Happy Xmas December 2023 Challenge

This topic contains 235 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Maui 1 year, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 236 total)

  • Day 6 country west Australia (toying with another ? FD ) 81.7 kgs.
    PFDS in spades @funshipfreddie!!😇😆
    So fasting, as in ACTUALLY fasting under 500 calories AND watching calorie input to stay under TDEE actually work!! Who knew ??!! 😲😲
    I guess we all do but thoughts and actions are 2 different beasts.🙄🙄
    DH is away on business for 3 days so FDs are comparatively easy. I am simply NOT cooking – and I do so LOVE to cook.
    Thought it was a good chance to reset and to refrain from the temptations of tasting everything I’m cooking. It has been remarkably easy since Monday.
    Once the ghrelin and leptin ( hormones to let you know you are hungry or full ) are controlled then I find it somewhat easier to eat less. I also get a lot more work done!
    @jaifaim, I too have given up chocolate 😲, wine 😲, cut down on carbs 😲and flat white coffees 😱😱 but I have a wedding in 8 weeks so am ‘shredding for the wedding’ as my motivation to adopt a more healthy lifestyle – which I had years ago but decided to ditch due to ?? temporary insanity which has lasted almost 6 years!!! 🤔🤔
    @stitchincarol, apologies ! 🤗 I would never presume you were posting your weight for any reason other than for your own reasons. No, I merely meant that I was shaming myself ( an act of desperation and last resort to get ME to knuckle down and do 5:2 properly )😊 And so far it is working…..🤞🤞
    @maui , it is bittersweet getting used to longer periods between visiting the memorial place of a loved one. 🙏💐 I don’t really know what to say except we’ve been thinking of you through the year and all the difficulties you have faced.
    @songbirdme and @metatauta it is so good to hear from you – you are both stars in my eyes and good examples to follow. 💐
    @merryapple, I do hope you come back with some berries. They sound delicious.🙂
    @northgeorgia, life happens ! And leading up to Christmas is a difficult period regarding celebrations, parties etc. One day at a time. 🤗
    My mojo is BAAACCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!! Apologies to all those struggling because I know how irritating it can be when someone is doing OK and you are not. ( been there, done that!!)
    But here’s the thing – I realise that I CAN DO this for 7 weeks and 3 days which is only 1248 hours or 74,880 minutes.
    SO I am up for the challenge !!!! They say it takes 30 days to form a habit.
    Hopefully by doing 5:2 until the wedding I can really consolidate this new lifestyle. I did it in 2016. I CAN do it again.
    Delayed gratification hey @funshipfreddie !🙏🤞🙏🤞
    By writing such a long post and inserting so many emojis it has successfully helped me swerve the kitchen as I must away for work or I will be late.
    Have a good day all.😊

    Day 6 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @merryapple – enjoy the trip, & safe travels 🚙

    @lilymartin – way to go! Sounds like you’ve got enough mojo for all of us. You & @merryapple will be in the 70’s in no time at this rate. Have you thought about what you’ll do after the 7 weeks though? Maintenance is somehow trickier once you no longer have that goal to strive for. I guess maintenance is the goal, but it’s not as rewarding psychologically, & it’s easier to become complacent & return to bad habits. So I’m in it for the long-haul. I’ve been sticking to 2 FDs per week for the best part of 7 years (61,320 hours 😅) But I could probably get away with just one if I behaved better the rest of the week.

    Graham Norton with Cher, Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks & Timothée Chalamet. Hard to believe Cher is 77, & talking about going on tour again?!

    Gotta run. Last line-dance rehearsal before our performance next week 😱 🕺

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 6 🍋
    @merry🍎 – possibly..?
    @lilymartin – maybe..?

    Day 6 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Hello @songbirdme so great to see you! 👋

    @lilymartin good tactic! 📝 well done to you and I think we all need people who are mojoful!! To inspire us and to reassure us that the WOL works.. I have a trip early January which I need to get fit for so am focussed on that… I’m with you 💪 and by the sounds of it you will be fit and fab for the wedding dress 👗

    @funshipfreddie I totally agree about maintenance although I haven’t been there too long…and have bobbed out of it many a time… it’s tricky… still have to work out my best method but will sit down and apply myself after Christmas… for the moment just getting back to the top of my happy range will be my focus for the next three weeks.
    Enjoy your last rehearsal! Isn’t it crazy that you have gone from knowing nothing about line dancing to putting on a show 🕺bravo 🎉
    @at I hope you had a great night out! 🥂 Raspberry flapjacks sound yum and a great idea to have a little sharp raspberry flavour in them.. I must try that. Do you use fresh or frozen?

    @maui it’s so hard for you and I think of you often. What a terribly sad year it has been. You, @northgeorgia and @flourbaby are in my thoughts as we approach Christmas… I know you miss your loved ones every day but the firsts are difficult 💕 I’m glad to hear your accupuncture helped.. I find it so very relaxing after the initial pain 😮

    @merryapple have a lovely trip – it sounds delightful and I can only imagine the berries you’ll bring home… mmmm yum jam for Christmas 🎄
    @northgeorgia you are busy busy! Well done on getting back in rack with all you have going on.
    @stitchincarol I had a bulky cardigan in yesterday under my puffer coat so both worked to make me feel enormous!!! You know what… it helped me manage my food intake 😂😂 maybe that’s the key!
    But actually I received a lovely compliment from a colleague who hadn’t seen me in ages (with said bulky items off) who was wondering how I had trimmed down so much so no need to tell you that brought a huge smile and I skipped home in my bulky layers… warm and a little like the Michelin Man but with renewed focus. 😂😂
    Speaking of which, @michelinme I hope you are ok.
    @daffodil2010 also… sending hugs…

    So I had a really good CD yesterday – and now to really good FD today 💪

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List Day 6 🍋
    @merry 🍎 – possibly..?
    @lilymartin – maybe.?
    @jaifaim – definitely

    Argh.. posting on my phone and when rushed = typos 🤣 I hope you all can decipher my scribblings – apologies to the “editors” here… 🙃🙃🙃and @lilymartin of course I mean the dress for the wedding rather than wedding dress 👰‍♀️🤣
    Have a good day all ⭐️

    Day 6 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. Gotta go to Atlanta for a meeting. Lots of bad traffic and wrecks, so better take the longer alternate routes. Had NFDs since Monday, but tomorrow is my FD.

    Day 6 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD (1500 calories) – 157.6

    PFDS is mine this morning! I didn’t actually finish out the WF yesterday; going into it with only a little under 800 calories felt onerous by the evening, so when I got home around 7:00, I had 130 calories of ham and one Ritz cracker, and that made me feel far better. I bought some sushi rolls yesterday, so DH and I will have them for lunch, and then a sandwich or something before our Advent Midweek service tonight, so not exceeding 1500 calories should be reasonably doable.

    @songbirdme I’ve been thinking of you, and am so glad to have you check in. Bummer the house won’t be done by Christmas–but that would have added an entire extra layer of stress, so it’s probably just as well, yes? Regardless, it is what it is, and I’m sure you’re enjoying your dreams of the finishes!

    @lilymartin Oh, no, no, no! I wasn’t offended and there’s no need for you to apologize–none. My thought in saying that about my precise feelins is because, 1) shame can be effective at the beginning of anything, but its efficacy doesn’t last, so I don’t like to rely on it, and 2) so many of us learn from others’ thoughts and motivations, so by being precise, the rest of the forum could examine your thoughts and my thoughts and see if anything resonated with them. I seem to have regained my mojo–although I’m still working hard on it, for fear it will again evaporate–and I don’t know where it finally came from, but I’m sure it was a combination of my thoughts and the thoughts of those on this forum. 🥰👍🏻

    Oooo, @funshipfreddie, this is so insightful: “maintenance is the goal, but it’s not as rewarding psychologically” Well, well said, and I wonder if that’s yet another reason for me gaining back the weight since, although I wasn’t truly at maintenance, I was close enough to feel glorious. MORE to think about! 😂😂😂 And your line dancing group is PERFORMING??? WAY cool!

    @jaifaim Yup, your words (WONDERFUL compliment from your colleague!) made me immediately think about @michelinme and @daffodil2010. Hey, ladies, we miss you!!!

    WHOA, @northgeorgia, where’d two-hundred-seventeen come from????? Very impressive and well, well done!!!

    Okay, I was awake and out of bed way early this morning, and already have accomplished several things on my to-do list, but it’s a long one, so must get back to it.

    Have a grand one, everyone!!!

    Day 6😱, London UK, NFD,

    Well the days have gotten away from me………….. FD on Day 2 & Day 4, but Vast, copious, HUGE quantities of vino on Day 5 to celebrate both brother’s birthdays and my mum and dad would have celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on day 5 too. (My eldest brother was born on their 1st anniversary🥰)

    I’ve got lots of posts to catch up on, chew over, digest and comment on!! I’ve not started this challenge as I wanted to, but I KNOW posting is key to boosting my mojo, so I’m here from now on, even the weekends!!!

    Until later, stay strong folks!!

    “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”
    — Dale Carnegie

    DAY 6 USA/Hawaii CD (1200 calories)
    162 lbs. I’ve set a goal of hitting 159 by Dec 31. Looks very possible.
    Was going to make this a FD 500 but decided Friday will be better choice.
    Off to start my day … best wishes to all.

    Day 7 – Ireland – CD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Hello all – a decent FD yesterday which hopefully will stand me in good stead for Friday and maybe a drop – we shall see!

    @northgeorgia speaking of drops… I noticed your 6lb drop too!! Wow!! Well done to you!

    @stitchincarol you deserve your PFDS ⭐️ isn’t it great to be proud of your own efforts and I believe this is so important for both the physical and mental side of fasting.. if you can do that – what else can you do? ⭐️⭐️
    I’m proud of myself this week for implementing a few small changes which are just about discipline with food and exercise and I am already sleeping better and feeling stronger. 😄
    @funshipfreddie I hope the last rehearsal went well 😄 What a couch on this week’s Graham Norton! I caught some snippets but must watch it in full this weekend.

    Stay with us @flourbaby – we’ve got you 💕
    What a lovely weekend if celebrations – so important to mark the big ones 🎈💕

    I think 159lb is very doable @maui and I’m hoping to drop about the same … 3lbs ⬇️ would be fab as I’m bobbing up and down … we will get there… 💪

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @stitchincarol – I’m sure that is a big part of the reason people regain weight after losing it. We get a bit of a buzz every time we get closer to that goal, & it spurs you on. Then when you’re at maintenance it’s just not the same, not as motivating somehow. So we need to be even more vigilant. They always say most people regain the weight they lose, which is discouraging to hear. But then I found this old article from the New York Times that says it’s not true. A very high percentage of people who lose weight keep it off, & they’re mostly the people who do it by themselves. It’s from 1999, but still worth a read:- https://www.nytimes.com/1999/05/25/health/95-regain-lost-weight-or-do-they.html

    You said the other day that I was suspicious about WFDs? I can’t remember what I said about them; I’m not sure I’ve ever even attempted one. But I do have weird sleep problems if I have too few calories. I used to like having oatmeal on FDs. That’s all I’d have the whole day, around 7 pm, with maybe some raisins & apple. But then I started having these sleep disturbances. Hard to explain, but I’d wake up terrified, as if I’d been drowning & fighting to wake up. And then I’d be afraid to go back to sleep. I’m almost sure it’s related to blood sugar levels, but since I stopped having oatmeal it very rarely happens, & now I just stay away from carbs on FDs. So that’s the only reason I’m reluctant to try a WFD, I’m afraid I might not wake up! Which I think is a great way to go, but just not yet 💤 🪦

    @flourbaby – “Vast, copious, HUGE quantities of vino…” no?!! I only realised after reading your post – I’m on month 15, after starting with sober October last year. So this’ll be my 2nd dry Xmas, maybe. I didn’t really plan on stopping forever, but I’m not sure I miss it enough to start again 🤔

    @jaifaim – It was a good Graham Norton show, & he always makes me laugh. I’m looking forward to seeing the new ‘Wonka’ movie, it comes out this week on Netflix, I think. Our last rehearsal went well, but we’re going to have another quick practice before we perform next week. It’s only about 30 minutes, & just for the care centre residents & the ladies who look after them. Then after what is bound to be our award-winning performance 🤪 we’re going out for a year-end lunch, because we’re only getting together again in January.

    I knew it! Too much exercise is bad. Bad bad bad. Take a nap instead 😅

    @northgeorgia – 6 lb down?! 💪🏆 Putting you on the list..

    “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Day 7, London, UK, FD,

    Eggs and a small green salad for breakfast at lunchtime today (Go ZBC!!!) This should keep me satisfied until after yoga this evening, not that there’s much I can do about it, during class, if it doesn’t🤣🤣

    I’m still playing catch-up, but so good to see your day 4 post @lilymartin, “And I LOVE carbs of every kind!!”………….. Preaching to the choir I think😂😂!!! There are lots of people out there “sleep walking into obesity”, they have no idea about processed food, the danger of carbs or what nutritional labels mean!!! The convenience of convenience is difficult for many to ignore!😢Funnily enough, I’ve been reminding myself daily that I’m happy knowing that I can live without bread, rice, pasta, cake & not feel deprived, because I KNOW that the food I choose is nourishing my body, it’s not supposed to comfort me, nor make me happy, nor relieve stress or any of the 1000 excuses I used to justify any EFS events (or poor choices🍷)!!!!! Food is not my support system, that’s what my family & friends are for!!!

    @stitchincarol, I see your lightbulb!! If you enjoy a WFD there’s no reason not to do them, it’s the NFDs you have to watch!!! I think I started floundering when I started experimenting with WFDs, B2B2Bs, FD800s etc. etc. etc………………………. Now, I’m sticking to 5:2 but allowing a 4:3 if my NFDs aren’t as controlled as they should be. The beauty of 5:2 was in not feeling deprived and making up for it on NFDs, I started out compensating on NFDs but soon became acclimatised, and knew I wasn’t actually starving on FDs so my NFDs naturally became more controlled!!! I’ve never been as chuffed as at the start of this journey many moons ago, when I turned down a carby offer, a glass of vino or a biscuit/sweet/slice of cake even on a NFD (there was a heck of a lot of halo polishing!!!). I’m heading back there too, NFDs are not the day’s I sigh in relief, uncork the bottle or throw caution to the wind. It’s really not a NFD, it’s a ‘control yourself and plan ALL food with the same focus as a FD’ day; at least until it becomes 2nd nature, but remember complacency kicked you’re a*se last time😬 which was; deep breath; 40lbs ago😭😞!!!

    @songbirdme, so lovely to hear your dulcet tones🎶. Well, you know what I mean!!! You are going to NAIL this tricky challenging month!!! I’m with you and @jaifaim, skiing trip at the end of January and would you believe ………………… nothing fits??!!!😱😯🤣

    @jaifaim, thanks for keeping me in mind, I’m under no illusions, my cross Atlantic friends have to right phrase …….Xmas 2023 is going to suck!😭💔💔😭

    @funshipfreddie, month 15!! That’s amazing, you must feel fantastic🥇🏆🥇🏆🥇 Although I’m trying to be mindful, I’ll still have a glass or 5 for celebrations like B’days and Xmas of course, I think the universe might tilt slightly to the left if I gave up for anything more than a month here & there!!!🤣🤣

    I’m sooooo willing to be healed ………………………………

    “Before you heal someone, ask them if they’re willing to give up the things that made them sick!!” – Hippocrates

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Day 7 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 228 lbs. OOPS!! I was 227 not 217 yesterday; that was just wishful thinking and my hurried comment haha

    Strength to us on the pocket list!

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 159.6lbs

    That abrupt climb in pounds this morning makes it look as if yesterday were a serious “Now a Feast Day,” but it’s merely because of the sodium in the sushi we had at lunch. I was very careful to record everything in MFP, and I came in at 1665, 165 calories over my goal, but considering the 15,000 steps I got (yup, was a very busy day) and the 2,266 calories Fitbit says I burned, my eating calories were still well under my total burned calories, so I’m counting yesterday a solid success despite the scale number this morning.

    Today is completely rearranged, with piano lessons moved to tomorrow instead, and all because we have a funeral tomorrow morning and lots to accomplish before then, but I think that I’ll be fine to water fast because I’ll still not be home, but at church doing things and then running a bunch of needed errands.

    @flourbaby Yup, I too am RESOLVED to be here on weekends as well!

    @maui I think you’re absolutely right that 159 is very reachable by the end of the month.

    @jaifaim Tell us yet again what your symbols mean, would you? There’s a new one that’s making me notice the familiar ones…

    @funshipfreddie Darn. I’d have loved to read that article, but the Times wants me to have a subscription in order to do so. Are there any extra details in the article other than how you described it? And the article on exercise looks delightful! 😂 As to WFDs, what I meant was that you questioned if WFDs were actually beneficial to me, and now knowing the background of too few calories for you, I can well understand why you wouldn’t be interested in them!

    @flourbaby You had a wonderfully rich post of great thoughts, and this one resonated the loudest for me: “Food is not my support system, that’s what my family & friends are for!!!” It’s such a joy to see you solidly on the wagon and building your mojo muscle.

    @northgeorgia Oh, no wonder, LOL! I couldn’t decide if I were more startled by your impressive weight or by your absolute silence on the accomplishment! 😂

    I’m up way early today–it’s 6:30 and my post is already done, coffee is done and poured, and I’m even dressed and not in my nightgown–but there’s so much to do that when I woke up an hour ago, I chose to get up and get started rather than go back to sleep. We’re supposed to get to 62/17 today, which will break a 105 year old temperature record; I’m sure looking forward to it! I’m hoping to spend an hour in the yard getting the last of the leaves up; we’ll see if I manage to pull that off or not.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 7 – UK – NFD

    Yesterday was crazy busy and definitely not a FD – aiming for a more CD today leading into tomorrow’s planned FD 🤞

    Happy Hour (Aerobics) class at 9am today followed by coffee with some of the gang then home to write Christmas cards (now also posted) 🤞the overseas cards get there before Christmas as I am a bit late posting them!!!!

    @songbirdme – so lovely of you to pop in and update us – hanging at the top end of your maintenance is way better than I have been recently….still needing to lose around 7lbs to get back to my happy weight!!
    @lilymartin – I am hoping that some of your mojo rubs off on me….I am thinking of not drinking any wine at home until Christmas Eve to see if that helps with my self control on NFDs – I seem to cope with the FDs but NFDs are another thing….🤣
    @funshipfreddie – I found maintenance so easy for years but have struggled for the past year and I’m not sure what has changed??? BTW congratulations on your month 15 alcohol free…..
    @jaifaim – OH loves the flapjacks with fresh fruit, sometimes I use blueberries or blackberries – I put a layer of flapjack mix in the bottom of the pan – fresh or frozen berries on top then a layer of flapjack mix on top and gently press it down and bake 😋
    @northgeorgia – way to go – got below that 220 mark – 217 yesterday 👍 sorry to read further on that was a typo but don’t give up you can aim for that below 220 mark in the new year……find that mojo that is lurking somewhere and stick with us
    @stitchincarol @flourbaby – Me too “RESOLVED to be here on weekends as well!”

    Need to find some motivation to clean and tidy the house before putting up the tree and decorations……

    Strength to those on the pocket list! and motivation to us on a NFD to stick to within our TDEE!!!

    Day 7 USA, Hawaii, NFD
    162 pounds. Busy day planned, but I want it to login to start the day off right.

    Day 8 Whakatāne NZ NFD

    WOW! December has got everyone motivated!!
    Well done! I’m feeling the mojo here too!
    I’m having such a gorgeous time and am being so well looked after by the community of artists and musicians.
    The Tūhoe Māori have a strong sense of cultural identity and I feel so blessed to be part of the celebrations for their own people. The NZ Symphony Orchestra is here and backing their singers in a big concert coming up on Saturday night.
    Macintosh is with me. He’s finding the heat – 26 – a struggle and his back legs aren’t good. He’s enjoying himself though but this will be his last big trip…

    Kia Kaha everyone!

    Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.7 kg

    @stitchincarol – Stingy New York Times?! Asking people to subscribe to read an article almost a quarter of a century old?! I went back to the article to see if there was some other way to share it, & I was asked to subscribe too. So I got my spare laptop out & was able to open the article long enough to take a quick screenshot of most of it….

    [It is a depressing article of faith among the overweight and those who treat them that 95 percent of people who lose weight regain it — and sometimes more — within a few months or years.
    That statistic has been quoted widely over the last four decades, in Congressional hearings, diet books, research papers and seminars. And it is the reason so many people approach dieting with a sense of hopelessness.

    But in fact, obesity researchers say, no one has any idea how many people can lose weight and keep it off. Now, as researchers try to determine how many people have succeeded, they are also studying the success stories for lessons that might inspire others to try.

    ”That 95 percent figure has become clinical lore,” said Dr. Thomas Wadden, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. There is no basis for it, he said, ”but it’s part of the mythology of obesity.’

    Dr. Kelly D. Brownell, the director of the Yale Center for Eating and Weight Disorders, said the number was first suggested in a 1959 clinical study of only 100 people. The finding was repeated so often that it came to be regarded as fact, he said.

    Since then, nearly all studies of weight-loss recidivism have followed patients in formal hospital or university programs, because they are the easiest to identify and keep track of. But people who turn to such programs may also be the most difficult cases, and may therefore have especially poor success rates.

    To get a more accurate picture, two researchers are studying long-term dieters for a project called the National Weight Control Registry, and have found it surprisingly easy to collect success stories. About half the people who maintained a substantial weight loss for more than a year had done it on their own, they found. This suggests that many people have found ways to lose weight and keep it off, but have never been counted in formal studies.

    ”There is something very optimistic about this whole data set,” said Dr. Rena Wing, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh and the Brown University School of Medicine. ”Without much effort, we have identified 2,500 people who have succeeded.”

    Dr. Wing and Dr. James O. Hill of the University of Colorado are collaborating on the registry project, which they began five years ago with financing from drug companies and other sources. They are compiling detailed histories of successful long-term dieters — people who had maintained a weight loss of at least 30 pounds for at least one year. Most of the volunteers were solicited through articles in newspapers and magazines. ”It was really to convince ourselves and convince the world that there are people who are successful, and then to learn from them,” Dr. Wing said.

    To their surprise, Dr. Wing and Dr. Hill found that on average the respondents had maintained a 67-pound weight loss for five years. Between 12 and 14 percent had maintained a loss of more than 100 pounds.]
    That’s the gist of it; the rest was mainly quotes from people saying how they’d lost the weight, e.g. cutting out the bad stuff, creating good habits and having a little of what they craved instead of being too restrictive.

    @merryapple – it does feel like we’re all in sync with the mojo. Enjoy the concert!

    @flourbaby – I love that quote, so true!

    @northgeorgia – oh no? Like @stitchincarol, I thought you’d been way too blasé after posting the ‘217’ 😅 Never mind, you’ll get there 🔜

    Happy Fri-yay y’all! 🍹

    Day 8 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Hey, I heard you guys calling…….I did deliberately slip away. I was absolutely fed up with the little or no movement on my weight, my mood was bad, depression even (I don’t suffer thankfully, so more like feeling blue). So many things I was finding overwhelming.
    I even signed up to Slimming Workd online which has been a complete waste of money as I don’t want to back to that paying to weigh regime…so I have the Slimming World manual but that who,e thing about counting “Syns”.. argh

    WFH not good for mental health either, just getting angrier and more resentful, fund myself cursing and shouting aloud at work precisely because nobody can hear me 😱

    Our office will not be available until at least next summer, that power surge fried everything.

    However we have a temporary office solution now sorted nearby so we work on a rota each week in the new office and WFH as only room for 50 desks and we are a coup,e of hundred in total!

    So I am off today. I am going to collect my personal belongings now from the fried office as it will be sealed off in the next couple of weeks for works to start. Then a few errands and then relax. Our Christmas party is tonight but I am not going, not feeling the Ho Ho Ho this year 😆

    I have started earthing (grounding) again and it’s making a slight difference, I have lost 2lbs this week so hopefully the long gone motivation will return.

    I have often thought of you all. And I plan to resume my daily posting, and have a proper FD too.

    Later all xxxxx

    Day 8 – Ireland – CD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾
    157 lbs

    Hello all – no clue what’s going on… but the body is a strange thing… I’ve had a good week but the scales or my body are playing with me.. expected to actually be a little below 155lbs today but nope… I’m ⬆️ 🤨. Won’t pay too much heed… and will hope it’s a blip 😂

    @northgeorgia awww thats a shame but you are doing really well and 217 will show on those scales 👍
    @flourbaby you are emanating very strong mojo vibes 💪
    I’m busy trying to get my cards away too @at – I love sending and receiving them 🎄📝 🎄. I will be trying the flapjack method this weekend..it sounds just perfect! 😋

    @stitchincarol my little icons help me keep on track with those habits or WOLs I’ve adopted and yes sometimes dropped.. the 🚫 is AF so I don’t drink alcohol unless it is a particularly big celebration and generally still don’t but say New Years Eve or a wedding I might have a drink to toast 🥂. Also I like to taste new things so sometimes will try something maybe on holidays but in the main I steer clear of EtOH (😉 @merryapple). It just does me no favours… 🚶‍♂️ is exercise – the aim generally is to do an hour of some exercise each day… I became a little lazy after holidays in October so this is the main focus now as I miss it when I don’t. ✅ is for no added sugar… the hardest of all for me! And again I’ve slipped recently but back on that now and 🌾 is the new one this year which is a sheaf of wheat for gluten free – what I have 100% applied myself to since mid 2023. Funny – what should be the hardest for me (I adore bread, pastries, crackers, grains) has become the easiest as the resulting headaches, low mood, joint pain which come on so quickly after eating gluten means it is just not worth the pain… Christmas will be tough and I’m not sure how I’ll navigate it but I will … 🎄⭐️🎄

    @funshipfreddie wow how interesting about oatmeal! So for me interesting recent findings in switching things up: I used to find porridge (oatmeal) taken in the morning would make me feel super hungry soon after (I put this down to glucose spikes) so I became ZBC on week days.. but since becoming aware of the gluten intolerance I have switched to GF oats… now I have a very small serving about an hour before bed and… guess what… better sleep… I don’t understand it but long may it last ♥️💤 ♥️

    @merryapple Kia Kaha to you too! I’m envious it sounds like you’re having such a lovely time – so very special – enjoy every minute amongst those wonderful people💕 🍓 🎶

    Hi @daffodil2010 – just spotted you posted but haven’t caught up… just good to see you! 😄⭐️😄

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Second post

    So sorry to hear that you are still low @daffodil2010 – all I can say is try stick with us, try move a little each day, try build your habits and routine back up and hopefully things will get better.. poca a poca as some say here… 💕

    I’m not really feeling the Christmas spirit this year for many reasons so I’m ducking out of work events – we go Christmas crazy here and it’s a bit much 😂😂 but I have planned some special catch-ups with friends and family ahead of the 25th which will be a quiet one for me 💕🎄💕.

    Be well and it is really great to have you back.

    Day 8 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 223 lbs. Hey, hey! After the 217 disappointment, not a bad number! Last day was tough. First off-site meeting of the day (after the “check engine light” decided to pop on my car), someone offers me pastries and brownies insistently — twice!! But I politely declined. Then one of my instructors celebrated her birthday with her class and the classes next door and had a dozen pizzas delivered! “Hey, are you fasting,” she asks, the cheese and pepperoni glistening under the lights… I nod. “Oh nevermind, it’s disgusting — it’s fast food pizza. Gross. You wouldn’t want any!” she says. LOL

    I got through the temptations. Ironically, I find that sometimes immersing myself into the temptation, it kills the power. For example, I walked down into the room where they were all stuffing their face and celebrating. Eventually, you realize it’s just food, and you shrug and tell yourself you’ll have something nice tomorrow. That USUALLY works, but more personal invitations are tougher.

    Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 158.0

    I’m startled my weight is that low, as yesterday’s WFD wasn’t. Many factors went into the change of plan, not least being that I was home and not away teaching piano lessons–that’s truly been the biggest factor in my success at WFDs. Also, I had time to rake the front landscaped areas and mow the lawn with the bag on so that I could get up the last of the leaves. It was 90 minutes of intensely hard work, and I decided food was appropriate to reward my body. My best guess is that I ate 1,000 calories, so it’s not that I engaged in EFS, but merely a healthy meal.

    So, not my intended behavior, but I still feel really good about my choices–I ended up at 10K steps and Fitbit says I burned 1800 calories, so I still had a nice deficit between calories eaten and calories burned.

    The funeral is this morning and yesterday’s piano lessons are moved to this afternoon, but there’s a four hour break in there, and I’m thinking I might use that to FINALLY start decorating our main Christmas tree…it’s been up since Monday and there’s still not a single ornament on it!

    @merryapple That upcoming concert sounds lovely!

    @funshipfreddie Thank you! I’m impressed you managed to do it! And this phrase, about the supposed 95% who will regain the weight makes me shake my head in disgust at the casual approach it betrays to facts: “Dr. Kelly D. Brownell, the director of the Yale Center for Eating and Weight Disorders, said the number was first suggested in a 1959 clinical study of only 100 people. The finding was repeated so often that it came to be regarded as fact, he said.” Sounds like the common understanding of how much water we’re supposed to drink every day, which was just a made-up number in the 60s.

    @daffodil2010 I’m so delighted to have you back!!!!! You sound just like I felt a few weeks when I left the forum for a few days. I never have told the entire story, and don’t have time this morning (that funeral, you know), but I’ll share the rest of my details later today or tomorrow morning. Regardless, I’m so glad you’re back, and whether you are losing weight or not, keep in mind that you haven’t gained 30 pounds over the past three years; that alone is success!!

    @jaifaim Thanks for explaining yet again. 🥰 As for Christmas gluten, DS27 (the chef) says that cookies are the easiest of all foods to make GF because there’s very little tweaking involved. I bought a flour called Cup-4-Cup (based on the recommendation of that website I linked for you) and am planning to make chocolate chip cookies tomorrow to take to our extended-family Christmas party on Sunday afternoon; I’ll let you know how they turn out.

    @northgeorgia Well done on withstanding all the temptations of yesterday! I truly mean that–WELL done!

    Okay, I’m feeling overwhelmed that I’m still sitting with my laptop instead of getting dressed and ready to go. It’s actually going to be an easy funeral to play for, because I never have even met the lady, and there will only be 50 people there, and so instead of the 20-30 minutes of playing beforehand, I’ll only play for 10… ya-da, ya-da, ya-da, but the bottom line is, I’m fine. But it doesn’t feel like it, LOL!

    So, off I go! Have a grand one, everyone, and I’ll be back tomorrow; I’ll look for yours posts also, @at and @flourbaby!

    Day 8, London, UK, NFD

    Late on parade today after a terrible night’s sleep and then an unwanted 5am wake up from Bo-Bo!!! He’s lucky I didn’t skin him alive!!!

    My sausage breakfast sarnie is sitting on my desk, I’ll have it for an early dinner when I get home as I’m not hungry now, a colleague bought some walnuts from her tree (in the Ukraine!!) to work and they might just be the best nuts I’ve ever had (2 handfuls proves it)!!!

    @daffodl2010, so good to hear from you!! You sound like you’ve been through the wringer, feeling a bit overwhelmed, I think. I hope the grounding and some semblance of a ‘normal’ work routine with the part time office helps. Hang in there!!!

    @northgeorgia, you should be doing some serious halo polishing and embrace the smugness!!! You’ve tested that muscle to the max!!💪🏻💪🏻Providing I’m not hungry or holding out to break my fast, I can meander up and down the biscuit or sweetie aisle of the supermarket looking at the processed mountains with disgust and revulsion, just so I can walk away with my nose in the air!!!! But, never, Never, NEVER when I’m hungry, for therein lies the path to EFS madness!!!!

    My brain is working very slowly today, sleep deprivation has switched ½ my grey matter OFF!!📴

    Keep the faith folks, I’m planning a FD and a post for tomorrow!!! That’s as far as I can think!!

    “Sometimes when you are in a dark place you think you have been buried, but actually you have been planted.”

    Day 8 USA/Hawaii FD
    Yesterday’s lunch at restaurant with 2 artists friends was more calories/salt than I calculated. Up 1 lb this morning but confident tomorrow will be down. We went to a gallery where one of my friends had some of her work displayed. Also some favorite clothing stores where we all found something to buy. Overall a fun day out.
    Welcome back @daffodl2010 I think most of us have bounced in and out with posting as we deal with life!s challenges. It always feels like the right place to be when returning.

    Second post

    I’ve realized I truly need to take in my laptop this afternoon for its check up, as it’s running WAY too slowly. That’s relevant to all you because, while I still will fulfill my commitment to you all and check in tomorrow morning and Sunday morning, I won’t be as chatty, because I don’t “type” on a phone nearly as easily as I do on my laptop.

    So, now that I’ve gotten the explanation out of the way on my laptop, you’ll understand a short post in the morning!


    Day 9 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @jaifaim – re oatmeal, it doesn’t contain gluten, but some people can still be sensitive to it. “Even though oats are naturally gluten-free, a small portion of people with celiac disease still react to them. Research suggests that a protein in oats called avenin can trigger a similar response to gluten, though it is thought to be a separate sensitivity.” I’m okay with oatmeal if I have it as a snack or small meal, just not on fast days. As for your weight not shifting, I’ve been the same for the last 2 or 3 months, & I think I’ve just figured out why it was slowly creeping up. Down to just one thing I’d entered incorrectly in MFP! I’d scanned the bar-code too, but the info was wrong. The calories are actually double what it was logging. So, you never know. Maybe just double-check your numbers?

    @flourbaby – I had a horrible night’s sleep on Thursday night too. I woke up when it was still dark, but I resisted looking at the time. Then when I felt like I’d been lying awake forever I glanced at my watch & it was only 5:10 am 🥴️ By then it was broad daylight & Boo Boo was kicking the bedroom door to come it. Somehow she just knows when I’m awake, even if I don’t make a sound. So I had less than 5 hours’ sleep the whole night & felt like a train-wreck for much of the day.

    @northgeorgia – Oh, wow?! Good for you! To misquote Susan Jeffers, “feel the fear & fast anyway”. And you did! 💪🎯

    A very looong article about Oprah’s weight-loss battle. She’s looking good though…

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤🌈

    2nd Post – Day 9

    @daffodil2010 – I don’t know how I missed your post, duh?! So happy to see you back! 🤗

    Day 9 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD 160.0

    At our dinner out last night, dh and I both had pasta, and I had a single glass of wine. But when we got home, I opened a bottle so I could have a second glass… and may have had more than a single glass. And Club crackers. And some pieces of candy.

    So much for my stellar control this week, but today’s a new day, and I imagine that extra weight will be EOEO if I simply behave today. So lunch is the small amount of pasta I brought home, and supper is a ham steak and a salad.

    @funshipfreddie When’s your performance?

    I finally have time today to put the ornaments on our Christmas tree; it’ll be good to finally have everything done.

    Okay, I can quit now–WHEW. I use swipe on my phone, but still find it tedious!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 9 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 226 lbs. Meh, same as last weekend, maybe a few ounces lighter. Good week though, going in the right direction in general, albeit slowly. Still, that’s a win this time of year. I didn’t get back in from last night’s retirement reception/Christmas party for a co-worker until 12:30 a.m. (with a 45 minute commute)…whew… that was longer than I thought.

    Rainy day here; maybe I’ll get some chores done. Tomorrow will be a FD. Strength to all! ‘Tis the season to not let your guard down!!

    Day 9, London, UK, NFD

    I managed to survive yesterday on the handful of walnuts, coffee a couple biscuits & some crisps which were supposed to go with that sausage sarnie. So maybe not a FD but so controlled, I’ve made today a NFD.

    Sausage sarnie & salad for lunch today (no crisps left😢), chickpea curry for dinner with cauliflower rice. Controlled!!!

    Happy to be posting on a Saturday, I’ll see what tomorrow brings …………….. FD or NFD. Weekends are a bit more flexible for me.

    Keep the faith folks!!!

    Day 9 USA/Hawai’i FD800
    162 lbs so back down even though yesterday’s FD didn’t happen. I am going for it again today. Finding it unusually stressful just dealing with the normal little bumps of life. Makes me think I should hide myself away from all human contact for awhile so I don’t accidentally ruffle anyone’s feathers. Lol
    I know I’m not alone … everyone here has something in their life they are learning to manage. All together we will be ok.

    Day 9 – Ireland – CD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Happy Saturday! I had my most controlled Friday in a very long time. I feel like my body is slimming but haven’t measured as such in months and months but know I’m fitting in to old clothes well so that’s my sign that all is on track…even if weight is up.

    I haven’t really got to read posts but thanks for the info on oatmeal @funshipfreddie… I tend to stick to specific GF porridge oats (packed etc in a designated gluten free plant) but have not been eating many this year other than in homemade granola … am enjoying reintroducing the very small portion evening porridge though 🙂

    Will keep it controlled this weekend… off out now… dinner and a play after a good hike today ⭐️

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Day 10 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD 😇

    @stitchincarol – 🎵Happy Birthday to you! 🎶 🎉 🎊 🎈🎂🥂 Our performance is on Wednesday – one show only – live – at 10 am! 😳 🕺

    Fat Pride. What..? No. Words fail me.. 🤔

    Michael Mosley’s weekly column:-

    @maui – sending you a virtual hug 🤗🤗 Be kind to yourself. Ask yourself what you would say to a close friend going through what you’re going through. I’m not sure hiding yourself away is a good idea? Go & ruffle a few feathers 🙂 We WILL be okay 🤝

    @flourbaby – hop on the Sunday pocket list! Tomorrow you’ll be glad you did 😀

    Happy S🌞nday y’all!

    Pocket List – Day 10 🥗

    Day 10 -No. VA USA-FD

    Must join the fasters today. No illusions about major weight loss coming, but need to re-establish a good fasting pattern.

    Pocket list Day 10

    Day 10 – Ireland – CD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Got out before another storm due today… 🚴
    Focus in place for the afternoon after coffee and treats this morning.
    @maui, @funshipfreddie has already said what I would say… please try to push yourself towards people rather than away if you can… although it’s hard to motivante yourself to donso, it will be better for you and people will want to be there for you… time spent in our own company is fabulous but too much time alone can make you feel so detached.
    With you in spirit across the miles and if you do step back just remember we are all here for you virtually. 💕

    Strength to all struggling now. 💕

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others

    Day 10, London, UK, FD

    Feeling a bit low today, I think it’s as you say @jaifaim, too much time on my own. Really missing my mum today😭😢😭 and Bo-Bo injured his shoulder yesterday which sent me into a spin about losing him😿 Being a bit down made me think the worst, today, he’s off out to meet his girl or mates, or the fox at the end of the garden for a scrap!!!

    Pocket list Day 10
    @flourbaby ……….. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Day 10 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 227 lbs. That’s a pound lighter over last Sunday. Wonderful!

    In terms of emotion, let me share my experiences this past week or so. It was one of those weeks where I think, “sometimes I can’t stand people!” A whole division griping about the attitude of one of the people I supervise, but I had to retort, “if you don’t communicate with anyone and seal off an entire work area for maintenance, I can imagine the frustration when they show up!” Of course, they didn’t like that, either — but they did start communicating! And employees threatening “mutiny” if another employee didn’t pull her weight, although she actually does just as much if not more — but their perception seems to matter more than truth. And other things — sometimes it is lonely at the top in the quest to be fair, ensuring all regulations are followed, and allowing people to be effective by reaching objectives through their own creativity and style. Smile, persevere, self-reflect for improvement, and stay out there.

    I was also missing my dad yesterday after looking through some photos on his Google Drive that were auto-uploaded from his phone. I tried to busy myself with folding laundry, doing dishes, etc, but the sniffles kept coming. Then, out of no where during the cold rain, a wren sung its heart out on the back porch. I looked out and watched it before it flew around to the front porch to continue its song. It was a reminder that life goes on and even though some days are tough, there is still lots of happiness and purpose ahead.

    Let’s continue our journey forward this week. Just two days of fasting needed! Enjoy the occasional Yuletide treats, but remember don’t seek them out every hour of every NFD! If you’re satisfied, don’t eat again until you’re hungry. If you’re hungry, don’t choose a lot of junk to satisfy because it won’t! Stay hydrated and keep focused! The big day is coming!

    Pocket list Day 10
    @flourbaby ……….. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Day 10 USA/ Hawai’i CD (1200)
    Yesterday’s FD800 didn’t happen again!. I think I better give myself a little break and get in a few CD’s before I schedule next FD.
    @funshipfreddie and @jaifaim thanks so much. good advice. I can be a little more selective with the type and amount of socializing and avoid situations that feel hostile. But yes, I will keep getting out.
    @northgeorgia … Yesterday I had a meltdown too when I visited DH’s resting place. I am realizing this is part of our journey right now. How can we not shed tears when missing one of the most important people in our life.
    Thankful for all of you hanging in there with all the ups and downs.

    Day 11 FD Auckland 80kg

    I drove back to Auckland y’day and after all our sunny beachy Bay of Plenty weather was met with humidity, clouds, drizzle and the rat race of big cities!
    Saturday’s concert was incredible – a mix of traditional waiata (songs), chants and newly composed material with backing from classical musicians. The setting had the ocean on one side and cliffs on the other. A series of theatrical scenes were acted out on the stage by dancers and actors with traditional Maori Kapa Haka training. At the finish I was part of a haka of 1,000 people showing their appreciation. WOW!!

    I dropped off a big bag of my oversized clothing and some $ to a organisation that raises money for food boxes and has a community garden there. I went into the bakery next door and bought a chicken salad sandwich. When I came out a wee 5 yr old kid called Hika was patting Mr Mac. He looked at my sandwich so I asked him if he would like to share it. We sat together on the table and chairs on the footpath. Then his mother came over. She’d been sorting something out on the phone and looked quite stressed, probably gang related because she said she’d just returned from the High Court in Auckland.

    So here I am again on a FD, doing the washing and needing to post Xmas presents…
    I’m going up to our village shops to meet a friend for coffee shortly. In the meantime Kia Kaha everyone. And remember, if you’re feeling stressed or losing your mojo, do something nice for someone else or pass it forward and your mojo will be back with a smile 🥰

    Pocket List 🎁

    Day 11 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.7 kg

    A real Sunday pocket list?! We don’t see those every week. I hope the other Sunday fasters are also experiencing PFDS 😇 I feel like I’m on a roll with the FDs. It felt quite effortless yesterday, so I’m going to do another one tomorrow 🎯

    @merryapple – it sounds like you had a great time. But it’s always nice to get home 🏡

    Two weeks from Christmas Day – still time to squeeze in a couple of extra FDs to offset some of the excess we’ll most likely inflict upon ourselves .

    Wishing everyone a good, controlled week 💪

    Day 11 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅ 🌾

    Morning all! Well done to the Sunday fasters ⭐️💪⭐️

    @merryapple – what a cute and uplifting moment you had.. children are just fabulous when you are feeling blue but also little acts of kindness make such a difference for both the person you are helping and for you.. 💕💕
    What a special trip you had… time away from life 💕💕
    Hold on to both feelings.

    @flourbaby I’m so sorry to hear you had a sad day… they just come and knock you off your balance sometimes…I’m glad to hear you are ok though and that Bo-Bo is back to having fun 🤩

    @northgeorgia sad for you too! How beautiful to have a little wren sing for you and so true that there is beauty in every single day if you look for it. And those are super wise words… if you are satisfied don’t seek out treats.. I had a classic weekend in that I ate quite well at mealtimes and was proud of myself but chose lots of crisps etc because they were in the house… not because I was hungry… that and cycling coffees and treats etc I’m showing at 158 this morning!! Flips sake! What an eejit 🙃

    @maui I’m glad to hear you are ok… there are great people around you so stick with them. After dad died I realised that there were some people in my life who just weren’t the supportive friends I thought they were… it was during Covid so that did complicate things – but I’m now pretty selective with the company I keep and avoid those people who seem to bring me down with negative thinking or selfishness.. I sometimes miss them and fun we might have had and will see them if I really feel like it but I go in prepared… 😍💪

    @daffodil2010 where are you? Hopefully see you later… 🌼

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List Day 10 🎁

    Day 11, London, UK, NFD,

    More of a CD yesterday or maybe a FD800, I didn’t count, but my usual FD cauli fried rice was subsidised with …………… cheese!!! Got to remain mindful, fasting at home is tricky simply due to proximity to the kitchen, not sure it makes sense to leave the house every time I’m tempted!!🤣🤣……………. Just remembered the water trick, I must guzzle a large glass when temptation strikes so I can ride that short lived wave!!💪🏼💪🏼

    Happy belated B’day @stitchincarol, I was far to wrapped up in my own misery to send my congratulations. Shame on me! 😞

    It seems as though ‘other’ people are having a negative effect on some of us, I much prefer my own company but know I have to push myself out of the hermit tendencies! It looks like you don’t have much choice @northgeorgia, but you can be more discerning @maui. I have to work hard at not letting other people affect my mood, especially as I tend to dwell in the tiniest of things🙄……………. “Never stop being a good person, because of bad people.”

    @merryapple, your weekend sounds fabulous & heart warming!💕 A haka of 1000 people would have been a sight to witness!!

    Time to get back to work, today will be a CD – soup and curry with cauli rice. Sounds a bit depriving but they’re 2 of my current favourite meals, I might throw a mocha in too, just to push the boat out!!!🤣🤣

    “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
    — Thomas Edison

    Day 11 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 224.0 — man, so close to 223! Anyway, my next FD will probably be tomorrow. It’s another crazy week. Strength to all!

    Well PHOOEY.

    I just tapped somewhere outside the message box (on my phone) and my laboriously composed message vanished.

    Not doing it again.

    Hopefully I’ll have my laptop back tomorrow. Until then, hugs, all!

    Day 11 – UK – FD
    Day 8-10 – NFD

    Busy week and the days just got away from me – despite only 1 FD and some overindulgence I seem to have weighed the same on Day 9 as I did on Day 2 – I’ll definitely take that

    @stitchincarol – I did something similar – typed my message in between doing other chores – pressed the submit button without saving and my message disappeared so a quick one for accountability as I need to ensure that I join today’s pocket list for motivation and support

    A busy social week ahead so planning on OMAD on those days with a FD800 on the other days
    Day 12 – Meal followed by a live telecast of The Nutcracker with some ballet friends 🩰
    Day 13 – Christmas lunch for the group I volunteer for every Wednesday
    Day 15 – Meal and jazz concert with 🎺 friends

    I would love to end the week with a loss 🤞

    Need to get ready to walk in town to meet my regular Monday coffee afternoon group soon then I have a yoga evening class so will try to catch up tomorrow

    Pocket List Day 10 🎁

    Second post

    I somehow missed that it was your birthday @stitchincarol- I hope you had a lovely happy day 🎈🎈

    I post on my phone… it’s frustrating for sure… and hence some typos from time to time… that’s my excuse anywsy and I’m sticking to it..😂
    If I’m organised I type in notes and copy to the forum…

    Hi @at.. 👏 on maintaining weight!

    Day 11 USA/Hawai’i FD800
    Quick sign in so I don’t skip a day… off to dentist and then acupuncture.
    Something positive….Yesterday I invited a friend over that I thought would enjoy a home cooked meal.Made a salmon dinner that we both really enjoyed along with good conversation.
    Best to all for a great day or evening… depending on location.

    Day 12 NFD NZ 79.4kg!

    Gosh! 10kg to go. BMI 26.2 so still well into the overweight range…
    I was up and out early like you @maui to get to the dentist first thing to have my fangs scraped and a wee filling replaced.
    Good thinking @jaifaim. Why spend time with people who take and don’t give…
    @at Well done on your planning to manage upcoming delicious meals! I have gallery drinks this evening and tomorrow I’m going to my seriously rich Chinese friend who will have a chef making gorgeous exotic food. I plan to have at least one of everything served!
    @stitchincarol Happy 65th! It’s the new 40!! I hope you had a lovely day!
    @flourbaby Cauliflower and cheese are natural bedfellows!! I spent our winter sipping on soup and eating combos like that averaging a 1kg per month loss. It all slowly adds up so keep at it!
    @northgeorgia With one of your amazing FDs you’ll be at 223lbs before you know it!
    @funshipfreddie A cold house over winter probably did the trick for me to get on the down hill slope. I hope your line dancing exhibition went well!
    @lilymartin and @daffodil2010 Hope all is well with you both. Just keep posting even if it’s a one liner to stay connected.
    @excelsior12309 Yup keep up those two FDs! I think it was @funshipfreddie who pointed out that together your weekly intake drops by 30%.

    Be happy, stay positive and add a sprinkle of Steely Resolve!

    Day 12 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @merryapple – well done!! Just 5 kg more & you’ll officially be in the healthy weight range 🎯 Re the 30% though, I think that was when I said 2 x FDs per week was nearly 30% of the week (28.57 to be precise) But that would only be if someone was doing two water fasts. Otherwise, I’ve no idea! The big event is tomorrow morning 🕺

    @at – you’re so active & busy, do you really need to do two FDs? 🏃

    @flourbaby – I also have those hermit tendencies. I’d be quite happy on a desert island, with just the cat & a radio. Well, maybe a good wifi connection & a laptop too. And Mr Delivery 🤪 “Hell is other people” ~ Jean-Paul Sartre. I guess he meant some, or most other people.

    @stitchincarol – Well PHOOEY 🤣

    Urgh, I really don’t feel like fasting today. But the line-dancing gang is going for lunch tomorrow after our little performance, as it’s our last meet-up until January. And Thursday’s out, so here goes…

    Pocket List – Day 12 🥚

    Day 12 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    First FD in a while but going to do it….well fast until lunch and I plan a hard boiled egg salad with black olives, cucumber, pepper and cos lettuce. Dinner will be a homemade burger.

    My feelings are low, but I have read through posts and I realise I have nothing really to be low about. My heart goes out to you @northgeorgis, @flourbaby, @maui and I pray the grief and sadness will dissipate with time and happy memories will abide soon. Xxxxxx

    I will post every day. Won’t be much, but just to hang on in here and get through this fog and get back to being me.

    Now I go to work. It’s soooo busy, and I am overwhelmed by what used to be an enjoyable job. Guess that’s also the fog getting to me.

    Joining you today on the pocket list.

    Pocket List – Day 12

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