Hello from South Jersey, USA!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Minka 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello to all. Just a short intro here. I have been a vegetarian for over 30 years. Also tried vegan, and a raw diet for a while. I stumbled on Michael Mosley’s documentary on YouTube and it made perfect sense. Purchased the Kindle book and I am just getting started with the diet.
    It is interesting how food plays such a key part in my day, and how it almost rules me at times. Doing a simple fast gently pulls in the reins, and offers a unique control. I look forward to the challenge, and at this point, it certainly seems doable!
    Thanks and best regards,

    Welcome! I’m doing 5:2 with My Fitness Pal. I have finally accepted that this will be a daily task for me for the rest of my life so I need to find something that works for me. I love the flexibility. I still have to count calories though. 5:2 just helps me get those 2 pounds off.

    Just letting you know, {if you haven’t already seen} this thread for Americans and any others who want to join in…


    Thought you might want to check it out since there’s someone else active that is from Jersey.

    I’m originally from the states though participate in a Southern Hemisphere thread since I live down under now.

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