February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 7 years ago.

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  • Day 28, NFD, US

    Well I totally blew my planned FD and CFD for yesterday. Not a good way to end the month, but an excellent opportunity to hit the reset button for next.

    Thanks for hosting Daffodil!

    Day 28 Akron OH FD

    I am within .7 lbs of the upper limits of maintenance range. I expect to be well within my maintenance range by the end of the week. February was kinda stressful with a lot going on but so thankful for ADF because the nature of this WOL is the opportunity to hit reset when you fall off the wagon. There is no other eating plan that allowed for that in my past. So I am thankful for where I am weight wise, habit wise, health wise etc and my goal is to do even better in the future.

    My best to you all, see you on the other side

    Day 28 USA Wisconsin FD

    Ending the month 1 pound lower than I started. I’m happy that it’s a consistent weight (153 lbs) and happy that I did not gain. Although I didn’t meet my goal of losing a pound each week in February, I’ll take the one pound loss and move forward.

    Plan for today – successful FD, teach one senior yoga class, attend a yoga class as a participant and ride the (indoor) bike at least 5 miles.

    @daffodil2010 thank you for hosting and thanks to everyone who posts – I love and appreciate the support of this community.

    Take care, Markie

    Day 28 – London – NFD

    I awoke to a beautiful snowy north London and thankfully feeling human again after 5 lost days suffering with flu but best of all I am delighted with my 5.4 Kg weight loss since starting 5:2 in February (boosted no doubt by the flu) and although there is a lot not right in my life right now this is. I apologise for nicking a Brexit quote but finally I’m ‘taking back control!’

    @califdreamer and @cornish-jane like you I have decided from the outset to follow the basic principles of 5:2. Your testimony is very reassuring, it seems a sensible path, especially as I know this has to be a sustainable lifestyle change. I feared unless I didn’t do something now I wouldn’t have much life left to start and fail on yet ‘another diet’. I have spent the past ten years restricting my eating in many different ways, low carb, diet shakes/Atkins bars, paleo, juicing looking for the thing that would work for me, dare I say it I think I just might!

    It’s liberating to think I can eat whatever I want – nothing is off limits as long as I balance it.

    It’s liberating that I don’t have to admit that yes I’m on another diet to the outside world and feel their disappointment/judgement when yet again I fail.

    It’s liberating to know what I’m eating – calorie counting, who’d a thought that a sensible idea?!!! Now I can make proper informed choices about what and how much I choose to eat.

    It’s liberating that I can enjoy my food again.

    I take each day as it comes and try not to think of the tens of kilograms I need to loose but about making the right choices, listening to my stomach and not my emotions. I’m sure that bumpy road is up ahead but hopefully I’ll ride it far easier with the support from this forum and my new belief that change is possible.

    Thank you 5:2 and to all that contribute to this forum your virtual support and my accountability to you is getting me there!

    Congratulations to everyone – those that have lost, maintained, stayed on the wagon, got back on the wagon and for just still being here cause we didn’t given up.

    @merryapple – I understand your life right now, we went through something similar back in 2006 – one month turned into four but it was worth it!

    Finally a big thank you to @daffodil2010 for being a brilliant host and I’m secretly pleased your boss is without you today.

    Looking forward to The March Challenge.

    Day 28 UK CD

    Fell asleep in the bath last night, slept like a baby when I got to bed. Woke to snowfall, sunshine and birdsong – what’s not to like? Somehow the extra sleep, FD and meditation have reset my brain and I’m back in the land of bounce.

    They also reset my body and this morning I’d had a wee whoosh down – at last! – to below my Feb start weight. I feel much thinner all of a sudden, but will wait & do official measure and weigh tomorrow.

    Ploughed through emails, still need to stretch, meditate and get out the door for a couple of gentle meetings – through the snow, ulp. Mobility issues and weakness make slippery ground and impacted snow a real challenge, and I don’t want to be breaking the other wrist!

    @daffodil2010 thank you for your gentle and wise encouragement in the February challenge, you have been wonderful.

    Go safely and go well x

    day 28 Control day. Meant to fast but am too cold for words. Managed to gain weight this month but could have been much worse- roughly 0.5 kilos. Thanks @daffodil2010 for hosting. Next month will see a drop on the dreaded scales.

    Day 28, UK, NFD

    I can say for definite now that my final weight at the end of February is 55kg, which means I lost 500g during the month. Not reached my target for Feb but I think I was over ambitious not realising that I am a tortoise 🐢 . I don’t mind that, as long as my weight is going in the right direction I’ll be happy.

    Like @dingping, @califdreamer and @cornish-jane I want to follow simple 5:2 without eliminating any food group. I’m firm believer that all food is good as long as its as organic as possible. Its the balance and the size of portions/amount of food that we get wrong usually. i never wanted to diet, and that’s not why I’m here. I want to change the way I eat so it becomes a habit and sustainable long term 🙂

    @daffodil2010 thank you for hosting the February Challenge, you’ve been a great host 💐 🤗 . Oh and don’t put yourself in danger driving in this treacherous weather, stay at home safe till it clears!

    See you all in the March Challenge ❤

    Day 28 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Good very busy day yesterday. As we move toward preparation to remodel an existing space for our Children’s Museum, our board is getting busier and busier. More meetings, decisions, fundraising, you name it.

    @daffodil2010 – thank you so much for being a terrific host this month. Onward to March!

    Onward and downward. (or in my case, onward maintaining – and doing that!)

    Day 28 – Massachusetts – NFD

    Up a couple of pounds still from normal – unfortunate timing of that time of the month, and I can tell I am bloated so I’m not really trusting the scale. I will weigh in officially tomorrow and take my measurements to see if anything happened in February, but I don’t think it did. Frustrating to be stuck on this plateau, but what else can I do but carry on? I’m certainly not going back! Next month is my last chance… in April and May I am booked almost every weekend for bridal/bachlorette parties for the three weddings I am attending this spring. I want to feel fabulous at these events! So next month I am hoping I can lose a few pounds and do just that.

    Thanks @daffodil2010 for hosting and @at for being our new host next month!

    Day 28, Surrey (UK), NFD

    Weight 12st 6lb (174lb) – target achieved!

    Very pleased to have ended the month where I wanted to be at this stage. Thank you everyone for all your wonderful posts. You have really made a difference in helping this newbie to keep on track!

    Thank you especially @daffodil2010 for hosting this month’s challenge!

    I have posted a response to the question about the danger (or otherwise) of skipping breakfast whilst following this WOE, on my Fatfingers thread. I must stress that I’m not a doctor or a dietitian, and my views are my own, so please read my posts accordingly! Thank you and Good Luck for the March challenge -I’m certainly up for it!

    Day 28 – FD

    Very happy to have to end the month where I wanted to be at this stage. Thank you everyone for all your wonderful posts. You have really made a big difference in helping to keep on track, Month long i was able to fast with no issues & what i noticed was being at work place made it easy to fast for 2 days vs staying at home.

    @daffodil2010, thanks so much for hosting Feb. It was great to have such company during the month.

    Day 28, Rocky Mountains, US

    2 pounds down for this month. I take it!

    @daffodil2010: Thanks for hosting February. 🌹🌼🌻 I am glad you are safely home after your winter road ❄❄❄ adventures!

    See you all in March! ⚘⚘⚘

    Day 28 – SW WA USA – FD to finish off the month.

    Weigh in for the month in the morning!

    @daffodil2010 – thanks for hosting February! Glad you made it home safely after getting stuck in the snow.

    Keep safe all you folks in the snow! Due to snow days when I was gone, I haven’t lost money from my evening class plus some of my personal days are reinstated. So more personal days to “have to” use up before retiring at the end of the school year.

    Okay off to more annual language testing!

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 28 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Weight on 1st February 137.6 lbs, end of month weight 134.2!!!!!! Within a whisker of target of 133. February has been my birthday month and has involved more dining out than a typical month so quite amazed at the loss after a couple of months of treading water. Hurrah for feast and fasting 😊 on reflection I have been careful to do 2 successful FDs every week……basic 5:2 is working well.

    @daffodil2010 thank you for hosting and so glad you got home safely.

    Thank you everyone for being here. Looking forward to your company in March.

    Day 28 – Nebraska, USA – FD

    Thank you @daffodil2010 for leading this month! I have enjoyed being able to participate and have learned much from the postings of others.

    My first month on 5:2 and I lost 4.5 pounds and several inches off my body. I am starting to see/feel a difference too!

    Hoping March will be just as good or better! I have a 45 year class reunion in August and am hoping to be at my goal and maintaining by then!

    Here’s to a new month!

    Day 28 Belfast FD

    February wasn’t a month to crow about, and I’m half a pound up. My weight has been all over the place so hopefully March will be better. Skinny jeans are baggier, which is a plus.
    Thank you @daffodil for hosting this month and hopefully see you all next month

    Day 28, Emden Germany, NFD

    Forgot to weigh this morning, will try to think of it tomorrow.

    @strawberriesandcream enjoy your retirement!

    @daffodil2010 thank you for hosting!

    Thanks to everyone who posted and gave support, I’m not a great poster myself, don’t think I can compete with the wisdom and eloquence around here.

    end Day 28, Melbourne

    Blew the challenge. Didn’t realise that losing the weight is slower than expected.I still lost over 2 kg. Started off at 104.8 kg and ended up at 102.4kg. Im not going to register for March but will keep going with the challenge and will hopefully get to below the 100 kg mark by the end of March.

    ccco USA NFD Day 28

    I am amazed reading about all the snow and cold weather so many of you are having! I live in the northeast USA and we haven’t had anything like this, plus we are warming up! We are supposed to be having the weather you all are having. The world appears to be upside down! LOL

    Looking forward to the March challenge! I was new to this WOL in February and consider that month a training period. I think I have my plan set for March. Congratulations to everyone who has met his/her goals. Hopefully, that will be me next month! At least I haven’t gained anything!

    Day 29! – Auckland NZ – FD
    It’s the first day of Autumn here…
    @strawberriesandcream Ha ha! We are house sitting and looking after pets or taking advantage of our kind friends! We were mean’t to be back into our house before Xmas and friends offered up their places so we didn’t think we needed to rent a place. It’s been really interesting touring the city and living in completely different styles of houses – state house, modernist house, 80s townhouse, villa, bungalow, apartments, farmhouse and now a luxury 10 year old house!

    Thank you @daffodil2010 for hosting. And @at for March. Stay safe all you snow bound people! It sounds so much fun. My biggest problem is keeping the dog cool because I haven’t sorted out a haircut for him… He would love to play in the snow! Hopefully in March I can get going and loose some decent weight since it’s always easier when it’s hot. I loooove making and eating starchy winter food! Don’t know about wraps in the middle of winter! Can you do a hot wrap? Or is that called a burrito?!

    Also, what is a pocket list? And how do you join?

    Day 28 – Ireland FD
    Quite a good fast day particularly in this cold weather but I am not holding out much hope for reaching my February target. But I may have slightly dropped in weight since 31 January which I’ll be happy with..
    Adding myself to today’s pocket list:


    Thank you @daffodil2010 for hosting February! Onward and downward in March!

    Day 28, Gozo Malta, fd

    Fasted at around 950 calories

    I only lost 0.2 kilos this month.

    See you all in the March challenge. Good night 💤🌙😴 everyone.

    Day 28 – Fife, Scotland – NFD

    Snow meant I was late to work and early home. Routine disrupted meant more overeating.
    I should be fasting tomorrow but right now just don’t feel like it.


    Day 25 Sarasota, Florida NFD
    Day 26 CD
    Day 27 CD
    Day 28 NFD
    @at I’d like to continue in March. Thanks for hosting.

    Day 28 NFD Oregon USA

    Was going to do a CD today but that didn’t really happen.
    Hopefully not over TDEE but a restaurant work luncheon meant I couldn’t count completely. Figured high but still have dinner and Survivor night (an 18 year tradition at this house) to get through.
    And tomorrow which should be a FD am going to a birthday dinner for my dear friend so will not be a 500 calorie day but hope to make it below 800.

    If I take the number from last Friday I have lost 11 pounds in four months. Which is certainly 🐢🐢 speed. But if I think about in terms of 1/3 of my goal and keep losing at the same pace then in November of this year it will be 33. Which would be sooooo fantastic!!

    Seeing all of the longtimer posts and so many of you that lose slowly gives me so much confidence to keep on going. And truly? What choice do I have other than to give up. Which is not an option.

    I know there is work to do and I can do better. 🍺 is definitely my main issue. And I just need to cut it wayyyy back for many reasons.

    Thank you ever so much @daffodil2010. I have loved getting to know you virtually and you were a wonderful host.❤️💐💐🍀

    Thanks@AT for leading us through March. What a wonderful thing to give us all from your maintenance perspective. So valued!! 🏞️ (That’s a hiking trail by a lake which is what I think of when I think of you)😊
    I will add myself to March sheet tomorrow.

    See everyone there.

    Day 28 California Maintenance

    Well, the end of the month and final weigh-in for Feb in the morning. And the first post for March in the morning.

    @daffodil2010 thank you for hosting February! Great job! It seems to have been a good month for most of us, and for those who didn’t hit their goals, it’s a good learning experience.

    @coco, I think you must have sent all your cold weather and snow to northern Cal!

    See everyone over on the March thread soon!

    Final post

    Day 28 ended up as a NFD in the end as I launched myself off the wagon. Final weigh-in 78.7 kg, so I am struggling to settle down in maintenance. Off to the March challenge.

    @daffodil2010 thanks for hosting February.

    Final Post – Ireland 🇮🇪

    Final weigh in has me losing a grand total of half a pound in February. ☺️
    It’s certainly a plateau I am on, but it’s all part of the journey.

    Thanks to you all for your kind wishes and support. It has been my pleasure hosting the month of February, and I genuinely look forward to logging on every day and seeing what you guys have been up to. I love this community that we have built. I love the truly international flavour of this community. I love the diversity of this group. Most of all, I love how supportive and kind and encouraging and helpful and downright funny this community is.

    “If you are looking for a sign, this is it”

    I am not great at motivational quotes or comments, but I do like this one as it resonates with me. I believe in things happening for a reason, whether we realise the reason at the time or not. Coming across this forum and WOL out of the blue in late July 2017 has changed my life. It was a sign to get healthy, and stay healthy.

    As I hand over to the incomparable @at, thank you all sincerely for your wonderful input in February. See you all in March 😘

    Month round up, Finland

    Congratulations to everyone who succeeded this month…to the rest of us, chin up new month has begun!

    I had a terrible month, and am glad its over. Weight + 1kg, but at least below my WOL starting point 2 months ago. Waist numbers down, everything else up.

    Looking forward to March!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Final post

    I’ve just managed to catch up with most of the posts. Congratulations and well done to all those ‘losers’. If like me, your results weren’t as you would have liked, let’s press that reset button. March is a new month, and in the northern hemisphere, spring is on the way, not that you’d know it.

    @Strawberriesandcream – I only started posting on this forum a year or so ago. I lost the first 14 lbs in the first 8 months, took three months off to travel, (and maintained) then signed up to this forum. My weight has been going down slowly in steps and stairs and I guess my tortoise status is down to my lack of will power! However, there is no looking back. This is a forever WOL. My BMI is now 24 and my struggle now is to decrease my waist. Congratulations on your retirement. I didn’t put you down as a gardener! In another life that is one of the occupations I might have liked. I retired two and a half years ago and haven’t looked back. Enjoy every moment.
    @suresh3101 I love your 6kg ‘ripped off’. Well done!
    @daffodil2010 – stay safe.
    @toddybear – thank you for that great line. If you don’t mind I’m going to adopt that for March.
    @dingping – yes, I totally relate to your ‘liberating’ post. To re-quote words of wisdom from this forum, ‘The hard part isn’t getting your body in shape. The hard part is getting your mind in shape.’

    A big thanks to @daffodil2010 for her great stewardship this month, and for @at for hosting next month.

    Onwards and downwards to March…

    Hi @daffodil2010

    These are for you – slightly different from the usual bouquet – hope you like them x


    Thank you – see you all in March

    Final Post

    Starting weight prior to cruise on 26/1 133.9
    Final weight end February 138.5

    @snowflake56 – thank you
    What a great idea @merryapple – thanks for satisfying my curiosity! 🙂 If you read @at‘s post for March Challenge – she explains pocket lists.

    Thanks again @daffodil2010 – see you in March thread xx

    Morning everyone,

    First of all, thank you @daffodil2010 for hosting this month.

    Sorry, not been around much this month, still fasting but finding it quite difficult to ‘socialise’ but do read posts every day.

    Reached my lowest weight about a week ago, but meal out with my girls last night mean weight is up today, yesterday was supposed to be a FD.

    Only a 1.7lb loss this month, so not hit target, but have reached a healthy BMI and seen the lowest weight in a couple of decade, so definitely a positive in that.

    See you all in March challenge.

    Final post

    Feb start weight 93.0kg
    Feb end weight 91.0kg

    February did begin very well, quickly lost 1.5 kg then fell off the wagon and gained all back. Finished a good LFD yesterday and am relieved to see that this WOL still works for me.
    Now onward to March!

    Thank you @daffodil2010 for being a wonderful host💐

    Results day,

    0lbs lost this month, it seems I’m destined to stay on this plateau a little longer, March is a new month, a new challenge and a new opportunity to get back in the game!!!

    Thanks again @daffodil2010 for herding us cats in Feb and to @at for picking up the baton.

    I look forward to meeting the March newbies and reconnecting with old friends……………. Onward to March!!

    Final post

    Feb start weight 53.7 kg
    Feb end weight 54.2kg

    Up 500 g, I’m fine with that, had to rethink my weight, got down too much, didn’t look well, too much loose skin everywhere. Decided to go back to my original goal weight of ~56 kg. My clothes fit way better and I just feel and look better. Let’s see how next month will be.

    Final post Oregon USA

    Due to a bit of a party last night and having to weigh in after it… I am now ended the month flat. Though last Friday was down 2.5. What kind of month starts on a Thursday after two NFD’s! 😊 Well March does. Onward.

    Day 28, Oceanside CA USA, NFD

    Ending February up 3 lbs to 144.3 lbs from my low weight maintenance for past three months. Lots of company including cake, cookies, ice cream and snacks on the menu this month with grandchildren and family visiting. Back to the two days fasting will get me back to my low point I am sure.

    I enjoy 4 mile daily walks keeping track with Fitbit. This WOL includes enjoying smaller portions of all foods and LCHF dairy. I always enjoy my protein waffle with fruit breakfast. The egg, cottage cheese, olive oil and oatmeal in my recipe keeps me satisfied all day. Fish two or three days a week, dinner salads on fast days, and beef once a week offers well rounded healthy diet.

    Thanks for all those posting daily and for @daffodil2010 for hosting. I am into 17th month on Fast 5:2, enjoying vitality and energy. On to March and spring.

    Final Post

    Start Weight: 121.6
    End Weight: 126
    No change to measurements

    Up pounds because of bloating, I can tell. No change in measurements. Didn’t increase… but didn’t decrease either. 🙁 Will try harder in March!

    Final Feb post

    58.9 this morning, a 300 gram gain for the month but well within my maintenance wiggle room. Standard 5:2, two 500 calorie FDs works!

    Coda, that was a beautiful sentiment for Daffodil! See you all on the March board!

    Final Post UK

    Feb start weight: 75kg / 165lbs
    Feb end weight: 74.5 kg / 164lbs

    Seems I’ve officially joined the Tortoise club! Delighted to be in such wonderful company, it almost makes up for the slow progress. Strangely i’ve also lost 1.5 inches from my bust & waist and an inch from my hips.

    So a total loss since 1Dec2017 of 15lbs, 4.5 from bust, 4 from waist and 3 from hips – it suddenly seems a lot more than i’d realised!!!

    February was my hardest month since I began 5:2. Hugely glad of this community and daily postings. The latter make me feel accountable and keep me in touch with the bigger picture, and the former make me wiser and stronger thru generously shared warmth, wisdom and ideas. Look forward to jouneying with you all in March x

    Thank you again to @daffodil2010 – Happy st David’s Day daffodil!

    Hi all, started in Feb doing 5:2, love it… brought my fasting glucose down 10 points!!!! That was my number 1 reason for trying 5:2 (well and weight loss too lol).
    BUT…. LADIES….. now I am a week late for my period… is this normal??? I didn’t read anything about this in the book. But then googled it, said: potential missed periods and early onset menopause!!!! COME ON!!! This better not be true. Oh and I am 100% NOT PREGNANT!!!!!

    Any help would be appreciated!!!!


    JB4ME: You need to go to the March Challenge site. This one is not active right now! LOL

    ccco USA Day 8 NFD

    Just checking in! Good luck with your fasts, everyone! Stay strong! I love all the little pearls of wisdom those little quotes are giving me. I copy them and put them on my refrigerator! 🙂 Stay strong!

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