Graves Disease (Hyperthyroid disease)

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Graves Disease (Hyperthyroid disease)

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  madaboutgardening 6 years ago.

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  • I was diagnosed with Graves disease 6 months ago and have been taking Tapazole to correct my thyroid levels. My levels are now normal and I hope to wean myself off the meds later this year. I was also told my cholesterol levels were high, so I changed my diet and started 5:2 fasting to correct them.
    This has worked for the cholesterol but I’m wondering if the fasting puts too much stress on my thyroid gland, reducing my chance of reversing the Graves disease?
    I don’t want to lose any weight but enjoy the health benefits that I’m feeling from 5:2 fasting.
    Does anyone have experience of the effects on thyroid function, specifically an overactive thyroid gland?

    Hi, madaboutgardening! I had hyperthyroidism without Graves disease, which my mother had hyperthyroid disease with Graves disease. Unfortunately, we had it at a time before intermittent fasting, so I am not sure what will happen. My mother had to have radioactive iodine treatment to kill her thyroid because medication wouldn’t work. I, on the other hand, didn’t have that problem but eventually I landed with hypothyroidism for which I now take medication. I don’t seem to be having any problems but this might be an important question for you to ask your doctor. Good luck!

    Hi ccco, Thanks for your reply. My father also had hyperthyroidism and had the radioactive iodine treatment. I’m hoping that I can wean off the meds and that my thyroid gland will normalize. Since Graves is an autoimmune disease, I’m trying not to stress my body so that is has a chance to heal. I understand that fasting gives the body a chance to focus on healing rather than digestion, but I’m concerned that it may be too extreme, possibly causing spikes and troughs in thyroid hormones. Glad to hear that you’re not having any trouble with hypothyroidism.

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