Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,394 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Lindsay L. 1 day, 15 hours ago.

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  • Good morning all. First day of Spring, but was such a cold night here – I even had to get up at 5am and put the heating on for an hour as the cold had woken me up (the welcome warmth was enough to let me get another hour’s sleep). Thankfully I can now see the sun emerging so my walks today should be nice.

    I have finally managed to skim read all of the posts I’ve missed lately.

    Neil, What a scary episode with your son. It really can be just millimetres between a few bruises and serious injury. I very glad that all turned out well.
    That’s quite a collection of seedling sprouting. I have put all of my seeds in to sprout too and have potted up some cherry tomato seedlings to grow on a bit before they go in the garden. Luckily it’s not as cold here so I use the back verandah, which is sheltered but gets sun in the afternoons.

    Turn, it’s good that you are able to get out and about, rain or not. I was pleased to hear you say that people are trying to keep their distance in the supermarket. Maybe this little outbreak has served a good purpose in reminding everyone that some caution is still advisable. I notice here in Adelaide, that it’s only when we get a rare case of community infection that I see more caution. Otherwise I appear to be the only one sidestepping others in the shops.
    A bit sad about the rarity of healthy shopping in your supermarket trolley. Although I admit I’m more like Cinque and prefer to get most of my fruit and veg elsewhere. I find if I get it from the green grocer it is fresher and keeps much better. I usually walk to the green grocer 2 or 3 times a week to buy produce for the next few days. It’s a good excuse for a walk and it means I never have to put up with over ripe bananas.

    Thin, Penguin & Neil, My last experience in a kayak was many years ago in the Bay of Islands in NZ. My ex husband and I did a paddling expedition with a guided group to look at a waterfall. After the instructor telling us that it was rare for the kayaks to turn over and it usually only happened to men as women had a better centre of gravity for kayaking, I unfortunately proved him wrong. We were padding behind the waterfall when some of the water landed on my kayak in just the wrong spot and the force spun the kayak over with me trapped in the kayak underwater. After getting over my fright I was a very wet and grumpy. I’ve never gotten into one again – not keep to repeat that experience.

    Cinque, my hair is red at the moment too – though not as red as yours. I normally use a light brown colour and add a little of a copper-gold highlight to the colour. (It as close as I can get to my pre-grey colour). However last time I did my colour I was in the mood for something a bit more vibrant so I added quite a lot more of the copper-gold. Normally the red fades very quickly but it’s 2 weeks since I did it and the colour is still lasting. I might continue the extra colour I’ve quite enjoyed it.

    Anzac, is Maxx one of those dogs that loves baths or does he view it as cruel and unusual punishment? My neighbours used to bath their own labrador when she was smaller, but now that she’s fully grown they have been calling in the mobile dog wash to tackle that task for them.

    HK, I’m sure champagne free FDs are much easier! I’m very impressed with how easily you’ve slipped into a 5:2 pattern. Also glad that you are seeing results.

    Betsy, I’m pleased for you that the scales are now showing downward movement. I hope the continued restricted days are easier for you to stick with now. I’m not surprised you needed a break from it though after those many weeks where you were so controlled. I find my mental commitment gets to breaking point after a while and I just need either a day or even a week or two off – I think my sub-conscious has rebellious streak, I can picture it as a toddler having a tantrum about being denied things once too often.

    Betsy & Cinque, I saw the announcement that your premier will present a plan for exiting the current restrictions this weekend. I hope infection numbers continue to fall over coming days so that the plan can be a positive one.

    Cali, I hope the fires are not getting worse. They announced here a couple of days ago that we will be sending Firefighters over to help. It sounds like they will be housed in a bit of a self-contained bubble while there to help protect them from covd. I’m hoping the arrival of autumn heralds some consistently cooler weather for you.

    Hello to Lindsay, Quacka, GDSA, Intesha, and anyone else who is reading.

    I decided to look back at the numbers (you all know how much I like numbers), to see if there were future lessons for managing my eating and weight.
    I spent 6 weeks on Fast800 with and across that time I too 2 days off, but stayed within my TDEE and didn’t have any added sugar over those 6 weeks. I also ate no bread or grains, but did have legumes and a wide range of veg. I averaged about 12,000 steps a day and lost exactly 8kg, I stopped when I got to 75.9kg. As I mentioned earlier I knew that this weight loss would have included the loss of most of my glycogen stores so was expecting a harsh weight bounce upward once I went back to normal 5:2. I’ve been on 5:2 for one and a half weeks now and after an initial increase in weight of 2kg I now have 1.3kg of that off and am down to 76.6kg. My goal is to get back to 75 and stay there – hopefully maintaining my glycogen stores but getting rid of a bit more body fat. I have also increased my activity to an average of 13,500 steps since resuming 5:2. My NFDs eating seems quite generous to me, but that amount of activity increases my TDEE from it’s depressing 1380cals when I’m sedentary to an amazing 1900cals. It’s been a whole lot easier to stay under a TDEE level that feels that generous. I think it’s also helpful that I am mostly avoiding added sugar still – just an occasional piece of fruit & walnut sourdough. It will be challenging to maintain that level of activity in the heat of summer, but I need to do it as often as possible as the extra activity is making maintenance (and even a little more weight loss) on 5:2 a whole lot easier. To get to that amount of step I just don’t sit for any length of time. Basically every waking hour I make sure I get and do something for 5 minutes of more. I also do two walks a day of 30-60 minutes each and I aim to make the morning walk as brisk as possible to get my heart rate high enough for cardio benefits. I was also interested to see that so far my weight is only going down by small amounts after a FD, but it’s also not bouncing up again on the next NFD but staying stable at that level. I’m not sure why – I’m thinking it might the lack of added sugars in my diet. I know from past experience that if I overindulge in sugary treats I do seem to retain more fluid for a couple of days afterwards. It has the same impact on my body that salty foods seem to have for most people. I am going to need to practice moderation with sugars – occasional and small treats only.

    I also looked at why I hit a wall with Fast800 when I got to 75.9kg. I think it’s because I had originally decided that I just needed to get into my preferred weight window and preferably into the 75s. When it was going so well I adjusted my target to get below 75, but I think my sub-conscious was not happy with me reneging on that original promise and I just couldn’t go on with it. Still I’m very happy with the way it’s turned out and I’m doing ok on 5:2 with my 2 FDs around 500cals. I had been nervous about returning to 5:2 as I’d previously been having so many issues with NFD eating. The added activity and corresponding higher TDEE is helping a lot. It reminds me of the time I was working hard on my previous house and garden to get it ready for sale and I was so active I lost weight on 5:2 without trying and with an increase in my food intake on NFDs. It just confirms that getting enough activity seems to be the key to making maintenance on 5:2 much easier.

    In between several cups of tea a a few other morning tasks, it’s taken me 2 hours to write this! Time to stop and post. I need to get out for that first walk of the day.

    Have a lovely day all.

    Good morning everyone (I might finish this before midday)

    Worst editing fail yet, in yesterdays post: I missed your name,Thin, from my comment to you. Rude. Confusing.
    Hope you had a lovely journey through the many locks!

    Neil, I do hope the soreness and scratches are fading. Ouch.

    Anzac, I am so glad you enjoyed those knees. I hope yours are giving you happy chat today.

    Penguin, the geese know. But haven’t the meteorologists got better too. My mum talked of her dad on their farm, checking the sky constantly and reading it so well. We’ve come a long way with forecasting. We might catch up to the geese one day.

    LJoyce, I’m in your school of kayaking. I even toppled a little sailing boat once by holding the sail thing tight when I should have let it go.

    How nice to have that bit of extra red-gold in your hair as you walk in the sun. Might the extra exercise be making your body regulate weight better through more muscles and the other changes that come with more activity?

    I’ve been thinking about the personality of my subconscious too. It definitely hates it when I say ‘only have one.’ It can cope for a while but then gets to a place where none of the arguments work.

    It is a beautiful day, I’m off to hang out some washing and then sit in the sun while my oven cooks my midday meal.

    Sending best wishes to you all.

    Hello all

    Spring is here – hip hip hooray!

    FD today and it is going splendidly. It is 1.30pm and I’ve had 2 black coffees, a cup of hot water with half a stock cube and 1 litre of water. I am sick of continually jumping back into the 90’s so this week is THE week. I know you are all probably sick of me saying it but I refuse to give up

    LJ, awesome news about your recent success. Maxx does hate having a bath and runs off as soon as the shampoo bottle comes out. But he is good in that he just stands there and puts up with it instead of trying to escape plus he loves the towelling down at the end. He needs to bathed regularly as he has sensitive skin around his groin (where there is no fur) and the medicated shampoo really eases it. The poor petal is on antibiotics as it got really bad and we had to take him to the vet. He thinks he is allergic to some bush that he runs through on walks so now we have to keep him away from any bush that is tummy height.

    I’m with you both LJ and Cinque about boats. OH has managed to get me on a sailing boat twice and both times he tipped us in. I am terrified of deep water after a similar boating accident to you LJ as a teenager so now it is a firm NOPE anytime we are on holiday and OH tries to convince me to go with him. I wave him off from the beach and swim in the shallows (or the pool) and then get stuck into a good book instead.

    That’s an impressive list of veges you have planted Neil. I don’t have a green thumb and leave all things garden to OH but I do love to wander up and down looking at the growing herbs etc.

    How did your talk go Betsy?

    Hooray for another successful FD Helen. You really have been able to slip into this WOE (way of eating) so successfully

    Thin and Penguin – my labrador friends in the UK are now saying that there is not only a lot of rain but it’s now also very cold. That sounds unfair seeing you have only just left summer.

    And yep Thin, I am a very lucky girl to have Mr Anzac and his amazing design and physical renovation skills. The run-down 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house we bought in 1998 with the overgrown backyard now boasts 3 bedrooms still but ours is now downstairs and has both an en-suite and a sliding door out to the private outdoor bath and shower, a garage, open plan living with many walls removed, a gorgeous dining room with ceiling to floor glass that looks out over the nature reserve and golf course. And we mustn’t forget the landscaped backyard with in-ground pool and outdoor kitchen. I know my job is stressful but I honestly feel I have the easy job!

    Speaking of jobs, mine is calling. Take care all

    Hello all

    Just some FD talk as I move in to my seventh week. I weighed myself at the chemist yesterday on the big old scales that you have to put sixpence into, and I have lost 2.5 kilos. But more importantly I can feel that my stomach is flatter, and also my jeans aren’t grabbing my thighs the way that they had been. This is a really good feeling! On my NFDs I seem to be eating with more moderation, although there was one day when I had to do a lot of driving up and down to take my country-dwelling sister to see the doctor. On the long weary drive home I kept myself going with a very large packet of Smith’s crisps. They were a great comfort but later I worked out that I’d put away about a thousand calories – nothing moderate about that!

    It’s been really helpful to have this group and to benefit from other people’s experience and advice – and to have somewhere to report into!

    I’m with LJ and Anzac and Cinque about boats, ocean going boats that is. Happy to wave from the shore! Although I reckon I’d be fine on canals. In fact I would really love to do what you are doing, Thin.

    Anzac, what you’ve done to your house sounds just wonderful. Joyce, I’m so impressed with all your walking and with your analysis of your eating. Cinque, I was delighted to read that you henna your hair. And I love the way you are always so positive and encouraging.

    Neil, your weekend activities were extraordinary. Frisbee golf used to be unknown here, but they have just set up a course in the Adelaide parklands near me. It looks pretty challenging. I remember how mystified I was when I was in Queenstown 2 years ago and saw those strange targets!

    Good wishes to all

    Morning all, weigh in today and I slipped back into the 80s. I weighed in at 89.8 kilos so I continue to hover around that 90 kilo mark. The difference is that this week since I started on the new food/fitness/weight tracker, except for my fast day, I’ve been eating almost double the calories. I have been. Eating around 2500 calories a day. I guess I wasn’t eating enough for the amount of exercise I was doing and put my body into starvation mode.

    Morning all.

    What a very caring bunch you are. Thank you for your thoughts, and for the beautiful flowers, Cinque. Roses, orchids and lilies .. my favourites. Her funeral is on Monday – so very odd, for it to be live-streamed, and for us not to be there. They say things come in threes. My OH lost an old mate last week – just 64, with complications of younger onset dementia. Cruel. And two newish friends – Rosy did puppy school with their pup – lost their baby at 5 months into their pregnancy. ‘Incompetent cervix’ was the reason …. who could possibly have dreamed up a term so unfeeling?

    I’m with your friend Neil …let’s put up the Christmas trees and say goodbye to 2020.

    On to brighter matters….

    First day of Spring yesterday, and I managed my first really excellent FD in a while … and down 1.5 kilos this morning. A poached egg with homegrown spinach and tomato for lunch, and some faux minestrone (no pasta, olive oil or cheese) for dinner, with a G & T (no sugar tonic) to start, and a square of Lindt to finish.

    My DS and I opened the hive on Sunday. Oh Cinque, how I wish I shoot a jar of golden goodness down to you. We only took 4 bars …but it delivered 5 kilos of honey.

    Thin, those locks sound challenging. Full marks to you two …what adventurers you are.

    Neil, your son’s accident sounds scary. He’s okay now? When are you off on your holiday bike ride?

    LJ how pretty you must look, with your highlights. I’ve always envied red heads …Cinque, yours is wonderful. My hair was almost black as an ..ahem.. younger woman ….and I still keep it dark, but put a violet tone in with it. It means I have to do the raccoon stripe every 3 weeks or so, but so be it.

    Turn, LJ, so true about people out shopping. We have more cases here now – from the detention centre outbreak, that may be linked to the Melbourne shoppers. It’s in our area …but still, very few masks. I had to go to the supermarket yesterday for cat food, and was amazed how few people wiped their trolleys or sanitised their hands.

    Anzac your home sounds just lovely. And it seems you and Mr Anzac have an excellent balance in your lives, with Maxx the icing on the cake.

    Whoo hoo HelenKate. Great work on the scales, and wonderful to feel those jeans loosen. Ditto, everything you said about our friends on this forum.

    Congratulations Neil on breaking 90. And yea for being able to eat more to do it.

    Because it is Spring, I started cupboard cleaning and reorganising yesterday. Oh my! I made the rookie error of taking out the baskets from the walk-in cupboard BEFORE I made the bed. Well, by bedtime, with clothes strewn all over, I just dumped them on the floor. And, in the absence of a tidying-up fairy, that’s what I woke to. But as you’ve said before Cinque, there’s a motivation in looking at clothes we love, but aren’t quite right yet.

    I found, tucked away, an absolutely beautiful dress my OH bought me decades ago. Size 12, unfortunately, but a Carla Zampatti classic style in a cream silk linen. I’m off to the dry-cleaners with it this morning, because it is as stylish as the day he bought it, and will be a great inspiration, seeing it hanging there, just ready to wear.

    I was shocked at the number of clothes I have … so many, that I forget I have them. And quite a few with labels still attached. It’s wicked, really. But this year has been the turning point, with only a couple of recent purchases, and I have identified quite a few for recycling.

    LJ how brilliant you lost that 8 kilos in just 6 weeks of highly disciplined eating, particularly with your lung infection. I hadn’t realised that upping exercise also upped the daily calorie limit so significantly. Good to read, thank you. OH is having myotherapy treatment for his poor foot …a combination of recurrent gout, arthritis and plantar fasciitis. Poor love. His reduced eyesight has changed his gait, and the shorter steps have changed the mechanics of his feet. I look forward to being able to go for our daily walks together again. In the meantime, I’m hovering around the 10,000 daily, with gardening, running Rosy, and the dreaded housework.

    Betsy, 3 minute thesis comp! How did you go? My uni has ours on Friday. I read in their blurb that to deliver the typical 80000 word thesis would take 9 hours. Fantastic, to condense it to 3 minutes.

    Penguin, best wishes with today’s new round and hope the scan shows the very best of outcomes.

    Update: I had finished and submitted my post, but it disappeared into the ether. So, this is what i had copied some while ago, and I’ll reread and post more later. Grrr.

    I’m off to cook OH’s breakfast, before the mower man comes.

    Best wishes all.

    Good morning,

    Anzac yay! I hope yesterday continued as a great fast day.

    Helen Kate, hooray for that 2.5kg gone. Nice work!
    Yikes the chips, they are so moreish! But 5:2 is working in spite of them!

    Neil, good grief, almost double the calories! Does it make you feel better in yourself too?

    Lindsay, such sad sad news, of that little growing twinklebud sadly lost, and a friend lost from such a cruel disease.
    I chose this for you because it has the open flower and the little bud. xxx https://www.emuflorist.com.au/assets/thumbL/47080RD.png?20200711030853

    What a wonderful honey harvest. Such excellent bees!

    Oh supermarket, transport, shopping people… why can’t we learn to be sensible BEFORE the disaster. Wear masks!

    And woot for the size 12 dress. Won’t you love getting into it. We will want a photo! First the skirt, then the dress. Such a lovely future to look forward to.

    So nice to have a good clothes sort out, and oh dear I know that experience of coming to bed and finding it piled high with clothes! Eep.

    Sending good wishes to Mr Lindsay, I do hope treatment can help his poor feet.

    So keen to hear how Betsy’s presentation went (but you didn’t choose the interpretive dance option, Betsy?)

    Yikes it is after noon. Haven’t got any ‘get up and go’ today, even after a second pot of coffee. But I have put some rye bread dough up to rise, and almost tidied the kitchen, I am going to sweep up blossoms that my compost bins love so much, and then tidy three things in the back room before I start making my midday meal.

    Off I go. Best wishes everyone.

    Good evening all. Quite a lot to catch up with, now I just have to remember what was on the previous page, to respond to.

    Penguin – geese, presaging the coming of colder weather – brrr!

    Thin – uggh, 30 locks in one go. Have you gone through them yet, if you’re trying to slow the trip to Birmingham?

    LJoyce, yay you with the weight loss, and looking so pretty with the hair colour (in my imagination, anyway). Huge kudos in managing the FD800s. My 8 days were an almost complete failure, with only 0.5 kg down at the end and some really indulgent weekend eating. It didn’t help that we had a final spurt of really chilly weather here last week. Ah well, I don’t think sticking to 800 calories is for me, so it’s back to more normal Sunday NFD followed by FD, TDEE, FD800, TDEE, FD, TDEE for the week. I had been trying to fit in a couple of CDs rather than TDEEs, but just can’t do it – and then it would be just a low-calorie diet anyway. No, back to 4:3 that I know I can keep to. And you’re probably right LJoyce? Cinque? I probably needed a break from being so controlled for several months.

    Anzac65, returning your mojo to you, as it didn’t do me any good (maybe because I snuck it without permission? 🙂 ). Glad Maxx lets you bathe him without too much hassle. He’s a big boy now, and it could be a problem otherwise.

    Neilithicman, impressed by your weekend’s gardening efforts. Where were you when my peach tree needed pruning?! Great that you eased under 90 kg – hope you stay there and move down further.

    Cinque, so glad we seem to be settled under 100 daily cases – now it need to drop to below 10, but might be a while off yet. Re supermarket trolleys, it’s the ones filled with mainly junk food which are the concern – don’t mind cans.

    LindsayL, great you could get such a lot of honey from just 4 bars. Must have been loaded – do you have any trees with winter blossoms around where you live?

    My presentation? Practised it and practised it on Sunday. Connected via Zoom Monday morning with the girl from my college who said she’d record it for me. After my first effort, she mentioned that she felt it had a bit much about my results in it, and that the idea was more to convince a non-specialist audience that my research was worthwhile (which I hadn’t realised was the criteria). So, recorded it a second time, omitting some of the results, but adding in a bit more about why the research was important, and she was much more enthusiastic about it, so I said okay, done. It will go in with around 30 others, be judged September 14th, then the top 5 have to present again early October via Zoom but in front of a live audience. Doubt if I’ll get to that point, but fun to do it.

    Another concern recently has been Wilbur – his face around his mouth was all swollen on Friday; thought he’d cut himself on some wire, or had an abscess. The swelling went down over the next couple of days, but there were obvious signs of bleeding and he hardly ate anything. His breath was horrific, and then his movements became really stiff, so I thought, that’s it, taking you to the vet, which I did this morning. Turned out he had a rotten tooth, which virtually fell out onto the vet’s hand. He’s been given a long-acting (14-day) antibiotic injection, and is already much chirpier. Hasn’t tried eating any of his “crunchy” food yet, but has eaten all his meat this afternoon and this evening. Hoping he’ll continue to improve and start to move more easily, too. He’ll be back at the vet’s for follow-up next Wednesday. Whew!

    Sorry, long blurb, but my poor baby!

    Okay, need to finish. Starting September at 69.1 kg, and the weather’s much warmer, so here’s hoping for down, down, down. Planning to use the cross-trainer and rowing machine 3 times a week starting on Friday.

    Goodnight, catch you tomorrow.

    LJ. OH’s first and only kayak experience was in a double with me on the Irish Sea. I don’t like doubles and we capsized in the surf near the shore. OH swam to safety and that was it. When I wanted to introduce her to dinghy sailing I got a dashing young fighter pilot to take her to the club in his Porsche and do a couple of laps in something very stable. She liked dinghy sailing.

    Cinque I am still a bit do it myself with the met. We live in an area where the hills block us from the TV companies that do our forecast, so I go on-line, then average out a few forecasts before going out and looking at the sky.

    Anzac. Our weather is all over the place. We could have a heat wave next month. My last two Labs were different. I would take the little girl out to work in January with the temperature around zero and she would start with a swim. The lad preferred to stay at home with his head in the fireplace.

    Helen Kate. I am old enough to have travelled long distances by sea – 33 days from Hong Kong to London, running before a typhoon on day one. Breakfast on day 2 was a lonely experience. The tedious bit was the Suez Canal.

    Thanks Lindsay. Chemo and scan accomplished. I’ll get the scan results in two weeks, after everyone has had a look at them and decided what happens next.

    Betsy. The geese are not the only things moving. Our Wild Boar have decided to move out of heart of the Forest and forage around the villages. They can cover quite a distance – one made it into Gloucester city centre which is about 15 miles by road or a swim across the Severn estuary. The latest movement isn’t seasonal – they are felling timber in the Boar’s usual lay-up territory.

    Good morning.

    Betsy what a challenge, your thesis in 3 minutes, and via Zoom. Yikes! What is the topic of your research? I was working in Vietnam during that part of my study, so I didn’t get to do one.

    So Cinque, as requested, a rather terrible photo of a rather lovely skirt. The photo doesn’t do the colours justice. Think greys going into very dark inky blue. https://imgur.com/PjK2HnJ Cupboard cleaning a work in progress, but trouser drawer done, skirts reorganised into their own drawer, jeans and winter tops relocated to the spare bedroom, Now, just the winter dresses to move to another room, and the summer clothes to come out. hurrah! Goodbye winter, hello spring.

    Thank you for the flowers Cinque – a thoughtful choice.

    Betsy, to answer your question … we have a large garden with a lot of flowering natives …Corymbia, grevilleas, banksia, hakea, calistamons. In the front garden I’ve planted lavender and rosemary. We also have a lot of citrus – not very productive, although a lot of blossom this year so I’m hoping that leads to fruit. I’ve also been planting a lot of annuals with single flat blooms which apparently are good for bees. But so far, it’s the grevilleas they are flocking to, totally ignoring a very large mandarin tree that is covered in blossom. I’ll be very cranky with them if they don’t get moving on pollinating my citrus.

    Good to hear Wilbur is on the mend. Poor old chap – that must have been painful.

    Another successful FD yesterday – similar food. Poached egg, grilled chicken.
    A low cal G & T gets me through the hunger zone at around 6, and the square of dark Lindt gives the sweet zing at the end. Both factored into the calorie count. I am counting down to breakfast though.

    Wild boar Penguin? Are they dangerous or destructive around the villages? Some years ago we used to holiday in and around Kendal. One of my brothers had a contract to relocate an insurance company from London to the Lake District. We went a few times to a wonderful hotel called the Wild Boar. Near Windermere, I think. Such a beautiful area, and particularly so during winter with fewer people around.

    I have Miss 4 to take to swimming today, and also Miss 7 to take to and from school, as their mum is working. Also along the way I need to take Rose for a run, and collect a native bee hive for my son for his (past) birthday. Housework also calls – both Dysons, stick and ball, went off for surgery last week, and came back yesterday. I can no longer ignore the floors.

    Have the best day, friends.

    Good morning,
    A different floral puppy to mark your treatment and scan, Penguin.
    Fingers crossed the scan shows the treatment has been doing its job superbly.

    I would love to learn more about reading the sky (she says as her eyes get worse and her memory struggles). I’ve heard such wonderful descriptions of checking the clouds and the light. And animals. But more ants than wild boar.

    Betsy, your speech sounds great, good luck.

    Best wishes to poor Wilbur, I hope he continues to pick up quickly.

    Great decision to get back to plain IF. Bringing the things you have learned from your successful hard month. (Apart from the weekend indulgences, whoops!).

    Oh dear, Covid numbers in today, and back over 100 to 113, and 15 deaths. Sigh. A leaked government ‘road map out of covid’ document is circulating, marked ‘out of date’ but saying we need another 2 weeks lockdown, so I think they are preparing us for slow opening. We must keep on. 10 cases a day is looking a long way off. 🙁

    Lindsay, that is definitely a skirt it would be lovely to get into. So elegant. With such excellent fast days, it won’t be long.

    Good grief, I can’t believe the bees are ignoring the mandarin blossom!

    Goodness what a busy grandma you are. I’m jealous. Not too jealous, I do hope you have a lovely day. But I’m heading over to breakfast at my daughter’s house the first morning it is allowed. It is arranged.

    Readers. you might remember that when I asked Granddaughter1 what she would like for her 6th birthday, she asked for a broom? Well I asked granddaughter2 what she would like for her 4th birthday, coming up, and she said “A giant present with 100s of layers!”

    I’m hoping I am on a good roll at the moment, of eating mindfully. I’ve decided to leave my fast day to Sunday and enjoy another mindful eating day today, instead of my Thursday fast day. Hope I don’t regret the decision!

    Yesterday really picked up for after its slow start so I am hoping today might be a good day too. Warmer weather and I got quite a few things done. I’ll go two pots of coffee again 😉

    Hanging out to hear everyone’s news. I hope it is a good day where you are. Bye now.

    A very quick reply to Cinque, who for the first time ever posted after I did this morning. That was the new skirt, Cinque. The one I can get into. This is the one that I’d like to get into ….size 10, black silk. It’s been a long time and I’m not confident I’ll ever get to wear it again. https://imgur.com/CGVGgob

    I am really sorry for your lockdown isolation from your DD and GDDs. So much a part of our life now aren’t they, the little ones? I like the 4 year old’s approach to presents. So much better than a broom!

    My son’s 2 year old yesterday absolutely refused to nap at kindy, instead opting to sit with the director at the reception area, drawing and welcoming visitors. Mmmm not a good sleeper that one. Like the 7 year old. She used to try to incite the other kindy kids to sing at nap time ….and when that didn’t work she sat on the rug between the stretchers, patting two little ones on the bum.

    Anzac you look like you are getting a cracker of a day today. 29, according to the Bureau. Hope you get out to enjoy some of it.

    Sorry the numbers are up again in Melbourne ….may it just be a blip on the road to to coming through this.

    OK off to swimming.

    Good afternoon all

    Yes Lindsay, it was a perfect day today weatherwise. Yesterday I had the heater on (our house was still cold even though it was 24 outside) but today we opened every window and I’m in short sleeves and thin pants. Mr Anzac had the first swim of the season as the solar heating pushed the pool up to 24. I am a wimp and need it a bit warmer than that

    Today was supposed to be a FD but I went with you Cinque and made it a light eating day. Reason was I had to give training to some business users at 9.00am and I woke up hungry so decided on a small breakfast and then fasting until dinner. Of course that did not go so well and I ended up picking all day long. Just a cracker here, a strawberry there and a slice of fresh ham of the bone. Hopefully not too much damage

    So cute about the littlies not wanting to sleep Lindsay and I can just picture Miss 7 lovingly patting the others to sleep. I thought about you and Rosy today when OH, Maxx and I were up at the pool watching OH shiver his way in. He kicked his thongs off and Maxx totally ignored them. This time last year he would have 100% pounced, snatched and run off. Hooray

    It was a very exciting day for Mr Maxx as we had a fresh raw delivery. Whole sardines, lamb ribs and turkey necks. He was very excited to sniff the box and solemnly sat and watched OH pack it all away into individual containers to freeze. We gave him a sardine and it is the first time he has had one this size. Until now just tinned ones and he was hilarious….he trotted out to his outside trampoline bed where he pawed at it, sniffed it, licked it until deciding YES it was edible! Normally all food is inhaled so it was nice to see him take his time.

    So sorry to hear the jump in numbers again in Victoria Cinque and Betsy. I hope it all calms down soon so you can go and visit DD and GD’s Cinque.

    Well done with your speech Betsy!

    Your two labs sound lovely Penguin, I know you must miss them a lot. We still miss our first lab Benson and we lost him in 2011. Everything is crossed for your results

    Must go and finish up work for the day so I can help Mr Anzac with dinner. We are having chicken pad thai but I have mine without noodles. I have lovely crunchy bean sprouts and shallots (spring onions/green onions/scallions) instead then a generous sprinkling of fresh coriander. Yum

    Take care friends

    Good evening everyone.

    Well, a warmish but very windy Thursday. I had a NFD today, but a FD and my first day back on the cross-trainer and rowing machine tomorrow. I really have to improve my aerobic fitness; just walking isn’t vigorous enough for me.
    More recently, it’s been an effort to do more than 3 minutes XT and 5 minutes rowing, but I looked back at records from 11 years ago, and I was doing 30-45 minutes regularly on the XT. Not good! The XT and rower will both also work on upper body strength, which is much needed.
    An article in the Age newspaper today confirmed my decision re exercise – making the point that for older folk, a lot end up in hospital due to falls, and they fall because they have lost muscle strength. It’s better to be more active rather than less.

    LindsayL, hope those bees head for the citrus trees soon, before the blossoms drop.

    Anzac65, sounds like Maxx is showing signs of greater maturity, which is a relief.

    Cinque, you have such delightful grandchildren, and great that a visit is already planned. I’m hoping that some kind of household “bubble” will be allowed for singles in the next stage as restrictions are eased. Some close friends have already said I can be part of their bubble. Even with Zoom interactions, etc., and being able to at least go shopping, it has been a challenging time.

    Penguin, wild boar? Sounds a bit scary. Hope they can be gently herded back into the forested areas, though harder with deforestation occurring.

    Oh, and Wilbur is a little better today – eating more, which means his mouth isn’t as painful. I’ll be happier once he’s also eating some of his dry food as well. Of course, he also tried to put his nose into my dinner, so I hand-fed him some of the chicken. I don’t mind just at the moment, as I’m happy if he’s eating anything.

    Okay, have some work to do. Stay well everyone and keep smiling!

    Good evening all.

    I had babysitting this afternoon-evening and given all the recent discussion of the unhealthy contents of shopping trolleys I though I’d share a reassuring story.
    I unpacked the kids lunchboxes for washing and of course checked what had been eaten and what was left. My great niece ate her thermos of noodles and both pieces of fruit but left most of the lollies and all of the chips – pretty good choices for 7 year old! Her older brother left all his fruit but also left most of his lollies and chips. They both happily tucked into a big bowl of macaroni cheese for dinner – as usual.

    Betsy, poor Wilbur, give him a big cuddle from me and tell him Auntie LJ hopes he feels better soon. I’m very pleased to hear that he is managing to eat a little better today.

    Cinque, how are you planning to meet the request for a giant present with 100s of layers? I’m thinking of the pass-the-parcel game where a gift is wrapped in many layers of paper, often with a small gift tucked into each layer of wrapping. A lot of gift paper for the recycling though.
    Loved that floral puppy – I must admit that when I opened the picture I was expecting something a tad smaller!

    Anzac, I’m with you, 24C water is not warm enough for swimming. Not that I’m much of a swimmer anyway. It is lovely that you have some better weather though. I hope it lasts – our is quite variable from day to day.

    Lindsay, lovely skirts. I especially like the floral one. I smiled at the shape of them as that was also my usual choice of skirt style for business wear. An easy style to look professional in and also easy to dress up for a dinner out.

    Penguin, how brave of you, setting Mrs P up with a dashing young fighter pilot.
    I hope your scan results bring excellent news. I’m sure we’ll all be keeping fingers crossed for you.

    HelenKate, what excellent weight loss results after such a short time.

    My weight loss on 5:2 is continuing with the same pattern that I described a few days ago. Small 2-300gram losses after FDs but blessedly no regain on the NFDs. It is very nice not having the frustration of my usual bounce up and down. I think I’ve almost made friends with my scales again – almost. I’m still staying clear of any added sugar treats – despite being offered a mini cinnamon sugar doughnut at my nephew’s place tonight. I knew stopping at one would be challenging so I decided none was safer.
    I accidentally overdid my activity yesterday and ended up at nearly 17000 steps. I paid for it last night and today with noticeably more joint pain. Lesson learned – I need to keep it under 15000 and make sure that no single walk is longer than an hour. Yesterday I had a lot of errands and did them all on foot – it took longer and many more steps than I anticipated. One of those stops was to get bloods tests and that happens to be close to the Salvation Army thrift store, so I decided to stop for a look. I managed to find some discounted winter clothing – a grey scarf, a lovely black hooded raincoat with colourful trim and a navy anorak. https://imgur.com/a/P21Caj0 As I’d been looking for a nice lightweight raincoat and a navy anorak all winter to no avail, I was stunned with these finds. They’ve been washed and will be put away for next winter. I’m hoping that raincoat gets to travel with me to Canada – eventually.

    Well it’s getting late, time for a cocoa and bed.

    Take care.

    Not a bad day. The weather pretty much behaved itself and we had a promising viewing. Having said they loved the house they went off to check the village pub.

    Lindsay/Betsy. The boar are both dangerous and destructive. They will wreck a village green overnight, have killed a few pet dogs whose owners walked them in the woods and seem to particularly dislike horse riders. The adult males have large tusks. They can’t be herded but enough noise from a safe distance might persuade them to go away. If they take offence get out of there fast! We started about 14 years ago when someone released about six into the woods. Estimates now are several hundreds. They have no natural predators so there is a not very effective annual cull, which usually attracts the attention of boar lovers whose don’t live here. Fortunately when the timber isn’t been cut we can usually predict where they will be and at our usual early afternoon walking time they are asleep. They are only harvesting some of the timber in their preferred area so they should move back.

    Cinque. Do you have an inexhaustible selection of those flowery images? Weather prediction is made easy by looking towards Wales . If it is coming over the hills we are going to get it.

    LJ. Cocoa for bed. Do you have Ovaltine? This village is famous for the invention of Ovaltine and beating to death an itinerant dancing bear. I was born in a town where we allegedly hanged a monkey, now I am a bear killer.

    Anzac. Yes I miss the dogs. I have had a selection of other peoples rejects over the years and was fortunate that 36 years of my working life were in organisations that used dogs. Shepherds and Dobies to start with then a selection of retrievers/pointers. Fortunately there are two Springers and a Cockapoo in the family and one of my neighbours has and incredibly friendly and equally stupid Basset and a Rumanian rescue dog that is having trouble learning to trust people.

    Hello all

    Well what a difference a day makes. Yesterday sunny and 29, today drizzly and cool.

    Just a quick note as I’m heading off to the gastroenterologist for my post procedure consultation shortly.

    I didn’t have the best FD yesterday, around 900 calories but the scales, those dratted and evil things, jumped up 1.2 kilos. Yes. 1.2 kilos. That is obviously wrong and some sort of retention because I’ve had a very good week. It still smarts though. I am managing to not sabotage today and just putting sensible eating mode in action.

    Those wild boars sound frightening Penguin. When I was a kid we used to visit friends in rural NSW and they had a large sheep farm. My ‘cousin’ (not by blood) and I went for a wander when the adults were dipping the sheep once and she saw a black blob in the distance and yelled ‘RUN FOR THAT TREE’. Now, in rural NSW you are very lucky to find a tree but thankfully we had one nearby because the beast came snorting up to us and trapped us up the tree until my Dad and Uncle came and rescued us in the ute. This City girl did NOT enjoy that adventure one bit!

    Hope poor little Wilbur continues to improve Betsy. I miss my Oscar cat very much. He was my best little buddy for 17 years and a true character. More stories about him another time

    Amazing story about your great niece and great nephew LJ. Kids leaving chips and lollies? Obviously your Nephew (from memory) and his wife have raised them very well and taught them good eating habits young. Wonderful.

    Love those skirts Lindsay 🙂

    Oops, must run. Fingers crossed for good results at the gastro doc

    So many posts to catch up on! The big fire near here is 81% controlled as of earlier today and one of the other large ones is about 80%. But there still several fires around the northern part of the state that are burning. Many were caused by the dry lightning on 16 Aug. It’s been cooler for a week or more, about 31 or 32 today, but we’re headed for another heatwave on Sat which may continue until Mon with temps reaching 41. That is hotter than normal for Sept, but at least the days are getting shorter. LJ, I also heard that firefighters from Australia were coming to California but I worry because the Covid numbers are still very high here, even though they’re going down.They don’t need to be bringing it back over there, especially since your cases are almost under control now.

    I decided to do some Fast800 days and see how that goes. I can do 500 calorie FD’s, but just can’t seem to keep my NFD’s under control at all. Even though I had maintained for over 2 years with that, the stress and being under lockdown makes it hard to wrap my brain around being mindful.. I’m going to try the 800 calories on weekdays and limit NFD’s to the weekends. I started on Monday and am down about 1.3kg. 800 calories is a lot easier than 500, and the overall calorie deficit will be greater. LJ, you had an excellent weight loss sticking with it all week and it sounds like you’ve had less temptation even now while maintaining. I’ll probably go back to the regular 5:2 after I get my weight under control. I have about 9.5kg to lose. Ugh!

    Penguin, hoping for good news on your recent scans. Also hoping that the people that came to see your house decide to purchase it. It would be nice to be able to move house before the weather gets cold.

    Lindsay, my condolences on the loss of your dear cousin. It’s so hard to lose someone who you were close to. Also sorry to hear about the loss of your friend’s baby and OH’s mate. Too many losses in a short time. I love the photos of the skirts you posted.

    Cinque, it’s good to see the number of Covid cases going down but sad to see 59 deaths in one day. Are most of the cases still in Melbourne? I use worldometer.com and it doesn’t break it down by city or state, it only gives a total. Has the lockdown been officially extended for 2 more weeks now or was that just a suggestion?
    I had to laugh at how different your GD’s are in their choices of birthday presents. What will you do for big and hundreds of layers? LJ’s idea of a pass-the-parcel game type of wrapped gift sounds like a good idea.

    Thin, going through 30 locks in that upcoming area should make you both experts at navigating locks. That’s a lot! It also sounds like good exercise. Has the weather still been mostly good?

    Betsy, poor Wilbur with the bad tooth. I like those antibiotics shots for pets that last for a week or more, especially for teeth issues. It makes it easier on both you and the cat, not having to shove meds down them a couple times per day. I hope he heals soon.

    Anzac, hoping your consultation with the gastro went well today and that there’s an easy treatment. After only 900 calories it must have been water weight that was responsible for the gain. It bet your numbers will be better tomorrow.

    Neil, I’m glad your son’s injuries weren’t worse. Will he be healed enough for the bike trip? Your gardening efforts are impressive. You seem to have end,ess energy!

    We’ve been binge watching McLeod’s Daughters for the past few weeks, watching a couple episodes every night. I think it was about 22 episodes before anyone was killed, something of a record compared to other shows we’ve been watching. We’re up to episode 20 of season 2. There are a total of 8 seasons with 22 – 32 episodes per season, so it should keep us entertained for a long time.
    I have a question. In the show they’re often wearing these coats that have such a unique style:
    https://imgur.com/user/califdreamer Does anyone know what the coats are called?

    Well, it’s getting late Take care and stay well, everyone.

    Good evening all

    A NFD with a bit more snacking than planned, but nothing too extreme. Thankfully it’s a FD tomorrow.

    Cali, lovely to hear from you. I’m very pleased to hear that the fires are mostly controlled now. We didn’t really have a choice about sending firefighters. California always send us help when we have bushfires, to not return the favour would be unthinkable really.
    The coats that you were asking about are an oilskin coat by Drizabone – an Australian manufacturer that has been making clothing for farmers, drovers etc since the 1800s. The name is based on an old Australian saying “dry as a bone” – usually meaning it hasn’t rained in ages. Although I think the coat manufacturers are also trying to say that you can wear one of their coats in the rain and remain dry as a bone. Traditionally they are always worn with an akubra hat. These days they make a variety of styles but they still make their well know heritage lines as well. https://www.drizabone.com.au/womens/jackets-coats Some of their coats are designed specifically to wear on horseback – I think their original designs were all for horseback.
    Good luck with the Fast800. I has the same realisation as you – it’s a lot easier than 500 calories. I also was surprised at how quickly it got the weight loss moving, which helped motivate me to keep going. I know 9.5 sounds like a lot, but I set out to lose 9kg, although I stopped at 8kg. Something I found very helpful was to remove choices and make the range of foods limited. The lack of choice made it easier to stick to.

    Penguin, yes we do have Ovaltine, although it’s not very popular here – most families buy Milo which is similar. I buy neither because of the added sugar. I buy an imported dark cocoa powder that I’ve always thought of as Dutch cocoa, but on reading the fine print I find it’s actually Belgian. It’s excellent quality and I use it for hot drinks and baking.

    Anzac, commiserations on those pesky scales, they do behave in unpredictable ways at times. Hopefully they will be kinder tomorrow.

    Does everyone have fathers day plans for this Sunday? I’m catching up with my aunt and cousins at a coffee shop in the hills for brunch. My cousin lost her dad earlier this year and she suggested we get together to celebrate the dads that are no longer with us and also those that are – what a lovely idea.

    Take care everyone.

    Good evening everyone. I logged in earlier, then got distracted – fortunately I refreshed before replying, as 2 more posts appeared.

    CalifDreamer, good to hear from you, and I’m very thankful for you that the fires are under better control. I think the Aussie firefighters will be helping with coordination of the firefighting efforts, and planning to be in a relatively Covid-free “bubble” while in the States.
    Re the 59 deaths, that’s not in one day. Melbourne was down today to 81 new cases and only 6 deaths in the past 24 hours – the figure of 59 includes many aged care deaths that occurred during July and August, a reconciliation of numbers with aged care providers updating their figures to the Commonwealth Government and Victoria catching up with that.
    Hope the FD800s go well for you. I tried sticking to 800 calories per day for 8 days and it was a colossal failure, maybe because I’d been fairly strict for a while and really needed a break. I’m back on standard 5:2 for now. Still might try 800 calories per day during the week, with NFDs on the weekend, like you’re doing. That might be doable now I’ve had an indulgent week.

    News from me – Wilbur’s mouth is much better and he’s a much happier chappie, eating much better overall and even eating some of his dry food today. He’s also moving a lot better in general, though he is favouring his right hind leg when stepping down. I’m wondering if he needs the claws clipped on that foot. Anyway, I’ll see what the vet says on Wednesday.
    Exercise today – actually managed 11 minutes on the cross-trainer, 5 minutes rowing and 3 minutes on the bike – those were consecutive, without breaks between, so not bad. I’ll try to build up gradually to avoid injuries, but happy with the start.

    LJoyce, what wonderful finds for you at the op shop. Even if you just keep them for next winter, they sound ideal. Also, great that your weight is behaving itself now you’ve returned to 5:2.
    Rather than Ovaltine or Milo, I prefer Actavite; I may be fooling myself into thinking it’s a healthier option. However, haven’t actually had any for ….? maybe 2 or 3 years ago?

    LindsayL, great skirts. Not the sort I can wear, as my hips are comparatively large compared to waist, but you would look quite elegant wearing them.

    Anzac65, hope the gastroenterologist’s report was good.
    When you said you were treed by a beast on the farm – boar? male pig? bull?
    Yes, do share some Oscar stories when you have time.

    Penguin, the boars sound quite scary, and definitely need regular culling for everyone’s safety. We’ve developed a problem in some places here in Australia with deer that have been released. Not as dangerous as boar, of course, but the same problems from some folk re culling. Fortunately, most environmentalists are in favour of culling, as the deer are an introduced species detrimental to the Aussie environment and native wildlife.
    Also, to echo CalifDreamer, have you had an offer from the folk who looked at your place? Good luck with that.

    Cinque, hope you’ve come up with a brilliant plan for the 100s with layers for Miss 4 – LJoyce’s suggestion sounds like a fun option. I’ve done it a couple of times, and it’s worked well.

    Stay safe and well everyone.

    Good morning, Happy weekend,

    Lindsay, I am so glad you are able to wear that lovely skirt right now. And I do hope you get back to wearing the beautiful black silk skirt too. It is just gorgeous. (It’s my favourite).

    Oh dear, kids that don’t sleep! Lucky they are so adorable. My mum had 6 good sleepers and thought she had it sorted, and then along came my littlest sister to let her know differently.

    We Melbournians are holding our breath waiting to see what is announced tomorrow. I am preparing for happiness at even the smallest relaxing of rules.

    Anzac, I am so glad Maxx was interested and polite with the arrival of all that raw meat.

    Sensible decision, to make sure you were ready to run your meeting, but damn and blast it setting off the munchies. Well done keeping them small ones. It sounds like a good day over all. I hope the scales are kinder this morning.

    I’ve been doing well with littler meals, but am focused on a fasty fast day tomorrow.

    Betsy, aren’t you doing brilliantly for someone who is building up slowly on the exercise machine. I am sure you will love the results of greater strength, and all the good it does for all the bodily systems.

    Ooh yes, hoping for social bubbles! I’ve got my fingers crossed we can have a bubble that includes the other grandma too. (And that some opshops might open!)

    I grew up with Actavite! I see it has 50% less sugar now, just as well. How we loved it. We even had Actavite sandwiches in our school lunches.

    Now I am strictly cocoa (Van Houten brand LJ, from Belgium too!) with no added sugar. Amazed at how I have taken to it unsweetened.

    LJoyce, so glad your opshops are open and you found such lovely things. Gorgeous trim on that raincoat!
    I hope your joint pain from that big walking day has settled down now.
    Nice work with the eating (and spaces between eating 🙂 )

    Ha penguin, there is no end to flower pictures! Although I found a super one a couple of weeks ago that I wanted to post this week, and couldn’t find it again. Sigh.

    Hoping the people who loved your house, love the pub.

    Cali, that is good news about the fires being controlled, all power to the firefighters, and may the next heatwave pass by without lightning.

    Good luck with the 800cal days. There is some pattern happening with a few of us that NFD have become so tricky. I think this stressful year might well be part of it.

    I am glad to say (touch wood and whistle) that I have become more mindful and have been able to cut down meal size in a way that is really helping me.

    Everyone is on the money thinking Miss soon-to-be-4 will enjoy a pass the parcel kind of present. I’m not sure I will get to 100 layers but I will be as giant as I can.

    LJoyce filled you in nicely re the oilskin coats. They are wonderful and practical outdoors, farmers all had them when I was growing up. But what stiff, heavy garments they were. They have made them a lot lighter and more fashionable since.

    Your father’s day brunch will be lovely tomorrow.

    Anzac I’m betting you were talking about a feral boar, I remember they were more feared that salty crocs when I was living in the bush at Cape Tribulation. Bad eyesight, but excellent, scary, sense of smell. Luckily we only saw them downwind. I’m glad you had that tree!

    Best wishes everyone. Bye now.

    I’ve spent the morning screaming with frustration with a huge document to edit, that’s been sent in GoogleDocs, but I couldn’t open. And numerous calls and texts from the author. I finally phoned my son for advice and it’s now made its way to me via Digital Pigeon. Grrrrr. This is one of the things I find so challenging with this ‘new’ career….I am just not IT savvy enough. My son said it wasn’t my problem – but because I am IT challenged, I get very anxious and see it as my shortcoming. Not good at all for my self confidence.

    300 grams down yesterday morning, from a very low carb, restrained eating day yesterday, but back up 500 grams today, after a similarly restrained eating day. Anzac, those damned scales sometimes just work against us. The challenge is not to be swayed by them. Great that Maxx is at the point where shoes are safe. Rose not so much. But she doesn’t shred stuff any more ….just nicks it so we will play with her. If we ignore her she runs back and forth with the stolen item in her mouth. The exception is Chux superwipes. They are a precious commodity around here….I don’t buy them any more (environmentally unfriendly, made in China, all those air miles for a little cloth to wipe benches) but I have a supply of ones I’ve washed and are reusing. She can lean into the sink to nick one, then distribute little pieces of green fabric all over the courtyard.

    Betsy, Cinque unlikely I’ll ever get back into the black silk skirt…but I keep it as a reminder that one day, long ago, I was a size 10.

    Betsy, pleased that Wilbur is feeling better – poor chappie. Now here’s a funny thing. I went down to the mandarin tree earlier to check on the bees … no honey bees at all on it, but buzzing (well, quietly) with the native bees. Hopefully they’ll cause the same effect. I do have honey bees by the dozen though in the grevilleas. The got very snarky, when I pulled the branches down to clip off the dead flowers to encourage more.

    Calif LJ has explained the Drizabone to you very well. It was fashionable among city folk for a while too, but fortunately that trend didn’t last. Glad you’re enjoying McLeod’s daughters. I’ve not seen it…maybe I need to do that.

    Cinque, lovely last episode of Last Tango in Halifax. I’ve liked that series. Now, more bleak Shetland tonight, and next week we have the wonderful Nicola Walker back again, playing a lawyer in The Split. Whoo hoo. I do love good television. Did you ever catch Mrs Wilson?

    OK enough chatter – back to, sigh, my huge document (ignore my moaning … I actually like doing it once I get started …it’s the starting I find challenging).

    My kids are away, so we are having a quiet Father’s Day, with celebrations deferred to next week.

    Enjoy your Sunday, all.

    Today was a NFD on the Fast800 but I only ate about 100grams of sweet potatoes and some milk in my coffee all day so pizza tonight wouldn’t be a disaster. We’ll see what the scales look like in the morning. Overall, since I started on Monday, I’ve lost 1.6kg, so i’m happy with that.

    LJ and Cinque, thank you for the info on those Drizabone coats. I guess they would be pretty heavy, being made of oil cloth. I can see now why farmers and ranchers would like them. We watched another 6 episodes of McLeod’s Daughters tonight. We’re now into season 3.

    Sunday (It just passed midnight) is supposed to be the hottest day this week at 41 or 42, then cooling slightly Mon and Tues. possible power shutdowns through next week. Tonight it’s very smokey from a new fire about 3 hours south of here, so no open windows tonight. It is cooling only to about 27 or 28 so the air conditioning will have to be on tonight. I wish I could send a few degrees over to all of you.

    My eyelids are drooping, so goodnight, everyone. Stay safe.

    Cali, Quick one about Drizabones. OH bought one in Sydney half a lifetime ago.It lasted forever – she reckons about 20 years. Personally I am a Barbour fan. Equally indestructable as long as they are re-waxed every couple of years.

    Sunday FD has rolled around again. That’s Fast Day not Fathers’ Day. I weighed in at my highest since Spain in February this morning, 59.3kg, a disaster. I either have to change my habits quickly (think cheese and wine) or revert back to 5:2.

    Cinque, no idea what you were apologising for – even after re-reading your post on the previous page.

    Penguin, OH’s Klepper had the options to be fitted with a sail – we had an old wind surfing mast behind our shed for years just in case he decided to fabricate one. Neil, nothing wrong with the sit on kayaks, all good fun. I’d never be able to get in/out of anything else. LJ, terrifying experience. I can’t do an Eskimo Roll either. We have great memories of kayaking around the Coromandel Peninsula.

    Anzac, I bet you got lots of dinner party mileage out of that story even if it was scary at the time. My OH had an experience with a grizzly bear in Alaska that’s been told a hundred times at dinner parties. Often, he’d show the scar on his knee and bring out the grizzly’s tooth as well.

    Lindsay, your grandies are so funny.

    CalifD, that’s hot weather for your part of California, isn’t it? Yes, I’d say that the weather has been good overall since we started as constant cruisers in March. I’m less bothered by rain these days, having enjoyed 30 years of sunshine in Perth. Wind gets to me though.

    We made it through Tardebigge Locks, the longest flight on the entire canal system, all 30 of them plus two others from another set of locks before we’d even reached the Tardebigge bottom lock. It’s a narrow boater’s Rite of Passage. It was very pretty and we didn’t rush it (stopping for damsons, blackberries and crab apples along the way). We certainly didn’t break any records, taking five hours or so but we were knackered and slept well that night.

    Hi to everyone I’ve missed, HK and Betsy and anyone else. I hope you all have a great week.

    Good morning everyone,

    Lovely morning after fast day, and I am writing this so my fast lasts just a little bit longer, before breakfast.

    Feeling nice and empty, happily hungry.

    It is glorious weather here, so I hope to be outside in it today.

    Lindsay, oh dear, much sympathy for IT frustration. Hooray for computer savvy kids. (And aren’t we secure in the knowledge that by the time they are our age, they will be needing their kids expertise).

    Good perspective on those sulky, capricious scales!

    I enjoyed the last episode of The Last Tango in Halifax so much! And also the last episode of Shetland. I do like resolution. Yay for more Nicola Walker. I did enjoy Mrs Wilson, but I’m not watching it second time around.

    Cali, I do hope your pizza night went well, and that you got a restful night with your kind AC protecting you from such nasty temperatures. Damn re the new fire. I do hope it doesn’t get the chance to grow.

    I’m doing a fair bit eating root vegetables rather than grains, at the moment. I made futari again (pumpkin and sweet potato cooked in spiced coconut milk and citrus). So yummy. Your mention of eating a little sweet potato yesterday has led to my ruminating. Today I might make pumpkin and sweet potato pone! I’m still perfecting my recipe.

    Hmm Thin, I hope your scales are just being sulky and capricious too. But then, you will rock 5:2 if you need it.
    Congratulations on the long line of lock opening and shutting, and ooh lovely the feral fruit picked on the way.

    Well we Victorians have had to take a deep breath and tighten our belts ready for more weeks of lockdown. I am very glad to have rules that keep me, and everyone safe, so I am not complaining. We can do it. Maybe for my darling’s 4th birthday we can find a park where the 5km limits crossover and I can give her the wonderful present.

    As for today, egg on home made rye for breakfast and a pot of coffee. Life is good.

    I hope your day is good too.

    Morning all

    Thin, is the weight within a normal fluctuation for you? I sure wouldn’t want to give up cheese and drink completely, although I have gone without alcohol for a month at a time now and then.

    Cali, man that is warm! I wish we were around halfway in between your temperature and what we’re getting at the moment, because that would be mid 20s and I’d be comfortable with that.

    Lindsay, I hope you got your document sorted. Tech can be really frustrating sometimes, even though it is supposed to make our jobs easier 🙁

    LJoyce, my boys did nothing for me at all for Father’s day, but my siblings and I took my father out for lunch and then to the new Aussie comedy/drama “Rams” with Sam Neill, Michael Caton and Miranda Richardson. It was a good day, I had a mini beef cheeks and haggis wellington with beautiful parsnip mash and roasted carrots, and the movie was pretty good too.

    I overate a little on Friday and Saturday, about 300-400 calories over my daily quota according to my new tracking app, so yesterday I went under by a couple of hundred calories, and today is my regular Monday fast day. The weekend was good though, Saturday was a nice day so we packed lunch and went to the botanic gardens where most of the Rhododendrons, Magnolias and others were flowering. We went to our friend’s place for our monthly cards games, and then Sunday was the Father’s day trip. I woke up this morning with a migraine, blurred vision in one eye and a splitting headache. I sank a couple of Panadol and Nurofen and that took it down to a dull throb, but I’m still struggling this morning.

    Well have a great day everyone, and I’ll catch up with you all later.

    I’m sorry for those of you in Victoria, I saw the news here today that restrictions have been extended and may not be completely lifted before the end of the year 🙁

    Good morning all, happy Monday

    Yesterday was a very special day. It was my sister and BIL’s 40th wedding anniversary, it would have been my Mum’s 89th birthday and of course it was Fathers Day. Dad came for a barbie and we had Thai marinated chicken – the marinade is awesome, two birds eye chillies, coriander root, fresh coriander, turmeric, paprika, curry powder, fresh cracked pepper and loads of garlic. You brush it with coconut milk as it cooks. Yum. We also had sausages as they are Dad’s favourite (I don’t eat them), ribs, a greek salad and wicked garlic bread that I made from turkish bread. Yikes. I only had a small portion of everything and only ate that all day so the scales weren’t too unkind. The scales did flip back but not completely so I’m still just hovering in the 90’s. Not for long!

    So sorry about the ongoing lockdown in Victoria but as you said Cinque, it is to protect everyone so it needs to be done. Who would be a premier or the PM during this? Not me that’s for sure. You are pretty much damned no matter what you do

    Sorry to hear about your migraine Neil, I hope it eases asap. Did you stay home from work?

    Cali, those are very seriously hot temps and I do hope it cools down soon.

    Huge congratulations on getting through the Narrow Boater’s Rite of Passage Thin. You have settled into this wonderful new life of yours so well. Sorry that your scales seem to be in cahoots with mine and Lindsay’s.

    It was all good news at the Gastroenterologist. All the biopsies were clear and the polyp he removed was pre-cancerous so good riddance to that. We talked about managing the diverticulitis with a high fibre diet and antibiotics for any flare-ups. I have replaced toast with OH’s high fibre muesli on non FD’s, I have Metamucil every day and will have a bit of high fibre fruit each day. I’m not a fan of muesli and I can’t stand plain milk so OH had the brilliant idea of putting a bit of berry and banana smoothie on it. I’m actually enjoying it. The doc also told me I am extremely lactose intolerant but I already knew that

    Lindsay, I work in IT but on the business side so I am also technically challenged when it comes to the physical side of things like hardware, files etc. It is the most frustrating thing in the world when you are unable to do your job because something has gone wrong. I wonder what we did before we had google because it saves my sanity very often!

    That futari sounds delicious Cinque.

    Great news that Wilbur is feeling better Betsy and I hope his left paw is simply a case of needing his nails clipped. Your exercise regime is awesome too.

    I hope you had a lovely day with your Aunt and Cousins yesterday LJ

    I’m having a FD today because Dad isn’t coming for his normal Monday night dinner as he came yesterday. I prefer Monday but it isn’t practical normally.

    Have a safe and wonderful day all. Hi to Quacka, Intesha and G’day if you are reading. Hope you are all ok

    Anzac, the Thai marinade sounds really great. Big celebration day for the Anzac clan. Hurray for the good medical results.

    Cinque, yes, life is good! And the extra lockdown can provide a sense of security. I hope you get to see your littlies soon. As we head towards B’ham, I wouldn’t mind hearing some cautionary advice to the masses although we hope not to get locked down once we’re there. Loved ‘Mrs Wilson’, Ruth whatever her name is (principal character) was excellent in ‘Luther’. I think Idris Elba is a superb actor too.

    We have again taken a risk to see DD. Abandoning her o/seas plans (because the quarantine rules change without warning to address the changing covid risks), she bought a tent and headed off to Cornwall for a week on a road trip. Her route home last night took her within minutes of where we’re moored so we met at the bridge after dark. After a week camping alone, we considered the risk was low. She said that Cornwall was packed out with tourists but she had her rock-climbing shoes and bouldered round to find totally isolated beaches with seals. Even went for a swim. Brrr.

    Australia is hoping to offer a free vaccine from January. On a selfish note, I was pleased to see that one of the sources is a pharmaceutical company that I have shares in, Astra Zeneca. Their share price rocketed earlier in the year.

    Neil, empathy for the migraine. I’m still well below my wriggle room but I see a disturbing trend. I feel better about it this morning after losing 1kg on yesterday’s FD. After years of fasting, I had more or less stopped drinking alcohol and totally lost the taste for wine. The pre-lockdown weekly pub visit was OK but now I seem to have re-developed the taste! It’s just a bad habit and I don’t need the empty calories. Must try harder because two FDs a week would be a culinary burden with this teeny freeze box and limited grocery stores. As I wrote that, I realise it does sound silly to claim one can’t fast without the right food! Excuses.

    Back tomorrow to answer posts properly. It’s been a funny day; a brother’s birthday morning tea this morning (8 of us to the park) and then the funeral, live-streamed this afternoon. Such a feeling of loss, and not being with the family. Once, we would have just jumped on a plane to go to Melbourne …but not now. I so feel for you Cinque and Betsy, and hope your isolation ends soon.

    On to more exciting matters…..Thin, Cinque, did you know that Mrs Wilson was Ruth Wilson’s grandmother? It’s a true story! Alec Wilson married four women (Ruth’s character was number 3), divorced none, and fathered seven children….and kept them all apart, apparently, until his death. https://www.radiotimes.com/news/tv/2019-07-29/what-is-the-real-life-story-behind-ruth-wilsons-new-bbc-drama-mrs-wilson/

    As my OH commented, ‘where did he find the energy? No wonder he died so young’.

    Oh Neil, I feel for you and your migraine. Have you tried aspirin? They open up the blood vessels, an old GP told me.

    Back tomorrow. Night all.

    Lindsay, yes I did know that but had forgotten – that’s why I struggled with her last name as I thought she can’t be Ruth Wilson. But, yes, very interesting, wasn’t it? All those lies. Have fun at the morning tea.

    A strange warm windy night, and a cold front due. Melbourne!

    Hello 5:2ers, I had a good day-after-fast-day yesterday and I’ve started my good day-before-fast-day today.

    Neil, I rang a friend yesterday who was also dealing with a migraine, must be something in the air. I do hope it is completely gone today. Did it make your fast day harder?

    Anzac, I was thinking about your appt and hoping for good results but, typically, forgot completely all the while I was writing my post yesterday.
    But hooray, there is nothing more than keeping diverticulitis and lactose allergies at bay. That is plenty to be going on with! And hooray to be one polyp less.
    The things you need to do for your condition merge nicely with all you need to do for your general health, so hooray for that.

    What a wonderful Sunday celebration, commemoration and feast. That marinade sounds positively sparkling.

    Thin, so glad you got to meet up with DD again, and that she had such a wonderful break.
    The vaccine news is beginning to be exciting, what a good decision of a company to invest in!

    Ooh alcohol, isn’t it a trick. And haha, I understand completely about needing to have the right foods to fast, while laughing at the same time. I hope, if you need to organise two fast days a week, you can do it without burdening your freezer too much. I am getting into the swing of one fast day at 800max and the other at 500 max. I get a lot more wiggle room.

    Lindsay, I hope yesterdays events were both special and precious. Happy birthday to your brother. Were they able to do the zoom funeral beautifully?

    I did know the story behind Mrs Wilson, just amazing. I also like Ruth Wilson. (And Idris Elba, of course!). Ooh and different class of TV but I delight in the stage ‘Midsomer Murders’ gives to the character actors of UK, and they had an absolute dag of an episode all about bees, that I taped on Sunday and watched yesterday.

    Thanks for your good wishes to us Victorians, everyone. We’ve all got our fingers crossed the numbers might decrease ahead of the modelling. 55 cases today. 8 sad deaths.

    Cali thinking of you with those record breaking temperatures and more dreadful fires. What to say. Just sending all my best wishes.

    Hoping Wilbur is back to his normal self, Betsy. Miso the cat just wanted be out in the warm night. (I didn’t let her).

    Hi LJoyce, Turn, Gday, Intesha, Helen Kate, Crazy Artist and anyone else who might be lurking. Cheers.

    Morning all

    Cinque, my migraine was gone by 10am but I still had 3 hours of suffering. It could be hayfever causing it. I get hayfever a bit and the other day I went outside and my car windscreen was just yellow with pollen. fast day was ok, I’m having a control day today because my weight was up a lot (gym scales read 91.3 on Friday and 93.0 yesterday), I think the reason my weight jumped up so much over the weekend was a lot of the extra calories I are came from salted peanuts and Whittaker’s chocolate. That extra salt and sugar is going to cause a bit of water retention. I had some home-made veggie soup last night and I’ve got some more for lunch today and I had some of my home-made muesli for breakfast. My kids are going to have sausages for dinner, but I might skip that because I don’t want the salty processed food the night before a weigh-in.

    Anzac, great news that you got the all-clear from the gastro. If you’re looking for a high fiber fruit have you thought of dried dates or prunes? You could even use the dates as sweetener to make some energy bars or something. There are plenty of recipes online using dates.

    Thin, good luck with your balancing act, Hopefully you can come to some compromise where you can balance out the few extra calories with the pleasure of the occasional drink with friends.

    Lindsay, Sorry again about your loss. It must be awful not being able to meet in person for something like a funeral. I know over here in level 4 and level 3 restrictions the thing that people stated they missed the most was the ability to comfort loved ones in person for things like funerals, or if they had family members struggling mentally. I don’t take aspirin, I find that a combination of paracetamol and ibuprofen work pretty well when I’ve got a migraine. This is the first time I’ve had the headache with my migraine though, usually it just affects my vision, but this time I got blurred vision and a splitting headache.

    Well gym session soon (I hit 9km on the treadmill for the first time on Friday) and I can check up how my weight is tracking from yesterday’s shock and then official weigh-in tomorrow on my scales. I’ll see you all tomorrow

    Have a great day everyone

    What a difference a day makes. Yesterday I was 93.0 kilos on the gym scales. After a fast day and no salt or sugar apart from a little in my home-made sports drink yesterday and today, I was 90.7 on the gym scales. 2.3 kilos in 24 hours. That means on my scales at home that’s around 600-700 grams lighter than the gym scales I should be around that 90 kilo mark.

    Cinque, I will keep the 500/800 cal FDs in mind, good idea. Laughing about Midsomer Murders, so corny yet so much appeal. I prefer it with the young Tom Barnaby. As well as a young Endeavour, there’s now a young Wallander. I found it a bit odd that the latter speaks English with a Swedish accent whereas Kenneth Branagh (original Wallander) didn’t.

    Neil, good job, back to 90kg. I’m the same with migraines, I rarely get the actual headache but, when it appears, you know you’re in for a truly horrid day.

    Covid cases increasing exponentially here in the UK, no surprises there. Despite life size banners outside and repeated overhead recordings about maintaining safe distancing within, a Co-Op I was in this week had far too many people inside, all bustling past each other, rubbing shoulders – safe in the knowledge that they were wearing a mask I presume!

    Hope everyone’s having a good week.

    Good evening everyone

    Sorry for the absence, I’ve had a busy few days. Sunday was fun, but my eating was definitely off the rails. I’m being very careful for a few days to counteract the overindulgence. My weight is still in the target range but I did bounce right to the top after Sunday.

    Betsy, I thought of you and and Wilbur this afternoon. I encountered a large ginger cat on my walk. I stopped to say hello and it rubbed against my legs and definitely invited a pat – so I obliged.

    I am woefully behind in reading the posts so I will try to catch up tomorrow – it’s my only day at home this week, although a friend is coming at lunch time for a walk and a chat.

    I can’t stop yawning so I’m off to bed. Take care all.

    Good evening all. Now I’ve been able to work my way through all the posts, I’d best reply while I remember it all.

    Thin, great you got through the marathon of locks okay, and lovely you could have a meet-up with your DD. It sounded safe enough. Hope the weight comes back down quickly and is only a blip.

    Cinque, commiserating with you re the further lockdowns here. I think the way they’ve set up the “single’s bubble” isn’t very workable, but all being well, there will be a bit more freedom in a few more weeks. I’m hanging out for the shops to re-open, mainly because there’s a new J.D.Robb book coming out next week and I want it. Yeah, basically can cope with most places being shut, but don’t shut my favourite bookshop 🙂

    Wilbur is doing much better, thanks to those who asked. He has much more bounce again now, in and out like a yo-yo instead of curling up and sleeping all the time. I have to take him back to the vet’s for a check-up tomorrow so I’ll be asking them to trim his back claws for me as well, see if that helps his movement at all. His appetite is back to normal as well, which is a major relief.

    Neilithicman, disappointing that your sons did nothing for you for Father’s day. I’m a bit surprised that your wife didn’t organise something. Oh well. At least you could connect with your Dad. And good that the on weight very quickly became off weight. Hope there’s been no recurrence of the migraine.

    Cinque, did you work out if there’s a suitable meeting park where you can give Miss 4 (soon to be Miss 5?) her present?

    Haven’t been back on the cross-trainer or rower again yet. Didn’t get there today. I may just use the cross-trainer. My right knee has been quite stiff and painful the past few days, just settling down today, and I’m concerned it may be due to the rower. I’ll try just the cross-trainer, and aim for 15 minutes, then see how the knee feels. Might have to cut back and then gradually add a minute or two each week.

    LindsayL, good that at least some bees have been around your mandarin trees, so let’s hope they will have been well-fertilised. Interesting for you to be both celebrating life and also remembering the life of someone who died, both in the same day.
    Sympathies re the digital challenges – feel much the same way!

    Anzac65, good news re the gastroenterologist report. Another suggestion re fibre could be to add some psyllium husks to your muesli?

    CalifDreamer, poor you with stiffling hot days then not even cooling a lot at night. Glad you’ve got air-conditioning!

    And now bed is calling, so hi to anyone not mentioned, hope you’re doing okay Penguin, and goodnight all.

    Morning all.

    89.5! Second week in a row I’ve managed to drop weight and second week in a row I’ve managed to stay under that 90 kilo mark. Looks like eating the extra calories to match the extra exercise I’m doing is working.

    Good luck on the cross trainer Betsy. It’s never been my favourite piece of exercise equipment. That brings to mind another way covid has affected people. Those with joint difficulties that can’t get access to impact free exercise at local pools. I know of quite a few people with joint problems that were relying on aqua jogging as their exercise.

    Well I’ll be enjoying my post weigh-in non fast day and I’ll catch you all later

    Good morning all

    Wow, what a difference a day makes. Yesterday sunny, still and a glorious 24 degrees. Today there is a gale-force wind blowing, it’s raining and quite cool. A very damp Maxx is sulking as I tipped his bed up so he can’t get in as he is very wet after our walk. He has a perfectly nice towel on ‘his’ couch but instead is lying chin-down on the mat eyeballing me and very disgruntled. He’s not spoilt, not one bit.

    I’m eating well, I really am, but the scales continue to yo-yo. I need to figure out why and OH keeps telling me I don’t exercise enough. So I will make more of an effort to do at least one 20 minute session on the exercise bike and start doing a second walk at lunch time.

    FD today and I’ve had two black coffees with Stevia, Metamucil and will have at least 2 litres of water

    Awesome results Neil, congrats. Thanks for the idea about the prunes, I have some in the cupboard that we use when we do a tagine.

    What a bitter-sweet day on Monday Lindsay. I’m so sorry for your loss and it must be so hard to not be with your family in Melbourne.

    Cali, I read yesterday that California hit 49 degrees. Ouch. I had a photo on my old phone that I took once of our car dashboard that showed the outside temp as 49. We were in the Hunter Valley where they have extreme weather. It was so hot and we went to an outdoor concert that started at 2.00pm. I sat under a tree right at the back until dusk as I couldn’t fathom how anyone could sit out in that heat – but OH did quite happily. It was one of the ‘Day on the green’ concerts that are held up there in one of the vineyards. One of the acts was the B52’s (one of our favourite all time bands) and Fred Schneider came on stage and said ‘welcome to a day on the griddle….I mean green’. I’ll never forget it.

    So glad Wilbur is doing better Betsy and I hope the trip to the vet goes well.

    Thin, I was just reading about the spikes happening in the UK, France, Italy and Spain. Also there were 1,100 deaths in India the day before yesterday. This virus isn’t going away despite efforts of so many to believe it has gone or never existed in the first place.

    Thanks for the positive thoughts about my results Cinque. Already with the increased fibre I am having much less tummy pain and other troubles. I wonder if the sudden change of diet is impacting my weight loss? Perhaps the old bod just needs to settle into the new regime which includes an influx of fibre, less bread and more fruit? Summer is coming and there is no way on earth I’m getting into a cozzie in front of anyone at this size. We are going to the Hunter Valley with friends (no concert this time of course) in early December and the resort has a lovely pool and I want to feel good about going swimming in front of people. This is my new motivation

    On that positive note I really must get back to work. Have a great day all

    Hello everyone

    Sorry I am not a more frequent contributor, but I do enjoy reading all the posts, and am gradually getting a sense of people’s different lives. I feel really encouraged by the ways people tackle the fasting thing, how they experiment to find out what works best for them, and how they don’t get too discouraged by lapses.

    I am now making my FD limit 700 instead of 500, inspired by what Anzac and Betsylee said. It seems to make a big difference to how I sleep, so that’s good.

    It’s a long hard road for you Victorians. I wondered if the new ‘bubble’ arrangements meant that you might be able to see your daughter and grand-daughters Cinque?

    There are so many news items I could respond to, but then this would never get sent, so I will just wish everyone well. There’s a small tin of tuna out in the kitchen that is calling to me. (FD today!)


    Hello to all,

    My planned free day became less to. I had 2 very long phone calls this morning from friends/rellies with troubles who just needed a friendly ear – Each call was about an hour and wiped my morning. I ended up op-shopping with my friend as well as walking – which took most of the afternoon. Needless to say I’m still a bit behind on reading posts!

    Helen, very glad to see you are already confident enough to start adapting. You really have jumped into this way of life with confidence. Enjoy the tuna.

    Cinque & Betsy, I hope being able to have regular contact with someone from outside your house & area will make the isolation a little easier. I was reflecting yesterday that it’s such a good thing you have Miso and Wilbur. They may not be able to chat to you but I’m sure their company and affection is a comfort. Of course there is nothing to stop you having a long chat to them – they won’t tell anyone!

    Anzac, I’m so glad you are already seeing an improvement with the added fibre in your diet. I had IBS for decades and a higher fibre diet and probiotics eventually eliminated the problem. I’m also very pleased to see that you are watching your water intake. That’s really important with added fibre because the fibre can a plug or blockage in the bowel (especially things like psyllium) if you don’t have enough water too. I must say homemade muesli with berry smoothie does sound rather delicious.
    Excellent news on that polyp. They can be deadly things and I’m so glad they found it when they did.

    Neil, excellent work being back onto the 80s.

    Cali, I keep hoping you will get some consistently mild autumn weather soon. I know the LA fires are quite a way from you but they do look just awful.
    How is the new eating plan going? I hope you are coping with the 800cal days.

    Lindsay, I’m glad you were able to join the funeral with live streaming, but it’s not the same as being there or being able to get comfort through the hugs and conversation with others.

    Thin, I caught on with your latest blog post today – all those locks! You and your OH will have good arm muscles by the time you have wrangled all of those lock gates open. Can I assume that your visa interview is still proceeding?

    My daily steps are still mostly in the 13-15000 range and most days I don’t feel worse for doing that much. Yesterday was an exception as all my walking was done in the hills and my knees were not happy about the hilly terrain and were hot and swollen last night. With all the added walking I am getting much closer to my target of walking 2020km this year. I’m only about 200km away from that now so I should reach that target by early October.
    My food excesses on Sunday were a reminder that it would be all too easy to slip back in to bad NFD habits, so I am trying to manage my eating by being more controlled on most NFDs and only allowing discretionary foods once a week and sticking to healthy choices on most NFDs.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Take care.

    It is a beautiful Melbourne morning, my 800 fast day done. I’m having a couple of mungbean and onion waffles for breakfast. Yes truly. And delicious.

    Neil, I am so glad you are getting such good results with your amended eating. That must be a big relief.

    Thin, the big upsurge in covid transmission in the UK has been in the news here. I do hope the new rules are embraced, and the same old, same old, basic guidelines are remembered and obeyed, especially by those young things that think they are invincible.
    Your comment about young Tom Barnaby started me wondering if they had started making an ‘Endeavour’ style program with him as a young detective, but I could find no sign. I should pitch it.
    I’ll look out for the young Wallander.

    LJoyce, on one hand I am a bit resentful that you are so busy, I like your daily posts, but on the other hand I want to give you an RUOK medal as those good conversations with people who reach out to you, are worth more than the brief ‘RUOK’s doing the rounds today. They are time consuming and can be draining but a good conversation with a kind friend is one of the best things in the whole world.

    I do have opshop envy at the moment. Ooh it will be the first thing I do when stores are able to reopen.

    Betsy hello! I do agree that the social bubbles will only suit a small number of us ‘living alone’ people. Lets hope the numbers reduce quickly so we can all get out a bit more.
    Good to hear Wilbur is doing well, but sympathy for your knees. I can imagine it is tricky to find exercises that don’t put strain on them.

    Anzac, my dear sister is currently suffering a bout of diverticulitis, hoping it can heal itself without medical help. I’ll see how she is today, after I have sent this post off. She’d had a week of stress and wasn’t eating well. So as well as sending wishes to her, I am thinking of you. Can you guess what advice I called out to her as we hung up? 7 vegetables a day! haha. I can’t help myself.

    If you have increased your fibre over the day it will be traveling through your guts with a nice lot of water, and your scales might need to adjust to it, but if that is all you will notice your clothes fitting better and your waist measurement going down. I do hope that is happening!

    Ooh that resort pool is a lovely incentive!

    Hello HelenKate, morning after fast day. You are rocking 5:2. I hope you did have a lovely sleep.

    No grandchildren allowed in the bubble 🙁 (ok, I understand!) but I am hoping I will be able to meet them in the open air soon, maybe it will be another couple of weeks though.

    I off to have a good day. Best wishes to everyone.

    A happy hello to all

    I had to go to the chemist today to get a scrip filled so I put sixpence in the slot and weighed myself on their big old-fashioned machine. I’ve lost another 2 kilos, so that is a total of 4 and a half kilos in the nearly 8 weeks that I’ve been on the diet. And I am feeling lighter and better and generally more energetic. There’s a good general psychological flow-on from feeling more in control in the food area.

    Tonight I’ve got my reading group meeting at my house. There will be champagne and wine and biscuits and cheese and I am even baking a lemon cake (I’m trying Nigella Lawson’s gluten free lemon cake), and I know I can relax and enjoy it all (and not overdo it) because of the fast days. So good!

    I am very impressed with all your walking, LJoyce, and I agree with Cinque about the great value of the long phone conversations.

    Cinque, what interesting food you cook – mungbean and onion waffles – tasty!

    A warm day here in Adelaide and my toes are out seeing the light of day. It’s nice to have doors and windows open.

    I’d better go and cook that cake, and give the house a good freshen-up. (A ‘house-blessing’ as FlyLady would call it!)

    Warm wishes to all

    Hello all

    A quick post as work is very busy. An excellent FD yesterday finally saw the scales dip. May it continue

    Enjoy the reading group tonight HK and you put it so well – we can have occasions where we can let our hair down and enjoy the things we really love to eat and drink and then jump back onto the wagon and any damage is mitigated

    I too am impressed with your daily step count LJ. I struggle to get to 5k even though my goal is 10k.

    Thanks for the info Cinque and i hope your sister feels better soon. I clearly remember the terrible pain I had when all of this started and I had my first flare up and I really don’t want it to happen again.

    Mung bean and onion waffles…..intriguing!

    I can’t believe it is already Thursday. Time is flying

    Take care all

    HK, great results for your efforts! Well done, fantastic. Tip: trying thinking of this as a way of life (WOL) rather than a diet.

    LJ, good job with all the walking. Yes, we’re hanging back from entering B’ham too soon, the visa ‘interview’ is next week. Although, not so much an interview as OH will enter some kind of DIY booth to have his biometrics enrolled and then the private company will press ‘submit’ to send the Home Office the 46 supporting documents I’ve uploaded. We’re relying on friends in Perth for details on the recent stabbings in B’ham. The BBC seems loathe to report on it. Apart from this incident, our companion guide states ‘inadvisable to leave boat unattended in this area’ as it describes various parts of the canal system there.

    Cinque, the ‘young’ Tom Barnaby is the original one’s nephew. Same name. The re-runs show a mix of old and new. The old has a somewhat sour wife, the new has a nice dog. Re: Britain’s upsurge in covid, I hope the new rules are NOT embraced (he he)!

    Anzac, yay for a good FD and equally good results.

    Betsy, pleased the cat is feeling better.

    Yesterday, I finally saw a kingfisher! So exciting. They’re much smaller than a kookaburra, more like a sparrow which surprised me. It darted across the canal in front of the boat three times with an unmistakable flash of electric blue.

    Good morning everyone.

    The first entry in my calendar for today says “fly to Vancouver today”. I think that’s one commitment I will unfortunately be unable to meet. I haven’t been able to bring myself to delete that entry before today.

    Cinque, I agree with the other comments – you do come up with some very original breakfasts!
    Thankyou for your kind comments – it doesn’t take much effort to give someone the time they need to talk through things – and time is something I usually have plenty of.

    Anzac, so pleased to hear you’ve had such a good FD. I know they are more challenging when you are so busy with work.

    Thin, the recommendation about not leaving the boat unattended are concerning. Could you moor away from the city and find other transport is? Or is your OH confident about dealing with the process himself and leaving you to guard the boat? Happy that you’ve finally caught sight of a kingfisher – at least you have found one nice benefit fro the trip to Birmingham.

    HK, excellent work. I assume you don’t have bathroom scales at home. You aren’t alone, Cinque doesn’t either and apart from my recent flurry of weighing as I sought to get those extra shut-down kilos off, I rarely get onto mine. I figure if I can zip up my tight jeans then my weight must be ok.

    Penguin, do you get your scan results soon? I still have my fingers crossed for you.

    I am proceeding with my plan to allow “extras” on no more than one NFD each week. So far it’s been easy actually. Next week it’s already scheduled in for Monday as I’m taking my best friend out to lunch in the hills for her birthday.

    Have a lovely day all.

    Morning all

    I’m enjoying a pretty lazy Friday at work, listening to the semi-final of the US open between Osaka and Brady, it sounds like a brilliant game. I’m looking forward to the following game between Williams and Azarenka, I’m definitely going to be cheering on Azarenka.

    I’ll be taking it easy at the gym today because I woke up with a pinched nerve in my neck, so I may just do a light day on the exercise bike and then see what it’s like in the evening.

    HK, half a kilo a week is a nice steady weight loss, congratulations on that. Seeing the numbers dropping is a double positive. you get to feel better for not carrying those extra kilos around, and it also motivates you to keep on going.

    LJoyce, 🙁 I hear you on that. One of my friends is forlornly tracking the flights he would have be on at the moment on Facebook, because he had a trip to England and Europe booked which needed to be cancelled. I’m so glad that we got our Fiji trip in last December, just a couple of months before everything got shut down.

    Thin, awesome, I like spotting birds and always get excited when I see something a little rare like a white herron over here.

    Anzac, congrats on seeing the scales dip, long may it continue. It’s so pleasing, I know that feeling too because mine has finally shown drops 2 weeks in a row after hovering around the same weight for about 2 months.

    Cinque, Mungbean and onion waffles? How do you make those? They sound intriguing.

    Well have a great day everyone and a great weekend.

    Morning everyone.

    Just popping in to post today’s challenge, spot the bird, for our resident bird watchers Thin (congratulations on your lock prowess Mr and Ms Thin, and for spotting the kingfisher) and for Neil, who also likes birdwatching (commiserations on your sore neck ….keep your hot water bottle on it won’t you?)


    Ok, back to …oh you know what it is. sigh.

    LJ, disappointing about that long-awaited trip overseas. Next year? OH has to attend the appointment alone due to covid so I may stay and defend the boat with my rolling pin. As we get closer, we’re getting more local knowledge from boaters coming the other way about where to moor safely. I’m sure it will be fine.

    Neil, enjoy your easy day at work. I hope the pinched nerve is a short-lived thing. I love watching heron. I’ve learned a lot about them from hours of watching them patiently fish or standing solo in a large field.

    Lindsay, I just got a blank page – no bird. I’m useless at identifying. I hear a lot of bird song but have no idea how to translate their sounds into words for identification in my handbook. We saw two deer yesterday.

    I’m doing better with my alcohol intake this week. We were able to resume grocery deliveries which is a relief. The first was at a beer garden with a large carpark near the boat so it was only right that we ordered a beer while waiting. A lovely warm, sunny afternoon.

    Cinque, hoping you’re fit and well today.

    HK, congrats on the impressive weight loss over the last 8 weeks on 5:2. That must make all of your joints feel lighter as well as your mood!

    Neil, my weight tends to fluctuate easily with salt and even overeating foods that aren’t high in salt. It’s in almost everything these days. Glad it’s finally settled down. Hopefully you can find a way to get rid of the migraines. My sister had major ones almost weekly until she completely gave up caffeine. Weird that caffeine is added to many migraine meds but it was the cause of hers. They stopped within a week of giving it up.

    Cinque and Betsy, so good to see the Covid numbers going steadily down in Melbourne. 2 more weeks is a short time if it means getting rid of the spread, hopefully for the long term. It’s good to see it being handled so efficiently over there.
    I’m glad you’ve discovered a way to hand off the birthday present to Miss 4. I can understand why grandkids wouldn’t be part of a bubble. Kids just seem to be little balls of germs! As soon as the school season starts here, they all seem to catch each other’s germs.

    Thin, glad you are getting close to the interview or “DIY booth” for OH’s visa. Positive thoughts for a successful outcome. Do you subscribe to Netflix on the boat? There is a great new series called “Away” about a 3 year NASA Mars expedition with a 5 person international crew, starring Hillary Swank among others. 10 episodes and it looks like it was released last week in NZ, the UK and Aus as well as here. We binge watched the 10 episodes in less than a week. It’s definitely worth watching.

    Penguin, you mentioned that those oilcloth coats and jackets can last for years and years if rewaxed every so often. Do they have to be sent somewhere for re-waxing, or is that something that can be done at home? I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen an oilcloth garment, or if I did, that I knew that’s what it was. I see on the Barbour website that they aren’t to be washed, just sponges off when soiled. They must really repel dirt if farmers and ranchers wear them.

    LJ, you certainly have been busy lately and even so, you’re getting in lots of walking and sticking to reasonable eating. Just think, if this pandemic hadn’t happened, you would be coming to visit me this on the or early next. With all the fires and smoke this isn’t a very pleasant place right now. After the 3 or 4 days of 41 – 42 temps, we got a lot of wind, even more in the mountain areas. That fanned some of the existing fires and started several new ones. High heat, low humidity, wind and no rain all summer is a recipe for disaster. Tuesday afternoon it was so smokey here from multiple fires around the area, that we had to turn on the lights in the house. The air turned this dark orange brown color over what was a bright sunny day underneath. It was the worst smoke I’ve ever seen here. The wind changed direction after about an hour and things got brighter, but it was very strange at the time. The last two days have been smokey and the air quality is bad. I know many of you experienced similar in January with your own fires. Here’s a photo from San Francisco which is pretty much how it looked here for a short time. https://news.immitate.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/orange-smoky-san-francisco-sky-looks-even-crazier-in-drone-video-kgo-tv.jpg From what I understand, the smoke hung out in SFO for a lot longer.

    The closest fire to us is now about 60km from here. It’s in the Sierras, in a forest area with campgrounds and such. The winds are gone for now and temperatures are normal again but there are fires all over California and the firefighters are becoming overwhelmed. There are already twice as many fires as last year and fire season, Sept and Oct, has just begun.

    I have to drive OH to the dentist for a root canal tomorrow. He’s had a toothache since this last Saturday and Monday was a holiday so he had been taking painkillers, Ibuprofen and Tylenol since then. The dentist on Tuesday did an X-ray and discovered an abscess at the root of the tooth so he prescribed an antibiotic. But root canals seem to all be handled by specialists these days so the soonest he could get in was tomorrow. What a week this has been!

    Take care everyone and hi to everyone I missed.

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