Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,395 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 1 hour, 19 minutes ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 24,451 through 24,500 (of 28,498 total)

  • CalifD, thanks for the Netflix recommendation. ‘Away’ is there so we’ll give it a try. I wish someone would develop an app that tells me which movies I’ve seen in my lifetime. Constantly starting something and then, about 15 minutes in, one of us realises we’ve already seen it! Did it again last night but couldn’t remember the ending so re-watched the whole thing.

    Good luck to OH tomorrow. I came close to getting an appointment for my broken molar. The earliest they could see me was today, Friday (it was Monday then). But they wouldn’t book me a long enough slot to allow for the treatment until they’d first performed the exam and X-rays. Meaning, once again, I wouldn’t have been here long enough to get it treated. I can see their point of view, and they mine, but we can’t come to a suitable solution.

    I asked about a temp. filling but was told they might last only 2 days or a week. Does anyone have experience with a temporary filling? – I’d have thought it would be good for some months so a good interim plan should I need a crown. I’m refusing X-rays as it’s all above gum level so I just need someone to look in my mouth, confirm I’ve broken off part of the molar and get on with it – temporary or permanent. Were I in that situation with a patient, I’d book them for the last appt. before lunch or the end of the working day.

    Sorry, that became a big ramble about me – no pain. Your OH will be pain-free soon.

    I read that arson is suspected in some of the Oregon fires.

    Good evening

    Lindsay, It looks like a white cockatoo hiding behind the leaves – what do you think Cali? (I think you are our expert on cockatoos)

    Cali, They are covering the fires on our news here and it seems like a truly awful situation. The continuing hot weather will not be helping and I hope you get a break in that soon.
    According to my calendar I was planning to fly down to Sacramento on 27th September. I am consoling myself with the thought that I have more time to plan the trip now – clutching at straws I know.
    I hope your OHs root canal is dealt with tomorrow. I’ve only had one and am in no rush to repeat the experience as it look multiple sessions.

    Thin, I’m having a giggle picturing you with your rolling pin – have you actually got one of those on the boat?
    I haven’t had a temporary filling so I don’t know how long they last. To be honest my dentist manages to do an exam, xray and uncomplicated filling in 30 minutes – although if the side of the tooth has been damaged it seems to be a longer process to build that back with porcelain.

    Neil, hope your neck improves quickly. You may need to rely on cycling and walking until it’s better.

    Hope you all have some nice weekend plans to look forward to.

    LJ, yes, a heavy duty wooden rolling pin came with the boat. I’d been wondering what it was for, now I know. I don’t think you’re clutching at straws. Maybe this time, with more planning, you will get the exact tour that you originally wanted. Vaccines are looking promising – although you youngsters may have to wait a little longer to get one.

    I wasn’t going to say until after Mr CalifD’s appointment but, now that you’ve mentioned it, it was a three-visit root canal treatment that ended in my losing the tooth and requiring an implant (due to the dentist not actually having performed the root canal at all but charging me for it anyway, then disappearing from sight for two years). I so wish we could get back to the BIDC in Bangkok. Although I have great faith in the clinic, I’m not so keen on travelling to Thailand right now.

    Morning all, from a lovely crisp Brisbane. Off in a couple of hours to DDs for a belated Father’s day breakfast with DS and the families. We just make the 10 limit.
    It’s been a hard week, and thank you again for the thoughts. One of the aspects I find hard is that she was my last elderly relative in Melbourne. Usually, we’d just all fly down, and the younger generations would connect and the family circle would continue. I can’t see how they will all ever get together again.

    Betsy, Cinque, good to see those numbers coming down. Cinque those little girls must miss you (and ditto). Betsy are you able to see someone now (is that what happens in the bubble?)

    LJ, yes, you picked the sulphur crested cockatoo. They are so fun to watch. My Mum had one that was a fair old age, in the hugest cage. My dad’s brother lived next door, and his sister up a set of steps at the rear. When my DD would go up the steps to visit my aunt, the cockatoo after a while would screech her name, and she’d run home, thinking it was her grandma. Clever birds.

    Oh Cali, such dreadful news from the west coast. And the temperatures and the air quality! Hope you are in a safe zone.

    Ouch Thin, for the broken tooth. Awful, seeing a dentist you trust, but not so great to find one with whom you have no history.

    I’m going to hit ‘submit’ in case I lose my post, while I go back to the previous page.

    Back, for part 2.

    Anzac, how are you managing the changes in your diet? All that fibre and water settling? You still sound really busy. Is there an end-date to your project?

    Calif, just read your post about your OH’s tooth. What terrible timing, and how unpleasant for him. Hope it’s being dealt with. I also read your detailed report about the fires, so sorry that my earlier post asked questions you’d already answered.

    OH is suffering with his poor foot still. I’d geared up to go to the island tomorrow, after getting the editing back to the candidate, but at his appointment with the myotherapist yesterday she strongly recommended against walking on the sand…so we’ll postpone. I’m disappointed ….I feel the need for sun and sand. Still, not much of a sacrifice, when we think about what’s going on in the world, (not to mention his pain).

    And LJ, nothing at all like your disappointment that the trip you’d planned for so long has been postponed. Hopefully next year ….these vaccines seem to be progressing quite quickly now. How hard though, to read the entries in your diary about where you would/should be now.

    How is your neck Neil? Easing?

    Thin have you had any indication how long it will be before you get OH’s visa application results?

    Hello Penguin. How are things with you? Staying out of the woods? (I googled your wild boar ….a nasty beast, and not pretty, are they?) Any movement on your relocation?

    HK good to read your post and congratulations for doing so well. Nice, isn’t it, to feel those clothes start to loosen.

    OK time to end – Rosy is pulling at my hot water bottle and has already dragged her bed outside, and has tried to take the rug too.

    Enjoy your Sunday all, where ever you are, whatever you are doing.

    Hello everyone on Sunday fast day, here in my corner of Melbourne.
    I’ve been battling an ear infection which hasn’t been too painful but has made me feel crook.

    Helen Kate, lovely scales! I bet you are feeling good and that your clothes are lovely and comfortable. I hope you had a lovely evening with your reading group.
    I had to look up FlyLady, I had no idea, but what sensible advice.

    Anzac, hooray for that scales dip, I do hope you have had a few really good days.

    Thin, lovely to hear of that pretty little kingfisher.
    It is daunting to read of you coming into Birmingham and having to be so prepared for the various dangers. Sending lots of good wishes.
    I have had experience with a temporary filling and I think I had to have it longer than expected and be very careful not to use it, ie all chewing on the other side. But I don’t think it was a molar and oh dear, my memory is shocking, no idea how long it took before I got the permanent one, a couple of weeks maybe.
    A little Midsommer p.s. Young Tom is actually young John. (And he is my favourite too). But I think we could pitch the Young Tom as an idea, wouldn’t they have fun with characters set back in his early days. Who could they cast?

    Oh LJoyce, dreams of Vancouver. I love your ‘extras’ idea.
    I am learning that I too easily added extra to everything, from toast in the morning to a handful of nuts in the evening.

    Neil, that pinched nerve sounds scary, I do hope it has unpinched itself and you are having a good weekend.

    Lindsay I spotted the cocky 🙂 What a wonderful photo. It did just look like it was trying to be invisible.
    So sorry you are not getting island time, but ooh walking on sand is hard work for feet, so I can imagine Mr Lindsay is better off without it. Sending good wishes to you both.

    Cali, lovely to have a big catch up from you. The year’s stress is not lessening, I sadly see, congratulations for looking after yourselves. The vision and stories from the fires are reported here, and my heart breaks for you all.

    Best wishes to Mr Cali, he will be glad to have that visit to the dentist done. Specialist work all right! I hope it has all gone beautifully.

    Should you invest in a traditional oilskin coat, you will have to remember to wash it only in cold water, after you have been out mustering sheep in the dust, and treat it for mould if you leave it wet in a corner for too long, and then, when it needs rewaxing you need to melt the special wax and brush it on so that it sinks in before it dries!

    Ok, those mungbean and onion waffles 🙂 . I have a thin waffle iron (compared to the ones that make fat Belgium waffles) https://admin.pleasanthillgrain.com:11678/media/catalog/product/s/k/skeppshult-cast-iron-heart-waffle-maker-0010-1200.jpg
    And I had a recipe book, back in my whole foods vegetarian days, that featured several waffle recipes, explaining that any mixture of whole grains with water and a pinch of salt is okay, and that raw ingredients are best as they puff up with heat and turn out very light, and that the protein quality improves with a mixture of grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
    So for decades I have been making yummy waffles in this way, blending up mixtures and eating them as an accompaniment for soups and stew, or for breakfast with butter and vegemite.
    In the last few years I have also been making a variety of Indian flatbreads, dosa, cheela, adai. The cheela and adai work on the same principle as the waffles, that the blended legumes and other ingredients cook up so tasty and light when spread thin and cooked like a pancake. So I did a bit of a fusion, and it did turn out tasty.

    Okay, the morning is running away and I hope to do some housework. Cheers to you all.

    Good afternoon lovely people. I hope you are enjoying your Sunday and have some nice weather to cheer you.

    Cinque, I have made savoury Indian flatbreads – I’ve just never thought of putting them into a waffle iron – not that I own one anyway! I do have both a large and small cast iron grill which fit on to the gas stove top, so I tend to make do with those. I think I’m going to have to get more inventive with the legume based flatbreads. I tend to be lazy and use lentil or besan flour, but there is no reason I can’t soak and then blend whole legumes – is that what you do, or do you cook them before processing into a waffle/flatbread mixture.
    I am trying to imagine how you would spread butter ad vegemite over the undulating surface of that waffle.

    Lindsay, I had a bit of an advantage on the cockatoo – I had a large walnut tree in the back yard at my previous house and every summer it would be crowded with white sulphur crested cockatoos, screeching at the top of their voices and eating all of the green unripened walnuts – and I do mean all. I saw many of them hiding behind the leaves as they munched on my walnuts. I was never sure whether the screeching was just friendly conversation, or arguments over who’d just pinched the best walnut from under someone else nose (or beak).

    Thin, I’m glad you found a use for the inherited rolling pin. Franking I couldn’t picture you making pastry on a canal boat.

    I saw a very cute sight on my morning walk. One front yard had has a blue heeler (still fairly young I think). As soon as it saw me it raced over with its teddy bear in its mouth! Too cute for words and clearly hoping I would play with it. I stopped for a little chat, but no play time.

    Now that I’m back on 5:2 I have stopped weighing daily and am weighing weekly for the time being – I will eventually get back to monthly weighing, but not yet. The good news is that even though my weight jumped up to 78kg after last Sunday’s overindulgence, I was back to the mid 76s by yesterday morning. I’m having a very strict FD today so that I can enjoy my treat day tomorrow without guilt.
    I am collecting my best friend in the morning and we’ll head up to Woodside (border town between the Adelaide Hills and the Barossa Valley). There is a lovely shaded walking trail that will allow us to do a one hour walk and also a couple of good op shops to peruse. For lunch we are going to Avalon – a combined cafe and antique shop. Then after lunch we’ll head over to Mount Barker as there is a large nursery there that sells bulk plants for landscaping (everything from ground covers to nearly fully grown trees). I have some ideas on what I’m going to plant in my front and back garden beds, but I’d like to see what is available – it might help me rule some things in or out.

    Take care all.

    It was so strange to log on to this thread yesterday and find not one post for the day! I think that’s the first time ever. So I was worried about you Cinque, and glad to read that you’re mostly alright. I’m a bit confused about your reference to the ‘young John’. Thanks for the temp. filling info; it doesn’t seem viable since it’s already survived four months without one.

    Lindsay, your poor OH does go through the wars. Hoping you can get away soon. The visa takes approx. 8 weeks from the ‘application date’ but there’s no indication whether that’s the date we submitted the initial application (end July) or the date the private contractor submits our documents from their website after the appointment next week. It doesn’t really matter to us; we’ve bought some time.

    Britain’s on a knife edge with the virus, the ‘R’ number is back over 1. But the economy has grown for two consecutive months. Australia has the virus under control but is in its first recession in three decades. What a difficult balancing act for the govts around the world. No matter what they do, they will be blamed for everything.

    LJ, sounds like you’re all back on track wrt weight. No chance of me making pastry anywhere, although it would actually be possible on the boat as we have a large granite galley bench top.

    Cinque and LJ, hoping your FDs have gone to plan – of course they have. Mine’s about to start. I’ve had a much better week wrt minimal alcohol intake and no pub meals. I’m in a much better place than this time last week. It’s a beautiful sunny autumn day, forecast 23C.

    Have a great week all.

    Evening all.

    I had a good weekend, I took my boys out for a ride to see how they would cope. They managed 20 kilometres in just over an hour and a quarter without being too tired so that’s not too bad at all. I also got to have a look around a new proposed disc golf course in my suburb. So that would be great if they get that established. I got a bit more gardening stuff done so we’re pretty much ready for planting out in a couple of weeks when the weather is a bit more settled. I finished off the weekend with a family gathering to celebrate 4 birthdays that fall in September, so I’ll definitely be needing my Monday fast day tomorrow.

    Well, Fast tomorrow and back to the grind. We’ll also find out if we’re going to move down to level 1 so fingers crossed.

    Have a great day everyone

    Hello dear southernhemispherites

    It’s good to read all your messages.

    Thinatlast – I take your point about regarding 5:2 as a way of life rather than a diet. That makes good sense.

    Neilithicman – hope the neck is better. I envied you the white heron sighting. Thinatlast – how wonderful to spot a kingfisher, and also to watch herons on the canals – such beautiful birds whether standing still or flying with those marvellous great wings. I used to see them at Port Willunga, not far from Adelaide, but they don’t seem to be around any more which is sad.

    LJoyce – you are right, I don’t have scales at home. Am happy to do the occasional weigh-in at the chemist. As you say the critical thing is how tight the jeans feel! I hope you and your friend have a really good day tomorrow up in the hills.

    Calif – I feel for you with the terrible times with the fires. Also I hope OH’s tooth problems get sorted. It sounds as if he had a very nasty few days there.

    Cinque – I hope the ear clears up quickly.

    I am having a FD today. I shifted from my usual Saturday because of a social event. It feels a bit harder than usual, perhaps because I am tired, but I will get through.

    This is a bit of a hasty and messy bulletin, but comes with best wishes to all – and also with thanks for all the encouragement.

    It’s interesting, isn’t it, how some friends are encouraging about this fasting approach, while others are a bit disapproving. Have other people found that?


    HK, hello again! Aren’t herons cool? Their patience reminds me of crocodiles. Your last comment definitely echoes those of others on these pages, although perhaps not mentioned for some time. I have a feeling workplace colleagues make good saboteurs. The proof is in the pudding as they say. Or, in our case, lack of pudding. After six years, no-one’s arguing with me about whether intermittent fasting is a good idea. I think it was CalifD who coined the response to skeptics who have a better plan, “… and how’s that working for you?”.

    Neil, you’re turning your lads into workout machines just like their Dad.

    Morning all

    Thin, I needed a lack of pudding over the weekend. At our family dinner I had a bowl with some ambrosia, pavlova and ice-cream, I also had a couple of glasses of regular coke. I normally drink the sugar free variety of coke if I do drink it, but my parents didn’t have any of that. I woke up feeling very sorry for myself after consuming about as much added sugar in one meal as I normally consume in a week 🙁

    HK, My neck was sore for 3 days but is feeling better now. An active weekend seemed to help loosen it up.

    I’m really looking forward to my cycle trip with my lad. I’m buying him a new bike because he had a real growth spurt last year (grew around 7 inches in the last 12 months) so his current bike is far too small for him. He’s really excited about the new bike and the trip.

    Well a strict fast day for me today and I’ve got a big gym session planned today so hopefully that will balance out the excess at the family dinner last night.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Good morning, yes! I had an excellent fast day. Hooray for 5:2.

    Hooray for recovering from that weight spike so quickly, and I hope you are feeling great after your strict fast day.
    I do hope your walk is as beautiful as it sounds.

    Butter and vegemite skim nicely over the ridges of a waffle!
    I remember first hearing about adai from you! And yes, ha, I’ve never heard of anyone else trying them in a waffle iron. It needs to be a batter though, to work in a waffle, not a flatbread.

    Thin, thanks so much for your concern. Yes, it was weird to have no posts for a day. I seem to have a good day and then a worse day. Today is worse than yesterday but I still think I am getting better (I was crooker two days ago).
    Sending fast day good wishes.

    Neil, yay, I am so glad you are back to your usual active self.
    Good wishes that you go to level 1. It seems likely, but fingers are crossed for you anyway. We are nicely on track to get to our next level too, so I have another set of fingers crossed for us.
    Have an extra good fast day today. 4 birthdays will be a trick to negotiate!

    Helen Kate, Oh dear, the reactions of friends to 5:2! Apart from the friend who introduced me to it, I mostly got complete disinterest but one friend gave me a serve, telling me I was starving myself and would end up fatter than ever, and a (dear) sister told me I might have anorexia (even though I wasn’t even into my healthy weight range at the time).

    I was so delighted that I was losing weight, but no-one noticed for months until all of a sudden when everyone exclaimed… and then they got used to it and haven’t mentioned it again. It is one of the reasons I am still here after 5 years. It is the only place I can be with people who understand and can talk about it.

    Thin, you are spot on, the proof is in the pudding.

    Best wishes to everyone today.

    Edit, Neil, ha, you are a pudding today. You will feel better tomorrow morning I hope. Don’t forget to drink lots of water.
    It is looking like such a brilliant trip for father and son. This is what memories are made of. Hooray that he won’t be on a bike that is too small, that would be hard work.

    This pudding is off to do some sorting of old papers. Cheers all

    Good morning, hope everyone had a great weekend

    We had a friend over for the weekend. He originally was only going to stay Saturday night but we asked him to lunch on Sunday with my Dad and he stayed another night. He and Dad are both walking, talking rugby league encyclopaedia’s plus they both know and love many rural towns around NSW so they had a marvellous time chatting while Mr Anzac and I cooked a nice meal. Sadly I overate both days and practically undid my very good week. Again. Sigh. Back to basics this week. FD today

    I’m sorry to hear about your ear infection Cinque, and that it is still hanging around. I do hope it gets better soon

    Lindsay, I am really settling into the new regime with fibre being my new best friend thanks. It wasn’t hard to do and I am astounded at the benefits. I became so used to having tummy issues I forgot how nice it is to not have them! My project doesn’t really have an end date yet but have a big go-live early next year. My job is payments and they are manual for now but we will fully integrate the new system with the bank’s payment systems sometime late next year or early in 2022. The problem is contractors are only supposed to stay for 2 years and that is up next April. They can get exemptions but they are quite hard to get now so that may be my end date. I actually received a job offer from the lovely Canadian bank on Friday that I had to sadly turn down, but the worse news there is the job is to help sell their operations to Citibank so they will all be gone by the end of next year so one of my options will be gone.

    I hope both OH’s are feeling better Cali and Lindsay

    I’m glad your neck is feeling better today Neil. I suffer from neck problems due to my poor posture so I know how painful it can be and a pinched nerve is the ouchiest of all. Hope it’s better today

    LJ, what a lovely day you have planned today. I hope you have a wonderful time with your best friend and that the weather is nice

    HK, I hope you got through a difficult FD yesterday and yes, when you are tired they are much harder.

    I agree Thin, no matter what the leaders do they are blamed and blasted. Who would be a state or country leader right not? Not me!

    Must get back to work. After such a busy weekend I feel like I need another but one can only wish

    Take care all and a big HI to everyone I didn’t mention

    Good afternoon all

    I am absolutely exhausted right now – an hour of heavy digging in the garden will do that to me – thank goodness I have remedial massage booked tomorrow!
    I’m getting the veggie bed ready for planting. I have seedlings in pots to grow them on a bit before they go into the ground. I’m planting less year as I usually overestimate how much I can crowd into the beds. I have cherry tomatoes (several varieties and colours), zucchini (the rarer yellow and white varieties), spinach and bush beans. I will put runner beans in later – once I’ve picked the broad bean crop (covered in flowers but not beans as yet). I am picking lots of snow peas and podded peas – very yummy to eat when freshly picked. I must admit none of the shelled peas make it to the pot because I just love them raw – such a treat when I’m used to using frozen peas.

    Yesterday in the hills was lovely. Nice lunch (goulash pie & salad)and afternoon tea (apple spice muffin and a pot of tea). We had a lovely long walk through Woodside – it’s the only walk that we ever do that takes us past horses – makes a nice change from the dogs and cats I usually say hello to on my daily walks. The nursery we went to has absolutely masses of trees for sale and I was able to see the things I’d been considering. I got a much clearer idea of which choices to eliminate and which were the best options seeing the actual plants.
    The crepe myrle that I planted in the front garden nearly 2 years ago is not doing well. It seems to keep adding more branches from the base and not growing taller – I think it’s going to end up as a shrub form, rather than a tree. I want a tree not a shrub so I’ve decided that its days are numbered, but I needed to make a better decision this time about what to replace it with. I’ve decided on a crab apple, because there are several varieties that have the right maximum size for my small garden, it also will give me a different feature each season – lot of spring blossom, then green leaves, autumn colour and bare in winter. The only decision left is whether to choose a traditional form or a grafted weeping form. The best time to plant will be next winter, so I have plenty of time to make up my mind.

    The only drawback of having a “treats allowed” day yesterday is that I took it too far, with 3 hours of snacking instead of eating a proper dinner. I am doing a strict FD today and will need to be especially careful for the rest of the week too.

    Take care all. Hope you are doing well.

    Good evening all.

    Thought I’d best check-in so you know I’m still around. Wilbur is doing well again. The vet said he’d regained a bit of weight (because he was eating better once his mouth wasn’t so painful), and he’s also moving more freely (for a 15-year-old cat), so I think having his claws clipped was a good idea.

    Having the lockdown essentially extended for Melbourne until nearly the end of October has been very disappointing, so no op shops or bookstores for several more weeks. I finally ordered a couple of books I want via Book Depository and will order another tomorrow via QBD. I have at least established a “single’s bubble” with a friend, and visited her today, and I have other friends I’ll be visiting more regularly as a “care” provider for them. I often buy items for them or lend them books, DVDs, etc. so tend to stop for a cuppa when doing so.

    Anyway, I went off the rails a bit with the eating for a week or so (since I last posted) and have regained about 2 kgs. Today was my first CD for a while, but I managed it, so will try for a FD tomorrow. Probably FD800, but OMAD.

    CalifDreamer, hope the pain in OH’s tooth has settled somewhat with the antibiotics. Root canals are no fun. The fires over your way this year have been horrific. We can empathise here, as the summer bushfires here were probably equally as bad. Not quite as extensive, but bad enough. Having to have the lights on in the house due to the brown smoke outside is terrible for you. Stay safe! Please ensure you have a bag packed with essential items ready to “grab and run” if the fires spread anywhere near you.

    Thin, how frustrating that the dental work just keeps getting delayed. Didn’t they understand that you’re on a boat that has to keep moving???

    LindsayL, commiserations re not being able to go to the island. Hope OH’s foot settles soon.

    Anzac65, re steps, I make a big effort to walk for as long as possible in the morning – generally at least 40 minutes (or longer), and that gives me a great start to my steps for the day. Forty minutes walking for me is about 5000 steps.
    Good that your digestive system is settling down with more fibre, plus probiotics.

    Cinque, hope the earache is settling down. So many folk here seem to be temporarily “in the wars”. Did you organise an effective meetingplace re miss 4’s 5th birthday and gift giving?

    Ljoyce, great that you could have a lovely outing with your friend. Hope today’s FD went well for you.

    Neilithicman, good that your boys could cycle so far – makes the planned trip with one of them seem feasible. Yay for staying under 90 kg.

    Helen Kate, excellent weight loss progress – it’s such a pleasant feeling to be lighter, isn’t it?!

    And it’s nearly midnight, so I’ll sign off for now. Will try to log onto the forum a bit more diligently. Staying away because of eating too much is not a good strategy!!

    I’m pleased, I only gained 200 grams so I’m still sitting under 90 kilos on 89.7 kilos. I was expecting a bigger rise than that after eating so much sugar on Sunday night.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Good morning,

    Good grief it is half way through the week already. My ear infection seems to be gone though, hooray.

    I had a good light eating day yesterday and my fast day coming up tomorrow. Planning on sensible and delicious food today.

    Anzac, what a lovely friendly weekend, especially for your dad. Nice times.
    Work sounds full on as ever, but I do hope it is a good week. Posture! Fibre! All power to you!

    LJoyce, lovely garden work. I had been peering at my broadbeans wondering why there were so many flowers and no beans, poised to nip the growing tips off as soon as the beans showed. Then all of a sudden I saw a 12cm bean sticking out, and then saw tiny beans everywhere. I have very much enjoyed eating the tender top leaves and shoots in my soups or braised with other greens over the last few days.

    I LOVE your idea to get a crab apple tree. Such a beautiful tree for the seasons, and particularly pretty blossom. Not to mention crabapple jelly.

    Oops for the extended treats day, doesn’t it happen easily. I hope yesterday was lovely and fasty.

    Betsy, so glad to see your post. Hello Wilbur!
    So sorry you had a bad week, but yay for getting back on the horse. Winner!

    The lockdown extension had been hard, but it seems to be flying past now with the end in sight, surely. It is big numbers Wednesday and only 42 new cases, Casey Briggs is reporting our 14 day average is below 50 today. Woot!. I hope you got your books, and by the time they are read, your favourite bookshop will be open again.

    We figured out that the meet up in the park would be best when restrictions ease the day after little darling’s birthday, and I will be able to give her cuddles. (As well as her giant present with lots of layers.)

    Neil, hooray for burning off that excess sugar so quickly, the rest will be gone soon.

    Cali, this cartoon tugged my heart, showing the terrible wildfire link we feel for each other. https://nnimgt-a.akamaihd.net/transform/v1/crop/frm/fdcx/doc7cbnqhkfuybco8f0nmw.jpg/r0_0_1250_850_w1250_h850_fmax.jpg
    Sending good wishes and hoping to hear how you are going.

    Penguin, I am stranded in the stream of time and I think last week might have been your final treatment in the series, and scan, and I was feeling too crook to celebrate, so here is your belated floral tribute, maybe even two weeks belated? or right on time if it is today! Thinking of you! https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/robin-flower-sculpture-ruth-hallam.jpg

    Hello to everyone else too. Best wishes for a good day.

    Good morning all. How can it already be halfway through September?

    Cali, those fires continue to sound dreadful. I hope you are ok. I said to a friend the other day that I was disappointed to hear we have a strong La Nina coming this spring/summer, meaning it will be wet and cool. We feel like we practically missed summer last year due to our 7 weeks in freezing Europe. My friend responded with ‘You missed NOTHING. All we did was sit in our house with the windows closed looking longingly out at our pool that we couldn’t swim in’. So that is what you must be experiencing now sadly

    Betsy, the weight sure does go on SO much easier than it comes off. I had a good FD on Monday and an ok CD yesterday but the weekend EFS is still grimly hanging in there. FD today so hopefully tomorrow I will see a drop

    I am so happy to hear that your ear infection has gone Cinque. Hooray to all the lovely things growing in your garden – and you too LJ. Mr Anzac has little pots of things everywhere (a bit like your place Neil) and it is lovely to go and check on everything every day. Our mint, oregano, sage and thyme are going gang-busters and everything else is coming along nicely. We have been having gorgeous sunny days in the low to mid twenties for a couple of weeks now and the seedlings are loving it

    I can’t wait to hear about your lovely catch-up with your family and hearing about the excitement of unwrapping the many-layered present Cinque. May it happen soon

    Yay to staying under the 90’s Neil. I hope to get there soon

    Your day yesterday sounds simply lovely LJ. Don’t worry about the evening snacking, you’ll remediate it in a day or two. I found the same thing last weekend – having a nice lunch both days should have resulted in not needing anything for dinner but despite not being very hungry the boys wanted another large meal both days and of course I couldn’t resist. Silly really.

    HK, I agree completely about how some people are disapproving about this WOL. Many say ‘but breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ but that science has pretty much been knocked on the head now. Anyway, surely whatever works to get the weight off has to be a good thing so long as you are including all the necessary nutrients. I’m so encouraged by your success and very happy that you have joined our little family here.

    How are things going over in NZ Turn? We haven’t heard from you in a while.

    With the warmer weather comes the flies so we can’t really leave the back screen door ajar during the day so Maxx can nose it open. So Mr Anzac and I become what we call monkey-butlers. Since writing this post I’ve had to get up four times to let Maxx in then out then in then out. He can’t seem to settle for his post-walk long snooze. Sigh. He loves the sun but gets too hot quickly then wants to come in and lie on the cool tiles.

    Quacka, Intesha, Crazy, Penguin, G’day – hi to you all and hope you are doing ok. Would love to hear from you

    Have a superb day friends 🙂

    Hi all, quick post today (really?) as I’m actually getting some of my doctoral work done. It’s a case of have-to, really, as I’ve a meeting with my supervisors tomorrow afternoon (Ouch!) 🙂

    Cinque, so glad your ear infection has cleared up. Sounds like a plan to meet up with the family on the day after the little miss’s birthday – she will surely love a big hug from grandma as much as her present.
    Loved (and laughed when I saw it) the robin made of plants. You are so brilliant in finding these things. Saddened by the other “cartoon” – so true, sadly so.
    Great that you will have a lovely feed of beans after all. Yum!

    Neilithicman, great that you’re staying under the dreaded 90, even despite the weekend’s indulgence.

    Penguin, hope you’re doing well. Any news yet on the house selling front?

    Hi Anzac65, let’s agree together to see those scales go DOWN!!! I was on 70.3 kg this morning – actually I had crept up to just over the 71, which is when the brakes went on, so the progress is back on the downward slope. I’m determined not to do what I did around this time last year, when the weight just crept up and up. It will not be doing that this year, and it won’t for you, either.

    Hi to everyone else. Hope you’re all okay.

    Dear all

    I am having a good FD today, due to having thought it out a bit beforehand – which I know many of you have advised doing. I had a late lunch of thin rice biscuits and sardines, and I’ve cooked a dal and some brown rice, and have hard-boiled a couple of eggs, so that I can put together something small but tasty for a late dinner. I’ve decided to aim to stay between 600 and 700 on FDs. I think I sleep better than if I only have 500. Also I am not in a hurry to lose more weight, though I am hoping the stomach will whittle down a bit more.

    I was interested to read your thoughts about the attitudes of friends, Thin and Cinque. Thin, being retired I luckily don’t have to deal with workplace saboteurs – ‘the evil donut-bringers’ as the Happier Podcast calls them.

    Neil, how good to be planning a bike trip with a son. My brother has three sons, all in their twenties now, and he did a hiking trip with each one of them when they had turned 18 – and in your beautiful country, Neil, down the bottom of the south island. So good to have special father-son times.

    Cinque, I am very glad that your ear has cleared up at last. I agree with you that the attitude of most friends is disinterest, but like you I have one person who clearly disapproves and thinks I will damage myself in some way. Luckily I have a couple of friends who are supportive, and have also discovered one who practises it off and on herself.

    But it is certainly good to have this group where people are interested in the topic, and you can learn from the experiences of others, and just not feel on your own with it. I don’t know if I would still be on it still, after two months, if I didn’t have the context of this group. And also the encouragement of the scales and the comfortable jeans!

    Anzac, it’s great that you are so much more comfortable now in the digestive department. And you are right about how many people still push the myth that breakfast is essential. And I think we people on this WOL are more conscious of nutrients than most.

    I love your description of you and Mr Anzac being turned into monkey-butlers by Maxx!

    My daughter and her partner over in Sydney have recently got a puppy who they absolutely adore. They are planning to drive over to Adelaide in November and are prepared to quarantine if necessary. I am so looking forward to seeing my girl after all these Covid months, and it will be great to meet little Giles.

    LJoyce, your day in the hills sounded really good – nature and horses and good food and a nursery. I think crab apples are wonderful trees, beautiful in all seasons.

    Betsylee, it is very tough on all you Victorians. It’s good that you now have a bubble – and have other ways too of seeing people. Important for us people who live alone. Great that you’ve now ordered books on-line. It’s sad not to be able to browse in a bookshop, but there is a particular thrill in finding that package on the doorstep. I hope your meeting with the supervisor goes well tomorrow. What are you doing your thesis on?

    Cali, Cinque’s cartoon shows pretty much how it feels to us over here watching what you people are going through over there. It’s terrible, and we can only wish you well, as we brace up for our own fire season.

    Best wishes to all
    Helen Kate

    Cinque. That is a big bird. I got the scan results yesterday. The cancer is “stable” which is apparently a good thing. The hospital I go to is consulting a larger unit about the possibility of surgery. I suspect that is optimistic but I love their optimism. As a back up I started a second set of 12 weeks of chemo today.

    Betsy. we have had seven viewings. They all liked the house but we are not in a smart village so no one has bought it. Apart from one local they were all from London or another big town looking to work from home in the country, which is very much the trend.

    Cali. You know how content I will be with that scan result. Stay safe, we all worry about you.

    Morning all.

    Good to hear from you Penguin, and that the scan results are positive. Hope the next 12 weeks of chemo goes well

    Cali, can I endorse Penguin’s comment ..a dreadful situation in California and so very worrying. Hope you are okay.

    HelenKate what a lovely newsy post. Different people have different attitudes to this WOL, and oddly, I’ve found, it’s the slim people in my circle (mostly work colleagues) who pooh-pooh it. Chubsters like me seem quite open to something that’s obviously successful. And actually, there’s so much evidence now about time restricted eating and fasting that I don’t hear the comment as often any more. Wonderful, your daughter will visit very soon. Will she be able to stay long?

    Cinque, Betsy, more good news on infections today, though sadly more lives lost.
    Betsy good luck with your meeting with your supervisors? Do you enjoy the meetings, and come away feeling inspired to push on? With bookshops closed, I find Booktopia a good online option. I was a Book Depository fan, but now try to support Australian businesses. Good fast turnaround, and often cheaper than Book Depository, which compensates for the postage.

    Cinque I’m glad your ear infection is gone, and you are feeling brighter. Not long now til you can see your precious girls. What a celebration that will be!

    Ah Anzac, those up-down-up-downs to let Maxx out. Think of him as your own personal trainer. Rose has taken to a comfy two-seater my Dad built, in the courtyard. When it gets too hot on the seat, she relocates to the cool pavers under it. But at night, she’s in, she’s out, she’s in, she’s out. Her favourite new ‘take’ is my phone. When I followed her out last night she was standing on the top of the courtyard steps, in the pitch black, phone held in her jaws by the cover, only visible because the phone had switched on.

    LJ, Cinque, good work on the vegetables. It is quite wonderful, to watch the garden grow, and then be able to pick and eat its bounty. (I loved your Robin pic for Penguin…lovely).

    It’s been a busy week – I got my PhD off on Monday, and was trashed for fully 24 hours. Then I got the call from my dear DIL … could we have the little one? DIL is a teacher and up to her ears in marking on what should have been her day off. Miss 2.4 year old was delightful, but no chance of doing the dozens of things that have been piling up. We have Miss 4 later today while DD finishes a big assignment, and then babysitting against for DS tomorrow night when he surprises his wife with a night out to mark the end of semester. More babysitting than usual – but terrific to be with the little ones, and to help out too

    LJ just read about your lovely day in the hills. What a beautiful picture you paint. Good choice, the crab apple (I googled it). Nice, for a tree to have seasons. Gosh, I remember when you planted that crepe myrtle. I recall thinking it must be a good tree for your climate … here in the subtropics, they tend to go a bit crazy.

    Thin, yes, OH has been through the wars, but he is like one of those weighted fairground dolls. Knock it over, up it springs. His foot strangely enough is one of the worst, in the sense that it is changing his (our) lifestyle and habits. We don’t walk together anymore. Some days he doesn’t come to the fields to run Rosy. No beach for a while. Because it’s a combination of things (gout, plantar fasciitis, shortened gait) his thigh muscle has tightened, so on and on it goes. BUT….the myotherapist is convinced she can resolve it, so we are feeling optimistic.

    Neil, well done on staying under the 90. You must have found a sweet spot with exercise/food intake. Long may it last.

    I am resolutely staying away from discussion about my progress, just for the minute. I am finding it hard to get back into the swing. I do well for a while, then not. I’ll get my mojo back, once life settles a bit. One thing I don’t falter on though is TRE. I NEVER eat within 12 hours of finishing the night before. Sometimes it’s only 14 hours, and not the 16 I aim for, but I am totally rigid on at least that aspect.

    What a long rambly post. Hello to all I’ve missed including Turn, Quacka, G’day, Intesha……stay well all.

    Good morning everyone,

    Thursday fast day for me, and I think Miso the cat is excited too because she will get her whiskas pouch. She was very disappointed not to have it yesterday and will start hassling me at about 3pm. (I will feed her after 5.)

    Hello monkey-butler Anzac, I hope it is a good productive day. Flies! Hooray for screen doors.

    Best wishes Betsy, for your meeting with your supervisor today. Down down scales, you can do it. Polish up your vanity and embrace the hunger.
    (Actually I’m saying that to myself, but why not share it out loud!)
    (I’ve got out a summer dress that would look much better if I was a kilo lighter, and I will try it on this afternoon.)

    Watch out friends, it’s brackets Thursday for me.

    HK, I bet it was an excellent fast day and your jeans will feel even better today.
    I do hope your disapproving friend can keep her mouth shut (about 5:2) and just see how you go.

    Ooh you will have fun when your daughter’s lovely little family comes over. What sort of puppy is Giles? Fingers crossed the numbers will be so low everywhere, by November, that there will be no quarantining.

    Penguin, good news 🙂 . I mean yes, you don’t want unstable cancer (but I wish they had said withering) (maybe after this lot of chemo.) I’ll be optimistic about the surgery too, they can do such extraordinary things these days.

    I’m hoping that the sensible buyer, who would prefer your village to a smart one, comes along soon.

    Lindsay, such a nice number today! I whooped. The deaths are so sad, but I have to accept they will continue for a time yet. Heartbreaking for those families. I hope our actions now mean Never Again.

    Lovely to hear of your babysitting duties with the gorgeous little ones. I am glad you got 24 hours break first, and hope you get some more days to yourself now.

    Good thinking to just ‘get over rough ground as lightly as you can’ and hooray for sticking to the time restricted eating. Your time will come. As Arlo Guthrie put it, you just have to wait until it comes around on the guitar.

    I am so glad the myotherapist is working their magic on Mr Lindsay. Best wishes to him.

    Cheers everyone, let us know how you are going. All power to you.

    Afternoon all

    Penguin, good news on the cancer front, I will you well for the coming cycle of chemo. Hopefully your body will handle it as well as it has so far.

    Good luck with the Thursday fast Cinque. Hopefully you’ll have a nice smooth one today.

    Good luck with getting your fasting Mojo back Lindsay. Sometimes we have to try something different to our progress to start ticking back over again.

    HK, Dal is the best for fast days isn’t it, filling, full of fiber and protein. Which tracks did you brother do with his lads? I’ve done quite a few of them and I’ve done a few overnight ones with my boys. They did the first one with me when they were only 8 or 9 years old down to the Mavora Lakes.

    Betsy, good luck for your meeting. I hope it goes well.

    Anzac, Ha, butler for animals, it’s like that for our cat too. Even though we’ve got a cat door she still insists on making us open the door for her.

    Turn, are you about? (Ha see what I did there) It was the Roxburgh dam lodge you used to own wasn’t it? I tried to book a room at that for our cycle trip but you may or may not be pleased to know it was completely booked out, so it seems to be thriving. We’ll have to stay in Roxburgh itself and do a trip up to the dam and back on one of the days.

    Well I’d better go for my gym session. My boy will be pleased to see me tonight because I’ve just picked up his new bike so no doubt he’ll be super keen to take it out for a spin

    Have a great day everyone.

    Penguin, that’s good news on the scan. Surgery would be good if they can do it. The new round of chemo may shrink it so removing it would be easier. Sorry to hear you are still waiting for your house to sell. But it sounds like you’re getting good traffic, so it’s just a matter of time until someone buys it.

    Some of the big fires are almost fully contained but a couple of newer ones are proving hard to put up because they are in mountain forests with steep terrain and getting in there is difficult. The planes and helicopters are having a tough job because of the smoke. But they’re slowly making progress. Today, for a while we had very little smoke when the wind changed direction. It’s getting better. Cinque, your cartoon was very timely. I keep wishing that the autumn would get here more quickly and that we’d get some rain. But then I remember this last January and Feb when the fires in Australia were so horrible and I feel bad. Our two countries do seem to be in a relay with these fires. I pray for more moderate temperatures and winds for both of us.

    Cinque, I do love the look of those oilcoats. I probably wouldn’t have to rewax it very often since I wouldn’t be out mustering sheep in the rain and dust. Going to the grocery store may be the only occasion to wear one this year with the pandemic still going on here. We’re up to Season 3 episode 28 of McLeod’s Daughters and loving it more every day. (We usually watch at least 2 episodes each night.) At least with so many episodes in each of 8 seasons we won’t run out of shows soon! We did start another Aussie series called “A Place to Call Home” just to have an alternative. So far it’s good but a lot less of the Aussie slang in this one. The house they show in the series which is supposed to take place in Inverness in Queensland, is actually located in a Sydney suburb. Anzac, have you ever seen it? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camelot,_Kirkham

    Thin, did you have a chance to watch “Away” yet on Netflix? Everyone I’ve spoken to who has seen it loved it.

    LJ, your day in the Hills sounds wonderful, even if it did leave you tired. I remember you telling me about that walnut tree full of cockatoos. I can’t even imagine. I would never want to leave.

    Betsy and Cinque, the numbers of new cases keep decreasing. Might they change the dates and open things up sooner?

    OH’s tooth is feeling a lot better. One part of the tooth and an extremely narrow root, thinner than the drill bit that they use. So they are hoping that the antibiotics soften it and they are able to get a small drill bit into it. If not, he could still end up losing the tooth.

    I’m falling asleep here. I’ll catch up more tomorrow. Have a great day everyone.

    Friday in Melbourne, day after fast day and oo didn’t I enjoy my breakfast. 🙂
    And yes, Miso the cat enjoyed her whiskas.

    Neil, I hope the spin on the new bike was all your boy hoped it would be.

    Cali, so glad to read your news, although hard to hear the fire news. There is unusual fire danger currently, right up at the top of Australia around Darwin and the Kimberley’s, but the forecasters think this year will be a wet one for Australia, and that usually means we don’t have the bad fires, so hopefully we have a year to recover before we face another bad fire season. We will see.

    Enjoy checking out the oilskin coats, I am sure you will find some modern designs that have the look and function you want, without being so high maintenance.
    Ha yes, the Australian slang is much stronger away from the big cities. A Place to Call Home was another very popular series that I didn’t watch, haha.
    One I do watch and love is Rosehaven. Very sweet humour. You might like it, if it comes available to you. Not much slang though.

    Best wishes to Mr Cali, I hope that last tooth root comes out nicely. Fingers crossed.

    Well, I am going to finish this and get up, and you know what that means… 3 things to put away. off I go.

    Best wishes all.

    LJ, I forgot to mention last night that if you want that crepe myrtle to get taller and be more of a tree than a bush, trim off the lower branches. That’s how I got ours to be more tree-like. It’s quite tall now. Mine didn’t grow very quickly. I don’t know if they’re all slow growers but this one took quite a while. Of course we’ve had several drought years that may have affected it. It’s a bright pink one.

    Cinque, I hope this summer does turn out to be a wet one for you.
    We just signed up for a streaming channel that has several seasons of Vera, that you’re always talking about here. I haven’t watched any yet. I’ll check to see if it has Rosehaven.

    I like the oilskin coats for the style, the cape like thing on the shoulders. Here is one that I found: https://www.bootbarn.com/outback-trading-co.-womens-berry-matilda-duster-/2000322834.html?ef_id=X2RPJwAABaoQYghK:20200918060943:s I’m just not sure I would wear it enough to make it worth the money. I have a black wool blend coat that must be close to 50 years old with that cape type shoulder look. It’s very fitted and simple but dressy. The satin lining needs to be replaced but is otherwise in good shape after all these years. I love that look, although I don’t often wear it because there seem to be so few occasions to dress up these days. I guess the oilskin coats from that show remind me of it, but are nice because they’re casual.

    Good morning friends

    Just a quick one to apologise for being absent for a few days. Work is crazy and stressful and guess what? I’ve realised that stress brings on some tummy pain from the diverticulitis (I assume).

    I will catch up on your lovely posts later and reply after taking the pooch for his walk. I did think about you and Rosy this morning Lindsay as Maxx decided 5.40am was a good time to wake Mum up for a play and when I walked into the loungeroom I saw that Mr Anzac had left his glasses and the t.v. remote on the side table and his smelly old shoes on the floor. I thought about what state they would have been in just a few months ago and realised we have come a long way. That said, while I was typing just now I heard a shuffle in the spare bedroom and then in flounced the fur angel with his tail up high, prancing around happily with my thong (flip flop) in his mouth. So there – pride cometh before a fall once again. Lol

    Saturday afternoon, covid numbers nicely low. Veggie laden soup warming up. (Having it for lunch today, a change is as good as a holiday 😉 )

    My ear infection might be coming back, but I am on it.

    Ooh Cali, I would go with a lovely woolblend coat with new satin lining!
    I’m betting you will enjoy Vera.

    Anzac, sadly it does make sense that stress would contribute to gut pain. I hope you can think of good things to do. Demand a better work life balance somehow! I do hope there is a way.

    I did a veggie shop this morning as I only had a few onions and a piece of butternut left in the fridge. So for my evening meal I get such delights as new season’s asparagus, mushrooms and I am brining chicken breast. I’ll bake a sweet potato to have them with. Yum yum yum yum, yum yum yum.

    And then fast day tomorrow!

    I hope you are having a good weekend. Cheers.

    Morning all
    A lovely lazy Sunday. Washing on, showers threatening, but rain is rain at the moment, so no complaints.

    Oh Cinque, hope that ear infection fades away quickly. Are you taking anything for it?

    Cali, your coat sounds divine. Back in the day, before international travel was just a distant memory, I occasionally took lovely pieces up to Vietnam, to have them rejuvenated for a very reasonable price, by very good tailors. Nice to keep your coat – one day you will wear it again.

    Anzac, a rubber thong (apologies for those international friends who are now dealing with unintended images …as Anzac says, it’s a flip flop in your parts of the world) is such a temptation. Our little girls put their shoes in a big bin high out of Rosy’s reach, or in the top drawer of our kitchen benches. Rosy is getting better …but shoes are shoes.

    cali, back to crepe myrtles…there are different types. Ours in the back garden has multi stems from the base – it was the tall tree type, that we’ve cut back numerous times. We also have one in the walled garden off the ensuite …it’s a miniature version, which my dad gave me maybe 40 years ago and it never goes more than the 2 metres of the wall (although I do lightly prune it in winter).

    Having a lovely day to myself today, although a day with the children is never something I grumble over. I had Miss 4 again on Friday (DD had to put some finishing touches to her big assignment), then last night she and the girls took OH and me for a fish and chip supper in the park. It was daylight when we arrived ….a dog park and a lovely playground adjacent, so I ran Rose while OH pushed the girls on the swings waiting for DD to collect dinner. By then it was dark and there were no lights, so we ate by the light of our phones..a really fun night. Miss 4 has white blond hair and is almost translucent, so she was like a little ghost running around.

    I finally finished clearing out my bedroom cupboards and drawers, and am feeling pretty pleased with the result. Mind you, I would have to live to 110 to wear them all …that part makes me quite ashamed. So another big bundle of nice things to go to the Sallies, meaning I’ll just need to get to 100. Gosh what a job…I finished the final vacuum just as we were due to leave

    Cinque and Betsy, I am just shocked at the clowns who think demonstrating for ‘freedom’ is the answer to the lockdown. Do they not see the numbers declining, which seems to indicate the measures, hard hard though they are, are the right way to go for the moment?

    Neil, where are you? Off on a marathon bike ride?

    Thin, hope the appointment goes well. Where to after Birmingham?

    Hello Penguin. You okay? Sending good wishes.

    bye for now all – off to the grocery shop, then perhaps the nursery for some seedlings.

    Enjoy the rest of Sunday.

    Good morning from sunny, warm England (with a few more of those days to come before the temperature drops significantly).

    Yay, we are still on the same page which made reading the week’s posts so much easier.

    HK, how lovely that you can look forward to seeing your daughter. Is she an only child? And a puppy, a bonus visit!

    Lindsay, you made me laugh with that description of your poor OH and the fairground doll. Please don’t refer to yourself as a chubster! Thank you for asking about the visa appt. All went well, it was over in 20 mins, now we just wait.

    I found it surreal that we could cruise into the centre of Birmingham and moor within a 6 minute walk of the appt. building. We thoroughly enjoyed the city centre where a massive effort has been undertaken to clean it up and uphold the canal history. There were very few boaters and the canal paths were quiet. But bars and pubs were packed. Absolutely no-one was SDing. In different times, we’d have loved exploring but with the second highest covid numbers, it wasn’t worth the risk of staying. The city centre has a lot of CCTV coverage and the worst we experienced was a group of idiots dancing to a boom box right outside the boat from 12.30-2am. Not even nice music!

    We stayed three nights and left yesterday at 8am trying to put as much distance between us and the city as possible as a second lock-down seems inevitable thanks to covidiots. We did 27 locks, cruised 9 hours before reading a towpath sign “it’s a 40 minute bicycle ride to the city from here”!

    I have never seen so much graffiti in my life. So, so depressing. Vandals have defaced every single lock gate, historic bridge and tunnel the entire route in and the entire route out. Garbage everywhere, plastic floating in the canal, even the ducks had lost all hope and were floating upside down, feet in the air. When we finally moored last night, we hoped they’d run out of spray paint but haven’t been outside to check.

    As to where to now, our alternator for the domestic batteries has packed up so we’re looking for a boatyard before the sunshine ends mid-week as we’re relying solely on solar power.

    Neil, ha ha, I’m also wondering if Turn is About.

    Betsy, good to hear your cat is on the mend.

    Calif, sorry, I forgot to mention that we watched two episodes of ‘Away’. Unusual subject matter. We found it QI but a bit too much personal drama for our liking. We will probably watch a bit more – the jury’s still out. The other night we watched Michael Mcintyre’s 2020 tour on Netflix. He has a go about Aussie/NZ accents which made me laugh (he didn’t quite get it right but it was so funny), in fact I was laughing so hard throughout, I’ll have to watch it again as I missed much of it.

    Penguin, good news about your cancer. All the best with the next sequence of treatment. The right person will come along for the house, it just takes one. We only had three people view ours last year but, because we sold it ourselves, each one was a serious contender.

    Anzac, hello! Cinque and LJ, a big hello to you both too. Hope the FD went well today.

    Thank you all for the good wishes.

    The weather has been kind to us this week, dry, warm, mostly sunny. It should remain dry for a few days but the temperature is going down – 29C last week, 14 C this coming week. We are pretty much on top of the garden.

    Around here we have a system called “Freecycle” – we put on line items we want to give away or need. I put an office desk on line yesterday evening and had the first taker about 20 minutes later, followed by a decorators table, which went as quickly. The unlikeliest things go – 6 black plastic dustbins (previously used for forcing Rhubarb) and half a dozen wooden palettes on which we had received deliveries. The guy collecting the palettes intends to turn them into rustic wine racks and sell them.

    I made bead this morning, it has now risen to the level that I should give it the second kneading and put it in the tins. Some of it will be made into small pizzas, OH having reminded me that I haven’t done that lately.

    Penguin, we have Freecycle here too and I was also surprised more than once about how quickly items went. Some years ago we had 4 leather chairs, the type with metal frames and separate foot stools. They were well used and a couple had small tears and one a bigger tear in the leather where one of the parrots got hold of it. I posted photos of the chairs with the imperfections and posted them. They were gone within an hour. A lady wanted them for her kid’s playroom and didn’t care about the tears. We thought we were going to have to pay to have them hauled away. I was so happy that they were going to get more years of use.

    Thin, ‘Away’ does have a lot of personal drama and character development all the way through. But give it another couple episodes. I think you and OH might like it.
    I forgot to ask if anyone here had watched ‘McLeod’s Daughters’ which played from 2001-2009 in Aus. We’re up to season 4 episode 4, that’s 78 episodes because the seasons are so long. I love the show. Thank goodness there are 8 seasons. I will hate to see it end. We’re also watching ‘A Place to call Home’ which we like too, but McLeod’s is still our favorite.

    Lindsay, you’re right about the different types of Crepe Myrtles. In fact, I seem to remember now that the one LJ has is a hybrid. I don’t recall if it was a smaller version or if it was just the color of the flowers, white I think, that made it different.

    Thin, sad about all the graffiti and garbage floating in the canals. Was it just that one area? I recall being appalled when we were in Paris seeing that even they were not immune. People who deface public property should receive very harsh punishment.

    Cinque, I hope your ear infection is clearing up. Ear infections often affect the inner ear and make you feel dizzy. They’re awful. Good to see your covid numbers continue to drop. The quarantine is working. I wish people here would pay attention. As some of our states improve, others get worse. If everyone would wear masks and social distance they say the numbers would improve. But people seem to be getting more lax. It’s depressing. One can only hope there is a vaccine soon.

    Morning all

    We have freecycle over here, it’s good for getting rid of stuff you don’t want without having to worry about carting it off somewhere yourself, but I think it encourages people who have hoarding issues. We had one person in our city who was an absolute hoarder and eventually they got evicted because of the health nuisance, and when they cleaned up the property they took 42 rubbish skips of junk out of their property.

    I hope you enjoyed your bread Penguin, home-made pizza is the best. I’m working on landscaping our section and eventually I want to have a big seating area down by our gardens and build a bbq and pizza oven. If we do that we’ll be having the home made pizzas a lot more often.

    Cali, how are the fires in your area now? Are they starting to bring them under control? I heard last week that because of the fires, Oregon had the worst air quality in the world and it was worsening effects for people that were suffering from covid.

    Thin, a 40 minute bike ride = 9 hours of cruising? It must be 40 minutes for an Olympic cyclist 😉

    Lindsay, I’m still here but I’m heading off with my boy next Monday to ride the Clutha Gold trail I did by myself last year. I’m doing it in 4 days with him so we don’t have to ride as far each day. We’re going to have the backpackers in Roxburgh all to ourselves. I contacted them to see if they had any room available and they said they weren’t opening until October (they are in a orchard area and usually only open when the growing season starts) I said that it was a pity because we were going to be there on the 29th September so we miss out by two days. The guy said they would be happy to open up a couple of days early for us 😀

    Cinque, that sounds pretty good. I managed to get my kids to actually enjoy brussels sprouts yesterday. I fried them up with a couple of rashers of bacon and a pile of mushrooms and then added a teaspoon of garlic butter at the end, they disappeared off their plates pretty quickly.

    Anzac, I hope your workload eases off this week.

    I had a good weekend, the weather was beautiful so I plenty of frisbee golf, had a nice dinner out, and I got our garden completely finished and ready to plant. So we’ll start getting things in the ground over the next couple of weeks. We picked up some new Asian greens to try this year, we picked up some punnets of Mizuna and Tatsoi so hopefully they’ll grow ok.

    Have a great day everyone

    Monday morning, and I have missed my chance for an early shop to buy coffee and milk. I’ll see how long it takes for me to get moving. Can I last til tomorrow? We’ll see.

    But it is lovely day after fast day, and I have my breakfast cooking (mushrooms and green beans on turkish bread). Delightfully low covid numbers here today, fingers crossed all keeps going this well.

    Ooh took a break to eat breakfast, Delicious! But Oh I want my coffee now, I might write quickly and brave the plaza shops!

    Lindsay ‘a lovely lazy Sunday’ is such a lovely start to a post. I hope it stayed lovely and lazy all day. And yay for a wonderful clear out.

    I’m thinking my earache might go away with another few days of zyrtec to dry it up and keep me happy. I’ll head to the doctors if it doesn’t.
    Oh dear yes, the people demonstrating. So many politicians and shock jocks and other media have hyped people up, sigh, but the numbers are still small and most people are on board with the measures. I am pretty hopeful that what we have learned through the second lock down will keep us safe from a third. People have learnt, the government has learnt, the health system has learnt. Masks are being worn and much better processes are in place.
    Hopefully that will be enough.

    Thin, I am glad you could moor so (surreally) conveniently to your appt, and the city canal area sounds wonderful. I do hope the run down and abused areas get the same treatment soon.
    Oh dear, it does look as if the UK is heading for a second lockdown , it does seem that we humans are (as a mass) slow learners.

    I hope you have had a lovely fast day. Mine was a good one.

    Hi Penguin, we are on the other end of the seesaw, and temperatures are rising. I don’t want them to rise too quickly, but ooh it is nice to be warmer.
    Our local Good Karma Network has been good for giving things away, and getting some things too, but I think I am inspired to join the local Freecycle group too.

    Enjoy that bread and pizza.

    Cali hi, my heart goes out to you being a tiny cog in a big country that is not being very covidsafe. You are doing a great job.
    My earache seems to be a low rumbling one, and luckily I am not feeling much pain or dizziness.

    Neil, no wonder your boys enjoyed the Brussels sprouts, best possible way to serve them!
    What a lovely Youth Hostel, to open up for you! It is shaping up for a brilliant trip.
    Yum, for those greens! I was given a mizuna plant last year, and enjoyed it, but it was so similar to rocket I thought I wouldn’t grow it again. It must have dropped a seed, I got a surprise new plant this year which I have enjoyed so much I will encourage it to self seed again.

    Well, I have made myself another cup of tea, nearly ready to face the day!

    Best wishes all

    Hi everyone,

    So lovely to see you all here!!!

    I have responded to Covid by slipping back into my early years ME/CFS solo cocoon at home. Well this time not quite solo with Mr Merry here too, retired not working away. I’ve rarely looked at emails except to scan for close family emails every few days.

    Today my intuition was saying click on that email and it was Penguin! I’m so happy for you and relieved to see you are both doing well during this very strange and scary year. I’ve been praying for you both.

    Thin – you and the pilot also. So good to see you here too! I thought you had sailed/glided off into the English countryside and no longer posting. I’ll have to catch up on your adventures,

    CaliD – I’ve been praying for you too over there with all you are contending with this year. My son and daughter-in-law are there too.

    I’ve spent years in forced personal ‘almost lockdown’ and I just went straight back to it easily. At the time I was too unwell to keep in contact with anyone and that pattern re-asserted itself in this isolation also. On the day we went into voluntary isolation we had spent some time with the immediate family of the person who was very sadly one of the first cases and the first Covid death in our area. They had spent a long time with that person (days) and later on I needed a Covid test, negative thankfully. I’ve had every intention of keeping in touch but after that I just reverted into hibernation mode.

    So… having done too much eating of the wrong sort of carbs for me, and chocolate!, I’m now 71.8kgs this morning, reaching a high of 72.3kgs a few weeks ago, and now bouncing between 70.5 and 72. I also dropped the plot on keeping up my rehab and stretching excercised that started with a bung knee just before iso and not going to a gym. The knee is still a bit dodgy and the other one sometimes complains in protest, but I’m getting there.

    On the food side I’ve been growing vegies and herbs, and I grow various lettuces really well, though they’re probably foolproof. My tiny tomatoes had hundreds of flowers but no fruit so haven’t sorted that yet.

    Anyway, I’ll see you again later in the day!
    Hugs to everyone,

    Merry! Great to see you back on again.

    Neil, I should clarify, that 9 hours of cruising included the locks, they can take around 20 minutes each.

    I tend to agree about encouraging hoarders. In Perth, we had council verge pickups twice a year. It was an opportunity to remove all the junk from your shed and transfer it to your neighbour’s shed. I put a lot of free items on gumtree when we sold our house. Within minutes, our street became a car park with people who couldn’t speak any English except to say, ‘Free Stuff, Free Stuff?’. When we asked which of the advertised items they were after, they kept up the mantra. They didn’t care what they loaded up as long as it was free. Once couple emptied a box of tiling spacers all over our garage to inspect and, trying to fit them together, clearly having no idea what they were, took them anyway. On the other hand, I agree CalifD and penguin, it’s great that items get recycled in such a way.

    Merry, welcome back. I hope you’re soon back into the ‘positive Merry’ swing of things. What a scare with the family who sadly experienced the covid death. We know of no-one who’s had it, let alone died from it. I’m assuming from your post that Mr M. is well with his medical issues now behind him.

    Cinque, I hope you’re feeling better soon and pleased that you had a good FD. I did too.

    CalifD, yes, we’ll watch some more of ‘Away’. I haven’t seen ‘McLeod’s Daughters’.

    Morning Merry.

    Autumn is with us. A cooler misty morning and eight large Pheasants sitting on my garden wall.

    Fog here this morning, penguin. Must now get out and make the most of the final two warm days before cold weather sets in.

    Penguin, I’ll see your 8 pheasant and raise you five. Just counted 13 walking through a field. This morning, we’ve also seen a lapwing, a pochard, a great egret and two little egret. A good day for bird spotting it seems.

    Good evening everyone. Haven’t posted since Thursday, so a bit to catch up with.

    Merryme, great to see your post, and glad you are coping okay with the lockdown.

    Cinque, did you brave the potential crowds and get your coffee and milk? I’m hoping your ear settles down without more antibiotics. Do you take a probiotic when you have to take antibiotics? I recently found the LifeSpace brand, more bacterial strains and more bacteria than Inner health, and don’t need to be refrigerated. I actually keep a bottle on hand “in case”, then if unused, use them when they get near the expiry date, just to bolster my gut flora.

    Anzac65, I did chuckle re your description of Maxx, and yours, LindsayL re Rosy, as I face the same thing all the time with my Wilbur. Sometimes he seems to be in and out like a yoyo. Guess it makes me move a bit more! 🙂

    Thin, so glad the interview is over, and let’s hope for a good outcome. It would be quite disappointing if not. Graffiti? It’s everywhere. Wonder why people feel the need to do it.

    Penguin, as Thin said, it just needs one buyer, so hoping for that one buyer soon, for you. Good news re your scan. Keep well through this next lot of chemo.

    CalifDreamer, glad you’re staying safe through the wildfires there. Hope you’re not having any breathing problems, either.
    yes, Melbourne’s virus numbers have been down for the weekend. Let’s see what this week brings. Not sure there will be any earlier easing of restrictions – our Premier is being quite hardline on it., but hoping for an “under control” situation at the other side. It all started with a botched-up hotel quarantine situation for returning travellers – virus tests have shown that 99% of Victoria’s Covid-19 cases can be traced back to the hotel quarantine mess-up – and a current inquiry taking place has interviewed multiple Victorian government members and officials with convenient cases of partial amnesia as to who decided to employ untrained private security guards instead of the offered Australian Defence Force personnel to control the quarantine. Hmmm! No more comment!

    Re the mentioned recycling of goods. I remember as a child having the council leaving these large “skips” along the road for folk to recycle unwanted goods. My mother would nag my father into getting rid of some of his “junk”, then he’d spend the next few days mooching through other folks’ discards and end up with as much junk as he started with – just a re-distribution of junk into other homes, as someone (thin?) mentioned above. 🙂

    LindsayL, I seem to have missed the conversation about crepe myrtles, but I planted a lovely tree in my back yard – very pretty little pink flowers – and it’s probably 2-3 metres tall now. I just leave it alone, have never pruned it.

    My Zoom meeting my supervisors went well. Some good discussions re computer programs for me to use, and some good positive feedback on the start of a thesis which I posted. Lots more to do with it, and it was only part of my Introduction, Literature Review and Methodology sections, but at least a beginning.

    Okay, getting late. Haven’t managed to greatly improve the eating spiral I seem to have gotten into, but I’m hopeful that more sleep will help – so off to bed very soon.

    Goodnight all.

    Hi everyone, thanks for the welcomes back. Good to be back!!!!

    Penguin, I envy you the pheasants on the fence! I’ve been reading back and I’m up to 2nd September on your posts. (It’s 12.25am and bedtime is past) Heck, what a year you’ve had!! I hadn’t realised you’d been back to the hospital rounds and with the added months of chemo. So up to Sept 2nd you seem to be handling chemo reasonably well, which is at least something good about something yucky. How odd to be now having to keep the calories up, but I can imagine you’d use up calories fast. Penguin is seriously tall. I’m sure Cinque and I can come up with lots of suggestions for how to survive a long term in a house sanely if you need more suggestions, but it seems you’ve quickly sussed out the most precious, which is just to enjoy the small delights of each day – the birds, the changing weather, the rain on leaves then sparkling in the sun, and doing some gardening is very spiritually, emotionally healing as well as the other benefits. Any good positive chemicals flowing through the brain help keep the body in a better healing state.

    So in the earlier bits of lockdown you had me looking up and listening to crumhorns, German reed pipes and gittens(sp ?) and wondering just how many languages you are partially or fully competent in. I can manage “she she” in Mandarin, and that’s about it other than the basic tourist questions in Japanese, Russian, Spanish, French and really that was the courtesies, numbers to 10, where is the loo please, ordering lunch and when people asked waiters why a single lady was having the menu del dias at lunch , horrors, on her own, an airbnb host kindly taught me to say -“I’m from Australia. My husband is a peregrino, walking with his brother, and I am meeting him in Santiago de Compostela.” Other than that it was learning various English accents and when to use “you’ll” and “all you’ll”.

    So, by 2nd September you hadn’t sold or bought your new house yet, and it must be weird doing those things through the craziness we’re all collectively living through. I remember the view across your veggie garden to the church steeple, and I’m imagining those many drawings and paintings. Have you done them in multiple styles, colour systems etc? The Japanese one is interesting. It uses colours close by on the colour wheel as part of the same colour so instead of say, using what we think of as complementary colours they will put purple and orange with red, because purple is on one side of red and orange the other, blue also goes with purple and also green; various shades of each. What can look a little odd at first is quite systematic.

    Must toddle off to bed now.
    Stay well, my friend, and I’ll catch up on 2nd Sept – tomorrow. Love to Mrs Penquin too.


    Loved your post Betsy, made me chuckle.

    Merry, you are so good at putting things into perspective. I do actually often think of you and Cinque and your struggles when I’m whinging about something that’s probably of no consequence in the grand scheme of things. Self-isolation, social distancing actually suits me quite well as I’m such an intolerant person and find people so irritating! Take today, we were at a bird sanctuary which had very polite notices about both SD and dogs being on a lead. We passed a couple with two wet dogs off lead, clearly chasing birds in the wetlands – and a cat! Seriously, who takes a cat to a bird sanctuary? Should I be annoyed?

    Our morning mist was probably pretty close to Thin’s fog, but it burned off quickly and gave us a sunny and warm day. Tomorrow will be cooler. The Pheasants disappeared with the mist, to the relief of the visiting cats who find birds that big to be intimidating.

    Thin, I would have been annoyed. I have had many dogs and frequently preferred them to people, but they had to behave.

    Merry, as part of the house move prep my collection of weird instruments has largely gone, but I am learning – it seems that if I dispose of something I want it again a week later. Over the years I have learned the languages I needed when I needed them, and lost them when I stopped using them. I now try to stay fluent in German and improve my Portuguese, Norwegian and French. It helps to keep my brain functioning during the various lock-downs.

    A quick bath and then to watch my favourite TV programme – “Only Connect”.

    Morning all.

    It certainly did seem like s good day for bird spotting. I spotted a group of Rosellas. They’re pretty common in Australia I think, but a handful were released around Dunedin so we have a small wild population of them round the city now. Such a pretty bird. I also saw plenty of our natives Tui, Kereru and Piwakawaka. There’s lots of them round at this time of year.

    Successful fast day yesterday and the a control day for me today and then weigh-in tomorrow. Hopefully I can stay under 90 for the 4th week in a row and make some progress down towards 88 kilos.

    Good afternoon all from a lovely sunny Sydney. 27 degrees

    I’ve been able to catch up on your posts and will respond when I can. I worked practically all weekend so woke up yesterday with about as much enthusiasm about facing another stressful week as a fatigued slug. Oh well….bills to be paid and fur-children to feed

    I am happy that I have managed to avoid over-eating due to the stress. In fact after peaking at 91.7 kilos a couple of weeks ago I am down to 90.5 and tantalisingly close to the 80’s again.

    I can’t do proper FD’s when work is like this but I’m keeping to around 1000 calories every week day and it is working.

    Gah, another meeting coming up so must run. Take care all

    Good evening everyone.

    One day, for fun, I’ll have to leave my writing as first typed – does anyone else have the problem of fingers on one hand seeming to work faster than the other? I’m not a trained typist, and there are particular words I seem almost constantly to have to go back and re-type e.g., form instead of from, eveyrone instead of everyone, ohter instead of other, sigh!

    Neilithicman, sounds like you’re getting closer to that more stable goal of 88 kg you are aiming for.
    Are the Rosellas a problem in N.Z., as an introduced species? I’ve heard that possums are a nuisance there.

    Thin, agree with you – who would ever take two dogs, off-lead, to a bird sanctuary, plus a cat?! Surprised there wasn’t a ranger or somesuch intervening. Actually, surprised that a cat could be taken out, as they tend to be very territorial, and not many can be allowed loose away from home.

    Penguin, re the packing up – as a suggestion, as someone who has moved multiple times in my life – pack up the things you don’t think you want to keep, but just store them somewhere on your property for the time being, then re-assess after a month or two. For instance, I have a few things I’ve been thinking of selling, and I just set them apart for a while. More recently I retrieved a couple of the items, realising I’m not ready to give them up yet, but am happy to let go of the rest. Once the lockdown eases, I’ll happily sell them.

    Anzac65, seems like you are ultra busy at the moment. Well done you for keeping to a reasonable diet and some weight loss. I’m still struggling, but a bit better than a couple of weeks ago, so that’s progress.

    LJoyce, are you okay? You’ve not posted for a while – are you unwell again? Concerned for you!

    Cinque, is the ear infection okay?

    Hi to anyone I’ve missed, and those who’ve not been posting recently.

    Stay safe, stay well!

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