Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,470 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Anzac65 3 days, 7 hours ago.

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  • Good morning everyone.

    Thankyou for your concern, it’s been a frustratingly slow recovery. I’m not there yet, but feeling much closer to normal now. I am still having to sleep on the lounge as it’s easier to build a nest of pillows there that allow me to sleep in an almost sitting position. If I try to lay down the lung congestion makes me feel like I’m suffocating and then the endless coughing starts.
    Still haven’t left the house, but I might try that briefly tomorrow. I’m hoping to be well by Wednesday as I moved a lot of appointments when I was sick and those new appointments start Wednesday.
    My brain actually feels able to construct sentences today, so I’ll attempt a proper post.

    I did actually stick to my FDs while I was sick. Unfortunately my diet has consisted of whatever comfort food I felt like (lots of toast, bread, eggs and baked custard). As I have done absolutely no exercise I think there is a little extra padding around my hips – hard to tell until I put fitted clothing on again. I have been lounging around the house in comfy track suits for the last week or so.

    My neighbours have been very kind with shopping for me and dealing with my garbage bins. I’m very lucky to live next to such thoughtful people.

    Cinque, thankyou for the flowers. That last arrangement of roses was especially pretty. Enjoy your babysitting today, hope it doesn’t tire you out too much.

    Neil, NZ really does have some lovely lakes and bays. Looks like a great place to spend some time kayaking with your boys.

    Quacka, sometimes the planned healthy meals are just not what we feel like. I’m fasting with you today and I hoping it’s a bit of a reset from my self-indulgent food decisions last week.
    The tiles we like are always the most expensive and your chosen feature is beautiful! Sometimes it’s worth going with a beautiful, but pricey feature but teaming it with other tiles that are simple and economical and allow the feature to shine (that should be quite achievable with a plain white wall tile). Your eye will always be drawn by the feature tiles and it’s good design to not have too many special things vying for attention.
    One other option is to consider putting the feature tiles on just one wall (the bath wall usually looks best) – then use plain economical tiles on the floor and other walls. To save money it really depends on whether your floor or one wall is the larger area.

    Cali, are you feeling ok now. Now that your sister’s bathroom is almost finished I hope you can stop worrying so much. Most of the decisions are made now and you just need to let the trades do their jobs. If they have done a good job with your sister’s bathroom then you can be fairly sure they will do the same with yours.

    Anzac, congratulations on the new great-nephew. Sounds like you had a lively but busy weekend. Good to take your mind off work though.

    Hello to Klondi, Lindsay, Intesha, Crazy and anyone else who’s lurking.

    I’ve been using up my frozen meals while I was sick and I’ve pulled my very last container of soup for the freezer for tonight.
    FD for me today. Good luck to anyone who is also fasting.

    LJ, it’s so good to see you back here and glad you are feeling a little better. I’m glad you have neighbors nearby to look in on you and move your garbage bins. I hope you’re getting lots of good rest.

    Neil, you live in such a beautiful country! I had to look up the yellow eyed penguin. I had never seen pictures of a bird like that before. Are they found only in NZ? They look like they might be small penguins

    Anzac, only 2 weeks until your trip! You must be getting excited. If anyone deserves a break and lots of relaxation, it’s you. You’ve had a lot of busy and stressful months. It will be great to relax.

    Cinque, now you have a Mister 2 to watch? The little kids really seem to like you. But don’t overdo it. Have your granddaughters met him yet?

    Quacka, I love the tiles. All tiles seems to have gotten very pricey lately. But if your bathroom isn’t too big, at least it won’t take a lot to finish it. And like LJ mentioned, your other tiles can be plain and less expensive. With a patterned tile like that you wouldn’t want the other tiles to compete with it. I see too many photos of bathrooms and kitchens online that mix way too many patterns or trims. It makes the room look too busy and no one thing stands out. I like one focal point item and the others in supporting roles. The black on the outside bath would go great with that tile.

    Well, time for some sleep. Have a wonderful day everyone. Tomorrow is a FD for me.

    Morning all

    CD – the yellow eyed penguins are a reasonable size, they get to be a couple of feet tall. They live on New Zealand and some of the smaller islands in between NZ and Antarctica.

    LJ – great that you’re feeling a little more human, I hop your recovery continues well and you can get out for your appointments tomorrow.

    Quacka – Those tiles look like a similar design to the ones we have on our bathroom floor, except ours have a bit more white and grey on them.

    The fast day went well yesterday, despite making a cheesecake for my nieces birthday today, I managed to restrain myself from food. I had 2 cups of tea, one cup of coffee and 2 cups of miso soup and I didn’t feel hungry, and I still had energy for my gym session and a couple of hours of tennis in the evening. It shows that I was only eating through habit on my fast days, and I really didn’t need to be eating as many calories as I was. Watching the docco from Michael Mosley reminded me that fasting wasn’t just about weight loss, it also helps your body switch into repair mode.

    I hope everyone has a great day and I’ll check back in tomorrow with my regular Wednesday weigh-in

    Morning, FD foř me, ive been fairly true to my FDs through all this, the cough is lingering plus the dripping nose, Idont think i have felt so bad in a long time, the girls sure rallied around i guess i gave them a fright, plus me i think….

    Anyway,Neils painting is finished, now one of dragons for the grandson, i like my studio i can hide there hahaha.. three dress sizes or tshirts i should say, have disappeared Alley Express has cheap dresses hahaha so wardrobe has goal clothes in there, i think my daughters like seeing what arrives and what fits, the best bit, they cant steal them now no more looking for clothes that have disappeared… and my big tshirts have become rags for the art room so a big win all around for me…

    Trips, Bathrooms, new foods, you have all been busy its good to see, Betsy and Thin along with penguin have been quiet for a bit so see its noticed…. Anzac you are one strong lady, too many fires where you all are keep staying safe in Aus and USA… LJ energy runs out fast take it slow, take care everyone im exhausted lol

    Good morning from a hot, smoky Sydney. 32 today and the smoke from a bushfire in the Hawkesbury is just awful

    LJ, so glad to hear you are feeling a little better. I do hope you don’t get any bushfires near you when your temperature goes through the roof tomorrow (42 in Adelaide!). That will not be good for your lung infection. How are you feeling this morning? I’m so glad you have good neighbours who took care of you while you were so unwell.

    I watched the news this morning where they said the smoke in Sydney was dire. We live in the Southern suburbs and we didn’t have any smoke at all; however now I am in the City and it really is terrible. It has triggered a very bad hayfever reaction and I can feel a bad headache coming on and it’s only 7.55am. I might have to head home early

    HI Cali, sorry to hear you have been feeling off and yes it could be renovation stress. I know that feeling so well. How are the bathroom renovations going? Yep less than two weeks now until the trip. I regret not losing more weight (I’m still in the mid 83’s) but it’s done now. I also don’t feel ready as I normally research every place we are going to the enth degree but I’ve done barely any. Poor OH has done 95% of everything and he really is over it. From finances to bookings to researching tours and restaurants as well as making sure we have direct debits set up to pay our bills while we are away. Poor bloke but boy are we looking forward to this! I showed my sister a youtube of what our first class cabin looks like and she was very impressed. I’m actually embarrassed as it is so opulent and we just aren’t impressed by things like that at all. But we had the points so why not use them and be pampered and arrive relatively fresh.

    Sorry to hear how unwell you have been too Crazy. Please take care and when you feel better we would love to see some photos of your pictures. The dragon one sounds awesome. Thanks for your encouraging words – I don’t feel strong most of the time but you just have to put your best foot forward right?

    Quacka, those tiles are gorgeous. Here is my 10c worth of advice and I don’t mean to encourage you but…..we did our kitchen and bathroom at the same time around 10 years ago. We spent an eye-watering fortune on the kitchen and did the bathroom cheaply. We do not regret spending what we spent on the kitchen and have loved it every day as it is perfect. We have pull-out pantry shelves, the corner cupboards all have spin around shelving and we bought quality appliances and gorgeous tiles. Contrarily every time I clean the bath I get cranky because we bought a factory floor one with just a couple of scratches and they really stand out and it never looks clean. The tiles are ‘meh’ and I just hate them! Of course don’t go into some terrible debt but also don’t let yourself be regretful either.

    I love your final thought yesterday ‘Look around and enjoy what you have’. This is so true

    Cinque how did babysitting go yesterday? You are such a good neighbour to look after Mr 2 during the work overlap time.

    Neil, every time I read one of your posts my head spins at your energy, enthusiasm and very long list of activities! Good for you and what a great Dad you are.

    I’m a bit cranky at the weather. We wanted to have a pool party on Sunday with the family as my little great-niece loves to splash around in the water. We had the water temperature up to 30 degrees thanks to the solar heating but the day was just too cold and gloomy. It would have been freezing when you got out so nobody swam. And now here we are scorching again. Boo. We had a great day anyway except for Maxx the menace. We had to baby gate him just inside the back door and I get it – it is his home, he normally has run of the house so he thought he was being punished and didn’t understand why. But my great niece had her toys strewn all over the lounge room floor and she is now mobile and he could have accidentally knocked her over. Apart from the fact that he is still jumping up at people when he gets excited (and the onslaught of 8 adults and one tiny tot was too much for his furry head). So of course he started barking and then Ava (great niece) started crying every time he barked because he is LOUD. I was so stressed but eventually he did calm down and lay quietly. We did have one nice moment; my sister is afraid of big dogs and she wandered out into the garden to look at the pool and he eagerly trotted after her of course. But I was able to sit him down and calm him with the LAT (look at that) method and then he sat like a lamb and let her pat him.

    Stay safe all and get well everyone who are under the weather. Have a great day

    Crazy – Excellent results to go down 3 sizes! You must be pleased with that. Shopping for new clothes that fit you is a great reward for the hard work. I’m amazed you managed to keep painting through the illness, it sounds like a nasty one if it’s still lingering around now.

    I must say that Crazy sent me a photo of the painting and it looks amazing. I can’t wait to see it in the flesh, see it in the canvas, or whatever you say when you see a painting with your own eyes 😉

    Good Morning friends

    I had a very successful FD yesterday despite being ‘starving’ when I got home and then having to wait almost two hours until OH finished destroying the rest of the ensuite! I picked at a bit of lamb and then I made some zoodles to go with the beef mince mixture, so I ate the middles of the zucchinis with some salt sprinkled on them. That got me through to dinner time. Just.

    OH isn’t really ‘destroying’ the ensuite – I am exaggerating just a little bit. Ha ha ha! He was just doing the last of the demolitions and then he cleaned it all up and now it’s just wall frames and a floor. The bathroom renovator is going to come and check out what we need doing on Thursday afternoon so it’s all ready for him. Then I can talk to him about the tiles for our main bathroom. I did some more research on line yesterday and I have found a few other tiles that are very similar and only about $90 square metre instead of $215! I’ll see what our tiler recommends.
    I am definitely going to keep the rest of the bathroom very plain. The feature will be the floor and maybe just the face of the bath. Everything else will be white. I contemplated black taps and shower heads etc but the girl at the bathroom place said that it shows up every little thing, even water splashes. The whole idea of a new bathroom is that it looks new and clean, not like these old ones where I clean and clean and they still look terrible! So I think I am going to stick with chrome.
    Anzac, I agree with you. We like to do the job once and do it properly. We won’t be getting into debt to do it but of course we still need to keep to some sort of budget. As the floor is the feature I really want it to be right. If we have to pay the $215/ metre then we will, but checking out the net yesterday, I think we will be able to get them cheaper.

    The kitchen is next! Yay!

    Crazy, I just wanted to add my congratulations at losing three dress sizes! That’s awesome. Keep up the good work 🙂

    I did my jog this morning even though I was awake for about three hours in the middle of the night and when the alarm went off, I may have sworn at it! I felt so tired but I knew I would feel much better if I just got up and did it. I’m down to 37 minutes so I am getting a tiny bit faster each time.
    The sun rise was really red this morning. It was very pretty although I suspect it had something to do with the fires, poor people. Stay safe everyone.

    Have a lovely day all x
    Make the most of today because who knows what tomorrow brings.

    I am sicking to the plan of leaving the house today. I have a birthday card to post, a script to get and some groceries. I’ll start with the first two and if I run out of energy the grocery shopping can wait another day or two.
    I do feel improved today, which I’m very grateful for.

    Crazy, what wonderful success n the weight loss. I remember when you were trying to figure out how you would know if you were losing weight a you couldn’t get yourself and the wheelchair onto home scales. After 3 clothing sizes, I think you can be sure the weight loss has been excellent even without the confirmation from the scales.
    Sorry to hear you’ve been sick too, I hope that clears up soon.

    Anzac, you may find you get more of a surprise from your trip, given that you haven’t been involved in planning the detail. I seem to remember that the trip was for 6 weeks. Does that mean you are hoping for a white Christmas?
    No worry about bushfires where I live now it’s in the heart of suburbia – If I still lived in the Adelaide hills it would be a different story.

    Neil, that was amazing restraint with the cheesecake – I would have had a finger in that mixture – just to be sure it tasted right.
    I hope you enjoy that painting when it arrives – the final renovation touch.

    Hello to everyone else.
    I’m going to head out now before the shops get to busy.

    So glad you are feeling well enough to venture out of the house LJ. Take it easy though. Our trip is actually 7 weeks and we do have a small hope of snow in Paris for Christmas. Only small though because it is a bit too early for snow normally but there have been the odd year where it has happened.

    I gave myself a fright yesterday. Our first port of call is Lisbon so I googled ’10 day forecast Lisbon’. And up it came: -3 degrees and snow! What? I had no idea it got that cold there. Ha ha ha – it turned out it was Lisbon OHIO, not Portugal. The real forecast is 11-18 which is much better thank you

    Glad you had a good FD Quacka and your reno is well underway now. Will it be done for Christmas do you think? I’m not doing FD’s until after we get home now, I just don’t have the right head-space. I’m glad I’m able to maintain without any real effort which shows that my behaviour/brain has changed doing this WOL. Both OH and I have decided that we will have very light breakfasts on the trips, even when it is included in the price of the hotel. We don’t want to come home with stacks of weight on; it will be bad enough eating lunch and dinner out every day. I just hope that the huge number of steps will counterbalance.

    I forgot to say hi to those who are not able to post much at the moment. I hope everyone is ok and doing well

    Tuesday morning,
    Cool and grey here. But omg the smoke in Sydney. A reminder of the fires still active, and worry for those with asthma and other chest complaints (and any washing hung outside). And then that heat building up in SA. Scary.

    Anzac, life is full on (but what a wonderful sounding family gathering) and the count down is on. You will love getting on the plane feeling nice and light, so all power to you over this last couple of weeks.

    You too Quacka. I’m glad you thoroughly enjoyed your meals eating out, that will make a meagre intake easier to put up with. I love those tiles, so smart and beautiful at the same time.

    Good point about eating mindfully, I am sure my brain doesn’t realise how much I have eaten because I sidetrack myself all the time thinking about other things. Maybe I had better do an LJoyce and not let myself have a book or the tv on or the computer (guilty) as I eat.

    LJoyce, it really does sound like the same nasty chest virus I had, that you managed to cop even worse. And that Crazy has had too. A friend of mine had pnuemonia and I wonder if that was the same bug, that’s what made me worry you had the same.
    Good luck recovering. My experience was to keep thinking I was recovering (well, I wasn’t getting worse) but it was sooooooo slow that a week would pass and I was about 5% better. I’m still not back to the health I was before it. So we have that in common too. Best wishes that you get through the appointments ok.
    Crazy, it sounds like you are having the same experience.

    Betsy I hope you are busy with interviews, rather than sick with coughing and exhaustion. But sending best wishes if you are.

    Cali, enjoy your fast day!
    I just love little kids and had a lovely time with Mr 2. Tired today though.

    Neil, don’t you rock fasting. I am glad it was such an easy day. You will live to 200 at this rate!

    Crazy, so glad to hear from you and Woot! 3 sizes down. New clothes! I bet it feels lovely. And you manage to get so much done while recovering from the dreadful cough virus. So excited to see what Neil’s picture looks like hanging on his beautiful wall.

    Anzac and Neil your latest posts have come through (it is taking me a long time to write this!) So good to read today’s posts. Even more excited about your picture, Neil.

    They said on the news that Sydney’s air quality is similar to Bombay’s terrible air, Anzac. Do look after yourself. Your health is so important.
    Cheers to Mr Anzac for organising the holiday, no wonder he will be as glad as you to take off. And sympathy to you wrangling Maxx with family. You did well.

    Two more posts haha I will never finish.

    Hooray for your excellent fast day Quacka! And super jog. Brilliant.

    LJoyce, yay for going out! It makes shopping such a pleasure. Quick as you can and then rest again. So many good wishes.

    Must go now! Best wishes all.

    Weigh-in this morning and thanks to my liquids only fast on Monday and control day yesterday I’m down to my lowest recorded weight. Sitting at 88.1 kilos. Down 1.2 kilos from last week 😀

    Good morning

    Congratulation Neil. You do keep setting new records. Given your smaller losses lately, that’s an excellent result. Are you still aiming for mid-80s as your doctor suggested or just seeing where your body wants to settle?

    I’m heading into the city for a lunch with my old work team. Then I have to head across to the eastern suburbs for a physio appointment. It’s all in the hottest part of the day, but I have airconditioning in the car so I will manage. I don’t want to overdo it today as I’m needed for babysitting tomorrow night.

    I actually managed 7100 steps yesterday (just from shopping, errands and housework). A huge improvement from all those days I was sick and did about 1000 steps per day. I’m not up for a long walk yet, but I’m hoping by the weekend I can do that. With a modestly sized TDEE I really cannot afford to be inactive.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Good Morning SH’s

    Nice work on your new low weight Neil! Well done.

    LJ, I hope you have a lovely catch up lunch. It’s always nice to be out doing things after you have been sick. Enjoy!

    Today is my Wednesday FD and I’m feeling very positive about it, which is always a good start for me. I woke up this morning about a minute before the alarm and after it went off I went back to sleep and woke up another couple times and each time I dreamed of food! Lol. I was really tired when I woke up properly and didn’t feel like going for my jog but I just said to myself “get out of bed lazy *** and just go for a walk instead”. So I did. I managed a couple of minutes of jogging but mainly just walked around and so I still feel good.

    Last night I made a watermelon, feta, mint and red onion salad. It was so nice on a hot day and I could have eaten the whole bowl (I didn’t). I dressed it simply with salt and pepper, EVOO and malt vinegar, not to much of any of these. I have the other half of the watermelon wedge so I might make that tomorrow again,as the weather is going to be hot. Today is a lot cooler and I have a chicken stir fry planned for dinner but may even make it into miso soup, depending in how we feel tonight.

    Well, it’s almost coffee time. Wishing you all a happy day x

    Hi everyone. Sorry to be MIA for a while. Not sick, thankfully, and sorry to read of LJoyce and crazyartist’s sicknesses. Hope you both return to full health very quickly.

    The bushfires have been terrible up north, and I’m praying for SA and north-west Victoria to avoid them tomorrow. How did you go in central Sydney, Anzac65? Able to breathe okay? Hey, only a couple of weeks and you’re away. And, you’re steady in the mid-83s. That is so much better than the months of frustration when you weight wouldn’t move down at all.

    Yes, Cinque, I’ve been busy with finishing off interviews, plus data entry of all my surveys, as I met with one of my College professors on Monday so he could help me begin to analyse the data. It’s been an interesting but stressful time, especially the interviews. Only about 20 minutes each, but the emotional energy expended has been high. Plus, with avoidance, then forcing myself to do things like data entry – late! – not enough sleep either.

    Eating? Not a good subject for conversation. There has been a slow but inexorable upward drift happening over the past 4 months, and I have no excuse as I know better. Maybe now I’m coming out from under the stress cloud I’ll be able to turn things around. Certainly intend to, starting with more often posting on the forums for accountability.

    Enough for now, though. More next time.


    Betsy, I think we’ve all been there in the past. All you can do is hit the reset button, forget the past and start again. Ignore the last 4 months and start today as day 1.

    Quacka, good work on the exercise motivation. I always find that when I struggle with motivation to exercise, if I force myself to do it, I feel a lot better. Exercise certainly helps to improve your mental state.

    LJ, I’m thinking of aiming for mid 80s (probably around 83-84 kilos) because I really want to have a decent buffer in between me and 90 kilos, but I’m not going to hurry it, I’m just going to make sure that my fast days are actually fast days rather than control days, keep my exercise regime, and let my body naturally head down that way. I hope you had a good lunch with your team yesterday.

    I had a complete blowout yesterday. It started well, I had a bowl of the nice low carb muesli and frozen fruit for breakfast, then my customary post-weigh in sausage roll and some nuts, coleslaw and boiled eggs for lunch, but then I had to drop my car out to get a windscreen chip repaired and I had an hour to kill so I wandered through the shops. I felt like something sweet so I bought a bag of party mix lollies. I was planning on having a couple and then putting the rest of the bag at the “free food” spot at work, but I ended up eating the whole bag, all 700 calories of it. But I didn’t stop there, I had a decent dinner of fish, broccoli cheese and mushrooms, but then I made a black currant and apple pie and I had a big slice of that along with a bowl of ice-cream, a couple of my home-made protein bars and finished it off with a hot chocolate in the evening. I probably went at least 1000 calories over my TDEE. Just as well today is my regular fast day because I’m definitely going to need it 🙁

    Quacka, that salad sounds very refreshing for hot days.

    Betsy, I’m very glad to hear you are well, just busy. I can fully imagine why the interviews were stressful – being an introvert myself. Have you completed those 20 interviews or are there still more to go?

    Neil, I understand the desire to have a buffer – I do the same with my fear of getting into the 80s again. I also think letting your body head down to your goal weight at whatever pace it wants is good at this point as it eases you into eventual maintenance more gradually.
    Like you I also started well and then fell into a sweet food binge mid-afternoon yesterday. I’m also fasting today!

    I’m assuming the heat from yesterday has hit Victoria today. For those of you in the firing line, stay safe and cool.
    There were 45 bushfires here from just one very hot windy day yesterday – that so many can start in such a short time seems incredible to me. Thankfully only one is still out of control and is still threatening several towns on the Yorke Peninsular. The weather is cool here how, but still very windy and the breeze where I live smells intensely of ash. Not surprising when you look at a map as the towns at risk are Yorketown and Edithburgh https://imgur.com/a/DKV2Ot4 I’m hoping the wind calms down as it’s making things very difficult for the fire fighters.

    I’m fasting today. That was always the plan and not just a reaction to yesterday’s sugar binge (1/2 apple yeast twist loaf, an icecream cone and a dozen dried fruit balls).

    Have a nice day all.

    Thursday morning,
    So hot and nasty here, but a cool change coming. Scary if fires start, (with the wind change) but so welcome temperature wise.
    Poor Sydney – poor NSW, and fingers crossed for SA.

    I’m crook again, coughing and feverish. Sigh.

    Neil what an impressive blow out. Hopefully you will have a great fast today and a normal eating day tomorrow.

    Quacka, I hope your fast day ended as well as it began, and o my goodness what a delicious salad!

    Betsy it sounds as if you are covering rough ground with the pressures of the research. Hooray for leaving the stress cloud and being able to do all the things that are good for your longterm health. It will be great to have you posting more regularly.

    I’m off to take it easy.

    Good Morning everyone

    Firstly. Cinque I hope you manage to knock that illness on the head quickly! Also I hope LJ and Crazy are recovering well and feeling better every day. Look after yourselves ladies x

    Neil, I hoped you enjoyed your binge day. I think we all need it mentally sometimes and maybe your body needed some of it physically too. Put yesterday behind you and have a Happy FD today. You too LJ!

    Betsy, it’s great to hear from you and even better that you haven’t been sick, just busy!

    Anzac, I remembered in the middle of last night that I didn’t answer your question about the renos! At this stage, only the ensuite is ready to be done and we haven’t even picked any tiles for that one. I want it to be different to the main one (where the black and white is going) and was hoping to find a dark emerald green for the floor, but of course colours are not in fashion so I haven’t been able to find any yet. I think I may have to rethink the colour scheme but I still want it to have a coloured floor of some kind. So many decisions! The bathroom man is coming this afternoon to check it all out but I remember when Mum got hers done she had to wait a very long time, so it definitely won’t be done by Christmas. It’s ok as I am prepared to wait for him as I know he does an awesome job. He’s very well renowned for his quality of work in our area and he was also best man at my sister’s wedding!
    So anyway, both bathrooms may be done by NEXT Christmas!! Lol

    I’m not sure what my problem has been this week but the last couple days I have been waking up with no energy. Maybe my body is fighting off something, I don’t know. Yesterday I did my usual circuit but I mainly walked it and today I had to really force myself to jog. Anyway, I managed to get it done and like you said Neil, I feel so much better for it. THEN, I decided I was hungry. I don’t usually eat breakfast but I had a couple of boiled eggs in the fridge so I mashed them with a little mayo and had them on two vita wheats crackers. I’m not the biggest fan of mayo but I just felt like it and boy am I paying for it. My stomach hasn’t stopped churning all morning. I almost had to pull over on the way to work but I just kept driving and breathed on through it. Argh! I just need to remember that my body prefers to receive food later in the day! So, no coffee for me this morning. I doubt I would handle it. I’m drinking water which hopefully will help.

    Well, I’m off to get some work done before it really starts to heat up for the day. Stay safe with all the fires friends and take care. Enjoy your FD or NFD xx

    Also a big hi to everyone who is reading and not posting. Feel free to jump in any time. Doesn’t need to be a long post, just say hi 🙂 🙂

    Good morning from a choked, smoky Sydney

    Firstly, Cinque, I can’t believe and am so sorry you are unwell again. I hope you don’t get any bushfires starting up in the terrible heat today because the smoke will make your cough worse for sure. Please take care of yourself

    LJ, Crazy, how are you both feeling today?

    Neil, nice to see a human side of the weigh-loss, muscle building machine LOL. We all have our break-outs and they should be looked upon as learning experiences to understand the triggers. I walked past a vending machine here at work yesterday and before I knew what I was doing I inserted coins and extracted a packet of pretzels (a particular fave of mine). I told myself I would open it and have a handful then clip it back up to keep for a couple of days. Well. The whole packet was gone in about 10 nano seconds. Sigh. I wasn’t even hungry! But I was very stressed so no points for guessing what triggered it.

    Quacka, your bathroom reno’s sound awesome and I love the thought of an emerald green floor – just like the ocean. I have an intolerance to all creamy salad dressings such as mayo or Caesar dressing and they make my stomach erupt like mount Vesuvius. The same reaction I get to lactose so I know how you felt

    I will make this a short post as I have been trying to get it done all morning and now I have meetings. Take care everyone

    LJ and Crazy, it’s good to hear you are both recovering and feeling well enough to get out. Cinque, I’m sorry to hear you’re crook again. Maybe it’s just from overdoing it a little when taking care of Mister 2? I hope it goes away soon.

    Neil, you never cease to amaze me with reaching new goals all the time. Having an overeating extravaganza every now and then isn’t so terrible. Sometimes I think it’s a good jolt to our metabolism as long as we go right back to our healthy eating the next day.

    Anzac, your trip is getting close! I hope the smoke situation from all the bushfires improves. It’s awful to breathe in all that smoke. I know that here, even when we don’t smell it, the air quality is often bad because of fires that are miles from here.

    I was looking up something yesterday and came across this news story from one of our morning shows here, the Today Show. Two of the hosts, Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager (Jenna is the daughter of our former President Bush) are starting on an intermittent fasting diet and weighed themselves on the air on the first day. It’s fun to watch and there are links to several other videos about fasting. I hope the videos work there. https://www.today.com/health/jenna-bush-hager-hoda-kotb-try-intermittent-fasting-today-t167485

    Hi everyone. Another NFD, but not too bad overall. Only about 25 minimum temperature overnight, so sleeping was difficult, and then I had to be up at 6:30 a.m., so quite tired (which explains the NFD).

    Cinque, so sorry to read that you’ve been feeling ill again. I hope it is something you can throw off fairly quickly.

    Thank you to Cinque and LJoyce for asking about my study progress – 25 interviews done in all, and the final one was done last Sunday, so they’re all finished. Haven’t even begun to think of transcripts, which will then have to be analysed. Need to focus first on some of the results showing from my survey data, as I have a 15-minute presentation to do next Thursday. Also haven’t even started on my PPt yet, so… just refusing to panic, they’ll get what they get. It shouldn’t take me more than a few hours to put something together, but it would be nice to have a few more actual results to share. I’ll see what I can do tomorrow re some more data analysis, now I’ve been shown some of the things I can do with the program. Oh, re interviews, the minimum number I wanted was 20, but I sent out emails or text messages to those who volunteered, and 25 were willing to follow through and be interviewed, so that’s the number I did. Major relaxation of tension now the data collection phase is complete. I can work on the rest as I feel, any time of day or evening, with no more running myself ragged going hither and yon. Yay!

    Neilithicman, Anzac65 and LJoyce, I’m glad you also succumb to the siren call of the sweet (or savoury) treats. I made the mistake of buying a lemon meringue pie from Coles on Tuesday, intending to have a slice each day. No, half the pie disappeared on Tuesday and the rest yesterday – 852 calories each day! Yes, I will be avoiding it in future. Ultra-ultra-sweet. But that’s what I mean about a better NFD today – no major indulgences like that.

    Quakka, hope you’re feeling better. Occasionally not pushing too hard with exercise is what a person’s body needs. It can be better to have an easier day or even a rest day if you’re feeling exhausted (as opposed to just plain reluctant to get moving, which it doesn’t sound like was the case).

    Califdrreamer, interesting that celebs are finally getting onto the bandwagon re intermittent fasting, so its value (if they do it properly) should be even more widely promoted.

    Anyway, trying to push the reset button by actually getting a run of proper nights’ sleeps, which will do wonders for my self-control, and I really need it!!! Five unanticipated eating out occasions have cropped up over the past week, for the next 2 weeks, so I will really need some self-control. One is a 40th birthday, and another is a friend from overseas briefly in Melbourne for a visit and wanting to catch up – both unavoidable. Two others are church functions I’m expected to attend, and the final one is with a friend who’s been going through a challenging time. Don’t feel I can say no to any of them, so … self control!

    Okay, sleep well everyone.

    It seems misery loves company, several of us tripping up with sweet food. I remember one of you saying that after a while your tastes change and you don’t like sweet foods any more. I din’t think that’s the case with me because as soon as I taste sweet food I find it hard to stop.

    I had a better day yesterday. I tried a one meal a day fast. I had just coffee, tea and miso during the day and the in the evening had about 700 calories and that made me feel uncomfortably full. So I ended up under 800 calories for the day. This morning I’ve had some muesli and fruit, lunch will be an haloumi salad and then good kiwi lamb and avocado salad for dinner. Hopefully a decent amount of good healthy food will help keep the cravings for junk away.

    Good morning all. Checking in, after two FD’s and controlled eating 68.5 this morning. Hoping to get back to my lowest of 65 by Xmas although I did fleetingly see 64.5.

    Cinque sorry to hear you are struggling with being unwell. I think you try to do too much and although you love your little granddaughters they could be taking there toll on your health.

    LJoyce hope you are now on the road to recovery and anyone I’ve missed who has been feeling sick.

    Neilithicman whoever said you get over your sweet cravings wasn’t really a sweet person. I still love chocolate, sweets and cakes although if I overindulge I feel sick afterwards but I still do it from time to time.

    Anzac not long now I feel excited for you. When you get on that plane shut your mind off to everything except the anticipation of what is ahead.

    Hi Quacka, Califdreamer and anyone else reading.

    For the next three days I am decorating my Xmas cookies plus doing some for a friend’s 70th. No housework will get done and only stopping to get meals for Dad. The kitchen is all set up so I am going to make myself a cuppa and get stuck into it. I have nearly 400 but this year trying to keep the designs simple as I put too much pressure on myself with too many colours.

    Bye for now.

    Good morning and it’s Friyay!! Day off for me today and definitely a NFD. I’m catching up with my friend in a few hours for lunch although we both love yummy healthy food so that won’t be an issue.
    I’m feeling fine today (thanks Betsy) so I’ve been for my exercise this morning nice and early. I can’t call it a jog today because I did more of HIIT than just jogging. I walked between two power poles then sprinted between the next ones and so on. I could feel my heart pumping hard and it was much more tiring than jogging/walking. Ofcourse that has made me hungry so I have had brekkie but it hasn’t made me sick today which is a good thing.

    When I recently ordered some kelp noodles online, I also bought some organic coconut wraps from the same site. They were ridiculously expensive but I’ve never seen them over here and I wanted to try them. They are made from coconut meat, coconut water and coconut oil. That’s it. I had two of them for breakfast and they were very different to any other ‘wrap’ I have ever tried. They smell like coconut, which I love so that’s ok, but the texture is unusual, nice still but just unusual. They also have a sweetish taste and I thought there must be sugar added in, but the nutrition panel says no sugar and also only 2.5g carbs. They are about 70 cals each. I tried heating them in a sandwich press but they started to burn, I’m assuming from the coconut oil. I filled them with meatballs from last nights dinner and some cheese so I’m feeling quite full. I have probably eaten back any calories I burned exercising this morning but that’s fine as it’s healthy food and a person still needs to eat!

    Ok that’s Quacka’s new and unusual food presentation for today. Lol!

    I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Stay safe with the fires. X

    Good morning all.

    Cinque, so sorry to hear you are unwell. Take care, hope you feel better soon. http://laccaso.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/pictures-of-flower-bouquets-birthday-header-image-wildflower-bridal-free-images-beautiful-download-bouquet.jpg

    Intesha, enjoy your cookie decorating. I hope we see some pics of your work when you are done.

    Quacka, have a lovely day off and lunch out.
    When you have a moment could you let me know where online you bought the kelp noodles from. I have paid $12 for a packet of them from a health food store and balked at the price. But I prefer the texture and smell (or lack of it) to konjac noodles.

    Betsy, glad to hear that your data collection phase is now done and you can concentrate on analysis and writing. Good luck with the presentation.
    I find the only way I can achieve portion control with a large sweet treat that I’ve brought home or made, is to cut it into portions as soon as it enters the house and freeze them – and that only works on things that aren’t easily microwaved!

    Anzac, I hope you are getting excited. I’m sure the trip will be a wonderful experience. Hopefully the weather doesn’t pose too many difficulties.
    Where are you spending christmas?

    Neil, I agree with Intesha – if you sweet things appeal to you that never really goes away. I do find I don’t look for those things as often as I used to though. I am able to placate my sweet tooth with fresh fruit or fruit yoghurt most of the time. I even manage to stick to moderate portions of treats – sometimes!

    Cali, thanks for the video. I admire their courage weighing themselves on live television.

    Each day I feel much better. Still coughing and tireder than usual but other than that I’m back to normal.

    I managed to survive babysitting last night. I spent an hour with Miss 6, working on phonics as she’s not confident with her reading. She’s actually really good at putting sounds together to form words but is much less confidence with books. We also spent some time working through homophones – words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings (to, too, two etc). I think I need to keep doing this on Thursdays until her confidence levels with reading improve.

    I finally went for a walk this morning. I was very slow and only managed 2.7km, but it’s a start and it’s the first walk I’ve done in a fortnight.

    Have a nice day everyone.

    Hi everyone, just checking in before the weekend.

    Hope you continue to improve, LJoyce, and that you’re also feeling better crazyartist.

    Quacka, good that you felt better today, and did some HIIT. Your coconut meal wraps sound interesting. Probably wouldn’t try them, as I rarely eat wraps, but still, interesting description of them and how you used them.

    Neilithicman, good you’re back on track. Not sure about the sweet tooth thing. I have found in the past that if I stop eating any chocolate for several days, any chocolate cravings go away, but I have to be off chocolate long enough for that to kick in. Hasn’t happened recently. But sweet things in general? I think I’ll always have a sweet tooth.

    Intesha, good to hear from you. Sounds like you’re doing really well with your eating at the moment, and the scales are rewarding you. Now if I could just syphon off a little of your motivation…… 🙂

    LJoyce, I did think of freezing my lemon meringue pie, but I wasn’t sure if meringue freezes okay, and then the pie didn’t last long enough for me to even try it. Oh well.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Hi all. Just checking in after 10 days of being poorly. No matter – it seems quite a few of us aren’t too well at the moment. Cali, Cinque, LJ, Crazy and anyone else I missed. Better days coming, I hope.

    I also had some laser eye surgery. Sigh. After the cataract op I developed something called posterior capsule opacity which was causing blurriness. So that’s done, and we now wait 3 months to see if I need more laser surgery to correct the induced astigmatism. Roll on 2020!

    Neil you are a powerhouse, despite a day given over to things you’d largely removed from your diet. One day won’t make a difference, and we all need a blowout occasionally to remind us why we love this WOL.

    How are you going Betsy? Getting your data analysed? I hope you are enjoying the process too, despite the high stress.

    Anzac not long now….when do you fly? I loved Portugal. Actually I brought home some exquisitely beautiful but soooo large and heavy ceramic bowls from Evora. I thought OH was going to pop a vein when he saw me walk out of the shop…..that will teach him for opting to hover outside the shops.

    Intesha you are amazing with your Christmas decorating. Hope you post pictures again this year.

    Cali the fires are a way from where we live, but we have had dreadful smoky days with odd weird light with the sun struggling through. It is eerie. What a season it’s been, and so early too. No rain in sight either.

    I have my DD’s 15 week old springer spaniel here for the weekend. He is definitely not housetrained! YIKES! Rosy has never been inside – and when she’s on the back verandah overnight she only goes on the lower part section, far far away from her bed and water. I heard my OH say to the visitor this morning, ‘Davy, you are a very sweet dog. But Jesus Christ you stink’. (with apologies for the blasphemy … did I mention OH is Glaswegian?)

    Dietwise, I’m doing well. Back on 16-8, 5:2 low carb, and it is working well and I actually seem to be back in the swing. Having a girlfriend who’s doing the same helps. We had joint birthday lunches during the week – both had salmon and salads – and she said because she was with me, she decided to pass on the sweet potato fries. It’s good to help each other.

    A question for other low-carbers. Do you suffer from leg/feet cramps at night, when you take carbs from your diet. I am taking magnesium but am still troubled and man, they are painful.

    OK I’ll try to get something done before the pups wake up and it’s on for young and old.

    Take care all – and happy weekend.

    Good morning

    Betsy, you can freeze slices of lemon meringue pie. It will lose any crisp surface that it had once thawed and needs to be thawed slowly – no microwaves, just leave it in the fridge for 24 hours. (I know this as I made my mum’s pineapple meringue pie a few weeks ago and my nephew and his wife took home the leftovers, which they froze for later.)

    Lindsay, so sorry to hear you have also been unwell. Those bugs do seem to be getting around this vast country

    Cinque, I hope you are on the mend.

    The lung infection is unfortunately fighting back. It’s definitely worse this morning and I have no antibiotics left. I d have an appointment with my GP Monday morning, but those bacteria will have plenty of time to multiply before then.

    I’m going to a play tonight – Terry Pratchet’s “Going Postal”.
    It’s in a little rustic theatre where you choose your own seats, so my friends and I will sit near the exit in case I start coughing too much and need to get out for a while.
    The theatre is called The Bakehouse because it’s a 19th century stone building that was initially a bakery, although it’s also been a farmers radio station and the headquarters for the communist party. There’s an old saying “if walls could talk” – I think the walls of this building might have some interesting and varied things to say. http://www.bakehousetheatre.com/about/history-bakehouse-building If a building could have an identity crisis this one would be entitled to it.

    Have a nice weekend all.

    Good morning, FD today. Two intensive days of cookie decorating, effort so far. The hearts and champagne flutes are for my friends birthday. Not happy with the flutes not one of my best efforts.


    LJ you don’t sound well at all. Hope you enjoyed your play and didn’t have to leave mid-way through.

    Intesha, those flutes are just beautiful, as are all of the cookies. You have a real creative talent.

    Cinque, where are you this morning? Hope you are well, and just a bit late in posting.

    Our pups woke us at 4.30 this morning. One was in the courtyard trying to get through the breakfast room glass doors, and one on the back verandah, trying to get through the glass doors to her mate. They are both at my feet, and I am staying very still in the hope that they sleep. I love that when Davy ambles over to me, Rosy intervenes and shepherds him away. She’s not at all aggressive, but it’s like ‘she is mine not yours’.

    It’s cool and crisp here in Brisbane, and will only get to 29 today. Yea. Enjoy your Sunday, all.

    Good morning

    Intesha, you are a harsh critic of your work, I think the decorations are lovely.

    Lindsay, funny that your new pup is already territorial. It seems they identify their new pack quickly. Waking at 4:30 sounds a bit extreme – is that when Ruby normally wakes you or is it just while the two of them are together?

    The play was fun and we went out for gelati afterward. I managed to get through with minimal coughing, although I used the ventolin inhaler and the bottle of water that I’d taken to help control things.

    The lung infection is still there but thankfully no worse this morning. I was meant to have my next infusion on Tuesday, but I’ll have to postpone it because I can’t have it while I’m fighting an infection.

    Although I feel a bit sluggish this morning my best friend is coming here shortly and we’ll go for a walk. I need to move more this week as I managed a grand total of 24000 steps last week. Even if I’m not in full health I should be able to manage 50000.

    Have a nice Sunday.

    Hi all, looks like I’m a glutton for punishment. Work has been hectic all week and then at the weekend I’ve been busy doing things around the home. I’ve done a little bit of paving and garden work and then the rest of the time I’ve been pulling nails out of the wood that came out of our house when we did our renovations. Our house was a state house built in the 1950s so they used really nice native timber when they built it rather than pine that they use now so I’ll store it and think of something to use it for.

    Intesha, your cookies are beautiful! Why don’t you like the flutes? I think they’re really pretty and look nice with the others. You’re so talented.

    LJ, glad you were feeling good enough to get through the play. Walking is probably a good thing, but try not to overdo it. Listen to your body and take a rest if you feel tired. I think you mentioned it before, but I can’t remember now, do the infusions cause or in some way promote the lung infections? I know that sometimes drugs affect the immune system. I hope you continue to feel better.

    Lindsay, PCO after cataract surgery is pretty common according to my eye doc. I have a bit in my left eye which is the one with the reading lens. It doesn’t affect my vision really, but I have kind of a slanted line of glare in the dark when looking at a bright light. It’s not bad enough to do the laser at this point. I read about the induced astigmatism. I hope that can be corrected with the laser. When you mention waiting 3 months it sounds like maybe there’s still some healing going on.

    Cinque, I hope you’re feeling better. I can’t help but think there may be smoke in the air even though the fires are a ways away. That could affect your breathing too.

    There must be so many displaced animals as ar result of all the bushfires. I read that a lot of koalas had to be rescued. So many beautiful birds and other animals are having their habitats destroyed. I hope that they make it to other safer areas. This is a very scary fire season that is starting too early.

    They are predicting rain this coming week. The fires are mostly either out or contained now for the northern part of the state. It’s getting cooler, especially at night. But it still doesn’t seem like Autumn without the rain. It’s hard to get in the Christmas spirit without cold and rainy weather. 😁 Just the opposite of there. It’s hard to imagine cooking Christmas dinner on the BBQ.

    Neil, I’m with you on sweets. I can lose my desire for salt or fats over time by eating less of them, but I think I’m hardwired for sweets. I can’t imagine not desiring sugar. Maybe that’s because our first food is milk which contains lactose, a type of sugar.

    Quacka, those coconut wraps sound interesting but way too expensive from what I can see. I had never heard of them before reading your post. I see they have a few brands on Amazon. Do they tear easily? It seems like there’s not much holding them together. Are they more like a crepe?

    Betsy, freezing meringue doesn’t sound like it would work very well. Something like lemon bars might be a good substitute that would probably freeze easily.

    Hope you are all enjoying your day. Time for me to sleep. Please keep a watch on the world.

    Neil, I think you’ve forgotten how to be lazy.
    I love the idea of you saving some beautiful old timber. You might be able to turn your hand to making a piece of furniture from it. I remember my dad making a table top from old jarrah floorboards (also from a housing trust house – similar I think to your state housing).

    Cali, the drug treatments for RA are designed to suppress the immune system. The one I’m on at the moment kills off my T Cells. That makes me vulnerable to infection because my immune system doesn’t function well. For some reason the type of infection that I’m particularly vulnerable to is lung infections. It’s not just me either, it’s quite common for other patients on this drug too.
    Has your sister gotten to try out her new shower yet – or is it still a work in progress?

    Cinque, hope your health is improving.

    Lindsay, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the laser has corrected your sight.

    Hello to everyone else, hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.

    Morning all.

    LJ Hope you are feeling better this morning. Gentle exercise sounds good – but not too much too soon.

    Rosy usually wakes at 5.30. Sometimes we drive to a nearby oval where she can run free without too many distractions, but often OH walks her, while I whip around for a quick tidy up/vacuum. The floors had to be seen to be believed this morning, so it was a floor wash too. We’d had a good day gardening yesterday, and the pups were unbelievable excited by the great outdoors and of course hoses. Even the courtyard ended up filthy with muddy paw prints. But they loved helping.

    Neil how lovely to have that old timber to recycle. During a huge storm here in 2011 we lost two grey gums (the timber is red, ironically). We needed a crane to lift them out of the pool, but then we had a mobile miller come (very exciting to watch). We used the outside pieces for a garden bench, and then after the timber had cured, the chaps who did our polished concrete kitchen benches created an amazing timber and concrete breakfast room table. They also made some beautiful suspended shelves for our living room. So much better than just turning them into wood chips (if a rather expensive process).

    Calif PCO happens in about 20% of cataract surgery, apparently, but the blurring was making my vision very cloudy and I was losing confidence driving. Can I ask…when you say you have a lens for reading, do you mean you have one for long sight, and one for short?

    I’ve had a good 16:8 low carb weekend, although the scales are up marginally. I made muffins for the family yesterday …banana and blueberry, with just a little sugar. I wasn’t tempted to have any, but there are two left in the freezer and oh, how I wish they weren’t there.

    OK time to get moving. Have a good day all.

    Good morning

    GAH! So busy I can’t breathe. Can someone please tell me how it is possible that we are flying in 6 days? We fly to Auckland at 9.45 next Sunday then to Dubai at 8.30pm. There is another 5 hour layover then onto Portugal. Approx 43 hours door to door but when you use Frequent Flyer points you have to be prepared to be flexible with dates and route. You rarely get a direct flight on points. But I’ll do anything to avoid long hauls in Economy!

    Lindsay, so sorry to hear you have been unwell too. I hope the surgery results are positive. I’ve heard only very positive things about Lisbon and your ceramic bowls sound lovely. We always bring nice things home from our trips and sometimes ship them home if they are heavy. So glad you are back on track with 5:2. I am still just maintaining and happy (ish) about that. Your puppy tales are cute (but I’m sure you don’t necessarily think so!)

    Oh no LJ, damn that lung infection. Good luck at the doctors today and I hope he gives you stronger AB’s so you can fight this dreadful disease better.

    Oh my Intesha, I have never seen anything as beautiful as your cookies. What a talent you have! I have been staring at them for 5 minutes in awe. My favourites are the love hearts with the little pink roses – the exquisite detail is amazing

    How are you going Cinque? I hope you are feeling better

    Quacka, your exercise is giving me motivation. I’m really trying to do 10k steps every day and when we walk Maxx I do some jogging. You do feel better afterwards

    So glad the fires are under control and the weather is cooler there Cali. Yes, sadly lots of animals are lost in the bushfires. Did you see the video of the woman rescuing a koala? She spotted him from her car and ripped of her top to pick him up off the tree and ran back to the car in her bra! Good on her. If you haven’t seen it I’ll find the link as it is very special.

    Neil, another head-spinning busy weekend.

    Weekend was mad – Saturday was hair appointment and it was a full head of foils so 3 hours. Then we took Maxx for a long walk as we were having a rare night out and he was being left at home. We have him a big bone to chew on and we intended to get home by 8.00pm but our friends didn’t serve dinner until 8.30 so it was closer to 10 when we got home. He met us at the gate at the top of our outdoor stairs and had a little cry but otherwise was bouncy and happy to see us. Unfortunately he was sick in the night so we figure he’s snuffled around the garden and eaten something he shouldn’t. So, after a late night with plenty of wine we were scrubbing dog vomit off the loungeroom mat at 3.00am and 4.00am and then again at 6.30am. He is fine now. It was so lovely to catch up with friends that we haven’t seen all year. Everyone said the same; life is just getting busier and faster which is sad. My friend who suffered through breast cancer treatment last year was there and gosh she looked well. Her hair has grown back to just above her shoulders and she has had a clean bill of health. Hooray!

    Yesterday was the final ‘free’ day for me to do the 1,453,667,099 things I still had not done so I ran around Westfield’s until I was nearly in tears with frustration. Everywhere was packed with people and screaming kids and two of the escalators were broken so I was unable to get down to the floors I needed. I finally lined up behind about 400 people using the lifts. Honestly, they plan these places so it is hard to move between floors so you are forced to walk for miles (and therefore past more shops) but that simply doesn’t work when the equipment fails! I got home still hyperventilating as I didn’t find everything I needed. This was a blessing in disguise because I needed some thin long sleeve tops to wear under my coat as it will be hot when we go into restaurants, museums etc. I pulled out two of my ‘skinny’ tops and they actually fitted! They are more fitted than I normally like (I usually wear floaty tops) but I walked out and showed OH and he said they actually make me look smaller so boom – two almost new tops! I just need to buy tights to wear under my long pants and I think I’m done. Or done-in, not sure!

    Ok, work calls, the nuisance it is! Have a great day all

    Good morning.

    Anzac, that countdown is getting so close.
    Good news on the skinny tops. I think we get to a point during weight loss when fitted clothing starts to look better than the “hide it all” loose clothing. It looks like you’ve reached that point, yay!
    One good element of your long flight to Europe is that being in first class should mean a bed and the opportunity to actually get some sleep.

    Lindsay, those dogs are so cute. I can just imagine the fun they had with water and mud.

    I’m heading off to the GP shortly to see whether he thinks I need to get a cortisone injection for my lower back (now that I actually have cortisone options I can safely use – rather happy about that). I’ll also get some more antibiotics for this lung infection too.
    This afternoon I’m at the hospital again as the allergy specialist wants to test a prednisolone tablet. That’s the final test that he’s doing on my allergic reaction to cortisone treatments.

    Have a nice day.

    so glad to be feeling well enough to post. Got over the fever a couple of days ago, but was left with no oomph. However today I have written (emailed) to my sisters, watered the garden and now I am managing this! So much productivity. Haha Anzac would fit that into twenty minutes and complain that she hadn’t managed 6 other things.
    It might be all I do all day.

    Thanks so much for all the kind good wishes. LJoyce those flowers made my day, and since, Lindsay, you didn’t get a bouquet, I am sending the same arrangement to you http://laccaso.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/pictures-of-flower-bouquets-birthday-header-image-wildflower-bridal-free-images-beautiful-download-bouquet.jpg

    I won’t try to answer things except LJoyce, I hope the play was fun, I know the book and I love Terry Pratchet. I am so glad you are so much better.
    Lindsay the dogs are gorgeous (especially Rosy 😉 ) Best wishes that the next round of eye operations go beautfully.
    Anzac, you will make that flight. I hope you can cross out all the things on your lists that aren’t completely essential. And as for Maxx bringing you the top of your staircase and vomiting though the night…. That dog!
    Betsy cheers for the hard work done. I hope today is a good one.
    Intesha they are gorgeous and the flutes set off the hearts beautifully.

    Hi Quacka, Neil, Cali, Crazy and everyone else. I am off to make a cup of tea and decide if I can do anything else today. I also have 1,453,667,099 things that need to be done, but at least I can put them off for the moment.
    Best wishes all.

    Oh Cinque, I needed a chuckle and you provided it! Thank you

    So glad you are feeling better

    Anzac, I just watched the video of that woman rescuing the koala. I can’t watch it without crying. That poor little bear. I think heaven has a special place for people like that woman. I wonder if that koala will survive? It’s just so sad.

    Hi Cali, they are giving Lewis the Koala a 50/50 chance. He is around 14 years old and has quite bad burns. I cried too 🙁

    Good Afternoon everyone

    It’s Monday FD and so far so good. I have been really busy this morning looking up websites and emailing tile suppliers…..not with work! Lol

    I am still looking for a special green floor tile for the ensuite and it is proving very hard to find. All the suppliers in our local area have told me it can’t be supplied but I have emailed about 8 suppliers in Sydney and have already had some knock backs but they have referred me on to other suppliers. Fingers crossed I can find them. I’ll post up an photo of them after I finish here.

    LJ, I bought the kelp noodles online from Iherb.com. They are shipped from the USA and so take a little while to arrive, but no where near as long as I expected. They actually arrived three days earlier than they predicted.
    Cali, the coconut wraps are similar to a crepe in thickness but they are actually a lot stronger than they look. They easily hold up to the filling but are quite small in size so you probably couldn’t put much in them anyway. Due to the cost of them I wouldn’t buy them again but it might be something to consider for all you sweet tooth’s out there. They have a natural sweetness from the coconut but no sugar. It could just be me though lol.

    Loved your cookies, Intesha!

    Anzac, your trip is so close! Don’t worry about what you can not find here as they do have shops where you are going 😉

    I hope all of you are feeling better and on the mend now. What a bad run you are all having! Take care of yourselves x

    Good morning from overcast England. I’ve been fluctuating between Sundays and Mondays for my FD and today’s the day. For those joining me, your day will be almost over; I hope it went well. My FD strategy since living on the boat has changed a little. I have two normal frothy coffees in the morning and then nothing until the evening meal which falls around 350cals. OH and I have the same meal but his is bulked up with rice or other carbs and extra portions. Sometimes I allow myself a banana later in the evening. It doesn’t feel like fasting at all but I’ve maintained a weight around 57.5kg on my trusted travel scales, which would be 56.5kg on the scales I left behind.

    On the other days, I don’t eat lunch unless we’re having a pub meal in which case I don’t have dinner. When we have a pub meal, I usually order quinoa salad with grilled haloumi or a salmon steak with veg. I’m making a lot of slow cooked, one pot meals on the diesel stove and my portions are quite small. I still steer clear of bread and eat rice and pasta in tiny portions. All our supermarket hunter gathering must be transported on our backs and on the bus so we have to make it count. Unfortunately, I now have a glass of wine once a week – almost unavoidable with so many pubs!

    We walk a lot of towpaths and fields, climbing over stiles and up hills. Life is slow at 4mph. I love the peace and quiet. After 5+ years of 5:2, I believe I am finally programmed to think more like a slim person. Or perhaps it’s just a nagging fear of returning to the way I was.

    I’ve been reading this page’s entries. Gosh, sorry so many of you have been/are unwell. Lindsay, Cinque and LJ, hope you are all feeling better. LJ, I haven’t fallen in yet. Apparently everyone does sooner or later, I’m just hoping it’s summer when my turn comes.

    Anzac, almost time to go at last! Have a fabulous trip, Bring warm clothes. I was pleased to read that you might consider changing jobs, that one sounds way too stressful and who needs it? Yes, we are 65 mins from DD but she is very busy with her work which she loves. She spent last weekend cruising with us. I do miss her a lot though, empty nest, but she says ‘home left her’.

    PerthGirl, I miss my kefir. Quacka, I hope you find the tiles, perhaps you’ll have to cast the net overseas. Hoping your family is managing OK wrt your dad. Intesha, I bet your friends look forward to their Christmas goodies every year. Hi to CalifD and Neil. Betsy, well done with the weight loss.

    Stick with it everyone! Take care.

    Morning all.

    Thin, you and I are thinking alike. I’ve been having just tea, coffee and miso during the day on fast days and then eating my calories at dinner time. I don’t know why you say “unfortunately” you’re having a wine a week. If you’re keeping your weight constant then why not enjoy the wine rather than feel guilty about it? I hope you’re managing to find some of the wonderful Australian Shiraz’s over there.

    Quacks, those tiles lol awesome, dark green is my favourite colour

    The lady saving the Koala was on the news over here too. She really was brave, but it makes you feel sad to think of all the animals that perished in the fires, and I heard that some of them may have been deliberately lit. 😡

    My fast day went well yesterday. I had one coffee, one green tea and 2 cups of miso during the day, then dinner I had some chilli beans and vegetables and one of my home made protein bars. I went for my regular gym session and played some tennis in the evening, but for the first time in ages I completely ran out of energy in the evening. I collapsed on the couch after dinner when I got back from tennis and then I struggled to get off the couch when I decided to head off to bed at 10:30. Control day today and weigh-in tomorrow and then I’ll enjoy a nice big non fast day.

    Neil, are you at maintenance weight now? Some people we met in the village dropped by to visit us on the boat when I was about to make dinner and it will now be 7pm before it’s ready. I wish I’d thought of miso soup as that would have tided me over after they left.

    I’ve done an awful lot of FD planning over the years and I still recommend it to anyone starting out. But it occurred to me that, in my situation, where I know I won’t die if I feel hungry, can’t have many ingredients to hand, can’t freeze any dishes, and can’t cook separate meals for OH, what’s to plan? Just don’t eat! It’s a FD after all.

    So mine’s a Neil-LJ FD combo. That is, full fat milk in two coffees in the morning and all the other calories in the evening meal. It’s a kind of cleansing day. You’re right, I don’t need to feel guilty about wine wrt calories so much; it’s just that I don’t want to slip into bad habits.

    Hi Thin, I’m not quite at maintenance, I’ve dropped one of my fast days out so I won’t be dropping as fast, but I’m aiming to eventually get down to the mid-80s that my doctor suggested was probably my ideal weight. I was 88.1 at my last weigh-in so I’ll probably aim for another 4 kilos to get to around 84kg.

    Your life must be so different from when you joined this forum, Neil. Quite remarkable.

    Good afternoon everyone.

    Quacka, thankyou for the iherb link. The kelp noodles must be popular as they are all listed as out of stock at the moment. That’s ok, I can be patient, especially as they are 1/3 of the local price.
    Your green tiles are stunning, they look handmade and antique. I had trouble imagining what you meant when you first mentioned emerald green, but that floor is utterly beautiful. What I find intriguing is that an otherwise white modern bathroom looks so nice with a green floor that looks like an antique.

    Thin, glad to hear you are doing well and have settled into canal life. lLso glad to hear that you get to spend some time with your daughter – even if it isn’t as much as you’d like.

    Cali & Neil, there have been quite a few native animals (particularly koalas) that have been rescued – most with burns. Some don’t make it but many do. They can succumb to stress as much as to the burns.

    I saw my GP and the allergy specialist yesterday. I am now an another course of antibiotics to get rid of this lung infection once and for all. I only started them last night but I feel better already. My GP wants me to get a CT scan of my lower back. From there they can decide whether it’s likely to benefit from a cortisone injection and the scan will only show them the best spots for those injections. The allergy specialist gave me a prednisolone tablet and I thankfully haven’t had an allergic reaction to that either. So my list of steroid based medications that I can safely be prescribed is growing. That should be the last appointed that I need for the allergy clinic.

    For the fortnight while I was sick I spent my days on the sofa, getting no exercise and eating comfort food. I have already mentioned that it did my weight no favours, despite my 2 FDs each week. Also, I have had trouble avoiding sweet and starchy foods since my health improved as I got used to eating them when ever I felt like it.
    I have decided to restart the B2B2.. program that I had success with a few weeks ago – it was a helpful reset. My goal is to stay around 800cals M-F and around TDEE on weekends. I aim to stay away from most sweet or starchy foods M-F (apart from fruit and yoghurt). On weekends I’m ok with small quantities of those foods. I will be trying to also stick with a 16:8 routine – which is my natural inclination anyway. I’m structuring my eating M-F as I would a normal FD, with the majority of calories allocated to an evening meal. Through the day I’ll have fresh fruit, yoghurt, boiled eggs, fresh ricotta and raw veg available (and cups of tea of course). I can just have a snack or two or make a salad for lunch if I feel like it. By doing it this way I don’t have to find 5 days worth of low cal FD dinners. Most of my normal evening meals will fit easily into this regime without any complicated planning.

    Yesterday I did a <500cal FD, but it will be the last one for a while as I find I can’t do 500cal FD in addition to 5 x 800cal days, it’s too much restriction. I’m going to stick to this plan for as long as possible and hopefully shift some of those extra kilos I gained during the cold weather.

    Hope you all have a nice day.

    Look what showed up today… the picture isn’t very good lighting so doen’t do it justice, but the painting is awesome! Thanks so much Crazy.


    We’ve got the carpet layers coming around on the 6th December and then the builders the following week to install our log burner, then we’ll re-arrange our living room to fit the new furniture and then this painting is going to get pride of place in the middle of the living room wall.

    Good luck on the new eating regime LJoyce, sometimes just a change from your normal routine can make all the difference.

    I had plateaued around 89 kilos, so I switched up my eating, I now eat just one meal at the end of my Monday and Thursday fast days, I have a control day on the Tuesday and Friday, and then eat as much as I want in the weekend and on Wednesday. I’m also eating breakfast on those days, which I hadn’t done for 9 or 10 months. I’m probably eating more than I was on the old pattern of 4:3 but my plateau has broken, I dropped over a kilo last weigh-in, and although I haven’t weighed myself this week I’m noticeably smaller.

    Well I’ll see you all tomorrow to let you know how my weekly weigh-in went.

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