For the ladies only!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  BecBrown92 10 years ago.

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  • Hello gorgeous ladies out there

    So time of the month!!! Omg I can literally eat for a small village and my sugar cravings are embarrassing!

    So when in fasting on a normal week I’m fine and fasting is great – however The week prior to starting I get the usual pms symptoms but more specifically my cravings are bad! I basically fail to fast that week and eat lots of sugary things in the few days leading up to my period – once there I’m back to normal. And these few days just make me put a lot of weight on within one week and then leaves me back to square one weight wise. I just find it so discouraging and de-motivating.

    Any of you ladies have some good tips or advice for that specific time of the month and fasting? How do u handle this situation?

    Hi, please try following things. I am sure, it would be great help:

    Drink 2 to 5 cups of green tea daily

    Add in low-fat dairy in the form of yogurt

    Choose grains like quinoa, brown rice and barley over whole grain bread.

    Eat at least 2.5 cups of vegetables per day.

    I’m exactly the same the week before, and wish I knew what to say. What works for me is just drinking lots. Green tea is fantastic and fills me up, other than that water and a bit of will power is needed, and on fast days just tell yourself you can eat what you are craving tomorrow 😀 Good luck!

    I am at the ‘interesting’ stage of my life when this sort of thing is supposed to be ‘slowing down’……Whilst I now seem to only have a ‘time of month’ once or twice a year, I still get pms every month!!!!

    My blood sugars go all over the place. I have found that going practically no-carb on my fast days (which I do regardless of pms anyway) helps and on non-fast days to stick to unrefined carbs rather than refined ones. So brown rice/pasta rather than white. Wholegrain/Granary bread rather than white or brown (‘brown’ bread is really just white bread with a little colour!….always go wholemeal/wholegrain/granary)…and experiment with different grains/pulses.

    Small amounts of protein are nice and filling.

    For a real ‘give me something sweet NOW!!!!!’ craving try fruit teas – there are loads on the market now. And if you can get it then you HAVE to try cocoa nib infusions (My favourite is Hotel Chocolat…but M&S do their own version too)- seriously, it tastes chocolatey but for zero cals/fat!…..another warming drink is hot water with a dash of lemon juice and a little cinnamon (add a drop of honey if calories allow and you want the extra sweetness – I don’t find I need it)

    And spices might help…I like a little ginger…one ginger snap biscuit can be very comforting! (and I can stop at one gingersnap…..custard creams are banned from this house as I can eat them by the double-pack!!!)

    Look for non-foody comforts….nice warm bath….half an hour with your favourite book/magazine and NO family allowed to disturb unless there is a fire/flood…..some nice relaxing music….find what works for you!

    Finally – be kind to yourself and realistic!….If you DO struggle for this one week it is one week a month…you could do 3 weeks good loss follow by one stay-the-same….focus on the fact that over the month you have lost weight!

    Good luck!

    I am just wondering if anyone else had late periods after starting the fast diet…. I am over a week late… (100% not pregnant)… have never been regular however never usually this long… not sure if its something I should worry about


    My p was late month one and light, late and light month 2. I though yahoo I found the answer. No month three on time and back to normal. I put it down to hormones and body adjusting

    I wouldn’t worry too much only be concerned if you are trying to get pregnant.

    Thanks Bali2015… Glad to read someone experienced the same as I am experiencing… not too worried 🙂

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