Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,468 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 1 day, 9 hours ago.

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  • Good morning, Fast Day again!
    And a hot, humid, at home day plus I really need to cook (African) beef stew and futari, which might be harder to leave til tomorrow than bread is.
    Oh well, it is just one day, and I can do anything for just one day.

    And I have just watered the garden, so it is looking happy.

    Yesterday was home help and I wasn’t in the mood for it, but didn’t want to cancel it. Done now. After that I went and invested in another set of pillow and mattress protectors so it is easier to change them regularly. They were on special 40% off, yay!

    LJoyce, nearly back to 80kg after day 1. Woot! All power to you!

    World pulse day is over and I did enjoy my last bowl of the mung bean soup last night, and I also have some white beans soaking to add to the beef stew. I think with hummus you can count yourself celebrated! (Unless you are in the habit of calling any dip hummus, not a chickpea in sight!)

    I think urad is the most common base for poppadams, it is often counted as a lentil as people translate the Indian information. I thought it was a lentil for years, moong dal also.

    So glad your heat patches are making a difference, although a little bit sad they aren’t a miracle treatment.

    I loved those photos (especially the middle one with the beautiful sun and shade on the lovely grass and trees). It would be so cool to have a bottle of those grapevines’ wine.

    Thin, yikes, I googled Turkish Get Up Exercise.


    I’ve also seen the lovely ad with Elton John and Michael Caine. Just gorgeous.
    Wow I did figure your neighbours must be burning coal. Taking me back to our briquette heater of the 1970’s.
    The media is settling down after that flurry of fear about the AZ vaccine.
    Here is our roll out plan:
    Phase 1a
    Quarantine and border workers
    Frontline health care worker sub-groups for prioritisation
    Aged care and disability care staff
    Aged care and disability care residents
    Phase 1b
    Elderly adults aged 80 years and over
    Elderly adults aged 70-79 years
    Other health care workers
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people > 55
    Younger adults with an underlying medical condition, including those with a disability
    Critical and high risk workers including defence, police, fire, emergency services and meat processing
    Phase 2a
    Adults aged 60-69 years
    Adults aged 50-59 years
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 18-54
    Other critical and high risk workers
    Phase 2b
    Balance of adult population
    Catch up any unvaccinated Australians from previous phases
    Phase 3
    < 16 if recommended

    You will love your heatwave (happily ours ends late tonight).

    Hello Anzac,
    Doesn’t mindfulness make a difference!
    Haha, good scientific result on your scales. All power to you today too.

    I started off thinking I wanted my own wonderful library, but then realised I only had a core of books I read and reread and mostly gave up collecting books. But I did get about 8 books from the library every week to devour.
    I was the quickest one to learn to read in my family. Fifth out of seven, my mum didn’t manage to teach me, she said I just picked it up as if it was innate. I noticed later that it meant I was better at teaching maths, that I struggled to learn, because I had no strategies to pass on about reading. I learned ofcourse, and love how kids learn in so many different ways, and get their letters and spelling sorted as they go.

    Neil, that is such interesting reading about cortisol. Seriously, it really resonates with CFS, even though our ‘too much’ is having a shower and making breakfast! Merry, are you reading, do you agree?

    Enjoy some long leisurely rides.

    Penguin https://assets.eflorist.com/site/50006000/About%20Us/m3560225-50006000-logo.png?1500746001315

    Ok off for another fasty fast day. Cheers all.

    Good morning. The quickest of posts, as I’m trying to get out the door before the mower man comes and blocks me in….

    All well here ….down just .1 this morning, after an epic fail on world pulse day. I made the Fast 800 chick pea patties, and had it in my head that it was a recipe for 2, when in fact it was meant to serve 4. Honestly, it wasn’t that big a meal, so it didn’t register until I was doing my daily food log. So, all up, I’m down 3.7 kilos in a bit under 2 weeks, and my friend is down 4.4. I find I am naturally moving towards fewer than 800 calories each day, and even after 400 cals instead of 200 for dinner last night, still only reached 850.

    Thanks all for the concern about my neighbours’ trees. If I am being honest, it actually helps us because there is more light and sunshine falling on our pool, which because it is in shade and is so huge and the palest of blues, takes some time to get to a good temperature. I also have a very high largish triangle window which I look out of from my spot at the breakfast table, and once where there was a tree, I now see sky, fringed by another tree (so far). But….I hate to see the trees go. Such important things, trees. Fortunately my bees aren’t missing them (thank you for asking Gday…or was it LJ ..I can’t go back without risk of losing my post) ….they literally have hundreds of thousands of other options given they can range so far in a day, and we are perched on the edge of Mt Coot-tha. I’ve also planted so many bee-friendly flowering plants and trees that they could probably even survive closer to home, if they chose.

    OK I am not going to lose my post by going back a page, so will be back later.

    Enjoy your day all

    Back for a quick second post for the day.

    Thin I looked again at Dr M’s 800 book – his explanation for increasing the calories on FDs is that the first lot of science was done with animals, and since then there’ve been human trials which have proven that 800 is the magic number for weight loss and the health benefits which come with restricted calorie intake.

    The tree loppers are back, and much as I’ve tried to sound sanguine about it, I’m close to tears. They’ve regrouped and brought out the big guns, and this time there’s a chap taking down a very old , huge grey gum. Such a feature of their back garden, and I have no idea what my neighbour is trying to achieve. I heard her say to the loppers that she wanted to get rid of the trees because that’s all she could see from her bedroom. Mmmmm. The neighbouring block on her bedroom side is native bush, so unless she’s sending her environmental vandals down to clear it, she’ll still continue to see trees. There are more big trees on the block (it’s a large one) so I guess they’ll be next. (and yea Thin for karma!)

    Anzac I’m also impressed that you are running. I don’t know that I could do that at this stage, but have put my name on a weight list at the swim school down the road for water aerobics twice a week. The program’s just reopening later this month, after a covid suspension. I find I really lack flexibility – any suggestions, any one?

    Sorry Klondi – it was your question about our bees. I’ve planted a lot of blue through to purple flowers which the bees are reputed to love, but so far it’s the native bees that I see flocking to them – particularly my old favourite, the blue banded bee. I also bought some aubergine and basil plants at the nursery, for the same reason, and I’m being rewarded with lovely produce.

    John your Shark Bell group sound like a real community service, as well as a lot of fun. And so did your lunch with your grand-daughter …special times.

    Neil, remind me. You lost buckets when you did the Fast800 for 12 weeks, I seem to remember. You are right – after the first few days, the patterns emerge and the hunger subsides.

    Thin, I’m with you on books and electronic devices for kids. I feel sorry when I see little ones at restaurants being ‘entertained’ with videos as the parents sit and talk. My DD takes both kids to the library once a week, and they come home with all manner of reading matter….a quite eclectic mix. I’m not too proud to say that the little ones often surprise me with facts I didn’t know.

    OK OH is ready to be taken for new super duper shoes which are going to help his feet, according to the highly recommended orthotist we saw a couple of days ago. I would love to see Mr L back running – our Rosy has been entered in her first show in a fortnight, and one of us is going to have to canter around the ring with her.

    best wishes all

    (Great news Thin that you and OH have had your first shots. Such a relief.)

    I woke up this morning STARVING and was really worried until I remembered it is morning after fast day. Haha. Lovely breakfast and two frothy coffee later ready for the day.

    Greetings all! Happy Lunar New Year! https://www.burnsidevillage.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/LunaNewYear21.jpg
    Hooray for year of the ox, an honest, reliable hard worker. Just what we need to 5:2 this year. (yes, 5:2 is a doing word šŸ˜‰ )

    My beef stew ended up more beans than meat, but still very yummy (I had some with toast for breakfast). Still need to make the futari.

    Lindsay, eating double the portion is just the sort of mistake I make. But no harm done and hooray for getting into the rhythm of fast800. And you did World Pulse Day proud, haha.
    I do hope the tree destruction is over soon.
    Cheers to Mr L and the wonderful new shoes.

    Well the weather is lovely and cool and I am going to get out of the house today! (I’d better make the futari first).

    Best wishes to everyone

    Itā€™s been too many days since Iā€™ve posted, but I have been reading everyoneā€™s posts.
    GDAY, Iā€™m so sorry to hear of your loss. Itā€™s so sad to lose someone. Iā€™m glad your hand is recovering from that burn. That must be so painful.

    LJ, I agree that it would be hard to sleep with a hot back patch on a warm summer night, but glad they are offering some relief for your back pain. They will be more comforting in the winter when itā€™s cold.
    The photos you posted from your walk in the neighboring suburb are beautiful. Everything looks so lush and green for summer.

    Cinque, Iā€™ve been making lots of bean soups, mostly my own version of African recipes with the different spices. Yesterdayā€™s started with the Nigerian red bean soup recipe with a few additions. The high fiber makes them very filling and because itā€™s winter here, theyā€™re comforting. Tonight we have rain again and itā€™s about 9C. Weā€™ve been getting up to about 13 or 14 during the day. Good soup weather.

    Thin, so glad to hear that both you and OH got your first vaccines. Do you think OH was actually Iā€™ll from it or just doing the ā€œsick guyā€ thing? Iā€™ve only heard of one other person here who had more than just a sore arm from the first jab. A few people have gotten the second one, here usually 3 or 4 weeks later and most have had fatigue, muscle aches and some had fevers and headaches for a couple days. We go next week for our first Pfizer jabs.
    We did see that show you mentioned, ā€œThe Social Dilemma” on Netflix. Pretty disturbing stuff and Iā€™m sure itā€™s driving a lot of the political unrest. I canā€™t recall if I mentioned ā€œFire Fly Laneā€ on Netflix but itā€™s a 10 episode series that had been good so far. But there is a LOT of jumping back and forth in time which can be confusing at first.

    Lindsay, thatā€™s so sad about your neighbor cutting down so many trees. I think looking at trees from the bedroom window is beautiful. What would she rather be looking at?

    Anzac, we learned to read before we went to school because we had a lot of books in our home and both of my parents loved to read. Neither of them enjoyed the maths and neither did I. But I remember going to the school library and the local bookmobile and checking out stacks of books each week, even in the first grade. Our home now is filled with bookshelves, too many books really, and although we go through them every so often and donate books, I end up buying mostly Kindle books these days, partly because of the convenience and partly to avoid the clutter of more books.

    Klondi, itā€™s so good to see you back here again. That elbow injury sounds really painful and itā€™s so easy to bump into things with it during the day. I hope itā€™s healing well.

    Neil, you get so much exercise that I think you would have to really overeat to gain much weight these days. Are your knees completely recovered from the accident?

    Penguin, hope your move is going well. I know you said there would be an interim move while the other house was going through some renovations. Those things can sometimes take longer than expected. I hope your health problems are under control. I miss your posts.

    Iā€™m going to head off to bed and try to get a good nights sleep. I somehow managed over 8 hours last night with only a few short wake ups during the night, and I felt so much better for it this morning.

    CalifD, it was good to hear from you. Thanks for the series recommendation, I have seen Firefly Lane on our Netflix and will check it out. We’re currently watching Life On Mars – I’d avoided this as I don’t care for sci-fi but I’m enjoying it a lot – it’s a policeman’s time travel back to the seventies and very amusing. I’ve forgotten the date for your jabs but think you said late February. OH is a bit of a hypochondriac and also quite dramatic when he’s ill so it’s hard to know. I certainly won’t mention what you wrote about the second jab being likely to cause more symptoms!

    Lindsay, you poor thing. I empathise about the neighbours’ trees. What a strange attitude to be complaining about only being able to see trees. Your heart must sink every time you hear that chainsaw start up. For flexibility, I recommend yoga. Thank you for explaining further about MM’s Fast800 rationale. I hadn’t realised that he believed it to supersede the prior advice – I’d been thinking it was more a sort of compromise for people that couldn’t manage 500. I must try and read about it. For me, the extra FD over two weeks has had a dramatic effect and I’ll keep going for two more.

    Cinque, the urid beans were a bit blah. They changed colour yet again from the soaked deep green to brown. Thanks for explaining the vaccine priority groups in Australia. I’ve read that Melbourne is back in lockdown for a brief period.

    I did read the posts on the previous page yesterday but can’t remember anything. I think it was Neil and LJ so hello to you.

    Good evening all

    I spent much of the day in Stirling, with a one hour hilly walk to Aldgate and back before our cafe lunch. I did order the green goddess chicken salad as planned. It was delicious, but I could tell by the flavour and texture, that the dressing was laden with oils and pureed nuts. Never mind, I have also eaten a light dinner too, which definitely takes me well over 1000cals, but certainly still under my TDEE – dinner’s a meal I find impossible to skip. I’m feeling a bit sanguine about having a higher calorie day today as I weighed this morning and found myself down to 79kg already – that’s 3.4kg for four days on 800cal. I’m actually pretty shocked at the weight loss. That used to happen when I was much heavier but not in more recent years. I must have really had a lot of extra fluid (and probably inflammation, if the state of my knees is an indication) on board. I’m back to strict Fast800 tomorrow for a couple more weeks to get me comfortably into my preferred range and to allow for the fact that when I go back to 5:2 some of the fluid and possibly some lost glycogen will come straight back.
    After lunch today we spent an hour meandering through the Stirling shops to look for a few things we needed (locally grown peaches were high on my agenda). It’s not a very long main street but we managed to accumulate a surprising 4000 steps while shopping for fruit & veg and a valentines gift (my friend needed this for her husband). I came to the conclusion that shopping is good for your health. I’m not sure it will be good for my friend’s husband – he’s getting chocolates.

    Cali, lovely to hear from you. I was going to ask if you’d had your first vaccine yet, but Thin beat me to it. Unlike Thin I had remembered it as mid-Feb – we were both wrong it was in between our guesses. I hope everything goes well for the vaccination.
    Yes there is a lot more green around here than usual for this time of year. We’ve had a bit more rain and milder temperatures than is usual for summer here. Normally most of summer is in the 30s, but this year we’ve had more days in the 20s. That’s really rare and as someone who hates hot weather, it’s one of the few summers I’ve liked.

    Thin, I loved life on Mars. Although there is a supernatural element to it, I found that I forgot that and just got involved in the story. I enjoyed the music soundtrack too. Although it got poor ratings, I also enjoyed the follow-up series Ashes to Ashes.

    Cinque, I absolutely loved the penguin holding flowers picture – what a perfect image for Penguin.
    I have to ask, what is futari? When I did a google search they said it was wagu beef – I didn’t think that’s what you meant.
    Do you know whether you are part of the “underlying medical condition” vaccine group? I found one list to see if I was included, it said “certain inflammatory conditions” – not very helpful!

    Lindsay, I must admit not liking the view of trees from your window sounds like madness to me. If you were on an elevated sight and some trees were were blocking a a fabulous long view then I’d understand.
    I hadn’t realised you were planning to show Rosy. I can you doing a lot of trial runs so she behaves in the ring.

    Betsy & Cinque, so sorry to see you are back in lockdown. Hopefully the short period will be enough. We only had a short one here after the November outbreak at it really gave the contact tracers time to find the thousands of primary and secondary contacts and get them tested and quarantined at home. I really makes a difference to community spread.

    Take care all.

    Good morning,
    Rocking lockdown (so far šŸ˜‰ ) but really hoping it won’t be longer than the 5 days.

    Hello Cali, ooh yum those comforting African style soups. My beany African stew was so good I ate the entire container full already. Luckily I have more in the freezer. So glad your vaccine time is nearly here.

    Thin I also loved Life on Mars, especially that first series, but also the second series in the 80’s. (Snap LJoyce)
    My favourite series at the moment is ‘Detectorists’.

    Interesting you had a similar reaction to urad dal that I had. Hmm, maybe I won’t invest in another go with them. I’ll see.

    LJoyce, I presume they will put everyone on a disability pension in phase 1b for the vaccine, so I think I will be in there. I am not sure how they will sort it otherwise, you certainly belong in the same category. There isn’t much space between phase 1b and 2a, and I would be in that one agewise, so I won’t worry about asking further, but maybe you should?

    Futari is a sweet potato and pumpkin dish from Tanzania I made last year and absolutely loved. Definitely no wagu beef in it! In my book it is introduced this way: “What could be better than the fragrant blending of coconut, citrus, cinnamon and cloves?”
    I use the purple skinned white sweet potato which are perfect for it.

    Didn’t make it yesterday! Must make it today.

    Ooh yum the green goddess dressing, and hooray that it didn’t get in the way of your lovely weight loss.
    Haha, shopping can be very good for our health! I hope your knees are okay today.

    Well I am so hungry. I think I will quickly make the futari and have a fillet of fish with it, plus salad. Yum.

    Fast day tomorrow!

    Cheers all.

    Good afternoon all.

    Sorry for all the errors in my previous most – I just reread it!

    Cinque, thankyou for the description of futari. I vaguely remember asking you about it last time too. It would be quite sweet and nearly dessert territory with those veggies and spices – although when looking at recipes I still found one that thought adding sugar was necessary – seriously? I suspect our recipe relies on the natural sugars in the veg. On this morning’s walk I meandered through a local community garden and found a patch of trombone with very long curly necks. They are still immature and green, so I’ll be interested to see just how large they are once ripe.

    Thin, I know it’s worrying seeing negative media stories about the reduced effectiveness of the Oxford vaccine on the S.A. variant. However there is no way (with the internet) for these results to be suppressed or to stop all the questions. I think the best approach is to be very quick to address this issue publicly giving the facts and also being very clear as to how it can and importantly how it can’t be interpreted. I find I’m most reassured by the press conferences where there is the PM or Premier(s) accompanied by the chief health officer and any others with important contributions to make. It means that all the questions get answered by people who actually know what they are talking about and can give accurate and detailed responses. Being quick to do this is also important as I think it can reduce the amount of misinformation that gets widely circulated.
    I did hear good news on Wednesday, that South Africa have decided to start using the Oxford vaccine again, but they are initially doing it as a trial with 100,000 people (hopefully they are sampling a range of age and risk groups). That should give much more useful data than we currently have. They are ideally placed to do this as they have most of the cases of this variant. It also means that if their results show effectiveness against serious disease they may choose to quickly resume their previous vaccination program.

    After yesterday’s extra calories I have slipped happily back into an 800cal day.
    I have taken a serve of bolognese from the freezer, added cooked soybeans, tomato pasta sauce and chilli sauce to it and then divided it between 2 bowls. I was inspired by Thin’s huevos rancheros a few days ago. Tonight I will add a poached egg to the top of one bowl for dinner. I’ll see what I feel like adding to the second serve tomorrow.

    Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.

    Good evening all. I’ve read all the posts since I last posted, so this will be a L..o..n…g response šŸ™‚

    Me first – just has my 5th Covid-19 test, negative, as with all the others. Frustrating to be someone who is susceptible to colds, hayfever and sinus infections (the last of which is what I think I have now). I’ve been ignoring the symptoms and hoping to get better, but…. will probably go to the doctors’ on Monday or Tuesday, so will be able to say that my test is negative. Very fast, too – test about 12:30 p.m. result early evening.

    Re study, getting quite stressed about it. Response: avoidance, plus read and eat more. Not good, so I’ve decided to actually write down what I eat each day, so it’s a lot more “in my face” than when I just remember. Here’s hoping! However, I concur with, and sympathise with, Klondikekween (lovely to see you back, too!) and Cinque re shocks bringing on carb bingeing.

    The wonderful thing is that tomorrow is another day. De Minaur is losing his Australian Open tennis match tonight, 2 sets down at the moment, Nadal winning at 2 sets up, sad to see no spectators after seeing the (controlled and socially distancing) crowds over the past several days, so it’s a good time to write posts.

    G’Day from SA, good that your big hand bandage is off and now it’s just the fingers – hope they heal quickly. Congrats on completing your Cert III apart from the practicum. It will be wonderful for you to have that finished.
    Sorry to read of the lss of your dear friend, especially from DV, and overseas so it’s more difficult to grieve and “say goodbye”.

    Klondikekween, oops re the chipped elbow. Good the OH stepped in the help with some of the cooking. Hope you’ll be able to drive soon. However, yay you for getting back to running. Your fitness levels will increase again.

    Cinque, I agree so much re the problem of carbs. My solution is to try to get as much sleep as I can each night, and ensure I exercise each day. Unfortunately, if it’s hot and humid, while I still do the day exercise, the sleeping is affected by the humidity.
    Loved the penguin with flowers! – Penguin, hope you;re doing okay!!!
    Year of the Ox, that’s me, steady reliable, hard-working.

    LindsayL, so sad to see trees being cut down. I have a very small backyard, but it has 2 fairly large gumtrees and a fir which I appreciate so much. My front neighbour has asked me a few times to please cut back one of the gums “because it blocks her view of the sky” and “she can’t see the moon set”. Hah! It’s on the opposite side of my home to her, and is none of her business. Strange reaction when she’s a keen gardener, so I’ve been ignoring her requests.
    The bees around here absolutely adored my 3 lavender bushes in my front yard, but also the hoya blossoms and even the roses. Interesting. Still haven’t seen a blue-banded bee. Lovely photos!
    Well done you for your weight loss, and I hope the editing is finished.

    LJoyce, good comment about the feast/ famine mindset. I remember losing weight easily in my final few years in China by eating 1200 calories 6 days a week and fasting one day a week. I’d lose a kg a week, and stabilised at about where I’ve lost weight to the past 2 years – then I’d go on an eatathon when home in Australia on holiday, so I’d have to lose it again once back in China. The same yo-yo effect I’m seeing now!
    Anyway, glad your weight has gone down, and also that the meal with your friend wasn’t too disastrous, even if the dressings were unanticipated.
    Re protein, have you tried adding tofu to vegetables? I love it, but it needs to be tofu you buy from an Asian grocery store, I don’t much like the tofu in the supermarkets, though the silky tofu there isn’t too bad.

    Thinatlast, great that you and OH have had your first vaccine shot. I’ve been relieved that some of my Arizona family have had their first jab, too. Just hanging out for them to start the jabs here. Cinque sent you the categories – I think the first group (1a) are all intended to have the Pfitzer jab, and initially the rest were getting the Oxford-AstraZeneca one, but now that Australia has obtained a further 10 million Pfitzer vaccines, I’m not sure. Maybe the 1b tier will also receive the Pfitzer jab.
    Good that you’ve sorted out your recipes so you now have more options at your disposal, rather than the few favourites you’ve “done to death”
    Must have been sad for you to dispose of all your books. Not having many books in English was the main thing I found really hard when in China.
    Lucky you, making a snowman. I’d have done exactly the same thing. Who cares what other people think!

    Okay, next instalment following. Don’t want to lose this much.

    Instalment two!

    Jonykiwi, that was a great biking group hoto you posted, and what a lovely lunch you had with your grand-daughter.

    Neilithicman, good that you hit your cycling goal, but it does sound as if you need to ease off a bit. Maybe include some rest days amongst the exercise?

    CalifDreamer, it’s so good that you’ll get your first vaccine jab soon. You have been so confined for so long, it will be great when you can have a bit more freedom to do things you like, like a restaurant meal out.

    Anzac65, I commiserate with you also re the carbs craving. Yes, let’s get back on the horse together (if we don’t kill the poor thing! šŸ™‚ ).

    Several people posted re their early learning/ reading. My parents didn’t have the money to send my brother and I to Kindergarten – in our day it was an option, rarely done by working-class families – so we learned to read at school. I don’t think not going the kindergarten held us back at all. I was an avid reader, plus I loved sums, unlike Anzac65. One of our favourite “things” as kids was climbing into bed with our father on Sunday morning while our mother made breakfast, and he would give us simple sums to do in our heads, my brother’s being a little harder than mine as he was a year older.

    Now, like Cinque, I have heaps of books at home, not just in one room, but nearly everywhere – 13 bookcases worth. No, they’re not all read yet, as study does need to be done occasionally, but I’ve read well over half (two-thirds?) of the fiction books; the reference books are just that, for reference as needed. Most of the fiction books I’ve read have been read multiple times, because unless there’s something in them which appeals, I read them once and then give them to the op shop. In fact, these days, now I’m not working, I’ll often read a book in the library before deciding whether to buy it to add to my collection, so I don’t waste money on something I won’t be keeping. The unread third are waiting to be read, when I get around to it, and may end up being discarded.

    Oops, that’s a long blurb on books, you may have guessed that I love reading. Reading on my Kindle only gets done when I go away from home, and many are duplicates of liked books I already have at home.

    And de Minaur lost, Nadal won, as expected. Nadal will be playing Fognini, who beat de Minaur, in the next round. Should be a good match, so a good note on which to say “goodnight”.

    Cinque, you were clever teaching yourself to read! I wonder what the first step in the procedure might be. It would have been like breaking a code – so exciting. How old were you?!

    Lindsay, I forgot to comment that I, too, despair seeing parents stick an iPad in front of a child in a restaurant. Better to be taught good ‘restaurant manners’ in a restaurant or left at home (with a babysitter, ha ha).

    LJ, I’ve followed the AZ vaccine development from the beginning, partly because I happen to have shares in AZ and partly because the scientists behind it are so experienced and well informed (particularly Sarah Gilbert). I personally have a high level of faith in it. We have similar briefings on a regular basis (sometimes daily) with scientists and medicos flanking the PM or health secretary. They politely answer questions from the public and journalists who ask the same stupid questions that have already been answered in depth.

    That’s what I meant about persisting with an alarmist headline when the issue has been addressed. It’s irresponsible when we already have an issue with anti-vaccers. Nevertheless, 93% of over 75s have been vaccinated and many regions have already begun vaccinating the over 60s. So, perhaps I didn’t jump the queue too badly. My niece (27) who’s a midwife has declined the vaccination for now. She’s not anti-vacc. but has simply decided to let the older populations go first. Perhaps she feels less exposed at that end of the patient.

    Cinque, pleased to hear lockdown is going well for you. If you get out of that within five days, it’ll be impressive. I hope you and LJ get your jabs forthwith.

    Cinque, LJ, I’m watching ‘Life on Mars’ as I saw that it was the prequel to ‘Ashes to Ashes’. I like Keeley Hawes so thought it would probably be good. Shame they didn’t start with the sixties though.

    We woke to the marina having become iced in. I felt I was on the Titanic. Large sheets of ice have been crashing against the steel hull all morning. At one point, my pencil rolled off the table as we must have become iced in askew so OH went out to break some of it up. OH says ice has to be five feet thick to land a C130 on it. How thick does it have to be to skate on it? Don’t worry, I’m not about to test it out. Snow man is standing firm, five days after the snow melted.

    P.S. Hello Betsy, I’ve just read your double post. Glad you are covid-free.

    Sunday fast day, a lovely Melbourne morning here. I hope it is as lovely where you are.

    Hello LJoyce, I didn’t even notice any mistakes.
    I did make my futari but I had no coconut milk (I ALWAYS have a couple of cans in the cupboard!) and couldn’t justify nicking out to buy some more in a lockdown. So used their substitute suggestion of peanut butter mixed with water. But it wasn’t as good, sigh. I’ll look forward to making it properly next time. Yes, all carbs, but a small serve on my plate is just wonderful.

    Betsy, wonderful to see your posts and hear what is happening. I do love and miss research, including writing it up, BUT I also remember that dreadful stuckness when you are faced with it and stare in despair, and then go to the fridge.
    Sending you best wishes and that you find a way through. My only tip is to write a list of what needs to be done, in smaller and smaller detail, until you eventually get to something so small and immediate that you can do it.

    Writing down consumed items is a great reality check. I bet that works. Ooh and good luck getting the sinusitis cleared up too. Hasn’t the hot humid weather been hard. Hooray for as good a sleep as possible, and that tomorrow is always a new day.

    Aren’t we a group of book lovers! But I don’t think I taught myself to read, I just learnt very easily, and being 5th of 7 children means there would have been lots of kids books etc around. The first word I remember reading myself was on the toilet like your DD, Thin. We had torn up squares of newspaper to use for toilet paper, and I found the word ‘the’. I would have been 4 I think.

    Goodness, amazing to hear abut the ice. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to skate around the marina and along the canals!

    Calling out to you, Intesha, if you are still reading. Are you in your new home? I do hope all has gone well.

    Well, I gave myself a good talking to last night as I need to do cooking today (lots of zucchinis) and it is disappointing to do it on a day I won’t be eating them. But (as I said to myself) 5:2 is more important that a piece of zucchini slice, straight out of the oven! Or a serve of zucchini and meatballs in a spicy sauce.
    Yes! I listened to myself. Low carb veggies today, and a fillet of fish poached in soup.

    Cheers all

    Good morning all.
    I have just returned from a morning walk and I get a second walk with a friend this afternoon. I’m making the most of the last day in the 20s before a full week in the 30s, where I will only be able to do morning walks.
    After recently writing about the mild summer we’ve had, we now have a week of days that are just a bit too hot for my liking. Although I know plenty of others that have been hankering for some proper summer weather, so they will enjoy it.

    Cinque, if you want the the zucchini meals hot from the oven, could you make them today but bake them tomorrow?
    I too got tired of not having coconut milk on hand when I needed it – or of needing half a cup and wondering what to do with the rest of the tin. I now keep a packet of powdered coconut milk in the pantry. It means I can make the exact quantity, it’s lighter to lug home from the supermarket and I always have it on hand. Perfect for adding a little coconut yumminess to an asian soup too – just stir a teaspoon or two into the broth in your bowl. Lots of flavour for just a few more calories.

    Thin, no skating on the ice, I’m sure it’s not thick enough and that would be a very cold (and probably dirty) dunking.
    I guess I haven’t seen sensationalist headline here, because I don’t read newspapers. I watch the media conferences which ABC News24 always broadcast and I get my questions answered, that’s enough for me. We also had a Q&A episode last week that was only about vaccines and all the guests were relevant scientists. That was particularly helpful because lots of the questions from doubters were put to them and we got answers. I must say I only really enjoy watching Q&A when they include no politicians.
    I think your AZ shares will do very well. I suspect it won’t be long before they do an update of the vaccine to deal with new strains. We are being told here that vaccine top-ups are likely to be required for a few years, though possibly not indefinitely like the flu vax.

    Betsy, lovely to hear from you again, but sorry to hear that study and eating are still such a struggle. I wholeheartedly agree with keeping a food diary. Even though I refuse to count calories I have maintained a food diary (in a spreadsheet) for years. It can help you think twice about eating something if you have to write it down. It can also be useful in identifying problematic times of day, trigger foods etc.
    Very glad your latest covid test was also negative, I hope you feel better soon.

    Well I’m off to make some zucchini chips for lunch – very low calories and it deals with the overlarge zucchini I found hiding in the patch this morning.

    Have a lovely day all.

    Hi all, another week of 40 deg plus coming up here which I’m not looking forward too.

    I forgot to mention awhile back that Mr Gday was diagnosed with 3 hernias and has been in pain for quite some time. Late last week he went in for the operation and he is not recovering very well at all, has been bed ridden for the last 4 days and doesn’t look like being up and about anytime soon, which means I’m doing everything around the house and to be honest I’m exhausted. Hence why I’m not looking forward to the hot weather as it means the entire garden needs to be watered everyday which can be quite time consuming, on top of all the other daily household chores.

    To cap it off the paving contractor rang to say he will be here on Tuesday on pave some pathways in the back yard so I’ve been busy preparing the area for that. I’m a bit annoyed as we okayed the quote over 6 months ago and he rings yesterday to say he will start on Tuesday. Happy for the job to be done but a bit more notice would have been nice. And I also start back at the gym tomorrow (Monday) so feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment with everything going on and having to wait on Mr Gday non stop (not his fault of course, just bad timing).

    We have also been inundated with produce from the garden so I have been busy over the last few weeks making tomato sauce (15 large bottles), 26 large oven trays of slow roasted tomatoes for the freezer, 9 large jars of preserved lemons as well as drying a variety of herbs and chillies. Chooks are laying at least a dozen eggs a day and the zucchini vine is producing like mad so have also been making a lot of zucchini quiche for the freezer.

    Last seasons Queensland Blue pumpkins which have been in storage also needed to be used as the hot and cold alternating weather of late has caused some of them to turn to mush so I’ve been making soup for the freezer as well. There are still 3 remaining so I have put them in the house where the temperature is more moderate soi= they last for the next month or so. This seasons Butternut pumpkin vine has an abundance of baby pumpkins so looking forward to those after eating Queensland Blue for the last 12 months.

    I’m thankful for the meals I have in the freezer as it’s certainly made evening meals easier by defrosting soup and making some bread in the breadmaker (ooops – carbs) or defrosting spaghetti bolognaise or lasagne (ooops – carbs) or pasties (pastry – ooops – carbs). Oh well, it has been a trying time of late with so much going on so I guess I’ll get back on track when (if) things settle down back to normality. At least we have been having salad with most meals as the vegie patch is producing beautiful capsicums, lettuce and apple cucumbers.

    On the up side I’ve been sleeping like a log every night, averaging 8 solid hours (with my standard 2am pit stop) but have not managed to fit in much daily exercise.

    Has anyone been watching Dr MM on SBS (Thursday nights ?). I have enjoyed both episodes so far, not sure if there is more coming up. Some of the skin treatments on the last episode made me cringe, I don’t know how anyone could put themselves through the pain and discomfort, given that many of the treatments need to be done regularly.

    I had a find in the supermarket the other day – slendier konjak noodles and spaghetti. I recall discussions on the forum before about them. LJoyce am I correct that you use them? Was there something about quickly frying them after cooking and a fishy taste/smell? Any tips would be appreciated.

    Apologies that my posts of late have been all about me. I have been reading posts and keeping up but given my posts are so infrequent lately I forget who said what. Must dash, it’s getting late (only 8pm…lol) and I’m sleepy.

    FD for me. I’m 1.3kg down from two weeks ago when I added the extra FD but I did blow it a few nights ago when I had a small bake-at-home baguette with my haloumi. Then again, alcohol seems to be off the menu. OH bought an impulse bottle of Scotch which I can happily do without.

    Cinque, I still think you’re clever. Especially starting with ‘the’ because were I to try and crack a code, I’d start with finding the words ‘A’ or ‘I’. Gosh, newspaper for toilet paper. We take a lot for granted. No wonder you’re so resourceful.

    LJ, sadly I’m talking about the BBC! Q&A: I used to really like Tony Jones on Late Night News. Can’t abide Q&A with its hand picked audience applauding every time someone makes a suitably PC comment. Astra Zeneca is committed to supplying the world with the vaccine at cost for the duration of the pandemic. In the future, it may be able to deliver vaccine profits to shareholders. Not that my holding is particularly large but I’ve had it a long time.

    How nice to grow your own zucchini. Do you call them ‘marrow’ once they reach a particular size? I like stuffed marrow as a way to avoid pasta. Remember when we used to talk about the veggetti gadget?

    I freeze half the can of coconut milk in ice cube trays. I also have ziploc bags of passata cubes, lemon juice cubes, etc but not in the quantities I had when I owned a proper freezer. Soon we’ll start stocking up for departing the marina, hoping to avoid making contact people wherever possible. I did have a list of stock kept under the bed and other stashes but kept forgetting to cross them off when I used them.

    Betsy, you definitely seem a lot happier when you’re not studying. I’m sure you’ll work it out if it’s important to you. I’m afraid I’ve reverted to a tried and tested recipe today. I am very boring like that, half the time I’ve never even heard of what’s Cinque’s talking about.

    Well it’s been 7 hours since I started this. OH is telling me that Auckland is now in lockdown. Today is the last cold day forecast for 11 days (as far as it goes so the rest is a mystery). It’s going from -2C to 15C. People are joking about having a BBQ.

    Good morning.

    As it’s exactly one week since I started Fast 800 I decided I should weigh. Again the scales shocked me – I had gained 600g from last Friday. As I stuck to 800 cals on the weekend I can only assume it’s inflammation. If my knees are any guide, it’s definitely inflammation. The final number for the week is still a loss of 2.8kg and more importantly I’m still under 80 which is what matters to me more.

    Thin, I don’t get many of the giant zucchinis, except when they are very good at hiding – I’ve just had two this year. I do call them marrow when they are large enough to stuff. The first one I did stuff but the second, which I found yesterday morning became zucchini chips by dehydrating them in the airfryer.

    GDSA, If you are running around after everyone else I assume that means your hand is good again.
    With konjac noodles I empty the bag into a collander and rinse in hot water. Drain well then put into a non-stick frying pan (or stainless steel with oil spray). Move them around until they have released some water and it’s evaporated. They will have a squeaky sound as you move them around the pan when they are ready. Then I remove the noodles and use as planned. I often did a stirfy so I used the same pan to fry the veg and at the end I’d add the noodles back. If you don’t dry them our like this I found they would release unwanted water into my meal. I remember that happening to a bolognese sauce once – the added water ruined it.
    Thin mentioned the spiraliser. I sometimes combine the two by spriralising some zucchini and dry frying these along with the konjac noodles – the zucchini will release water too but it’s harder to get it all out.

    As GDSA mentioned we are having hot summer days for at least the next week. I am not looking forward to it either as I just don’t like being outside when it’s hot so it really limits my activities. Morning walks only this week.

    I don’t have to cook tonight as I have the leftover huevos rancheros in the fridge. I’m debating about whether I want it with 2 poached eggs again (probably because I had an omelette last night). I was thinking some boiled new potatoes might soak up that tomato sauce better. I’ll see what I feel like tonight, but I’ll cook the potatoes this morning so they develop resistant starch.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Good morning,
    Fast day done and dusted and a yummy breakfast this morning including a big serve of vegetables.

    I did make the zucchini and meatballs yesterday and decided they were low carb enough to enjoy a small bowl on a fast day. Oof but chili was strong.

    I’ll make the zucchini slice today, using my zucchini that got away. Not quite a marrow. I will grate, salt and squeeze it before making the slice.

    Yesterday I also started off a batch of Sweet Potato Fly, second go at it. First attempt was just okay, so I hope I make a lovely brew this time.

    Lock down is going well. So far. Thinking of the kiwis too.

    Gday, it doesn’t stop at your place, does it? I hope you can find some little quiet times to look after yourself.
    Yes, you just have to get over rough ground as lightly as you can. Then you can dust yourself off and make any changes you need. Good luck having a good veggies to carb ratio šŸ˜€ And may the paving go really well.
    Mr Gday https://previews.123rf.com/images/rawpixel/rawpixel1706/rawpixel170611767/79906447-tulips-flowers-bouquet-with-get-well-soon-wishing-card.jpg

    Thin, the bake at home baguette sounds more like a little huff than a blow out.
    Woot re the 1.3 kg lighter.
    You will love the balmy 15C!
    I woke up in the night remembering that ‘the’ was written on a phone directory sheet, not newspaper (much nicer šŸ˜‰ ) but now I need to ask my sisters what they remember, because maybe we had toilet paper too.

    LJoyce, those wicked scales, and your poor knees. But yes, you are triumphing.

    All best wishes coping with the SA heat, Gday and LJoyce.

    And more best wishes to everybody

    Hi Cinque, I’m glad you are on top of the zucchini situation. Mine was helped by giving my friend a bag of my zucchini and runner beans yesterday. Now my supply is manageable again. I am going to have to do some bean blanching and freezing soon as I can’t keep up.

    There was a question raised (I think by Thin) about which vaccine our 1a group would get. That was actually asked at a recent press conference and I was surprised to find out that even the first group of recipients will get both Pfizer and AZ when approved. On reflection it actually makes a lot of sense. As our first batch of Pfizer is only 80k doses I guess it’s not enough to cover everyone in 1a. Also anyone in that group who isn’t both mobile and in a major city probably can’t receive Pfizer as I understand Pfizer clinics will be established mostly in a few major public hospitals that can guarantee the cold chain. They also said that this year you won’t get to choose which vaccine you get but from next year you might. Although I would hope that people with a history of serious allergies are allowed some choice this year.

    Hello all from a breezy, cool Sydney – only 23 today but the cold wind makes it feel colder. It looks like groundhog day on the forecast so perhaps Autumn has come a bit early?

    You are like me Cinque, often wake up with the most unusual thoughts. I keep a notepad beside the bed so I can write anything down that I deem monstrously important at 3.00am or so.

    I’m so sorry about the latest lockdown Cinque and Betsy. I hope it truly is only 5 days and that they can slam a lid on this latest cluster. Bring on those vaccines.

    I hope things settle down soon G’day as you are very much overworked at the moment. I hope your OH feels better soon as I can only imagine how exhausted you must be.

    Massive congrats on slipping into the 70’s again LJ. Not that I doubted for even 1 second that you would. Yay!

    Regarding my ‘running’ Lindsay, let’s call it what it is – a very slow trot and very short distances. I just figure you have to start somewhere and I imagine it looks very ungainly from a distance. Not that I mind, I enjoy laughing at myself. How exciting that Rosy is going to be in a show. Please let us know how she goes. I have hilarious visions of Maxx being in a show and jumping all over the other competitors and their handlers. Yikes

    A funny Maxx story – I wasn’t there so am telling it third-hand. Mr Anzac took him for an afternoon walk along the river and he had been bathed that morning. A bath means enormous amounts of fur are being shed for the next 24 hours. Much more even than usual. Anyway, there was a nice couple sitting on the river’s edge and he must have been a dog lover. He came running over with his arms outstretched so Mr Anzac let Maxx go and they had a big rumble with Maxx jumping on him in ecstasy. When they finished, the bloke apparently looked like a yeti and his girlfriend was aghast in horror and said “LOOK AT ALL THAT HAIR!!!”

    Thin, I really don’t think that a bake at home baguette can’t be that bad as a treat occasionally. Congrats on the 1.3 – whoo hoo! I honestly shivered when I read about your ice. 15 degrees will seriously feel like summer.

    Betsy, I have started writing down what I eat and it really helps. My spreadsheet has some simple formulas for calculating calories burnt from any exercise I do and I find that encourages me to do more. I also keep a record of the calories I eat each day and it is amazing how quickly they add up when you snack. Good luck getting back into the studying; I truly don’t know how you do it.

    Ok, back to work. Pfffft. As expected, this year is frantic and last week there were two separate episodes of people arguing during meetings. The first one was very bad and resulted in the project manager for the vendor team telling her team to hang up immediately. Oh dear – stress is a terrible thing as these people are all normally very professional. I fear it will get worse as the deadline (and of March) approaches. Luckily I work almost 100% on my own (just with my wonderful developer) so I get to avoid a lot of this rubbish. I’m busy, but also keeping on top of things….for now. On that note must run! Take care all

    Anzac, good morning. What a carry on with the video arguing. But also, very funny that, with the press of a button, those people instantly get their oxygen cut off. I bet you are glad to be able to work peacefully at home without all that distraction.

    Yes, believe me, bread is a disaster for me. A good reminder though. Successfully back on 5:2 for two weeks and it’s working its magic.

    LJ, anyone stating they have allergies to penicillin prior to receiving AZ is asked to return for the pfizer vaccine the following week. You’re right, logistically, the latter isn’t suitable for being administered other than in larger hubs due to waste/inability to cold store it.

    CalifD, many of our friends in California have now reported having had the vaccine. It’s sounds like it’s going well.

    Cinque, I’m laughing at your poverty memory upgrade to phone books. Even more impressive to find a teeny printed ‘the’.

    I started this ten hours ago, forgot about it, closed the page but luckily I must have copied it at some point so hey presto! no lost post. Have a great day all.

    Greetings lovelies,

    Day 4 of the 5 day lockdown. One or two new cases each day but there is a good chance they will feel on top of things enough to open us up again, we will find out tomorrow.

    I have had a lean zucchini year. I wasn’t going to plant any, and then couldn’t resist a punnet. Planted late, two in shallow soil, they gave up last month, and another one wasn’t happy and I pulled it out last week. Powdery mildew came early and they have NOT been coordinating male and female flowers. So all in all I am glad I have had enough to enjoy my zucchini dishes. My tomatoes had a fungal thing too so I am going to give my garden a couple of years free of both those lovely things.
    And I am jealous of all your beans, LJoyce (and probably yours too, Gday, Lindsay, Anzac, Neil… can’t remember if you were growing them), I planted a punnet of a dwarf variety and hardly got enough for one recipe.

    Two hours later (a bit of a theme at the moment?), still on food stuff. Good tip re the coconut powder (but I do love my tinned coconut milk). I am another one that freezes what coconut milk I don’t use, but there wasn’t any forgotten in the freezer either, sigh. I’ve frozen the futari and, when the time comes, I will thaw it and add some coconut milk and see how it goes then.

    I’ve got some super cookery books from the library at the moment and thought of the rhubarb growers here when I saw a recipe for a salad that contained extremely finely sliced slivers of fresh rhubarb and radish. I had never thought of eating rhubarb raw, but I imagine fine slivers could be quite wonderful. That one is from Ukraine.

    Ha Anzac, I was thinking of taking the covering from my kitchen window (which protects it from the hot summer morning sun) and then figured there is sure to be another heat wave (I think we are missing the harshness of the SA one, whew). But I do hope you are right and that autumn has come early.

    Running is running! I remember starting off by running 20 paces and then walking 20, and then building up so I could run for ages. Of goodness, those were the days. But I am wishing you wings on your feet and soft ground to run on.

    Oh Maxx! He is like my sisters dog Bubbles (yes that is her name). My sister just accepts hair covered clothing these days.

    How about group action at work to put off the deadline to some reasonable date? Strike time! (I’m a unionist at heart).

    Thin, that is good to know about the penicillin allergy, my daughter might have one (hives after penicillin when she was a toddler, so not definite).

    I did a good hack to cut down on my carb portion last night. I cooked fine sliced cabbage and carrot with a tiny portion of brown rice mixed in, and it filled the spot nicely. With my spicy zucchini and meatballs it made a delicious meal.

    Hmm, I think I will do a Wednesday fast day, woohoo! See you tomorrow.

    Good afternoon everyone.

    I have gotten off to a very slow start today and did not get out for a morning walk. I will have to take a trip to the shopping centre later and so laps of that huge area in airconditioned comfort. I find this option works well for brisk walking as long as I go either shortly before most shops open or just as they are closing. The centre is open long hours due to supermarkets and cinemas, but they barricade off the other areas through the night so I need to get the timing right.

    I had a difficult food day yesterday and did not stick to 800 calories. I ended up somewhere around 1500 I think. Under my TDEE as I did over 13000 steps, but not what I’d planned. I decided to do a restricted choice day today as it basically forces me to stick to 800cals. I’m doing eggs today and have had hard boiled eggs for lunch and there are several more left for dinner. I still allow milk for tea – otherwise I just don’t think I could stick to it. I’ll see how strong I feel tomorrow. If another limited choices day is needed I’ll do veg.

    Anzac, your story of Maxx’s hair (and Cinque’s story of her sister’s dog) reminds me of a lady I used to work with. She bred field spaniels and I never saw her show up to work without dog hair somewhere on her clothing. I couldn’t stand it.
    My niece has a dog and 8 rescue cats (all kept indoors) and uses so many of those pet hair roller refills that she keeps Ikea in business. Every day she does the lounge and bedding with the roller and vacuums daily too. It does work as her house never smells like pets, despite the large menagerie – it really is a menagerie because they have a turtle, rabbit, fish and budgies too. My niece just resist an animal in trouble that needs a home.

    Thin, you AZ share value has been mildly bolstered by the approval today for it’s use in Australia. Although it’s only been approved for those over 18 and anyone who is elderly will be assessed on a “case by case” basis. (I didn’t really get a clear idea of what that involved from the press conference.) I hope it means that the individual and their doctor can make an appropriate decision. They did say that the advice they have is that 12 weeks is the most efficacious gap between doses 1 and 2 for AZ. Which does cause some planning headaches as the best gap for Pfizer is 3 weeks – I’m sure they’ll figure it out as only a limited number of venues will be dealing with both.

    Cinque, the colder summer hasn’t been kind to my zucchini plants either. I raised 2 varieties from seed and ended up with 7 plants, 3 of which produced either nothing or just a few male flowers. I too have a growing problem with the mildew, despite doing absolutely no overhead watering this year. I was a bit cranky on Sunday when I had 5 female zucchini waiting for fertilization and no males showed up for the party. Thankfully I had 2 male flowers the next day and carefully prised open the female flowers and manually applied a bit of pollen using a cotton bud. So far it looks like it worked for some of them. I find if it’s 2 days later it no good, but I sometimes get away with a 24 hour delay.
    I do have a crop of rhubarb at the moment but am not tempted by a salad of raw rhubarb and radish (not fond of radish). I might have to see if the neighbours would like some as I have enough stewed rhubarb in the freezer for now.

    Anzac, I too am horrified by the behaviour you are having to put up with. As ready mention cutting people off and the mute button can be a blessing at times. I think your original contract was 6 months but I vaguely remember it being extended when you dangled another contract opportunity under their noses. When is it due to expire now?
    If this weather is heading east I suspect your mild weather days are numbered.
    I too have a weird running style as I have crooked knees (although one was mostly straightened when I had the knee replacement done). Not that I run unless it’s an emergency as it’s not good for my joints.

    Well I’m off to have a cuppa and change the tv channel – Parliament Question time has started and I just can’t watch such an absolute waste of time and money.
    I do remember however that my dad used to find it highly entertaining – he would happily spend an hour arguing with whichever politician was speaking – it really was hilarious to watch. I clearly remember him having a go at Peter Garrett and his final punch line was “Yea and you can’t dance either!” It used to keep me and the nursing home staff amused.

    Good evening everyone. Watching the Djokovic/ Zverev Aussia Open tennis match – on the 4th set, and it’s been fairly tight, so an interesting match. Good opportunity to write on the forum.

    Cinque, I chuckled to read your comment re using newspaper as toilet paper, as I vividly remember that from my young days, as well. My mother used to cut the paper into squares and there was always a batch near the toilet. It was such a relief when “real” TP became more readily available. Looking back, I’m surprised we didn’t have more problems with blocked drains, though I do recall my father using a plunger.

    LJoyce, I was interested in your comments re the AstraZeneca vaccine not being approved by the TGA for older folk – that must have been something I missed.
    Although only about 142K doses of the Pfitzer arrived, that’s only the first shipment. There will be 10 million in all initially, then a further 10 million are also on order.
    I’m not sure how they’re going to do it in SA, but in Victoria there will be 3 “hubs” around Melbourne, then a further 6 regional hubs around country Victoria. The news also suggested that aged care facilities will be visited to give the vaccine, so it will be interesting to see how it transpires. I’ll be interested to see which vaccine I end up with. The 1a group are all definitely intended to receive the Pfitzer vaccine, but now that Australia has secured additional doses, maybe the 1b group will receive that one, too – that includes everyone over 70, so I’m in that group.

    I know I’ll definitely be having the vaccine, and I don’t actually mind which one I’m given, as it will be a relief to have a little more “normality” in life. My local doctor told me that if offered the vaccine, before it’s available through them, to take it, and to try to space the flu vaccine 2 weeks away from either dose, if possible.

    GDayfromSA, hope your husband bounces back from his op soon, so some of the pressure will be off you.

    Anzac65, how unpleasant to have a nasty Zoom session – good thing you’re mainly only working with your developer.
    I wonder if you can answer a question – I do a lot of Zoom meetings with my supervisors, and with church meetings, and just over the past 4 days, each time I’ve joined a meeting, my picture has been really pixelated and blurred, and I don’t know why. Someone suggested it was because I had a poor internet connection, but I could use the same internet with my phone and had no problem with Zoom. I tried uninstalling Zoom from my computer and reinstalling it, but there was no difference.
    Do you, or anyone else, have any idea what else I can try to get a clear picture? I can see everyone else okay, it’s just me who is pixelated.

    Thin, hope you’re doing okay re the ice – seems like the northern hemisphere is having a really cold spell at the moment.

    Time to close. Oh, and Djokovic just won the 4th set in a tiebreak, so he’s progressing to the next round. Good match. Goodnight!

    Morning all, Weigh day today and Iā€™m about the same as last week. Iā€™ve only got a week to go until my biking trip and Iā€™m keeping up the training. Iā€™m planning on a decent ride on Saturday and Sunday and then cut my rides right down to 10-20 minutes a day on Monday to Thursday to let my legs rest up for the big ride. I am kind of worried with our level 2 covid restrictions that if it gets any worse that I may miss out on my trip, but It looks pretty promising at the moment with no more positive tests outside the initial three in our latest outbreak.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Good morning,
    Wednesday Fast Day it is,

    I woke up this morning to find my sweet potato fly with a lovely rim of bubbles, and all ready to be bottled. (Only about 1.5 litres, but I am hoping to get a second lot from it).

    It is a sweet morning, doughnut day (no new covid cases) and good signs (they’ve leaked the news) that our lockdown will end tonight (ministers meeting as I write).

    LJoyce, I do hope today is easier.
    Thanks for that good hint for fertilising zucchini after the day (I did try it once and gave up because that attempt didn’t work).
    Haha your dad participating in Parliament Question time.

    Betsy, it is nice how close we are getting to implementing the vaccine program. We are lucky to have two such good vaccines.
    Ah those old toilets. Ours was down the back and never blocked, the dunnycan man had to deal with it.

    Neil it sounds like you are coasting along with both weight and riding. All power to you for the coming week, and then the ride! Fingers crossed the NZ covid restrictions will be lifted by then.

    Best wishes everyone, I am off to get hungrier and hungrier.


    My new bike turned up 2 weeks early so not only will I have it for my big trip, I’ll also have some time to get used to it and break it in before I go.

    I’m one happy chappie!

    good morning all (although it’s already afternoon for most of you)

    Yesterday’s “egg only” day did the trick and I have reverted to fast800 today with all meals planned carefully for the next 3 days. Yesterday was probably around 500 as there is only so many hard boiled eggs I can stomach in one day.

    Neil, what a wonderful surprise. I hope the new bike feels great to ride – no accidents this time please.

    Cinque, excellent that the lockdown is lifted tonight. I was quite hopeful that it would work because it was implemented quickly. That seems to be the lesson from all states that to stop the spread in its tracks the lockdown had to be broad and immediate – only then it can also be very short.
    Enjoy your sweet potato fly – does it have similar benefits to kombucha?
    I think my Dad thought arguing with and insulting politicians during question time was a sport that he could still engage in – considering he was mostly confined to a chair at that point.

    Betsy, I went to bed before the tennis match finished – initially I thought Zerev was going to win, but I was much more doubtful after that second set. It’s amazing that a tennis match can change so quickly – and I suspect it’s mostly down to the self-talk within the players and how much they allow incidents during play to upset them.
    I think the wording they used with the AZ vaccine was that it is not approved for under 18s, but for older people it is approved case by case. The comment from heath officials that I’ve heard on the matter is that there is insufficient published data on AZ for those two age groups and the results from one of the Scandinavian countries of deaths in aged care after receiving the AZ led them to be cautious. I suspect most older people will be fine but I guess they want a doctor to decide, especially as the number of comorbidities tends to increase with age. If they had done the approval under emergency orders as some other countries have needed to, I doubt the restriction would be there, but as they used the normal approval process they applied their usual level of extreme caution.
    I’m sorry I can’t help with the zoom issue as I’ve never used it, hopefully someone else can offer advice.

    Betsy’s comments had me looking up vaccine hubs for SA. We have 4 metro and 5 rural hospitals in the Pfizer program. The spread of rural hospitals is a bit odd as there is one in the south one east and 3 north of Adelaide, but none west. It’s a bit uneven, but perhaps it represents population spread. I guess that means those west of Adelaide will need to wait for the AZ vaccine that GPs will be allowed to distribute. All the hubs are major CBD or regional hospitals – I guess that is necessary for managing such a temperature sensitive vaccine.

    I actually managed to do a 70 minute walk yesterday afternoon despite the heat. I did a 20 minute walk on the way to the shopping centre and got there just as all the little shops had closed. I did several loops of the upper level – each loop is over 1000 steps and about 0.75km, so it doesn’t take many to accumulate steps. I almost had the upper level to myself as everything was closed on that level except Coles and one coffee shop. It meant I had the luxury of walking without a mask as I was able to distance myself from the occasional shop worker who was heading home. I will probably do the same again this afternoon as it’s definitely less challenging than dealing with the heat.

    As in previous years I have decided to work on an issue for lent. I decided the thing that needed work was my eating window as eating after dinner was a problem with both snacking and also late night snacks combined with pain killers. It has became an increasingly unhealthy habit that needs addressing. I have made progress in the last couple weeks but I want to do an absolute rule for lent. Until easter my fasting window will be a minimum of 12 hours every night. This means I can’t take my preferred night time pain killer, but I do have other choices that don’t have to be taken with food so I will have to manage with those as needed. Given how well the heat patches are working I am actually hopeful that I will rarely need pain relief anyway.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Joining you for a FD today, Cinque. Pleased to read that your lockdown is over almost before it began as is NZ’s.

    LJ, it sounds like you’re well-informed on the vaccine. The idea that Australians could discuss the most appropriate one with their GP really highlights the difference in our populations.

    It’s warmer (12C) but raining. While we have fresh water on tap, I’m hoping to turn the boat around and scrub the canvas cratch cover. I need a dry, sunny day. Unfortunately, many of the resident boaters feed seagulls causing them to leave their deposits all over the boats. I did gently hint to my neighbour that feeding bread to swans was harmful to them but she replied it’s OK because she only uses wholemeal bread. I’ve stepped up the pressure on the Canal & River Trust to do more to educate boaters and towpath users against feeding wildlife and my second letter has been referred to the ‘content team’. Their current stand is that it’s OK to feed wildlife but try not to use too much bread!

    Neil, great news. Have fun with your new bike.

    Good evening all.

    Yay! Melbourne’s lockdown has largely ended. Still a few restrictions – mask wearing, and limit of 5 visitors to the home, but otherwise relatively normal again, which is a pleasure. Means I can go back to church next Sunday instead of via Zoom, which I really appreciate.

    LJoyce, yes, interesting re the AZ vaccine. I read around a few news sites, and they tended to say slightly different things. It seems they’re expecting to give it to most over-70s, but may make a decision not to when someone is close to end of life, or exceptionally frail – that’s the case by case basis. I’ll be happy to have either AZ or Pfitzer, whichever one I’m offered first.

    Cinque, yes, I remember the dunnies at the bottom of the yard. Fortunately, although we had a toilet on the back veranda area, it was connected to mains sewerage. Up bush a ways at Wandong (now a suburb of Melbourne!), my uncle and aunt’s dunny was way down near the bottom of the yard, and I wouldn’t go unless someone stood on the back porch and kept talking to me while I was out there.

    Thin, yes, gone are the days when we could grab some stale bread and go down to feed the ducks and/ or swans. We had no idea in the 50s and 60s how much harm we were doing to the wildlife. My local crows often soak some stale bread in one of the birdbaths in my backyard, and eat it when it’s soft enough. They seem to have cast-iron stomachs, probably because they’re scavengers. They haven’t been around as much lately, which has given the other birds freer access to the water. Maybe the presence of an occasional cockatoo has discouraged them?

    Neil, glad you’ve received your new bike, and hope you’re able to go on the planned trip.

    Re the Zoom video problem, I fiddled around with the video settings this evening while I was on Zoom, and obviously pressed the right bottom because there I was again. If the problem happens again, now I know to go straight to settings to fix it. Nice to see my face there with everyone else’s.

    Okay, will close for now. Sad that Ash Barty was beaten today, looks like Nadal will win this evening, and I’ll be rooting for Dylan Alcott in his final tonight, too.

    Morning all, my new bike is nice. It feels nice and smooth on the road, climbs well, and is about 25% faster than my mountain bike. I’ll just have to tinker to get the setup 100%.

    Betsy, great the Melbourne lockdown is lifted, the one here in NZ has been lifted too

    This, the local botanic gardens have banned feeding bread to the ducks 1. because it’s not good for them and 2. because it attracts sea gulls. They instead give out free bags of duck food that is a mixture of grains and seeds.

    Ljoyce, I watched a programme last night by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall called “easy ways to live well” One section they looked at ways to reduce pain medication use. One group in the experiment sang together for 15 minutes a day and had a significant reduction in pain medication use, the other group had an even bigger reduction though, they were given placebos and told they were placebos. Apparently the science behind it is just the act of taking a pill triggers the body’s natural pain fighting response, even the patients are told it’s a placebo.

    well have a great day everyone

    Good morning,

    Fast Day done and dusted. Garden watered, breakfast cooking as I write. Coffee next. Life is good. Apart from the local uproar that facebook has blocked all our news sites in Australia. I don’t get news via fb so not stressed, but they have blocked the Bureau of Meteorology, charity sites like the MS association, and also all the satire news sites.

    Neil, bike! Yay! And lockdown done. Good luck with the tweaking for best performance. How are your knees now?

    Ooh I want to see that HF-W programme! I hope it is here soon. Very interesting about the pills.

    LJoyce, excellent work. (Eating and exercise).
    Great Lent idea. I have just reinstated my rule that I must drink two glasses of water after my evening meal before having anything else, because I was strugglings in the evening too.

    Oh Thin,, poor swans. We have big signs through the Darebin Parklands saying Don’t Feed the Ducks, and explaining why. I hope you have success getting more info out.

    Betsy, LJoyce, so sad Ash Barty lost, so glad Dylan Alcott won.

    And ooh Betsy you reminded me of the first time I was given a torch and told to go down to the toilet by myself. A long walk down a dark suburban backyard! I was so afraid there might be a tiger in the bushes.

    Penguin http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hyGUGmVqREA/VviwhFjYwnI/AAAAAAAAueI/50fymemKte0mwsHCDERTUqoyW7REzPZsgCHM/s1600/single-daffodil-hd-desktop-wallpaper-high-definition.jpg

    Hello all, from rainy Brisbane. Yea for cool weather and the rain.

    Just a quick report in before I hit the housework. With tree loppers on one side, and heavy earth moving equipment and construction on the other, there’s a layer of dust over everything, including me if I sit too long šŸ™‚

    My friend is coming in a couple of hours, and we are going to a nursery which has a beautiful restaurant attached (just coffee for us). She’s recently got the fresh food bug, and is growing greens and herbs on the terrace of her apartment, and they need refreshing. Lunch is your Nigerian Bean Stew Cinque, thank you. By cutting the olive oil to a tablespoon, I calculated it has 206 calories per serve – well within our 800 a day limit.

    Talking of which….first fortnight was great for us both ..My friend lost 4.5 kilos and I lost 4. This third week has been troubling – it’s always the social events that do me in. We celebrated my niece’s birthday at a local bar on Sunday afternoon. I had a glass of red wine, and ordered the best of what was on the menu, but still my weight shot up by .5 which has taken me til today to move. So, as of today I’m .2 under my weekly weigh-in last Sunday and hope to turn that into half a kilo this week – disappointing but going in the right direction. My friend, on the other hand, is powering ahead and has shed another kilo already this week.

    Neil, great your bike has arrived, and is just what you wanted. Safe riding.

    Good to know too that your lockdown, and Melbourne’s, have been lifted. I saw on the news last night that the first vaccines start today for emergency workers in Queensland. I’m hopeful vaccination may see things start to return to closer to normal (ie, travel, and no border restrictions)

    The tree loppers appear to have finished.. Oddly, they have only taken the top of the huge leopard tree – the chap told OH i would grow a new canopy. As OH replied, ‘yep…see you next year’. Fancy destroying native gums, but leaving an exotic. The lopper told me she wanted more sun on her solar panels. To which I replied, yes, more solar electricity so she can have her aircon on all day, because the house is too hot after she took out the shade.’ Grrrrr.

    Gosh all the talk about newspaper loo paper takes me back. When we were kids we had the little room up the back, and it came with newspaper and sawdust. My parents voted for Clem Jones as Lord Mayor, after he sewered Brisbane. I think my parents only got their indoor toilet in the late sixties, maybe.

    Betsy I must have missed your post where you talked about your studies, but I got the drift that you have postponed for a while?

    I laughed Thin that your neighbour thinks bread is okay for swans, as long as it’s wholemeal. Remind me of a conversation I had with a friend about kids drinking fruit juice, which in our day we thought was healthy, but now know it’s not. She replied that her daughter still gives her little ones orange juice, ‘but only organic’. Mmmm, point missed, I think.

    Funny Maxx story Anzac. You need that light in your life, with such toxic meetings. Wow, is all I can say.

    LJ I’m like you – my spreadsheet is helping me record what I eat and when, and with what effect. I also stick with routine on this fat 800 – and it’s easier to just cut and paste when I repeat a recipe.

    OK, the sun is out so time to get cracking. My friend lives alone and her apartment is always sparkling, but between the work around us, Rose and the rain, and of course the geriatric cat doing Lord knows what in the laundry, my home falls rather short of spotless. I’m sure she won’t care … but I do.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Good morning all

    Well the sun is finally shining after a number of miserable days. The rain is back this arvo apparently so the washing machine is going bonkers

    Quick post as I am flat chat to the point of ridiculousness at work. It’s getting me down a bit but I am truly trying not to overeat to compensate. Had a good loss last week and this week is more 2 steps forward 1.8 steps back.

    I’ve read all of your posts but I’m afraid no time to reply. Take care all

    Good afternoon everyone.
    I have been hunkered down here with the aircon going since yesterday. It’s too hot to contemplate leaving – although I do have babysitting this afternoon. Thankfully I also have an airconditioned car. I remember the awful days of cars without airconditioning. I only got my first airconditioned car 12 years ago and there will be no going back! I hated not being able to put my hands on the steering wheel because it was too hot to touch.
    Thankfully we only have to put up with one more day of heat and then a cool change arrives on Saturday – I can’t wait.

    I had considered doing another late afternoon shopping centre walk yesterday but it became unnecessary as I managed to do three 20 minute walks inside the house which got me to 10,000 steps for the day. I just need to take the physio’s advice and do the turn at the front door slowly to avoid knee or hip issues.

    Anzac, I’d send you you some of this dry heat if I could – it would dry the clothes in no time.
    I hope things improve on the work front soon and that you can stay strong when the stress increases your desire to eat.

    Lindsay, I live alone and my house is never spotless – I don’t have even have a dog as an excuse. I have the same feeling of worry about what people will think of the state of the house. It’s not awful but nowhere near the clean and tidy house my mother kept, despite her otherwise busy life. Luckily my best friend is much more untidy than I am (she has a lot more family clutter to deal with) – it means both of us feel comfortable in each other’s houses regardless of the state of the place.

    Thin, it takes people a while to undo bad habits – like feeding bread to birds. In the local wetlands that I walk through they have big signs up describing what types of food the water birds like – they suggest peas, corn, lettuce and grapes.

    Cinque, I like your idea of upping water I need to work on that too. I am trying to dink a glass of water before I have a cup of tea as often the tea is in response to feeling thirsty.
    Lovely daffodil and very appropriate as I’m sure Penguin (and Thin and Cali) are eagerly awaiting spring.

    Betsy, very glad to see the restrictions lift. I hope you don’t have to wait very long for a vaccine. I feel like I jinxed Ash with my earlier comment on letting incidents upset their game – oh dear. Fabulous that Dylan won – a shame he didn’t have an audience for it (except on tv).

    Neil, glad to hear the new bike is working out well so far.

    Cali, hope you are ok. I know this is your vaccine week – have you had it yet?
    On our news here we have seen the awful winter storms and power loss issues in Texas – I hope it’s not that bad up your way.

    I thankfully have no memory of using newspaper as loo paper – I’m just imagining the black ink on everyone’s backside – I didn’t need that image. The only backyard dunny I remember using was at my Dad’s parent’s place. That was in Stirling (Adelaide Hills) – it must have been rough in the cold winters there – I suspect nana had a chamber pot stashed under the bed. We mostly stayed with them over christmas or easter so it wasn’t so bad – a bit of a novelty. I remember my Dad actually building a proper bathroom for them onto the house around 1970 which also gave them a shower for the first time (they only had a chip heater bath before that). When my parents bought their home in the early 50s it had a long drop toilet at the bottom of the yard and a separate wooden hut as a wash house (laundry and bathroom). One of the first things he did was add a bathroom, toilet, laundry and back porch to the tiny 4 room house. We didn’t need to wait for the sewer – there isn’t one in most rural areas unless you live in town, you just install a septic tank. Sometimes not having to wait for government to provide services is good thing.

    My 800cal days still seem to be on stable ground – helped by the heat I’m sure.
    Tonight I’m making a simple tomato, cucumber and fresh herb salad with grilled haloumi. I’ll have to do some careful planning for warming meals on the weekend so that the my increased appetite in the colder weather doesn’t derail me. I might actually get to use some of veg for soups.


    Kia ora, fast friends!

    Once again I’ve been slack in not keeping in touch. It’s summer, so there’s so much to do outside and at night I’m shagged out after working and playing so hard during the day! I took the attached pic during yesterday’s Shark Bell ride (the new bike group I set up here, which is mainly for retired folk who still have heaps of get up and go). Fifteen riders were heading for the beach resort of Brighton, south of Dunedin. I’m still rapt at the turnouts to the rides and the beaut people who have joined our group.

    My wife and I took our new car (2018 Honda CR-V) to Geraldine for its first big trip last weekend. It went well and was very economical – no, it’s not an e-car and it’s also not hybrid), but the electronic systems put on cars nowadays is simply mind-boggling! I’m just taking it slowly and not trying to learn them all at once. The only one missing from our car is the one that makes you a fresh cappuccino and brownie when you stop for a break. Must be there somewhere . . . The rear seat of the Honda is already bristling with child car-seats, so I know what its main purpose is going to be – ferrying precious young cargo (2 grandsons) to and from daycare and primary school. Our two grand-daughters will have to squeeze in around the car seats. The things we do to let our own daughters go back to work.
    My wife has finally retired from work and is finding it hard. She was the “go-to girl” (executive officer) at her school and stopping suddenly after 20 years has been difficult.

    Someone mentioned outside dunnies. We had a classic long-drop on the farm for my first 10 years of life and it was scary. To a little boy, the hole looked huge and I was always terrified I would slip into the cesspit. I wove the experience into a one-act play I wrote in the 1980s – a farming family’s kitten fell down the hole and they dropped a rope down to see what would happen. The feline sank its claws into the thick rope and they hauled it up. I said in the play the kitten was called “Henry the Turd” thereafter! The incident was based on an actual happening on our farm – a puss fell into one of our big underground rainwater tanks. We dropped in a rope and the same thing happened.

    Neil – great to hear your new bike is going well. Just remember – when you see a big pothole or a high kerb, you can’t crunch over it as we can in our MTBs. Road bikes are fast but fragile! Are you taking part in the Aotearoa Bike Challenge, trying for an impressive February total? I belatedly listed the Shark Bell riders in the group section and we’re leading the “most km ridden” competition.
    Aussies take note – your cricket team is taking on the Black Caps in Dunedin next week in a T20 match and I’ll be yelling for the good guys. I feel we have a good chance, actually. Bring it on!

    Enjoy what’s left of summer, everybody (or the winter, if you’re in the northern hemisphere).

    Ka kite ano, John

    Great to see all the new posts. I just spent the last 45 minutes catching up. Tomorrow is vaccine day for the 3 of us. Weā€™re getting the Pfizer. Distribution isnā€™t the smoothest and we were a bit concerned about the 2nd dose being timely in our county because they send out emails instead of just giving a date when the first is received. And itā€™s harder to find Pfizer doses than the Moderna because of the colder temps for handling. Luckily, we email invitations this evening to sign up for the 2nd dose in 3 weeks. Iā€™m happy to be getting the first one tomorrow. After 14 days weā€™ll have some immunity. California has now given at least first doses to 12% of the population. Most of our friends have gotten at least one jab.

    LJ, I like using the dry coconut milk too, but also use some liquid and freeze what is left over. Cinque, was it you who mentioned that peanut butter could be a substitute in soups? Come to think of it, other nut butters would be fun to experiment with too.

    Thin, we watched the American version of Life on Mars several years back and really enjoyed it. Iā€™ll have to see if the British version is available to stream somewhere here. We watched a couple episodes of a series called Fortitude, which is a fictitious town somewhere up in the Arctic circle. Police/detective, possible strange diseases? Itā€™s on Amazon Prime and possibly other channels. Seems good so far.

    Anzac, your coworkers have found a way to create drama even on Zoom! I hope things calm down there soon. Seems there is never a dull moment. I had to laugh at the story of Maxx leaving that guy covered in dog hair.

    Gday, I hope OH recovers soon and you get some relief from all the chores around there. You must be exhausted. And the heat wave doesnā€™t help matters any.

    Neil, congrats on getting your new bike early. That must be keeping you busy.

    It was 0 degrees C when I woke up this morning. Thankfully it warmed up when the sun came out but rather breezy. It feels like winter still.
    It seems like Australia is getting more rain than usual, at least for most of you here. Good for helping with the fire danger in the summer.

    Hi to Betsy, Lindsay, Penguin, Intesha, jony, and everyone else Iā€™ve missed.

    Well, hi to everyone

    Lindsay, good job on the weight loss, empathy for the celebrations held in a bar, always a killer for me. Overall though, you’re on top of it. It must be motivating to have your good friend alongside. What’s the heavy moving equipment doing on the other side of you?

    Some of the local councils we’ve cruised through have friendly, educational signs about what can happen to birds if they’re fed bread and offering alternative suggestions like those you mentioned, LJ. Others take a stronger stance against any feeding of wildlife. The Canal & River Trust should be more proactive as they’re responsible for the health of our nation’s canals.

    Jony, lovely to read your post, always entertaining. Ha ha, about the car’s absent coffee machine.

    Neil, that study was interesting in informing the participants that they’d received the placebo. I loved my GP in Perth. He wasn’t one that believed all his patients had an expectation of a prescription when they visited. I, for one, usually sought only reassurance to continue being among the ‘worried well’. Or as he corrected me, the ‘unworried well’. My former GP would arm patients with scripts and send them on their way. This resulted in my being placed on BP meds that weren’t warranted – with disastrous consequences.

    The dunny talk was hilarious. Our 1930s Perth house had an outside loo before we renovated. We were only the third owners and indoor plumbing had been added by then but that bathroom was immediately ripped out and updated when we bought it. Betsy, I was surprised that the newsprint went down the toilet. My only experience with drop toilets was when camping and, oh yuk, the smell when people forgot to close the lid.

    I’m having mixed results with 5:2. Initially, I dropped well back into the 58s but this morning after my third Wednesday fast, I’m back at 59kg. I suspect the lack of activity is doing me in. I can only think it would have been worse had I not reverted to 5:2 for this four week period.

    A neighbour boater is feeling unwell after taking the pfizer vaccine. She’s been in bed for two days with flu-like symptoms. Her husband explains that the leaflet indicates that she may have already had the virus therefore. I can’t understand this rationale and will have to read more. If you’ve had the virus, you’d be expected to have antibodies so your reaction would be less severe to the vaccine I would have thought.

    Quick post as it’s quite late. Hot here tonight, so I’ve done computer things rather than hit the sack.

    Yes, the old dunny. Not sure how the newspaper went down the loo, but it sure did. And LJoyce reminded me of the chamberpots, so we didn’t have to go outside in the middle of the night. As kids, we called them “potties” šŸ™‚

    Jonykiwi, will it be NZ or Australia in the cricket? Time will tell. I’m more interested in the tennis, and oh dear, after starting so well, Nadal was beaten in 5 sets. The Joker won tonight, so he’s into the final. Osaka vs Brady on Saturday for the women’s final. Should be a good match.

    CalifDreamer, so glad you’re in line to be fully vaccinated, what a relief. My older Arizona relatives have also had their first doses, whew!

    Neilithicman, enjoy your new bike, but do be careful, too.

    LindsayL, you’re going great guns with your weight loss, as is your friend. We all lose at different paces.

    Anzac65, hang in there with the weight loss, and no bingeing, even if work stinks at the moment. It’s not for much longer, is it?

    LJoyce, yes, great that Dylan won again. He’s such a good player. No-one seems to come anywhere near him.
    Re heat, yes, I’ve been enjoying the air-con over the past few days. At least with the tennis on, I don’t mind being indoors.

    Cinque, it wasn’t tigers I was scared of – the older kids always scared us with talk of the “boogey-man”, so I was very scared of the dark and who might be lurking there.

    Goodnight all!

    Betsy, ha ha the boogey-man!

    CalifD, I missed your post this morning as we must have been writing at the same time. Great news on the vaccine. Even better than you have the second dose lined up for three weeks hence. All the best with it and regaining some freedoms soon. Thanks for the movie recommendation. OH would like that one. We currently don’t have Prime as Netflix and BBC iPlayer is more than we can currently handle but I’ll keep an eye out for it elsewhere.

    Morning from cool and rainy Brisbane – dreading the heat wave that’s coming on Monday (39 degrees – yuk) but it’ll only be for a few days.

    I had a great day with my friend yesterday, which culminated in my going through my cupboards and trying on clothes that were either too tight, or just didn’t look right.

    I weighed in this morning at .3 down which takes me to a loss of .5 for the week (not much, but after my bar fail, I’ll take it) and my friend has lost another 1.7 so far this week. Our weekly weigh-in is Sunday, but to date I’m 4.5 down and my friend 6.3. She really can’t believe it, and can’t also believe how well she’s feeling. I feel good too – it must be all those beans and greens.

    Betsy your neighbour sounds a bit pushy, asking for you to take down trees so she can see the sky. Hoya is a beautiful thing – I didn’t realise bees loved them, but of course, logically they would, because they are so perfumed. My Mum had a lovely vine – in the morning you could see the little droplets of nectar on the flowers.

    Thin, I loved both Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes…. the final episode was such a surprise …it stayed with me for ages.

    OK I need to run – I hear DS’s car on the drive – I’m having the 2 year old today – she’s woken up sniffly.

    Back later

    Hello lovelies,

    Just rolling along until the heat ends tomorrow afternoon.

    Oops I had too many almonds last night before I managed to drink water after my evening meal, and then was too full. Shame job Cinque. Determined to do better tonight.

    Lindsay what a great project this is with your friend. You are both doing great.
    Ha, same with juice, I wish I didn’t feed so much of it to my DD.
    Edit: Just saw your post. Great fun going through the wardrobe, and nice work to you both. Hooray for easy and healthy and that you sneak off more before Sunday weighday. Hope little sniffly one and you have a lovely day.

    Talked with my sisters yesterday, and yes, we had the telephone book pages cut into squares with a hacksaw and a hole through the corner with string making a loop to hang on a nail in the outside dunny. I don’t know how we made a telephone book (much slimmer in the 1960’s) last a year for a family with two adults and seven children, but we guess we transitioned to newspaper if the phone book ran out.

    And yes! We were scared of the bogeyman too.
    Betsy, I just looked it up to find the etymology (scarecrow) and am amazed how widespread the boogeyman/bogeyman, and lots of variations, is/was. And, by definition, used by parents to scare children.

    Anzac, all power to you.

    Oh housecleaning, I do love a spotless house, but it doesn’t happen here either.

    Jony, lovely to read your catch up, and to see you so busy with good things. Best wishes to Mrs Jony, it is a huge adjustment to make and I can imagine it will be tricky times until she finds how she can make the most of the next years. With her skills and experience I imagine there are interesting, wonderful times ahead.
    Wow new car! I hope you find the coffee button soon!
    You are full of surprises! A play! And such a subject, haha.
    Our family story is my big sister dropping the torch into the outside loo and it shining weirdly for a few days until the battery ran out.

    Cali, happy vaccine day.
    Brr, the cold weather in the US is in our news this morning, especially the terrible stories from Texas, and amazing pictures of the ice trees in Louisiana. (And also extraordinary frozen waterfalls in China).

    Thin, hmm, nasty 5:2 hiccup. Hopefully a fleeting blip.
    I do hope your neighbour feels better soon. I agree that it does sound strange for a reaction like that to be connected to having had covid previously. It does sound like the worse end of the spectrum of possible reactions.

    Okay, happy 5:2ing to you all. Heading off to do housework, not aiming for spotlessness, just workableness!


    Whoah, busy forum at the moment

    John, enjoy your ride on Wednesday. I don’t know how many times I’ve ridden part of that ride recently, but my go-to lunchtime ride recently has been from the Civic Centre round to Macandrew Bay and back, although with my new bike a bit faster I can get a bit further round during the lunch hour so I managed to get past Company Bay and back yesterday.

    Cinque, I’ve been eating plenty of nuts recently, although I’m mostly sticking to walnuts. I’ve decided not to worry about my weight this month while I’m training. I’ll have this as fitness February and then dial back on the exercise and eating and work on my weight next month. It should come back off once I’m not eating like a pig when I’m cycling.

    Oh and I’ve developed a new recipe for a high protein/fat snack. Soak a cup of dates overnight then blitz them up with a cup and a half of roasted unsalted nuts (I used cashews) quarter cup of dark cocoa powder, 1-2 teaspoons of peppermint essence and half a jar of melted coconut oil. Set it in the fridge then roll into balls and roll in coconut. One of those little bad boys is enough to stave off chocolate cravings and hunger pangs for a while. Peppermint is supposed to be good for staving off hunger.

    Congrats on the loss Lindsay. It may not feel like much to you, but any movement down is going in the right direction šŸ˜‰

    Thin, yes there has been an over prescription of medication for a long time. Have a look out for the TV series if you have it available over in the UK. It was only 3 episodes but it was really interesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aeebcz_crOY

    Cali, great you’re getting the vaccine, good luck for your jab

    Anzac, we haven’t had rain for a while, we’re finally getting some summery weather now that summer is almost over. Hopefully it holds next week as well for my big ride, then it can rain as much as it wants to.

    Ljoyce, great you hit 10,000 steps have you got a goal for the year for your steps?

    Betsy, most of the tennis matches went the way I wanted. Loved seeing Thiem beat Nadal, loved seeing Osaka beating Williams, I was hoping Djokovic would go down to the qualifier Karatsev, but no such luck.

    well have a great one everyone, and I hope you all have a good weekend.

    Cinque, I loved that torch down the loo story! And how the telephone book was fashioned so expertly. Was it always the previous year’s book or did you have to go to the dunny to find a phone number? I remember growing up in England that my parents would ask ‘are you on the phone?’. If not, it would be a wet, cold walk down to the phone box, sometimes having to wait outside if occupied, often having a ghastly smell of stale cigarettes, dropping the right coins in the slot, talking fast before the ‘pips’ went signalling your money was running out. We were ‘on’ the phone but it was always located in a very uncomfortable part of the house such as the bottom of the stairs in a hallway. The cord would be too short to allow the user to sit on the stairs.

    OH has just added to this conversation – his mother growing up in Utah used a Sears and Roebuck catalogue and corn cobs!

    Australia was all over our news yesterday. The accents, barely noticed when there, seemed so strong. I loved ScoMo’s & Hunt’s stance on FB. Unelected tech bullies with way too much social and political power. No one seemed alarmed when they silenced a sitting US President that half the country had just voted to re-elect based on someone’s dodgy personal possible interpretation of something that might or might not have been intended – but, hey, better late than never. Amazed to learn that so many Aussies rely on FB for news when it’s known that it manipulates individual users’ data to adjust its News Feed content.

    Neil, thanks for the link. I’m sure you’re not eating like a pig!

    Lindsay, spectacular loss for you and your friend.

    Betsy, the boogey-man was alive and well here when I was growing up too. I guess we heard about him from the neighbor kids, then our parents spent the rest of our childhoods trying to convince us that he didnā€™t exist. Funny how such a thing was known around the world, even without the internet!

    We got our first jabs today although our appointments spanned about 50 minutes, they took all of us together, so after a 15 minute wait in the car in the small parking lot (Sound the horn if youā€™re having any problem – they had someone watching outdoors) we drove back home. We had the Pfizer. OH had some soreness in his arm, DS had none, and more than 11 hours later I have only a slight ache that I probably wouldnā€™t even notice if I werenā€™t thinking about it. No other effects so far.

    Lindsay, congrats on the continued weight loss. Every bit counts. Hope you can stay cool these next few days.

    Neil, your new bike sounds like fun. Be careful with speeding! That dessert with the chocolate, nuts and coconut sounds delicious. Itā€™s definitely for someone doing a lot of exercise to burn up all those calories!

    Cinque, I love a spotless house too but it doesnā€™t often happen here either, and when it does, it doesnā€™t last for long.

    CalifD, that’s great news on the vaccine. Nothing much changes but it feels like a big step in the right direction, doesn’t it? And, in your cases, you’ll likely be fully immunised in three weeks. Can you get tested for antibodies at will? Or will you continue being cautious until most of the population has been vaccinated? What sort of facility was it where you got your jabs?

    It’s exciting to read the news from Mars – makes a nice change from covid. Anyone interested in going there?

    Thin, we will continue being cautious on most things until herd immunity is reached. Iā€™m reading now that there actually is a lot less danger after being fully vaccinated than weā€™re sometimes lead to believe by the media. But there are still a lot of unknowns such as how long the immunity will last. Weā€™ll know that as time goes on, with so many people around the world being vaccinated. I always look at the U.K. figures since you started the vaccines there first. Iā€™m not sure that herd immunity will be achieved any time soon in our area with so many anti-vaxers and people who believe Covid is ā€˜just the fluā€™. Weā€™ll probably start going back for take away at Subway, that weā€™ve avoided because most of the food isnā€™t cooked. And sushi. Weā€™ll continue wearing masks. Weā€™re so used to wearing them in stores that it isnā€™t a big deal.
    We received the jabs at the county health department which is a smallish place up here.

    Hello all. Hope you are having a fab weekend.

    The cool change arrived here early hours this morning. It’s 10 degrees cooler which is so welcome. Still quite humid that I got a bit hot and bothered while walking this morning. Nowhere near as bad as earlier in the week though. I have everything crossed that this means the end of the summer heat. I always feel cheated when we have a hot March and I’ve been hanging out for autumn weather.

    Cali, I’m so glad you had your first vaccine and are on the email list for the reminder. I had expected you to still be cautious but I hope it brings a few options back into your lives. I hope the soreness in your husband’s arm has eased today.

    Neil, I’m sure those chocolate balls are good, but boy they pack a calorie punch. The cycling will help burn it off.
    Last year I set a target of 2020km and got to 2902km. The main reason it was higher was because I had a few months in the cold weather of aiming for 15000 steps a day – until the physio told me I was overdoing it (which my body was already telling me). I’m happy with a target of 10000 steps per day or 3.65M steps for the year. So far I’m a little above target, averaging 11500 steps daily.

    The cooler day has spurred my appetite and I had more lunch than planned. Thankfully I’ve managed to stop myself from wanting an afternoon snack which helps and dinner is mainly griddled veg.
    I’m doing a lamb roast tomorrow and I spent an exorbitant amount on a parsnip – because a roast absolutely must include roast parsnip. It’s low 20s tomorrow – perfect roast weather. I have a tiny rolled shoulder roast which should give me enough lean roast meat for 2 modest portions. So I’ll do two roast dinners – no cooking required on Monday.

    Hello to everyone else. I’m off to have a cuppa and contemplate the luxury of an afternoon walk a bit later. Have a lovely day all.

    CalifD, thanks for the update. Too bad about the anti-vaccers. The problem is that it’s much less an individual choice than a collective duty. Humans are so whiny – just do it!

    LJ, you’ve had a 10C cool change and we’ve had a 10C warm change. I’m surprised that February would see temperatures in the teens but that’s the forecast well into the first week of March.

    Good morning,
    Sunday Fast Day for me, but I am not feeling well so it won’t be a fasty fast day (the run of hot days and nights got me, even though it wasn’t very hot. House still cooling down). I’ll be happy with an 800 calorie day.

    Ha Neil, I think you and I are an activity spectrum apart. Enjoy those nuts and bliss bombs.

    But yay, I have been stopping at the end of my evening meal. The water really helps as it gives my brain time to go from “Oooh I really need a little something else” to “Oh, ok, I am nicely satisfied.”

    Thin, we did have a phone, back in the olden days, my dad was a doctor and so he needed it. We weren’t allowed to answer it! Definitely last year’s phonebook.
    Ha the corn cobs, sensible. My sister and I had a good conversation about bush toileting and how a tuft of soft dry grass was so nice compared to a handful of leaves.

    Hmm, it would be interesting to stand on Mars, but I am an Earth girl šŸ™‚

    The fb thing is fascinating to watch!

    Cali, hooray for your vaccinations. Enjoy those foods you haven’t had for a time. Sensible to keep being careful, we still have a long way to go.

    LJoyce, hooray for the cooler air, it makes everything easier, and ooh yum, I haven’t had a roast dinner for so long. Parsnip makes a roast dinner perfect!
    But yes, I remember when they were the same price as carrots. Long long ago!

    I hoped to go shopping today, but I think I will leave it until tomorrow. Easy Sunday and another fast day under my belt.

    (To self) Things to watch today “Hmm, maybe I would feel better if I had a cup of tea

    a coffee

    a piece of toast and vegemite

    a proper meal

    another one

    some more

    something special….

    I won’t do it!

    Cheers all.

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