Brief check-in.
Enjoy your cycling, Neilithicman.
Penguin, glad the water is gradually clearing, and at least we have the benefit of more of your wise penguin words.
Thin, sounds like a great concert, so well worth going.
LJoyce, I’m hoping for a good result on the scales tomorrow morning. I was under the dreaded 80 mark this morning (79.9! 🙂 ) so I’ve lost 3.2 kg so far this month. Hoping for more by tomorrow’s weigh-in, and a bit more before I see my doctor on Thursday. He was pleased that I’d lost weight, so it will be good not to be too heavy when I see him.
My back’s been bothering me since I tried on a bunch (read – a lot) of summer clothes today and chose 11 discards to go to the op shop. My wardrobe still looks packed, but can’t be as bad as it was. What I really need re clothes is a few more winter tops, but it’s a bit early to be buying them. I have way more summer than winter clothes, but now I’m not working in air-conditioning/ heating, I have to dress more for the external temperature. Anyway, re the back, I’ll see my physio on Tuesday. He does a great job of keeping my back in good order.
And that’s it from me till next time. Goodnight all.
10:04 am
21 Feb 20