Feed, Fast, HIIT – November 2013

This topic contains 60 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  rockyromero 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Goal for this month:

    Starting Weight:

    Tracking Weight:

    Feed, Fast, HIIT:


    ⚫️ Goal for this month: 185 lb

    Starting Weight: 189 lb

    Tracking Weight: 189 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 5:2, strengthening, stairs & sprints


    I lowered my expectations for this month.

    17/10/2013 weighed 67,7
    30/10/2013 weighed 66,5

    My goal for November is 2kg
    Working out 3x week

    I’m not looking weight from my hips or thighs.
    I see results on scales but not were all the fat lies.

    Does anyone else have this problem.

    Started 4’3 on 27 August 2013 weighed then 75 kg. Now roughly 66’5 kg.

    Would appreciate your advice.


    “I see results on scales but not were all the fat lies.
    Does anyone else have this problem.
    Started 4’3 on 27 August 2013 weighed then 75 kg. Now roughly 66’5 kg.”

    Our approach has been to monitor ourselves on this forum. You may find advise that resonates with you, as I have.

    I have been on a plateau and somewhat regressed on my weight this last part of the month.

    I use the digital scale as a guide and also out of disciplined habit.

    This thread is available for feedback and we all take turns in leading in the fasting way.

    Hi I to have digital weights with total body of fat. Body water and muscle and bone Mazda.

    I didn’t see any change in fat.. I’m 41’3 total body fat.. water is about 37′


    “I didn’t see any change in fat.. I’m 41’3 total body fat.. water is about 37′”

    The measurements are clearer when using:


    This site is accessed for free and it depicts the trends in weight, muscle and fat.

    It also estimates when I will hit my target weight based on my current trend.

    Yesterday, I would hit it in February and today, it’s upped it to April.

    I find it somewhat motivating, as if I’m watching myself as the subject.

    I’ve recently purchased new scales. So I’m not sure if this website will help. What do you suggest ?

    checking in for this months results.
    Good luck everyone! x

    Starting Measurements:

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain:

    Current Weight: 12 stone 5.5 lbs
    Loss to date: 47.5 lbs

    Hey Tina,

    Don’t forget that a large portion of the fat in your body is inside, between your organs! So if you’re burning off that fat a bit faster than that on your tummy, you may not see a lot of difference but you’ll still be burning fat.
    Those digital scales measure your lower body, so they may not show a lot of results until you start burning off the fat stored there.

    Just keep going, you’re doing great!

    Hi, I probably sound stupid but what does HIIT stand for.

    High Intensity Interval Training I believe?


    “High Intensity Interval Training I believe?”

    Yes, you are correct, and there are many variations:


    Here’s an overview of a prior discussion on this:


    Is there a particular approach that you are doing?

    Well I haven’t taken my measurements and stuff… but according to Feed, Fast, HIIT here’s my plan 😉

    Goal for this month: 82 kg

    Start date of fast diet: 28 October 2013
    Start Weight: 91 kg
    Height : 170cm
    Current Weight: 87,4kg
    Exercise: 6x a week HIIT (Insanity Workout)
    Feed/Fast/: 18:6 daily, 5:2 switching off 1300-1500 cals and 0-500 cals.
    Loss to date: 3,6 kg

    “Exercise: 6x a week HIIT (Insanity Workout)
    Feed/Fast/: 18:6 daily, 5:2 switching off 1300-1500 cals and 0-500 cals.”

    That’s a power regimen.

    I’m recovering for 48 hours, by doctor’s orders, but then I will step up my game.

    It will inspire me to be consistent.

    Hey Rocky, what do you mean by power regimen per se? I’m torn between you meaning it’s a strong, good regimen or if it’s a regimen to build power… 😉

    Anyway, both meanings are fine with me I guess. After struggling with my weight my entire life, losing a load of it and then just gaining it all back (and more) I’m so sick of it! I’ve been ashamed of donning my black belt for too long, I want to be able to feel proud when putting on my martial arts suit, not feel fat and ugly!

    WK 2015, here I come!
    (hence my inspiration is the martial arts suit + black belt hanging in the closet 😉 )

    ” I’m torn between you meaning it’s a strong, good regimen or if it’s a regimen to build power… ”

    It may mean the same thing.

    It’s the type of discipline that will give you faster results. It takes time, discipline and a strong desire to improve physically.

    The time and discipline has to fit with other committments that I have. I’ve learned to shorten the time with strategies like Tabata for cardio and static strengthening. The discipline also escapes me unless I have accountability to others.

    This forum helps with that.

    Starting Measurements:

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain: gain 1 lb

    Current Weight: 12 stone 6.5 lbs
    Feed/Fast/: 5 2
    Loss to date: 46.5 lbs

    hi guys good luck for this weeks results,

    its a 1 lb gain for me this week, ive dropped back to doing 5 2 so expect there to be some change maybe another gain for next week before things settle down to a slower loss, feeling a little anxious as i know i will have to take more care on my none fast days as with 4 3 i dont have to at all, im hoping to maintain next week rather than gain again, time will tell, i will target this month for a 2 lb loss overall, i feel that is a realistic goal. xx

    @ fast for life
    “im hoping to maintain next week rather than gain again, time will tell, i will target this month for a 2 lb loss overall, i feel that is a realistic goal. ”

    Realistic expectations makes good sense.

    I’ll check in after this weekend, even though company will be with us and fasting is awkward.


    Hey Rocky, thanks for the comment. As already stated I like both meanings so that’s good!

    ⚫️ Goal for this month: 185 lb

    Starting Weight: 189 lb

    Tracking Weight: 186 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 6:1, not done: strengthening, stairs & sprints on Doctors orders


    I lowered my expectations & activities for the past week & on road to better recovery this week.

    Ugh sometimes Doctors order suck. Hope you recover quickly!

    Hello fasters and hiiters,

    Checking in on floors:

    Mt. Vinson (1607 floors total) 1419 – 36 = 1383 FTG (floors to go)


    Floors, meditation, strengthening before my sprints. It’s as if I’ve been doing this all along.


    Glad to be among all of you here.

    Stupid question, what are floors?

    ” what are floors?”

    Same as stairs climbing, 10 stairs to a floor.


    Virtual mountains for motivation.


    Much better for cross training.

    Hi guys its weigh in day again, very pleased with this weeks results as i didnt expect to lose anything.
    good luck everyone for this week and i hope your feeling better rocky. x

    Starting Measurements:

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain: loss .75 lb

    Current Weight: 12 stone 5.75 lbs
    Exercise: none
    Feed/Fast/: 5 2
    Loss to date: 47.25 lbs

    @ fast for life
    “very pleased with this weeks results as i didnt expect to lose anything.”

    “Loss to date: 47.25 lbs”

    This is inspirational to me & others. Lead us on.

    I look forward to my upcoming weekend fast & know that I’m in the right, healthy direction.

    Posting here keeps me in check on the other days.

    Hello feeders, fasters, and hiiters,

    Checking in on floors:

    Mt. Vinson (1607 floors total) 1383– 36 = 1347 FTG (floors to go)


    Floors, meditation, strengthening before my sprints.

    Doing the floor stairs is the only time that I can think of other things.

    Thoughts of life, work, people..and then the floors are completed.

    With sprints, I’m gasping most of the time.


    Glad to read of everyone’s steady progress.

    thanks for your kind comments rocky, good luck with this weeks results! x

    ⚫️ Goal for this month: 185 lb

    Starting Weight: 189 lb

    Tracking Weight: 186 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 6:1, strengthening, stairs & sprints more consistently.


    My weight is the same & I will go back to 5:2 next week.


    “Gaahhhh….just discovered what HIIT is ”

    My exact feeling usually before starting my more intensive HIIT.

    It’s the longest 4 minute song that I listen to when I’m doing my speed sprints.

    It can’t be a wimpy song…it’s has to be revved up!

    Afterwards, I have the same feeling and endorphins as if I had done a long one hour run.



    Starting Measurements:

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain: gain 0.5 lb

    Current Weight: 12 stone 6.25 lbs
    Exercise: none
    Feed/Fast/: 5 2
    Loss to date: 46.75 lbs

    gained this week, expected and accept it as part of the process of swaping back to 5 2. good luck everyone on this weeks results x

    @fast for life
    “Loss to date: 46.75 lbs
    gained this week, expected and accept it as part of the process of swaping back to 5 2. ”

    Great to know of your ongoing success.

    I’m on a plateau with very small targets & will report after the weekend.


    Hello feeders, fasters, and hiiters,

    Checking in on floors:

    Mt. Vinson (1607 floors total) 1275 – 36 = 1239 FTG (floors to go)


    Floors, meditation, strengthening before my sprints.


    Upcoming fasting weekend.

    More wearable tracking devices are starting to appear:


    I wear 2 trackers:

    ➖ Fitbit one- allows me to track floors.

    〰 Misfit Shine – track steps, sleep, waterproof, and 4 months without battery replacement.

    It’s meant to continually motivate me to move and it works.

    ⚫️ Goal for this month: 185 lb

    Starting Weight: 195 lb

    Tracking Weight: 188 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 6:1, strengthening, stairs & sprints more consistently.


    My weight is the same & I will go back to 5:2 next week.

    Nice to hear about all your guys’ progress! It’s quite motivational. I’ve started yesterday what I’d been wanting to start for a few weeks now, 6 day a week HIIT. It’s a 9 week program, so I’ll set a goal for at the end of those 9 weeks. I’ll just come along to the next topic you create on this with the same goal.

    Goal for January 20th: 75 kg
    Starting weight: 86,4 kg
    Tracking weight: 86,4 kg

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 5:2 & one meal a day, body weight training (ranging from jumping jacks to burpees to planks back to butt kicks) 30-60 minutes a day. Fast days mostly protein and a multi vitamin. Feed days mostly veggies, protein and the occasional carbs when I crave them. Fruit only on feed days.

    Starting Measurements:

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain: stayed the same

    Current Weight: 12 stone 6.25 lbs
    Exercise: none
    Feed/Fast/: 5 2
    Loss to date: 46.75 lbs

    welcome aboard Nika! x
    its nice to hear that 6 1 works for you in maintaining your weight rocky x

    “6 day a week HIIT. It’s a 9 week program, so I’ll set a goal for at the end of those 9 weeks. ”

    Love your energy!

    It inspires me to move more on days that I need to move.


    @ fast for life

    “Weight loss/gain: stayed the same”

    I’m aware of the upcoming holidays that will impact my fasting.

    Staying the same is a victory at this stage.

    Great to connect with you here.

    @rockyromero “Love your energy!”
    Well I feel tired all the time lately, so it’s good to sound energetic somwehere 😉

    @fastforlife you’re an inspiration, I hope to lose as much as you and more!

    Let the Hunger Games begin!

    Catchy movie title that has nothing to do with voluntary fasting.

    I’ll be fasting this weekend and hoping to watch the new movie to see if there’s any correlation to the 5:2 lifestyle.


    No, there’s no correlation.

    There’s only better living with 5:2 and that doesn’t create better movie drama. We all live better with fasting and slowly shorten our life span if we don’t fast. Movies are made to last for two hours. Probably, it’s because people fidget after sitting for that time and need to eat and relieve what they ate.

    The real hunger games in our lives, for some of us, is a forever fasting lifestyle.

    There’s no two hour drama in that.

    Just longevity.

    “I’m aware of the upcoming holidays that will impact my fasting.

    Staying the same is a victory at this stage.

    Great to connect with you here.”

    this is how im looking at things until after the holiday season is past, then i intend to get back into the saddle and try more exercise, maybe taking up badminton, will also get back into dance classes, i find its just to cold to go swimming right now so do need something else to fill that gap with.
    thank you Rocky it is great to connect x

    “you’re an inspiration, I hope to lose as much as you and more!”

    thank you, ive no doubts you will, you have a fantastic outlook and a great attitude towards this plan, we’re all here to support each other on our journey’s, x

    there are times its a struggle for me even though i know ive come so far, its easy to get disappointed when the scales dont show the numbers we hope to see, my goal right now is to get to 49lbs off, 3 1/2 stone in old money, (no set time scale) im still the lightest ive ever been in my adult life, i often need to remind myself how far ive come and to give my body time to adjust, not once has it crossed my mind to give up, for me thats a battle of a life time won, i know this works so onward and downward xx

    Thanks for your kind words! I’m actually hoping to lose about 66 pounds, so a tad more than you. I’m already on my way though, a bit over 20 pounds done… Oh god I hate pounds. Let me rephrase that. I’m on my way to lose 30kg, of which I’ve already lost 10. So I’m about 1/3 there. In only a limited amount of weeks… so hopefully I can keep this pace up for a little while longer!

    ⚫️ Goal for this month: 185 lb

    Starting Weight: 195 lb

    Tracking Weight: 185 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 6:1, strengthening, stairs & sprints more consistently.


    My weight is lower & I may go back to 5:2 next week, before the hectic holidays.

    I did start hot Bikrum Yoga once again and enjoyed it today while doing slightly better than ever before. Great for cold winter days!

    Oh right, an update.

    Goal for January 20th: 75 kg
    Starting weight: 86,4 kg
    Tracking weight: 85 kg

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 5:2 + 22:2, low carb, Insanity program

    Lost the weight I gained during my trip to Hong Kong and 500 grams more, so that’s good. I kind of want to see 83 on the scales next week…
    Oh and I lost 1,3% bodyfat, maybe that’s because I started HIIT fasted? Let’s see what next week brings.

    ” lost 1,3% bodyfat, maybe that’s because I started HIIT fasted? Let’s see what next week brings.”

    You’re on a steady path to where you want to be.

    I’ve plateaued on my body fat % as measured from my scale.

    Yes, we are on a week to week basis towards ongoing maintenance.

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain: loss 1 lb

    Current Weight: 12 stone 5.25 lbs
    Exercise: none
    Feed/Fast/: 5 2
    Loss to date: 47.75 lbs

    0.25 lbs lost this month after gaining a lb and staying the same due to swapping from 4 3 to 5 2. i feel my body has settled back into 5 2 now. if i stay the same and not gain over the holiday break that will be good.

    total loss for november 0.25 lbs = 5 2
    total loss for oct 4.25 lbs = 4 3
    total loss for september 4.25 lbs = 4 3

    good luck to everyone for this months results! xx

    @ fast for life

    “Weight loss/gain: loss 1 lb”

    You are steadily consistent and winning.

    I hit my monthly goal and gaining slightly with family dinners upcoming.

    I’ll report after my weekend fast.

    What an inspiring thread, thank you for contributing everyone.
    I have no such inspiring stories, but maybe one day!

    Aud x

    Hello Feeders, Fasters, and Hiiters,

    Checking in on floors:

    Mt. Vinson (1607 floors total) 1127 – 36 = 1191 FTG (floors to go)


    Floors, meditation, strengthening before my sprints. Little easier today, when electronic theme music to motivate me.


    Aud, come visit often and join us for December?

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