Fit February

This topic contains 283 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  AT 1 year ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 284 total)

  • Day 12 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Good morning!
    A new week begins and I’m ready for it.
    This past week tracking on MFP has gone well amd I’ll continue that daily… I’m up again but did have a lot on last week even with the low on Friday so maybe delayed gains… I’ll apply myself and see what this week brings.
    I’ve been feeling like my system has been compromised since my lurgy mid January with some strange lingering symptoms but today feel like I’m back to myself.
    I owe it to my pal now to live every day in the best way I can for future me… we just never know… so let’s make everyday count – that includes the fun party days too. It all matters 💕💕

    Hope you all enjoyed the superbowl… I must go check the result now…

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List Day 12 🌼

    Day 12, London, UK, FD

    Well I’m getting straight back on the wagon this morning after a carb fuelled weekend!! The wine, although not corked, was awful, thin, flavourless, like a really bad Pinot Noir!!!😢😱 Luckily, I had brought a 19 Crimes (The Banished) with me as a gift which was uncorked with, what could almost be described as, indecent haste!!!🍷🤭🤤🤣🤣🤣 Perhaps the Queen didn’t share my love for full bodied robust reds!!!

    I hope I’m not jinxing anything, but the weather recently has been positively Spring-like!!!💐💐I’m definitely going to get a 30min walk in at lunchtime!🚶🏼‍♀️ That’s my daily promise nailed!!

    @brightonbelle, the casual mention of the dreaded root canal is very telling, the words send a cold shiver down my spine now!! These fears are very recent after the 6 week suffering during lockdown followed by the gruelling extraction then a root canal procedure last year where the anaesthetic injections were traumatic, as the dentist struggled with getting the correct location ………………… I heard/felt the needle scraping along bone at one point!!!!🤮

    So good to hear you’re back home @funshipfreddie 👏🏼👏🏼, I hope Boo Boo is giving suitably gentle cuddles😻😻

    @fastingnurse, whatever your DH serves up will be 100% better than having to do it yourself!! There’s only 2 types of food I struggle to refuse – Free food (office breakfasts or lunches are a nightmare!!) and food cooked by other hands!!! An invitation to a meal is almost always accepted, unless it’s from my niece ……………… she’s a terrible cook🤣🤣🤣

    @jaifaim & @northgeorgia, it’s true this month has started strangely, I’m feeling a little unsettles since day 10, perhaps because I knew I was going off plan. Time to regroup!!!

    @calicocat, welcome to the challenge, you’re in the right place!!!

    I hope those FD plans remain true @northgeorgia & @brightonbelle ………………. You’re on the list anyway!!!💪🏼🤣💪🏼

    Monday Pocket List

    “The beginning is the most important part of the work.” – Plato

    Day 12 UK f800

    My Super Bowl days are long gone @merryapple I used to enjoy watching but I need my sleep these days kick off was at 11.30 pm I’d been in the land of nod for some time 💤

    Yes it wasn’t something I was looking forward to @flourbaby but it had to be done 🦷 first of 3 appointment s done just hoping the rest go as smoothly

    Good to hear you are home , take it easy @funshipfreddie

    Another Monday restart for me on a bit of a plateau so need to rethink my strategy- have a good week all

    Monday Pocket List

    Day 13 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 223 lbs. Started feeling “off” yesterday evening, so decided to break my WFD with a little chicken broth and a few leaves of lettuce. Probably 25 – 30 calories. Planning for a FD500 today. I’ve not got the 3 days B2B2B FD spirit as in January, but that was just to jumpstart things anyway. Feel good about where I am, and especially if I can get a third day in on Thursday this week.

    Monday Pocket List

    Day 12 – Rural Nebraska, USA

    So sorry that, after being absent yesterday, this is all I’m posting this morning, but I’m not feeling good at all and need to go back to bed.

    Talk later. 👍

    USA. Day 12. FD

    Monday Pocket List

    Good day, everyone!

    Second post
    Hope you are ok @stitchincarol 🙏

    Thanks for sorting the pocket list @flourbaby..
    just adding @fastingnurse also.. these pesky time zones 😂
    Keeping the focus 👍

    Monday Pocket List

    Good day, everyone!

    Day 13 Auckland NFD 75.4kg

    WOW!! I had a decent woosh!! I really watched what I ate on Days 11 &12 and made sure I completed my exercise challenges because I wasn’t progressing. Now I have to keep a lid on things so I don’t go back up too much… My Texan friend came over to watch the Super Bowl so I had a ‘coach’. I understand the basics of Gridiron, like being able to pass the ball forward and the game phases – 1 for 10 yards etc but the finer details have escaped me. Great game despite the 49ers not quite getting there…
    @funshipfreddie Good to see you posted on the sheet. One vaguely annoying thing about a short hospital stay when you need a drip because you’re not eating, is it’s hard to lose weight because of the glucose in the IV fluids, which is there for energy and to preserve protein/ lean body mass.
    @stitchincarol Oh no! More unwellness… and not related to, I take it, drowning our respective Californian sorrows…
    @jaifaim I heartily endorse your sentiments. Live life!!
    @flourbaby Ooooh That doesn’t sound good…. My girlfriend has just bought herself a giant wine fridge because her ex convinced her to invest (???) in wine, actually in his wine business, and he is paying her out with bottles of wine not cash… Storage is way more important than us plebs are willing to do anything about…
    @fasting nurse Great to hear you’re enjoying the fasts now.
    @brightonbelle I completely understand! The game might only have 4 quarters of 15 mins but it goes on for 2+ hours…
    @northgeorgia That’s a nice low number!
    @penz and @lilymartin, my fellow antipodeans, hope all is well!

    To good health and RESOLVE!

    Day 13 Tuesday, FD B2B, NZ
    2nd fast this week, just finished work, think I’m getting sick? Or maybe burnt out. Just trying to push through the week. We’ve been short staffed at work last few weeks I’ve been doing the work of 3 people it’s been rough. They treated us to a cake today (which I didn’t have) for being under the pump I said no just pay me extra for the last 2 weeks they said no lol, oh well no harm in asking 😂

    @flourbaby he ended up serving rice risotto it was so delicious! Oh yes I know someone like that who can’t cook lol

    @jaimfaim yes pesky time zones – its currently 5.58pm here!

    Tuesday pocket list:

    Day 13 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Hi all, a good FD yesterday and I’ll go for another on Thursday as have pancakes with the family tonight and theatre date with friends tomorrow.

    Hurrah!!!!! A whoosh!!!! I want one 🤨🤪 bravo to you @merryapple! 👏
    @stitchincarol I hope you are feeling better and of course @funshipfreddie…. 🤞

    @fastingnurse fair play to you! Money not cake!!! Demand your rights 😂👏👏 isn’t it interesting though (and I do this too) that we offer thanks to people with gifts of cakes and alcohol … ultimately both gifts which are lovely but not good for us… 🤔
    Alimony in wine bottles…what next? 😂😂

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 13 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Well, what a fun week I just had 🥴️ Last week, Monday evening I was perfectly okay, just finished eating around 8 pm. An hour later I had an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, & it felt like it was swelling a little. Half an hour later I was vomiting & I assumed I must’ve just eaten something bad, & I’d be okay in a while. The pain got worse though, & I was sweating profusely, even though I didn’t feel hot. I kept thinking I’d be okay, if I could get comfortable & get some sleep. I’d go & see my GP in the morning. But sleep was impossible. I phoned for an ambulance around 4 am. I put the door on the hook so the cat could get in & out, imagining I’d be back in a couple of hours, duh? The hospital is only about 10 km away. I spent about 6 hours in a trauma unit, was eventually told I had pancreatitis & they were moving me to a regular ward. It was a small 4-bed ward, & none of the beds were occupied. I asked the nurse why I was still in pain after 6 hours, couldn’t they give me something? I was still writhing in pain, having to turn over every few seconds. She said I was already on morphine, & she’d speak to the doctor. He eventually told me there isn’t actually a treatment for pancreatitis. All they can do is try to manage the pain & ensure there was no other organ failure. He said his main concern was why I had it, because – as @merryapple said – I didn’t tick any of the usual boxes for having an inflamed pancreas, e.g. gallstones, alcohol abuse, diabetes. Then when I mentioned I’d recently had Covid he seemed intrigued & said he wouldn’t be surprised if there was a correlation. Anyway I think the worst is over. This is the first day since I got home that I feel like I’m really on the mend. I have to go for yet another blood test later.

    @calicocat – welcome to the forum & to the monthly Challenges.

    @merryapple – I was pleasantly surprised by how little my weight had dropped after I got out of the hospital. I ate next-to-nothing for several days. Couldn’t even look at food, & they eventually gave me some of those high-calorie meal replacement drinks. I also thought the IV thingy had something to do with it too, because they put me on one of those from the minute I was in the ambulance until I was discharged. But my weight dropped by a kilo overnight, even though I thought I’d eaten plenty yesterday. I look quite gaunt, but my appetite is getting back to normal.

    @flourbaby – poor Boo Boo must’ve been so confused?! Luckily I got the ambulance via the frail care centre staff, so they knew something was amiss. The complex manager has an emergency key for every house & she notified a couple of my neighbours, who kept an eye on Boo Boo & made sure she was fed. I can’t bear the smell/sight of cat food even when I’m well, & she’ll only eat the wet Whiskas stuff. I was toying with the idea of sending her to the cattery for a few days after I got home to give me a break. But the guilt would’ve killed me 😅

    @stitchincarol – oh no? Hope you’re feeling 100% today 🤗

    Tuesday Pocket List 🍄

    Day 13-No. VA USA-FD 800

    Hello, fellow fasters! @funshipfreddie, so glad you have returned to the land of the living and that Boo Boo survived the past week (as cats will). @stichincarol, I hope you are feeling better soon.
    Welcome, @calicocat!
    @fastingnurse, I certainly know the feeling of just putting one foot in front of the other to push through a tough week. I hope things ease up for you. Good for you for resisting the cake!
    @jaifaim, is there any significance to pancakes for dinner, or just a “breakfast for dinner” meal?

    Tuesday Pocket List:
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 13 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 222 lbs. Next FD is planned for Thursday as there’s a board meeting today and a community group meeting tomorrow, both of which will tempt with meals or snacks. I usually resist the community snacks, but with tomorrow being Valentine’s Day, I know lots of sweet temptations will abound. Better to have just a little than to say no and have a secret feast on sugar in private!

    Day 13, London, UK, NFD

    Welcome back @funshipfreddie, I can’t (don’t want to) imagine the pain of pancreatitis!!! A link to Covid which you swerved for so long would be the worst kind of luck!! Good to know you’re on the mend and back to the day job of catering to Boo Boo’s every need!!! I jest, but in truth Bo-Bo is only missing a bell to ring for service!!! Rest & recuperation is what’s need now🙏🏼🙏🏼

    @brightonbelle, hear, hear!!! I think torture by sleep deprivation would take about 5 minutes for me to crack!!! I MUST have my sleep which is why I’m seriously considering wringing Bo-Bo’s neck!!! 4 am is not a wake up time ANYWHERE in the civilized world!!!!

    Well done on being satisfied with broth & lettuce @northgeorgia, I think the smallest morsel that passes my lips starts the avalanche. When I did WF’s before I had to be super strict since I couldn’t rely on my feeble willpower!

    @stitchincarol, I hope you’re feeling better today. We seem to be dropping like flies!!! As I said to @funshipfreddie …….. Rest & recuperation is what’s need now🙏🏼🙏🏼

    Keep the faith folks, this is still proving to be a bit of a weird month!!!

    “At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.” – Frida Khalo

    Second post

    @excelsior12309 today it is Pancake or Shrove Tuesday in Ireland where we traditionally eat lots of pancakes… ahead of Ash Wednesday and 40 days of abstinence or sacrifice… as children we would have given up eating sweets or candies, or made some other sacrifice and would then gorge on chocolate at Easter…
    I’m committing to stay off all cakes and biscuits – even gluten free ones…
    🥞 🥞

    Day 13 UK f800

    Good to hear from you @funshipfreddie Just concentrate on getting yourself well

    Sorry to hear you’re not well @stitchincarol Hope it’s nothing too serious

    Managed to extend my fast this morning by having just a black coffee instead of my usual cappuccino let’s see if it makes a difference?

    Tuesday Pocket List:
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 13 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 164.2

    I am a new woman this morning, LOL. No, @merryapple, 😂 my ailment had nothing to do with the poor 49ers losing–which I was not happy to see, because I have a certain fondness for them, having grown up in California, but I was thrilled to have the Chiefs win, and they are who I was rooting for–but everything to do with my body deciding to rid itself of its contents, beginning at 6am Monday. I was miserable for much of the day, and kept falling asleep, which is not the norm for me. It was evening before I decided I’d be okay to teach lessons today, and bedtime before I realized I was finally entirely fine. Ironically, FIVE of my students have cancelled lessons for today because they’re sick…amazing.


    @calicocat So glad to have you join us! Do share with us your goals–how much to lose, how you plan to approach it–and any challenges you face; we’re always glad to have new people jump in with us!

    @funshipfreddie Wow, what a story you have to tell! And to be on such pain meds and STILL be writhing in pain? It’s good news to hear you’re feeling more like yourself now!

    @fastingnurse Oh, I hope you were simply tired and not getting sick!

    @excelsior12309 I was just as mystified the first time someone mentioned having pancakes on this day. Americans think of the day befo0re Ash Wednesday as Mardi Gras–if they think of it at all–but apparently much of the world thinks of this as a night to have pancakes. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂😂🥰👍 And that’s my favorite thing of this group–beyond the support–is learning about the varied customs around the world.

    ====Wow, DH just played a video telling of the death of Kelvin Kiptum, a famous marathoner. He was 24 and died in a car accident in Kenya. Very sad. Do you all follow track and field? I do only because of who I’m married to, as it’s his passion.

    Okay, I’ve not done a good job in responding to you all, and I apologize…my brain isn’t managing to focus as it usually does, but just keeps going into neutral and idling. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll do a stronger job of focusing, but today I’m just glad to be functional again, and having a cup of coffee, which held NO interest for me yesterday!

    Have a grand one, everyone, full of RESOLVE!

    2/13 Tuesday Pocket List:
    @excelsior12309 FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    USA. Day 13. FD

    2/13 Tuesday Pocket List:
    @excelsior12309 FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Have a great day!

    Day 14 Auckland NFD 75.8kg🏃🏼‍♀️

    We are now having an Indian summer… late summer with a golden glow to it. The hills in the distance are silhouetted every evening by a bright orange sky as the sun sets… then you realise the wild fires in Australia have contributed by adding ash and fine dust into the atmosphere…
    @funshipfreddie I’m so pleased that you’re back without some rogue diagnosis… at least Covid will resolve itself. It’s nasty the way it has a habit of randomly targeting different locations or someone’s ‘Achilles heel’ in our bodies. I hope your nice neighbour brings you some chicken noodle soup🙂
    @stitchincarol Great to hear you’re feeling better too. But do add another 24hrs of rest to your calendar to make sure the virus? is done and dusted.
    @jaifaim and @fastingnurse That phrase “Money not Cake!” is worthy of a t-shirt. I would wear it!!
    40 days or approx 6 weeks without 🍰 🎂🍪🧇🥞🥮🥧🍩… 😮 I mean cigarettes – yes, vaping – yes, but cakes and biscuits both?🤣
    @brightonbelle I had a long black y’day too. It’s ‘cleaner’ than drinking a flat white when the day is hot. Sometimes I throw ice in too but hold off on icecream…😋
    @northgeorgia Valentines Day!! I do hope you have secret admirer somewhere with all those treats!!
    @flourbaby Considering what Ms Kahlo’s life was like, we should therefore be able to cope with whatever life throws at us😬🫣…
    @stitchincarol It’s very sad about Kelvin Kiptum. It’s a strange accident if no airbags went off in the car…
    My pledge today is a walk and sit ups. I have a FD tomorrow which will hopefully cement in my staying in the 75s.
    @at @lilymartin @daffodil2010 @maui We’re all thinking of you and hope all is well. We all hope to see you back here.

    RESOLVE for today!!
    There are two weeks to go for Fit February…

    Day 14 💞- South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I lost another half a kilo. I thought I’d eaten a lot yesterday; I even had chocolate cake at the hospital after going for my blood test. So I don’t think I’ll be fasting anytime soon. I’ll count last week as 6 FDs 😅 And despite needing exercise, I think I’ll swerve the line-dancing again today too. I’ll go & stock up on chocolate instead. My BMI is still around 21, & I feel okay, but I look horrible, so I think a gain of 2 kgs over the next 7 or 8 days will be worth at least two ⭐️ 😇

    @stitchincarol – that WAS a quick recovery?! Any idea what it was? And then 5 of your students go sick too?! There really are some odd ailments going around.

    @merryapple – my neighbours have been awesome. Can’t believe how fortunate I’ve been, & I’ve been living here for less than a year. Even a couple of the frail-care nurses called around last night to see if I was okay. But, crikey, an incident like this.. it makes you realise how precious your health is. And, despite our best efforts, it can be snatched away in a moment. We can’t take anything for granted. I guess that sounds a bit melodramatic, & I know there are people battling much worse ailments than I had every day. Just wandering around that hospital yesterday, trying to find the lab for the test. I mean, the place is enormous! So many sections/departments, different types of doctors treating conditions I can’t even pronounce. It’s VERY sobering 😳

    And on that cheery note, I’ll say cheerio for now, & Happy Hump/Valentines Day! 🐫😻

    Day 14 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Had one too many pancakes so sleep was a little off… all that sugar in the yummy filings… I generally stay off food with added sugars but have fallen back into treats etc so 40 days of effort now.. I’m not religious but it’s a good time to apply myself.

    Glad to see you are back on form @funshipfreddie….⭐️ yes no matter what your scare is, it is your scare and it does make you realise how precious our health is… I’d say swerve the chocolate 😂😂😂 get some nice nutritious food into you 😋

    @merryapple and @stitchincarol I saw the news about Kelvin Kiptum which is so very sad… having seen the car wreckage on the news I don’t think anyone could have survived it… I was shocked they actually showed it…i was a decent track and field athlete in my teens and still have an interest even though it’s a long time since I ran or jumped …

    I saw someone say that we should write a secret love letter to ourselves on this hallmark day – I think it’s a really good idea and made me think that we should focus on what we are doing right for our future us’s (ok editors… I know… baaad English) but you get the idea..

    No fast day as will have the theatre tonight and a bite to eat at a friends beforehand.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 14, London, UK ❤😻🥰NFVD

    Happy Non Fasting Valentines day to you all!!! I know it’s another superficial money making scam, but words cost nothing!!💕💕

    Well, there are certainly a variety of illnesses doing the rounds, apart from the flu or Covid and pancreatitis, there’s a mystery lurgy affecting @stitchincarol and I know 3 people with Whooping cough, 2 with Scarlet fever and 1 with shingles. I’m swerving everyone with even ½ a symptom!!!!😷😷😷

    @jaifaim, I’m off to write a love letter to myself (nobody else is going to!!😢)

    Today’s quote is for aqll of us to ponder, following @funshipfreddies cheery post ………………… 😁

    “The greatest wealth is health.” – Virgil

    Day 14 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 225 lbs. Oops! I could have made yesterday a much better day, especially since we had salads at our board meeting (we never have a healthy option!) but I got tempted with “tater chips the kids won’t eat” at my mom’s house that evening. I felt a little guilty because I helped her pick out the varieties she thought the kids would like. Boy those things pack a lot of calories, too!

    Anyway, looking forward to Thursday’s FD.

    Day 14 UK NFD

    Thanks for the welcomes.
    Five years ago I lost 30 pounds on 5:2 and reached my target weight but life’s stresses over recent years led to comfort eating and drinking and 20 pounds regained. I have recently celebrated my 65th birthday and want to get back to my target weight before I am 66.
    I live in a rural village with my husband and a beautiful calico cat.
    My plan for Fit February is to do FDs on Mondays and Thursdays and to eat within my TDEE on the other days. Nothing fancy, plain ordinary 5:2 worked for me before.
    On Monday I weighed 152.4, this morning 2 pounds down. Probably water weight loss but nonetheless encouraging to see the scales moving downwards.

    Valentine’s Day/Ash Wednesday – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 161.0

    Yesterday’s WF simply could not have been easier. Why, oh why, oh why can’t I be that indifferent to food on an NFD?? @flourbaby Saying the smallest amount of food opens floodgates is SPOT ON. So I want so much to be disciplined today, but I also have Food Planned. (Like the capitals? Like a Regency Romance…) The thing is, I’ve never once not made something special for Valentine’s Day in all the 30+ years of our relationship and can’t bear to skip today. But. It’s Ash Wednesday, so that means we have a congregational potluck before our worship service tonight; that’s certainly not romantic, nor is it good for few calories. And for lunch, I’m planning on a Chicken Pad Thai I bought from Costco, because my housekeeper comes today and I need something that doesn’t make a mess to prepare 25 minutes before she arrives. And for after the day is finally finished, I bought some Nothing But Bundt bundtlets and a bottle of bubbly. Turning those plans into reasonable calories is going to be HARD. But it’s VALENTINE’S DAY. (Can you hear me whining like a little girl? LOL) So I’ll have only a small portion of our lunch and that will be 270, and I’ll have water to go with it. And for supper, I’ll have one meatball and some cole slaw (both of which I’m making, and actually from scratch, LOL), and only small nibbles of anything else. And then I can enjoy that Bundtlet and bubbly with my honey. Sadly, that last part approaches 1,000 calories. Perhaps I’ll talk myself into far less of the cake and not too much bubbly.

    Okay, it’s a plan.


    @merryapple You’re so sweet. Rather comical also. 24 hours of rest?? <<snort>> But, I do actually feel entirely fine now, and did on Monday evening. Perhaps it was something I ate at our Super Bowl party? Who knows. And I’m absolutely thrilled for your WOOSH! You absolutely deserve it, given your ongoing commitment and restraint.

    @funshipfreddie No, you weren’t being melodramatic in your words, you were being forthright. You had a true health scare, and while yours may have been minor compared to others, it was among the absolute most painful–or so says everything I’ve read. I wonder if additional water will help your gauntness? But absolutely focus on gaining back some weight.

    @jaifaim I smiled as I was thinking about your comment that we should write a secret love letter to ourselves, reporting what we’re doing right. Made me think of when we got home from California at Christmas and DH was doing a visitation. He showed some pictures, and one in particular that had my three sisters. 92yo Norman looked at the photo, slowly nodded, and said, “Carol’s sisters are quite a bit larger than she is, aren’t they?” 😂😂😂😂 My eldest sister had an 18″ waist when she married (yeah, and I thought my 23″ waist was small!) and the sister closest in age to me weighed 104 during high school and worried my mom half to death at how tiny she was, so they didn’t start with extra padding, but have, um… comfortable grandma figures now. (That’s a polite way to say it, right? 🥰😉) They all of them have been heavier than I over the years, and I’ve always figured that’s because I’m the baby and saw the handwriting on the wall and started working at staying thin when I was very young. A terrible way to spend a life? Maybe. But good for my physical health that I’m closer to a healthy weight than they are. Okay, enough of that, LOL.

    Wow, @flourbaby, really? “3 people with Whooping cough, 2 with Scarlet fever and 1 with shingles”??? Wow. I didn’t know scarlet fever still existed. And, really, everyone, I’m fine. Truly. But you are mistaken by one thing: “You, my friend, are a delightfully funny, kind, sentimental, and strong women, and I count myself blessed to be your friend.” See? Someone else DID write you a love letter. 💝

    Oooo, @calicocat, you and I are twins! I turned 65 in December, also live in a village, am about 20lbs overweight, and depending which day you look at (my weight fluctuates by five pounds in any given week), weigh the same as you. @merryapple is also 65 and weighs a bit more–but is also significantly taller than I am (which was 5’4″ but is now 5’2½”) Good on you for being disciplined as you begin, and I’ll be happy to cheer you on all the way down twenty pounds!

    Well, TONS of tidying to do by noon, a pan of meatballs to make and some cole slaw dressing to mix up, lots more besides. A busy day always helps me avoid nibbling, though, so I’ll take it as a good thing.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 15 Auckland FD 75.6kg🏃🏼‍♀️

    Yeah! Did my sit ups (on the sofa watching TV!) and power walk y’day. Same pledge for today. I have friend from Wgtn coming for dinner so the menu is fish and salad since it’s a FD today.
    @funshipfreddie A word from the cheap seats – any food with high fat levels like chocolates will put extra stress on your healing pancreas. As @jaifaim recommends eat nutritious foods… little and often if need be and your weight will come up gently.
    @jaifaim Are Shrove Tuesday pancakes the French style or like cow pats???!! What I’m missing on the food front at the moment is a decent scone. I might make one for lunch tomorrow…
    The only Valentine I txted was to an unsentimental unbeliever friend letting him know about a Christian martyr called Valentine who was decapitated by the Roman and added a💘 I thought the black humour would appeal but I haven’t heard back… Maybe he thought I meant it🤣
    Jeepers @flourbaby Hasn’t anyone heard of vaccines??? Who in their right mind chose disease over vaccination???
    @northgeorgia You’re going so well with your New Year’s RESOLVE!! Chuck those old habits out the window…
    @calicocat Your plan is exactly what I do – FDs Monday and Thursday and nothing much else. I occasionally throw in an extra FD if I’ve had a big eating day. But I make sure I do those two FDs every week. From afar we can hold hands along with @stitchincarol who has a slightly more erratic approach!!!🤣🤣 You made me laugh about my height/weight ratio!! This morning my BMI was 25 on the tracker. It’s the last level in the overweight category but I am certainly not a racing sardine around my midriff/hips and have easily 10kg to loose… Softly Softly Catchee Monkey…
    For Valentines Day I gave my DH a lovely big pink heart-shaped lollypop on a stick and he kept it in the fridge at his warehouse for 20+ years. It’s still there and makes me smile every time I open the door…

    Steely RESOLVE everyone!!


    day 15, NFD, Aus

    Hello everyone! sorry for being MIA again. You were right, @stitchincarol, that my last week in the office was crazy busy handing everything over and winding up a 30 yr career before my adult gap year. And THEN my father had unplanned open heart surgery on Monday (but he’s doing really really well), so my planned relaxing week got completely turned upside down.

    The good thing is, being very busy, I did a WFD yesterday with absolutely no thought whatsoever. Who has time to eat?!?! (Rhetorical qu but somehow I thought of you @flourbaby!!)

    You did make me laugh, @funshipfreddie. If you can’t stand the sight/smell of cat food, why do you own a cat? And how do you managed to feed Boo-Boo every day?!

    I have some enforced time off this morning waiting for a delivery. (Don’t you love it when they say anytime between 0800-1700?!). So it’s been nice to catch up with everyone, and to see some new names (welcome @calicocat).

    Day 15 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    A kilo up! This is going to be easier than I thought 😅

    @jaifaim – I didn’t go mad with the chocolate, although there were Valentine’s Day specials to be had all over the place. The lemon meringue pie + ice cream at lunchtime was amazing, but it didn’t make me feel great, & I blame you for not posting earlier 🤣

    @penz – wishing your dad a speedy recovery. As for Boo Boo, well, I had no intention of getting a pet of any description. She was sort of foisted on me around 3 years ago. She belonged to an ex-neighbour in Durban. I was good friends with her previous owner, & she visited me most days, because she was only a couple of doors away. Then a couple of years after I’d moved away from the area, her previous owner went down-hill very quickly with dementia & a mutual friend contacted me to say Boo Boo was about to be homeless. Pets weren’t technically permitted (Boo Boo just showed up one day when she was still a kitten) & the trustees weren’t keen on keeping her in the block. So here we are. I’m much better with cat food than I used to be. Still can’t stand the stuff though 🤮 I even have separate forks for dishing out her food, because there’s no way my cutlery is going near it. It would be so much easier – not to mention cheaper – if she’d eat the dry food. I think she just does it to spite me 🤔 That ‘anytime between 8 am – 5 pm’ is such a wind-up?! They should at least be able to specify am or pm.

    @calicocat – a Brit AND a cat person too! I’d never heard that term ‘calico cat’ before; I think here they just say ‘tortoiseshell’. But it turns out my neighbour’s cat (who my cat tries to destroy occasionally) is a Calico. So now I’ve decided I must have one, & I’ve offered to swap. I don’t think she’s too keen though 🙄

    @stitchincarol – drinking anything has been much easier than eating. Lunchtime eating is easier too, but dinner time is tricky, I could easily skip it, but I’m sure that won’t last, & I look less ghastly today.

    @merryapple – that makes sense re high-fat foods putting stress on the pancreas. Although, I don’t remember the doctor imposing any dietary restrictions on me before I left. Maybe I was too drugged up to pay attention. Anyway, after Tuesday’s blood test I’m told my markers are ‘much improved’. Well done on reaching a BMI of 25! That must be hugely motivating 💪

    Sending RESOLVE to the Thursday fasters! 🎯

    Day 15 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Hello all. Here we are over half way through Fit February! I definitely feel fitter but more importantly healthier than Day 1 – I actually do have some lingering weird symptoms after failing ill in January – I am convinced it was Covid even though I tested negative x2 .. strange goings on in my body BUT mind and spirit in good shape… small changes for the win. I am here, I am fab and fit ⭐️. How easy 🥴 to write but we must believe ♥️

    @flourbaby I agree there are a lot of people around me who have lingering ailments and there is a real link between Covid and shingles – I had both 16 months ago… hope you saw your letter from America ♥️

    @merryapple our pancakes were always the crepe style which I think was the norm for all Irish people back in my childhood, the “cow pat” ones were always classed as American as far as I remember and were seen on TV and fancy hotels although they are quite common now.. 🥞🥞

    @stitchincarol I hear you! There are benefits to being one of the youngest in the family – learning from those who have gone before. 😂

    @penz – 👏👏👏 good busy is great although I am sorry to hear your father is not well.

    Hi @calicocat – a delayed welcome but great to have you!

    @funshipfreddie Sorry 😂😂 I am not going to list the three sweet treats I had yesterday… it happened… oops… moving on 😂

    I was out late last night and a busy day today so it should be a good FD. 👍

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕


    Day 15 UK f800

    Welcome @calicocat , I’ve not heard of those either , I’ll google in a mo

    Wow @jaifaim 1/2 way through I’m on a dreaded plateau let’s hope the 2nd half is better 💪


    Day 15, London, UK, FD,

    Feeling a little under the weather this morning😢, I’ve had a tender spot on the left side of my neck for a couple of weeks, assumed it’s a lymph node and I’m fighting an infection, but it seems to be dragging on a bit whereas I would usually have got rid of whatever it was by now, no other symptoms and I can’t even identify what I’m fighting!!. I think a Dr’s visit is in order.

    @stitchincarol I too thought scarlet fever was a thing of the past, but my niece’s violin teacher and another student have gone down with it, my niece has been under intense scrutiny since we heard!!! 🔬 😷👨🏼‍⚕️ The whooping cough was being passed around the office prior to the skiing trip, 2 people had to bow out last minute, I doubt the thin air would have helped!!!
    Thank you so much for my lovely love letter 💕, it closely matched the one I wrote to myself!! This week I’m going to face myself in the mirror each day and ONLY say something nice to myself ………….. non weight related!!! This morning it took some effort to look at myself and ignore the one obvious wiry grey hair sticking straight up from the top of my head!!!!🤣🤣

    @merryapple, we’re struggling with a measles outbreak amongst children in various parts of the country where, yes, parents have CHOSEN disease over vaccination!! It’s crazy how poor information supersedes common sense!!!😡😡😡

    @penz, it’s true, sometimes when I’m flat out (like a lizard drinking water!!😁), I can skip meals with no problem!!! The best FDs are those where I can say …………….. “Who has time to eat??” In terms of staying on track foodwise, it’s definitely a case of “Idle hands are the devil’s playground”👿

    @funshipfreddie, If you can get through a few hours of stroppy behaviour, I reckon a bowl of dry food will eventually appeal to Boo Boo 🙀🐈, When Bo-Bo turns his nose up at what’s in his bowl, I ignore him & know he’ll be back within the hour!!!

    I had heard of a calico cat, but I wasn’t exactly sure what they were – tricolour, but mostly white, very pretty!!! Bo-Bo is a ginger tuxedo cat & has perfect tiger-y striped markings of a white cat wearing a ginger suit, his little white paws are very cute!!!😻😻

    I’m another one sending a big “Hello” out to @daffodil2010, Hope you pop by at some point to say hi!!🙏🏼🙏🏼

    Stay strong folks!!!

    “Somewhere there is a past you overflowing with so much pride looking at how far you’ve come.”


    Day 15 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 227 lbs. Eww. Eww. Ugly number. Thank you Valentine’s Day. Make it go away. Yuck.


    Day 15-No VA USA-NFD

    Interesting discussions today. I so agree with you, @merryapple, regarding vaccine preventable diseases. I had a young father call and yell at me on the phone because he said I insulted his wife when I told her that a decision not to vaccinate their 5 month old for certain diseases was essentially saying they were OK with the baby getting the actual illness. I thought for sure they would transfer out of the practice, but my nurse said they were coming in next week to get the baby some vaccines…

    Scarlet fever is strep throat infection, it is simply a variant that causes a skin rash. 60 or 70 years ago, it was a more virulent form of strep, but not anymore. So not to be ignored, but highly treatable. No vaccines exist for strep throat.

    Regarding calico cats: They are virtually all female, because the color pattern is sex linked. In the US, calico describes white with orange and black or grey patches; tortoiseshell describes the black and orange type without much white. Most orange cats are male, also, but there are some females of that color. Again, sex linked to a certain extent.
    End of science lesson! Good day to all on the pocket list!

    Day 15 UK FD

    Today’s FD has started well, just water and coffee so far. I had a morning hospital appointment for a MRI scan so that kept me well away from food. No hunger yet so I plan to delay eating until I really feel the need.
    @flourbaby and @excelsior12309 your descriptions of calico cats are correct. Luna has a white tummy, chest and legs, her back has patches of ginger and black, her tail is mostly black and her adorable head is white with a black eye mask and ginger chin. One ear is ginger, the other black. Calico cats have a reputation for being feisty but Luna is the most gentle and affectionate cat I’ve ever owned.
    @merry🍎thank you for putting me today’s list of fasters, good to have company.


    Day 15 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 162.2

    Yesterday went okay. Just okay. I ate more at various points than I’d intended, but I also avoided eating at several points–for example, it turns out the lunch I had planned came in two packets, so it was easy to eat a small portion, plus I didn’t snack when I was tempted at two o’clock or so. I resisted eating TOO much at the potluck…but felt totally stuffed afterward. So? 🤷🏻‍♀️ When DH and I finally got home around 9:15, that Bundtlet and bubbly sure hit the spot, and we finished the bottle 😂 but only finished the equivalent of one of the two cakes, so that was some restraint. And I don’t THINK I exceeded 2K calories, and my fitbit says that’s what I burned. I imagine all those carbs so late will make today’s WF tougher than needed, but I’m just going to be a big girl about it all, because it was a much-appreciated treat.


    @northgeorgia I had to laugh at your “tater chips the kids won’t eat”…that was a good time for the waste/waist argument. 😉

    @merryapple I’ve been falling short on my host duties: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ There, has that caught me up to the stars you’ve earned?? 😂👍💪 But, truly, well done on setting your daily goals and following through! What a fun thing to still have that lollipop to bring you a smile. But…”erratic”? Really?? 😂😂😂 I’m totally consistent with T/Th water fasting 😁, so what’s erratic?? 🤔The fact that I still overeat so badly on NFDs?? Or do you see something I could fix that I’m missing?? (Truly, I’m not offended, just startled and amused.)

    @penz Oh, that had to have been scary about your dad’s open heart surgery, but I’m so pleased he’s doing so well…amazing how such a dramatic surgery has become so commonplace and successful! And an easy WF? Well done!

    @funshipfreddie It’s so reassuring to read your long chatter; that’s an excellent indicator of how much better you’re feeling. The next milestone will be when you say you’re too busy to post and will do so later! Think you’ll be up for line dancing next week?

    @jaifaim I’m racking my brain to remember if it was a play or a concert you went to Wednesday night; whichever, was it lovely? As to pancakes (I must protest the term contrasting the French style…), I’ve always had a third style, what I’ve called “thin” pancakes. If you make the pancake batter thinner with additional milk, they are thin (perhaps half an inch?) rather than (let’s use the American term, shall we?) “fluffy.” I was an adult before I discovered that many of my countrymen think pancakes ought to be thick (my term). Blech. LOL. My mom also made her own syrup using a simple syrup with mapleline added; a frugal way to have sufficient syrup that tasted acceptably of maple…except that it took me years to learn to appreciate actual maple syrup! 😂 I occasionally still make that, and it’s a true sentimental treat!

    @brightonbelle Oh, plateaus are always so discouraging, but I’m sure your body is simply pausing to give it a chance to get accustomed to its new low–you did lose quite a chunk in January, after all, so it must have been so startled!

    @flourbaby I laughed at your gray hair story; I choose to admire mine for the sparkle they add to my hair! When will it be concluded your niece is safe from coming down with scarlet fever? And, I finally looked it up and found this:

    Why is scarlet fever rare now?
    The rash of scarlet fever is caused by a toxin that the strep bacteria produce. Scarlet fever once was common among children ages 2 to 10, but now it is relatively rare. The reason for this remains a mystery, especially because there has been no decrease in the number of cases of strep throat or strep skin infections.

    Huh! It also said there are fewer than 20,000 cases in the US each year. No wonder I thought it was obsolete. (And you’re very welcome, and I meant it.)

    @excelsior12309 What a lovely post today, full of science info! Your story of the father calling and yelling at you made me think of “It’s a Wonderful Life” when George Bailey yells at the teacher who let his daughter go home with her coat unbuttoned and so caught cold (insert eye-roll here). What a smile-worthy postscript that they’re coming in next week for the vaccines…

    @calicocat I was startled at the number on the forum who didn’t know what a Calico was; perhaps they’re more common in the States? Who knows. I’m glad your FD is starting off so well!

    Okay, time to dress and get my day underway. Have a grand one, everyone, full of RESOLVE!

    Day 15 POCKET LIST🐒
    @stitchincarol WFD

    second post

    @flourbaby How did I forget to comment on your throat discomfort? I agree that a dr visit is in order; do tell us what you find out. 🥰

    Day 16 Auckland NFD 75.7kg

    I had a good FD y’day despite🍷and went up 100g! It rained this morning so I didn’t do my walk… Pathetic, what happens during winter???
    @funshipfreddie I suspect people self limit their diets because as you found out, it might look good but doesn’t always feel good… like cat food… NZ need 38 runs to win the cricket test🇳🇿🇿🇦
    @flourbaby I had the Shingrix vaccine today so am feeling a bit one armed… I hope that by the time you get around to going to the Dr you don’t actually need to!!
    Thank you for my gold stars @stitchincarol!! I knew I’d get into trouble using erratic but I do like the word!! Erratic is derived from the Latin errare meaning to stray. Its contemporary meaning is without pattern, irregular, unpredictable, all virtues in my eyes! Doing 2 FDs per week on the same days like myself and @calicocat creates a simple regular pattern. In comparison your posts tell a different story because you have such a busy life and are juggling so many things as well as 5:2ing. My only observation (thank you for inviting me to comment!) would be to maybe try using the sheet to plan out your FDs (I know you do use Fitbit and MFP) and establish a rhythm. If it’s the NFDs that are a problem you could decide, for example, to track cake consumption by using 🍰 to highlight how often you have a slice…Seeing my nearly daily EtOH consumption on the sheet encouraged me to cut back… Of course psychology is important but there is also an element to this WoL, using Nike’s strap line, of ‘Just do it!’🥰
    @penz I’m wishing your dear old dad a good recovery and hope you get a chance to have some decent R&R shortly.
    @jaifaim My favourite crepe filling is lemon juice and sugar!!
    @excelsior12309 It must be a relief when your clients actually listen to you on behalf of their babies. I thought the pneumococcal vax was funded here but it is only for the immune compromised. I would need to cough up $140 (USD85) if I want to go ahead with it.
    Have a good weekend everyone!

    Happy Friyay and Steely Resolve!!

    Third post

    I’m just headed to bed, @merryapple, and saw you’d posted, so stopped to read it first, and have a question. Do you not realize I have a WF on every Tuesday and Thursday? The only exception to that pattern is when my self-control is inadequate to my hunger pangs, which has not been true for several weeks now that I’m past the Christmas excesses. It’s the OTHER days, the NFDs, that are erratic, LOL!

    Day 16, NFD (pizza and red wine night!!), Aus

    Wow – I really love this group of people. Whodathunk you could learn the difference between calico and tortoiseshell cats, and that Scarlet Fever is a variant of strep throat! Thank you all!

    Day 16 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 69.1 kg ⭐️

    @stitchincarol – what a difference a week makes! I’m sure I’ll be at line-dancing on Wednesday. Just a few days ago it would take me 5 minutes to write a sentence, & then I’d give up & go take a nap 😅

    @merryapple – you can ‘Walk with Lesley’ on YouTube; just walk on the spot indoors. It may feel odd at first, but it works. And your fitness tracker, if you use one, will count the steps 🚶

    @calicocat – I’m sure I could turn Boo Boo into a calico, she’s only lacking a bit of ginger. I just need a paintbrush, some dye & a little imagination 😅 Your Luna sounds very similar to my neighbour’s cat, Popsie. She also has different-coloured ears. Here’s a picture of her. And below her is the diva herself, Boo Boo I hope it works, I never posted a pic on here before…

    @flourbaby – Boo Boo is incredibly stubborn. When I first moved to Port Elizabeth 18 months ago, she was in a cattery for a month, where only dry food was provided. But the owner called me after the first week, because she was concerned about Boo Boo not eating, so I finished up taking her Whiskas anyway. Apparently, cats don’t survive long without food, & will start getting seriously sick after only 3 days. Even the wet food is a mission with her. You have to rotate the fishy/meaty flavours; and the gravy/jelly variety, or she gets bored with it 😼

    @at – how’re you doing? I recall you mentioned looking for new car insurance not too long ago. And you inspired me to do a little research, as mine had also gone up recently. I’m now paying +30% less! Hope you were successful too 🚗

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    “Health is not valued till sickness comes” ~ Thomas Fuller

    Day 16 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Bouncing around the same old numbers…you and me both @brightonbelle 🤨…I want to be bouncing with 3lbs less ideally but I know where I could have made small changes this week… so next week I’ll do that. This weekend will be controlled and active.

    @stitchincarol it was a play on Wednesday and it was a lot of fun 🤩 and I have a weekend of cycling and cinema this weekend. No treats. 🍿
    Yes @merryapple yes lemon and coconut sugar is now my favourite filling/topping. Or really good dark chocolate and coconut 😋. I like strawberries and cream too and wouldn’t refuse banana and chocolat either… you get the drift 😂😂😂 BUT I did just have my favourite on Tuesday 🥞 🍳🥞

    @penz I do too! We learn so much here. I hope that your father is improving and that you can focus on your exit from work. It’s strange how these things happen… life is all about waves and we never know what is coming next… 🌊 good things for you in this wonderful year off I hope 💕

    Off to the doc about lingering symptoms after recent lurgy so will ask about shingles vaccine… thanks for all the science @excelsior12309 ⭐️

    @funshipfreddie good to hear you are improving 🤠 🕺 and a great quote for today 🏥

    Hi @ccco!
    Shout out to all the gang who are not posting 👋

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    2nd post Friday 16

    @stitchincarol I do apologise. I didn’t mean to be insensitive regarding your successful WFDs and the other days. I was just trying to suggest the sheet might be a different and thus useful tool to help, like a kind of visual summary with the icons. Not many of us use it.
    Have a good day😊 It’s my turn to head for bed after I take Mr Mac out to water the daisies.

    Day 16 UK CD

    Yes @jaifaim I’m hoping a few tweaks will do the trick

    Must dash off for a walk will catch up probably tomorrow Have a lovely weekend all

    Day 16, London, UK, FD,

    I’ a bit late on parade today, I can’t believe I prioritized work over posting here!!! 😉

    @penz, apologies for completely skimming over your news about your dad! Sending him extra healing vibes today 🙏🏼🙏🏼

    @excelsior12309, thanks for the info on strep throat/scarlet fever. My glands are still swollen and my throat looks a bit “bobbly” I (medical term!) so I’m hoping this has NOTHING to do with my niece, her violin teacher nor the other scarlet fever suffering student!!! Although niece is still fine, so assuming she can’t just be a carrier???😨😨

    @stitchincarol, I wish my greys would sparkle and shine, alas, they look dull and the coarse texture means they will NOT lay smoothly like the rest of my hair!! Also, grey and my reddish brown hair does not look good together unlike my mum who had jet black hair and embraced her grey – very silver fox like!!!

    @merryapple, wine🍷 on a FD???? You rebel!!! @funshipfreddie is right, walking with Leslie kept me sane in lockdown, so I can’t claim to be a fair-weather walker!!!

    Wow, Boo Boo really does run your household @funshipfreddie!!!🤣🤣 Bo-Bo is too greedy to refuse any food for long. He’s been in the wars again this morning, He’s holding his tail very gingerly in the air, had a quick look before work, and there’s some blood, so maybe a bite or he snagged it. I left him nursing his wound but will have to have a proper look tonight with some family assistance😢😿. Lovely kitty pics, I wish I could post some of Bo-Bo, he’s a bit of a looker!!!

    Right, I better get back to work😬

    Keep the faith folks!!! I’m planning a lunchtime walk and this evening a swift ½ hour jaunt with Leslie, after-all ……………………….

    “Walking is man’s best medicine” — Hippocrates

    Day 16 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 225 lbs. Did a FD500 yesterday. Next FD will be either Sunday or Monday; one of my mom’s friends passed away yesterday and the funeral is Sunday, so not sure what may come of meals. I don’t feel I’m making as much progress as in January, but it has been an erratic month. I’m content, but got to stay focused through the rest of the winter 🙂

    Day 16 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 160.2

    My WF was stellar yesterday, with no slip-ups despite a couple of challenging moments. I’m still planning out what I’ll do today to keep myself busy and out of the kitchen. Fridays are my favorite days because they’re entirely mine to schedule with no commitments to anyone else.


    @funshipfreddie So glad you’re dramatically better at this point. We used to have a dog and from the time she was a puppy, she would ignore dry food and eat only canned/wet food, just like Boo Boo, so we caved and bought the canned stuff. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m dazzled that you could post a picture; what is this “imgur” you used??

    @jaifaim I’m also bouncing around the same numbers and would also rather be headed down. The difference is you’re at least right at maintenance weight, and you have lots to be thankful for that you’re still in the same “neighborhood.” So, you’ll get there, but in the meantime, I’m pleased for you, because maintenance is tough!

    @merryapple Oh, no need to apologize, I truly was not offended, merely perplexed that you seemed unaware I was fasting without fail the same two days a week. And, yeah, I get that for some of this group the spreadsheet is a huge help, and in fact I used to keep my own, but I’ve stopped using it also. For some people, that sort of record keeping is invaluable, but for others it becomes merely another thing to add to the to-do list. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But thanks for the impulse to help! I have begun to suspect part of the problem I’m experiencing is that I do WFs and so have no experience stiffening my resolve throughout a FD to wait for suppertime (because I’ve always done OMAD on a FD). But eating on piano teaching days would have to be late (not an option for good sleep) or fast food (and how would that be an improvement?), so I stick to them. I think adding a third FD might be the solution I need, so I can relearn the discipline I used to have, because it’s sure nearly absent now. And well done on achieving your goal for Thursday! ⭐

    @brightonbelle Your discipline is wonderfully obvious that you’re rushing off for a walk; well done!

    @flourbaby You’re another with impressive discipline, and consistent commitment to walking; well done! Think you should see a dr about your throat??

    @northgeorgia You’re another who was headed up in weight, and you seem to have stopped the trend; well done.


    Friday Fish fries are a big thing in the Midwest during Lent, and many in our congregation are heavily involved in the American Legion fry here in our village (in fact, one block away from us), so that’s where DH and I will be eating tonight. Practically the entire congregation goes at some point, and many go every single Friday, although DH and I don’t enjoy it enough to go that often, LOL.

    My personal challenge for today is to continue my fast until noon, when DH and I will share some sushi rolls I picked up yesterday AND to walk for 2K steps (probably with Leslie since we got more snow last night). Is anyone else interested in posting a personal goal for the day?

    Have a grand one, everyone! @daffodil2010 We miss you! @snowflake56 I do hope your DH is making progress in fighting the cancer. @at Are you finding the discipline you want to achieve your eating/exercise goals? And all the rest of you who have been so silent: do not think we’re indifferent to your absence, because we treasure each of you!

    Day 16 UK NFD

    Yesterday’s FD was a success, so now the tricky part of 5:2ing, staying in control over the weekend NFDs so I don’t spoil the good of my 2 FDs.

    @funshipfreddie stay away from the paintbrush, Boo Boo is just gorgeous as she is, those eyes 😻 and yes Popsie does look similar to Luna. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    @merry🍎 Snap! I got the Shingrix vaccine this week too. The injection site was a bit sore for about 24 hours but absolutely fine now.

    @stitchincarol My personal challenge for today is to resist alcohol this evening….the first test of my controlled weekend…I’ll report back tomorrow 🤞

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