Good morning, I am having a slow and creaky Sunday and it is grey here (but not too cold). Melbourne 9:40.
I minded Miss 5 overnight on Friday night (not too bad, she is getting easier) and then babysat while my daughter went to the dentist yesterday, and it was a big day so I am recovering (I hope) with a very slow day today.
Thanks for trying to help me with the question. At least I feel better about not having a simple yes or no. I guess I will say yes (since I think that is what they want and I let them down last week when I said no to weighing myself regularly) and then expound in the discussion.
Neil, eep! What a break! Sending best wishes to your son, and for all of you dealing with it. (6 hours at A&E, so exhausting). Such a pity about your Fiji trip. Life!
Anzac, Hooray! Excellent results from your talk to the big boss. It has restored my faith in your workplace. And hooray again for the help from the woman from business. That should make next week a good one!
Amazed that you are not a fan of hot veggies, since they are my favourites, but glad that you do like veggie frittata. Are you a salad person?
And ooh! The outdoor shower will be such a treat this summer.
I saw Dr Mosley interviewed on the morning news on ABC this morning. He was tired I think, and not as coherent as usual, but talking more gut health and depression and aging.
Lindsay, your puppy is so cute! Whichever one it is 🙂
And your honey is gorgeous. She might have been an evil queen, but she got a lot done! I thought of you when I was listening to this:
Fast Day for me. I am hungry already because I am so tired, and maybe also from eating a ciabatta roll yesterday since white bread seems as bad as sugar for me. But I will take my cue from those of you who got through a fast day in spite of it being particularly hard. And from the knowledge of my delicious dashi ready in the fridge (so loving it).
Off to answer my Yes No question now, before I completely run out of oomph!
12:41 am
15 Sep 19