February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 7 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,501 through 1,550 (of 1,595 total)

  • Day 27……Florida……NFD

    @lilymartin…….. My prayers are with you and your family.

    In one of the paper, I saw yesterday, showed a beautiful picture of Rome covered in snow. I didn’t read the story but it was referring to record snowfalls on that side of the world.
    If your weather has flown the kookoes nest, please be safe!

    Trying for a very controlled day to day!

    I talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!

    Day 27 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Busy today – giving blood this morning, a noon grant-writing meeting with lunch sandwiches, then a board meeting this evening for our fledgling children’s museum. No rest for the “wicked” here!

    @lilymartin – so sorry to hear what you have gone through. Hugs and prayers for you on the loss of your mother. Many of us here do understand and sympathize.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 27, MI, USA, FD

    Tried for an LFD yesterday, caved and had small chicken and spinach salad, not sure why I felt starved, as I definitely do not need it!

    The snow is almost gone here, the sun is coming up and will be a great day to take the puppers for a long walk. I am hoping spring is here to stay!

    @lilymartin, many thoughts and prayers coming your way, I am sorry about your mum.

    Adding myself to the fasting list:


    Day 27, CFD, US

    A good FD yesterday but I was so cold. In Florida! I don’t understand why FDs make me feel so cold, but I know I’m not alone.

    I jumped on the scales this morning. My weight seems to have a 2kg swing this month, but no overall downward trend. It’s as if my body has a new set point, and is not willing to budge from it. I’m still about 6kgs down from when I started last July, but that is slow progress indeed. I know Dec/Jan was a blowout season for me, but I really want to get things shifting again.

    Thanks@at for hosting next month.

    I really liked your thoughtful post, @fatfingers. A lot of it rang true to me.

    So sorry to hear about your mum, @lilymartin. Losing a mother sucks big time and I really feel for you and your family.

    Day 27 – Iceland – FD (2nd of B2B2B)

    @lilymartin – so sorry for your loss, hugs and prayers for you and your family.
    @strawberriesandcream – thanks for asking! I fell so badly off the wagon mid-February but finally had a good FD yesterday so now I feel a bit more optimistic again:) March will hopefully be a better month for all of us struggling in February, more sunshine, more exercise and fewer EFS’s. Also best wishes for a very happy retirement!

    I am with the pocket fasters:


    Day 27 – USA – NFD

    @lilymartin, please accept my condolences on the loss of your mom.

    @flourbaby, lol on your comment “they’re just too skinny to understand”!

    @strawberriesandcream, well done on your decision to retire and your dispatch of lbs. this month!

    Day 27 Stevensville Maryland USA B2B

    Today will be my first B2B day, to my surprise I don’t even feel hungry at the moment. I think today will be a moment to moment day. Really looking forward to stepping on the scale tomorrow for the final weigh in for February 2018.

    @lilymartin, I am so sorry for your loss, I truly believe it is beautiful on the other side. My mother passed way to soon 17 years ago, she is with me everyday in spirit and she gives me signs of her presence. Take time to feel her love.

    In a world where you can be anything, be kind and have a great day/night.

    Fasting today – add your name below:


    Day 27 – UK – NFD

    Had a good FD yesterday 268cals – weight this morning 53.3kg/8st 6lbs – maintaining nicely!

    Had a lovely 5mile/8km walk in a sunshiny and snowy cumbrian landscape this morning with 3 friends, back home feeling refreshed.

    Catching up with the posts before I tackle some dreaded housework and have a High Intensity Pilates class booked for late afternoon (OH has joined me on that one!!!)

    @suresh3101 – how wonderful 6kg eradicated in the first month 👍
    @bert1802 – how inspiring – thank you for sharing that skirt story!
    @saffy420 – have a fab time away and isn’t yoga great – I discovered it about 2.5 years ago and I just love it 🧘‍♀️
    @michelinme – any loss or no weight gain is a positive – be great to have you hosting either April or May depending on your recovery x
    @debster251 – tortoise or not??? What a change to your life these last 2 years of 5:2 has made to your life and wellbeing 💃
    @annemarilyn – how wonderful to have fully enjoyed your holiday and to find your weight is the same on your return!
    @lilymartin – been wondering where you had got to 🤗 So sorry to hear that the end of your mother’s life was not pleasant for her and the family but I’m sure she knew you were with her to the end – “What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” Helen Keller
    @Strawberriesandcream – enjoy the freedom to do what takes your fancy daily from now – I’m sure you will soon be involved in lots of activities

    Thank you for your kinds words about be taking the “host” role for March @bert1802 @michelinme @borealis @redrockgirl302 @daffodil2010 @mjrbcd44 @shinything @kerryn73 @jaifaim

    “The only successful way to reach and maintain a healthy weight is to find what works for you” Who agrees that this means the 5:2 Way of Life?

    Day 27 – London – NFD

    @lilymartin so sorry to hear of your tragic loss. Best wishes to you and your family.

    @strawberriesandcream – thanks for the sympathy re my flu, thankfully I think I might be over the worst.

    @at could I be included in the March Challenge please. Many thanks.

    Day 27 Akron OH FD

    @at thank you for taking on the host role in March. You are always so encouraging and gracious with your comments; I look forward to your posts.

    @lillymartin my condolences on the loss of your mom.

    I miss the days when I could read posts and take my time to reply, I know those days will return one day in the near future, but until then it’s heartwarming to know this forum is here to support those who need it.

    my warmest regards to you all

    Day 27, UK, NFD
    76.9 kg this morning, so down slightly despite last night’s crash.

    Day 27, Norway, NFD

    @lilymartin, sincere condolences on the loss of your mum, I am including your family in my daily votive.

    Comfort and peace at this very sad time.


    Day 27 – Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Another FD completed yesterday…last day of the month tomorrow. I didn’t quite reach the goal I hoped for but am still satisfied with the results so far and how easily it fits in with my life-style.

    @lilymartin my condolences

    @at please include me in the March challenge, thank you!

    Day 27 – SW WA USA – FD hopefully

    Did well on my first FD since back in the USA. It went well. Think I’ll go for another one to see if the scale will move downwards a little more before the end of the month.

    @lilymartin – sorry for the loss of you mom. Sending hugs & prayers
    @daffodil2010 – I only had a week in Peru and it was super active. If I’d done 2 wks, who knows how I’d have fared. At least we have this WOL to help us on the way.
    @flourbaby – glad you’re staying with us
    @Strawberriesandcream – congrats on your full retirement! May it go well!
    @at – looking forward to your hosting March 🙂

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 27, UK, NFD

    My scales finally budged a little! Yay! I weigh 55kg now 😀 . Its not my Feb goal but I’ll take it 😊

    @lilymartin my heartfelt condolences to you and your family, you will be in my prayers. May your mum rest in peace.

    Take care everyone ❤

    Day 27 NFD/CD Oregon USA

    @lilymartin–prayers of peace and comfort. So sorry for your lost. ❤️

    @metatauta–you and I were laughing at the same time at @flourbaby‘s “too skinny to understand”. 🤣

    @strawberriesandcream-Probably because I haven’t been around for longer I had no idea you were close to retirement age. I had quite a different visual especially based on your cruise dancing for two weeks. 😊😊 What a great new image I have now. 👍 Congrats on the next step.

    Thanks for reassuring all of us @flourbaby–I wouldn’t have wanted to figure out who lives closest to you to go throw you back in the wagon, on the forum or wherever else. But I would have spent a day with a map if it came to it. 😉😉

    Had a fairly successful FD yesterday. Probably ended up closer to 700 calories but made a homemade zucchini lasagna(used zucchini for noodles) so was pleased with myself.
    Not so pleased that I did not run. Or walk. If it could just be nice outside at the exact same time that I WANT to go run/walking it would sincerely help. Of course I live in a rain state…so there’s that.

    Ok friends–have a great day wherever you are!

    Day 27, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    FD yesterday morphed into CD. I am so cold all the time. Really looking forward to spring and summer. 🌻🌼🌹
    I still need to get rid of 5 pounds to be back maintaining. Should be doable in March/April. That is the plan. 😊😊😊

    @lilymartin: I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you virtual hugs! ❤❤❤

    @at: yes, this WOL is the way to go, definitely.😊

    @strawberriesandcream: Happy retirement! 😊⚘😊

    Have a good Tuesday everybody! ⚘⚘⚘

    Day 27 – Massachusetts – FD

    Dinner with a friend yesterday caused me to switch around FDs for the week, so I am fasting today. Not likely to make my February goal, stuck in plateau-land still, which is very disappointing. I had such high hopes I would be somewhere else by this time.

    Joining the pocket fasters!

    Fasting today – add your name below:


    2nd Post

    @flourbaby You have coined it exactly!! “sharing that oar less & rudderless boat floating in that stagnant pond, slowly going nowhere” – ha ha, exactly how I feel right now. Well, there are the two of us in there and I suspect some others too, I believe @leggit lamented the plateau on a recent post.

    Heres to March. Looking forward to it – though it also contains our wedding anniversary weekend away, St Patricks Day, plus more 6 nations rugby…not making excuses in advance am I????

    And here comes the snow. The sun was shining so brilliantly this afternoon, it was 17C in the glasshouse at work, I began to feel that we were not going to get this huge “weather event” that has the country just about to go on lockdown. We just can’t cope with cold and snow.

    Final day of February tomorrow. To be accountable I will weigh in, but official February weight will be taken on the morning of 1st March.

    Today is a good day to have a good day

    Day 27, Emden Germany, NFD

    just got home from work, no time to read all the posts, will try tomorrow.

    @lilymartin sincere condolences on the loss of your mum.

    ccco USA FD

    So far so good. Good luck everyone!

    2nd post

    After a strong FD yesterday today has been a very Controlled Day so far – trying to keep it going so have logged on here to read some posts for inspiration to keep going. I see I was attached to the pocket list of those doing a FD so that will inspire me to definitely make it a CD coming in under 1000cals once I have my evening glass of milk kefir.

    @dingping @scribbleartist – I will most definitely add your names to the March Challenge – great to have you with us
    @basyjames and @annemarilyn – thank you for your kind remarks – looking forward to having you join us in the March Challenge

    Here’s the link for the March Challenge for anyone who has not seen as yet https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/march-2018-monthly-challenge/#post-234460

    Last day tomorrow of the February Challenge – we can make it count!

    Day 27, Gozo Malta, cd

    Cd today but at around 1,200 calories. I’ll make tomorrow a fd.

    At please add me to March challenge and thanks for hosting.

    Good night 😴🌙💤 everyone. Keep on keeping on and stay strong.

    Lilymartin condolences.

    Day 27 UK unexpected FD

    Really glad to read all the posts on the train home and reconnect. Yesterday’s FD was good enought but cold, miserable and up at the high end.

    Today I was super stressed, overtired and overwhelmed. So much of what we experience is down to what’s in our own heads, and I got really, really stuck in negative thinking in mine. Mid afternoon I listened to my daily meditation x2 on the bus between projects which seemed to work to reset my mind from famine to feast, lack to abundance, anger to something more like acceptance. And then I realised that I hadn’t actually eaten, so decided to make it a bonus FD.

    I think i’ve got some serious self-care to do – sleep, meditation, yoga & better boundaries bc it’s all slipped in the melee of the last month. And a lot of it starts with taking time out to do good planning and scheduling. I’m so glad I’m off on silent retreat this weekend, despite the snow and travel problems.

    @lilymartin I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope that the pain of your mum’s passing is healed by the remembrance and echoes of your love for each other

    Day 27 California NFD Maintenance

    @lillymartin, I am so sorry to hear about you losing your beloved mother. I don’t think there is any sadness greater than losing the one who brought you into this world. I wish I was there to give you a big hug.

    @flourbaby, good for you in continuing with your 5:2 journey. It took me 8 months to lose 12 kg or about 29 pounds to reach my goal. I guess that’s a long time, but I usually ate over my TDEE on NFD and never skipped my 2 – 500 calorie FD per week. I very occasionally added a 3rd FD when I was stuck on a plateau for 2 weeks or more. I had several crazy, over the top eating days scattered over those 8 months. But I still got down to my skinny jeans weight by the end of the year. It took about 2 months longer than planned, but giving up was never an option. It was relatively easy. I didn’t eliminate any food groups and didn’t make myself crazy combining other schemes with 5:2. I decided in the beginning that I’d do a straight 5:2 for at least a couple months and then maybe try one of the other variations after that. But after a couple months the 5:2 was going well, I was losing weight, so why argue with success?
    You can’t change yesterday, it’s now part of the past. Look ahead and get back with the program. You can do this!

    @at, thank you for hosting March! I see I’m already added to the list. I’m looking forward to the new month and hoping to see more names in green by the end of it!

    2nd post

    Is this my lucky day, or what? After finishing my last post I noticed an email from Bill Gates! I don’t know how he got my email but he wants to send me $5,000,000! He goes on to say that, “My wife and I have decided to make sure this is put on the internet for the world to see, as you could see from the web page above. I am not getting any younger and you can imagine having no much time to live…” And all I have to do is send him my name, address and phone number. So easy! Does it get any better than that??! 🙄 🤩 🤓

    Day 27 – Fife, Scotland – NFD

    Doctors first thing this morning to have blood samples taken, so no breakfast. Held off eating until lunchtime at work and then couldn’t stop all day!!

    We have a few inches of snow here now with temperatures of minus 4C. Not nearly as cold as may of you will be used to, but it’s a bit colder than we normally get.


    Day 28 Auckland NZ NFD
    I have been MIA – we have been out of our house for alterations so far for five months. Returned to the city and the builders say they need yet another month with us out… It was only meant to be three in total. We have moved thirteen times with our wee Westie and have another couple of moves to go. My old Merc has turned into a mobile home. Our space allocation is two baskets for food, three boxes for the office and computers and one bag each for clothes. And then there’s Macintosh with his gear.

    The dairy farm we stayed on in Feb was fabulous but just too much food for us townies! I did the two weekly fast days, which saved me from packing on kgs, but I exceeded the 500 cals for the evening meal. Anyway, all up I have lost 700gm on the Feb challenge with a total loss of 2.7 kg since I joined the Fast club on January 22nd. As I read on a post “onwards and downwards”. And yes please, I’m up for the March challenge! Cheers, everyone!

    Day 28…NSW…Australia…FD
    Hi everyone
    Lost 200gm overall for February – lots of ups and downs weight wise. Will have to be more dedicated, accountable and stronger for March challenge.
    Being with this forum is much better than doing it on my own!

    Thank you to everyone – bring on March!

    Enjoy whatever you are doing and bye for now!

    Day 28, Norway, NFD

    Day 28 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Down 1.5lbs. So final day of Feb I am at exact weight of first day of Feb. One more day and maybe tip the balance.

    A red weather warning has been issued for my county due to last nights heavy snowfall and worsening conditions to come. All schools in Meath now closed. I live in a rural area so roads won’t be treated. My village is surrounded by hills which makes getting in and outt difficult. I work 5km away over and down one of those hills and it’s going to be a treacherous drive. What to do?

    My husband thinks I am nuts attempting to get into work. My employer is not the HR friendly multinational type who will tell me to stay home. Do I attempt the short journey?

    Day 28 – UK – CD

    A good controlled day yesterday – Finishing this challenge at 52.9kg/8st 5lbs ☺️

    Woke up to a blanket of snow over the whole village and the surrounding fells and still snowing at the time – looked beautiful – lucky for me I don’t have to travel anywhere by car today. Unfortunately it meant that my Yoga class was cancelled as my teacher can’t get in 😞

    The sun and blue skies are just starting to show – Gorgeous will have to go out for walk soon ⛅️❄️⛄️

    @merryapple @arelkade – you are both added to the March Challenge – great to have you continue with us as TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER

    @califdreamer – Great to have another maintainer continue with the challenge – it helps confirm to those new to this WOL that it works!
    @daffodil2010 – be safe – As your OH says driving on narrow hilly roads may not be a good idea xx

    THANK YOU for the funny stories and laughs – THANK YOU for sharing your life with us – THANK YOU for the support and words of wisdom – THANK YOU for being part of this amazing global family that has no borders and takes everyone in.
    I hope to “see” many of you in the March Challenge and if you are not continuing on this journey with us good luck and you can always rejoin at anytime!!! OR just pop in to say Hi and let us know how you are doing!
    Here’s the link:- https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/march-2018-monthly-challenge/#post-234460

    “The greatest thing you have is the 24 hours in front of you. The past is gone; the future is distant. Today you CAN succeed. Set a goal you can achieve in the next 24 hours.”

    A big THANK YOU to @daffodil2010 for hosting the February Challenge, the shortest but most challenging month for a lot of us – these are for you 🤗💐

    Day 28 – UK – Reading – FD

    Success for me. After yesterday’s controlled day I’ve met my Feb target. Yippee! Super pleased. Snow here too @daffodil2010. Could you walk to work? I wouldn’t attempt it in the car, but then I hate the snow when cars are involved. Luckily our roads have been cleared. So I agree with your husband, but a walk might be fun.

    Day 28 UK FD

    Thrilled to see the scales reporting I have met my February target. 12st 7lbs – 13lbs down from when I came across this WOL and wonderful forum in mid November last year.

    We too have a blanket of snow but I’m about to wrap up and walk to the local village for a coffee and read of the paper!

    @michelinme… Sending positive thoughts.

    Thank you @daffodil2010!

    Looking forward to this inspiring worldwide company in March.

    You don’t get what you wish for … You get what you work for!

    Day 28, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Glad to report a 3.2kg (7lb) loss for February, down to 83.9kg (185lbs). February turned out better than Jan, which was my most difficult month of the last 8 months.

    I can’t really believe I’ve been doing 5:2 for 8 months – I’ve got into a routine and just clinging on hoping it turns into a way of life. I too am a standard 5:2-er on 500 cals FD doing Mon and Thurs. Seems to work so I am not changing anything until I get into healthy weight range (another 11kgs for that). It is mentally must easier to tell yourself you need to lose 10/15kgs and not 40kgs, which is where I started – so I’m really glad I’ve stuck it out. Anyone out there with 40kgs and more to lose and reading this post and thinking about trying 5:2 – start NOW! It may be a long journey but time passes and every day you will feel better for it.

    Yoga is just amazing. I am so grateful to our teacher, who has lifted me up to new heights – or at least out of the gutter! Perfected my dolphin pose this month and can actually hold a nearly-proper boat pose.

    No news on the sourdough bread yet. My starter was bubbling away nicely and it went into hibernation when the cold weather set in. I have to revive it and will try my first loaf maybe on Friday, as I don’t want the bread around on Thursday, my fast day.

    No snow for us in Cornwall yet. I saw the Eden Project all covered in snow – so I’m expecting some. I can see a huge black snow cloud over the sea, so hoping it skims past us. We are expecting loads of snow on Thursday – a novelty for us really. I am lucky as I work from home, so don’t need to skid along the roads to get to work. My plants are looking very sad – I have quite a few tender plants – so there’s going to be a lot of damage.

    Thanks @daffodil2010 for hosting – I find these Challenges really helpful. See you all in March!

    2nd post

    Well, I attempted to get to work in the car. Heavy drifts in places. Was going as fast as I could up the big steep hill outside my village but unfortunately there was another car stuck in the middle of the road going nowhere. I had to slow down to get around her, but then I became stuck. First gear would not move the car. Panic set in big time. Then there were 4 other cars stuck behind the original car on that hill!!! Finally managed to turn off traction control, get the car into 2nd gear, finally finally moved and turned my car about and came straight home. Far too treacherous. My boss thought it was hilarious when I rang him…..but at least I attempted it. Worse is to come tomorrow. Guess I am at home for the duration!!!

    Now if I can manage an FD as well that would be great, but I have a sneaking suspicion that DH won’t be able to make it into work later, and we could end up sitting by the fore quaffing wine…………bad thoughts already on the last day of February. Ooops!

    Day 28, Newcastle UK, NFD

    Surprise, surprise (not) today I am 1lb up on the scale. Yesterday’s FD turned into a feast day after my very kind Godmother arrived with chocolates and wine after hearing of my broken foot. With OH’s help we finished the lot (although the wine required cheese, crackers, nuts & apple). However, I felt no guilt because I had started the day with good intention and will work to undo the minor damage today. This is how and why this WOL works – flexibility.

    @annemarilyn – I’m sorry I missed your post on the 26th. I’m delighted to hear that you had a brilliant vacation and you’re foot is on the mend. I did hear I do not have to have my foot pinned, so only another 5 weeks with my moon boot which is no bother at all TBH.

    Thank you @borealis, @metatauta, @at, @annemarilyn, @mjrbcd44 & @redrockgirl for the good wishes about retirement. @mjrbcd44 – I believe everyone is bestowed with a gift – and bizarrely mine is disco dancing lol! I’ll be 58 in a couple of months and intend to disco ’til I drop!

    @michelinme – thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings. I hope the weather doesn’t interrupt your plans for the weekend.
    @merryapple – wow – and you still sound sane! I’m intrigued (nosy) about all the moves – was it not possible to stay in one place?
    Congratulations @ktcaroline, @cornish-jane & @toddybear on your success.
    Glad to hear you’re back home safe and well @daffodil2010. Thank you so much for being a fantastic host this month – you’re enthusiasm and happy nature has been much appreciated.

    I’ll post my final February weight tomorrow morning and look forward to a new month and a new start with our lovely @at.

    Day 28 Hants UK – FD

    Wow well done to @cornish-jane and @toddybear!

    I’m going to weigh myself tomorrow to see how I’ve done on Feb challenge… will be lucky if I’ve maintained as I’ve been dragged down with sinusitis these last few months

    Anyway, I’m doing 3 X FDs this week, so hopefully I can pull things back into shape!

    Thanks @daffodil2010 for hosting!

    Day 28, London, UK, FD

    Once again, I need to amputate something to make my Feb target, tomorrows weigh-in will be measured whilst peeping through fingers!!!!

    Another FD after yesterdays (relative) success (there was a handful of raisins at 9pm!!) No big deal, it wasn’t a pack of biscuits!!!

    @strawberriesandcream, happy retirement!!! I expect you’ll keep your hand in with your own and your dads garden!!!!

    @mjrbcd44, I had to laugh at your comment, considering your geographical knowledge(!), after-all you think of us Londoners, and I quote …………… “including the shires and Newcastle” …………………… I was picturing @steve toon taxi driver heading my way in his taxi and me twiddling my thumbs for 6 or 7 hrs waiting for the rapid response!!!!!! Seriously though, I can’t afford to fall off the wagon, I’m considering myself the ‘Wagon Weeble’ (I know I’m dating myself here!!) from now on, knock me down and I’ll just right myself time and again, no more negative thinking either, I’m here, that’s it!!!!! Thanks for all the support guys, that’s why we’re here!!!

    @daffodil2010, Thanks so much for hosting us in February, if I thought January was tough, Feb has been a rollercoaster of EPIC proportions!!!!!
    I guess there will ALWAYS be something to make an excuse about, but if you know IT, you can own IT, so enjoy IT, then you get right back to IT…………. I’ve an All-inclusive holiday at the end of March………….. no excuses, just living!!!!! I’m sure you’ll balance March beautifully with so many exceptional rather than basic NFDs to look forward to, they make the FDs easier I think!!!!!

    This plateau may be a pain in the a*se, but -34lbs isn’t to be sniffed at AND I will not be rushed!!!! I am a tortoise, don’t you know??………………. I’m going all out with the positivity from now on!!!!!!
    You said it @michelinme & I completely agree ……………….. “I think I’ve got some serious self-care to do”

    @at, of course, I’m in for March!!!! I’ll post my final results here tomorrow and see you lovely guys on the other side tomorrow!!!!!

    Day 28 North Wales NFD

    Finished the month weighing in at 9st 4lb. I am delighted that maintenance is working for me. I have really enjoyed reading your posts this month. Hoping you have all had a good month too. See you in the March challenge. Thank you @daffodil2010 for hosting this month challenge.

    @strawberriesandcream enjoy your retirement. I love being retired.

    Day 28, Leeds, UK, NFD
    Starting weight – 82 kgs (Jan last week)
    Weight as of today – 76.1 kgs
    #Mission 70kgs by May

    Last day of the month, so far so good. Looking forward to March!!
    Thanks @daffodil2010 for hosting this month challenge. And thanks @at for hosting the next one!!

    Day 28 Newcastle UK FD 🇬🇧.
    Bang on 200lb ☹.
    It’s what I expected I’ve messed about too much this month. Hopefully I’ll get back into the groove for the March challenge which will be a full year since I started this way of life.
    I’m still quite happy with the fasting way of life. Last March I started at 218lb and got down to 180lb by the end of August of that year.
    Congratulations to anybody who had success anybody who didn’t join me in being more focused next month🤔😉

    Day 28…….Florida…… FD

    Is it me or did Feb. fly by? I’m having my last FD of the month and hoping for a little shift on the scale. As it stands now, I’m right where I started……I must say I’ve got the maintenance portion of this WOL down. A bit to early for my goals seeing I wanted to shift these last 5lbs.
    Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to try again in March…….. what can I say….I’m a lifer!

    @dafodil…….thank you for hosting this month…….You are a wonderful and spectacular person. We all our very lucky to have you in our group!

    Well…..I’m off….I have to spend my last few minutes of the morning looking for a ending for March!

    I talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!

    Day 28 – Iceland – FD (3rd of B2B2B)

    Last couple of FD’s went ok (cheated a little bit yesterday, an irresistible croissant was the culprit), but the month is not over yet so aiming for a LFD today and then final weigh-in tomorrow!

    I need a pocket list to keep strong today…

    ***DAY 28 POCKET LIST***


    Day 28 Stevensville Maryland NFD

    Thank you @daffodil2010 for hosting the February Challenge.

    Whew, my first B2B was a success, I was on and off of this site all day yesterday, I really don’t think I would have been able to do this if it weren’t for all of you posting you journey’s and encouragements. Thank you.

    Stepped on the scale and I have lost 3.8lbs. this month and 4″ inches total on my waist since January 10th. Total to date is 10lbs. Feeling good about that, my goal was to lose 4lbs. in February. My goal for March is to lose 4lbs. Looking forward to the challenge.

    In a world where you can be anything, be kind and have a great day/night.

    Day 28, MI, USA FD

    I hit my target, but inches didn’t move, wonder why that is?
    Trying to finish a B2B2B strong. Don’t feel starved today like the other day, that’s a good sign.

    Thank you @daffodil2010, I appreciate your daily dedication to this thread!

    I hope everyone has a great day!

    ***DAY 28 POCKET LIST***


    Day 28 – USA – FD

    Adding myself:
    ***DAY 28 POCKET LIST***


    Lost 2.4 lbs. over this month and 2 inches overall. Looking forward to a more consistent March with 2 FDs a week. Jan. and Feb. were lifechanging months for me personally, but it’s behind me, so I’ve got my visors on and full steam ahead.

    Day 28 – USA – FD
    Second post: @daffodil2010, thanks so much for hosting Feb. It was great to have such company during the month; I appreciate all your posts and read them daily.

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