February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 7 years ago.

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  • Day 22 NSW Australia FD
    Hi everyone
    Just checking in.
    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to. Bye for now!

    Day 22, Norway, FD (second this week)

    I’ve almost given up on seeing new numbers on the scale…the lowest i believe has been 83,7 (maybe 83,3 cant remember)…but for the most part, up to 84,5 almost all the time…since i guess november. Im not gonna give up on the WOL, cause i know i would gain right back up to where i started. Not gonna happen.

    Day 22, Cornwall UK, NFD

    @maayyaa – don’t give up! You’ve done amazing. We started 5:2 about the same time last year (me in July 17) and I watch out for your posts as we are doing this together. We’ll be done by the end of the year and can celebrate together! Wouldn’t that be amazing? I know this has to be a journey towards a new way of healthy eating but I am massively motivated to get the weight off!

    If you need a boost, can you find someone to fast with you amongst your friends and family? Or get some old pictures out and put them on the fridge!

    You’ll get there!💪💪💪

    Day 22 – Ireland 🇮🇪- CD

    Good LFD until bedtime but I was hanging by then. Three days with less than 1000 calories in total and this time I found it hard. There is a 1.5lbs loss this morning however compared to the earlier days when I could expect 3lbs after an LFD- well, things are slowing down.

    I have 6lbs to go to the top of my Acceptable Weight Range (AWR), but plan to get below that by another 4lbs to give me leeway. So really, another 10lbs.

    I maybe joining you guys soon in the tortoise club 🐢

    Planning a CD today but will up the calorie intake to TDEE and see if I can dispatch more lbs in time for tomorrow and official weigh in.

    Only another week left in February 😬. It’s been an honour to be your hostess, I thoroughly recommend it for getting to know everybody and keeping yourself motivated 😘
    @Maayaa that’s the spirit, do not give up, you know you would bounce back to where you started and one day have to begin again. We won’t let that happen. We are stronger together 👍

    Day 22 Newcastle UK NFD 🇬🇧.

    Day 22 – UK – Reading NFD

    A successfully FD yesterday, and now in sight of my February goal so feeling pleased. Now I just have to keep it off. Super pleased with the results of 5:2 although I do find FDs quite hard (although just manageable). I watched the MM Horizon programme (again) last night, I always get something new out of it every time I watch it.

    Day 22, Hampshire, UK – FD

    I’m sorry for disappearing for almost 2 weeks, its been a made period at work in and out of meetings that I never got a minute to catch up here.

    Thank you to everyone for the lovely kind words after my ‘ I GOT MY BOOST’ post, I thought some of you might be wondering whether I dropped out after fitting into a size 10 – not at all. Since then I have tried to think less about the fact that I am doing a diet and just live it as a life style, I continued doing 4:3 but this week I could only do a 5:2 with 2 CD because of work and shifting around my weight training day last minute, I usually use my NFD for weight training otherwise I would end up breaking muscle which is not what I am aiming for.

    I finally go on Holiday tomorrow (NYC here we come) and so I did my final weight in this morning even though scales and I aren’t as close as we use to be. I weighed 72.5Kg, I feel muchhhhhh slimmer though, I have a lovely flat tummy, just extra fat on my arms/back that I still need to work on. I also lost another inch off my waist bringing me to 35 inches so I’m very pleased.

    I will be in NYC for 4 nights/6 days, will try to be good but also have a treat here and there. I plan to jump back into the March challenge as soon as I’m back so see you all in March.

    Good luck everyone with your final weigh in next week 🙂

    Day 22, London, UK, FD (3rd of B2B2B)

    Feeling ok today although, like you @daffodil2010, the B2B(2Bs) are having NO effect at the moment. My body likes this plateau just as much as I hate it!!!!! New plan for March includes upping my exercise and being a bit stricter with what I’m eating on NFDs ………………………… a chocolate calorie is NOT the same as an avocado calorie!!!!! Because of my end of March holiday, I’m already planning to work my butt off until I go away so I can actually enjoy myself (mindfully) without the guilt!!!!

    @mjrbcd44, glad to see you seated beside me on this wagon ………… or is it a rollercoaster in disguise?????

    I came to work this morning and realised I’ve left my purse at home ……………….. Win-Win as far as I’m concerned, I would have been following @scotrodg to the shop for a doughnut or three!!!!!! My willpower (I know Dr M says it’s over-rated!!) is NON-existent at the moment!!!!!!!

    So far the first 2 months of this year have been a bit weird/ disappointing/ difficult for me, I had hoped to have 5:2 so ingrained that it really was a WOL, but between self sabotaging and my own personal mind games …………….. I’m still a student rather than a master!!!! I’ll get there, I have NO alternative, more water, more exercise, more ME time, more forgiveness of my faults, more accountability ………………… and more honesty………………..Yes, there has been chocolate and wine, but oddly enough, NO cake!!!!! Birthday weekend ahead, so plenty of time to rectify that particular oversight!!!!!!!LOL

    As @at said, and we should all remember………………….

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 22, Newcastle, NFD

    Day 22 – UK NFD

    Oh dear! Had an uncontrolled couple of days…. What’s the opposite of a whoosh??!!!!

    Day 22 London UK FD
    Is there a pocket list yet for today? Can I start one?

    Played tennis for the first time for about twenty years yesterday. Woken up feeling as if a steamroller has been across me. Aaaargh.


    Day 22 – Japan – NFD

    I’m toying with the idea of trying 3 fasts a week once it warms up. I don’t want to do it while it is code because I tend to feel cold part of the day when fasting, at least until the second morning.

    The issue I have with 3 days of fasting per week is I’ll have some calorie restriction below my TDEE on a weekly basis. That is bad for building lean body mass although it might help burn fat over the short-term.

    Day 22, Leeds, UK, NFD
    Starting weight – 82kgs (Jan last week)
    Weight as of today – 77.1kgs
    #Mission 70kgs by May

    Was supposed to be a FD, but wifey forgot and packed lunch.. lol..
    So FD tomorrow.. Good luck to everyone.

    Day 22 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Hello fellow Thursday fasters, lets make it a good one!

    Haven’t seen @bert1802 for a while, hope you’re well and still hanging onto our wagon.

    Enjoy the day everyone 🐉🗡

    Day 22……Florida…..NFD

    Sorry guys…….it’s been an interesting last couple days. I’m so behind on posts, I’m going to try to get caught up. The flu is making its rounds in my home again, my hubby and YS were down, my MIL is fighting the sniffles and I left work with a sore throat. So, I’ve been knee deep in disinfectant spray and wipes, and keeping up with household chores, I normally get help with.
    Everyone is starting to feel better, so hopefully we are at a turning point.

    Today is going to be a NFD, as I’m taking my MIL to the doctors. I think we may stop for lunch.
    Yesterday was a FD and I did very well!

    I talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!

    Norway, Day 22, FD

    @basyjames thank you for the good words, I will try to keep it up. Maybe even try to have 4:3 some weeks so kick it up a bit.

    I am very tired of work and kids these days (as in sleepy-tired, not can’t stad it-tired), so all my energy goes into managing those things. I have a quite demanding job, and small children, and I guess stess is not helping wight loss either. But at least I have not given up, and I am not gaining, so that is good =D I try to see the good in this platau. And I feel that I can see some changes, especially in my belly-area. So I guess something is happening even though the scale does not tell the story. It is just so odd, that one can SEE the change, but not find it on the scale. WHERE are the kilos then?

    Looking forward to the weekend, hopefully I can get some sleep one of the mornings. And we have so much snow here in Norway now, so playing outside with the kids is a true work out, dragging them up the hill so they can slide down on a sledge. So much fun =D

    Day 22, NFD, US

    Take it easy with tennis, EmmaTaylor! I used to play a lot about a decade ago, as in almost every day. OH and I recently started playing again, like we used to. And I came down with a bad case of tennis elbow, something that had never plagued me before. So I’m “benched” until it heals and my physio was just tut-tutting me for going in too hard, too fast!

    I don’t think I’ll be able to do 2 FDs this week, what with our house guest and other commitments. That’s ok though, coz I’ll try and do 3 next week!

    Day 22, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Day 22 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Went over TDEE yesterday by a little, so will do my very best to make today a CD. I have a meeting where there will be socializing with wine later on…maybe just one nice glass of red?

    Oh so happy for the great USA Olympic medals from yesterday! I had to go to sleep so missed the end of the USA v. Canada women’s hockey match. Wow! GOLD for U-S-A! Watched some of the women ski. Never in my life have I skied like they do -such agility and speed. The level of athletic expertise at the Olympics is astounding.

    @mari84 and Norway — your country is just cleaning up! Congratulations.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 22 Stevensville Maryland CFD

    Feeling really good with how things are going. The past two days I have had CNFD’s and keeping my TDEE’s at my goal weight. It amazes me how little I eat at a setting now and staying hydrated really is a good feeling.

    Looking forward to stepping on the scale tomorrow morning, I miss my daily conversations with my scales. Hoping to be down 1 lbs this week.

    In a world where you can be anything, be kind and have a great day/night.

    Day 22 – USA – NFD

    Successful FD yesterday (finally), 602 cals. The 1/2 avocado in my salad put me over my normal 500. Hoping to get my mojo back soon; it’s been a whole month with just a few FDs.

    Day 22 FD 500 Oregon USA

    I’m with you @flourbaby…on the “weird” wagon or roller coaster whatever it is. Perhaps one of us should go speak to the driver and let her know that we would appreciate getting on the the most direct road to success and flooring it.🙂 I feel like I have no good excuse for my derailment other than sheer unadulterated laziness and complacency.
    This has just been a terrible week-snow changed my running plans and that seemed to impact my ability to eat correctly either.

    I am allowing myself to take this final week of February to evaluate what I really want. What do I want to weigh and how am I going to get there.

    The basic 5:2 works and I believe I need to just commit to that (no fuzziness,no faffing, no resetting and just do it) Clearly I keep saying it and keep writing it and hoping that in this last week of the month I can internalize it and March will be a great month.

    **Pocket list for today**

    Day 22 Stevensville Maryland USA CFD

    Feeling a little hungry hoping to hold on until noon, I do 16:8 everyday so will have a boiled egg and bone broth for lunch today.

    Pocket list for today**

    In a world where you can be anything, be kind and have a great day/night.

    Day 22 Akron OH FD

    Yay! I planned a CD yesterday and I am so stoked to say I successfully completed the first CD I have planned since the year began. I have struggled with resisting alcohol on my NFD; and usually that messes me up big time because it wakes up the sweets dragon. I also successfully ate just one roll with my dinner rather than 3 or 4. Hooray!

    And so far my FD today is going well, with coffee and lots of water – the first time I have done that this year as well, usually the day after a NFD, I just continue the trend for a couple days – with no will power whatsoever. Alcohol really is bad for you.
    I hope to continue on this path and get my mojo back; one day at a time.

    Day 22, Guildford UK, CFD

    More cauliflower cravings today


    Day 22 – Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Hello all! I am excited to report I have lost 6 pounds and 3 1/2″ off my body since February 1st! All is going well. I don’t feel any deprivation at all with this way of managing my diet. Wishing you all the best!

    Day 22 – Massachusetts – FD?

    Does anyone else ever notice that if you have a challenging workout (heart rate up around ~170) that it suppresses hunger pretty well but that if you focus on fat burning zone (heart rate ~120-150) that it makes you hungrier? Yesterday I had an easy workout and I was very hungry, today I had a hard workout and my stomach has been quiet for hours.

    Anyways, I planned Mon/Weds/Fri to be FD but tomorrow we are getting free lunch and I don’t know if I can resist, so I may switch last minute to a FD today. Pretty busy today anyways, with a challenging workout this morning I haven’t really been that hungry. Tonight I am going to my first ever meditation class, so that should occupy my time/thoughts as it is two hours from 7-9. Then I’ll just come home and go straight to bed, no snacking! Should work, right? 😉

    I’m still weighing myself daily, and that’s helped me stay focused. Stay strong everyone! The end of the month is almost here!

    Day 22, USA, Missouri Ozarks, NFD

    Hello all, finished my three fast days last night and they were great.

    Had cottage cheese, a sliced banana and a few slices of peaches for breakfast – sprinkled with cinnamon and slivered almonds. Along with hot green tea.

    Feeling good, hopefully will make it until dinner time without undoing my three days of good work.

    Off to catch up, to your health all.

    @scribbleartist congratulations! That’s amazing and so encouraging, keep up the good work

    Day 22 UK FD

    Thank you for get well wishes – clearly they worked bc I suddenly felt loads better last night. I’m tired, v fat-eyed and pretty fat-faced but definitely turned the corner 🙂

    Yesterday’s CD was fine, mainly bc I reheated leftover portions from the day before. It felt like lots of food again but somehow that didn’t stop the late evening munchies from rearing their ugly head. Luckily there wasn’t much to munch on. Delighted that I only have healthy food in unless I can find the wherewithal to start baking, which I most certainly can’t. O the wisdom of a healthy shopping list, I’m all stocked up with vegetables & pulses and not a sugar snack or cracker in sight 🙂

    Today’s FD has gone v slowly and grumpily as I’m partly better but not able to work, and facing another week until I get MRI results and wrist treatment plan. It’s started hurting more so now I’m impatient to get it fixed and over with, even if that means surgery. But the forecast return of some very wintry weather from the weekend will put even more pressure on the NHS so I’d better learn some patience stat. Time to reintroduce meditation and mindfulness into my days and get into being where I am – hunger and all! – and focus on goals of health and happiness.

    Pocket list for today** Add yourself if you’re fasting 🙂


    Day 22, Budapest, NFD

    I’ve made some good healthy choices today! Tomorrow is kind of an impromptu FD to make up for some of last week’s excesses. That’s all I got.

    Day 22, Emden Germany, NFD

    ccco USA Day 22 NFD

    Day 22 – Fife, Scotland – FD

    Another car crash day at work whilst fasting. Have managed to hold my fast though.
    I’m expecting a slight reverse in fortunes on the weight loss front tomorrow morning, but will hopefully make it back next week.


    Day 22 – London – FD

    Day 22 – SW WA USA in Aguas Calientes or Machu Picchu.

    @daffodil2010 – Yes drinking lots of coca tea. My son tried chewing the leaves briefly but didn’t care for the taste. May try it just to say I did. As for climbing so far, the foot is doing quite well but the breathing got a bit much so did only a partial climb in Sacred Valley.

    So have appreciated Cusco & Sacred Valley over Lima. The climate is less humid & love the mountain vistas. So majestic & all the amazing crops grown on the terraces.

    Need to go catch up with the group.

    Day 22, UK, FD

    Its been a successful FD, pleased with my below 500 kcal 🙂 . My clothes feel the same though, I don’t see much difference really. Not sure if I should be worried 🤔
    I keep forgetting that I’m in a tortoise club 🐢 , that might be explanation.

    Pocket list for today** Add yourself if you’re fasting 🙂


    Have a good evening everyone 🙂

    ccco USA NFD Day 22

    Had a successful non fast day! Stay strong everyone!

    Day 23 – Japan – FD #14 in 2018 (LFD)

    This will probably be my last full 36 hour fast for a couple of weeks. I’ll probably work in some shorter fasts, but that isn’t what I’m counting. I’ll be in China and travel/teaching is just too stressful as it is for me. However when I’m in China there isn’t really any snacking just meals. The Chinese are more into taking naps than eating snacks. Since I take coffee black, I don’t get anything between meals unless there is some fruit delivered to my desk. Sometimes someone goes through and leaves everyone a fruit. Normally it is something like a tangerine.

    If I were taking an overseas flight I would consider fasting before getting on the plane and then start eating in the destination normal eating hours. That seems to really help with jet lag, however China is only one hour different. The trip is long because of the logistics. Typically it takes a couple hours to get off the plane and through customs in China. Then often another hour to the hotel. Fight is 3 hours and another 3.5 hours from the time I live home to go to the airport before the flight. So around nine hours total travel time.

    I’ll make use of the hotel workout equipment and change my schedule up a bit. Probably eat less fruit for breakfast but more vegetables since the hotel cuts up the vegetables for salad. In Asian it is pretty common to have a lot of vegetables at breakfast, I’m just lazy at home. I won’t have control over lunch or supper very much. A least at supper I can mostly control what I put on my plate. However in China it is really hard to keep track of how much one eats. The plates are typically small but the dishes are many. In a way it is sort of like eating sushi except you don’t end up with the stack of plates.

    Right now my weight is on the heavy side but I worked my upper body hard yesterday and while I ate less then normal it was also saltier than normal. So the 84.9kg isn’t totally unexpected. When the muscles are pushed hard, they often swell a bit while healing. Exercise can make weight a bit unpredictable.

    Day 22 Sarasota, Florida NFD @annemarilyn Wow, what an awesome trip!

    Day 23 NSW Australia NFD
    Hi everyone. Just checking in.
    Enjoy your day and bye for now!

    Day 23 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD but dry till Sat 😊

    Morning all. Yesterday’s CD was over 1000 Cals but less than TDEE. TMI warning ….. did not “go” this morning and blinking weight UP a pound 🤨 . I said sarcastically “ Thanks man!”, to my body, and for about 5 minutes was thinking “hump it” and planning a take away dinner and wine for tonight……and it was only 6an 😱😳😳

    Luckily I copped onto myself, measured my waist and noticed I had dropped another half inch, so that’s nearly 10 inchese since I started this WOL in July 2017 😊. I did my usual trick of putting the tape back to where I was, stood sideways in the mirror …. wow what a difference.

    When I get home from work I will try on some clothes that were too snug last month, hopefully I can fit in now. I certainly look a lot slimmer.

    So I promise not to let the weight on the scale derail me and logging in here today and declaring that I am dry until Saturday makes me accountable 👍. Healthy meal tonight. Tomorrow is 6 Nations rugby 🏉 so will enjoy that knowing I was good ALL week 😇

    @dysask that is so interesting about the logistics of taking a 1 hour flight to China. Hope you have a good trip.
    @scribbleartist super well done 👍 Delighted for you on that loss.
    @annemarilyn Ooh Ooh you are in Machu Pichu!!! So excited for you. Dying to hear what you thought of it. Did you get the train in? Is that river still raging furiously? I had never seen anything like it before. Enjoy.

    DH and I are planning our next South American trip already. It’s not until June 2019 but we are going to Argentina and Brazil and taking in the total solar eclipse on July 2nd. It’s DH’s 50th then……bucket list items ahoy 😁😄

    Happy Friday everyone. Today is a good day to have a good day.

    Day 23 Belfast NFD

    Day 23, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Another weekly Friday weigh-in and 1.2kgs down this week to 83.9kg. Feels GOOD – especially as I only lost 0.3kgs last week. And keeping under the 30 BMI as I was a little worried I would bounce back after a few celebrations.

    Lost this week: 1.2kg
    Total lost so far: 22kg (48 lbs)
    Total to go: 19kg (42 lbs)

    I did two big yoga sessions in this week, including a really good/challenging (for me!) masterclass last Sunday. I do yoga in the fasted state now as my body does better. I’ve gone a bit geeky and started measuring my heart rate just after yoga to see how far I am challenging myself. Easy yoga – 100 beats per minute. Hard yoga up to about 150 beats per minute at the end of sun salutations. My resting heart rate is under 60 now, and used to be mid 70s. After only 7 months and lots of weight still to lose. Glad I didn’t ‘wait’ to take up yoga and started at over 100kgs – it wasn’t easy and I felt embarrassed. I had a very helpful yoga buddy who kept me going and an encouraging teacher.

    My sourdough starter is bubbling away really nicely now – its about a week old after feeding and refeeding every few days. I will attempt my first soughdough home-made bread on Sunday. I’ve been warned the first few loaves may be rock hard and I need to keep trying. I have found that my starter prefers to be fed with organic stoneground brown flour rather than standard white bread flour. Wouldn’t we all like to be fed with organic top-notch food all the time!

    Day 23 London UK. NFD

    Two days since I played tennis. Two steamrollers went over me last night. I ACHE all over. Ouch! And I’ve made a mess of both fast days this week, even after starting the pocket list yesterday. And, weirdly, I feel and look thinner. How is that? Anyway, I’ve decided not to stress about the FD. I’ll just continue as normal, and do my usual Monday and Thursday next week.

    Hope everybody is well out there in the big wide world. It’s going to get very cold here in the UK. Wrap up all the Brits.

    Day 23, London, UK, NFD,

    Taking one day at a time at the moment, it’s kind of boring up here on the plateau, so I’m struggling not to drop my bottom lip and feel sorry for myself, or even worse, head for the cheese!!!!

    I’m off to Pilates soon, so just sipping a cup of coffee and catching up on posts. So I’ll get back to ‘Y’All’ (I love that, I hope @jessyoursize is MIA due to +ve results(!)) a bit later in the day.

    Stay strong everyone, and keep the faith!!!!

    Day 23 – London – CD

    No movement in the scales this week.

    Day 23- Budapest – FD

    Day 23, Surrey (UK), NFD
    Day 22 – FD

    Glad to report a successful FD yesterday, AND I think I had a ‘whoosh’ moment. Scales report 12st 6lb today, a full 1lb below my Feb target of 12st 7lb!

    BUT… as we all know, “Scales are vanity, 5:2 is sanity”! So I shall keep on keeping on. That will be the key to long term success. FWIW I’m definitely in the tortoise club!

    I’ve been reading around this forum a bit more, and following through the links to research papers that have been included in your posts- thank you @simcoeluv and others for those. It’s all so fascinating! Still scratching my head a bit from it all, but am now more aware of my own tendency to jump to conclusions too quickly from reading popular diet books. I’ll write more when I’ve figured it out for myself.

    Day 23 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Managed to complete FD yesterday but I was cold and more hungry than usual. I found it so much easier in summer. To everyone with stubborn scales, don’t be derailed by the numbers – we know they don’t tell the whole truth.

    @flourbaby chin up, its your special day tomorrow so take a day or two to enjoy the celebration then go for a strong Reset on Monday. That might just nudge you off the plateau…….and it seems we all have to spend some time there, I’ve been sightseeing the plateau these past two months, fully intend moving on in March!!!!

    Happy Friday everyone 🤗

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