Four days Fasting IBS

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  coldpizza 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi All,

    after recently watched an interview of Walter Longo, I am thinking about trying for the first time 4 days of fasting (~500 calories/day) to see if I can improve a bit my condition (IBS).

    I was wondering if I should monitor things like blood pressure, insulin or anything else everyday.



    Did you try already 48, 60, 72 hour fasts? I would do it gradually. Good luck! 🙂

    Hi puck and welcome:

    I don’t know if you have fasted before, but I don’t recommend that a novice try a four day fast. The odds are great that you would not make it, and you probably would decide fasting was not for you.

    A year or so ago there was a TV program in Australia that some believed suggested that the proper start for 5:2 was an initial 4 day fast. This site was filled with enthusiastic newbies starting their 4 day fasts. Never heard from any of them again.

    I would start with 5:2. If you have not already done so, I would also go on a low FODMAP diet to see if that helps. Here is how it works:

    Good Luck!

    Id agree with the previous posters. When I started 5:2 I would limit my calories for the two day. After 2 weeks I decided to just do water fast for my 2 consecutive days of fasting. I have never done 4 days. Try 2 days reduced calories. If this is easy then try 2 water fasts and see how you go. I know for me that it initially made my bowel movements “worse” when I first stared 5:2. This settled down after about 2-4 weeks.

    Thanks for your prompt guys.

    Any recommendation in terms of health checks e.g. blood pressure, insulin levels, etc? Is that needed or it’s “safe” without checking?

    FYI I’ve been dealing with this condition for 5 years and tried pretty much everything (including extreme/unsual options) with some good results. My idea is that fasting will boost the current healing process that I kicked off. I fasted in the past 1 day multiple times (for medical procedures) and once 2 days in a row was part of the scd protocol. Mentally I am strong and I am sure I can make 4 days in a row.

    There is another topic for the condition : “IBS-cured?”
    It is under “Medical conditions and fasting”

    Wishing you the best! Please post the results, since the condition is very common, and your experience might be very valuable to many of us.

    It’s tough enough for many just getting through 5:2, not saying you will or won’t have difficulty.

    Do a 5:2 fast and extend it a few hours do that a few times. Then extend it until lunch a few times. Then extend it until mid-afternoon do that a few times. Then extend until supper.

    Progression that you can handle. Do it until you’re comfortable then move forward. It may take you several month to get to where want to be. A 4-5 day fast is not a small thing. However you will learn more about yourself and food on a 5 day fast so fast that your heads going to spin.

    Health checks. Blood pressure a drop in blood pressure can be significant/ Watch closely for dizzy spells epecially when first standing up. If you do feel faint lay down, it is far better to sprawl out in the boardroom than fall over in the board room.

    If you have Blood sugar issues. Monitor them extremely closely


    Oh, I forgot one point:
    If your IBS involve constipation, please research a little bit more to be prepared for that.

    My last meal before fasting always include plum juice and some plums. The longer you are planning to fast, the more careful should be the preparations. This is good link for longer water fasting and some tips for colon health during longer fasting:

    Good luck!

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