Happy Xmas December 2023 Challenge

This topic contains 235 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Maui 1 year, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 236 total)

  • Day 18 USA/Hawaii NFD/CD
    Signing in quickly so I don’t forget.
    Did not weigh in this morning as I fear I may have gone over my 800 calories yesterday . Today I am being more realistic and committing to CD of 1200 calories. Another lunch invite but trying to move it to tomorrow as I have cleaning/organizing project in guest room to tackle.
    All the best to our entire team.

    Day 19 NFD NZ 79.4kg

    Had a lovely evening sitting outside and eating in the shade of the trees. Menu “ladies a plate” was tiny muffins (cheese, bacon, cayenne pepper) Gazpacho and sourdough, caramelised onion quiche, asparagus and Parmesan, beans and pepper salad and bubbles. We didn’t get to the chocolates, Xmas mince pies and Christmas cake, luckily because it was a FD dinner 😬for me… My next party is Wednesday with the appetisers so I’ll sort out a shopping list today and also need to pick up the half ham (5kg for $120/£60) that I ordered from the butcher. It sounds a lot but summer holiday salads and ham will be the main menu!
    I am about to plant my vegetable garden with lettuces, basil, parsley and thyme. Tomatoes are already in. I get the southerly winds here because I’m on a hill and it blows the flowers off peas and beans etc so I’ve given up growing everything but the simplest of salad foods.
    Good to hear everyone is doing well. Great number @northgeorgia!

    Enjoy the silly season!!

    Day 19 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Another FD, urgh? They come around quickly, when you’re doing them every other day 😅 But I have to be sociable Wed/Thursday. And then I want to squeeze in another one on Friday before I go away. Meanwhile, a friend in New Zealand is sending me pics of the box of chocolates she’s scoffing & asking me, “which one should I eat now?”. I’ve never liked her 😳

    @flourbaby – Maybe Oprah meant to say, “Do what you have to do until you can afford to spend $1000 per month on diet pills”.? 😂

    “Eating breakfast breaks the fast. Skipping breakfast breaks the fat.” ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana

    Pocket List – Day 19 🍋

    Day 19, London, UK, FD

    Today may or may not be a FD, I think the avocado may have tipped my chicken salad into FD800 territory!!!🤔

    @merryapple, your evening sounds idyllic, and that’s just the eating outdoors under a tree part, lovely food & company surrounded by nature, what’s not to love!!!

    @funshipfreddie, who needs enemies when you have friends like her!!!! Although, she sounds like my kind of gal!!!🤣🤣🤣 I’ve added that quote to my “Quote page”, it’s a doozy!!!

    I’ll write up my Xmas plan tonight, aiming for the majority of my 2 week holiday to consist of super-CD’s, which should offset the 4 days when the word calorie will be wiped from my brain!!!

    @jaifaim, how’s Wales, or were you back yesterday??? I don’t suppose you saw the tractor cavalcade did you?……………………….. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-wales-67753679

    Stay strong everyone, this mad month is almost 2/3 DONE!!!!

    “Success is not the absence of failure; it’s the persistence through failure.”
    — Aisha Tylor

    Pocket List – Day 19 🍋
    @flourbaby ………..🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

    Day 19 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 226 lbs. Take two, co-worker came from another site location asking if anyone wanted lunch. I was really the only one free, so off I went 🙂 Not too bad, just a 2 lb gain over yesterday, so that makes me happy.

    Today, I’m planning a FD500. Holiday period may interrupt those plans again, but if so, I can do a FD from home sometime later this week. I think today will be easier though.

    Stay strong!

    Pocket List – Day 19 🍋
    @flourbaby ………..🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

    Day 19 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD 162.4

    I ate a small meal at three o’clock yesterday, and almost got through the rest of the day with nothing more, but then realized I was way too empty to get through today’s WF, so I had another small meal…and some cookies. Thankfully, the cookies we were given last week are almost gone now, and I don’t like what’s left, so it’ll be much easier to resist now. 😂 I did not try to record my food in MFP, but I’m certain I didn’t go over 1500, and suspect it was somewhere around 1200, so while it wasn’t my target calories of 800, it was still a decent number.

    @flourbaby Were you serious about wanting that bread/spinach recipe? I’ll share it if so, but it sounded more like good humor, so I’m not sure…

    @funshipfreddie Where are you going? The same friends as last year?

    @jaifaim I so envy your discipline that has you at and very close to maintenance weight; well, well done!

    @merryapple Your evening sounds lovely! Bummer on all the things you can’t grow, however!

    I got my Christmas letter written yesterday, and the piano student gifts are all wrapped and ready to give at lessons this week; the menu for California is set and all the recipes gathered into a folder, and the piano pieces I’m playing for the prelude on Christmas Eve got practiced. Slowly, slowly, slowly…but that list is still daunting and long, LOL!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 19 🍋
    @flourbaby ………..🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 20 NFD NZ 79.5kg

    I have so much food in the fridge it’s scary😬
    I’m going to do some work in the garden while it’s still cool. Then I’ll make my feta dishes – one whipped with mint and Greek yog and the other baked with olives and smoked paprika. The clouds will burn off and the day is going to heat up. Mr Mac needs a haircut – short, back with sides. His coat is a perfect Westie length but he doesn’t do well with the humidity.
    I have Hong Kong friends coming over tomorrow morning who are bringing pastries… it’s my FD so maybe I’ll have to move it to Friday? Strangely I’m not a great fan of morning tea pastries – all puff and no substance. Give me a scone any day!
    @funshipfreddie Are you doing a FD every 2nd day at the moment??? Wow? Enjoy the vicarious chocolates. She’ll get pimples if she eats them all!
    @stitchincarol Ooh I still need to do my Christmas letter… It will be a relief for you to get in the car to head to California! In the meantime, well done on ticking things off your long list!
    @flourbaby Good to have a plan if it works🤣 I think mine will come down to avoid nibbles and second helpings!!
    @jaifaim Love the tractor parade! Did you get to see it?
    @northgeorgia Go you. No sign of hitting 230 at all.
    @maui Hope you got your room sorted out. Enjoy lunch!

    Kia Kaha! Stay Strong! Especially those who are cooking!!

    Day19 USA/Hawai’i NFD
    Late sign in for day 19. At this point signing in daily may end up being my only claim to success for the month! Hard to believe only about 1/3 of the month is left. The previously mentioned lunch took place today… calories not even considered. 🙁
    Off to walk to beach for sunset… less than 5 minutes from house but will get on the recumbent bike when I return. Sleep was evasive last night and I can feel the difference. Hoping to sleep well tonight and wake up energized with determination to do a FD.
    @merryapple I did make good progress on my organizing guest room project. DS arrives on Thursday so must finish soon.
    Best wishes to all.

    Day 20 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.4 kg

    @stitchincarol – yes, I’m going to the same place/friends as last year. Gonubie, about a 4 hour drive up the east coast. I just heard on the news – Trump banned from running for president?! I hear you, ‘no politics!’ 🤐 But it’s going to be interesting to see how this all plays out next year.

    @merryapple – I’ve just done Fri/Sun/Tues
    fast days. The scales aren’t co-operating though. One more on Friday 🎯 My friend in New Zealand won’t get pimples, but she said she only ate 4 or 5 😅 I’ve know her for about 40 years. We shared a house in Pretoria for a while in the late ’80’s, & she could wake up in the morning & wander to the fridge for chocolate. She was irritatingly skinny. I haven’t seen her for about 7 years, but she doesn’t look much different in photos.

    Gotta dash. Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    “Fasting is not nearly so deadly as feasting” ~ J Harold Smith

    Day 20 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Hello all, all is well here but I’m feeling a little tired after the Wales trip and a little pressure to get a lot done both in work and presents/prep wise for Christmas – it comes around so fast…
    @flourbaby, I didn’t see the tractors but how fab is that… all those twinkly lights!! We had a tractor run in one of little villages here in Ireland about 2 weeks ago and it was on the national news 🚜🎄🚜

    I had such a lovely time thanks all! Lots of fun, dancing and good food… some walks but the weather was pretty wet so just kept dancing at the parties 🎄🎉

    I came up some lbs up though ⬆️🙃 work to do this week…

    Great to see you all here and I will write more tomorrow. Is anyone with me for this much needed FD?

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List Day 20 ⭐️

    Day 20 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD1200 – 158.8

    Any day the weight is back below the 160s is a good day; today’s challenge is to eat little enough that I don’t shoot back up in the morning. A rice dish is on the menu for tonight, however, so I’m likely to go back up…we’ll see. In the meantime, this morning’s weight was a very welcome sight, and I’m feeling some PFDS for getting through yesterday with nary a nibble.

    @merryapple I smiled at the thought of getting into the car to leave…yeah, I’ve been fantasizing about that moment over the last few days, LOL! Although, we’re only driving to the airport, a little less than an hour away. In 2012 or so, we did actually drive all 1700 miles; came home from church, made a breakfast pizza a friend had said was wonderful and her family’s tradition (WAY too heavy with fat and cholesterol–we all thought it was yummy but none of us have ever wanted it again, and neither have any of us ever forgotten it 😂😂) and then we were on our way by two o’clock; that was a Wednesday, and we got to Monterey at 4:00 their time on Thursday (so 6:00 our time). I drove the Reno, Nevada leg and everyone was asleep as I drove; two of our three children had their licenses at that point, so they also drove short legs, but my husband drove at least half of those 30 hours. It was almost easier than flying–it was certainly lovely to be able to pack as much as we wanted. Someone in the congregation gave us a lovely ham as a gift that morning, so we stuck it in an ice chest, I warned my sister it was coming, and when we arrived, we handed her the ham and it immediately went into the oven for supper. 🤣 Fun memories!

    @merryapple ANY success in December is to be celebrated and cheered, so you’re doing terrifically to consistently sign in. And having the task of the guest bedroom is a good distraction from eating, I imagine, and will certainly give you a halo to polish when you complete the project!

    @funshipfreddie Yes, he was banned, but only in Colorado by their supreme court, and I immediately wondered–assuming his lawyers can’t get it overturned, which is not impossible–if people could write in his name, which is always an option here in the States. Yeah, let’s leave it no politics, but it’s certainly fascinating to watch all the developments. And didn’t you have some problem driving back from seeing your friends last year? Numbness or something??

    @jaifaim I’m always so envious when you talk about all your dancing. I used to love to go out dancing, but then I met DH, and he has two left feet and no sense of rhythm, so… 🤷🏻‍♀️😉 As to the pressure you’re feeling as the big days looms ever closer…yup. I’m feeling it too. I think it’s actually a universal feeling at this time of year. Deep breaths, and take the next step, right?

    Wow, tiny list this morning. Just as well, as I need to get things done. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 20 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 225 lbs. Had a good FD500; always disappointed in the lack of weight shift compared to a WFD, but the post-FD gains are never as devastating either. In the end, it appears that WFDs and FD500s have a similar effect for me. It’s what I do the other days of the week that I need to be careful about. Strength to all through this feasting period! Just remember that the feast isn’t 24/7 for the next week or two!

    Day 20, London, UK, NFD,

    It’ll be a short one from me today, I slept badly last night, and Bo-Bo is masquerading as a 5:30 alarm clock, so I’m exhausted. I’ve been unfocused & sluggish, having to redo simple tasks!! Roll on 5pm so I can head home to bed!!

    The scales are NOT playing ball!!! I’m not going to cry about it, I just have to keep on keeping on!! I really wanted a bit of wriggle room before the hols, I’ll fast tomorrow, but I might have to chuck a FD in on the 24th, just so I can enjoy the 2 days (with abandon!) then perhaps a FD on 27th (dental appointment) to compensate!!

    @stitchincarol, no need for the recipe, I think you explained it very well, spinachy garlic butter stuffed in a loaf & baked………….. never crossed my mind, now it’s on the menu for the next family get together!!!

    Way to go @northgeorgia, we all have to navigate the REAL world, unexpected lunch dates or my greatest nemesis ……………….. Free food combined with FOMO!!! The office is full of gifts from clients, all processed, chocolatey, sweet, carby ‘stuff’, yesterday’s FD meant collecting a few bits to have today!!! I’ve no idea how I managed not to scoff the lot!!!

    Onward & downward folks.

    Second post

    I just realized I cited @merryapple for my second response, and it was supposed to be @maui–I typed that m correctly, and then my fingers just did what they wanted, LOL!

    Day 21 FD NZ 80.5kg😲

    Well I am a bit surprised but not really. I had a good day working in the garden, had fish and salad for lunch then prepared whipped feta plus sourdough to take with me to my friend who lives in an apt at the bottom of town. The trains were cancelled for a ‘medical event’ so I ended up on the bus. As predicted dinner was served at 10.30p, we all drank on empty stomachs apart from a few nibbles. Most of us left almost straight after dinner because we were on public transport. She seemed a little surprised at the dine and dash…
    I’m trying to do a FD – I feel very full, but have people coming over for morning tea. I better go and get organised…
    @stitchincarol Those road trips across the States are epic!
    I had an email from a relative in Chicago to say a farming relative from Iowa had died whom we visited when I was around 5 years old. I recall being told to not go into the corn field and of course what did I do… and got lost… which is probably why I remember it! The stuff of rural gothic!
    @jaifaim Glad you had a super time and hope you plough through rest of the week💪
    @funshipfreddie Good on you! At least your not dealing with the empty calories of EtOh like moi…
    Just looked at the time. Have to get going…

    Steely Resolve to one and all

    Pocket List🌟

    Day 21 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @flourbaby – I hope you got a better night’s sleep & that you’re feeling brighter today? Well done for swerving all the free goodies! I bought a couple of small boxes of those Lindt/Lindor chocolates as stocking fillers for friends last week. It’s been killing me just knowing they’re here. I’ve found myself gazing at them longingly a couple of times. And they seem to be advertising them on TV/YouTube every 5 minutes. But anyway, I’ve gift-wrapped them now so I think I’ll be okay 🥴️

    @stitchincarol – I think that was after I visited Gonubie in August; I took a wrong turn on the way back & finished up doing an extra 50 or 60 km. I do get backache sometimes if I’m driving long-distance, but it’s been a lot better since I adjusted the seat. If I drove 1700 miles…well, I wouldn’t! 🤣

    @merryapple – what an odd time to eat? And everyone full of booze & nibbles by 10:30? I’m always in bed by then 😴 I’m sure @jaifaim was fasting on the 20th; you’re way ahead of most of us 🕰

    I’ll be back on the list tomorrow. RESOLVE if you’re fasting today 💪🎯

    Pocket List – Day 21 🍎

    Day 21, London, UK, NFD,

    I spoke too soon, the unexpected lunch invitation I was dreading has arrived!!😱😱 Today the buying dept. are ordering pizza for EVERYONE, I don’t have the willpower to forgo pizza for my mushroom soup ………………. Who does???😇…….👿

    @merryapple, wow, I couldn’t eat that late, I would probably spend all night sitting upright, trying to ease the discomfort!! I’ve become so used to closing the kitchen at 7:30 that I struggle a bit on holiday or going out for dinner which is invariably booked for 8pm or later!! I love drinks & nibbles, but it’s far too easy to get a bit squiffy, many moons ago my partner would pre-load on a burger meal before we went anywhere near a cocktail party!!!!

    @funshipfreddie, no better sleep last night, 4a.m wakeup call (meow) from the ginger one!!! I need to ‘help’ him reset his body clock over the 2 weeks I’m off, otherwise he’ll find himself locked in the bathroom at nights!! Funnily enough, I have 2 large UNOPENED boxes of Lindor in the cupboard to open over Xmas for unexpected guests and when I host ‘Drinks & Picky bits’ on NYE, they don’t cause ½ as much angst as a bottle of vino would………………….. that’s why ALL the booze is in storage!!!🍷🍷🍷

    Struggling to stay focussed at work, partly due to sleep deprivation, but mainly because tomorrow is my last day until the 8th!!! I ………… CANNOT ………………. WAIT!!!!🥳🥳

    I need to view the next 2 weeks as an opportunity to get lots done at home (still haven’t touched mum’s room😢) and imagine how I’ll feel WHEN I successfully navigate the pitfalls that await me …………………. Wine, cheese, cake, wine, chocolate, bread, 3 course meals, dessert, wine, nuts, crisps, nibbles, and did I mention ………….. WINE!!!!!!

    I’ll have to keep this in mind ………………………………..

    “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
    — Martin Luther King, Jr

    Day 21 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 225 lbs. We’re in the home-stretch! Stay strong.

    Day 21 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 161.0

    The weight doesn’t surprise me in the least as our supper dish was SALTY (it’s a boxed thing that DH adores, so I make it occasionally, and this week was a good choice because it’s so easy). But because it was so salty, I drank at least two liters of water between supper and bedtime. I also ate more throughout the day than I’d intended, but it was an absolutely lovely day of accomplishments and getting things crossed off my to-do list, and I hit 13K steps and burned 2300 calories, so I still ended up with a calorie deficit, even if not as large a one as it could have been. In these busy days leading up to Christmas, I’m okay with being gentle on myself.

    @flourbaby I do hope you slept better last night!

    @merryapple Oh, I can just imagine the commotion around a 5-year old getting lost in a cornfield! Yup, that would be something you’d never forget! And eating at 10:30?? That’s a bit too continental–or something–for me!

    @funshipfreddie One of my piano teacher gifts this week was a box of chocolates from a local chocolatier. Here, these: https://www.thecordialcherry.com/products/combo-gift-9-piece-christmas-gnomes Thankfully, I’ll be happy to share with DH as I really dislike chocolate-covered cherries, even when they’re gorgeous as these are! 😂

    @flourbaby Oh dear. Yup, I wouldn’t manage to ignore pizza either. Oh well, you will be able to make better choices during your two week break, and it will be a lovely time for you, I’m sure!

    It’s a cloudy day and foggy outside. I love sunny days as much as anyone, but I also love these kinds of days.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 21 Pocket List🌟
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 29 & 21 YSA/Hawaii CD
    Missed a day again!! But back at it now.
    DS arrives tonight. I’m cooking some baked tofu and veggies so food will be waiting for us. Also roasting some nuts and making his favorite almond flour biscuits with cranberries. Will drop off a container of the food for a friend,one of the fire victims, staying at hotel and misses healthy eating …understandable that absolute no cooking allowed in the rooms.
    Best to all … on the home stretch now!!

    Day 21 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Hello all, yes I had planned a FD yesterday… it wasn’t quite a FD but I’m taking it as a win as I avoided a lot of the treats in work (we’ve gone Christmas mad this week) that I would usually automatically go for… And honestly I used to eat with abandon at these things figuring it was Christmas and I may as well… so I came in around 1000 cals. Not too shabby. ⭐️

    This year I’m definitely paying a lot more attention and treating my body with care… but… the scales are not reflecting and that’s ok… I’m hoping that will happen but like others while it’s great to have the drop I’m healthy, I’m here and I’m mostly happy which is the most important. The drop will come later rather than sooner 😂

    @merryapple how scary that must have been as a child… it’s like one of those scenes in a movie…😱 I hope your morning tea went well. 🫖
    @flourbaby I succumbed to a pizza on Monday before my trip back… it happens 😁 does a teeny tiny crust pizza count as a mess up?

    @stitchincarol I had noticed that you were just near me weight wise at 158 ish but see that for you too a few salty choices etc can make a big difference… I’m bobbing too but let’s just make sure to keep focused over the next few weeks.. 💪 I’m hoping absolutely not to hit above 160 over Christmas and can then use week 1 of 2024 to address any gains.
    @funshipfreddie glad to hear your back/leg problem is resolved – mine too funnily enough… only realised recently that that sharp pain wasn’t happening any more… I do have a really stiff lower back at the moment though so must try some mobility exercises.
    @northgeorgia yes we are on the home stretch now 🏃‍♀️ ⭐️
    @maui – keep posting 💕💕
    @daffodil2010 and @at how are you two?
    @lilymartin are you there?

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Ah @maui I see you posted 💕 hurrah!

    Day 22 NFD NZ 79.3kg

    Whew! I was debating about whether this was going to be another attempt at a FD but tomorrow will be better after the BBQ😵‍💫. The morning tea was fun and the pastries were spectacular… I sampled a few selections then had a modest salad and fish for dinner. I managed to get my visitors to take most away with them away but I was left with a large English style doughnut (rhubarb jam and cream) and a pastry with a peach and oaty crumble on top. For breakfast I ate both – well shared them with a much more appreciative Mr Mac! They were getting soggy bottoms and it was now or never… I cannot throw perfectly good food out…
    @jaifaim I agree – consistency and health are the best aims (once I’ve got rid of my puppy fat🤣🤣)
    I’ve got 4.2 kg to lose to get out of the overweight BMI category as @funshipfreddie worked out, but to get to the middle of the category it’s 14.2kg or 65kg. I’ll look like a racing sardine at that weight 🤣.
    If you loose 8kg it is equivalent to losing 1cm off your waistline, according to Prof Shaw, Oz, who advocates for keeping an eye on your BMI and waist:height measurement.
    @flourbaby I’ve got a sealed package of Lindt choccies in the fridge that look at me every time I open the door🫣
    Sleepus interruptus by a pet is a quick way to get their neck wrung 🫨 I had the problem of a too early riser wanting to go outside (4-6am) and then expecting breakfast because he’d successfully got me out of bed. Retraining: I let him out, opened the back door so he could come and go and shut my bedroom door. He tried to get me up a couple of times but it didn’t work. Now I let him out when he wants to go out and he waits til his b’fast time of 8am.
    Another good weigh in number @northgeorgia!
    @stitchincarol I completely agree. How could you possibly eat those sweet wee chocolate gnomes!
    @maui Exciting to have DS home for Christmas. And I’m thinking of those who got caught up in the fire. It will be very difficult for them at this time of year.
    Yes as @jaifaim highlights, where are our good friends @penz, @daffodil2010, @lilymartin and @at. I’m sure they’ll be back with fervour and resolution in the New Year!!!
    I’m off into the garden on the rocky slope with the weed whacker while it’s cool…

    Steely Resolve while you’re having fun!!

    Day 22 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    I had a lovely lunch at a nearby golf course with a neighbour yesterday. Neither of us are members, but you don’t need to be to eat there. It may just be my new favourite place to eat. So peaceful, with a lovely view over the golf course & the sea in the distance. And so cheap?! They do all-day breakfasts, some for as little as R 32. A full breakfast for R 65! – which I think is about US$3.50.

    @flourbaby – Bo-Bo needs a good talking to 😅. Seriously, few things are worse than sleep deprivation. I’ll be incarcerating Boo Boo in Carol’s Cattery in a couple of hours. I feel guilty already. She’s fast asleep on my bed, blissfully unaware of the trauma she’s about to experience 😳

    @stitchincarol – you dislike chocolate-covered cherries?! I absolutely love them. Yours look divine, but so expensive?! I’d try to make them last for several weeks, but we all know how that would turn out 😅 Not the sort of thing I’d buy for myself, but they do make nice gifts.

    @jaifaim, @merryapple – I’ve been wondering about our absent friends too. Hopefully they’ll be back by New Year, maybe with some newbies 🤞

    My last FD today, for maybe a week. Hope on the list guys, plenty of room 😉

    “Your body can stand almost anything; it’s your mind that you have to convince”. ~ Vince Lombardi

    Pocket List – Day 22 🥚

    Day 22 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Happy Friday all!
    This may be my last weigh in this year but I’ll see how I’m going next Friday…
    Shame to be above maintenance but close enough to be happy with it and to know that it is all to play for next year. Like other I like a new start and challenge so I’m
    up for it!

    I’m a fan of chocolate covered sour cherries 🍒. I dont buy them but if I’m gifted them I have to try make them last..

    Have a great day everybody. I have a lot to do today and I have a night out tonight. So going to apply myself right now ⭐️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 22, London, UK, FD

    Well, the entire office is counting down the hours!!! I can’t wait to switch my laptop (& brain) off and forget work for 2 weeks!

    I was directed to this video by a colleague, very, very interesting!! 23 and ½ hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health? By Dr. Mike Evans.

    I hear you @stitchincarol, after the Dominoes pizza I found myself guzzling glass after glass of water, it didn’t taste particularly salty, but by bedtime I could tell I was dehydrated, so more water …………………………. And up at 3:30 for the loo, then Bo-Bo at 5:30!!! I’m fated to not to get my full unbroken 8 hours!!!😱😴😭

    @jaifaim, I need to get back to that place where those ‘false treats’ hold zero appeal, I’ve got it nailed in the supermarket as I can look at the cereal, sweetie and biscuit aisles with revulsion, but FOMO and free food are definitely my nemesis, and Xmas gifts to the office are particularly trying……………….. this month we’ve polished off several tubs of Roses, Quality Streets, Haribo, Heroes not to mention the biscuits, as soon as one tub is finished, another gets opened and left on the desk between me and the toilets/water cooler😱😭😱!!!

    @merryapple ………………….” I’ll look like a racing sardine at that weight 🤣”…………..🤣🤣🤣 I think my house would be overrun with cats or even the fox who lives at the end of the garden if I left the door open😱, Bo-Bo is very territorial, but I’m sure his furry friends and the (rather bold) fox would take advantage of an open door!!! During my 2 weeks off, I’m going to ignore the crying until exactly 6 am then let him out, I can go back to bed then🙏🏼🙏🏼

    Poor Boo Boo, she won’t know what’s hit her😿, but @funshipfreddie, think about how excited she (& you) will be when you’re reunited😻😻…………………. Don’t feel guilty, it will all be forgotten with a belly rub and some food!!!

    I’m going to try to post daily for the next week, I may miss a day here or there, but I have to remember ……………….. it’s only TWO DAYS!!!!

    Stay strong folks.

    “A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.”
    — James N. Watkins

    Day 22 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 158.6

    Yesterday’s WF only lasted until 8pm when I finally got home–and was so cold (for lack of calories inside me) that I simply couldn’t bear it, so I had about 400 calories. Slowly, I warmed up, and then I slept well, so that was lovely. Today will be a simple lunch, and supper will be a shared burrito with DH and a pint at our local brew pub. Neither are low calorie, but neither are excessive, so I should be fine, except for that beer, LOL.

    @funshipfreddie Yes, I’m thankful to have at least one Christmas treat that I can’t stand, LOL! The family who gave me the candy has done that one other time, and I’m thankful they’re willing to spend the money because, while I’m not willing, the candies are certainly truly excellent, both in look and in taste! And, EXCELLENT quote.

    @flourbaby Your video link is fascinating; we should all watch it and follow it. Will I? Well, when we’re in California, I’m determined to go walking with my sister every day. The one who walks 3 miles a day. The one who turned 81 this fall! 😂😂😂 Then, to keep walking once I get back to Nebraska…

    Got lots done in the church office yesterday, and all that’s remaining is to do laundry, choose clothes, and pack…and practice for the three services on Sunday/Monday. The kicker is that the practice time typically takes as many as ten hours, so there’s still lots to do, but I’m getting close and feeling less stress to be getting stuff done. Plus, while it’s a lot of time, I love the process of choosing music for services, so it’ll be fun, it’ll burn calories, and it’ll keep me out of the kitchen, which clearly makes the process a win-win-win! 🥰😇

    So, I’m off to make a careful list so I don’t suddenly realized I’ve forgotten something and have to scramble to accomplish it.

    Have a grand one, and strength to you @funshipfreddie and any other fasters!

    Day 22 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 226 lbs. We know during this holiday season there will be feasts and celebrations. Don’t let a few pounds deter you. But also don’t let the season make you think all is lost until 2024. There will be opportunities to -not- have a little something extra, and you may also find two days next week to continue 5:2 even during the heavy holiday period (I’m eyeing the 27th and 29th, myself).

    Merry merry!

    Pocket List – Day 22 🥚

    Day 22 USA/Hawaii NFD

    Nothing great to report on the weight loss journey but I’m still here. One positive thing to report is that I am being consistent with the 30 minute workout on the stationary recumbent bike. Workout includes upper body movement too with some light 8 lb weights. So probably good enough for this 77 year old… lol

    Happy to have DS visiting. His OH arrives tomorrow. night. We are going to be talking about sorting through things here at the house. I am considering renting out my house but the task of emptying the house feels overwhelming. Big decision and nothing decided yet. A change could be good and providing a home for a family displaced by the fire would be a good thing too. But where would I go and what would I do for the next 2 years? And I still feel the need to visit DH’s final resting place often. So probably will just wait awhile. But considering my options is ok.

    Immediate goal is to keep calories reasonable these next few days with a FD or two during the next week. Walking to the beach morning and evening most everyday and getting my bare feet in the sand … the grounding does make me feel better. DH loved to look for little shells and I see him everywhere. Today I decided to pick up just a small bit from the beach to take to him on my next visit.

    Always so encouraging to read about everyone’s journey here… hope to have more to contribute in 2024.

    Day 23 NZ 79.5kg FD

    I got all dressed up and had nowhere to go y’day… The BBQ is tonight not last night…Duh!
    @funshipfreddie Safe travels and Happy Xmas just in case you don’t check in again before then! That golf club sounds fabulous! I did a private nursing job in Stratford on Avon during a serious jogging period and used to run all over the greens at the Welcombe Golf course and Hotel, a grand old mid 19c country house. There’s nothing like the spongy bright green texture of a beautifully mown⛳️
    Thank you for that great summary @northgeorgia. On reflection I always lose my grip after Xmas not before. I manage the run up, then eat up everything after🎄🍖🍰🥂because NY’s resolutions are in sight…
    Great video @flourbaby It’s so timely for me to make time for exercise. When Mr Mac was in his prime I had lots of exercise but it’s dropped away because he can’t walk well. I do carry him a lot now but the time for me to own my own ex regime is fast coming up with the New Year.🙂 I’ll be here to post with you between Xmas and Hogmanay😊
    @jaifaim Well done on staying around your goal which is my goal too! I can’t wait to be there in 10 months time or even earlier 😅 if I do the work!! Have a lovely Christmas with your DM.
    @stitchincarol What a perfect dinner! Burrito and beer! My favourite! I’m about to make Peter Gordon’s Tomato Chilli Jam recipe to take to the BBQ. https://app.ckbk.com/recipe/suga90062c11s001r001/tomato-chilli-jam

    Steely Resolve one and all!

    Day 23 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.4 kg

    @flourbaby – “Can you limit your sitting and sleeping to just 23 & a half hours per day?” When it’s put like that it sounds absurd, doesn’t it? How could you get through an entire day & NOT move for at least 30 minutes?! But I guess many people do. Very old people with mobility issues perhaps. But for the rest of us there’s no excuse. Boo Boo was as good as gold in the car. She let out one little ‘meow’ when we were half a minute from the cattery. When I got home I cleaned up all the paraphernalia; the feeding bowls, toys & scratchpads. And I removed all the white hair which sticks like glue to the base of my maroon vertical blinds & drives me nuts. I looked around & I thought, “wow! I could get used to this”. I wonder if parents ever feel like that when their little darlings go off on school trips or summer camps? I bet some of them do. Maybe, as they bask in the tranquillity, they secretly fantasise about changing the locks. Or moving to another town. Or country. 😂 No, I’d never do that to Boo Boo. But, a stroppy, ungrateful adolescent with a bad attitude? Maybe.. 🤔

    @merryapple – oh no?! All dressed up & nowhere to go 🤦‍♂️ How annoying. I seem to be using my phone’s calendar more often these days to remind me about times/appointments. Works like a charm. But you’re still going for the FD today? I’m aiming to check in daily while I’m away. My friends aren’t big eaters or snackers. But the drink is another story. This is my 2nd AF Christmas so…🤞🤞

    @maui – that is a big decision you have to make. Take your time. Don’t let anyone talk you into doing anything you don’t want to do. One of my neighbours is currently staying with her daughter & family in New Zealand for a few months. The plan was to eventually move there permanently once the paperwork & legalities are sorted out. But she’s quickly realising she’s become little more than a live-in nanny/cook/you-name-it & was happier at home.

    Dr Mosley’s column for the UK Mail:-

    Have a good weekend everyone! 🌤🌈❄️☃️

    Pocket List – Day 23 🥕

    “When you want to give up – remember why you started.”

    Day 23 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 226 lbs. Well, so far it’s a Christmas miracle! Down a half a pound over yesterday, and down nearly a pound over last week’s average (2 lbs down over last Saturday’s weigh-in). The feast days are here, starting at lunch today. Merry Christmas to those that celebrate, stay strong, and hopefully see many of you with two days of fasting picked out to round off the year.

    Day 23 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 160.4

    I say NFD, but I am not the least hungry, so I’m going to employ some self-control to limit the quantity of food I put into myself today. But, it is as good as Christmas, so I’m also going to let myself feel festive with a treat here and there–just not an excessive FEAST.

    My poor daughter–my PREGNANT daughter–has covid. She’s isolating in their bedroom so that her husband and two little girls (4yo and 2yo) don’t get it, both because she’s protecting them, and also because they’re all supposed to fly to Colorado on Wednesday for the girls to be flowergirls in not one but two cousin weddings. Phew, but the timing is rather awful, you know? I just talked to her a bit, and she sounded awful, but says she doesn’t actually feel all that bad, so I’m thankful for that.

    @maui You know, common wisdom says not to make any big decisions for a full year after the loss of a spouse…but I fully get why you feel the urge to possibly rent out your house now, given the horrible fire. What is the two-year thing you mentioned about? Hugs to you as you and your family sort through what you’ll do.

    @merryapple Too funny that you had the days mixed up and got all dressed up! It was a bit of deja vu the next day, wasn’t it??? 😂😂 I was sad not to be able to look at the recipe, as a membership was required…

    @funshipfreddie That quote is very similar to @at‘s personal motto…

    Well, it’s time to get today’s show on the road. I practiced a little over three hours yesterday, and had SO much fun. I have favorite arrangements to introduce the various carols, most of which I play every year (if we don’t have to sing different carols, why do I have to play a different introduction????), so much of my practicing is simply finding the music and pulling it, but some of the carols get introduced with something different each year, and the prelude and postlude are not consistent from year to year–for example, my prelude for our Christmas Eve Candlelight service is twenty minutes of four or five piano arrangements; I haven’t done piano arrangements as a prelude in many years, but felt like it this year.

    Other than that, it’s a lot of laundry and choosing clothes to pack and making sure I have everything I need to cook meals in California. We leave the house at two o’clock on Christmas Day and get back Wednesday, January 3. I haven’t yet decided if I’ll take along my laptop, but you know what my posts look like when I don’t have my laptop, LOL, so don’t be surprised if I’m virtually silent for those ten days!

    Okay, enough chatter. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 23 USA/Hawaii FD800

    Going for FD 800 just to stay in the game and keep hope alive. Weigh in this morning at 163 lb. At least I’m not gaining this month. Feeling some sense of routine with the beach walks and stationary bike workouts.

    Good advice from @funshipfreddie and @stetchincarol which I will take to heart. I am learning that having your own space is important and that sharing with friends and even family starts out fun but does have its limitations. The 2 year rental is max my CPA says I can do without losing status of primary residence should I want to sell at some point down the road. And I believe 18 months is shortest rental program provided under the rules for FEMA helping families needing housing.

    @stitchincarol prayers for daughter’s speedy and complete recovery from covid. I relate to isolating from family as I had it the month before DH passed away and it totally turned the care routine and everyone in the house upside down. It does seem to have a way of hitting us at the very worst time.

    Pocket List – Day 23 🥕

    Strength to all fighting to stay on track and at least control the eating right now.

    Day 23 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾
    157 lbs oops

    Hi all, lovely night out last night and a late one, lots of yummy food and good craic with friends… I’ve been slooooow to get going today… and here I’m posting again late in the evening.

    @maui I agree with the others who wisely advise not making big decisions just yet.. you are so very good to even think of giving your house over to those in need while you yourself are coming to terms with your terribly sad loss 💕💕

    @stitchincarol I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter having Covid… the poor pet.. at Christmas 💕💕 it just isn’t going away is it??

    @funshipfreddie have a safe and fun trip away 🎄 I hit the road tomorrow and will have a lovely quiet Christmas. Complete with a swim on Christmas morning.. has to be done! I feel my system needs a shake up so that should do it 😬 😂

    @northgeorgia bravo bravo ⬇️👏👏👏 go you! Yes we can fit two days in next week. We can we can we can ⭐️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 24 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I’m using my phone to post too, not so easy. There’s never a 10 year old around when you need one 😅

    Safe travels & bon voyage for everyone traveling this week. I had a very uneventful drive up the coast yesterday, and the road was surprisingly quiet.

    I’m off to church just now. Haven’t been near one in a couple of decades, so if you never hear from me again, it’s because I was struck by a bolt of lightning as soon as I walked through the door 😳 ⚡

    Wishing my fellow fasters a happy & peaceful Christmas. Remember, it’s just food… 😉

    Day 24 Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    @funshipfreddie 😂 ⚡️ enjoy!

    I’m also at my chrimbo destination. 💕💕

    Happy Christmas everyone! 🎄♥️🎄

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 24-NFD-No VA USA

    Merry Christmas to all! Expecting family for an early lunch today. We enjoy doing the cooking. Feta and sun-dried tomato quiche; sausage and roasted onion quiche; vegetarian enchiladas with black beans and cheese; small ham; funeral potatoes (as they are called: sort of like cubed potatoes with cheese and cream sauce, baked); spice cake for dessert.
    Joy to everyone.

    Day 24 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 226 lbs. Up about 1/4 lb from yesterday, but this is the lowest Sunday weigh-in since mid-November. Very nice!

    @stitchincarol Hope your daughter recovers quickly! So sorry to hear she has COVID in her condition, and at this time of year 🙁

    @maui I hope the pathway comes clear for you in the near future!

    @jaifaim Yay! Yes, I think it’s very possible to finish up the year strong and a boost to our “Resolution” period coming up 🙂

    @funshipfreddie Enjoy your time there!

    @excelsior12309 Sounds delicious! I’m going to attempt the main course for Christmas Eve dinner tonight as no one had any solid plans. I am going to do pork tenderloin and attempt a roast beef for the first time. We are tired of ham and didn’t really feel for turkey either, so here’s something new 🙂

    Hope Santa is kind to you all.

    Christmas Eve morning – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    The Sunday School Christmas service this morning went nicely, despite the four siblings who all were sick and had to stay home–bummer! DH and I have had a baguette with cream cheese and smoked salmon (not much for me, and only coffee to drink) for our brunch, and the Christmas cards are THIS close to being finished. We have lovely Christmas music on a smart speaker and the Vikings/Lions football (American, obviously) game on very quiet. I’m whittling away at my list and trying not to get too impatient to be on our way to California. There is a small fly in the ointment: after weeks of very dry and unseasonably warm weather (last night, the low–the LOW–was 52/11!), we have rain all day today and a cold front that will turn it into snow overnight and well into tomorrow. DH points out the ground is still warm everywhere, however, so it shouldn’t be terribly dangerous. That’s the hope anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Have you all seen the Chevy Alzheimer’s commercial? It’s a serious tearjerker, and apparently is carefully crafted on a particular therapy that brings comfort to those who suffer from Alzheimer’s–and the association was closely involved in making the commercial. Anyway, it makes me happy to watch it: https://youtu.be/xnZGEUA4oBk

    And should you want to hear me play, or my choir sing, or my husband preach: https://www.facebook.com/stmatthewchurchcedarbluffs/

    @funshipfreddie I smiled at your silliness about going to church today. What made you decide to do so? I hope the organist was excellent!

    Merry Christmas to each and every one of you!

    Day 24 USA/Hawaii NFD
    Late post today but better late than never. Getting ready to walk down to beach for sunset with DS and perhaps his OH will join us. She just arrived so is busy getting settled. Before going to airport to pick her up, DS and I went to visit DH’s grave and sprinkled rose petals. It was a lovely sunny day with blue skies after a number of rainy days(which we really need). Feels good to be with family. We are cooking some nice meals and just relaxing.
    Best wishes for all to enjoy friends and family whether you are celebrating or just relaxing as we are doing.

    Day 25 – USA/GA- NFD

    Weigh-in: 228 lbs. But we know it’s all just holiday bloat. Merry Christmas! Will catch up later.

    Boxing Day 26 NZ FD 79 to 79.6kg!

    I wrote my post in notes y’day then didn’t put it up…
    I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas Day full of good cheer!!
    Mine was spent at DHs family with 20+ people – 6 were from Kentucky and NYC! We had lamb on the spit as the main with various salads and roast vegetables. I’m delighted to say my Gt grandma’s flaming Christmas pudding was perfect, served with brandy butter. I then went to visit my friends who have lost two family members and against my better judgement had another round of desert plus Christmas cake…
    I cut my Xmas cake y’day morning to test it. The texture is spot on but even though I have fed it only twice with brandy as is normal it needs to sit for 6 months because it’s so alcoholic… I made it a bit late this year and this is what happens!
    The weather is revolting here – hot, low clouds and rainy with humidity of 89% and no wind to push the weather through…

    Steely Resolve to anyone attempting to rebalance with a FD!

    Pocket List

    Day 25 USA/Hawaii NFD
    Weigh in 163 lb Actually down a couple ounces and I feel good. Walked to the beach this morning. Absolutely beautiful day. Family guests are sleeping in so I have some quiet time to start the day. Just did 40 minutes on the stationary bike which includes some upper body stretches and some weights.
    Food today should be ok… fixing Chilean Sea Bass for our main meal with tomato and spinach. Will make some fake ice cream with frozen fruit and yogurt in the blender … lucky my family likes to eat healthy so we can get away without too many carbs and no added processed sugars.
    Off to the kitchen to make a quick batch of almond biscuits with cranberries and pecans … another family favorite.
    Best to everyone … hope you are all surrounded by love today.

    Days 25/26 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 🎅

    I hope everyone’s having a good Christmas. Yesterday it rained and it poured, and then it rained some more. And it’s still raining. What can you do? It didn’t spoil our fun. We played Scrabble, Monopoly and Backgammon. Not sure you’ll have heard of Fingerboard; but we played that too. I think it’s South African. And there was way too much food.

    @stitchincarol – why did I go to church? Peer pressure 😅
    There was no organ/organist though. It’s a small modern Baptist place. But there was a keyboard and a couple of guitarists. And even drums! I do enjoy Christmas Carols.

    Going home tomorrow. Planning on another FD or two before the end of the month, depending on what the scales say Thursday morning 😳

    Day 26 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 229 lbs. Heaviest weigh-in since March 2021, but happy I didn’t hit 230. Heard about my mom’s plans for (me) tomorrow, so today will be a great day to fast! Then I’ll have the option of either Thursday or Friday for my next FD. I’ve felt discouraged all year, having a gradual increase of weight to where I am now, but there was a lot of unexpected emotional upheaval, too. I’m refocusing in 2024 to control most of my meals instead of letting food do whatever it wants.

    Pocket list – Day 26

    Day 26, in Monterey,
    California nfd

    Yesterday was absolutely lovely. The service went well, our final packing was easy, our super fast but truly elegant Christmas dinner (beef tenderloin with a creme fraiche/ horseradish/ orange zest sauce) and baked potato and Caesar salad was sublime, and it was only when we got to California at 10pm our time that I realized I had done OMAD. NOT BAD!

    Oops, my sister is up, later!

    Day 27 NZ NFD 79kg

    Whew! One more FD to go for me this year…
    I glazed the ham at 10pm last night – it’s more for Hogmanay than part of the Christmas feast. Poor Mr Mac could smell the cooking aromas all through the night (he’s sleeping under the kitchen table at the moment) so he was up EARLY to let me know he’s a starving Westie. Silly me!😊
    @funshipfreddie I love all those board games! What fun you had! Have a safe drive home.
    @stitchincarol That sounds absolutely delicious – mmm beef and horseradish and Caesar salad! Our new Kentucky Christmas friends had made cornbread in a cast iron pan with no rising agent and a huge roasting dish of corn and egg custard (my description, it’s not a dish I’m familiar with)
    which didn’t cook in time for dinner. She was mortified but we left the dish to slowly cook on in the oven and I tried a bit from the edge to reassure her that it was delicious! (Although a bit strange for a Christmas dinner).
    @northgeorgia Ooh! cutting it fine!! That’s why I love New Year’s resolutions. Out with the Auld year’s habits and in with the new aspirations and behaviours.
    @maui Your fish sounds perfect! And lovely to get some fresh air and time to yourself while your guests sleep in.
    @jaifaim Hope your Chrimbo is/was a happy event🎄🌟🎄
    I’m off outside for a walk while it’s cool! Did you hear that – walk without a dog🙁

    Have a lovely day!😍

    Day 26 USA/Hawaii NFD
    Not much new to report here but I did not want to miss signing in. It is a beautiful day. Biggest accomplishment so far was walking to the beach and “grounding” with feet in the sand and water … followed by my 30 minute work out on the stationary bike. I drove DS over to the infusion center (about one hour drive each way) for his weekly blood test to check hemoglobin.. if low then we go back on Thursday for his iron infusion. He has been able to avoid blood transfusions on this program so it’s tedious but allows him to live without constant blood transfusions so actually a very big blessing. He’s feeling well most all the time now and able to work and enjoy life. Such a happy and very funny guy … he always looks at the positive side and jokes often. Well, that’s about it … had not planned on talking about DS but there you have it.
    Off to try to get a few tasks done and see what they would like to do for dinner.
    Inspiring to hear everyone’s journey. Thanks to all for always being here.

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