From Mass, USA First Day Today

This topic contains 255 replies, has 27 voices, and was last updated by  MassPoodleWoman 9 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 256 total)

  • The travel day fasting went fine, I grabbed a fruit salad (fresh pineapple and grapes) plus black coffee and soda water with lemon on Friday. I didn’t fast yesterday because I went to have dinner and watch Westminster with a friend. Today will be a fast day. And either Thursday or Friday….or maybe both.

    Nice Kygirl, keep up the good work!

    I like the blog too. Well done sanguinepenguin!

    Hi everyone!

    Quiet around here!! How is everyone doing? Anyone else fasting today? (I am) πŸ™‚

    I hope everyone is doing well – I’ll be weighing in tomorrow hoping to see some good numbers. I think I’ve been dropping about a pound a week, which is just fine with me!

    Fasted two days in a row yesterday and Tuesday. No food at all yesterday, too busy at work, I just didn’t have time to eat or anything else and then it was 9:30 so I just went to bed. The day before was chicken veggie soup and seafood stew for approximately 450 cals. I must admit I was hungry and cranky for breakfast this morning. Good fasting to you!

    Nice job MassPoodleWoman! I tried fasting two days in a row a couple weeks ago and agree that it’s a bit harder that way.

    I’ve been sticking a lot to salads for my fasting dinners because I have such a hard time thinking up things that I can eat that will make me feel like I had a normal meal. At least with salads I can eat a LOT of veggies and feel like I’m stuffing myself. What is everyone else doing? Anything you’ve had that you’ve been real partial to? Oh, I also made a stir fry (no noodles, just veggies and chicken) that I felt really made me feel like I was getting a good meal in.

    Hey ya’ll. I’m quiet because I’m trying to grade 18 papers in an hour before class. But I had to take a break to see what’s going on in here.

    Yesterday was my second fast day of the week, and the first fast day with my husband present. It was TOUGH. I did wind up making a cocktail but I definitely struggled with not having a second. I stuck to my guns, though.

    LacerX, I made a soup (it’s linked on my blog) that uses an obscene amount of vegetables and that you can eat a lot of without a lot a guilt. I find that soup is kind of my go-to diet food.

    I really don’t know how you ladies do the two days in a row thing. Maybe I’ll try it one day, but not today!

    Thanks sanguinepenguin! That looks awesome! I love making soups too, so it’s perfect. πŸ™‚

    I have made 3 soups that are in the freezer. I have had fish steamed over veggies. Salad with grilled chicken. I can see more salads when the weather warms up.

    I have missed you ladies but been so stressed out with this snow and trying to get back and forth to work and covering for people that couldn’t that I am about to pull out my hair. So tired of shoveling and sliding and getting my poor car stuck. Come on Spring!!! I think I gained a lb this week which blows big time but I am back on a fast today and hopefully all will even out. I hope everyone is doing well.
    Lacer – I normally have a light canned soup for lunch and grilled chicken with the curried veggies from the book or salad for dinner. Or eggs and toast when I am burned out on the chicken combos.

    Hi kygirl44! I don’t envy you guys at all with all that snow. It must be such a nightmare! I hope you guys get some relief soon. πŸ™ I grew up in a really snowy area and am most of the time glad to be out of all that (I do sometimes miss having a snowy Christmas time…)

    I’ve taken the soup suggestion and actually made the soup from your blog sanguinepenguin. I made it up last night and it’s sitting in the fridge for me for when I get home. I save all my calories for my dinner which means I can have A LOT of soup since it’s only 95 cals for a cup. πŸ™‚

    For now, just trying to fill up on some coffee. Had a big weekend food-wise so today is feeling pretty good just getting reset.

    Hi All – I had a bad week last week, only one FD and indulged in vacation week skiing with the kids! Fun though, may try and do 3 FDs this week, starting with today, so far so good – saving my calories for this evening.

    My new goal is to try NOT to weigh every day as it doesn’t help in the slightest.

    Kygirl44 – Agree on the snow, so over it, have leaks in our house now from the ice dams to add insult to injury!

    Sanguinepenguin – how can I link to your blog? Would love to see your soup recipe, I make a big veggie soup on a sunday, missed it last night so will try and do it today and could do with some tips on making it tastier as its a bit bland!

    Have a good week y’all!

    Hi Janey,

    For the soup, this is what I do:
    Saute chopped onions in a bit of olive oil (not too much oil)
    add one chopped potato, saute
    Add chopped carrots, saute
    Add chopped tomatoes (fresh is better)
    Let simmer for a bit
    Add chicken stock (or hot water and stock cube if you don’t have chicken broth)
    Let simmer for a bit
    Add frozen peas &/or frozen green beans
    (When I am not dieting, I add vermicelli (thin bits of pasta).)
    Let simmer for a bit
    Add ground black pepper + salt to taste
    Add a tablespoon of tomato paste
    about a teaspoon of olive oil
    Add chopped basil (or parsley)
    Let the whole thing simmer for a while until it thickens and the peas and/or green beans are cooked.

    I hope you enjoy it.

    Hi everyone!

    Janey263, here’s the link:

    This is a crazy busy week at school so I’m just flustered as all get out. BUT… I managed to log a 2.7 pound loss last week! Score!

    Will write again when I can think…


    It’s been forever since I posted, but I am still here :). I am so close to my goal weight, so I haven’t been taking 5:2 as seriously as I should… I started 5:2 in Oct. last year and lost “those dreaded last 10 pounds.” I’ve been doing about 1 fast a week since December. My weight is creeping back up, so I want to be dedicated to 5:2 until our beach vacation during spring break, or at least until I lose 5 pounds.

    I’ve noticed that things start to slide when I don’t read this forum or post. I underestimated how important this is to my success.

    I will try to catch up with everyone’s stories and progress. I’m so glad this thread is still going :).

    Today is a fast day for me. I managed to get in only one last week. Fast days have been feeling a little harder because of my inconsistency. I’m also going to fast on Wednesday. My second fast day of the week is always much harder. I’ll have to go into it with a positive attitude this week. Who else is in for Wednesday? I know I’ll need support getting through it.

    Anyone else fasting today? Good luck!!

    Hey emilyashen – I’m typing from my phone right now so sorry for any typos! I am fasting today too. πŸ™‚ My next one will be Thursday, I like having a couple days in between so I don’t feel like I’m going straight from one fast into another.

    Also- I didn’t update on Friday, but that’s my weigh day and I lost .6 pounds since the last weigh in. That takes me from a start of 206 to 197 on the button. I keep saying I’ve lost 10 lbs so far, it just sounds nicer than 9. πŸ™‚ On my way though!!

    Good work, LacerX. Every little bit counts!

    I’m fasting today… and I can’t decide whether being cold makes it harder or easier to deny myself food. But I’m freezing!

    Just checking in – haven’t been on in awhile. Last week was a bad week and I only got one day of fasting in – but I maintained my weight. This week I fasted on Monday and I am fasting today as I have bunco with the girls tomorrow night which means lots of eating and drinking! I have quick question and wondering if any of you have experienced this. Today, I ran some quick errands on my lunch break and walked into Macy’s and felt like I was going to faint. I got totally light headed and needed to sit down so I went back out to my car. It’s not as if I hadn’t eaten anything yet as I just had some cottage cheese with veggies for lunch. I am fine now, but it was so weird and kind of scary.

    Mom2, I experienced that fainting sensation the first day I fasted. I attributed it to too much caffeine, but it was scary and I felt like I was going to throw up. I don’t know if you drink coffee or caffeinated tea, but I had both in relatively quick succession and it totally did me in. I’m now much more careful about how quickly and how often I drink caffeinated stuff on fast days.

    How are you doing with your fast today, Emilyashen? Sending good “no hunger” thoughts your way!

    Hey All –

    Just checking in today with everyone! I’m fasting today – doing ok – got a lot of good teas on the docket. πŸ™‚

    mom2 – I haven’t experienced that lightheadedness but I’m also not very active during my fast days at work and I wonder if that might be why? I work in an office (although I have a standing desk so I sit and stand). Maybe it’s more likely for people being active?

    I’m so over this snow, hurry up spring!!!! Had a very trying time since last Friday. Had a pipe to burst and the water damage is terrible. I’ve manage to stick to my fast days but admit going overboard on non-fast days, stress eating, but drinking too much also.
    I bought a set of digital scales and waited until this morning to weigh in on them for the first time. My old set of scales have me weighing 153 lb. The last time I weighed in, the old scales went back and forth between 154 and 153 when I would get on and off them, so I ended up taking 153.5 as my weight then. I also decided then that I would get a set of new digital scales for a more accurate weight. It didn’t occur to me that the new scales would give me (gasp!!)a higher weight! According to the new digital scales this morning, I’m weighing in at 155.4 lb. On my tracker I’ve taken the 153 lb. because I just hate the thought of adding another 2.4 pounds to it. What do you think I should do? Accept that I’m really 2.4 pounds heavier and adjust my tracker to reflect this or stick with the old scale for my weigh ins but use the digital one to reflect .4 or .5, etc, weights. I guess I’m just fretting over something that’s not that big a deal. I’ll probably use the 2.4 pounds as my buffer for when I reach my goal weight anyway whether it’s on the old scale or the new digital one. That is, I’ll celebrate when I reach my goal weight on the old scale, but will keep on trying to achieve it on the newer digital one too.
    Hope everyone else is having a good day today. Just think, spring is just 3 weeks away!

    Hope you dont mind me replying to this -such a little problem – not! I got some digital scales, having just lost first 6 or so pounds, it weighed 5lbs heavier – truly gut wrenching. Illogically its as though you havent lost the weight.

    Got my son to try them, he weighed 12 stone 8 on original scales. Exactly the same on the digital scales. I went back and forth, they werent moved, 5lb difference for me!

    Son then went to gym in same gear, he weighs 11 st 11lbs on the scales in the gym.

    So ive decided to bin the new scales, stay with the old scales, get better glasses to read them, and Im secretly hoping that the gym scales difference of 11 lbs is correct!!!

    Well I was on California last week and did not fast as I was traveling with people and felt I needed to be social which means food and drinks. I am on a fast day today and I normally don’t fast on weekends. So far so good, white chicken chili for lunch and steamed fish with green beans, shallots and mushrooms for dinner.

    My body seemed to tell me that today should be a fast day. Hope to get 3 or 4 fast days in. Plan is for tomorrow
    and Wednesday to be fast days. Plus maybe Friday but it depends on plans with friends.

    Oh and I wish I had fasted on Friday as it was a travel day and it really would have been a pretty easy day to fast but I started with breakfast at the hotel. Looking back I wish I had not and planned a fast day instead, airport food is so awful, it would have been a better choice.

    HI Everyone – Just checking in, I hate Mondays and today is a FD and is so cold all I want to do is eat – have resisted so far but its only 12 noon!

    I agree MassPoodleWoman – you needed to take a break while traveling but I am sure you will be back on track this week if you can get 3 FDs in, I also think fasting while traveling is a good idea but you have to be prepared for any FD as soon as you wake up I find as its easy to get distracted and go off track!

    Mum2coledevin/Lacerx – how you doing?

    I felt great at the weekend, wore a slim fitting dress that I haven’t worn for about 6 years and scales were being kind. 2 lbs back on this morning but that just goes to show I shouldn’t be weighing as much as I do as I immediately felt down!

    Joining the summer challenge as would love to lose another 7lbs!

    Enjoy your week everyone

    Hi to everyone!

    Masspoodle – good luck today!

    Janey – congrats on the dress! I feel like fitting nicely into clothes you like is even better than the number on the scale because it just feel so good.

    Today is supposed to be a fast day for me but I’m kind of struggling to decide if I should. My husband and I are tying for a baby (which is one of the main reasons I wanted to lose weight) and right now is the time that I could be pregnant but not know it yet. I’ve read that you’re not supposed to fast while you’re pregnant and don’t want to do anything to hurt our chances. I haven’t really decided yet what I want to do. Fasting is working so well for me I hate to forego a day especially when I’m not even sure I need to. πŸ™

    oh LacerX – HOW EXCITING. I sure hope all that hard work (giggle) has paid off and you are with child. It is only a few days before a home test will let you know and I would not chance it before you know. Just eat healthy until you find out.

    Thanks kygirl! I think you’re right. I’ll know by Thursday so I’d be able to fit in one day this week if not. Better safe than sorry I suppose! πŸ™‚

    Oooooh fab! I would just east sensibly this week and not Fast LacerX – as Kygirl44 says its only a few days difference! Good luck!!

    Today will be a fast day as I decided with the forecast for more winter weather this afternoon that yesterday would be my errand day. I like to finish my errand evening with a treat of a half portion entrΓ©e from the bar menu at a local restaurant and I can’t do a Trader Joe’s run when I am starving as who knows what would end up in my cart. I was pretty good last night picking up snap peas, broccoli and peppers for stir fries. Only picked up mushroom turnovers that are for when I go to my neighbors or people come to eat. Plans change, but all I can say is UNCLE, I have had enough of this winter weather, bring on the March sunshine and let’s melt this snow!

    Hi everyone,
    I’m from Florida. I technically started 5:2 back in December and lost 10lbs but somewhere in between I fell off the wagon and gained 5 back. So here I am again starting today. I have 20 pounds to lose hopefully by summer, I’d love to lose it by Memorial Day so I’d love to join the challenge. I heard about 5:2 when I was in Australia last year and couldn’t wait to get back and start, even got my husband on-board and he lost weight also. This time around I’m logging everything I eat and trying to join a forum to hold myself more accountable.

    I started my first day fast today and it wasn’t that bad other than a headache all day from allergies.I’m patiently waiting for my little lamb chop in the oven to finish up my fast. I’m going to have it with some kale salad and ginger dressing.

    Good luck everyone and thank you for all sharing your experiences.

    Hi everyone πŸ™‚

    I’m out of the running this month for baby so I’m fasting today as a consolation prize…

    I’m bummed but I think that keeping up with the fasting and loosing more weight will be really helpful to finally getting there so I’m keeping on!

    Will probably fast today and tomorrow, depending on how today goes.

    Hope everyone else is doing well! Welcome Samantha (or welcome BACK I suppose!)

    I hesitate to say it because of the weather you East Coasters are having, but we’re scheduled to have some absolutely amazing weekend weather that I’m really looking forward to! Mid to high 60’s! I think it should help cheer me up. πŸ™‚

    Would love the mid 40s never mind the mid 60s Lacer… Yesterday fast went fine, seafood stew as late lunch, chicken stir fry heavy on the veggies for dinner. Found myself hungry so went to bed instead of fighting it a bit early. Today is another fast day for me, trying to make up for last week. Plan is for eggs and smoked salmon for lunch and chicken and veggie soup for dinner.

    Hi Samantha – welcome to this fun board

    LacerX – sorry this wasn’t your time but love your attitude and totally agree that this can only ensure you are in the best place possible and will be looking fab while you are at it!

    Agree with you MPW – 40s would feel positively balmy right now!! I think its going to start creeping up next week, after more snow first!

    I am on a FD today, was meant to be Thurs but seeing some girlfriends to plan a party and know I wont be able to resist the wine so why bother when I can just switch days! Didn’t eat a lot yesterday on my non FD so feel hungry today – but I will do it and then that’s me done for the week!

    Have a good one all

    Welcome Samantha and good luck to you on the Memorial Day challenge!

    The weather here is overcast but warm, low 60’s right now, but it’s suppose to sleet and maybe snow a little about daybreak in the morning. I am so tired of the cold weather!

    I had a good fast day yesterday. Today’s a non-fast day and so far I’m doing ok, being mindful of what I’m eating. Tomorrow’s another fast day for me and I’m already planning my meal for tomorrow evening’s one meal of the day. It’s one of my favorites. Rosemary orange chicken breast, asparagus and a salad.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Hi everyone, thank you for the warm welcome.

    I feel for you all that are still getting cold weather. Somehow we skipped from winter straight through to shorts weather which I am not ready for at all…I want cool days like FastTimesintheUSA and LacerX are having…60’s sounds wonderful. Thankfully the mornings are still bearable so I can at least walk.

    It was a non fast day for me also today, woke up with no bad allergies and stuck to eating “good” meals, I was proud that I walked into the local bakery and after looking at all the tempting pastries and cakes I walked out and instead had a Greek salad…..I just felt like all my hard work from yesterday would be for nothing if I over indulged today on cakes. I’d rather save it for something special. I’m going to try and fast tomorrow again depending on if I wake up with an allergy headache or not. Cheers to all and goodluck tomorrow all that are fasting (and those that are not).

    Today is a fast day. Seafood stew and shrimp stir fry. Quiet day on here, everyone off enjoying the weather? Will try again this week for 3 fast days. Today Wednesday and Thursday.

    Hey everyone!

    I took yesterday off of work to enjoy this weather so did not fast my normal Monday. I am fasting today instead. πŸ™‚ My husband also took the day off and we ended up walking more than 5 miles so am feeling not too bad about not fasting.

    I’ll be doing today and Thursday this week and am looking forward to today’s fast since although we did a lot of walking, it was accompanied by a lot of eating and drinking…but my gosh, it was lovely yesterday (about 68 degrees!).

    I forgot that I also meant to say that on my weigh day I was back up to 199 (from 197) but it was “that time” for me and it’s starting to look like I am just always heavier when I weigh myself then. Last month at this this time I experienced the same thing. Then, when I weighed myself again the next week, I was back down, and then some, from the number I was at before the bad week.

    So, even though it’s no fun to see those numbers, I’m going to try not to put too much stock in the numbers from these weeks when they roll around. πŸ™‚

    Hi everyone, its quiet on here these days! I am so excited the snow may be melting finally – 45 degrees feels almost tropical today! I was done 2lbs on Monday weigh in so 147 now which I am pleased about – mini goal is to be 145 when I go back home to England in 2 weeks time – heading back for long weekend for my parents wedding anniversary – super excited. Yesterday I failed my FD as just wasn’t feeling it so am on track for today to be one and Thursday too and then maybe a half fast one other day….feeling good and people are starting to say I look slimmer so that’s always nice. I am having my hair cut and colored this evening so a treat to myself!

    How did Mondays FD going Masspoodlewoman, you are brave doing 2 back to back!

    LacerX – sounds like you had a lovely day off, I could do with one of those and also sounds like you better off not weighing at that time!!

    Bye for now!

    Changed my mind as tomorrow will be a better day nor to fast as it will be warm and I can feel spring fever coming on so I am fasting today. Chicken veggie soup for lunch and steamed fish and veggies for dinner. Plan to fast Thursday and I will be caught up with the missed week. Plan to weigh on Friday and take measurements.

    Congrats on the 2lbs Janey and enjoy your trip. I get my hair done tomorrow.

    Hi all,

    It’s been several days since I’ve checked in, but I guess I should just come out with it… after a long night of too much drinking in Portland and the resultant hangover, I’ve had several days of an upset stomach, *that* TOM, and as a result put on nearly 6 pounds in 4 days. Not really sure how that happened as I’ve not been eating THAT much, but I think I’m just kind of ill. On the upside, I was down three pounds from yesterday when I weighed myself this morning, so I know it’s not just calories. There’s def. something else going on. So, anyway, with the week I have ahead of me, I just haven’t felt like I had much to celebrate. But I’m glad everyone else is out there kicking butt! And I did have a successful fast day yesterday, but even that hasn’t gotten my stomach to agree with me.

    And LacerX, how about this weather??? So nice… it’s depressing to be stuck in the basement of the library working on a paper. At least we got out to the coast this weekend for some kayaking, though a seal came up right next to my dog and barked at her. Scary. But, yeah, loving this weather. Not loving what it may mean for this summer, though.

    Janey – nice job! Looking slimmer and getting a cut and color at the same time? You’re going to be unstoppable! πŸ™‚ I hope your trip is amazing.

    MassPoodle – it sounds like we’re doing the same fast days this week. I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you!

    Sanguinepenguin – I’ve noticed my weight fluctuate for unknown reasons and am trying to do an “overall trend” mentality with it. I’m still down from where I started and as long as I stay focused it should continue in a down motion, even if there are some “blips”. And YES, this weather has been incredible, but very frightening to think of the potential results come fire season. πŸ™ We love camping during the summer/fall and will be sad to see the what I assume will be a much heightened fire danger this year.

    Oh, and I LOVE your story about the seal!! I can’t even imagine what my dogs would do if that happened to them! πŸ™‚ They’re not the brightest duo, so they would likely be VERY confused…

    My 1st poodle came on barking seals at the beach when I was walking before dawn and the seals were up against the sea wall so I didn’t see them and my dogs were barking and they were barking, I was like whose on the beach at 4 AM as crazy as I am thinking the seals were dogs. We they headed for the water I jumped as there were quite a few of them.

    OK I some ting I really liked tonight. I cut up a small amount of onion, it in a pat of butter then added 4 oz of sliced Brussels sprouts, st I red a little bit, added miso broth, ginger, topped it with fish sprinkled with 5 spice powder. Covered and steamed for 5 minutes. Came out packed with flavor.

    My 1st poodle came on barking seals at the beach when I was walking before dawn and the seals were up against the sea wall so I didn’t see them and my dogs were barking and they were barking, I was like whose on the beach at 4 AM as crazy as I am thinking the seals were dogs. We they headed for the water I jumped as there were quite a few of them.

    OK I made something I really liked tonight. I cut up a small amount of onion, sauted it in a pat of butter then added 4 oz of sliced Brussels sprouts, stirred it for a little bit, added miso broth, ginger, topped it with fish sprinkled with 5 spice powder. Covered and steamed for 5 minutes. Came out packed with flavor.

    Wow, I miss a few days and so much has been going on. I am wanting to do 3 fast day’s this week, M,W,F so we’ll see how that goes, I finished Monday off with no problems and am looking forward to tomorrow’s fast day. I find that if I prepare ahead of time and have two small meals in the fridge ready then I don’t find it too difficult. It’s when I’m looking through the fridge/cupboards for something to eat that I get frustrated and over indulge. I felt pretty good today so went to the gym (1st time in 3 months) and did 30 minutes on the elliptical, it wasn’t really much but I’ve been having a bit of back pain and I know it’s from tight muscles – I need to get into working out regular again, I really feel better for it.

    Janey – congrats on the weight loss…love those days! Have a great trip abroad, hope the weather is nice over there for you.

    MassPoodle – I know what you mean about changing days – that’s what I love about fasting. Some days I wake up and it just doesn’t feel right, either I’m extremely hungry or a headache so I love that I can just change it to another day and not stress.

    Sanguinepenguin – hope you feel better soon.

    LacerX – 5 miles is a nice long walk – I’d love it if my husband would walk with me but he loves to run instead and I can never keep up. Once I even tried roller blading just so I could stay with him – well that was a site to see, I still don’t know how to stop on those things.

    Keep up the good work everyone

    Hi all,

    I used to be in MA but in SoCal now. Not missing this winter!

    I am 6’3 and 248 (lost 16lbs so far) but started not on the FD. Last week was my first fast week and I ended up fasting m/w/f and didn’t have any issues with it to my surprise! Not easy but not crazy hard. Then I stepped on the scale and saw that I lost 8lbs that week! Granted I was strict the other days and exercised alot but still, happy!!!

    Like I said, I have been on FD for almost 2 weeks now (gonna weigh in Saturday) but I started my reboot with just counting calories and exercising HARDCORE a month prior. I need to lose a total of 50lbs and the last time I did that I was 14 years ago on WW and exercied regularly. I am in the zone again (with exercise and diet) all because of the Fast Diet! I was doing ok with just exercise and diet but this has kept me in check and kept my guilt of eating at bay.

    I also gotta say I am a technophile and love my apps! I am addicted to Lose It! app on my iphone and it is easy to use, by far the best health app I have seen! Counts calories easily. Just hard to be honest with yourself. It’s very helpful on my fast days to see what I can “afford” and if it’s too high I’ll chose something else. My favorite part is scanning a barcode and it knowing the calorie counts and everything! And…. it’s free. πŸ™‚

    Anyway, it’s great to see others on here from the US and not just England. I have such a hard time doing conversions on how many “stones” someone has lost!

    I have been MIA and very UNaccountable. I am planning to get back on track Monday, the 16th and do Mon/Wed fasts and 1000 calorie Fridays. I haven’t weighed but I can tell it won’t be good when I do. I am evidently a stress eater and I have had my mom staying with me on and off the past few weeks trying to get some medical answers for her. tests…tests…and more tests and it doesn’t help that she needs to GAIN weight so quite a contradiction to my lifestyle. I have my neice and nephew this weekend to celebrate their birthdays but after that I think I get my peaceful life back until mom has more tests on the first. I am so proud of all of you that are showing such great losses and can’t wait to get back to focusing on me and getting to know the new folks.

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