today) and the advice from our Chief Medical Officer is that it won’t be possible to get back to zero and we need to concentrate on stopping the numbers growing too quickly while we vaccinate like mad.

    It is lovely weather here too, I wish I could bicycle around in it, but I will try at least to get into the garden.
    Ha, forgetting things is very good for your health!

    Ok coffee time

    Best wishes everyone

    Hello all

    I had a good FD yesterday, calm and well-managed. Then when I went to bed, very tired, I couldn’t get to sleep – my feet and lower legs tingled and twitched and jumped and my knees ached and it drove me crazy. After a while I got up and ate some rice biscuits with cheese and a handful of walnuts, and generally dropped my bundle. I need to learn to cope better with nights like that. Cups of mint tea, some reading or knitting – that would be much better.

    Anyway today is a NFD and I am peacefully at home looking after Paddy the lagotto while my sister goes out to lunch with friends. He is sleeping peacefully at the moment. My cousin is coming for dinner tonight and bringing lentil pies from a good bakery and I will steam a heap of vegetables. Am looking forward to it.

    Cinque, I hope you are feeling better as the day goes on and that you have been able to get into the garden.

    Neil, you are continuing to do so well in all departments. Liked the sound of your couscous and vegetable bake.

    And LJ your chicken and veg tray-bake looked so delicious. I think I will have a go at something like that. and also get back to couscous which I haven’t cooked for ages.

    Lindsay, such a hard time of waiting for you and your OH. I am glad that Rosy is providing some diversion. And a dog’s presence is just about always a good thing for keeping one grounded and calmer.

    Having Paddy asleep on the day-bed behind me right now feels very soothing. https://imgur.com/a/PxFao8h


    Morning all

    I had a good day yesterday. It was a sunny day so I got out for a nice walk for an hour and a half, I got some baking done, got the lamb slow cooked ready for the pie I’m making for dinner tonight, I braved the masked zombie apocalypse to get our grocery shopping done, and got a bit of work done around the house. I’m looking forward to the weekend so I don’t have to pretend that I’m working from home. It’s meant to be beautiful weather again so I’ll probably get a bit more exercise done and a lot of gardening.

    This morning was my first spike in weight for the week. I was up 900g to sit just over 100 kilos on 100.1kg I didn’t eat that much so must be a bit of retained water. If last week is any indication then it should spike down again later in the week. The trend seems to be down about 200g a day with a couple of spikes up and down.

    Have a good day everyone, and I hope the weekend is good for you too.

    Good morning,
    Helen Kate, your fast day made up for mine which I am not quite sure made fast day status. So cheers.
    Lovely to see Paddy, and ooh yum lentil pies and steamed veggies just sounds like THE BEST meal.

    I stuffed up yesterday, I minded grandchildren but after they went home I was super tired and really needed to drink lots of water, but instead I ate peanuts and anything else I could find. I didn’t drink enough through the morning, that’s where I went wrong. Luckily today is a new day.

    I did have a lovely day with the girls. Ms7 absolutely loved the pear picture, Thin. But we went to the park instead of drawing. (Six other families there, one mum couldn’t bear not to drink her coffee, so she had her mask down against rules, but stayed well away from everyone.)

    Neil, what a great day. Oh yum lamb pie. Sending good wishes to Mrs Neil, and the Neilets.

    Thinking of you and Mr L, Lindsay, I do hope the anticoagulant has made a great difference and that things are going well. Get over the rough ground as lightly as you can.

    Best wishes to everyone.
    I am gearing up for a good fast day tomorrow. And drinking water . Tick tick.

    Hello friends

    I have enjoyed catching up with posts and can’t possibly reply to everyone but please know how much pleasure they all bring

    My two closest girlfriends and I have decided to lose weight together. We can’t see each other of course but we have a group messenger account and chat many times every day. It is a lifeline, honestly. Anyway the “Spring Challenge” is on and it’s great to have even more support. Work has been a total nightmare plus with my bad back it hasn’t been easy but I am happy to at least be on board

    I am thinking of you both Lindsay and Mr L and hoping for a speedy recovery and good news from the tests. Glad Rosy could provide a tiny bit of comic relief – what a personality that girl has. I bet she and Maxx could put their furry heads together and plan all sorts of mischief.

    We have had such gorgeous sunny warm weather but sadly the weekend is looking very wet. I’m looking out of the big glass window and can see very dark clouds closing in. The rain is not far off.

    Belated happy anniversary Charlie. 37 years is lovely. Mr Anzac and I have been married 29 years in October and going out for 34. Our wedding day seems like yesterday.

    Neil, 20 years is a great celebration too. We took our 12 closest friends to the Hunter Valley for ours and renewed our vows. It was the most incredible weekend and we will never forget it. Most of the wedding party were there including Mr Anzac’s best man / best mate from NZ. We are (hopefully) going to his wedding in Wellington in February – Covid permitting. Please keep your fingers crossed for us as Mr Anzac would be totally devastated to miss it. He is best man of course.

    I must run and sorry to not reply to everyone. I hope to get some time tomorrow

    Take care

    Good evening all. Lovely to read some of the recent posts.

    LindsayL, so sorry to read of all the anxiety re Mr L’s health. Waiting is just so difficult. Rosy at least is keeping you distracted.

    Anzac65, sure hope Mr Anzac gets to the wedding. With the Covid outbreak in Auckland, they may not want any overseas visitors, though.
    Great that you and your friends can share your weight loss journeys together.

    Cinque, lovely to read your post. Isn’t it great that the playgrounds were re-opened for the kids here! 🙂

    Helen Kate, I’ve had funny twitches, etc., in my legs a couple of times recently (new to me), and I found it helped to massage my lower back with my knuckles. For me, at least, it seemed to be nerve pain going down from my lower back.

    Neilithicman, glad you’re persevering so well with the weight loss journey you’ve been on for a while. What a pain (but good exercise 🙂 ) to forget your work swipe card and have to cycle back for it.

    LJoyce, always like reading of your interesting recipes – I generally don’t have the ingredients to make them, and I’m a very plain cook anyway, but I do like reading them.

    Thin, hope you’re doing well in an opened up but still Covid-rife UK.

    Hi Charlie G, haven’t connected with you before, but I’ve been absent from the forum here for a few months.

    Weight? Sigh, I’m actually back where I started, so I’m taking September seriously. I actually (sob, sob!) threw out some lollies and M&Ms this week, haven’t braced myself for a proper FD yet, but I’m working towards it.

    Sleep well.

    A very quick post friends, before we head out the door to a dog show. It seems improbable to be doing this, but our focus is to keep on doing the things we do, until we know what’s next.

    We had a lovely day of celebrations with our son and daughter yesterday for Father’s Day. First, afternoon tea with my DS and family, then dinner with my daughter. Both are understandably as anxious as we are about OH’s health.

    No real news to report on that front. We see the round of specialists this week before a biopsy on Thursday, then back to the surgeon on Tuesday week. The waiting is interminable, but the process can’t be hurried.

    Charlie, your farm sounds like hard work but so rewarding and a great way of life. You must be fit, to manage all you do.

    Sorry about your spike Neil….particularly galling that it took you back over the 100. But….obviously it’s water weight, and will go as quickly as it came. And good riddance, hey!

    Anzac, great to know you and your mates are doing this together. It’s good to share the ups and downs (more downs, I hope) and to keep each other focussed. Good luck.

    Betsy so good to hear you’re back. Dare I mention the PhD? Hope you are progressing.

    HK, Betsy, those leg twinges are so irritating at night particularly. Have you tried magnesium and Vitamin B?

    Anzac, I’m amused at the notion of Rosy and Maxx meeting up. She has a couple of lab friends at the shows, so she’d love him.

    Cinque, I love the notion of getting over the rough ground as lightly as possible. A good mantra. and a kind thought.

    OK off to pack the car and groom Rosy (once I’ve found her ….I last saw her red tail disappearing down the back and into the bushes. She’s still in her pyjamas, so hopefully she won’t come back bedraggled after being washed and ready to go yesterday.

    If I’ve miss replying to you all, I am sorry. I’ll get back into some semblance of order soon, I hope.

    Good morning,
    I have completely exhausted myself this morning, I’ve added sugarcane mulch to my sad wet compost bins and made them a lot happier. I have thinned strawberries and filled a tower planter with them. I have filled a seed tray and planted some of Em’s hot chili seeds. I have hopefully saved a self sown rocket that was growing in the stones. And I have fertilised and seasoled. I am completely exhausted, but it was a good way to spend a fast day morning.

    Anzac woot woot, all power to the three close friends. Way to go!
    Make sure you keep us in the loop though! 😀

    So sorry to hear your back is still such a problem. What is it exactly? Is it getting better? Fingers crossed it is.

    Betsy, throwing out those lollies and m&ms was the BEST thing to do! Two gold medals right there!
    They are not your friends.
    Hooray for serious September.

    Lindsay, I hope it is a great day at the dog show. Strut your stuff Rosy!
    It is so weird when you are living in suspense, but I hope there is pleasure and distraction in the daily tasks and treats and I am just so glad that Qld is not in lockdown and so your family can be around.

    Ok off to the couch and some catch up tv. I am a bit hungry for my bowl of veggies, but haven’t the energy to make them yet!

    Best wishes all.

    PS I keep pressing ‘manage consent’ instead of ‘submit’. Drives me up the wall.

    Good afternoon everyone.

    Well, so far today has been fairly well-managed. I’m aiming for a CD today, and seem to be well on track. Things often go off the rails in the evenings, but if I make myself drink fluids instead of eat, I should be okay.

    LindsayL, the wait is very emotionally tiring, but you’re approaching it very well. How did Rosy do at the show? Did she have to be re-washed and groomed?

    Doctorate? Progress has been very slow. My desktop died on me recently, and I’m still procrastinating on setting up the new one. I’m also still avoiding the updating of 500+ references that need to be APA7 instead of APA6 – they need to go onto Zotero, and I just have to sit down and start doing it! The data analysis has also stalled, as I need to meet with one of my supervisors, a data whiz, to work on it, and with our lockdown, can’t do it. I know, excuses, excuses. One day I will just sit down at the computer and start, and once past that barrier, will whizz through the necessary work. My supervisor has sent me 5 youtubes he made which I can get a lot of info from to analyse the data, so that’s one thing I can do – actually sat down to do it, and decided to check my emails and write on the forum instead. Oops! 🙂

    Cinque, great gardening progress, and I can understand the need for a rest after doing so much. The shutdown is frustrating me because I need to buy some things at Bunnings so I can also do some gardening chores that would ordinarily be done at this time of the year. Unfortunately, I really need to see the items, to choose exactly what I want, so I guess it will be waiting a while. It’s not the same online.

    Okay, hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday.

    Evening All,
    Lindsay, hope you had a great day with Rosy at the dog show, a beautiful distraction under the current circumstances. Yes, our farm at times can be hard work, but it is also very rewarding. We are both animal lovers, and at present we are hand rearing calves, mostly boys, so don’t get too attached, as they will be sold next year to be grown bigger before they will go on to slaughter. That’s farming. Currently have a six month, an 18 month old, along with two cows with calves at foot that are hand reared. They love their scratches and cuddles when we meet up out in the paddock.
    To all the Dads on this forum, I hope you have had a lovely Father’s Day, I feel for you if like us you were unable to spend it with family.
    Our four and their families are scattered to the four winds, eldest son and family in Barcelona, eldest daughter and her family in northern NSW, younger son and family in Somerset, and younger daughter and partner outside of Reims in France. Between them we have six grandies.
    One day the borders will reopen, at least that is what I keep telling myself.
    End of week weight in saw us both drop a bit more weight, enough for me to go down to 107.9kg, pretty good considering we did treat ourselves with a lovely meal of Chinese Honey Prawns and cheesecake for our wedding anniversary. Thanks to everyone who commented, your thoughts were very welcome.
    Hi Betsylee, I have been around this forum for a long time, I just had a long break after a few difficult years, but at present, with life back to being stable, I will be around for quite a while.
    Cinque, well done with the mulch, and busy gardening this morning, no mean feat to get all that done in such a short time, good compost on the way for the garden by the sounds of it.
    Anzac, love your idea of the spring challenge with your friends, looking forward to hearing here how you all go!
    Neil, hope that weight spike is just a water spike and disappears as quickly as it came, you are quite likely to get some wetter weather this week after the rain that fell in our area at the end of our week, after a dry August with just 56mm, we have just had 74 mm in three days.
    Have a great week everyone, I read things every day, but I may not check in that often, it’s spring here, and we are promised a dry week, so like Cinque, it’s time to attack the garden and get it back into shape.
    Cheers for now!

    Good morning,
    A lovely sunny day in Melbourne has just got cloudier, here at least. But my strawberry tower is happy as it doesn’t need direct sun while the cuttings are establishing.

    I had a good fast day yesterday and on track for a good sensible eating day today.

    I hope your day finished well Betsy. Those evenings are a trick.
    Wishing you that oomph to get back into your doctorate and all those things done, I bet it pops up soon.

    I know what you mean about Bunnings. Luckily I just wanted mulch and potting mix.
    I am SO hanging out to be able to go op shopping again.

    Charlie, wow, your offspring are far flung! What fascinating news from all over the world you must get. Won’t it be wonderful when you can travel around to visit them all again.
    Good work this week! Is your next goal 105? I’ll have a fireworks gif ready!

    I’m having chicken and veg for lunch and my second last veggie layered ramekin in the evening. Lots of drinks of water in between.

    Cheers everyone

    Hi Cinque,
    Yes, the next milestone is 105kg, taking it 5kg at a time seems to make it more manageable.
    Sorry you got cloud today, we have had a lovely sunny day up here, got all the washing dry, yeah.
    OH has fixed the wheel on my wheelbarrow today, so look out veg garden tomorrow, I too have lots of strawberry runners that need new homes, now barrow is fixed, I can start emptying compost bins into the garden.
    Happy days everyone!

    Lindsay, hope you had a good day at the dog show with Rosy and that OH is responding well to the treatments so far. Wishing him the best on the results of the biopsies.

    This will be a short post but I plan to catch up soon. The big fire near here has moved further east. There have been a couple more that aren’t a danger to us now, but still concerning. It seems like the whole state is burning these days and we have temperatures in the high 30’s forcast for all of this week. I will be so glad when Autumn comes.

    My surgery a couple weeks ago went well. Between all the stress and mostly sticking to 5:2, I’ve lost 3.1kg since Aug 2. Slowly heading downwards.

    I’ll post more soon. It’s good to read everyone’s posts.

    Good afternoon all.

    Due to social events I’ve had 3 days of way too much food. Culminating in a brunch I hosted on fathers day. I am back on the straight and narrow again and after a successful FD yesterday I’m doing an 800cal FD today (and hoping to continue this until Thursday). Friday I have a restaurant lunch to contend with so I want to undo the damage from Fri-Sat before tacking that. I seem to take a step backwards every time I make any progress.

    Cali, excellent work to be reducing weight so much over the past month, with all the stress you’ve had to contend with lately. Very pleased to hear that those fires are no longer posing a threat to you. They showed footage on our news a few days ago, of people from Lake Tahoe who had been evacuated to southern California.

    Charlie, sounds like strawberries will be on the menu this summer. I have just one large pot filled with strawberry plants and my crop is very meagre – the occasional treat when I’m foraging in the veggie patch.

    Betsy, you are taking good starting steps into a better September. Very strong willed of you to throw treats away. The trigger to get you back into your studies will come.

    Anzac, extra support from friends who are helping each other stay strong with their eating plans is wonderful. It’s does help keep you on plan.

    Cinque, just reading of your morning of gardening had me feeling tired. I’m not surprised it left you exhausted.

    Lindsay, pj’s for Rosy – can we have a photo please? I’ve never heard of doggie pjs before. I hope the dog show went well. I also hope that things are progressing on the medical front for your husband.

    Thin, I was interested to see the BBC news this morning was all about the proposed changes to aged care in England and the horror that people might have to sell their home to go into aged care. That’s what usually happens here so it doesn’t seem at all odd to me. But it highlighted how much people are attuned to the status quo feeling “normal” and also something everyone is therefore entitled to and any change being viewed as a threat. It seems to happen with just about any proposed changes to public policy and I guess it’s why it’s usually so hard for any government to make significant changes. I guess the benefit of changes being difficult is that it forces governments to really sell their reasoning, to make sure the changes are actually fair and to try to bring the public thinking with them.

    I have more items to add to the snack list that Thin is putting together. I’ve been taking photos every time I put together a snack that’s roughly 100calories. https://imgur.com/a/quHoHiq
    – 2-3 corn thins, topped with a thin smear of low fat cream cheese and salad veg. (Also nice with a smear of soft avocado instead of the cheese). Depending on the toppings I sometimes need to adjust down to 2 corn thins to keep to the 100cal goal. This is the type of snack I go for mid-afternoon if I’m quite hungry as it looks substantial on the plate and takes a while to eat.
    – yoghurt or yoghurt with fruit. This is the lazy option with this little tub coming in just under 100cal. Normally I add fresh fruit to plain greek yoghurt.
    – dried fruit and nuts. This is my favourite combination, dehydrated pink lady apples (locally made in the Adelaide Hills) and raw almonds. I also like hazelnuts with dried cranberries and pecans with dried nectarines. You just need to know the calorie content as it’s very easy to overindulge in these foods. Raw nuts are 60-73 calories for 10 grams (almonds are the lowest and macadamias the highest) and dried fruits are mostly 20-30 calories per 10grams if unsweetened (dried stone fruits tend to be the lowest). I find combining dried fruit and nuts is not only tastier than eating one in isolation, it is also a more satisfying snack for me. This is a handy transportable snack too.

    Time for a walk which will get me away from food until it’s time for dinner.

    Hello to everyone I haven’t mentioned already, hope you are doing well.

    I popped in here the other day and there was no one around so I left.

    Neil, great anniversary plans. We still hope to do something special for our 30th anniversary this month but I’m having difficulty with the concept of a £15 flight to Malta bumped up by £70 for covid testing. And we’re not keen on sitting next to who-knows-who for four hours on a plane. I’m waiting until the last minute to book anything. We also toyed with the idea of a night at The Ritz instead but it still involves public transport.

    CharlieG, your children are in great locations for holidays! We enjoyed visiting a school friend in Somerset recently and touring the coastal towns with her. Good job on the downward trend. Can’t wait to hear when you’re in double digits but 5kg increments is very sensible. When I was consumed by my weight, my Perth GP (who understood weight challenges so well) suggested I lose 1kg every year for the rest of my life! It doesn’t sound like much of an effort but when you consider it against the 5kg a year you’d otherwise likely gain, it’s quite significant.

    I had a rubbish FD because I tried a new recipe of Thai beef and lemongrass. While eating it, I was convinced it was more calories than stated – proven on the scales the next morning with a miserable 300g loss. Back to the tried and tested ‘chicken somethings’ from now on. To make things worse, we had a cooked breakfast yesterday and a BBQ on The Thames last evening. Blow out!

    Cinque, loved hearing about your strawberries. We’ve been foraging lately and found hazelnuts, blackberries, apples and plums. Isn’t Bunnings allowed to open in lockdown?

    Betsy, hello again. Sorry to read that you gained all your lost weight back. Life is more or less normal in England. There are a high number of reported daily covid cases but vaccinated people don’t get very sick so it’s more or less like ‘flu now. Our lifestyle means that we have very few contacts and we always wear masks in public places like supermarkets. The other reason for the high numbers is the improved scope of testing.

    CalifD, the fires are concerning. Hurray for 3+kg lost. Did you ever watch, ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’? We’ve been watching, ‘Turning Point’ a serial doco about 9-11. It’s very well presented we think.

    Lindsay, thanks for the OH health update. I like your OH’s stiff upper lip approach and getting on with life. Worrying adversely affects health so enjoying the things you normally do is a good approach.

    Anzac, lovely 20th anniversary celebrations. Hope you’re staying well.

    LJ, a post from you appeared while I was writing this. Yes, big shake up needed to accommodate the NHS. I’ll read your snack list later as it’s a beautiful sunny day of 27C and I mustn’t miss a moment. Cruising on The Thames is glorious.

    Good evening everyone

    Great to read all the posts. Your snacks looked yummy, LJoyce. I’d find it hard to stick to the snack limit with the almonds, though.

    CharlieG, I came into this WOL late November 2018, so I guess your hiatus from the forum began before that(?). In which state is your farm? I guess the others know already, but I’m interested.
    Going down by 5 kgs at a time sounds god. It’s something like what I do automatically. I’ve found over the years that I generally plateau about every 3 kgs, for 2-3 weeks, then whoosh down quickly to the next plateau, like steps. I love the whoosh, but do find the plateaus frustrating. But, that means I only expect a 3 kg drop, then some hard work, then the next drop. Of course, I yo-yo back up the same way, unfortunately.

    CalifDreamer, great that the current fire isn’t near you. I’m glad you’re staying safe. Good the surgery went well.

    Thin, hope you enjoyed your 27 degree day. It was 16 here in Melbourne today, but we’re expecting a few days in the 20s later in the week.
    Interesting your comments re vaccinations. The plan here seems to be to vaccinate as many people as possible, now more vaccines are coming in, try to get the 12+ populations at least 80% vaccinated, then open up gradually, somewhat like the UK has done. That goal should be reached around the end of October.
    There are ways in which I’m finding this lockdown tiresome, however, as there are things I’d like to buy. Bunnings is open for “click and collect” only, except for tradespeople, and I want to see the real article, not guess from online if it’s what I’m after.

    But, I’d also like to buy some cheap jeans, and I can’t just buy them online. As I said recently to a friend, at Millers, which has nice cheap jeans, the sizes vary so much that I could find a size 10 that fits, and a size 18 that’s too small. I need to try on clothing. Of course, if I lose enough weight quickly enough, there are 2 pair of jeans here at home just waiting to be worn (sigh!).

    Cinque, hope your strawberries grow well. The ones you gave me a couple of years ago are still going strong, and thank you again for them.

    Goodnight from here.

    Hi Betsylee,
    We both live in the same state, I am in the North East and have Falls Creek at the top of our Valley, like you I am totally over lockdowns, it’s spring and I am trying to get the garden in order, but not able to buy punnets of seedlings, so busy planting seeds over the next three weeks, and turning on the bottom heat in the greenhouse to give them a boost.
    We run a small herd (75) of beef cows, although I have one dual purpose one that provides milk for our house, as well as rearing her calf. We also run a bnb when we are not in lockdown.
    85 nights of cancelled accommodation since March 2020. That doesn’t include all our regular bookings that were not able to be made.
    Cheers for now

    Morning all

    Last few days my weight has been bouncing up and down 1-1.5 kilos, my weekly weigh in it was up 800g on my weight from last week, sitting on 100.3 I’m feeling pretty good about my progress though. My steps are up, I got some good cycling in and my eating is improving. I just had a couple of bad days over the weekend which I assume are the reason for my weight bouncing around. I’ll try to get that sorted this weekend

    The weather is all over the place at the moment, The last few days have been high teen temperatures, even touching on 20 degrees a couple of times, yesterday afternoon it started pouring with rain and I got drenched on my bike ride home, then this morning I woke up to snow outside. Crazy spring weather. I hope you’re all getting on ok, I’ll catch up with the posts later on today.

    Have a good one everyone

    Morning all
    It’s so good to read your posts – it’s very affirming, to read about your lives and your struggles and especially your successes

    Charlie, what I would give for fresh milk from a cow. But OH has drawn the line. Not even chickens for us. Our Rosemarie would drive them insane. Being a setter, she’d spend her days stalking them. Not good for egg production, nor their wellbeing. However – I was pretty happy with breakfast yesterday. A poached egg, with spinach from our garden, with sourdough I had baked, followed by honey from my hive, and home made marmalade. (That was OH’s breakfast .. I stopped at the poached egg with spinach)

    I’m at my DD’s as I write this. We got a call last night as they were on their way to emergency with the 5 year old who’d fallen from the trampoline. She was diagnosed with concussion and they kept them in overnight. My DS called at 5 for me to sit with the 8 year old while he and DD swapped shifts at the hospital. DD is in the last few days of her 4 weeks of prac teaching – already cut short by a week because of lockdown, and if she misses even a day, she can’t graduate. So after a night at the hospital, she’ll come home and change and then teach for the whole day. We will have the little one today and tomorrow.
    OH had two of his specialist appointments yesterday. The news from the vascular physician was more positive than we’d hoped. The vein is not completely blocked which means blood can still drain from his brain. Phew! Then to the respiratory physician …yes, there are shadows but he’s not sure if it’s scarring from emphysema and pneumonia. So, off for a PET scan today. It, with the biopsy tomorrow, will give us a clearer picture.

    It is freezing here – that snap of cold before the sun. I didn’t think about it as I climbed out of bed at 5 and didn’t dress warmly enough. Brrrrr.

    We had a lovely day at the dog show – Rosy performed very well, although she didn’t win. She’s very thin….picky with food, and is very energetic. She’s handled for us by a lovely woman, a dog judge who is very impressed with her. But we know she will need to mature before she lives up to her potential. And in the meantime, she’s just our wonderful Rosemarie.

    Cinque are you feeling recovered from your exertions? You sound like you’ve been doing a lot….gently does it.

    Thin, don’t blame you for reconsidering your flights ….the time is coming, but perhaps not quite yet??

    Betsy I am a fiend for online shopping, although I have really constrained my buying this year. But … I did take advantage of the sales to buy up boots and flat shoes. Blue Illusion had the Rollie brand reduced from around $180 to
    $70, so now I’m set. But you are so right. Even shopping at the same store – even the same brand – can deliver up some pretty unreliable sizing.

    LJ, I’ve led you up the garden path about Rosy’s pyjamas. Actually it’s just a coat, quilted flannelette on the inside, a waterproof deep red fabric on the outside, with front leg holes and a zip underneath (which is ridiculous for a dog with her belly feathers). One day I’l get around to putting velcro on it. She does look pretty cute in it though, and it settles her at night once it goes on.

    Cali, the fires are horrendous. Hope the weather changes for you soon. Well done on the weight loss in these difficult times.

    Betsy, hard to hit a trough with your doctorate. One day it will all fall into place, and you’ll be away and impossible to stop.

    Later ….And as I finish this off, SIL has delivered the 5 year old home from hospital, and she is sitting on the bench out the front in the sunshine, singing ‘wouldn’t it be lovely’, almost word perfect. The girls & OH watched My Fair Lady a couple of weeks ago, and loved it…..I am afraid I don’t share OH’s love of musicals, so he’s happy to have a couple of recruits to share.

    have a great day all.

    Morning all, pretty quiet on here.

    Lindsay, you really are having a bad run at the moment. I hope your Granddaughter is ok and the shadows on your OHs lungs turn out to be scarring and nothing worse, I’m thinking of you.

    Spring continues to give us the rollercoaster. 2 days ago we had 19 degrees in the morning, pouring rain in the afternoon, yesterday was snow, and today it’s back up to 18 degrees in the morning but this afternoon we’re supposed to have gale force winds gusting up to 120kph. It’s pretty hard to plan your day when you have no idea from one minute to the next what the weather is supposed to do.

    Yesterday was a good day eating wise, I had some salad and boiled eggs for lunch. Then for dinner I roasted some pumpkin, parsnips, onion, garlic, capsicums together and turned it into a roast vegetable soup with some still hot home made focaccia bread, it was awesome! I made up some falafel mix and cooked up some of them up to have with some salad for lunch today. Eating healthy can taste good.

    Have a good one everyone, I hope to hear from you all soon.

    Good morning all

    Well Spring has certainly sprung! 27 today with 24, tomorrow then 28 on both days of the weekend. Poor Maxx is going to have a bath today and silly Mr Anzac told him and now he is furtively skulking around keeping well away from him. Who says dogs can’t speak English?

    I have had a very good week eating wise and have lost 500g in 4 days. That’s a lot for me. It hasn’t been easy as I have been doing 13-16 hour days since last Friday and worked all weekend as well. It’s just a phase and I’m counting the days until Christmas and our beautiful 3 week break

    Neil, I can almost taste that focaccia bread. Home made and hot – nothing beats it. It sounds like you are really on top of things

    Lindsay I am so sorry to hear about your darling granddaughter, I hope she is ok. I smiled so broadly at the image of her singing the tune from My Fair Lady. I am sending so many positive thoughts to you and Mr L. The wait must be terrible but I am praying for good news. I’m trying to imagine what it must be like to have a picky eater for a dog. Maxx, being a labrador, is insane about food and I can’t imagine how we would have been able to train him if he wasn’t.

    What a blow the cancelled B&B stays must be Charlie G, the world is such a different place to a couple of years ago. Your farm sounds amazing and your mind-set is going to see you in the double digits before you know it.

    Betsy I never buy clothes online either – for the same reason; the sizing varies wildly. I hate buying clothes but I do hope to lose enough weight to begin to enjoy it

    Ha ha Thin, your ‘blow outs’ sound like my good days! I hope the weather is remaining lovely for you

    LJ I like the sound of some of your snacks and I am going to try them. It’s a great idea to stick to 100 cals but also try to make them filling

    Cali, 2.3 kilos since the beginning of August. Whoo hoo! I hope those fires stay away from you

    Cinque, our local Bunnings closed for about 3 weeks and Mr Anzac fell into a deep funk as it is his ‘happy place’ and second home. They reopened on Monday and he spent most of Sunday singing a silly little song that he made up about it. He makes me laugh a lot (needed). He was one of the first in line on Monday morning

    Sigh, work calls. Have a great day all

    Hi everyone.
    I have been battling another lung infection this week. I felt a bit better this morning so I decided a short walk would be a good idea. I only managed 20 minutes and feel utterly exhausted. My joints feel better for it though.

    Thankfully I’m not eating myself well, but sticking to very low calorie days (mostly under 1000). It helps that I’m more thirsty than hungry at the moment.

    I hope everyone is managing their challenges. I’ll write a longer post in a few days.

    Good evening all.

    Well, I’m persevering here so far. Think I may have lost about a kg to this point, but not weighing in on my “proper” scales until Saturday morning. I hop on the cheap bathroom scales most days, but the expensive scales that give me lots of readings, just once a week.

    LJoyce, so sorry to read that you’ve been struck down yet again with a wretched chest infection. Please look after yourself, and hope you improve quickly.

    Charlie G, good to have another Victorian on the forum. Lucky you, as a regional Victorian, being out of the really strict lockdown from this evening. I was thinking about the beef cattle you hand-rear. Friends of mine who lived on a farm – not the farmers, but they rented one of the farmhouses – once hand-reared a calf. They called it “Lambchops”, I think, or something like that, to remind themselves of its ultimate fate. I think it actually died though, so they didn’t end up with its meat.

    Neilithicman, yes, you’re right, eating healthy can taste good. Just needs getting into the swing of it.

    LindsayL, glad Rosy behaved well at the show, even if she didn’t win a prize. Good new re DH’s vein circulation. Will they try to put in a balloon to try to clear the block? Hope the PET scan goes well. Overall, just hoping for good news re his health.
    Hope your DGD is now back to normal, and that your DD did okay with her teaching practice despite tiredness.

    Anzac65, hope the work eases off at least a little soon. Christmas is a LONG time to wait. When are you going to post another Maxx photo?

    Re buying clothes online – very hit and miss. The sad thing is that a couple of things I COULD be wearing now went out in my last op shop run. I went through all the bags still waiting to be taken to the op shop, but no luck, so must have gone out previously. I was SO DETERMINED to not regain the weight, and knew I only had a few items left that would fit. Well, I did regain the weight, the clothes I could have worn are gone, and I didn’t anticipate being in such a hard lockdown yet again where I’d be unable to buy a few items to tide me over. Guess what?! I’d better lose the weight again 🙂

    Cinque, hope you’re doing okay, and didn’t flare up your CFS with all the gardening you did.

    Goodnight everyone.

    Good day to you all from a warm Kaiteriteri.

    I popped in the other day too Thin to find no one about so left, everyone seems to be so busy these days. Funnily enough we have just been watching Tony Robinson’s’ Walking the Thames and said we would like to walk that with a friend when we are back over there, hopefully next year, and maybe around this time of year as it will be my Dad’s 90th next year and I would so love to be with him. I can see why you are enjoying cruising the Thames so much, the scenery looks beautiful and very historic. In the autumn we were back in Bannockburn and foraged about a kilo of hazelnuts along with plums and blackberries. I’m happy to eat fruits as they are or stewed but OH always needs additions like pastry or crumble toppings, sigh!

    I know what you mean about the weather Neil, I see you got those strong winds overnight, Canterbury has them as I am typing this, we’re still waiting for them and although it’s quite warm presently, the black sky looks very threatening and we’ve batoned down the hatches. Feels like we’re waiting for an impending doom? Well done with the weight loss, it sounds like you’re back in the groove. I have always weighed and recorded my daily weight, but only log it once a week on a Monday currently. I also log my food intake, I find it helps working out what really doesn’t help me and how long I take to digest some foods. I also log the amount of water I drink, the number of coffees I’ve had, toilet visits and alcohol consumed. The last one has been blank for about three weeks now. It’s amazing how many times I have looked back and found it helpful.

    Lindsay, I loved your mention of Rosie in pyjamas, beautiful and funny mental images for me, your description of the actual article was almost bland in comparison. As for ‘My Fair Lady’, it’s my fave musical of all time so I can just imagine your OH feeling so proud of his DGD singing that song almost word for word. I loved everything about the musical, but sure you don’t want me to wax lyrical about it, you obviously get enough of that from your OH haha. My misspent youth.

    Great to hear from you Anzac, especially when you are so busy, you sound absolutely snowed under, don’t forget to stop and smell the roses sometime? Fancy telling Maxx his bubble bath is waiting, BIG mistake, our old Jack Russell was the same, I ended up having to lock him in the bathroom to carry out the job, but he loved it soooooooo much afterwards. Keep up the good work with the weight loss.

    Sorry to hear about the lung infection LJ, it sounds so debilitating. Sorry to sound so ignorant, but not something I know much about, what actually causes it, does it ever go away? You obviously have to treat it with antibiotics? Well done for staying to those 1000 calorie days. Keep well.

    You made me laugh with your ‘proper’ scales Betsy, are they not both the same? Mine give me about 10 different readings but I have no idea what they all are and I have difficulty reading the little logo at the side of the numbers to identify which numbers mean what so I only take the weight reading. Good luck getting back into your Doctorate and hopefully you can find a productive way of procrastinating!

    Your family sounds rather like ours Charlie, spread to the four corners, used to make for interesting travel plans, a distant memory now of course. Ours is just the two grandies for my parents though and both in their 20’s. Well done on the weight loss, it does make it easier when you have your OH with you doesn’t it. Mine is with me this time and although he is getting near to his target weight, I feel he could lose a few more kilos without making himself look gaunt. (That’s his fear!) Your wedding Anniversary celebrations sounded great, ours is coming up at the end of Nov but only 28yrs. Wow, now I’ve actually written that it sounds a long time!! I do envy you having a garden, that’s one thing I miss being on the road.

    Cinque, it sounds like you’re getting your garden under control too, the strawberry tower sounds great, I might just hang on a bit longer before I renew my herbs, not trusting this spring weather too much at present. Don’t overdo it, keep enjoying those veggies, I think of you every time I make my avo/sardines ramekin dish, one of my favourites.

    Good weight to report today, finally at 65.8kg this morning so on a roll downhill. Feels good being in the 65’s and so close to my PB of 64kg back in 2003. A long time ago.

    Best be off, looks like we’re off to grocery shop now it’s raining.
    Have a good day everyone,

    Turn, woohoo, almost at your PB. Well done. Loved reading your post. I hope you can make your plans for your dad’s 90th a reality.

    Anzac, good to hear you’re also doing so well – keep up the good work and don’t sabotage yourself. Take my advice – I’m not using it. After I reported my charts showing 100g per week gain for four weeks, I reined in my eating and drinking and got rid of it all. I immediately sabotaged that with a bad eating week last week followed by a mediocre FD. Yesterday, I had a terrible carby day.

    Anzac, just to say it out loud to shame myself and let you know that your good day is not like my blowouts – cereal and stewed plums for breakfast, impromptu pub lunch of fish and chips and half a pint of guinness. Tried to salvage that with a light supper but it only got worse – pesto pasta (I never normally touch pasta and made it for OH, what happened?), pumpkin and coconut soup with a bake-at-home baguette (two bowls, good grief). Finally stopped eating at 6pm feeling disgusted and bloated. All aptly reflected on the scales today.

    So today, Friday is a FD. I haven’t reached a trigger weight but my brother is coming to join us for the weekend and he wants to shout us a pub meal (he settled our mother’s estate in the USA and I declined his offer to give me half). We have just moored at the beautiful town of Abingdon-on-Thames and will cruise to Oxford with him. He does actually do 6:1 BTW but obviously not this weekend as we haven’t seen each other since Xmas 2019 despite finally being so near.

    Betsy, that’s good motivation to get the weight off!

    LJ, oh no another lung infection. Which means more antibiotics. Like Turn, curious to learn why you get so many (sorry if you answered my last query on this).

    CalifD, enjoyed two shows on Netflix last night – ‘The Baker’ with Damian Lewis. Hadn’t realised that it was a comedy until we started watching it. And ‘Clarkson’s Farm’ recommended by DD which I’d resisted for ages as I never liked the man on the car show (Jeremy Clarkson) but it is SO entertaining, we were cracking up with laughter.

    Cinque, Neil, CharlieG, Lindsay, Merry if you’re lurking, everyone else, hello.

    Dear everyone

    I have made some classic FD mistakes since I last wrote.

    Mistake number 1: scheduling a coffee meeting with a friend on a FD, thinking I would just have a skim milk coffee. But then succumbing to buttered fruit toast, and after that abandoning any attempt to fast.
    The lesson for me is not to have a social engagement on a FD unless it’s with someone like my sister who’s just going to have a coffee too!
    And in a way I like having a couple of days a week that I keep for my own activities, at home or out and about. It’s good for me because life can get very full.

    Mistake number 2: not having a clear plan and some preparations made. Today I thought I still had a container of the chicken and bacon casserole in the freezer but I did not! I did have some soup in the fridge but there was a tiny bit too much chilli in it for my taste so I ended up grating some cheese into it so make it gentler. It was delicious but I have now messed up the calorie count.

    Live and learn!

    And now I will look back through the posts of the last week or so, which I’ve read with interest, but haven’t managed to reply to.

    Cinque I could totally relate to you turning to the peanuts instead of glasses of water after the grandchildren had left. It was comforting to me to read that!

    Also comforting to know that you, Thin, can sometimes have lapses. It’s encouraging!

    Anzac, how great that you and your girlfriends have the Spring Challenge going and can chat through the day on-line and give each other support and have a few laughs. Your work sounds very pressured, and a bad back is no fun – hope that it is getting better.

    Betsy, how are you going with being back on the 5:2 wagon? And I am wondering what your PhD thesis is on – but only if you feel like talking about it! I remember there used to be a t-shirt that said “Don’t ask me about my Ph D”! But you are doing it for pleasure, aren’t you? Not that that makes it easy.

    Thank you for the suggestion about massage for the twitchy feet and legs. At the moment I am trying magnesium oil, a little bit rubbed into my feet at bed-time and it does seem to make a difference.

    Lindsay, you suggested taking magnesium and Vitamin B and I will keep that in mind too.

    It’s kind of you to think of that while you are dealing with OH’s health worries. Great that you had the good Father’s Day celebrations with both children, and that you had a good time with Rosemarie at the dog show.

    Oh and now I’m just reading your later message about the grand-daughter with concussion – a lot going on for you at present. Glad she is ok.And I loved the description of her sitting in the sun on your porch sining ‘Wouldn’t it be lovely’ – so nice for your OH. I grew up with musicals and could still sing a great many songs from MFL, Carousel, West Side Story, Oklahoma …

    Lovely to have the warmer weather. Like you Cinque I am splashing the Sea-sol around. I have bought seedlings of basil and sage and other things to plant.

    Calif, it is awful to read of fires still burning. Glad they are not too close to you but it is all pretty distressing. Hope you are recovering well from your surgery.

    Sorry to hear about the lung infection, LJ, and hope it clears up quickly.

    Like you I find the corn thins – or a variation made with ‘ancient grains’ instead of corn – to be a very useful snack. I usually just put a small smear of butter and some vegemite on them, but I like your idea of low-fat cream cheese and salad veg. I know that nuts are a good snack too but find it really hard to be moderate with nuts, so it’s better for me not to start.

    Thin, I wonder what you and OH will do for your anniversary. Such decisions are much more difficult these days.

    Neil, wild and changeable weather for you over there. Snow even! I always get such a sense of energy from your posts, And the food you prepare sounds marvellous.

    And now I think I’ll go and have one of those thin ‘ancient grains’ biscuits and a cup of tea. And look forward to toast and coffee tomorrow morning!

    Best wishes to all
    Helen Kate

    Good evening all. Good news at my weigh-in – lost 1.2 kg so far this month, so that’s a positive change.

    Well, twenty years since 9/11. A sad time for CalifDreamer to remember, I’m sure, and how much it changed the world. I was working in China at the time, and only heard about it when an American friend told me. Still remember how shocked I was, but a lot of the trauma of that time made barely a mention in China, so it was only later that the events became more real to me.

    Turnabout, my bathroom scales vary by more than a kilo, depending how I stand on them, even though I try to position my weight the same each time, so I don’t rely on them except as a guide. My “proper scales” are expensive, electronic Salter scales that don’t have the same variation to them, so I rely on those readings once a week, though I weigh on Saturdays, not Mondays. But, yay you for almost being at your target weight. I have a l.oo.oo.oo.n..g way to go (yet again!)

    Thin, did you have a restrained pub meal with your brother? I can imagine it would be a bit difficult, as it’s been a while since you saw him. Really, does it matter? Enjoy, and make up for the damage the following day. You’re excellent at doing that.
    And yes, lack of clothing (jeans/trousers mainly) is excellent motivation to persevere with losing weight.

    Helen Kate, yes, it can be difficult to not eat on a FD when meeting with a friend to socialise. Here in Melbourne, it’s almost a forgotten dream to be able to do that, but I do vaguely recall how lovely my weekly meets with a friend were 🙁
    Glad the massage of the lower back with your knuckles was helpful. Definitely magnesium oil, and possible magnesium supplements. I have to be careful with those, as they have a laxative effect on my system.

    My doctorate? Not a PhD, a Doctor of Ministry, looking at how well ESL speakers are able to communicate when they have to use English as the common language, in the church setting. My main problem is trying to learn how to use the various computer systems to do the statistical analysis. One of my supervisors is a whiz at such analysis, but I haven’t been able to meet with him because of our lockdown. Not doing so well without his guidance. Never mind, I’ll get there. Just have to stop being afraid of the technology.

    Okay, enough for now. LJoyce, and Cinque, I hope you’re both coping all right with your current health challenges.

    Take care all, and goodnight.

    A quick hello,
    I have been crook with a sore throat (covid test negative) and unfortunately (there must be something in the stars, or something in the air) overeating.
    I’ve got a feeling that sneaking some honey on toast on my first comfort eating day set off the munchies and it lasted a few more days.
    Glad to say I am feeling a lot better today and am having my Sunday fast day.
    But just a bit better, so this post is full of good wishes, but not proper responses.
    Love you all

    Greetings Fellow Fasters,
    This week has been the plateau week, since I was loosing quite quickly I expected it. However, not daunted by it this time, mainly because OH has lost a bit more.
    Finally he is happy doing TWOL.
    Betsylee when we rear boy calves (steers, as they have had their testicles removed) they get names, but they are not the ones I bond with as their fate is always that they will go for slaughter. The heifer calves on the other hand will become part of our cow herd, and so having them well handled means you can pet them in the paddock, and they are a calming influence on the rest of the herd.
    September 11, we were at Port Stephen’s on holiday, and we haven’t had a real holiday since!
    HelenKate, we have all made those mistakes, it does help to talk about it, makes one think before repeating the same mistake again, but trust me, we still do.
    Thin, hope you have really enjoyed having your brother with you, the one thing I still miss is extended family as I am an only, and growing up isolated on farms didn’t help either as I have no really close cousins either.
    Lindsay, fresh cows milk is the best, and with the orchard and veggie patch, it means long intervals between shopping, has helped hugely to survive lockdown,
    Looking forward to your next update about OH. Like others I had a great mental picture of Rosie’s pjs until you burst our bubble.
    Turn, I never thought of you as a Kiwi, you do live in a gorgeous part of the world, like us at the base of the mountains the weather knows how to remind us that it is in control.
    You are very clever at logging everything, I do it when things don’t go quite right, so that I learn from the experience.
    LJoyce, sorry to hear that you have been unwell, lung infections are not nice, both OH and I get them at times after a bad dose of asthma, which may be just around the corner with spring bursting forth so strong.
    Anzac and Neil, glad to hear that spring has sprung in your parts of the world as well.
    To anyone I missed, sorry, doing this on the iPad doesn’t mean I can get to everyone’s posts.
    Looking forward to the week ahead, gardening, weed spraying around the farm on days when the weather is right, still feeding cows as grass is slow to respond in water logged soil. Back to normal FD this week, might help get off this plateau and head down the other side again.
    Have a great week everyone.
    Cheers, Charlie.

    Firmly into to 68’s now every day, even though I weigh daily and it fluctuates from day to day.

    Thin, we didn’t see The Baker on our Netflix but there was a series called The Baker and the Beauty which turned out to be predictable but entertaining. We needed an escape. I did a search afterward and see that they have the one you mentioned on Prime for $1.99, so we’ll have to watch that one.

    Betsy, I’ve used scales in the past with lots of fancy features, many that I thought weren’t that accurate, and ended up paying attention to just the kg and not the other things.

    LJ, I hope your lung infection has gone away by the time you read this,
    Lindsay, had fun imagining Ross’s pj’s too. The people who used to live across the street had heavy flannel dog pj’s for their Golden Lab years ago. She would run to them to have them put the on her at bedtime.

    Cinque, I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been ill. Comfort eating very understandable, but nice that you are emerging now. Take it easy on your first FD for a while.

    LJ, yes, we are lucky here in Adelaide, for the time being, to still be able to meet with people. You Melbourne people have had it very tough over this past year. Your thesis sounds most interesting. I taught ESL to adult migrants years ago. Language learning and communication are fascinating.
    Congratulations on the weight loss.

    Charlie, a plateau is good too. And thanks for the words re the mistakes that we all make and learn from.

    I went out for a walk with my sister and her big lagotto puppy. We found a park with a pond and he showed us what a true water dog he is. So interesting these deep instincts! He is a gorgeous funny boy and we all adore him. https://imgur.com/a/rN7faN8 Tried to upload a picture of him swimming but couldn’t manage that!

    Best wishes to all,

    Good afternoon everyone.

    Thanks for the well wishes. I have improved, although I have needed to start a second course of antibiotics today – I was hoping to avoid that but my lungs aren’t clear yet.
    Turn and Thin, the lung infections are a common side effect for all of the modern biologic treatments for rheumatoid arthritis (and biologic treatments for other autoimmune diseases). I get lung infections about 9 times a year and this has been my only serious side effect for about 15 years now. Over time my doctor has realised that commencing antibiotics immediately is very important, otherwise an infection can last for weeks or develop into pneumonia. The bacteria live in my lungs permanently now (probably in the scar tissue from earlier bouts of pneumonia) and the antibiotics kill most but not all. The others remain, biding their time for my immune system to be vulnerable – which of course it it every 4 weeks after my infusions (my current treatment drug kills off my T Cells). So it’s something I just have to live with and it is actually a small price to pay for a treatment which gives me a much more normal life with a comparatively good range of function for someone with RA.

    Cinque, sending you virtual hugs. Hope you get well soon. https://imgur.com/a/fvZmnTM

    Cali, the 68s sounds like an excellent place to be. I hope you are pleased with your progress.
    I saw on the news a couple of days ago that the US now have infection and hospitalisation data on the efficacy of the 3 covid vaccines used there. It looks like the best results were Moderna, which I seem to remember is what you had – excellent.

    HK, it takes time to learn what you can and can’t deal with on a FD. It’s good that you see the positive side of it, having a couple of quieter days to yourself each week. I must admit I’m the other ways around – I can cope with just a couple of busy days and rest need to be quieter.
    I think Paddy gets cuter every time we see him.

    Charlie, the dreaded plateau, it hits us all at times. I think your attitude to it is a very healthy one. I tend to have violent thoughts toward my bathroom scales!
    On the news I saw skiers taking to the slopes of Mt Bulla as regional Vic opened up. I was hopeful that this extended to you and might allow for your B&B to get going again.

    Betsy, well done on getting that pesky gained weight moving again.
    I had a similar clothing problem with just one pair of larger jeans that fit and I’d gotten rid of the rest. It is definitely an incentive to get down to a weight where we have more clothing options. I suppose the positive aspect of lockdown is that a day spend in your dressing gown while waiting for the washing to dry is not the problem it would normally be.

    Thin, enjoy the time you get to spend with your brother, I know that it’s a very rare treat these days. Excellent that he got the estate finalised, I remember what a stressful issue that was for you.

    Turn, that PB weight is getting awfully close now, well done.

    It’s a wet and stormy day here, so no walking today. I’ll have to try and stay active indoors. I have always used my hourly fitbit reminder to get up and walk, but I’ve made some changes to this recently. I’m using the hourly fitbit reminder to get a number of other useful things done regularly. It gets me off the couch and I try to spend at least 5 minutes doing something active. Although I can do laps of my long hallway I’m actually trying to do more useful things like a load of washing or unpacking the dishwasher or sweeping a floor etc – things I usually have no trouble putting off until later. I am also making a point of drinking a glass of water each hour as part and also having hourly trips to the loo (with age, my bladder has developed an inconvenient habit of not always giving me enough time, so I’m avoiding that by going before it thinks I need that reminder).

    I hope you are all going ok. Hugs to those of you who are in lockdown or struggling with other issues. Take care all.

    I forgot to post some pics.

    I finally got around to making the Hairy Bikers Kale, Bean & Chorizo soup. I hope it’s good because I have a stockpot full and it’s tonight’s FD dinner. https://imgur.com/a/65bxR2l It’s certainly thick and hearty and I have high hopes that it will be filling too.

    I made another batch of moussaka, but because I was at home and having to make do with the veg in the fridge it have some more unusual veg layers. I had no eggplant so I have layers of zucchini, potato, carrot and spinach leaves, with a thin layer of thawed bolognese sauce between each veg layer. It was really tasty and I didn’t miss the eggplant at all. https://imgur.com/a/AqMQu6Z I might even have managed my 5 a day with this one. Some time ago I remember reading in my Jane Grigson Vegetable book, that many European cuisines have a dish that is similar to the Greek moussaka, but they use locally available veg instead of eggplant. So I can’t claim this as my invention, I stole the idea from Jane Grigson.

    Most of our clients either come from Melbourne or interstate, so I think we won’t see guests again this year!
    Our skiers normally head to Falls Creek as it is just on one hour from here.
    Enjoy your week, Charlie.

    Good evening all.

    Well, I’ve gotten past the weekend without too much “drama” with food, so that’s quite positive. I’ve gradually been emptying out a small chest freezer, and am down to a heap of frozen vegies, so I think I’ll make a very rich chicken and vegetable soup/casserole to eat over the next few days. That is fairly low-cal, so will be quite good for me.

    Why emptying out the freezer, you may ask? Well, I’m quite short, and I have vivid mental pictures of me ending head down in the freezer as I lean in to reach things at the bottom. It hasn’t actually happened, but I have a vivid imagination 🙂 Think of a short Betsy with just legs kicking around in the air, and you’ll get the picture. Anyway, especially as I get older, I think it would become increasingly difficult to manoeuvre myself out of such a position, so I replaced the chest freezer with an upright one. Therewith, I promptly filled both freezers 🙂 , so now I am determinedly working myself down to one freezer. Of course, I also have the freezer that’s part of my fridge (that’s 3 freezers in all), and you can see the absurdity of the situation I as a single person found myself in. And no, most of it has not been junk-type food, so I didn’t want to just throw it out. I’ve about eaten my way through the food in the one freezer now, though, at last. It’s taken nearly a year, as I kept adding bits and pieces.

    It is finally nearly empty, and if I can’t give it away, I’ll donate it to the “Kids on the curb” charity, which recycles used white goods and supports homeless kids with the proceeds. I’d prefer to give it away, as I’m not sure how long it will be before the charity is operating again with pick-ups.

    LJoyce, sorry you’re still battling the infection.
    Just to clarify, the jeans situation isn’t quite as bad as I made it sound. I have an old pair of jeans (plus track suit pants) for around home, the jeans now showing wear at the seams. That’s the pair I wanted to replace. I had one pair of better jeans I could wear out, but with my (small) weight loss, another pair of jeans are now also okay for “going out” wear, so going out wear is okay, at home chores wear, not so great. That’s okay, it will improve as I keep losing weight.

    Helen Kate, I think you confused LJ with me, but yes, I loved teaching ESL, too, though my students were mostly international students improving their English before progressing to university courses.

    Hi CalifDreamer, I like my fancy scales as I like to see the percentage of fat going down as I lose weight, and not percentage of muscle mass. It also gives me my BMI without me needing to do any calculations. I really like it when my BMI goes down to 30, because, yay, I’m only overweight, no longer obese. It will be even better to reach the score of 25 or lower, and stay there. Having shrunk with age, I have to lose more than I used to, to reach those milestones.

    CharlieG, a friend (now deceased, and herd gone) used to have a herd of Jersey cattle in the Adelaide hills. I remember with the heifers, when I visited, and went down to the dairy, he’d sometimes ask me to stroke their backs gently as they were in the stalls. He and his brother always introduced the heifers to the milking stalls well before they were bred and produced calves, so they were already accustomed to the process of being milked. The Jersey cows were very gentle, once they were used to it. I don’t think many farmers (if any) have Jersey cattle any longer(?). Maybe more Guernsey? – a bigger cow with a lot more milk, but not nearly as creamy, as I understand it.

    Cinque, Hope you continue to pick up, and the throat pain disappears quickly.

    Hi to everyone else, Merryme, Neilithicman, Turnabout, Thinatlast, Anzac65, LindsayL, etc.

    Goodnight all.

    Morning all, Bit of a wild night here last night. We had winds gusting up to 200kph, thunder, lightning, flickering lights and torrential rain. I got a call to say that there was some tree damage up at our new frisbee golf course so I went for a look and there was a whole Bluegum tree that had snapped off at the base and some big branches down from some of the the Douglas Fir trees. https://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/havoc-otago-gales-top-200kmh

    Betsy, well done on surviving the weekend, I had a good Sunday but ate a bit of junk on Saturday because we had our first cards sessions with some friends and we usually eat a bit of junk at those sessions.

    Charlie, I wouldn’t worry too much about a plateau, often you can stay a similar weight but drop size, There is often a delay between work you put in and results on the scale too.

    Ljoyce that sounds pretty good. Improvised meals can turn out pretty well. Last night I cooked up some onions, mushrooms, bacon and a couple of tins of pasta sauce that my sister-in-law had given us that I wanted to use up. I made some dents in it with the back of a spoon and cracked an egg into each dent then crated some cheese over the top. It went down extremely well with my two boys.

    Helen Kate, I’m sure the doggie tried to share the water with you by shaking himself all over you when he got out.

    Cali, well done, looks like you’ve got yourself on the right track with your weight at the moment.

    Thin, I’m sure this will just be a minor blip for you, you have to be the most dedicated of us on the forum.

    Turn, good luck on the PB

    Cinque, yes I know that trigger all too well. I find I always get the binge when I eat some starchy carbs. Have a couple of crackers when I get home from work and before you know it I’ve polished off half a packet, and a couple of slices of toast, and then eat dinner, and then move on to dessert.

    I’ve been doing a bit of reading recently and it looks like some of my problem is I don’t eat enough protein. I read a weight loss article that said that you should be eating 1.6-2.2 grams of protein per kilo of bodyweight (1.6 grams normally, 2.2 grams if you are really active), or if you are overweight then 1.6-2.2 grams of protein per kilo of bodyweight for your goal weight. As long as you hit that then you make up the rest with carbs and fats. My goal weight is 85 kilos which means I should be getting around 135-185 grams of protein per day. I had a look back over my macros on my food tracker and I’m lucky to hit 80 grams a day, usually it’s around 65. I tend to eat mostly carbs and fats from oats, fruit, veg, nuts, seeds avocados and meat. When I binge it’s always on carbs. So I’m going to try to up my protein intake and make sure that I have some protein rich snacks at home to stop me hitting the carbs. I boiled up half a dozen eggs to sit in the fridge, I’ve got a couple of packets of Biltong sitting in the cupboard, and I’ll look up some recipes for some other snacks I can make up to have on hand to stave off the after work munchies.

    Well have a good day everyone.

    Good morning all,

    I’ve read half the posts so far. Thanks CharlieG, Betsy, LJ, my brother’s visit was great fun. Two G&Ts sitting outside until dark in Abingdon, then the HBs’ Thai Green Chicken curry was a huge hit with him. Yesterday we cruised to Oxford having a late lunch at The Chequers, a 15th Century Inn with loads of character. Great food – I had a nut roast. DB then took the bus back to his car, about 14 mins c/t 4 hours of cruising. It brought back fun memories of our hire boat trip with him 17 years ago when our girls were young which had given me the taste for narrow boating.

    Cinque, so sorry you’ve been unwell. It felt odd not joining you yesterday for our FD and I have a lot of restraint to work on this week.

    LJ, thanks for the explanation about the infections, gosh, you poor thing. I loved the bean and chorizo photo.

    Neil, what a storm. Which card games do you play? I miss our board games with Perth neighbours. Thanks for your kind words but I’ve never done that well with NFDs. I am making a big effort this week though as as it will be 9 days between FDs which is unlikely to work well in itself.

    Betsy, so funny about the freezer. I had to empty my pathetic little freezer box of food in the days leading up to DB’s visit to make space for making ice for the G&T. A less noble cause than yours.

    CharlieG, you seem to have boundless energy for so many varied and busy projects, it’s a wonder you’re not as skinny as a rake already. My family is very small too. OH has hundreds of cousins in the USA, most of whom he’s never met.

    I must have missed some. Hi CalifD, Anzac, HK and everyone else. Have a great week all.

    I forgot to say that the first thing my brother said to me when he got out of his car was, “God, you’re so skinny!”. I’d been this weight when we last saw each other at Xmas two years ago. It goes to show that he doesn’t think of me as a slim person which I found Interesting. People who’ve only known me since I lost the weight say they can’t imagine me as a fat person.

    Good afternoon everyone. Hope you have some reasonable weather where you are. Here it’s only 16C but sunny and not windy for a change. It has cheered me up and I’m looking forward to another short walk this afternoon. With my breathing still under par I have to keep the walks to about 15 minutes or I struggle to get home. However I can do two of them, weather permitting, so I get enough exercise. Today it’s a pleasure to be out there.

    Thin, I’m not surprised by your brother’s reaction as he’s had little contact with you as a thin person and has lots of memories of you larger. I find extended family that I have rare contact with are shocked to see that I haven’t regained the weight that I lost nearly 7 years ago.
    Not a G&T fan, but hope you thoroughly enjoyed the treat.
    I agree, 9 days between FDs does sound dangerous.

    Neil, I found adding protein rich foods to lunch helped a lot, so I agree with your thinking. Most protein foods take longer to digest than carbs. I suspect that is partly why they provide a sense of fullness for longer.

    Betsy, I had a vivid image of you stuck in the freezer. I remember as a child when mum got her first chest freezer feeling slightly worried I’d fall in when sent to retrieve something for her. While I have had the luxury of an upright freezer in the past, there’s no room for it in this house so I have to make do with the freezer compartment in my fridge – luckily it’s large. I have the same issues with throwing good food away and feel obliged to eat it. You can turn frozen veg into soups or stews and then freeze portions of the new creation. It’s safe as long as the soup/stew has been well cooked.
    It is hard to find milk or cream from jersey cows these days. There is one dairy on the Fleurieu Peninsula in SA that specialises in it, but their product is understandably pricey. The cream is almost solid like butter. https://alexandrinacheese.com.au/

    Charlie, I did wonder if most of your B&B clients would be from too far away to be allowed to travel.

    Cinque, how are you? I hope your health is improving.

    Hello to everyone else, hope you are doing well.

    I’ve probably mentioned this product before, but I’ll mention it again in case you need a healthier pasta option. It’s legume spaghetti and fettuccine made by Slendier (the same company that makes the konjac noodles that some of us use).
    It’s available in soy bean, edamame or black bean. They are all fine, although I usually buy the soy bean spaghetti or fettuccine as it looks most like normal wheat pasta and my finished bowl of pasta looks the way I remember when I was using wheat pasta. You cook this in boiling salted water just like other pasta, although it only takes 3-5 minutes. The texture and taste is not identical to wheat pasta, but it’s close enough to make a nice meal. The big benefit is the extremely low calorie count and higher fibre content. Normal pasta is around 1500kj per 10g (dry weight), but these legume pastas are less than 1/3 of that. I don’t eat normal pasta at home any more, but I do eat this one. Unlike konjac noodles, these behave like pasta and don’t release lots of water into your sauce.
    This is what I most often make with it: https://imgur.com/a/YXT5Fh8 It literally comes together in 5 minutes – Chilli tuna pasta with baby spinach and cherry tomatoes. (A big bowl of tasty pasta for under 350 calories.) Ideally for me it has 10g fibre. Because of the modest calorie count I will eat it on both FDs and non FDs.

    Yes I have even more food photos. I am going to detour away from the “healthy” snack discussion, to what you do when only a sweet treat will do. I find managing that without going overboard can be difficult and if I resist too long I am more likely to binge. Here are some options that I use that are all around the 100 calorie mark. https://imgur.com/a/0ub6ulw
    The Arnott’s Malt-o-Milk are 133kj (32calories) each. You can make it a healthier indulgence by replacing 2 of those biscuits with a small piece of fruit or some nuts. Other biscuit options that have quite low calories are almond bread (although you probably have to make this yourself), wafer biscuits (I use the WW chocolate or vanilla finger wafers which are only 30 calories each). If you want to control the calories even more try the Tiny Teddy biscuits – they are only 9 calories each (just do not sit down with the box on your lap).
    The second option is 2 squares (20g) of chocolate – or the alternative of 1 square with some almonds. Chocolate is 52-57 calories per 10 grams. My favourite Lindt – the dark chocolate with raspberry is happily at the 52 calorie end of that spectrum. What I am trying to demonstrate is that giving into a sweet craving does not have to break the calorie bank and you can moderate the sugar hit by combining a little of what you feel like with something healthier. Something I have learned over the years is that I have the best chance of not overindulging in these things if I put the portion on a plate and then put the containers away before I sit down to indulge the treat. It doesn’t always work, but it gives me the best chance of success at limiting my eating.
    Just to reassure you all, I didn’t eat all four of the snacks in these photos – I ate 2 of them about a week apart – the others were taken just for demonstration.

    Something else I wanted to mention, as a few of you have mentioned foods that you dare not allow yourself as there is no stopping point (eg cheese, nuts, chips, chocolate, icecream…) I used to have a long list of those and I’ve whittled it down over the years. There are several approaches that I have found help and improve control over time. While they don’t work every time, they do work for me most of the time now:
    – As I mentioned above, carefully weigh/measure the food and serve it on a plate and move away from the source before enjoying it.
    – Another way of handing portion control is to buy a product where that is done for you. For example, instead of a large packet of something, see if there is an option which has small individually wrapped portions. These are often a pricier way of buying something, but it is worth it if it gives you control, and an item isn’t cheaper if you eat the entire packet in one sitting. (I have definitely had this debate with myself in the supermarket.)
    – Initially try only having the food away from home. If you want to eat the whole cake every time you bake then restrict cake to an occasional piece at a cafe – it’s naturally portion controlled (that was my dietitian’s advice). I am stuck at this stage with a couple of salty snack foods.
    – Be mindful (also my dietitian’s advice). Eat each bite slowly and savour it. If you eat fast you will want another portion as you barely tasted the first one.
    – The final trick that helped a lot is based on the idea that our subconscious does not like “no”, so we need to find a way to keep control while saying yes. My first attempt at this was with chocolate a few years ago. I told myself I could have chocolate any day I felt like it, as long as it was 15 grams (about 37 calories). Initially I ate chocolate every day, but I did stop at 15 grams. After about a fortnight I stopped feeling like chocolate – it no longer felt like a treat that I had to eat just because it was available. I came to want it only occasionally and the temptation to eat a whole block is very rare these days. This approach takes time, but it does retain your brain in relation to that food. I’ve done a similar thing with nuts and cheese too. I tried it with bread and that was a big fail – I’m fine when the loaf is frozen and I’m defrosting the slices I need. With fresh bread my restraint goes straight our of the window. Luckily fresh bread only makes an appearance in house a couple of times a month. I have however found that if I buy the bread on a FD it does go into the freezer before I can attack the fresh loaf.
    One final thing I will point out, is that when I originally lost my weight I did not attempt to learn control with any of these “danger” foods. I just banned them from the house. Once I got to my goal I then knew I had to tackle them in some way of they would continue to be my achilles heel. I gradually tackled each of them (except the potato chips) one by one. The potato chips are all fat, salt and starch and I preferred to keep them banned from the house. I left these as an “eat out only” food and I allow myself one handful and then walk well away from the bowl. I’m the same with roasted salted nuts and only have these when out – I buy raw nuts.

    LJ, interesting post thank you. People’s perceptions and expectations are very interesting, aren’t they? I had friends/people that I’d only see occasionally and they’d express surprise that I hadn’t gained the weight back. I think everyone expects us to do so – and that indeed was my pattern for decades. Well, we showed them! I didn’t expect that response from my brother as we’ve always kept in close contact, despite not seeing each other for years, and he practices 6:1 himself. It took several years for me to accept myself as a slim person.

    Good evening all.

    Hope you’re well now, LJoyce, you didn’t mention it, and that you’re improving now, Cinque. At the moment, I’m struggling with severe fatigue, even though I’m not tired, so I may need to adjust what I’m eating or how/ when. Just have to persevere. If it goes on too long, may need to consult the doc., see if anything else is going on, but not yet.

    LJoyce, the friends with the Jersey cattle lived in the Adelaide Hills.

    Neilithicman, one thing I’ve learned re eating protein – when I don’t ensure I have enough protein in my diet, I absolutely crave carbs, so that confirms what you’ve found. That was some storm over your way!

    Thin, it will be interesting when I can finally stabilise at a lower weight, to see what comments I get. Somehow, I don’t expect too much, as my weight has varied a lot over the years. My friends are used to me being different sizes 🙁 .
    Glad you had a great meet-up with your brother.

    Stay safe and well, all.

    Morning all,

    Maharaja, I think you’re on the wrong page of the forum. Don’t worry, there’s only another 519 pages to read through 😉

    Weigh in today was slap bang on 100 kg. I started on my higher protein today. Breakfast I improvised some corn fritters with pea flour instead of wheat flour, lots of onion, chilli and coriander. Add my flat white and my breakfast is around 500 calories and 30 grams of protein. I feel absolutely stuffed. Hopefully that’s a good sign.

    Well have a great day everyone.

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