Happy to report

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  StephB 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi guys, I just wanted to report my progress as I wasn’t really seeing the weightloss benefits for some time and I stopped weighing myself (but kept going with it).

    After four weeks, I lost an inch on my waist and hips (although I’d only lost 2 pounds in weight) but after two months I actually lost 7 pounds. I am surprised at this resutl because I fell off the wagon for a couple of weeks, and on my non fast days I was eating normally and drinking probably more than usual because it’s wedding season (plus a few family birthdays).

    Anyway I have sufficed to keep going and to try giving up alcohol for the next four weeks. I am convinced I would have had a better result if I had, but am really happy with my result for such little pain (and my apetite is a lot smaller now!)

    So if you have been going a few weeks and feel a bit lost, just keep at it, because slow and steady seems to do it.

    That’s good news JadeZ! Slow and steady wins the race, as the saying goes. In my 9th week I have finally achieved some weight loss, only a couple of pounds down but a loss nevertheless. The great thing about this plan is that I’m not experiencing the relentless feelings of ‘deprivation’ that I’ve had on other ‘diets’, so if I can keep going along this path I should, hopefully, keep losing weight. I’ve tried every quick-fix diet on the planet so I’m happy to settle for the long-haul if it yields results. Happy fasting to everyone out there today!

    Hi StephB just have to say this statement sums it up for me, this plan really is not a quick fix but a change for life. xx

    “I’ve tried every quick-fix diet on the planet so I’m happy to settle for the long-haul if it yields results”.

    Hey @stephb and @fastforlife – this is the thing, I have *never* been a diet person. I just don’t have the patience or discipline, and because this doesn’t feel like I am depriving myself it’s been a largely positive experience. I also feel like I can do this for life and I can still participate in real life (most diets are not) because this is exactly that, a change for life.

    I am fasting today actually – thanks for the replies and moral support! Good luck on it guys. xxx

    Its my fast day to Jade, will be doing a 40 lap swim soon and then will have my 500 cal meal when i get home, keep going guys! xx

    I’m fasting today too! Keeping busy with a HUGE mountain of ironing and then looking forward to roast chicken and veggies in about an hour’s time 🙂

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