Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Hi everyone
    Hope you all had a good Easter and didn’t over indulge in those ‘little eggs’.
    I’m now in my 14th week and slowly seeing the scales head in a downward direction. The Salter scales sound good so I might have to have a look.
    It’s nice when you try a pair of pants on that 6 months ago were tight but, now are a bit looser. A great feeling. Apart from the weight loss I’m certainly feeling much better in myself and seem to have more energy especially on the days after fast days.
    Keep up the good work everybody and have a good week.

    Hi Deerhunter, I also now have more energy than when I was eating too much. It has been interesting to prove that, as it reinforces the reasons for fasting. Recently, I asked my husband to punch two holes in a belt to hold up my pants. I am waiting until my weight is steady before I buy new clothes. Plus have found clothes at the back of the wardrobe that now fit. πŸ™‚
    Have just finished a fast day. We were away over the weekend. Have a good week, everyone. πŸ™‚

    Hello from sunny (but not now) Melbourne, Frankston,
    5:2 is the best. I can eat pretty much what I want for five days and stick
    to 500+ calories the other two days. I find 550 works for me. In our second
    year now and still going strong.

    Hi there. What has happened to the recent posts on this thread? Does anyone know? I thought that when I signed up there were quite a few posts around Easter. πŸ™‚

    Well. Confusion reigns. As soon as I posted, the system showed me the recent posts. Have fasted twice this week, not back to back BB. I like to fast knowing that tomorrow I can eat. I am preparing for holidays ahead. I hope we all have a thoughtful Anzac Day.

    Hi Deerhunter. Re menopause. I noticed when I was still going through it, that I always had hot flushes after eating anything sweet or starchy. Not everyone reacts this way. But it might be worth the experiment. You will soon know, because after you eliminate sugars and starches, you may become quickly responsive to eating them. I used to sweat within minutes of eating sugars. πŸ™‚
    Re earlier post about protein for breakfast. I find my fast day is far easier if I have an egg for breakfast. That bit of protein sustains me through the whole day. Everyone is different and it’s good to experiment to find what suits your body.

    Hi Bayleafoz
    Thanks for the info re- menopause flushes. Yes. I’ve heard about the sugar/starch effect. Will try and keep a diary of what I eat and when I get the flushes. Although I can have a flush after going to the bathroom during the night, so I don’t know.
    Hope everyone is having a good ANZAC Day. Just made a small batch of ANZAC biscuits ( as it’s not a fast day) I don’t know how many calories there would be in each one but they do taste nice. Will probably have to have 3 fast days next week to make up for it. Same goes for my husband as he’s already had a few of the biscuits It’s funny when you’ve eaten the ‘naughty food’ you assume you will gain in weight but, it’s a pleasant surprise when you don’t .
    Have a good day.

    Having a very good Anzac Day as listened to the Dawn Service and went to the mid morning one. Treated ourselves to a cappuccino and half a lemon tart. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ as it was so cold and the service lasted two hours. Thanks to Michael for getting me to the point where half a lemon tart is indeed a lovely treat. πŸ™‚ Decadent!

    Bayleafoz. Sharing is good that way you don’t get all the calories. We are back to 5:2 after two weeks of 6:1.
    Hope everyone has a restful ANZAC day.

    Hey all! It’s great to see that some of you are keeping up the conversation and ensuring this site is a friendly and informative one.

    Coffee and alcohol always send my hot flushes into a spin. And who knows what sends them into all of that sweaty hot action during the middle of a nice deep sleep….? ( and its nothing to do with my dear husband getting all amorous either, more’s the pity!) I wish the hot flushes would just let me get an much longed-for uninterrupted sleep after ten years! Maybe one day…hahaha!

    Have been working hard during this week, massaging all of those lucky resort guests. They seem to like my touch, and I get a real buzz from giving them a nice relaxing time. When I’m at work, I mostly don’t even feel hungry and it sure burns up the calories.

    This morning I weighed in and am down to 71.6 kg, that’s a massive 16.4 kg lost that I’ll never have to carry around anymore! I even fit into my nice new size 12 work pants!! YAY! I’m creeping closer to my goal of 65kg, not long before I reach 70kg.

    Take care on the highways and byways, and have a lovely weekend everybody!

    Hi Ihaveawaist
    Congrats on a fantastic achievement with your weight loss. How long did it take you to get to that level?
    My aim at the moment is to get to 75kgs( from 87 kgs),but if I can lose more that it would be great.My last weigh in was 80.8, so I’m slowly getting there. Along with the exercise I certainly do feel better in myself ( even with the hot flushes )
    Keep up the good work.

    Hi deerhunter, it’s taken exactly one year and one week to lose the weight and regain my strength, energy and zest for life. My motto is ‘slow and steady wins the race’…always channeling my gentle inner tortoise, not the impatient hare who always wants everything NOW!

    Hi IHAW. Congratulations on the lost weight and for maintaining the 5:2 way of eating over the year. What an achievement. πŸ™‚
    Unlike your steady weight loss, I appear to be one of those who loses weight rapidly and then sits on a plateau while the shape catches up. I was thrilled to find that my “chicken wings” are almost gone. πŸ™‚ and weight has gone from all round my trunk as well as top of legs. I am sitting on 10 kgs lost and 13 cm gone from waist. And enjoying the new shape very much.
    It feels as if Winter will be harder to resist extra food. Any tips, apart from soup?

    congratulations on losing the chicken wings and in the other places–it must be great not to have them flapping about !!I’m looking forward to that !! imagine the sleeveless summer dresses for next year.
    I have just brought out my slow cooker–so good for casseroles–and your name reminds me –to put some bayleaves in the pot. Got a Moroccan tagine beef recipe in the pot right now. Pity lamb knuckles have skyrocketed in price since they became trendy. I also like the roast vegie and cottage pie recipes in the Fast Diet book.

    Good to hear that everyone is getting the shape that they are more comfortable with. My chicken/bingo wings are also happily shrinking! My thighs are smaller, as well as that strange ‘blobby’ lump above each knee…so slightly shorter skirts can show off my now ok looking knees! Haha!

    Hi doublehappy. Thanks for reminding me of the tagine. And the recipes in the 5:2 books. Will go back to them both. We have a bay tree outside the kitchen window, that I keep at 1.5 metre height. I use the pruned cuttings in the linen cupboard and in the wardrobes to keep the moths at bay. Hehe!! πŸ™‚

    Hello all,just discovered this forum on the eve of 5 months
    5 /2 ing. My hubby and I embarked on our new eating regime together in November. We have impressive results. We live in Sydney Australia and are both 50 yrs old. We started rather haphazardly not having done enough research into it and thought you had to actually completely fast for 24 hours. So our journey began with us oonly eating breakfast and nothing more til next breakfast. Wrhave continued to do this henceforh. We have never actually eaten the 500 calories on fast days. Not sure if this is actually counterproductive or not. We have both lost in excess of 10 KGS each ……sadly not exactly where we wanted to shift it lol, resulting in my hubby becoming almost too thin everywhere besides his belly…the top of his want list LOL. I have lost my bottom and belly but my stubborn double chin continues to out wear its welcome. I suspect winter is going to be a lot more taxing denying our tummies for 24 hours at a time !!!!!

    Hi all,

    I’ve been on holidays for 10 days and didn’t fast in that time, though I did try to listen to my body and a couple of days had a very light lunch after a good breakfast. Haven’t weighed myself since returning but don’t feel I’ve put on much. Before I left, I had made it down to the magic 10kg-lost mark, which meant getting to BMI 22.8 (from 26 at the start). My aim is to lose another 5kg and get to BMI 20. I know that when I read the intro to the Fast Diet book and the co-author (whose name I forget) wrote about getting down to BMI 19 from a start of about 23, I thought she was on a different planet from me! But the wonderful thing about this way of eating is that it puts this within my reach if I just keep on keeping on. I am so enjoying returning to a body size which I last experienced over 15 years ago. During my holiday I tried on some shorts in a shop, size 12, they fit me – and I didn’t buy them as I didn’t like the design! Previously, if something actually fit me (a large size 14) I almost felt obliged to buy it as finding things to fit was difficult. Also during my holiday, I went on an expedition which required wetsuits – I was issued with one (I didn’t choose it – the guide simply looked at me and handed one over) and put it on (first time ever) and it fit me! It’s so wonderful to feel confident in situations like that rather than having to hide the fact that you’re having difficult squeezing into something and feel like a sausage if you do manage to get it on!
    I’m very fortunate in that the alteration in my body has been in all the places I wanted and that (in my late 50s) I’m not looking saggy or wrinkly as a result, which some friends were concerned about for themselves.
    Thanks for the space to share these thoughts, Peg

    That’s a truly great story Peggy and I have felt the same way, refusing to try on clothes in shops because I hated the way the tiny cubicles and mirrors made me feel even worse about myself, when attempting to squeeze into something that would have once fitted. The last time I did that was nearly 12 years ago when I cried in the cubicle, and the poor shop assistant didn’t know what to do with me.

    I’m really looking forward to actually being brave enough to try things on, before buying them! Thanks for the inspiration to be strong, fearless and enjoying your renewed shape without the saggy bits!


    Hi all,
    Well I have had a week and a half absolutely off 5:2 – we went away for the Easter break and week following and initially I tried but it was a very social trip and I eventually slid well and truly off the wagon. Before Easter I had shifted 6kg in 6 weeks which was great as I have an aim of 20kg this year (know it will slow down). I am back fasting today which I am finding tough and I think I will hold of weighing in for 2 weeks while I shake the holiday gain. Love this WOE and looking forward to getting back into it.
    Love all the success stories as they are great motivation. Congrats all.
    Happy fast to those who are fasting today.

    oh yes bayleaf the dreaded moths–can’t count the number of merinos I have thrown out, have decided to store the new ones in a plastic container and this morning have hung bayleaves in the wardrobe to save my wool coats–thanks for the reminder.
    my beef tagine didnt taste as yummy as it smelt–so do you have a good recipe ?

    Hi ihaveawaist
    I can empathise with you about not wanting to try clothes on in the store. For several years now if I’ve bought something new I’ve taken it home and then tried it on. I agree those cubicles are very ‘unfriendly’ to women who have a little extra weight and the mirrors don’t help.
    It will be nice to be able to go and try stuff on and have at least a chance that it will look OK.

    Meanwhile slow and steady is the name of the game. Good luck for everyone fasting today.

    Hi all,
    Week 2 of fasting and I’ve just bought some scales to track my progress. For those who are interested, the salter scales mentioned a few days ago are on sale at Harris Scarfe at the moment (60% off all scales!). Hope to feel better in others ways not only reflected by the scales, but it will be good to see numerical progress! Oh, and re woollens, my favourite merino brand recommends putting your woollens overnight in the freezer every so often to prevent holes (i guess it kills the larvae/silverfish)! Haven’t tried it myself, lavender is also good and smells lovely.


    Hi all,
    I just found my merino cardigan with little holes in it. I only got it last year. For winter recipes bayleafoz
    Don’t forget cauliflower rice. I serve it with a simple chicken Korma recipe to follow. 200 grams of cauliflower rice is equal to 50 calories so it fills you up

    Simple Chicken Korma serves 4
    tsp sunflower oil 1 onion, chopped 4tbsp Korma paste 425g sliced chicken fillets (we used Pataks)
    100 ml single cream 2tsp toasted flaked almonds mini poppadoms, to serve (optional)

    1 Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onion and fry for a few mins
    2 Add the chicken and stir fry for a few minutes. Stir in the cream. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes until the chicken is tender and the sauce thickened.
    3 Scatter with almonds and serve with poppadoms.
    Per serving: 186 calories, 10g fat (3.5g saturated), 4g carbohydrate
    I don’t make the papadums
    I am making this tonight as its a fast day for us here.
    Have a great week everyone


    Hi fellow southerners,

    I don’t post often but lurk much. I’m finding myself in desperate need of a kick up the fasting “bum”
    I’m for the first time in a very long time, jobless and alone during the day and I’m finding it’s incredibly difficult to fast at home!
    It’s easy to fast at work because you just don’t take food with you! But dear oh dear home is a new concept for a workaholic like me. They called me “Mario” I worked 7 days a week.
    Whilst I’m enjoying my new sense of stress free life, it’s very difficult not to have lunch.
    I’m keen to hear how you other home bodies are getting around this

    Thank you in advance, ella

    Dear Ella

    Good to hear from you again after a whole month.
    Maybe don’t lurk so much – we are all here to help and support.
    After the gym in the morning I just stay away from food till late (I realise that is probably difficult with kids) but try to go for a walk (or log on for inspiring thoughts!)

    How is the weight going, you were doing so well a little while ago – and how is our husband? Mine has (finally after 15 months) decided to try a bit of fasting and is skipping lunch during the week to “be in tune with me” he says.

    best wishes again

    Dear dozer,
    it seems that your being forced away from yor busy full time job and back home isn’t quite so ‘stress free’ as you think it should be.

    Apart from keeping yourself busy and away from the fridge and pantry, it may help to get some distractions in your life…like joining some community groups (craft, singing, sporting, or volunteer organisations) or take some local courses in something you’re always wanted to try, but never had the time for…like tai chi, playing the flute, gardening club, bush walking, or learning a new language. There’s also plenty of online courses these days, and local halls which run yoga, meditation,Pilates, line dancing and Zumba classes.

    Finding new connections and friends in your neighbourhood will definitely help too. Just walking around your local streets and saying hello can break the ice with others who are in similar situation to yourself. You can always get online and chat with us, I’m sure we can all feel for the situation you now find yourself in.

    Although it might feel like a bit distressing ending to your job and being at home, it’s a good chance to turn things around and focus on your own health and well being for once. Who knows, you might find that you have a new talent or hidden passion for something unexpected, which leads you into a whole new career?!

    Once you start to feel that being at home isn’t such a strange and lonely place to be, you might find that fasting is no big deal and you can get back into the swing of things with confidence once more.

    Keep us posted on how it goes, you have too much energy and talent to waste on going stir-crazy all alone at home!


    ” I’m finding it’s incredibly difficult to fast at home!”

    You have food at home?

    Easy – don’t keep anything at home that is sabotaging to fasting.

    Works most of the time.


    Oh dear, Ella (Bulldozerme)

    What a horrible thing to happen. I know how you feel. It’s really a double whammy because you now have lots of time on your hands (very hard for fasting) also the loss of income may be an issue, so you may feel reluctant to take up activities which cost.

    Certainly activities which are engrossing are good, and also if possible, limiting in the house the availability of your particular dietary weaknesses as RockyRomero suggests. My husband keeps a seige-worthy stock of snacks for him and our grandchildren which is disastrous for me in ‘that’ mood. However, they are in a drawer and out of sight so most of the time I can cope.

    Your local community centre probably has heaps of activities, some of which may appeal. I was amazed to discover a whole separate universe of people who don’t belong to the paid workforce and have a thriving life. For example, I tried going for a walk every day but what I really missed was the company of work colleagues so a community walking group turned out to be a good option.

    My daughter is at home with little ones and does 5:2 successfully – she even bakes biscuits for the school tuckshop on fast days. I know she doesn’t eat breakfast and has something like poached egg and toast for lunch and then has dinner later on.

    I confess that my fasting is limited to work days where I can control my eating environment so can only send positive thoughts in support. However, I know that I can’t stop at one of whatever food is calling me so have found that the time between getting home from work and dinner is not time for a snack.

    Have you heard of the four Ds? They work for all sorts of self-discipline: delay, distract, drink water and take deep breaths. We all know that the hunger pangs come and go so maybe you can spend some of your free time planning a strategy to cope.

    Best wishes.

    Thank you very much everyone,
    Your words of wisdom are echoing my own inner voice lol. I know what I need to do & it sounds simple but putting it all into practice is another matter. Ugh
    Vicki, my husband is back working yay! Which has allowed me to take my hobby of jewellery & candle making and try to make it financially viable.
    My weight has plateaued – which I blame on not fasting – duh- such a simple easy solution I just need to get back into the swing of things. πŸ™‚
    I’m feeling much more positive today, I’ve been full of the flu & have been struggling with a few other long term health issues.
    Thank you also to Rocky, Nicky & I have a waist for the kick up the bum. I’ll try not to lurk so much & be a bit more up& up lol
    Happy fasting – it’s Monday do over day for me today πŸ™‚

    Hi all,

    I havent been on for a while but read everything u all post, ive been doing 5:2 for a few weeks now with no real loss, (in fact a small gain!!)getting very frustrating !!! Ive decided this week to do 3 fast days and exercise everyday just to get some motivation and loss, I have printed out ALOT of recipes from a great website shared below, delicious food which makes the small amount i do eat enjoyable..am going to get serious now as i have a trip to Bali planned for Sept this year and wanna look fab…


    A great website with easy dishes … good luck and keep up the inspiring blogging.. I love it !!!

    Good on you dozer, and good luck hopeful. Sometimes changing a simple thing like our mindset is all it seems to take, to get us back on track!

    Hi hopeful@40
    Just checked out the recipe website. Looks good. Hope you loose a bit more weight for your trip to Bali..

    Day 1 of the diet……. looking forward to some good results

    hi Starbug and Hi Everybody! Yesterday was my first day too, also looking forward to some good results, I have to lose 7 or 8 kg, letΒ΄s see! YEsterday was not very hard, just tried not thinking about food and worked a lot. Good luck πŸ™‚


    “it may help to get some distractions in your life…like joining some community groups (craft, singing, sporting, or volunteer organisations) …like tai chi, playing the flute, gardening club, bush walking, or learning a new language. There’s also plenty of online courses these days, and local halls which run yoga, meditation,Pilates, line dancing and Zumba classes”

    Each one of us will probably have a situation where our lives pause and we search for something meaningful.

    I struggle with staying busy or having a life worth living. I’m going through that period of finding a more meaningful purpose.

    It’s always helping others, in some way.


    Hope everyone is having a good week

    Hopeful@40 check out http://www.lavenerandlovage.com as well as
    http://www.london-unattached.com. Both have great 5:2 recipes.
    Pinterest is also a great place to look. Good luck with your fast days


    Hi everyone
    Today I went shopping for clothes. Unbelievably, I am two sizes smaller πŸ™‚ and very much enjoyed trying on various bits of clothing, having lost 11 kg in total and 13 cm from waist. I came away with two shirts and a pair of shorts in a size that I haven’t worn in 25 years. Felt fantastic !

    Today was a fast day. Two Poached eggs, kale and rocket for breakfast, water all day, then poached salmon and steamed broccoli for dinner, with lemon and pepper. I eat all the greens I want. No starches, no grains. Lots of water. Walked for an hour.

    On a non fast day, If I know that I’m going to dine with family or friends, then I eat less all day beforehand. Or if it’s a surprise meal, then I eat way less on the day after. This seems to be how naturally slim people manage their eating.

    A meal we now like very much consists of small pieces of smoked salmon, chopped spring onions, quality olive oil gently sautΓ©ed in pan. Drain cooked noodles and stir into mix. Very quick, very nutritious.
    Good luck πŸ™‚

    Hi All,
    Been AWOL for a while as I have been busy on the farm and with my Mum. She is certainly a case in point as to why I started down this WOE/WOL. In her eighties she has diabetes, heart problems, Parkinson’s, arthritis, balance problems, and is legally blind.
    So far I have dodged all but the high blood sugar, which this WOL is helping me to control.
    Had my best fast day today in three weeks, so I am now fully back on the right track.
    Looking forward to my next weigh in on May 12 which will be 6 months of this lifestyle. Thank you to all who post to keep us all motivated.
    Cheers, Charlie

    Hi Charlie, it’s really great to hear from you.

    Sorry to hear that your mum is in such a bad way. Its certainly a highly motivating example, to help you set your goals towards being a healthy, active and inspiring, older person. It’s amazing just how much of a difference we can make to our future health, by making healthier choices right now.

    How’s the farm? I guess those calves have grown, do you still need to chase them, or do they come to you now? Have you been able to harvest any crops or cut any hay? Have you been getting enough rain? I’m always interested in how things have been on the land, my favourite program is Landline on a Sunday lunchtime. It’s so interesting. As for me, my chooks have been taking a break from laying, and moulting their tail feathers, they look a bit silly but will hopefully get back on the job soon. I don’t want to have to buy eggs from the supermarket, they just don’t taste the same!

    Take good care, cheers for now!

    Hi Charlie,

    I was also motivated to do the Fast Diet by seeing other older people in bad health due to being overweight – breathing heavily as they walked, having joint replacements and of course high bp etc. I’m in my late 50s and did not want this in my own future. (Of course you can’t totally control things, but you can do your best to avoid needless health issues.)

    Bayleaf, I have also been thinking a lot about the section of Dr M’s book that talks about how slender people naturally regulate their food intake by skipping meals or having small meals if they’ve had a big meal earlier. It’s been helping me to listen to my body about food rather than be rigid about ‘It’s 7pm, therefore I eat a big main meal’. Some days (not many days!), I think, ‘I’m still full from afternoon tea in a cafe so I’ll just have a slice of toast for dinner’.

    Re new clothes – I haven’t actually bought any (except one cardigan!) in my 5.5 months on the diet. I had enough clothes that were too tight to begin with that I can wear with a belt now. But when I reach my goa weight (4kg away) I intend to get a new wardrobe!

    Despite not fasting at all last week while on hols, I’ve gone down 400g and am now at 22.7 BMI, so feeling good.

    I’m happy to take these last few kilos quite slowly as it does take my self-image a while to adjust, I’ve found.

    I have been lurking here and been more active on the Facebook site, but still love to hear the progress of fellow fasters!

    I discovered some time back that not only has 5:2 been beneficial to my weight and general health, but has also taught me to rethink my eating habits.

    Peggy is right about slim people – you only have to observe them in eating areas, to see that they often leave food or choose salads.

    I’ve lost 12kgs in 6 months, but the progress is slower now and as others have commented, it’s a way of life for us, not a quick fix.

    Happy fasting!

    Hi Ihaveawaist.
    Thanks for asking about the farm. My cows are almost finished calving, just three to go. My calves get to stay with their mums until they are nine to ten months old at which time they are weaned to give mum a break before she has the next one. This year we have had several sets of twins, and some of the mums don’t cope with two babies so I am rearing two of them by hand. The reason I was running after the calves is that we ear tag everyone at birth, but if they were born during the night, by the time the sun comes up they are off and running, so I would have to run to catch them, then once tagged they are back with mum til weaning.

    On your chooks, if you want them to lay through winter put a light in their shed that turns on at midnight. They will think the daylight is longer and get back to laying soon. As I have customers all year round for eggs I do this each year, it just means they get a bit sleepy at the start, but the girls soon get used to it, and it saves on feeding them with no return. I was a bit late setting mine up this year and we, along with our customers had shop eggs for a couple of weeks, yuck. πŸ™

    I have had to buy some new clothes to keep me going, but I have also bought some multi size patterns and been doing a bit if sewing, great thing to do on a fast day, as the uni books are not a big enough distraction from food.

    Have a great weekend everyone, Cheers, Charlie. πŸ™‚

    Hello All, Let’s face it. Fitness can be a fight, particularly when you’re trying to be
    successful at physical and mental wellness. And like all fights, to succeed you
    must find the winning techniques and apply them. I have a free e-book download that helps me out. http://bit.ly/1fyXZpN

    Hi All,
    I’m loving the farm chat – such a different world to the one I live in! I’d like to keep chooks one day…..

    @ Charlie G – If you like sewing there’s a website (US) called patternreview.com which is a great resource for sewing. You can look up the patterns you’ve bought and see what real people have made and what they thought of the pattern. If you check out the message board there is a thread called Sewing Downunder in Regional Communities which is full of Aussies and Kiwis sharing their successes and frustrations and generally chatting.

    I bought new jeans today – down one size πŸ™‚

    Congratulations, MM, down one size. Isn’t it exciting πŸ™‚

    I’m also having fun with a new wardrobe. In 3 months I have lost 11 kg and 13 cm off waist. I am now consolidating and will be happy to remain this size for next 3 months. Went shopping with my sister a few days ago and bought new shorts and trousers in size 12. Haven’t been this size in 20 years. Bought new shirts in size 14. Feels great. I will maintain this WOE for a long time for health reasons. Not necessarily looking for more weight loss.

    My quick tips. 1. Keep it Simple. 2. Read Michael Mosleys book. 3. Drink lots of water from measured amounts, easy to fool yourself on amount drunk. 4. Eat healthy foods. 5. Get some form of exercise each day. 6. Forgive your missteps and move on. 7. Limit intake the day before or after a festive occasion.

    Best wishes to all. πŸ™‚


    “My quick tips. 1. Keep it Simple. 2. Read Michael Mosleys book. 3. Drink lots of water from measured amounts, easy to fool yourself on amount drunk. 4. Eat healthy foods. 5. Get some form of exercise each day. 6. Forgive your missteps and move on. 7. Limit intake the day before or after a festive occasion.”

    8. Enjoy the plateau.


    Love those tips and completely agree with them. I don’t drink water from a measured amount – what I do do is drink lots of herbal tea (and water) throughout my fast days – and then for my ‘lunch’ at work, I have a cup of roasted dandelion, which is a coffee-type drink but caffeine-free. It helps me psychologically as it’s a bit like having a cup of soup, quite different from herbal teas.

    I’ve been having lots of positive feedback on my changed appearance and bought a pair of size 12 jeans last weekend, it feels incredible and incredibly good to be able to do that, it feels like a very long time (yes, 20 or so years ago) since I’ve been able to shop in a relaxed way where I know something in the shop will fit me.

    Hi guys! I am new to this forum. I live in Melbourne, and am getting married in 3 months! Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Do you guys do 2 days of fasting in a row or can you split them up?

    Hi and welcome:

    You can split them up. Here are some tips: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/warnings-to-newbies/

    Good Luck!

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