Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,978 replies, has 833 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 11 hours, 18 minutes ago.

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  • Hi Dumpling Sailing with Holland America. Flying to Barcelona, have 4 days there then 22 days cruising disembarking in Venice, three days there, train down to Florence for five days, the Rome for five days before flying home. Plan lots of walking as I love good food and wine. In fact that’s why I love this way of losing weight, can tailor round lunches, dinners out. Fasting easy to do with the thought of at least one good glass of red with dinner on the next day.

    Wow, nice one!!!

    Have the bestest time ever!!!

    Ah @dumpling, “How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm, after they’ve seen Pareeee?” You’re too young to know that old song (Al Jolson or Eddy Cantor?), but it must be hard to come back to humdrum reality after travelling the world for months. I’m still unsettled after less than a week away! Wonderful weight-loss results for you @flange42. Maybe you could just skip lunch occasionally on your cruise as a sort of mini fast? Michael Mosley says he does that sometimes as part of his weight maintenance plan. Thanks, @ihaveawaist, I have a great love of the Tweed coast beaches in northern NSW. They are like the Gold Coast used to be 50 years ago, before the high-rise jungle took over.

    Hi All,
    Great to read how everybody is doing. Charlie G, look at you go! What a lovely thing to give the Dr. a nice surprise. I bet you were delighted.
    Congratulations to everybody else. I have been keeping abreast with all your news. Some of you have some very exciting plans (flange42), nice!
    I weighed myself on Sunday and have now lost 5.5kg since Christmas/New Year. I am pretty happy (FB’ers sorry, I know you’re already in the loop). I am into my skinny jeans (not really that skinny, but the skinniest pair I own and they’re hipsters), with the button done up and not too much of muffin top today. Yay!
    Work colleagues are starting to notice it. I’m starting to notice it, which is nice. I’ve got cheekbones!! I wish it’d come off my belly quicker, but seems to be shrinking my legs, hips and boobs, not in that particular order. The several hundred dollars I spent on quality, comfortable bra’s last year, seems to have been a short-lived investment. Thankfully, I have enough that losing some isn’t an issue 🙂
    I’m trying to do one water fast (36 hours – 6pm through to 12pm 2nd day after) and one regular fast a week. I have also cut out breakfast on most days, fast or feast. If I have breakfast (usually on a weekend or due to a work meeting) I normally opt out of lunch. I’ve found myself making healthier choices and definitely not eating anywhere near as much. Life is still worth living – chocolate, alcohol, Coke and take-away all still feature in my weekly menu (take away not so much planned just the way it has happened). As I mentioned before, I have cut back on my gluten and rarely have bread or pasta. I do eat other carbs like rice and rice noodles, but not too often. I have cut back to one skinny flat white a day (except fast days – then it is black with a dash of milk), increased my peppermint and green tea consumption. And heaps and heaps of water. I’m loving my vegies, and my meat consumption has considerably reduced – still love it though 🙂
    I bought the Fast Exercise book on the weekend. Gave it a whirl yesterday and did some sprint runs. I’m sure I looked a goose and my Jack Russell (11) must have wondered what hit him when I made him run – very fast! A slightly different pace than he is normally used to. I did some of the HIT strength exercises in my lounge tonight. Not a full course I am sure, but I was puffing heavily. That’s got to be good huh? In the last 2 weeks, I’ve run my first two 5km runs with parkrun. Energy levels abound!
    Very excited about this WOE, and need to curb my desire to tell all and sundry. I still get a few comments that say it isn’t good, I just tell them I’m not denying myself anything on my fast days. If I want it, I can have it. I usually don’t want it. Who knew that I’d ever turn down either Lemon Meringue Pie or Vanilla Slice, and I did that to both this week! Miracles 😀

    Wow! That’s brilliant DiV, fantastic story about how you’ve changed and the great difference it’s made to your health. I’m sure your jack russel will get fitter too, with all the sprints. Don’t worry about looking like a goose, at least you’ll be a super speedy one! Unlike all the naysayers!!
    Cheers keep up the excellent work!

    @div — What a difference a diet makes..lol
    Well done you and how enthusiastic you are, which is great!

    I’m “hanging” out for new bras, but have decided to get cheapies in the mean time, till I can fill the cup again!
    I’ll stick to walking with our cattle dog,’cos if she ran, I’d be dragged along the ground 🙂

    Keep inspiring us all!

    Here I am back on the air again!! I had my right hip replaced in Perth on Saturday afternoon, came home yesterday (Tuesday ) morning. Walking is slow, getting in and out of bed is painful but that too will pass. Just so glad it is over and I can now begin recovery. Thank you for all your good wishes.
    Not even thinking about fasting yet as I feel really weak but will be back to it soon. Good luck for those fasting tomorrow.

    Welcome back mikayla! I hope you have a speedy recovery and get back into the swing of things soon.
    All the very best xxx

    My digital scales have been doing odd things with the weights recently, so after taking the batteries out and changing them around, I’m going to buy fresh rechargeable ones in the vain hope that my scales will give more accurate results…it’s either that or going back to the old dial scales which I have terrible trouble reading, even when wearing the specs!

    On a more pleasant note, another neighbour who I hadn’t seen in ages came up and asked me if I’d lost a lot of weight, and how I’d done it. I was pleased to tell her and luckily she’d already heard about 5:2, and even understood the concept. She’s a retired nurse and has had to deal with plenty of patients over the decades with ‘nil by mouth’ and knows that they don’t perish with the simple act of fasting for short periods. That’s the second neighbour now who’s thinking of trying it, soon it’ll be the whole street! Ha ha! Only joking!

    Hoping to increase my fasting hours today by having only fluids until dinner time. I’ll see if that makes a difference.

    Good luck to all of you who are fasting today! Cheers!

    Hi All,
    Thanks for the great words of support. A health update. I gave blood on Tuesday and my blood pressure has dropped even further to be 101/64. After the huge loss two weeks ago I expected not to loose anything last week but by Tuesday I have lost another 300 grams so now since November 12, 2014, I have lost 14.1kg, now I have less than 49 kg to loose to become under BMI 25.

    I do not care how long this takes as I am loving this WOL, I feel so much fitter, and I no longer find working outside in the hot sun hard to cope with.

    This week when I went to work (I only work off farm one day a week) I wore one of my size 20 jackets that I bought three years ago when I was on the shakes diet. I have never been able to wear them before now and I am so pleased.

    I was complemented by most of the staff that I looked so lovely in my jacket and pants that almost matched. It certainly gives one more confidence, and let’s you know that we are all on the right track.

    Mikayla, great to have you back on line. I have a close friend who has just had a knee replacement and she is coming home today after more than a week of therapy.

    To all fasting either today or tomorrow best of luck and to everyone keep up the great work.

    Charlie. 🙂

    Hi from Sydney’s northern beaches
    3 months in and 6 kg gone but I have built a little muscle mass as I’m now averaging about 600-700 push-ups a week and a little other exercise.
    Diet has made me refocus on health. We no longer consume alcohol at home and have recently been avoiding fructose.
    Generally the diet is making me more aware of what I eat at all times. No point wasting all the good work that you manage on fast days by eating rubbish during the five.
    Started running last night and will build up to reasonable distances in good time.
    I’m 185cm (6’1′) and now 81kgs (178 lbs)so don’t desperately need to maintain the diet but like the idea of fasting for general health.
    All the best

    Hi to the people in Perth on the 2/5 diet.
    I’ve been at it since April last year, and have lost about 7kg. (I’m 67, was 89.5kg,now 82.5kg,had a quadruple bypass 4 years ago, fit, have metabolic syndrome, and keen to keep healthy for at least another 20 or so years). The last couple of months have been the problem. I want to get to around 80kg, which would put me in the normal BMI range, but my weight loss has stalled. I find it relatively easy to keep on it, but nothing seems to have happened recently.
    Any suggestions why my weight loss is static?

    Hi Charlie, great news on the blood pressure! Isn’t it wonderful to wear those lovely clothes and feel easier to move around? It’s wonderful to get nice comments about your new fresher self.

    Gmac, I agree with you about how this WOE changes the choices you make and your general food tastes and cravings.

    Dennis, well done on your weight loss, have you re-calculated your calorie needs now that you are smaller? You need less calories/energy to keep your smaller body going, you’ll have a new TDEE or total daily energy expenditure. This site has an easy to use calculator. It might be time to see if you are shrinking around your middle, or if your clothes fit better, even if you’re like Charlie and your blood pressure and cholesterol levels are vastly improved? Check out Doc Mosley’s exercise ideas too, you might need to slightly increase your activity levels, and make the difference to your weight loss that way.

    No matter how you do it, and what happens, keep us posted. We are all interested in your continued journey to great health and well being.

    On a strange side note, my scales which now have brand new batteries, are still playing up….changing weight measurements dramatically if the position on the kitchen floor is different. It’s really odd, as this is a brand new house, with a concrete slab and nice big tiles. Maybe there are slight variations in the floor? Or maybe it’s a bizarre black hole in the universe that adds an extra two kilos to my weight for no apparent reason!

    Whatever happens, I’m going to choose the lightest number. I’m a born optimist!

    IHAW, how bizarre! My scales have done EXACTLY the same thing! I jumped on yesterday and I’d put 2KG on! Well I knew that couldn’t be right so I moved them around a bit and they jumped up and down all over the place. I’ve now replaced the batteries but I’m wondering now if my initial weight was correct. What if I haven’t really lost very much? My clothes certainly don’t feel any looser! I’m having a very wobbly day as it is, any kind of disappointment at the moment and I’m going to fall of this wagon from a very great height… Any words of encouragement gladly received…

    Hey Liz, don’t let the scales get you down! Just remember all the excellent health benefits you’ll keep gaining from fasting.

    We all have wobbly wonky weird days, it’s normal to experience doubts and frustrations. That’s why we are human….not some squeaky Barbie dolls with elongated figures and straight blond hair… who never have a day of worry in their long perfect plastic lives!

    Be gentle and kind with yourself, you are worth it! Just take a deep breath, ignore the scales and have a nice long bath. I’m sure you’ll start to feel better tomorrow!

    All the very best xxx

    Liz, I ditto all IHAW says!
    Hang in there and give the scales a wee rest 🙂

    Tomorrow is another day!
    I met friends for lunch and was very careful what I ate, but will have my fast day tomorrow.
    Besides, you can’t eat much while chatting flat out to catch up after 6 months..lol!

    Hi all,

    Went to the doctors on tuesday to get my bloods done, phoned up for the results yesterday. Triglycides > Down Sugars > Down Overall Colesterol > Down, Blood Pressure 135/80. The only thing that stayed the same was the LDL which stayed on the higher side but in range , I think it was 3.7. They are posting out the results so I can come back with the exact figures next week.I have become such an advocate of this eating plan as a lifestyle change that i’m sure my family and friends are sick to death of me talking about it.Interesting about the LDL though.

    Those are really great results Joestar!
    Isn’t it fantastic to have this WOE pay off so well, and in a measurable way that you can prove!
    It’s ok to be a walking advertisement for 5:2, and often people have trouble getting their heads around the results you achieve, without any meds, joining groups, special diet food, operations, pain or needless suffering. It’s also very liberating when you acknowledge that YOU are the one who achieved these results, by your own efforts!

    I’ve gotten excellent results myself this morning, it’s the first time I’ve been below 75 kg in ages! I’ve now lost 13.4 kg in total, and am 27.7 BMI. So happy that my longer fast time yesterday paid off. (wed dinner thru to thurs 3pm) I wasn’t even hungry, which was a totally new experience!
    My IBS, snoring and chronic tiredness are a thing of the past. I’m looking forward to seeing the difference in my bloods next month, when I’ll be another year older.
    The funny thing is I feel and look so much younger than I did this time last year. I started 5:2 on April 23 ’13, so it’s been 45 weeks, and I’m so happy to have found something that is so effective and empowering.

    It’s not such a stretch to say that this WOE has truly changed my life! I thank heavens that I took the time to watch Doc Mosely on SBS, and decided to grab the bull by the horns and go for the ride of my life. Up until then, I was pretty hopeless and helpless.


    Thank you Aussienow and IHAW, kind words mean a lot when you’re down and grumpy! IHAW, excellent results – well done you!!

    I managed to stay on track yesterday, came in under 500 calories in fact because I was just sooo grumpy that I had a couple of pieces of toast and went to bed at 8.30! I’m afraid I did jump on the scales again this morning, despite promising myself that I wouldn’t, they came up with 76.2kg! So, if they’re accurate (which I have my doubts about) I’ve lost about 4kg since Feb 7th which I think is pretty darn good. Accurate or not, I’m taking it as a positive! I know my clothes feel slightly looser so I’ve definitely lost some weight!

    I’m getting new batteries for the scales this morning but have decided I definitely, absolutely, HONESTLY won’t weigh myself again until next Friday. In fact if I do, I will punish myself by fasting for an extra day lol!

    Good luck to everyone over the weekend, it’s looking warm and sunny here in Adelaide so we’re off to the Fringe with the kids this weekend. Have a great weekend everyone!

    Glad things have turned around Liz, good for you! And have a wonderful time at the fringe festival, I’m so jealous!

    Hi Liz I don’t post often but read all posts as they come in and I feel you are being way too hard on yourself. Losing 4kg in just over 3 weeks is an awesome effort! Being a slave to the scales can mess with your head and I limit myself to once a week or even fortnight as daily fluctuations can be disheartening. I measure myself far more regularly and find the losses on the tape measure reaffirming.

    I’ve been on this WOE for just on 12 weeks with about 5kgs gone 10cm from my waist and 7cm from my hips and I am rapt with these results. Slow but steady so please don’t be grumpy with yourself as your results are great.

    Stay positive as most of us associate words like flexibility and empowerment with the 5:2 lifestyle. Give yourself a pat on the back and know there is always tomorrow to fast. Your positive results will help many people reading this forum going with 5:2 WOE

    Thanks Jools, I think you’re absolutely right! I shouldn’t be weighing myself so often, too discouraging if they haven’t moved, or worse, moved in the wrong direction! I honestly promise not to go anywhere near them now until next Friday. Funny how I’m always more positive on non-fast days! Congratulations on your loss, 10cm from your waist is incredible. I will be happy once I see some loss from my “top half”! Haven’t see my toes without leaning forward in quite a few years lol!

    Happy weekend everyone!

    Hello again all,
    I have been AWOL for some time but wish to only post from time to time but do read and enjoy everyone’s comments and opinions. I also will report my specific results probably quarterly. I have now posted on Myfitnesspal for 91 days without fail and since commencing this WOE on Dec 1st last year have now lost 8.3 kg and have stabilised around 93kg from my Feb 13 weight of 104kg !
    I must confess that specific fasting on specific days has not been my WOE….my wife just has finally convinced me that eating sensibly and good healthy meals which fit a 2000 calorie max or less will work for me….she is stable at 57kg from 61kg adopting a 1300 cal daily number for her.
    Surprisingly, we are not exceeding those numbers and with exercise, mainly walking the dog 4 days for 40-50 mins and a Personal Trainer for gym strength stuff 2 days that is working fine.
    As I read we are all approaching Michaels mantra from different directions but re-reading his book every now and then is good motivating therapy,
    Cheers for this quarter will diarise for my post in May,
    Good health to you all,

    Terrific IHAW,
    I’m really interested to hear from long termers such as yourself and others as well, for some reason i’m expecting it to stop working or stop having an effect !! I dont know why that is , i suppose we have always been used to a pattern that has always been unsustainable and we generally breakdown after about 3 months and slowly go back to our old ways. But because this is a WOE then we are totally in a new playing field.I have been on it for about 3 and a half months now (mid nov 13)and have gone through one plateau period and have lost about 7-8 kgs. I expect the weightloss to continue but slow from here on in , would i be right in thinking that ? I still have about 20 kgs to lose

    Hi Joe, I’m right there with you – started mid-Nov, have lost 8kg but lost 5kg of that in first month and 3kg in next two months and have not moved for the past three weeks – plateau! I don’t have much to lose, in fact I’m within good BMI, but want to lose another 5kg or so – I figure, if I’m staying still with two fast days a week, I’d go up pretty quickly if I stopped fasting. In other words, I usually eat too much and move too little – it’s the moving I want to change for the longterm.
    Fasting today and making a renwed effort to stick within that 500 (I think I’d been a bit too casual about it lately.)

    Hi joe and Peggy, great to hear from you guys.

    In relation to your question joe, yes, weight loss can continue, but its something you can manage if you look at your intake on normal eating days. As you have lost those kilos( and improved your health measures), you are now smaller and use less calories, so to get the most from fasting re-calculate your TDEE. This will then give you an idea about what you chose to do next….maybe eat slightly less calories and exercise slightly more, then you can continue to lose weight.

    I agree with you that many of us in the modern world are impatient and demand instant results. We get disheartened so easily, give up too easily, and often don’t get to realize that it because it took many years to get the weight we are…..and it’s much more sensible to take that weight off slowly and steadily, even over a period of years. If we see this as a change for ourselves, towards good health and well being, then it makes sense.

    Quick fixes sold to us by the huge multinational dieting industry may work, but often don’t!
    How many of the people posting on these forums tell us about their never ending dieting history, trying every sort of gadget, gimmick and fad, and then gaining it all back again and more?

    So my advice to you is be the master of your own destiny!
    Take control of your own life’s journey!
    Be proud of the wonderful results you have already achieved!

    Have a wonderful fast today.

    Thank you IHAW,

    Your wise words are very timely, for three and a half months down the track I have hit my first plateau, but I am determined not to let it get me down. This morning I remembered a quote from our most famous cricketer from last century.

    When asked how he scored so many double and triple centuries with the bat he answered that every time he got to a hundred he would take his wicket position and reset his eye like he had just walked to the crease. I am following those wise words, today I have gone back to keeping a record of everything that I put in my mouth and will do so for the next couple of weeks to make sure that I am sticking to the right calorie intake. I have recalculated my TDEE every two weeks along this wonderful journey, which is made so much better by having this wonderful forum.

    Good luck everyone fasting this week.

    Cheers, Charlie

    IHAW, you certainly hit the nail on the head 🙂

    Oh Charlie G, you and I both…
    I’m convinced I need a severe talking to, as I have not been keeping an accurate track of my off day eating and often can’t find the correct calorie value for certain foods i.e homemade pizza, so just leave it out.

    Try as I will to walk 10,000 steps like Cassie, I’m nowhere near that, even walking the dog on the beach. (I suspect a dodgy pedo, so am going to use another one)

    Although the weight has gone, the excess skin is niggling at me and I think I’m subconsciously saying, I’ve lost enough.
    My blood pressure is down to below 130/80, my BMI is now 27.3 and TDEE 1621
    I also wonder if age is a factor in any of the above?

    Fast day and I’m doing really well so far, but probably feeling a bit down that I too have not shed anything, in 3 weeks.
    Tomorrow is another day 🙂

    Thanks Peggy and IHAW
    Peggy have you tried golf? it gets you out there and its actually really good for fast days,sometimes when I have a 10am -11 am tee off I will eat the plant and protein breakfast(1 egg large mushroom, spinach and tomatoes) and by the time I’m finished and get home I’m ready for a fish and salad dinner, before i know it, the fast days over and done with. I currently need to see a physio re my knees as it preventing me from running , but once that happens I’II be back on the cross trainer using the HIT method.
    Great words of encouragement IHAW,I’m sure your comments assist people in coming back to this forum and keeping them motivated, love your work !

    You have a new name, @ihaveawaist – you’ll be IHAW to me from now on too! I echo Joestar in his praise of your continuous encouragement to everyone on this thread. Like you, @joestar, I’ve been doing this WOE since November – since Melbourne Cup day, actually, and although I didn’t win anything on that race, I’ve been winning on the weight-loss stakes. I’m just 100 grams off a total loss of 10 kilos and I still have 23 kg to go (BMI is still 31). Last week I lost 1.4 kg, so I haven’t reached a plateau yet. I’ve had a couple of gains along the way (the biggest was 0.7 kg after our brief holiday). I highly recommend walking 3 km or more, 5 times a week, to anyone who is physically able and who is looking for a cheap form of sustainable exercise. Glad to hear your operation was a success @mikayla. Hope you get all your strength and mobility back soon.

    Thanks for the lovely comments!
    Everyone on this thread keeps me focused and enjoying the whole fasting experience.
    It’s not an isolated, lonely path with all of the helpful, kind members who are right here!

    Thought I’d chip in with a few words of thanks and encouragement as well! IHAW, you’re the voice of reason on this forum! Wise words for everyone and always very encouraging! Aussienow, don’t be too disheartened! You’re doing so well, you know it’s as much about the health benefits as the weight loss so be proud of looking after yourself and don’t get caught up in what the scales say!

    My own fast day went well yesterday. I’ve tweaked my approach now, coffee in the morning – I refuse to give that up! I had a banana about 10.30am and that kept me going until my main meal at 7.00pm. I didn’t even go to bed in a grumpy huff at 8.30pm like I did last week! So things are definitely getting easier the longer I continue. Haven’t weighed myself – I daren’t! Had such a lovely weekend at the Adelaide Fringe and then took a friends’ children to a wildlife park to feed the koalas and the kangaroos! Lots of lovely food consumed but maybe I ran it all off again chasing five children round!

    Have a lovely week everyone! Stay positive!

    Sounds like the perfect weekend and that things are back on track!

    I had an ok fast yesterday too, and looks like things are going to get a lot busier for my work, so hopefully I’ll be able to keep things on track, without exhausting myself or getting too grumpy….haha!

    A positive step for me…
    I’ve joined up with My Fitness Pal on line for my off-days and have fed in the relevant details for a profile and set about adding my menu for today.

    Apart from there being a difference on calorie values, it’s easier to work out than my pen/paper efforts and gives all the nutritional info as well.
    I’m amazed at how many foods have substantial amounts of salt in them and not always the ones you would think.

    I like too,that it adds as I go and I can see exactly what I have had, and what’s left.
    Feeling good!

    Aussienow, My Fitness Pal is very good! Have you got the version for your phone? It has a barcode scanner so you can just scan your meal/snack/drink whatever and see exactly what’s in it nutritionally. Great idea! I also like the idea that it does my counting for me, I just need to be totally honest with it though and not “skip” something which will put me over my 500!

    @lizinoz – Thanks 🙂
    I tried the app but found it too frustrating to navigate, so prefer the computer.

    Are you saying that you scan the food on the plate?? to get calorie value?
    I plan my meals for the day and enter them accordingly, that way I know exactly how much I’ve used and will stick to it, instead of guessing as I did before 🙂

    I notice there isn’t a list for checking the calories for each item, before you enter it in the menu, or am I missing something?

    Hi @aussienow and @lizinoz, I think I need a tutorial on how to use My Fitness Pal as well. I downloaded it on my phone today. I haven’t found the barcode scanner yet. It also told me that my 45 minutes of brisk walking was worth a calorie deficit of over 900 calories (or maybe it was kilojoules!). It also said I can consume 1230 calories a day in order to lose 0.5 kg a week.

    @gomarg, I can’t find the scanner either, having downloaded the app also.
    I have another app, which scans but doesn’t appear to display the item.
    We need to know more, Lizinoz!

    I didn’t see the calorie deficit for my 45 min walk, rather having to add manually what I thought it might be, and I had no idea!

    It’s given me 1200 calories per day and 400gms loss per week, bringing me to 67.8 in 5 weeks.

    I think I’ll have another look while I’m online 🙂

    Oh, I did find the exercise bit and my 90 min walk with dog, burns 347 calories, so Gomarg, your brisk walk would be 900!

    Please tell me what doesTDEE mean? I need a kick start and or a kick in the bum.!! I am finding it hard to get into the swing of it all again. This weekend it will be 2 weeks since my hip replacement and I had thought by now I would be back into this way of eating. My husband says I am too hard on myself and should just wait for a while. I feel I could try a modified version of a fast day, I so want to lose a heap of weight, I am due to have some bloods done in a couple of months and of course want them to be as good as possible.
    Oh well I think the first thing I should do is to take control of my daily eating, then eventually I will be prepared to do better on the fast days. My hip is doing well, I am so blessed to be rid of the horrid pain I have suffered for so long.
    Happy tasty tomorrow for those doing it.

    Hi Mikayla,
    Glad to hear that your hip replacement is going well. The TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure, so it calculates how many calories your need to maintain the weight that you enter into the calculator for non fast days. I re do mine every time I drop another five kilograms and try to stay under it, but that is not always easy if you eat out etc.

    I have found another interesting pattern with my fasting. If I eat salad veggies on my fast days then the weight comes off nicely, however if I eat steamed veggies the the weight refuses to budge, so I am looking forward to some cooler weather so I can revamp the veggie garden for winter.

    Happy fasting for the rest of the week. 🙂

    Hi mikayla, Charlie is right about TDEE. You can easily find the built-in calculator on the far right side of this forum page. When you click on it it will give you a handy explanation, as well as a super easy way to work out the figures for BMI / BMR too.

    I’m happy that your hip pain has now gone. Once you are moving more freely I’m positive that your health and weight will be much improved.

    All the very best, we’re all thinking of you!

    G’day all. Big Pete checking in again.

    Well, perhaps I should call myself not-so-big Pete now. I started the diet in early January, and so far I have dropped from 118.5 kg to 110. My waist feels noticeably smaller, my spare tyre is visibly smaller, I feel better (especially when it comes to picking up things off the floor!), and I’m able to get into some clothes that were too tight for comfort – always thought they’d come in handy again some day!

    And that change is solely due to this diet. I can’t exercise much (long story), but I feel that having to count my calories on fast days has made me much more aware of what I eat other days. But I did have two Tim Tams last night – first chocolate biscuits in about a month.

    I was aiming to hit 100 by Christmas. I think I’ll be there by “Christmas in July”! Let’s try for 90 by Christmas.

    Big Pete

    Excellent work there slim(mer)-Pete! Great to hear you’ve found this to work so well for you, and you have some goals to work towards.

    Happy fasting, all of you doing it today,

    Hi all, I had a very stressful day yesterday, but throughout it all I didn’t feel hungry or resort to a choclate to drown my frustrations. Another good weigh in this morning….doing three attempts because of the dodgy readings, and getting two the same I decided to stick with that! 74.4 kg! Yay! Getting closer to 65!

    Mikayla, I’m sorry if I misled you about the TDEE calculator, it looks like with the website changing its looks and layout, it’s been moved from the far right of the page. I did make a request to Doc Mosley on another thread, if he could get the webpage people to please put it back. I’m hoping it does, cause it was handy and easy to use.

    Take care, and I hope everyone’s enjoying the cooler autumn weather. Cheers!

    The BMI/BMR/TDEE calculator is still at the top under the tab ‘How’

    Hope this helps


    IHAW! Well done on your weigh in, isn’t is lovely when you see those numbers going down! Unfortunately that didn’t happen for me this morning – I’ve put 0.5kg back on! Entirely my own fault, whilst I’ve been very strict with myself on my fast days, I’ve not been nearly so vigilant on my “off” days. Lesson learned, must stay under my TDEE! Ah well, today we try harder!

    Have a lovely weekend folks!

    I’m trying to think more about waist loss than weight loss
    Whilst I’m happy with my weight hovering around 81kg but I’m delighted to see that I’ve run out of holes on my belt and need to modify it.
    Some light weight training or isometric exercise as well as some aerobic activity (say a half hour walk)really does start to make a difference too

    Hi all,

    For those that are just starting out, your fast days definitely get easier and in turn you become better at acheiving Fast days the longer you do it. I think the biggest thing that helped me through the ‘symptoms’ such as minor headaches and giddiness is realising that when i get those feelings , then thats the sign that my body is repairing itself, then you start to ‘bordering on’ feeling good about those symptoms.Secondly, I dont deliberately go out to eat less on my non fast days but it just happens that way. I have had so many people congratulating me on my weight loss of late and making comments such as ‘you should be proud of yourself for sticking at it’ and ‘how strong i’ve been’ etc etc.I am tring to get the message across to them, that its not a matter of being any of those things it’s just the way our bodies have been designed to take in food and process it efficiently.I’m pretty sure that people on the other side i.e people not doing 5:2 think that it’s not really healthy to fast in the manner we do.If they only knew !! Anyway back to the guys starting out, it does get easier. Non fast day for me today, so i’m off to the pub after work to have a couple of ‘quiet ones’.
    This is what i get excited about,before this I wouldn’t of allowed myself to go down there, now i make a point of going, i feel like i have been realeased from some unholy bind and everything has now been placed ‘In sync’ !. Have a great weekend everyone.

    Happy Friday all!
    Fast day for me today… I started out full of good intentions yesterday but by lunchtime my body was crying out for a decent meal so I took myself out for Malaysian chicken curry. Oh it was heaven!
    Wasn’t going to bother today but then I put on my jeans this morning and a top that was a little looser around the hips and that’s all the inspiration I needed. Fasting has been pretty easy today as a result and I feel great!
    Have a wonderful weekend peoples 🙂

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