Fit February

This topic contains 283 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  AT 1 year ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 284 total)

  • USA. Day 21. FD

    Disappointingly, I messed up my fast day yesterday, so today I am jumping back on the bandwagon. I never bought snack food before but I am now, so my grandchildren would have snacks. That is not going well, since I eat them when the children are not here! 🙁

    Pocket List Day 21 ⚡️

    Have a great day!

    Day 21 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 161.2

    Everything went fine yesterday until the very end of the day when all sorts of things collided (scheduling, an extra and last-minute volunteer job, etc., etc.), and I fed my exhausted, cold, hungry and headachey body. Not much, and not wicked choices, but enough that the scale isn’t quite as low this morning as it might have been.

    Today is a full day, which will make it easier to limit my eating. We’ll have yet more leftovers for lunch, and then the church supper tonight (starting with last Wednesday, we have a total of six of them) is five or six soups, some lovely breads, and desserts. The desserts are usually swervable for me (I’ll work hard on my won’t-power today to ensure that’s true), and the breads and soups shouldn’t add up too fast, and I’ll hit 10K steps today (choir practice, you know), so the balance of calories in and calories out should be good.


    @calicocat How’d you do on your challenge of no alcohol, controlled eating and a 40+min walk? I’ll bet you succeeded; your discipline is absolutely stellar!

    @ccco Yes, your long and chatty post was a true treat yesterday! Any estimate on when everything will be done, or are you not that close yet? As to messing up your FD yesterday, just hold on to RESOLVE; you’ve got this!

    @funshipfreddie Thanks for getting the pocket list sorted out yesterday; I entirely forgot to even think about one! And too funny about your keys–specifically, the key to the safe holding the extra set being on the lost set. Perhaps you want to rethink that plan????? 😂 But your reading Spanish in order to increase your comprehension? I’m thoroughly impressed both at the skill you’re displaying and at your determination to conquer a new language! Well done!

    @merryapple Not merely a taste of what COULD be, but a taste of what WILL be. With all three pregnancies, my last month was a time of appearing to think pregnancy was a delicate condition that required doing absolutely nothing, and in truth, I’d get quite miserable if I did try to do anything…like, ANYthing. The day I got home from the hospital, however, two days after giving birth? I was rarin’ to go and was uber busy and industrious. So funny how different bodies behave so differently.

    @jaifaim My shoulders are broad, I can take the blame!! 😂😂😂😂 Hey, the ONE dark chocolate thing I like is flourless chocolate cake–specifically, the King Arthur recipe. It makes no sense why I like it since I’m a milk chocolate girl, and I do prefer an even smaller piece than the recipe suggests as a serving, but it’s really good, and shows up on our table once or twice a year.

    @flourbaby Yeah, I knew the order of our posts would be confusing, but your post showed up within seconds of my post, so I had plenty of time to get to editing mine. And what an astonishing quote you had today! It has made me realize that the times I eat with decent restraint are the times I’m cooking everything and not using any shortcuts or frozen dinner options. Great insight!

    @brightonbelle You know, I truly believe solitaire has a positive impact on life, as I’ve learned to see multiple options and can switch plans on a dime, and think I’m decent at applying those solitaire skills to life–but there are limits as to how much solitaire is needed to learn and retain those skills! 😂😂😂 I have allowed myself perhaps four single games mid-day since last Wednesday, but have otherwise been very successful at the restraint I decreed, and plan to keep this for life, not merely Lent.

    @northgeorgia Good for you for that walking to your colleague’s office. It’s become a habit for me when I shop to head for the far away slot (preferably close to the cart storage, LOL), giving me more steps into the store. My mom used to drive to Endert’s (reasonable, as it was 8 blocks from home), then drive to Harris Studie (it was kitty-corner from Endert’s) then drive to Trehearne’s (it was a whole block away) then drive to Ben Franklin (it was a half block further) and then drive to Safeway (it was across the street from Ben Franklin). I was trained well and early to ignore my legs and their ability to get me from one place to the next! So, much of my work at exercise is to guarantee I don’t turn into my (dear and wonderful) mom!


    My daughter commented the other day that her due date is only five weeks away. WHAT?? Sadly, we can’t make it work to go meet this baby until April 11, so it’ll be several weeks old then, and that makes me sad…but the pastor, organist, choir director, and office secretary cannot be gone during Holy Week and then on Easter! 😂 But the fun thing is that I bought the fabric yesterday for the baby quilt I’m making and will find a way to add that project into the days ahead so it’s sure to be done in time.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List Day 21 ⚡️

    Day 22 Auckland FD 75.3kg🏃🏼‍♀️

    Today is a big day of celebrations. Two friends turn 60! One is in the far south, Dunedin and the other here in Mount Eden. We rendezvoused at 0700 hrs and walked up Mt Eden with Deb’s Scottie, Paisley, for the sunrise. It is a dormant volcanic cone with a great big crater in the middle and wonderful views across the city and the two harbours (the Waitemata and the Manukau).

    @funshipfreddie I like astrology when it confirms my stellar qualities but not so much when my inconsistencies are highlighted!! Or bad relationship matches!!
    I keep paying for DHs phone because when I put mine down somewhere in the house and can’t find it, I call myself…
    @jaifaim Oooh Jumba sounds so much fun!! You’ll have a woosh! I believe my system takes several days and up to a week to register a period of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ behaviour…
    @penz I hope you have your feet up!!
    @northgeorgia Sending FD strength!
    @stitchincarol That car park vignette with your mother was straight out of Seinfeld! It did make me laugh! I very much hope all goes well with your daughter’s delivery. It’s a shame Easter has got in the way of the actual event but there are greater forces at work here!!😀
    @fastingnurse Go well on your FD!
    @flourbaby I’m dark chocolate all the way. I did not know the Machiavellian manufacturers were attempting to mimic mother’s milk👿
    Interesting articles and great quote… It pays to be suspicious of any industrialised food.
    So are you doing the squats on the loo?🤣🤣 They’ll help with constipation 🤣🤣
    @brightonbelle That’s precisely why I like Wordle. It’s quick!!
    @cocco The solution is no snacks or 🤐!! Or maybe you could all make something together when they come over?
    @calicocat You did make me laugh with your senior moment! You are developing a very clean lifestyle!

    Steely Resolve!! One week to meet your monthly goals!!

    Pocket List

    Day 22 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD800

    I reached 8000 steps by 3 pm yesterday, after the line-dancing & then rushing around a mall. I could’ve easily taken a siesta, but I didn’t, & I’d clocked up another 2500 steps by the time I went to bed. I’m still just a whisker over my lower target weight, so I’m sticking with the FD800s for now.

    @flourbaby, @stitchincarol – I had another ‘duh?!’ moment this morning. The power was out when I woke up earlier. Nothing stands in the way of my morning coffee, & I quickly set up my portable gas stove to heat some water. I got the milk from the fridge, & then filled the mug with…cold water from the kettle?! 😲

    @calicocat, @merryapple – dunno if they’re ‘senior moments’ or something else. I was recounting my key search to a retired nurse/line-dancer yesterday, & she suggested it could be ‘Covid brain’. She said the fog it brings can take longer to recover from than the physical symptoms. I don’t feel like I’ve got a foggy brain, but who knows? 😅

    @merryapple – I’ve also got a spare phone, & I’ve used it to find the regular one 🙄 But I see all Androids have a ‘Find my Phone’ setting. I’ve absolutely no idea how it works though 🤔

    Good news for women who exercise…

    Pocket List – Day 22 🥕
    @funshipfreddie – FD800

    Day 22 – Ireland – NFD – 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    So my LFD turned into a FD yesterday as I just couldn’t resist some prawns and a little veg last night… protein though so that’s good 👍. Out tonight for dinner and show so will make wise choices.

    @daffodil2010 I am sad not to see you here in your favourite month of all 🌼 and as we head into the last week. I hope all is ok.

    @flourbaby I mostly like outdoor exercise but I have to say the dance class (I use this term loosely as we just sort of followed her steps with no real correction 😂) was a lot of fun… and I think it’s great to be out and about with others… then you can go home and enjoy your own company..🤩
    I love that quote… so very true!!!

    @stitchincarol luckily for me I am not a chocolate cake lover… and most gluten free offerings in cafes are brownies which to me are just chocolate cakes so the good thing is that generally I swerve the call… if there is another option I’ll always try it though in the hope of finding a nice and good value GF treat.
    How great that a new baby is on the way for the family 💕💕 I forgot how busy you are around Easter! It’s my favourite holiday as nothing really needs to be done ahead in terms of gifts, shopping etc and 4 days off.

    Hope all the exercise went well for everyone! The squats at loo time was something I used to do and could easily reintroduce once I get back to consistent planking… I forgot yesterday.. @brightonbelle sorry to hear your weather was grim.. hope your walk with Leslie went well or maybe you did manage to get out?

    @funshipfreddie…like @calicocat I’ve done some really silly things but..I think the brain is sometimes a little sluggish after illness so maybe it’s just a hangover from your recent bout of pancreatitis… you probably haven’t completely lost it just yet 😂 Well done on maintaining… I’m trying to get there………. Argh! It’s tough.. will see tomorrow what the scales say but surely a LFD, CD and FD should produce a result? 🙏

    Thansk@merryapple i hope so! I think our systems are similar and I do envy those of you others who have instantaneous results as it has to help motivation.. having said that… my resolve is firmly in place this week. 💪 I hope you had a lovely special day with your friends 🎈🎈. Mt Eden sounds gorgeous. I regret not spending much time in Auckland when I was in NZ but it is an excuse to go back 😊

    @ccco I try not to have snacks in the house so can empathise with you… still with grandchildren you can’t not have yummy treats and my dad was the best grandad in that respect… he loved treats and having the children around to enjoy them with him made him very happy💕💕

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 22, London, UK, FD

    Feeling ok today, a new low (not an ATL (All Time Low) though😬) on the dreaded scales this morning, considering my less than stellar weekend, I’m polishing my tilted halo anyway!!!😇

    @calicocat, I can see you peering into the freezer, perplexed by the missing washing!!🤣🤣 I must keep an eye out for those senior moments, I’m not quite senior, but often ‘zone out’ and find I’ve lost time, simple tasks take longer than they should and coupled with a penchant for procrastination🤭, I’m surprised I’m not having to be ‘looked after’ for my own safety!!!😲😲

    I made a lovely salmon dish last night, Tuscan salmon, thank goodness it was a NFD …………………. Creamy!!🤤🤤

    @stitchincarol, I hope those shoulders truly are broad!! I may have mentioned my nemesis’s(?) are (amongst lots of other things!) bread, red wine and ………………………… fudgy chocolate cake!!! I stopped mid post, jumped on Google for King Arthur and have now saved a new recipe to try!!! Of course, I blame you!!!🤣🤣🤣 I love that quote too, trying to reduce carbs means lots of veg cooking which can’t be batch cooked and frozen easily so I seem to be in the kitchen quite a lot. I used to batch cook chilli or Bolognese, stews & soups for my mum and portion them out with the carby side – rice, pasta, mash then freeze them in meal portions, to defrost daily for the carer to microwave for her. Now, I’m still batch cooking the protein part, but prepping veg – cabbage, courgettes, salad, leeks, mushrooms, spinach etc, etc, etc – for EACH meal involves much better planning than I’m used to!!!!

    @merryapple, your walk sounds spectacular!!! My lunchtime walk is through a residential area, culminating in the local cemetery!!😨😨 Not squatting ON the loo🤭, just in the room where the loo happens to be, as I said above, I’m all vegged out, so no help needed in that, ahem, department!!🤣🤣

    @funshipfreddie, I’ve done something similar ……………………… but for the life of me, can’t remember what it was!!!!🤣🤣🤣 I’ll try to shake it loose from my brain a bit later!!!

    Keep the faith folks!!

    “Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” -Napoleon Hill

    Day 22 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 223 lbs. I wasn’t hungry and was going to do a WFD yesterday, but in light of my 1 1/2 hour drive to meet my colleagues for a sit-down lunch and then business meeting today, I figured that might not be the wisest thing for my system, so I had a can of soup and a cucumber with a light yogurt dip. A FD500. I’m content haha

    I believe I have Sunday down as my next FD.

    Day 22 UK f800

    Enjoyed reading all the posts but haven’t got pen & paper to hand so can’t respond as I’m sure I’d get who said what wrong but some fascinating stuff

    Day 22 UK FD

    I’ve just spent 30 minutes dismantling and cleaning my vacuum cleaner! Its raining too heavily to go for a walk and I needed something to do to keep me occupied whilst delaying my modest FD brunch as long as possible. So now I’m here for a catch up on posts to further delay food.

    @stitchincarol I was amused by your comment to me “”your discipline is absolutely stellar!” ??? 😂 How little you know me 😂 I am a lapsed 5:2er desperate to shift the many regained pounds. I only seem disciplined because I’m still in the honeymoon phase of a restart and right now my motivation is high so I’m finding it strangely easy to stay in control and stick to my plan. Ask me again in a few weeks time 😉 Did you manage to hold on to your ‘won’t power’ yesterday?

    @merry🍎 your sunrise walk with friends must have been a wonderful start to the day, hope you all enjoyed the celebrations.

    My stomach is growling, I’m off to have some lentil soup for brunch, tonight I’m having chicken with mushroom, spinach and asparagus. Have a good day everyone.

    Pocket List – Day 22 🥕
    @funshipfreddie – FD800

    USA. Day 22. FD

    Yes, Merryapple, that would be the best approach but as soon as those little ones come into my house, they are asking for those treats. If I don’t buy anything, then I have to deal with my daughter’s sudden need to have me babysit. Then I have nothing. I will have to figure it out. Amusingly, when I put other things out of sight, I can’t find them when I need them. Food doesn’t seem to go in that direction! LOL. I will figure it out. They do love fruit!
    Pocket List – Day 22 🥕
    @funshipfreddie – FD800

    I hope my weight shows a loss on Saturday! 🙏

    Have a great day, everyone! 🤗

    Day 22 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 163.4

    I ate rather reasonably yesterday–despite the weight jumping two pounds–and had a busy day, so slept hard last night, and later than usual this morning, and I’m still only barely awake, LOL, even though I need to get going shortly. It’s the crazy season for me, I guess.


    @merryapple Wow, sunrise in the summer is after 7am? That’s close to two hours after sunrise here in Nebraska in the summer. That’s the kind of detail I love gleaning from this forum! For example, @daffodil2010‘s summer sunrise is, I think, 4am. @jaifaim, can you confirm? Amazing differences! And thanks for the good wishes for the delivery; the first baby ended up being an emergency C-section with my daughter delivered to the hospital in an ambulance from the birthing center with midwives, and the baby being brought back to life at one point. It was terrifying, with the result that they’ll never go anywhere but a hospital from now on.

    @funshipfreddie I didn’t merely laugh out loud at your morning coffee story, I ROARED out loud….I saw nothing wrong with the story until you got to the punch line, LOL!! Can you not ignite it with a match?

    @jaifaim Yeah, Lent/Easter is far calmer for most people…I just keep holding on to the promise of DH retiring at the end of 2024, and reminding myself I only have to do this crazy schedule one more time…and I too am thinking of @daffodil2010 often… And for the record, while I do indeed get instantaneous results after a FD, I also get instantaneous results after an NFD, as shown by my 2-pound gain this morning. There are advantages on both sides…

    @flourbaby Thanks for the loo-squats clarification; I was planning to ask in this post because I simply wasn’t getting how that worked, and you clarified it! 😂😂 Oh, and I’m so sorry for giving you another caloric recipe to try…you might plan to take it to work with you, or freeze it…

    @calicocat Yeah, I know you’re in the honeymoon stage, but I also know that success begets success, and compliments also beget success, so a sincer compliment at true success can’t go awry, right????? And I’m so impressed you took apart, apparently fixed, and put back together your vaccum! And I was very close to my won’t power yesterday; not stellar, but close.

    Well, I should get going. It’s a gloomy day, but the temps are mild…not at all normal winter temps (and HIGH contrast to our January freeze!!) and very bad for plants and shrubs and trees because they’ll sprout too early and then get bit by a hard freeze, which we all know will happen….but sure pleasant to experience, LOL!

    Pocket List – Day 22 🥕
    @funshipfreddie – FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 22 Auckland NFD 75.2kg🏃🏼‍♀️

    I consumed plenty of delicious birthday cakes y’day!! Yes plural!! Layered ‘tub cakes’ (square cakes cut into four and put in a tub) with cream in between the layers and coulis on top – ginger and caramel, chocolate and raspberry, and lemon and passion fruit. I probably needed a hit of sweet treats despite it being a FD because I haven’t had any great cake in a while😊
    @funshipfreddie I’ve forgotten to boil the jug but you have definitely taken this a step further!! I’d go with Covid fog… I’m with you on find-a-phone. My phone tells me when I leave the house that I’ve left the other one behind???
    @jaifaim I’ll take you up Mt Eden if you manage to get back here! There are some great bike trails in the South Island now. I did a 90sec plank without too much effort, a 2 min wall sit (I was counting down the seconds at the end!) and 60 sit ups. I tried these on the rug but my spine/lower back didn’t really like the hard surface so I’m back to sofa sit ups!
    @penz Are you watching the NZ Aus T20 cricket? That last match in Wgtn was a nail biter…. One ball to come (NZ bowling) and 4 runs required to win… and the batsman hit a boundary 😢😀(which is 4 runs) so Australia won. There’s another one dayer tonight at Eden Park. I’m going to walk by and see if I can see anyone in the nets!! The weather forecast sadly is not looking good…
    @northgeorgia Wow! You’re nearly back to the teens. Keep it going!!
    @stitchincarol Autumn is coming up fast. Sunrise is 7am and sunset, 8pm at the moment. The sun was a big glowing orange ball rising up over the hills in the distance. In December, it’s 6am to 8.30pm. It’s different in the bottom of the South Island – NZ is long and thin.
    @fastingnurse How are you going?
    @flourbaby Thanks for the clarification on all fronts!! I looked up your recipe. Yum!! My thought was there’s nothing like crispy skin! How about – cook the salmon and plate it then make the sauce to pour over the salmon… I have noticed that we tend to eat rawer or less cooked salmon and white fish compared to what I had in UK restaurants.
    @brightonbelle I’m using notes on my iPhone as @jaifaim suggested now to avoid the dreaded munching of my post but I have used pen and paper too!
    @cocco My girlfriend has a children’s recipe book and when her g’kids come over they chose a recipe to make together. They’re all under 7.
    @calicocat Keep the honeymoon period going!! I think second time around you know what the stakes are and hopefully more committed to get to goal.
    That’s a good idea, thank you! I haven’t made lentil soup for a while.

    Steely Resolve one and all!!

    Pocket List Any Friday Fasters?!

    Day 23 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 68.7 kg

    @stitchincarol – the hot water was there, ready to use in the pan on my gas stove! But somehow, in the couple of seconds it took me to get the milk from the fridge, my brain went to automatic pilot & I reached for the kettle, which still had cold water in it from the day before 🥴️

    @merryapple – Birthday cakes on a FD?! 😱 I hope you had better luck at today’s Wordle than I did? It took me 5 attempts. My biggest regret at having to spend a few days in hospital recently was losing my 31 day streak. I’m still livid 😅

    @flourbaby – well done reaching the new low! 💪🎯

    @northgeorgia – I think I’ll be happier than you when you get below that 220 & keep going down. Sunday will be my next FD too.

    All about supplements:-

    Happy Fri-yay y’all! 🍹

    Day 23, London, UK, NFD,

    I had a good FD yesterday, a little bit fishy😲, as I had a tuna salad for lunch then a small piece of that salmon with salad for dinner. I was a little bit hungry afterwards, but the kitchen was closed, so I made do with water, water, water! I think the salad veg isn’t filling enough, perhaps some cauli-mash next FD.

    @merryapple, that’s exactly what I did, no need to return the salmon to the pan, it would have certainly been overcooked and the crispy skin would have softened😲!! Doing it this way meant I had non-creamy salmon for my salad.

    We’ve had a downturn in temperature today, 5 degrees this morning which is the first day this month we’ve had ‘typical’ February temperatures. I’m not a fan of the cold, but at least it isn’t raining and there was no frost, so my daffodils & bluebells will greet me tomorrow morning!!🌻🌼🌷

    Stay strong Friday fasters!!!

    “Self-care is how you take your power back.” – Lalah Delia

    Day 23 UK NFD

    No hunger yet so extending yesterday’s FD until I feel the need to eat. It’s good to feel in control of my consumption. I have a tendency towards emotional eating and alcohol drinking but the routine and discipline of the past couple of weeks is getting me back to healthier habits 🙂

    @funshipfreddie yesterday’s Wordle was annoying, I had the first 3 letters in the right places on my 2nd attempt but too many possibilities so it still took me 5 attempts to get it! Today also took me 5 attempts.

    @flourbaby salads don’t satisfy me at this time of year, I need lots of hot veggies especially on FDs. Your quote today resonated “Self-care is how you take your power back.” – Lalah Delia

    Have a great day all.

    Day 23 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 225 lbs. Not bad considering yesterday’s sit-down meal and my late night supper while helping my nephew with his homework. Gotta go to work now, and then some chores later today. Enjoy the day!

    USA. Day 23. FD

    Ugh! I messed up yesterday and the day before. Evenungs are my downfall. That’s when all the day’s stress seems to show up and then I eat to calm myself. I haven’t found a way out of that yet! Nothing else seems to be calming and I have given up alcohol completely. I have started up today again and hopefully I will figure out a better way to eliminate stress. Exercise, especially running, used to do it but I grew older and can’t do those things anymore. My son does meditation but that just doesn’t work for me. 🙁. Eventually, I will think of something!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 23 – Rural Nebraska, USA -NFD – 162.0

    Wow, not the big drop that usually happens after a WFD. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Takes me back to the times I’ve pointed out we can’t control the scales, we can only control our behavior. So, on the subject of behavior, today should be reasonably easy to control, as we have a funeral this morning that’s an hour and a half away, so no eating until the funeral lunch in the church basement, and that will likely be sandwiches and salads (for “salads,” read jello things with whipped cream added and other disgusting ingredients–not dishes that appeal to me so are easy to swerve). Tonight is the fish fry we didn’t get to last week, and lots of errands between the funeral and the fish fry, so more built-in restraint.


    @merryapple Huh. So your sunrises/sunsets don’t fluctuate a great deal. Ours are 5:50am and 9pm in the summmer and 7:50am and 5pm in the winter, so a two hour difference in the morning and a four hour difference in the evening. Although, you did say at the moment, not in June/July when it’s winter, huh? Ours right now is 7:10/6:10. It’s probably geeky, but I love these kinds of details.

    @funshipfreddie Ahhh, completely misunderstood. So glad you got your hot water!

    @flourbaby I was so sad that I couldn’t see your salmon recipe, as Delish insisted I had to have a membership…

    @calicocat What was that you were saying yesterday about how little I know you to say you have stellar discipline?? And today you extended your fast and were completely in control of when you broke your fast??? Hmmm…. 🤔🥰

    @northgeorgia One of us MUST break this plateau in the 220s/160s we’ve both been suffering!

    @ccco Do you play cards? Can you invite friends over to play? Although, that will lead to providing food and drinks, huh? Okay, how about heading off to a coffee shop and having a decaf black coffee while you read? Or a library or a bookstore, if you have one open late near you?


    Okay, must get going as I have to shower and wash my hair and we leave in an hour. Have a grand day, everyone!

    Day 23 – Ireland – CD – 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Hi all! Happy Friday ☀️
    I’m a little disappointed not to see maintenance range this morning but will not let that scupper my focus. It will come.@stitchincarol… hope yours does too…

    Lovely cycle this morning in bright and sunny weather…and then work..
    @flourbaby well done on seeing that low ⭐️

    Sorry can’t chat more it’s a busy day.. 🥴

    Will catch up on all the news tomorrow..

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 24 NFD NZ 75.5kg

    Last night, Eden Park did not cough up the result we were hoping for… The Aussie bowlers were magnificently devastating…
    Everyone will be looking for a drop in the next couple of days to end the month well. Keep at it mes amis!!
    I have two FDs to go then we’re all up for a change of season.

    Steely Resolve one and all!!

    Day 24 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @flourbaby – 🎵 Happy Birthday to you!! 🎶 🎉 🥳️ 🥂 🎂

    @calico, @merryapple – another stinker of a Wordle today? I actually closed my eyes & held my breath as I submitted my sixth attempt, phew? 😅

    @ccco – a gentle yoga routine is a good way to relax, at any age. Also, ‘alternate nostril breathing’. It might sound a bit woo-woo, but it’s just another yogic technique & is proven to work:,by%20reducing%20stress%20and%20anxiety. It doesn’t matter how you sit, or which hand/fingers you use to close nostrils, just make sure you’re comfortable. I use a 4 – 6 – 8 ratio. Breathe in through the left nostril for a count of 4. Hold your breath for a count of 6. Then breathe out through the right nostril for a count of 8. Then start over by breathing in through the right nostril for a count of 4, hold for 6 seconds, then breathe out through the left nostril for 8 seconds, & repeat until you’re relaxed. Or even asleep 😴 There are lots of YouTube demos on how to do it too.

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤 🌈

    2nd Post – Day 24

    @stitchincarol@flourbaby‘s salmon recipe – I hope 🤞

    Day 24 UK NFD

    I’m retired now but I still consider Friday evening the beginning of the weekend and after 12 dry days I am moving to controlled (🤞) DTF. I opened a bottle of red wine with dinner last night and thoroughly enjoyed it 😋I hasten to add that I didn’t drain the bottle. DH doesn’t drink wine so it is my intention to make the one bottle my weekend treat and weekly alcohol allowance.

    @flourbaby Happy Birthday 🥳 have a lovely weekend 🎂🥂🎉

    @ccco about that evening stress, have you tried pampering yourself with non food relaxing treats such as a soak in the bath or a long shower using some decadent products. I find a beautiful smelling bubble bath in low light can help me to unwind. Or if that doesn’t appeal how about reading a good distracting book, watching a funny movie or listening to your favourite music. Well done on giving up alcohol, all too easy to overdo the booze when using it as a crutch to cope with stress.

    @stitchincarol I felt exhausted just reading about your schedule for yesterday. Have you had any time to begin work on the quilt for your new grandbaby yet?

    Cold today but sunny so looking forward to my walk. Have a super Saturday all 🙂

    Day 24 UK NFD

    It was a phew for me this morning too @funshipfreddie

    Happy birthday @flourbaby

    That’s as much as I can do today as need to dash of to watch rugby , will catch up tomorrow

    Day 24 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 226 lbs. No change over last Saturday, nor over last week’s average, nor did I gain or lose any, averaged through the week. But the mode and median are a little lower than last week’s, so there is a glimpse of progress. I’ll plan to make tomorrow a FD.

    @flourbaby Happy Birthday!
    @stitchincarol It’s insane that January was rocking along, then February hit with its inexplicable stallout for us!

    Have a good weekend, all!

    Day 24 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD – 163.4

    I guess the advantage of not having a big drop after a WF (as I didn’t have yesterday morning after Thursday) is that I also don’t have a big gain after eating. I’ve decided to make today similar to a FD in terms of eating only what and when I plan to eat, so for lunch I’ll have two cups of the chicken and corn chowder I made on Wednesday–and then freeze most of the rest–and for supper I’ll have a hamburger on the lovely buns I bought the other day. I will not have any alcohol, nor snacks, nor dessert of any sort.

    And that is my Saturday challenge pledge. Thankfully I have lots to do in the church office, so I’ll spend the afternoon there, and that will help me in following my plan.

    Oh, and we were so long at the funeral and then our errands that we couldn’t get home in time for the fish fry, so ate in Lincoln…perhaps next Friday???? 🤔😂😂😂


    @jaifaim Thanks for the good wishes. Every morning, I think I’m finally on my way to the self-control I need, and every evening I get derailed. I’m missing the autumn of 2022 when my mojo was solid and in full evidence by the behavior of the scales! You are far closer than I am to being where you want to be, and you’re NOT GAINING–never forget that piece of the plan, because that’s a huge accomplishment. 👍💪⭐

    @funshipfreddie Love that breathing technique; I’ll use it, so thanks for sharing! I’ve often had choirs warm up by breathing in through their noses to a specific count and then breathing out through their mouth to the same count; we start at 4 and work our way up to as high as 16 or more. It’s a great way to practice metered breathing, and it feels GOOD. So, I’m chanting, “IN-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, OUT-2-3-4-5-6-7-8” or whatever the number is. Try it sometime. Oh, and thanks for the recipe!! I actually thought I was signed up with Delish, so it was very odd that it wouldn’t let me get to it.

    @calicocat Good for you for your wine plan. I’ve taken to measuring out what I plan to drink from a bottle so that I don’t accidentally consume more than planned. You know, as to our day yesterday, it was actually totally delightful; we saw family we don’t often see, had a good time visiting at the luncheon and then DH and I had a grand time going to various stores we wanted to visit. But as we were driving, we both said how eager we were for his retirement at the end of this year–we’re very tired of the constant go-go-go and the high pressure of all that needs accomplishing. I’m sure you know and enjoy the lovely contrast from full employment to retirement mode! Although, everyone talks about how they’re busier than ever, but simply with the things they choose to do. True for you? And, no, not yet on the quilt, but I think today is the day I’m going to do some serious tidying in my sewing room, the first step in starting the quilt, as every surface is currently covered with stuff.

    @brightonbelle You gave me very little this morning to comment on, so, congratulations on getting Wordle! 👍😉😂

    @northgeorgia Well, I wouldn’t exactly call my February stallout “inexplicable”…I can sadly recall any number of food choices that explain everything…perhaps what’s inexplicable is that neither of us are finding our mojo? 🫤😂

    @flourbaby Happy, happy birthday! I hope you’re having a grand and glorious day today! 🎂🥳🎈💐

    And I’m so serious about the challenge I’ve imposed on myself that I’m making a pocket list for it:

    Day 24 Pocket List 💪
    @stitchincarol CD according to what I listed

    Day 25 NFD NZ 75.5kg

    Trying to keep a lid on it but I feel like eating today… It’s a drizzly Sunday… Mr Mac is quite unsettled. I’ve upped his pain relief but we might need a trip to the Vet soon.
    @flourbaby I hope you’re having a fab birthday weekend!!
    @stitchincarol Go well with your CD
    @calicocat I hope that’s enough wine to get you through the weekend!! I’m not sure if it disappears more or less quickly when you’re keeping tabs on volume consumed!!
    @funshipfreddie and @brightonbelle 4 goes for me last 3 words… but piper is a familiar word! I see Scotland beat England in the rugby!!
    Cheers everyone!!

    Day 25 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    It’s a bleak, late summer day here. A cool, cloudy 18 C, with 40 km/h winds 🌬

    @merryapple – Again?! Scotland’s 4th win in a row against England 😲 I just read J K Rowling was at Murrayfield, cheering on Scotland with her kilt-wearing husband. She’s English, but apparently she’s lived in Edinburgh since the ’90’s, where she started writing the Harry Potter books.

    My appetite is back with a vengeance, so I think a traditional, no-frills FD is called for today. @fastingnurse had a FD scheduled for today too, according to the spreadsheet, & I’m adding @northgeorgia too 🎯

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍄

    Day 25 UK NFD

    I slept so deeply last night I’m having trouble waking up properly this morning and I seem to have switched off my morning alarm in my sleep. Luna was not impressed that her breakfast was late. Its a an uninspiring dark wet day here today ☔️ 🌧️

    @stitchincarol I retired from full time employment 10 years ago and don’t miss the commute into the busy city or the stress of the job but I do miss the social side of work. We moved to a beautiful but unfamiliar rural location, part of our retirement plan, and I didn’t appreciate how difficult it would be to establish new friendships here when not working, most friends are those formed in education or the workplace. We’re now thinking of moving back to the places and people we miss.

    @merry🍎 the wine was finished last night. I would struggle to stretch one bottle over 3 nights, possibly an indication of my greed, but that’s it now, my weekly allowance is drunk. Poor Mr Mac, I hope he is feeling better for the increased pain meds.

    Plan for today is healthy eating within TDEE. FD tomorrow.

    Day 25 UK NFD

    Relaxing today after a very hectic and enjoyable weekend , think probably went a bit overboard but will be back on the straight and narrow tomorrow and I’ll be aiming to post a decent end of month result 💪

    Day 25 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 226 lbs. Not bad for the morning after that “inexplicable” night out to the all-you-can-eat seafood buffet (@stitchincarol haha!) My mom loves it and we only go once or twice a year, and frankly, it wasn’t too good last night — cooked well and tasted good, but the lines were long, food kept running out, and they fried up tiny cocktail shrimp as “popcorn shrimp,” which doesn’t really work that well. Many were the size of the miniature ones I have in my aquariums…yikes!

    Anyhow, planning for a B2B FD. I’ll be taking Wednesday off work as it marks one year since my dad passed away. I may fast again on Thursday.

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍄

    Day 25 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 164.4

    I can report that I ate exactly what I said I’d eat yesterday; ⭐ I had serious smugness until I saw the scale this morning, which I’d thought would either be down or at least static. You know, I behave so I want instant results, LOL! I haven’t yet done the math to figure out why it’s up so high, so perhaps I just had that many calories.

    Say, is anyone thinking of hosting March??


    @merryapple How’d you do with resisting the urge to eat yesterday?

    @funshipfreddie How lovely that your appetite is completely back! Well, I’m assuming it’s lovely, LOL! At least it means you’re fully recovered from pancreatitis, right?

    @calicocat What you describe about your move after retirement is exactly what I fear for DH and me when he retires at the end of the year. We’re still entirely clueless about where we’ll move…time will tell, I suppose. Have you lived in that new location for the whole ten years since you retired?

    @northgeorgia Yeah, shrimp that tiny as popcorn shrimp ends up being nothing more than the breading, huh? So is “inexplicable” our new shared word?? 😂😂😂


    I got my sewing room reasonably cleaned up yesterday and started the process of cutting out the baby’s quilt. It will take several hours before I get to start sewing, but it feels good to have started and REALLY good to have that sewing room looking far less disastrous, LOL!

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍄

    Day 26, FD, Aus

    Hello all! You can tell from my absence from the forum how successful my 5:2 has been of late.

    So, in the interests of accountability and getting myself back on track, I’m happy to host March unless there are violent objections.

    Day 26 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 69.2 kg

    Had a good FD yesterday, & my weight is exactly the same this morning as it was on Feb 1st 🎯

    @stitchincarol – yes, it is good to have my appetite back. And I feel like I’m fully recovered. I have an appointment at the hospital next week, but I think it’s just a routine follow-up.

    @penz – good to see you back, & thanks for offering to host next month’s Challenge 🙏

    @calicocat, @merryapple – Try substituting the word ‘bananas’ for wine when considering some of the things we tell ourselves, or each other about the demon drink. It’s quite funny, & removes any doubt as to whether or not it’s addictive. e.g. ‘I only eat bananas on the weekend’, ‘I never eat bananas alone’. ‘I told myself I’d stick to no more than two bananas, but before I knew it I’d eaten a whole bunch?!’ ‘I don’t have a problem with bananas, I can take them or leave them.’ ‘I always have a glass of water between bananas’🍷🍌

    Dr Max article on ultra-processed food:-

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋

    Day 26 UK FD

    Lovely bright day and plans for shopping this morning and a long walk this afternoon will keep me busy which is always good for a FD.

    @stitchincarol just over 8 years in our present home, it’s time for a change and to downsize to an easier maintenance property closer to our roots. It may not be the right time yet though owing to the state of the UK economy and a stagnant property market….we’ll see.

    @funshipfreddie bananas are one of my favourite foods, I have to limit them because of the relatively high calorie content, seriously. Maybe I should use onions. Raw onion is one of the few foods I can’t digest.

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋

    Day 26, London, UK, FD

    The ‘Low’ was fleeting!!! Unsurprisingly, my birthday celebrations 🍷🍰🎂🍷🥐🍗🥂🍹🍹 scuppered my chances of maintaining that low!! However, the birthday weekend is no more, so I’m back on the wagon!!

    Thanks to all for my birthday wishes, lovely people🙏🏼, I stopped counting at 25, so it’s really just an excuse for a boozy cakey get together!!🤣🍰🍷

    @penz, so good to hear from you, no objections here, violent or otherwise.🤣🤣 Although hosting duties are minimal, perhaps you need to invent a few that mean you MUST be present & correct every day of the challenge, just to keep you on track!!💪🏼💪🏼

    @funshipfreddie, I love the banana trick!!! I tried looking at wine according to Harry Belzers quote below, but it didn’t work, I just made excuses like – “Who makes their own wine?”, “There are other people for that!” “Wine is NOT the same as cake!”
    (“If you want apple pie tonight, have it, all of it, if you want cookies with that apple pie, have that as well, if you want ice cream on top of that have that as well. Have all of it, just do one thing for me ………………………make it all from scratch, if you do that the obesity problem would vanish” — Harry Belzer )
    I couldn’t access the article on UPF’s but I get the gist, I need to remind myself that the pleasure of that cake/biscuit is fleeting and only awakens cravings, but the inches on my hips appear to be FOREVER!!!!!😨😱😨😬

    The plan for today …………………………………

    “Eating breakfast breaks the fast. Skipping breakfast breaks the fat.” ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana

    To break some fat!!!!💪🏼🤣💪🏼

    Day 26 UK f800

    Yes my delightful Friday weight was short lived too @flourbaby but I’m back on it and I’m optimistic I can hit it again soon 💪

    Thanks for volunteering for March @penz💐

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋

    Day 26 – UK – FD800

    I have been away for a 2 week break with old friends and stayed off line for a bit of mind clearing which hopefully will set me back on track with fasting and this WOL 🤞

    Missed too many posts to catch up so hoping everyone is doing well 🤗

    I have filled out my slot on the spreadsheet and had to give up filling which nights I had wine as February was a definite wine and food fest 🍷🍷🍷

    No proper fasting days done in January so pressing my RESET button with B2B2B2B FD800 starting today 💪 to end the challenge on a positive note 🤞

    No planned social outings this week until Friday night out with OH so hoping to get my fasting MOJO back in time to start the March Challenge with @penz

    I will not weigh 🫣 myself until Friday morning as I don’t really want to know what Cruella has to say at the moment 🤣

    Back to normal routines this week, which should help me focus
    🧘‍♀️ class this evening and the start of a new block – new beginnings!!

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋

    Day 26 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 223 lbs. Had a good WFD yesterday and I will probably do a FD500 today when I get in from work. My sister-in-law had a one-vehicle wreck yesterday when she swerved to miss a vehicle that pulled in front of her. She’s fine but the car is likely totaled. March is shaping up to be a crazy month for me, including being away on a mandatory work conference for three days at the end of the month (and it would be the week right before Easter, too, uff)! Well, might as well kick things off this week. Off to work!

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋

    Day 26 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Yesterday wasn’t the least bit controlled, but it was lovely as we binged on Resident Alien on Netflix–anyone else watching that? Cute, silly and fun. Today, however, I’m going to remind myself I DO have the skill to control my eating, and so I’m having a menu very similar to Saturday’s: 1 cup of soup at lunch if I’m too hungry to wait for supper, and a hamburger for supper.

    Here’s the quilt I’m making for the baby due just before Easter: That’s not printed fabric for each giraffe, but a dark and light shade sewn together. I’ve cut out some of the white, and all of the red, green, and purple giraffes; each color takes just over a half hour, but it makes my back hurt as I’m bending over my cutting table so much, so I don’t do more than one color at a stretch. So this morning, I cut the purple, and did some dishes and cleaning in the kitchen, and am only now sitting down; I’m feeling virtuous that I accomplished things before settling on the sofa with my laptop.


    @penz Good to hear from you, and we’re delighted to have you host March!

    @funshipfreddie So glad you’re back to good health now, and too funny about using “bananas” in lieu of “wine.”

    @calicocat We too are having a lovely day today–high is expected to be 76F/24C, which is absolutely unheard of in February–and plan to go for a walk as we did yesterday. Enjoy your walk and your shopping!

    @flourbaby I absolutely delight in your posts…and then have no idea what to respond to, so have to read them a second time in order to glean salient points for responses. Not sure even a third read would help me today, but I am in awe at your skill in ensuring people read your words carefully and at least twice!!!! 😂😂😂😂 I CAN offer my delight that your birthday weekend was so fun for you!

    @brightonbelle Here’s to all of us hitting lows this week as we mark the end of the month!

    @at Good to have you back with us. I’ve toyed with stepping away for a time to see if that would get me back on track for proper attitudes and behavior; I’ll be interested to see if it works for you. 👍💪

    @northgeorgia I’m so glad your SIL is fine after her accident yesterday! What a week to have that additional stress thrown in, huh?

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍋
    @stitchincarol CD

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 26 – Ireland – CD – 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Hi all!
    Hi @at great to have you back…
    I was quiet this weekend and very much offline… we had our friends “month’s mind” which marks the first month after a death… so I spent the weekend feeling very grateful for everything and everyone that I have in my life 💕
    Now… no real move on the pesky inexplicable weight after a stellar week even if I say so myself 😂 but… it’s there… it won’t be there for long… c’est la vie.
    A busy week ahead with two work nights out so will choose wisely and FDs on Tuesday and Thursday instead of the usual days.
    Have a lovely day all! And sorry I’ve not read all the weekend posts.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Ooops… happy belated birthday @flourbaby! 🎈🎈🎈

    Day 27, NFD, Aus

    Hello all. I feel like my mojo is back after a good FD yesterday. I exercised, got some sunshine and feel virtuous! I’ve just had a lovely salad with roast chook and avo for lunch today. Yummo.

    That quilt looks so cute, @stitchincarol. I’m sure the new bub will cherish it for a lifetime.

    I just realised it’s a leap year this year. (A bit slow on the uptake I know.) So I’ll have to wait an extra day to step into the hosting shoes next month!

    Day 27 Auckland FD 75.8kg

    I’m so happy to see @penz and @at reappear!!

    I had a bad day y’day on the food front. Two dear friends came over for lunch. I had made a sourdough loaf and was about to make Sorrel soup when they turned up with lunch – tragic café food – oversized, high fat and carb content, unnatural ingredients, overcooked eggs etc. You get the picture… When they left I polished off the leftovers despite them not tasting great… My weight is up this morning unsurprisingly. It was meant to be a FD so I’m doing another today. To cap things off, my darling Macintosh the Westie had a very restless night pacing up and down the hallway between the bedroom and the kitchen. He was inconsolable so I have booked him in with the Vet for 4.30 on Friday then I’ll have a wake for him here. I feel quite weepy now I’ve done it but my gut says it’s the right decision. He’s 16.

    second post

    Oh, @merryapple, I’m so very sorry. There will be a big hole in your heart for a long time that Mr Mac has been filling. He was a gift from your DH, I think you said once? Hugs to you, honey. ❤️❤️❤️

    Day 27 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @merryapple – so sorry to hear Mr Mac is deteriorating, & sending you a virtual hug 🤗 You’re still on track to lose your monthly kilo, despite yesterday’s splurge 🎯

    @at – welcome back!

    @penz – good for you for getting back on the wagon! 💪

    @flourbaby – never mind the wine – who makes their own ice cream?! 😅

    @stitchincarol – I love the colourful giraffe quilt 😍

    @calicocat – I never buy bananas, I don’t know why though. A neighbour was bringing me a couple every day for a few days after my brief hospital stint, & I enjoyed them.

    Pocket List – Day 27 🍏

    Day 27 – Ireland – FD – 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Oh @merryapple I’m so sad to read your news – you poor thing. It’s such a difficult decision to make and you will miss Mr. Mac so much. I’m with you today on the pocket list and thinking of you 💕

    @stitchincarol the quilt is just gorgeous and you are certainly living up to your name! So impressed with our creatives here! I’m really hoping to get back to the lows and thanks for your reassurance 🤩. You know stepping away won’t really help don’t you?🤣

    @brightonbelle I’m in that frustrating bobbing space too… we will get there. Hopefully by 29/2 but we’re on the right road.

    @penz thank you for offering to host March ⭐️ so glad you are feeling good and proud. You should ⭐️

    @funshipfreddie bananas are an interesting one for me… I like them but tend to only have them when I’m cycling as they are so handy and full of goodness but I do find them quite sweet now..particularly if they are ripe. We have a basket of fruit in work each day so I’m buying far less fruit myself these days.. sounds like you have lovely neighbours 👍

    Feeling like my body is feeling back to normal and beginning to shed that weight that just would not budge but will wait until Friday to check. I thought I was on track last week but no good news had… but I am healthy, here and well. ♥️ go gently everyone – we have this.
    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List Day 27 🍏

    Day 27 UK NFD

    Yesterday’s FD was hard going. I was hungry and not in the mood, just about managed a FD800. It’s DH’s birthday today so staying within TDEE will be challenging but I will do my best.

    @merry🍎 I know from experience what a heartbreaking and difficult decision you have made but you know it is the right decision for Mr Mac, you just know when its time.

    Day 27, London, UK, NFD

    FD yesterday went well although my crustless mushroom quiche and salad for dinner didn’t quite hit (fill) the spot and I went to bed hungry, not great but tiredness overruled the urge to eat!

    @brightonbelle, some days, optimism is all we’ve got!!! Like you, I’m brimming with confidence that I WILL see that number again in no time!!!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 No need to panic!!

    @at, glad your back with us, and securely seated on the wagon!! It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day!!!

    @northgeorgia, glad to hear your SIL is ok🙏🏼🙏🏼

    @stitchincarol, I hear you, my posts are a bit wordy!!!😬😬😬 There’s no denying it, It’s true, I’m certainly guilty of using 10 words (or emoji’s) when 2 would do!!!! I’ll continue as it appears to be keeping you on your toes!!🤣🤣🤣

    @jaifaim, thank you🎈. It’s not fair is it that you can be on point, perfectly behaved and not lose an ounce, then have a celebration🍷 (or birthday!🍰🍷🍰🤭) and gain 4lbs overnight!!! There must be someone I can log my complaint with??!!!

    I love that you’re so eager to host @penz ……………………………… the mojo is STRONG!!!💪🏼💪🏼

    @funshipfreddie …………………. This is where convenience comes into play. Making your own wine, or ice-cream or biscuits or pastry etc is NOT unheard of ………………………………. It’s just sooo much easier to buy readymade!!!! Convenience is the bedfellow of obesity!!!! I draw the line at wine making, but I’m trying my best to avoid UPF’s, foods with unrecognisable ingredients, an ingredients list longer than my arm and packaged food in general!🍅🍆🥒🥕

    @merryapple, I feel for you having to make the decision you know is right, but really don’t want to make. Mr. Mac knows you’re thinking only of him💕 and doing what’s best for him, as you’ve done throughout his life. I’ll be thinking of you throughout this difficult time🙏🏼🙏🏼 …………………… “Kindness is like snow. It beautifies everything it covers.” – Kahlil Gibran

    Right, I’m off to do some actual work!!! Keep the faith folks!!! Today’s quote is for you @merryapple🤗

    Day 27 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 222 lbs. Good FD500 yesterday. Down a pound today. May do another FD on Thursday this week; I have to work Saturday until the early afternoon, so March starts off with a blah! Actually, it’s a nice community service project I’m doing as part of my leadership class. But although I’m not being paid, if something is mandatory, I call it “work.” Still, I think it will be enjoyable 😉

    Happy Tuesday!

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