Hello from Downunder

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Minka 8 years ago.

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  • Hey all!
    I live on the beautiful Gold Coast of Australia….
    Over twelve months ago I lost 10kgs, just through paying attention to my dietary intake, being more organised and making better choices. Have kept it off but still have about 6kgs to lose.
    What I like about this way of eating is that it also has so many other health benefits….hoping to come off my BP meds as well…..
    Looking forward to being on this journey with you all 🙂

    Welcome!! I’m new here as well, one week in to the new way of living, and so far I’m loving it. I hope you would too 🙂

    Hi Coasting! I live on the cost too, just south from where you live! I’m on the Tweed Coast! There are a couple of threads for those of us who live south of the equator! I’m a part of the Southern Hemispherites thread if you’d like to join us:


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