Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Welcome Aussie35 πŸ™‚

    Great that you are doing this with a friend – good support and the healthiest of competition I hope! πŸ™‚

    I agree that you don’t need to do a lot of research to start. I went for 4 months with my only knowledge being the 2-page article I read in a women’s magazine. So I just ate 500 cals split between 3 meals a day on 2 days a week, and ate normally the rest of the time – and the weight consistently came off (pretty well).

    Then I discovered this forum, and have learnt so much more from the experiences and support of others, which helped me keep going and reduce my intake as I was starting to gradually eat more cals on my fast days. It also led to me only having 2, sometimes just 1 meal a day on fast days – leaving eating to as late in the day as possible, and just drinking lots before, has worked well for me πŸ˜€

    Re your question, I only roughly calculate calories, and do basically assume that a lot of veg has very few cals. I know that others are much more careful in their counting, and therefore weigh all foods. I suggest you start by doing whatever you are comfortable with re calorie counting, and only if the weight doesn’t start dropping at the rate you would expect (after a few weeks) then you may need to look at other options.

    All the best on your 5:2 journey. πŸ™‚

    Good morning! Just ended my first week and dared to get up on the scale to see if the magic had occured…it DID ! Lost 6 pounds (2.72kg):-)

    I’m guessing alot of this weight loss is water retention related as I was feeling rather bloated when I jotted down my start weight. Nonetheless, even if only half or a third of the loss is actual fat loss, I’m happy with the results.

    The first fast day was difficult, spent alot of time trying not to think about food…seemed like because I knew I was fasting, all I could do was think about food. Oddly enough, on feed days, I didn’t obsess about it, I even found myself restraining from dipping in the cookie jar. The second fast day seemed easier, probably because I was working that day, so less time to fret about it, too busy!

    On to week 2 now: I don’t expect the loss to be as dramatic but would be content with anything closer to my goal !



    Great start Nat! πŸ˜€

    I am sure there will be fat loss amongst those 6lbs. Have you thought about getting scales that measure body fat? I find this useful – weight can stay the same, but body fat can go down.

    I think most of us have felt the way you describe about food on fast and non-fast days. Many find the fasting and dealing with hunger pangs gets easier over time, or at least you learn how to cope with it better (eg you associate the hunger pangs with the weight loss that fasting delivers, so almost enjoy them!!). And as you say, keeping busy does help the mind stop continually focusing on food.

    It is a great by-product of this WOE that often you do gain better control over managing your food intake on non-fast days. (Not always tho, but don’t ever beat yourself up over giving into cravings – just start again πŸ™‚ This WOE seems to be easier to get back into than many other eating regimes. It is not about deprivation.)

    Best wishes for your 5:2 journey πŸ™‚

    Hello and welcome Aussie35!
    I have been happily fastdaying since June and slowly lost over 10kg. I had to spend my first month counting the kilojoules of everything using an app. But after that month I can pretty well gauge things. It stick to lots of steamed greens and eggs or salmon on fast day evenings. Enjoy your second day!

    Thank you Sassy !

    I will definitely look into a better scale. I have a very basic, cheap-o-run-of-mill digital scale (digital because I can’t see what the needle points to for beans on a regular dial scale…not because I’m tall mind you (only 5’2″), just crappy eyesight lol!) and it would be nice to be able to get an idea of my body fat.

    Not working today but lots of home stuff to do. So, even tho it’s technically a non-fast day today, I should be able to keep away from the cookie jar during the day and enjoy a little popcorn while watching Part 2 of the last Harry Potter saga tonight (finally!)



    When I say “cookie jar”, I mean the “proverbial” cookie jar, as in whatever is fatty or sweet (or both) I happen to crave πŸ˜‰


    Hi again Nat.

    Digital scales are a lot easier, aren’t they? But always remember that all scales have error associated with them, which is another reason for not getting hung up about small changes up and down – it is the trend over time that is the important thing. πŸ™‚

    Nice to have a day off work – even if there is lots to do. Enjoy the Harry Potter! πŸ™‚ (I must watch them all again sometime – younger son and I watched all the earlier ones prior to the final 2-parter). We are now looking forward to The Hobbit Part 2 – must get cinema tickets for Boxing Day πŸ˜€


    My scales and I are not on speaking terms today!

    There is no way I can gain 2kgs in 2 days, however my clothes and the wrinkly knees tell me otherwise..lol

    One pair of size 14 denim shorts kept slipping off while I was at the beach walking,so are consigned to the mending pile for darts.

    Like others of you, I think the scales need to collect dust, as I know and can see the weight coming off, as can others around me (finally, dumpling and ghostgirl πŸ™‚ )
    Welcome newbies!

    Hi Everyone
    What a week last week was!

    Nat isn’t it wonderful when you see a loss like that on the scales. Don’t be disappointed if the second week isn’t as good. I’ve now completed week two and only had a loss of 200 grams this week. πŸ™‚ I didn’t expect a huge drop this week but have to admit that the non logical side of me was just a tad disappointed (not that I really want to admit that). However we all know that pulling big numbers in weight loss week after week is something that you only see on TV.

    My hubby on the other hand after only dropping 100 grams in the first week has come back strong with a 1.7 kilo drop this week. I’m so proud of him – after getting over his fear of starving he is committing to this and making the effort. Both of us are feeling like this is a really do-able manner of getting in control of our weight. I still need to find someway to get him moving his body more, I know that he will come round to that side of things in time.

    Sassy, I’ve got digital scales that do body fat as well and they drive me insane! Despite that I’ve been working out at the gym for the past 6 weeks and I KNOW I have built muscle and burnt fat during that time the body fat percentage just wont consistently change down for me. It keeps fluctuating around the 41% mark (except for tonight when I jumped on with damp feet post my bath and got 38.8%). They are touchy and unbelievable. My husband smirked when I told him that and said his body fat is always around 31% and he has a lot more weight to lose than I do.

    Aussienow I can’t wait for my size 14 shorts to be dropping off me. Hell – I can’t wait for my size 16s to drop – at the moment I’m just glad that the 16s are fitting me again. All my summer shorts from last season were too tight to wear just two weeks ago but I’m wearing one of them as I type now.

    I keep on expecting to find some evil in this diet – it just seems too good to be true. I’ve been doing a lot of reading and researching on the net and the negative reviews that I have come across seem to have come from people that haven’t even bothered to read the book or find out anything much about the details or are trying to take it to extreams that this fasting method was never meant to go to. Everything I have read just convinces me more that this is a go-er and the results that I have achieved in just two weeks I don’t want to turn my back on.

    Hi ghostgirl πŸ™‚

    Ignore the scales if they are telling you something different to what you feel is the case! πŸ™‚

    And remember that women are supposed to have more body fat than men. 31% is high for a man – my hubby is 17% and he has BMI 22. Both my sons are around 10-12% but they are luckily slim young men. I started with bf 39% and am now 25%, BMI 21. So you can get there! πŸ˜€

    I convert the % to kg, and track how that is going – sometimes weight can go down and %body fat stays the same or even increases but the amount of fat can still decrease. I monitor water levels too – they can vary a lot and impact on weight and thus %body fat as well. Time of day also has a big impact on both % and actual kg,

    And of course scales always have a margin of error – so really you should only be concerned about the longer term trends. Which I know is easier said than done when the scales don’t show the change you want.

    I also found this WOE almost too good to be true, except that it has been for me up til now. πŸ™‚ My challenge is to stick with it! Cos I will need to… Although I have managed to have more control over my eating on non-fast days than before I started 5:2 (fast days are less of a problem for me because I know I can’t eat the foods that make me want more!), I do not seem to crave things less, or have less of an appetite, than before I started 5:2, and it is easy to overindulge – as I have the past 2 nights. So I need to find some strategy to help me not do this – taking the advice I give to others should be a place to start!!!

    I shall be glad to fast tomorrow, which I hope will break the overindulgence cycle…!

    Hi Everyone

    I’ve really enjoyed reading the great progress stories. It’s comforting to know that others have committed and are progressing too. I re read some info about the health benefits of this WOE to start last Thursday mornings fast and to re focus my mind. I needed to remind myself of the real diabetes risk I face if my weight keeps going up (due to having gestational diabetes with baby#2) and that the risk of heart disease is reduced, as this is also in my family make up.

    I’m two days away from finishing my third week. I struggled with hunger and staying focused during my first fast last Tuesday, but regrouped with a strong finish on Thursday.

    I’m making better food choices based on appetite and taste rather than just grabbing stuff out the cupboard. Such a HUGE shift of mind set for me. It’s as if I’ve been reprogrammed to choose a healthier way of eating without my permission. A couple of times I didn’t listen to this new monologue and found it quite surprising and out of character.

    Alcohol is more tasty and only wanted one very small glass of Baileys on only one night this past week (odd). Today at a 4 year olds birthday party, the M&M’s were too chocolatey, (what the??) And a plain Milk arrowroot biscuit with a cuppa with only 1/2 a tea spoon of sugar was too sweet. I said to OH I feel like an impostor.

    Dinner at HJ’s with the kids tonight – I hear myself exclaim with absolute shock “OMG look at the KJ’s, over a thousand!”. I had to laugh at myself, I’ve never been worried about any of that before let alone pay attention to it. No longer a guilty pleasure, and it tasted awful.

    The scales are telling me I’ve lost 4.5 kilos in just over 2 weeks. I know it’s true cause I feel lighter when I walk and am keen to get back into my runners. My energy and inspiration to exercise has come back. And my cup no longer over flow-eth, nor the podge protrude, as far. Gosh I’m feeling good about myself, even if no one has noticed either. This is the first time this year I can say I’m happy in my body.

    If only we didn’t have another party to go to tomorrow, I’d prefer to be fasting as I feel so uncomfortable with all the sugary crap I ate today. I’ll do a 18:6 instead to balance things out.

    OH hasn’t been as focused on the fasting as me, and hasn’t had a loss yet. We are reducing our sugar intake over all and eating healthier meals with lower cals. So I know he’s eating better at any rate. He’ll come to it when ready.

    I am so happy!!!! Just goes to show me that what I would assume is “in character” and fixed, can be changed for a healthier preference. I have never had success with a diet that I managed by food alone and didn’t think this type of success was possible. I am loving this WOE and can’t wait for my next fast.

    Hello all,

    I’m a Canberran, originally a Melbournian and have dabbled in being a Sandgroper (Perth-ite??) and I have spent the best part of the afternoon and evening reading all posts from the first. So good to find and connect to a group with geography in common and you discuss weight in kgs!!

    Being Decemeber 1 and the official beginning of summer today my husband and I will start 5:2 tomorrow. I had a vague understanding of the concept and science behind the WOE but I seriously did my research over the past few days before committing (I was a journalist for more than a decade). However the kick start for me was catching up with friends recently who I hadn’t seen in a while – they had shrunk and looked amazing and 5:2 was their story.

    My own story is similar to a recent post – I am 165cm tall and was a healthy 56kgs as an 18 year old, 58kgs when I married at 24, 60-65kgs throughout my 20s and then I fluctuated between 70-75kgs post pregnancies in my 30s and into 40. Somwehere I hit 85kgs and I was heavier than I had been at nine months pregnant…OMG…but worse was to come…I went into the 90kg zone and into denial. Somehow I still fit into my s16 clothes, just… as all my weight gain is around the middle. I’m not a sweet tooth, I think it is portion size, a mostly sedentary life coupled with a stressful, fast-paced job and being on the cusp of menopause. Surprisingly I lost 3kgs while on an overseas trip despite eating what I wanted…but I walked everywhere and have never climbed so many stairs as I did in London and Paris…so I know it can be done…just move the body!

    So we are super organised for our fast day tomorrow deciding to do the three small meal fast. I have salad, salmon and carrot sticks in the fridge ready to take and I feel in control and I am very much looking forward to our new lifestyle as this will be a WOL for us.

    I have never been a ‘scales’ girl – it does my head in – so I will do a weekly measure of my middle and track my journey via how my clothes fit. A work colleague also does the 5:2 so having support at work and at home with my husband can only be a bonus.

    Reading everyone’s stories has provided me with an incentive I’ve not felt for more than two years, so goodbye fat tummy and hello health benefits.


    Hi Jools, and welcome! πŸ™‚

    Sounds like you are very well prepared for starting this new WOL; it is certainly worth doing the research so that you make the most of this new eating regime. As you would have gathered, there is a lot of flexibility, which is one of the things that makes it so doable πŸ™‚

    Continue to make good use of the forum for ideas, help, advice and support. Check the faqs from time to time – these are good reminders of the key features of this WOL, which sometimes we can forget about.

    Keep us posted on how both you and hubby go.

    Very best wishes as you start this journey πŸ˜€

    Evening everyone

    I’m very much looking forward to tomorrows fast after yet another indulgent weekend! If I could only behave myself a bit more on Fridays and Saturdays my weight would vastly improve & reduce. But I’ve reasoned that this is me, and as such this is going to have to be the way this will have to work long term; me behaving on week days, and over indulging on the weekends.
    Yet despite my misdemeanors, I continue to lose! Praise be πŸ˜‰

    G.girl – I’ve had weeks like that – but you sound confident & positive. So push on and downwards . Softly, softly it will happen. If your hubbie is with you it will be so much easier for both of you πŸ™‚

    Allez, what a great week you have had! Thank you for your post – 4.5kgs is a great achievement , & even better is your re-evaluation of your dietary needs. I envy you! 9 weeks in and I still can’t cut back on a feed day πŸ˜‰

    Jools, welcome on board;) it’s a pretty nice bunch here (although some aren’t putting out as much as they should be – yes, I have my eye on you lurkers, come on, give us some stats!). You sound informed, educated, and ready to go. Good luck for tomorrow,-remember we’re here if you need us.
    Good Monday all,
    Ali x

    A hot day coming up here in Melbourne. This will be my fifth fast day today. Good luck to everyone else!

    Morning all πŸ™‚
    Hot (but beautiful) in Melb as Ali says – so nice going for a morning walk in the balmy air πŸ™‚ but it will no doubt be not quite as pleasant later on.

    Ali – as you are well aware, the great thing about this WOL is that it is flexible, so if you want to enjoy some extra food on the weekends, but fasting still means you can lose weight, well, why not?!

    And congrats too to Allez, what a wonderful start πŸ™‚ I agree about looking froward to fast days – it is great to feel NOT overloaded with food πŸ™‚ and much easier to do up the jeans!!!

    My fast day went well yesterday, and my weigh in this morning showed a very small loss – better than a gain of course πŸ™‚ but it does show I still need to do 2 fasts a week or else I would be putting on weight. Can’t wait til I can start doing more exercise and thus increase my cal intake!!

    Off to Adelaide later this morning for a week to spend time with my parents. Mum doesn’t think that fasting is a good idea – she is certainly of the vintage who believes breakfast is very important – and as I am doing 16:8 most days, brekkie is the meal that goes. Oh well.

    Happy fasting today, I assume there will be lots of you on a Monday fast πŸ™‚
    Sassy πŸ˜€

    Hello everyone,

    Last January I celebrated my 50th birthday with enthusiasm and an optimism for the next part of life’s journey. Unfortunately my year did not pan out as I would have liked with sporadic employment, ill-health and bouts of depression; something of a shock for a normally up-beat, fully employed and very healthy gal. Since January my weight has jumped from 62kg to 70kg. (Also a shock for somebody a shade above five foot!) Anyway, enough of the misery gutsing!

    A few weeks ago I watched the ‘fast diet’ program on TV. The science behind it made immediate sense to me. I talked about it with my husband, then filed it away at the back of my mind for future reference. On Saturday a very dear friend popped in with a copy of Michael and Mimi’s book. On Sunday I read it cover to cover; and today, (Monday), my husband and I are on our first fasting day of the week. No time like the present!

    I have been reading through this forum and really appreciate the encouragment, advice and sense of community. I am really looking forward to this particular journey and sharing and swapping stories and experiences.

    Sassy, it is a glorious day in Adelaide. Welcome home, and enjoy!

    Amanda πŸ™‚

    Hi Everybody! πŸ™‚

    Melbourne is having a fantastic day today. I remembered to pull all the blinds down around the house so hopefully it will stay cool enough to be able to sleep tonight.

    Sassy thanks for that info re calculating out the weight of body fat from percentages into kilos. I’ve basically decided that the body fat % is just woefully calibrated and I’m not paying any attention to is. I should jump on the scales wearing a pair of socks so the body fat % comes up blank but I’m a bit too lazy to put socks on every morning. Have a great trip to Adelaide.

    Allez I agree that it is weird that this way of eating impacts so strongly on our everyday food choices. Mostly I am being a lot better than I was and find that as I wander the supermarket isles I keep on thinking no – I don’t want that.

    Jools hope your firs fast day is going well. On my first fast I found the novelty of not eating helped a lot – along with multitudinous cups of peppermint tea.

    Alimax weekends were made to be enjoyed. We had a spontaneous BBQ lunch yesterday with friends and gladly ate more than we would have if we had been on our own. I haven’t even bothered to see if I could find out how many calories are in each of the honey soy marinated chicken wings that I scoffed – I just know that I enjoyed every last one of them and it will be a while before they make their way into the house again so no stress.

    Welcome Amanda, this is a fantastic time to get started on this way of life. They say that New Year resolutions don’t last so a December start is lots better than putting it off for Jan 1. Summer too is a great time of year to start with eating healthier – all those salads are so much more appealing during the warmer months.

    My household has degenerated into a bit of disorganisation. Last week we had to reorganise our fasting days to suit committments and hubby has decided that Monday & Wednesday work for him (and anything that makes hime more enthusiastic is a positive in my books) and I am much more enamoured of the Tuesday & Thursday so now we have someone fasting for the first four days of the week. I thought about changing to match his days but I do prefer to eat on my weight training days, which is weird when I quite happily fast on the days that I do spin classes. Probably because I put more value on my weights training.

    Have had a bad eating day today. Got frustrated by Aust Post saying I couldn’t mail a package as it was too big. Got home and double checked all the stats on Aust Post website and there was no problem with what I wanted to mail. Went to a different Post Office branch and they took it without any problem at all. A waste of a good 30 minutes out of my day and I ended up buying a packet of lollies to work off my annoyance with, I wouldn’t have touched them if I was fasting today, my fast days are sacred. Must get my grumpy eating sorted now. Must write up a grumble letter and then leave it until tomorrow to see if I want to send it.
    Thanks for listening. Feel much better now. πŸ™‚

    Good Afternoon Everyone, I hope today is a fantastic day for you all.

    My fasting days are going extremely well. I actually look forward to them as I feel so much better the day after. I am walking but yet again every time I start something this year my body has different ideas. This time I have pulled the mussel at the back of my knee so walking long distances is a struggle and frustrating.

    I have not lost any kgs yet but I am fluctuating from 77 to 75 so hopefully I will start to lose some soon.

    Hi to all in Oz- glorious day in Adelaide and I have just finished the housework, having a large glass of fizzy water with squeeze of a lemon which is lunch as it is a fasting day.

    I have been copping some flack from friends and workmates about the dangers of slowing my metabolism by fasting. It is very frustrating as I am not the most confident person. I also do not look like someone who needs to lose any weight and most of the nurses I work with are obese. One of them is now taking this new diet pill that she saw on TV which is caffeine I think and I just know that any weight she loses she will put right back on again.

    My sister and her husband who live in Sydney have just started on the 5:2 so at least hubby and I have some moral support within the family.

    Ghostgirl it sounds like Melbourne post offices are the same as Adelaides – nothing like a trip to the Post Office to put your blood pressure up!

    Amanda – I turned 50 in March – Hubby turned 50 two years ago and we were both filled with dread at the thought of turning 50 – not helped by the fact that we have a 13 year old daughter and most people our age have grown-up children. I loved that you embraced turning 50 – sorry it has been a bumpy ride I am sure things will improve.

    Welcome back to Adelaide Sassy – good luck with your Mum, I am staying with my mum in Sydney at xmas and have decided not to fast while we are there – just not worth the hassle.

    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone:)


    Happy Monday everyone!

    I am on my 5th fast today as well melbourne girl. It’s around 35 degrees in melbourne and I am sipping on homemade broth for lunch. Just found these cute little snacking cucumbers in the supermarket. They are teenie tiny and low cal for sure. So having those as well.

    I too over indulged yesterday at our work Christmas lunch! Ate a whole dessert myself. It was baked lemon cheesecake and totally delish! Oops! Probably shouldn’t be writing about cheesecake when so many of us are fasting today.

    Resisting the temptation to hop on the scales till Wednesday. Hoping yesterday didn’t set me back too much. I’m very encourage by all your results so fingers crossed!


    Oh Clare & Amanda, I’m turning 50 in 3 weeks. I keep telling myself it’s just a number – over and over again, but it’s such a BIG number πŸ™ At least on the upside I’m being taken to Vegas for it – so I’ll be able to disgrace myself without anybody recognising me!! Now to shake those pesky last kilos….

    Nik – mention cheesecake all you like. I have this bizarre obsession of looking through cookbooks on a fast night. I’m not sure why – maybe I’m testing my resolve (or maybe i am just a nutter!)

    Thanks all for the warm welcome and encouragement.

    Well the first fasting is going fine although both my hubby and I have had the worst headache all day and just nothing will shift it. Neither of us are dehydrated as we are drinking lots of water and on top of that have had two coffees.

    Mine is so bad I’ve had to lay down this afternoon as it was making me feel nauseous. Coincidence or an expected reaction? I did find only having a coffee this morning difficult but as I’m working early shifts all week my busy morning at work distracted me and I went through to lunch without much problem.

    I’m looking forward to dinner of steamed salmon and veggies.

    A very warm day here in the ‘Berra about 31C thank goodness for the A/C at home.


    The first day headaches are pretty common – if you type it into the search box you’ll find lots of similar stories. The good news however is that they stop – now I don’t get one even if i don’t have my beloved coffee. Hang in there, but do take a tablet to help if necessary.
    Enjoy your dinner πŸ™‚

    Hi everyone!

    Am settled in my parents’ lounge room in Adelaide – warm but pleasant. Chicken salad with baked spuds for dinner; good yoghurt and berries for dessert – am trying to eat only healthily on non-fast days, but wasn’t able to resist a couple (ok 4) Cadbury chocolate fingers. Now I had better stick to herbal teas to get thru the evening!!

    Hope all those fasting have had a good day and enjoyed your evening meal πŸ™‚ Does the hot weather make it easier or harder?

    Amanda – sorry to hear that you have had such a tough year, after a good start πŸ™ but you sound very positive about beginning this Way Of Eating/ Life. Stick with it, and you should be back at 62kg without too many problems – weight quickly put on can also quickly come off – let’s hope that is the case for you πŸ™‚

    Ghostgirl – with those 4 days of fasting in your household, how do you manage the evening meals – do you have basically the same food but the non-faster has more/ additional food?

    Clare – quite a few people on 5:2 find we have to deal with sceptics. Someone on the forum I think has suggested that these people are just jealous that you might succeed where they haven’t (if they are overweight) or that they don’t want you to be slim (if they are not overweight) and thus be some sort of competition!!! If you search the forum on this issue, you will probably find some good responses that you would be comfortable saying to others. Some of us don’t tell others we are doing 5:2 until we have results to show! Anyhow, don’t let others put you off – doesn’t sound like you are – you are doing this for you, and you don’t have to listen to naysayers.

    Nik – all of us have days of overindulgence – just make sure you enjoy it while you do! πŸ™‚ Sounds like you did πŸ˜€ I read an article in The Advertiser today that reports research from the Uni of Canterbury in the journal Appetite that shows that people who feel guilty about eating the less healthy foods are more likely to sink into unhealthy eating. But those who view the food as a reward and something to be enjoyed are more likely to stick to long term weight loss goals.

    Jools – the warm weather wouldn’t help with headaches either! Ali gives good advice πŸ™‚

    Clovia – great that you look forward to fast days – I think lots of us do. Sorry to hear about your knee; such a nuisance when you want to exercise (I know!!).

    And all of you stressing about turning 50 – it’s fine!! I am now half way to 60, and quite like the thought of getting a Seniors card in 5 years time!!! Hubby gets his in March… (Clare, I am an older mum too, sons are now 20 and 18 – once when I took younger son to primary school one of his peers asked if I was his nanna…!!)

    I access the forum while on my iPad, which isn’t the easiest for scrolling up and down and checking out the various posts – I think Nika suggests opening more than 1 window for the forum, guess I should try that – so apologies if I have missed anyone who has posted recently.

    Enjoy the balmy evening in Adelaide, Canberra and Melbourne – not sure how the temp is in other places!
    Sassy πŸ˜€

    You ladies are making me feel like a spring chicken at 34!! It’s a good thing too as I was going to book myself in for some Botox soon! Haha.

    5th fast went amazingly well! The easiest yet! It’s true jools, it gets easier so hang in there.

    And Sassy I enjoyed every bite of that cheesecake. Especially because I knew I would be fasting today.

    Vegas for the big 50!! That will be soooooo much fun Ali! Trying to talk my husband to be into Paris for our honeymoon.

    Have a great fast day tomorrow those of you who are fasting and non fasters enjoy your feasts.
    Nik πŸ™‚

    Totally off topic, but when is the wedding Nik? I am sure Paris is lovely at anytime, but I think spring is the traditional best time?? It can get very hot in summer. (This is probably the wrong forum in which to ask!!)

    Paris! How exciting.

    I’m mid range it seems at 42. With two youngsters, youngest starting school next year.

    I fasted today, the last day of my third week, so that makes it a 4:3. I couldn’t wait for tomorrows usual fast day. Especially after yesterdays indulgence. I did try 18:6, and it was the only meal I ate yesterday.

    I’ve been keeping the 5:2 to myself also. Though eye brows were raised when I didn’t take second helpings of anything. Merely because I couldn’t fit any more in.

    I’m finding my headaches are fading also.

    Have a good week everyone

    I’m in Paris NOW!!!

    Side note…don’t get married end nov / early dec, it’s grey and cold. Just my 5 cents.
    But still very romantic.

    5:2 might be in hold for a while…so many restaurants and cafΓ©s. Every 5 out of 6 shops sell food .

    But good luck everyone else,

    @ dumpling

    “I’m in Paris NOW!!!”

    Comment beaucoup de plaisir que vous pourriez dΓ©couvrir une autre culture!

    How much fun that you could experience another culture!


    Great to hear all of the successful days and may they continue!

    I’m sticking to Mon/Thurs and find my eat days have noticeably less food too!
    Yesterday I kept busy, ‘spring’ cleaning and stopping only for plenty of water and my Vegeta veg stock at lunchtime.

    Have a good week everyone πŸ™‚

    Dumpling I’m soooooo jealous you are in Paris now!! Definitely my favorite city of all time.

    The wedding is in May so would be beautiful! Need to lose 15 kgs instead of 12 as I will surely put on at least 3 whilst there! Food is so amazing! Hope you are enjoying your trip dumpling!

    Not hungry at all today after yesterday’s fast and not tired either like I was the day after my fast the first 2 weeks. Yippe!

    Have a great day!


    Afternoon all it’s a hot one here – car on the way home said 34C! A/C is now cranked up at home so very pleasant here.

    I finished my day with a half hour brisk walk in our gym at work as I was feeling energetic. My headache yesterday was horrendous, and as a migraine sufferer since the age 11 it was on par with one and I had no will to do anytning. I still have a slight headache today but hopeful it will clear eventually.

    Our first fast day (36hrs) was good and typically when you know you are restricted you are more focused on food but we filled up on soda water and lemon, and our salmon and veggies with a splash of teriyaki was filling at dinner.

    Meals have been small today with a few mouthfuls of yoghurt and Bircher muesli for breakfast, cold chicken and salad for lunch followed by some cherries. BBQ steak and salad planned for dinner given it is so hot. My hubby has discovered he eats to fill in time or when bored so this is something he is now aware of and will take steps to modify his eating – I just know the weight will drop off him faster than me!

    As for Paris I was there in September and it is very difficult not to eat at least one pain au chocolate or croissant and the range of cheeses, small goods and chocolate is astounding! One thing I did find was that portion sizes were more reasonable – probably more like they were here 20 or 30 years ago.

    I too face the big 5-0 birthday in three years and I am determined to be fitter and a healthier weight by then.

    Small steps in 5kg lots is my goal as over reaching often leads to failure so I’m off the starting block and walking with purpose to that finish line far far away…Jools

    Hi Everyone.
    Ah getting to the end of fast day for me. Been a hungry day for me today and needed lots of resolution not to just throw it in and eat. I’ve been running my fast days on 400 calories – keeping 100 cals for an emergency snack if needed. Today is the first time that I crumpled. Had a small handful of almonds around 4pm today, so a 500 calorie day today.

    With hubby and I out of sync with our fasting days I think I’ll be eating a bit lighter than I would otherwise. Tonight we had stir fry veg with a piece of lamb backstrap. I had a small 100 gram piece while hubby had a good 220 gram piece, tomorrow night for his fast day will probably have something like chicken breast and salad. Hardest part tonight was hubby having some pineapple and icecream for dessert and my sitting there not having any.

    Dumpling – Enjoy Paris, and enjoy the food as well. You aren’t on holidays every week and the 5:2 lifestyle will be waiting for you on your return.

    Jools keeping small goals in mind is the best way to work through this. I keep on giving myself 3 kilo goals over six week periods. Nice bite sized chunks of weight reduction.

    Hi all – I am a newbie. I saw the doco a few months ago and have been intrigued by the 5:2 lifestyle ever since. I have been following a different plan the past couple of months which is basically low carb / high fat and also incorporates a bit of fasting. However, I found I got bored of the program (or maybe just lost momentum) and have recently begun focusing more on just healthy living. I don’t want to become complacent though – I need to lose around 10kg. I think 5:2 will work well for me as I eat out a bit on the weekend and would like more flexibility. I have decided my first fast day will be tomorrow – planning just to have peppermint tea and water all day until dinner time – then I will have some chicken and veggies for dinner. I don’t think I’ll have a problem with the fast as I am used to it from the previous program I was following. The only thing I will miss is my morning latte!! Wish me luck

    Good luck thedot and welcome! πŸ˜€ You sound well prepared, and so hopefully 5:2 will give you the results you want, without it getting boring!! I think some people do still have a morning white coffee of some sort on fast days, then just the chook/fish and veg for tea – still within the cal limit.

    Paris sounds a popular place! Lucky dumpling πŸ™‚ and May sounds perfect for the wedding, Nik – assume you have been there before? Adopt the small goals, smallish time frames that others suggest, and those 12 (15!) kg may well disappear πŸ™‚

    Ghostgirl – sounds like the ADF between you and hubby will give you both additional benefits, and help whomever is on the non-fast day not to overindulge πŸ™‚ can you go somewhere else while your hubby has dessert – or could you have some good no fat yoghurt and a few berries, with your 100 spare cals – and don’t beat yourself up about using up all your 500cal on your fast day, especially with almonds which are v good for you – you are allowed!! And maybe your body was saying this food was needed too πŸ™‚

    And to everyone else, keep up the good work! : D

    I am trying to work out when/whether I can fit in a fast day while I’m in Adelaide – will try for my usual Thurs, especially as I am going out with a girlfriend for drinks and dinner on Fri… Have managed non-fast day reasonably well today – one small piece of cake but otherwise pretty healthy foods.

    Very stormy this afternoon, but still warm inside. Hopefully we did have a reasonable amount of rain, as it is sorely needed. Flying in, I noticed how dry the country looks – v diff to my last visit 6 weeks ago…

    Best wishes to all

    Paris in May will be nice. Blossom should be out.
    There is food everywhere…but you know what they don’t do? Is eat walking along.
    How many of us do that.? Well, as a culture, they do not.

    We are now in the south of France, considerably warmer than the 4 deg in Paris ( 13 today) but the ladies are slim. Must be all the smoking and drinking coffee in cafΓ©s.
    Food ( ESP breads and pastries are plentiful) people probably just have one, unlike me for breakfast…Had 3 croissants and 2 choc au pain!! Yay me!! And I had them in bed. πŸ˜‰

    But you all enjoy your 500 cals ….cos once home, I’ll be on 250 cals!!!!

    Au revoir

    Morning all !

    Currently half-way through week 2 and feeling pretty good so far. The hunger pangs aren’t driving me batty this week (probably because I’ve upped my water intake a bit, which is helping me feel full and keeping the headaches at arms length). I fast on Mondays and Thursdays and resolved to only get up on the scales once a week (Friday mornings), no sense in driving myself crazy over daily weight fluctuations !

    I will be attending my work’s X-Mas party this coming Saturday evening…I’m not prone to excess with alcohol but the finger foods will surely be calling out to me from across the room, making me acutely aware that any progress I may have made this week may be compromised. In an effort to minimize this self-inflicted (fun) damage, I’m thinking of making Saturday a 500 calorie day + whatever I eat/drink at the function rather than the normal 2,000 calories + whatever I eat/drink at the function…Thank G_d I’m working all day Saturday, it will help πŸ™‚



    Hi Everyone, I am in South Australia. I began 6:1 fasting after I saw the Eat Fast Live doco on SBS a few weeks ago.
    I am not overweight (180cm/ 65kg) but I would like to lose a little more (aim for <60kg) and the health benefits seem amazing.
    My husband is on board too. We fast on Tuesdays.
    My first fast day went well, It was easier than I thought. But… The next morning when I thought I would be ravenous, I wasn’t hungry at all and I had to force down a little apple LSA porridge for breaky. It made me feel awful! I was dry reaching in the loo, felt dizzy and so nauseous. After a rest and some dry crackers, which were the only thing I could stomach I felt a little better and could carry on the day but it scared me.
    The next fast went well. I didn’t feel yuck in the morning. Happy!
    Yesterday was my third attempt. I had an apple for morning tea, and a cabbage salad around 4pm. I drank heaps of water and cups of tea. Went to bed feeling very hungry and a little queezy. Woke up at 1am and vomited up everything! I felt so awful I made myself a piece of toast (which I don’t normally eat) and went back to bed around 2am. At 3am I was up vomiting again!
    I feel disgusting today. I couldn’t even get out of bed to get the girls ready for school/kindy. Lucky DH is such a champ!
    It cant be gastro ’cause its happened twice now.
    Has anyone else experienced this?
    Is my body telling me fasting is not good for me?

    Morning all πŸ™‚

    Hi fastaussie. I’m sorry you’ve been having a rough start. I’m no expert by any means and am still sorting out what works/doesn’t work for me. The only suggestion I have is to have some protein (a small piece of fish/chicken etc). You should find that’s more filling and hopefully is not so reactive.
    Maybe some of the other forums have some better ideas – there’s lots of longtime devotees on the site.
    I hope it improves for you – let us know how you go.

    cheers, Ali

    Thanks Ali,
    That’s a good idea. I’ll try it next Tuesday πŸ˜‰

    Hi everyone, haven’t posted since my first about 3 weeks ago. Have now done 5 fasts and not finding it too bad, having learnt that I handle it best by delaying eating as long as possible, cos once I start, that’s it, I’m hungry. So, I don’t eat anything until about 4 and then it’s just a cup of soup and maybe a piece of low fat cheese (you know that horrible plastic laughing cow stuff that doesn’t even need to be refrigerated?) Don’t usually eat that stuff but saw it in the shop and had to buy it for some strange reason. Oh well, it hits the spot. For dinner at about 7.30 I tend to have just cooked veg and about a 1/4 cup of rice. Started off without the rice but found I really need a few carbs to help me feel full or I’m hungry again an hour after dinner. Not sure it that’s physical or psychological… Am quite happy to have the same thing every fast day cos then I don’t have to think about it and I don’t want to have to think about food too much on those days. The worst thing is having to cook for the family on those days. Overall though I’m not finding this too much of a struggle which leads me to hope that this is something I might actually be able to stick to and finally have some success with. I almost hate to say that out loud (or type it – you know what I mean). Many failures in trying to keep my weight under control over the last few years – promised myself I wasn’t going to be fat and forty, and yet here I am, fat and 45. So now, I’m aiming to not be fat and 50. (sigh)

    Anyway, I seem to have lost about 2cms of my waist and 1.5 kgs so far – 5 fasts in, I’m pretty happy with that!

    Jools – was that my post you thought sounded similar? I can see some similarities b/w our stories.

    By the way, Dumpling, hope yr having a fabulous time in France – I will be in Paris for Xmas (YAY!), and there’s no way I’m going to worry about fasting while I’m there. I’ll just be hoping not to put on too much weight and undo all my good work up until then. Fingers crossed. Which spurs me on to keep at it up until then.

    Fastaussie – hope yr over the gastro problems. Maybe yr gut bacteria is a bit out of whack and some probiotics would help?

    Love seeing so many fellow aussies on here – good luck everyone!

    So I’m about to break my first fast with a 500 calorie dinner of chicken, veg and some watermelon for dessert. Today hasn’t been too hard – I think my caffeine withdrawals have been the hardest thing to get through! The hunger is nothing compared to my body’s reaction to no caffeine. I am going to try to have my coffees around lunchtime on non-fast days so that the withdrawals will (hopefully) go away. So I did feel very tired today after midday and maybe rested my head on my desk a couple of times at work (don’t tell anyone!). But I just kept reminding myself that I was going to have a nice dinner tonight and that I could go back to my usual eating tomorrow.

    Question – as I am new I don’t really know the answer to this – on your non-fast days, do you still tend to eat healthy meals? Do you find that if you occasionally have something “bad” that it affects your weightloss a lot? I am a pretty healthy eater, and can go without rice/bread often. I pretty much just eat meat, veg and sauces. However, I DO have maybe 3 or 4 “cheat” meals a week. Plus I may have a dessert (or two!) throughout the week. I want to know, if I continue this pattern and add in 5:2 will the weight come off quickly/easily? Or should I try to cut down on my “cheats”?

    Hiya dot,

    yes, the loss of coffee for me is also way more difficult than the loss of food!
    Have you entered your stats into the BMR/TDEE calculator? it will then tell you what your daily calorific allowance is for your lifestyle. to begin with it might pay to enter your foods into my fitness pal just to make sure that you’re staying within your limits. Most of us don’t really count calories on feed days, but find that we probably make wiser choices. And even if we don’t (like one little piggy I know who scarfed down 2 fruit mince pies and a bottle of bubbly on the weekend), we are better informed to rectify the damage later. In the long run, it has to be workable. Good luck!

    Hi everyone, I’ve just finished my 6th fast today.

    It was pretty easy going though I don’t seem to have lost any weight this week! That brings my total loss from 5 fasts to a whole 1/2 kilo. So depressing! Am starting to think there’s something wrong with me. How can this be working for so many others and not me??

    Ive been tracking my cals everyday on my fitness pal. My TDEE is 1789 and on non fast days I consume between 1500-1600. I don’t understand what’s going on.., πŸ™

    Thedot, I have a long macchiato on fast days. Far fewer cals than my normal cappuccino. just can’t face a full day of work without my coffee hit. I also generally eat pretty healthy all the time not only on fast days. Definately stay away from empty junk food calories but do have a little bread or rice or pasta which have been forbidden for so long. Maybe that’s why I’m not losing as much as I should be. Lol! Last week I actually ate a burger (a semi healthy gourmet one) with the bun!!

    Redmac 1.5 kgs in 5 fasts is such a great result! Wish that’s what my numbers were doing.

    Fastaussie, that sounds like a really violent reaction. Hope you are feeling better. You should definately take Alis advice and do some research on the other forums.

    I’m thinking I am now going to give 4:3 a try and see if that shifts anything as its now around 22 weeks till the wedding. Aaaaarrrrggghh.

    Hey Nik,
    sorry, you might have said this in an earlier post, but have you taken some measurements – that might be a better way of tracking your changes, rather than the scales. I can certainly understand your frustration with the scales!

    I can attest to the measurements – am in my 4th week but have only lost cms and weigh & measure regularly to help keep me motivated.

    Two days ago I upped my water intake and lost 2.3 kgs in 2 days!! Are you drinking lots of water?

    Well we are in our third week and i am on my second fast day for this week (well actually started at 11.30am yesterday and will continue until tomorrow breakfast πŸ™‚ ). I was very disgruntled on Sunday morning for my weigh in as i was the same as the week before…. no weightloss for me last week at all. I admit i did enjoy my weekend and i didnt exercise (other than incidental exercise). But importantly I did not give in – i continued on my journey which i think is important (although I was a little down about it).

    Hubby meanwhile – is soldiering through. He is loving it – watching the weight come off and really enjoying his fast day meals. We have decided to stick to the scrambled egg with spinach and muchrooms for breakfast each day and we rotate the mains between salmon and a stirfry with LOADS of veg.

    Next weigh in will be on Monday, so hopefully i will see even a small change. I am also going to take my measurements again to see if there has been any change that way!

    Happy fast day for those, like me – who are fasting. Its cold and miserable here in Adelaide today – perfect for soup πŸ™‚


    After following this forum for a little while I thought I’d finally get involved. My name is Nickie and I have been doing this diet now for about three weeks. I have around 17kgs to lose (3 gone already). After seeing this documentary, all of a sudden I realised that it’s not a race. That I need to do something that is maintainable and doesn’t feel like I am restricting myself. Just the words “on a diet” implies that one day I’ll be off it. I need a way of life.

    I started with my fiancΓ© but he only lasted two fast days before the hunger (companied by a LOT of whinging) got the better of him. He has the fastest metabolism I have ever seen and eats incredibly healthy so he was doing it mainly as a support for me. I find I eat really well. Never anything processed and I make every thing in my kitchen from scratch. It’s the alcohol and eating out on weekends that get to me. I really love my fast days and enjoy the challenge of making the tastiest food for 500 calories. This morning along with my soy flat white I baked huveros ranchos, red cabbage with fresh lemon juice for lunch and I’ve made rice paper rolls with a chilli tamari dipping sauce for dinner.

    I’m getting married August next year and would love to be at 60kgs by then but I won’t allow myself to get disheartened if I don’t get to that figure exactly. Well, I say that now! I really hope I can get there.

    You all seem like an incredibly lovely and supportive group and I look forward to sharing in all your successes with you.

    X nic

    Well it’s almost the end of fasting day 2 of week one and thankfully no headache today but feeling quite empty and hungry all day.

    Managed on three small meals (egg for breakfast soup for lunch) and estimate I went over the 500 limit by about 50 when I had a 53 cal hot choc made with water after a dinner of 100gm of pork fillet with steamed veg.

    Work Xmas function tomorrow so a test of willpower with food and drink!

    Definitely feeling good about the change and looking forward to results over the long term. Measure myself on Sunday…


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