February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 7 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,251 through 1,300 (of 1,595 total)

  • Day 20, Emden Germany, NFD

    @simcoeluv thanks. Brilliant summary indeed!

    @toddybear I’m so sorry for you’ve been though, it’s so hard to lose loved ones. You deserved the stollen for the tidying up yesterday and your donation to the charity shop.

    @songbirdme you’re such a busy bee, a children’s museum would be just the right thing for me.

    @coda 6 months is a really long time to recover. We never buy anything with palm oil in it, it seems to be in everything, also in expensive chocolate brands. It’s cheap for the companies but we want the rainforest to survive instead of huge palm tree plantations.

    Take care everyone!

    Day 20 NFD Oregon USA

    Made relatively good FD yesterday around 800 calories and 3.5 mile walk…relatively good.
    @simecoluv–that was a truly brilliant summary and I think helps me with perspective on the true benefits of 5:2 and why I am 🐢🐢🐢 my way through.

    I do great with my FD’s and then just blow it all away on NFD’s which in the world of calories just means that my weight loss is slow. And really the 5:2 system is meant to be a slow and steady progress, become a WOL and really change your eating habits over time.

    It’s snowing here @annemarilyn while you are away in Peru. Our first real snow of winter and expecting 2-6 inches today. Hoping that means I get to work from home tomorrow!! 😊❄️❄️

    Only bummer about the snow is that I’m not able to go out on a run today. But will just mean a small reset there too–still plenty of time to get ready for the half.

    @toddybear–I can’t imagine all you’ve been through in such a short time. I wish you continued strength.

    @coda–thinking of you as your son gets ready to go…so bittersweet. My second son is in NYC and it’s so hard to not get to see him all the time. No it’s not half-way round the world, but I can’t get to him quickly, which I know you understand. Hugs as you let him spread his wings. ❤️️

    Trying to finish strong for February. Keeping it to TDEE today is first step. 👍🏻

    Day 20 – UK – FD

    Fast day going well today – around 250cals in the form of oven roasted tomato soup with spinach and some skimmed milk in tea – I am saving a glass of milk kefir for before bed!

    Had a lovely walk in the sunshine with my usual group this morning and attended a High Intensity Pilates session this evening – feeling strong and positive!

    @toddybear – 🤗
    @coda – OH and I have avoided anything with Palm Oil for many years now for exactly that reason!
    @simcoeluv – Thank you for that excellent clarification of 5:2, Dr Fung and Dr Longo views.

    I would just like to share my story as I have gained health wise as well as losing weight following the basic 5:2 since January 2016 (when stuck on a plateau I did some B2B days) – I have lost 22kg and have been maintaining for some 14months now. Health wise, my blood cholesterol has improved over the past 2 years as follows:
    – Serum cholesterol down by 1.54 mmol/L
    – LDL cholesterol down by 1.81 mmol/L
    – Non HDL cholesterol level down by 1.41 mmol\L
    Also my asthma has improved to the extent that I am off all my inhalers – not required any this winter! I will say that I tend to eat more along the lines of a mediterranean diet these days, but also enjoy a slice of cake and a coffee out with OH and/or friends a couple times a week and drink wine on around 4 days of the week as well!!!

    @annemarilyn – keep the travel stories coming xx
    @songbirdme – you make feel positively lazy in my retirement……the whole point of retirement is to do whatever makes us happy and allows us to enjoy life to the full!

    To those stuck on that dreaded plateau or are struggling at the moment – Please stick with this WOL and stay with us for the challenges and we will pull you onto that 5:2 wagon……….
    Just a thought for those struggling (apologies if you have put these in place already)
    – Are you eating to the TDEE for your goal weight and not your current weight??? Do this now so that you lose weight faster and when you reach your goal weight you will also be used to eating much less too!!!
    – Also make sure that you are not underestimating your calorie intake……….
    – Don’t add the calories lost through exercise to your TDEE as this will increase your TDEE and is not useful if you are trying to lose weight unless you are someone who is burning “huge” amounts of calories when exercising………..
    – Make sure that you drink plenty of water each day, at least 2L/68fl oz

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    From My Fitness Pal email today – why we should not overeat! (Like we don’t realize most of this already….)


    ccco USA NFD Day 20

    Due to my excesses, my NFDs will now be 16:8 days with one water fast day per week! I totally went backwards and am now where I started!! 🙁 I tried to cut and paste myself onto a reset pocket group and ended up deleted everyone’s posts instead! Another thing I will have to ask my children
    about!! Anyway, I did manage to write down a few responses before my mishap!

    Toddybear: I emphasize with you! I have a hard time removing memories, too, and my house looks like it! I am sorry you have lost so many family members, especially in such a short span of time!

    Coda: I like your description with the analogy of the two step dance! I seem to be right there with you!

    dykask: I have the same problem! I can’t seem to lose weight in my midsection! My arms and legs are like toothpicks, even with all my exercising!! 🙁

    Even though my cut and paste failed, know that I am with you all in spirit on the reset pocket list!
    Have a great day! Stay strong!

    Pocket list Day 20 – copy and paste if you are fasting. Together we are stronger.



    There we are!

    Day 19, UK, FD
    Day 20, UK, NFD

    It was a working day yesterday, and when I’m at work, due to the nature of my job, I’m restricted with times when I can eat. It doesn’t help because I usually have to eat earlier than I would like.
    Today went ok-ish but the scales have not moved at all. But then, nothing has worked out for me recently so I’m not surprised.

    @toddybear 🤗

    Thank you for making me laugh @penz, with your comment about watching your OH eat and almost asking him whether he really needed the cornchips! 😂

    I’m with you @janejust, I think 5:2 no longer works after some time if your calorie intake is really low on NFD, it ceases to be fasting any more, it becomes just low calorie diet more than anything. Eating sensibly and to TDE of course, but make your body feel those fast days and benefit 🙂

    @ccco you said “cut and paste” , if you did cut and paste you probably lost the post, it needs to be “copy and paste”. To copy and paste:
    1. highlight the text you want to copy
    2. right-click and select “copy”
    3. when you are in the place you want to put it right-click again and select “paste”
    Thats it 🙂

    Have a good day everyone 🙂

    Day 20 UK CD

    Successful FD yesterday but sick & scan was really hard. Eye infection, feeling yuck. Slept all PM yesterday and most of today – can’t do much else! Loved reading the posts

    Day 20 – Massachusetts – NFD

    Yesterday’s FD went well. Today I was aiming for healthy eating, but some free desserts in the lunch room snuck their way into my mouth somehow. D: Will try to eat healthy rest of the day. I am not over my TDEE yet. I am planning on another fast day tomorrow (I’m trying to do 3 fasts a week to get over this plateau. I’m guessing those desserts aren’t helping though…).

    Have a good day all!

    Hello from NI Day 20

    An ok sort of day but my fast day yesterday was not successfully completed 😦. If I was in school my teacher would say ‘could do better’
    Why is it so easy to put on and yet so hard to take off? I had got over one hurdle only to find myself months later back at the same hurdle grrr – @ccco you and me dancing together 👭

    2nd post

    OK..I was just reading back through yesterday’s posts and realized I missed yours

    Made me LOL with “the girls fled the building on day one”…😂😂

    Really though…and sorry for our men in the forum…is it at all fair that
    body fat content is 25% for women at normal size compared to 15% for men??

    And sorry to hear you are not feeling well @michelinme–take care of yourself and feel better. 🤗

    Shinything: Thank you so much for your computer input! I feel silly but tomorrow I will give it a try again.

    My CFD went pretty well but am interested about what I just read about the 5:2 eventually not working. I had wondered if my body would acclimate to a certain calorie count and make that my norm preventing me from losing more weight! I wonder if jigging it up by varying my calorie count each day would prevent this! Just a thought! Have a great fasting day and stay strong!

    Day 21 FD

    I decided to have a few more fast days this week before getting back to uni. I have found konjac fettucine which makes these fast days not as hard mentally, its just the grazing in the evening that’s hard. I have some cooking chocolate ready for making choc chop banana muffins tomorrow, but some of them found their way into my mouth last night, so I relate @leggit haha

    I went to the organic shop the other day, love that place, so many cool different food ideas, I found freeze dried beef broth, you just add a teaspoon to a cup of hot water, all the nutrients and amino acids for health with the least cals, so good on Fast Days.

    Went to the gym today, didnt want to, but got there and so good afterwards.

    My mother and I are going for a walk along the waterfront this afternoon and having a picnic, might bring our wee shitsu dog with us too, she loves the walks.

    Tried my skirt on this morning, it was a tiiight fit, but now after 3 weeks of this 5:2 diet its actually ok, a little snug but better than before, that’s a plus! hoping to be fit them properly in a couple of months

    Good luck those on fast days today, and if anyone has some good tips on how to get through your fast days, I would love to hear them.

    Day 21 Second post

    @ccco I would say that your body will always need a certain amount of calories to burn everyday, regardless of how much under that you consume the body will have to find that energy from stored sources. I dont think it can get used to a 500 calorie diet, there is an amount of calories where the body starts to hold onto fat when the body goes into starvation mode a lot, but I think that’s what makes 5:2 diet good is that I dont think 500 -600 calories on fasting days will do that. Interested to hear your thoughts 🙂

    Day 20 NFD and
    Day 21 NSW Australia CFD
    Hi everyone, just checking in
    Have a good day

    3rd post??

    Sigh…EFS event happening here tonight. No clue why.
    So so so disappointed with myself.

    Can one really need to keep resetting every other day??
    Literally that is what I feel like sometimes.

    I think my personal dance step is much more one step forward…five steps back. 😢😢

    Ok I know I am whining…

    Good night all.

    Day 20 Ireland NFD
    Day 21 FD

    Feel like I am back on track… This will help:
    Starting today’s pocket list:

    Day 21, UK, NFD
    75.4kg. I don’t know why, but I felt a certain urge to eat last night, so day 2 of my B2B ended up close to 800 kcal rather than my normal 0 kcal for an FD. Really ought to have been a couple of kg lower at this stage in the week, so will throw in another FD on Thursday.

    Day 21, Gozo Malta, fd

    Fast at 800 calories today.

    Have a great Wednesday everyone. Onwards and downwards.

    Day 21 – Ireland 🇮🇪- FD

    Good 500 cal FD yesterday, no loss on the scales though, and onwards into my 3rd FD in a row. Has to be done today as I plan to eat with DH tomorrow as he is off work. (Due to his work schedule we rarely even see each other awake during the work week ☹️).

    Going for a liquid FD today.

    I have noticed over the months, that when I have been away and weight increase over the holiday, that I seem to settle on a plateau for about a month afterwards 🤨. We were in Spain in September, 8lb increase, took until early Nov to shift it. We went to Valencia in mid Nov, put on 6lbs, took until December to shift that. Lost well in December and early January……then Peru, 10lb Weight gain, and although I have lost about 5lbs of that the remaining pounds are bouncing about.

    So either no more trips for me (ha ha, not a chance), or take note of what to expect. I trust March will be kinder.

    By the way, who shall I be passing the challenge baton onto for March ………

    My iPad is broken so on my iPhone. Hate typing on it so can’t comment until later.

    Day 21, Newcastle, NFD

    My second attempt at an FD this week didn’t happen yesterday either. It’s now day 12 of the lurgy in our household and it seems to have depleted my powers of resolve. I’m just going to go with the flow for the time being. The positive thing is that I am only eating 2 meals a day and my choices are still good – although I am definitely going over my TDEE.

    Keep on keeping on.

    Day 21 Belfast FD

    Another sunny day. Yay! 🌞

    Here today’s pocket list. If you’re fasting, copy and paste the list and add your name to the bottom ****


    Yes, I echo @daffodil’s call for someone to host next month’s forum. I can thoroughly recommend it; it gives you a focus for your own journey and also a great connection to our lovely international friends. If you can’t manage the spreadsheet, I’m sure someone will help out and post it. Go on…. give a go!

    Stronger than yesterday.💪💪💪

    Day 21- FD- Budapest

    Well, I’ve been gone a while, a little over a week. We had some issues with our apartment, and we had to relocate for a bit, and work out of cafes, eat out, and some stress at home with my husband… and I’m an emotional eater, and I could just not make it work. I’ve also had issues with overeating on NFDs. It made me mad because I am trying to become more balanced, and I felt like I was doing the opposite of what I was trying to achieve.

    Well, I’m back. We’re back in our house and yesterday I had a good NFD (ate controlled and not like a crazy ravenous lunatic lol). I probably won’t reach my Feb weight goal by the end of the month, but that’s ok, I guess. Right now I’m just focusing on being healthy and balanced.

    Day 21 – UK Reading – FD

    My second FD of the week. @daffodil2010 – I was shocked that you did a FD and didn’t lose. That sounds very demotivating. I’m counting on a loss to reach my goal for the end of Feb.

    Day 21, London UK, FD (2nd of B2B2B)

    Feeling like I need February to be over!!!! Just a bit Bleurgh……………….This, despite it being my B’day on Saturday, with a lovely Thai meal planned……………..Hmmm!!!??? I need to find my other type of mojo by Saturday!!!!!

    @michelinme, I guess you managed to remove the ring without an amputation!!! I hope you feel better soon, I know it seems crazy, but Apple cider vinegar, diluted 10:1 to bathe your eye might help, it worked wonders for me last November, just an oddly pleasurable (slight) sting!!!!

    @leggit beware of the absolute worst kind of food ………………………… ‘FREE’ food, When someone dumps boxes of biscuits or entire cakes in the kitchen at work with a cheery post-it saying, ‘please help yourselves’………… I actually feel the anxiety of low resistance, followed swiftly by utter rage!!!! I mean, doesn’t EVERYONE know I have an ‘issue’ with these things!!!?????????????

    @coda & @ccco, I’m joining you, I think we’re going to be a dance troupe to rival the Ziegfeld Follies by the end of the week!!!!

    @mjrbcd44 – You have to remember…………………. NOBODY, ever said life was fair!!!! I know so many men who have never met, let alone worried about meeting the fat fairy, yet she knows exactly where I live……………… even when I move house,…………… and she persists in visiting,………… uninvited!!!! Make sure you put that EFS in the past and carry on regardless!!! You KNOW that regular resetting is going to scupper your efforts so far (re-read your early posts!!!)……………………. So you’ll stop doing it, won’t you???? I’m dragging you back on the wagon, so you really haven’t got a choice!!!!! I realised that my EFS events were my tiny self-destructive head voice, trying to test me, so I’m determined to ignore her and pass that particular test with flying colours!!!!

    Regarding eating to TDEE on NFDs – I’m a great believer in 5:2 working if done properly, I’ve never been on a traditional low calorie diet that worked like 5:2 has, and if you limit your NFD cals to well under TDEE you’re basically on the standard low calorie diet. I think this stalls your fat burning engine (plateau) and you don’t lose anything. The abundance then scarcity of 5:2 eating keeps our body on its’ toes AND you’re consuming fewer calories without the deprivation!!!!

    Onward & downward people!!!!!

    Day 21 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Only a week of this challenge left and OH’s birthday in a few days. I’m enjoying February but its very much feast and fast!!! I’ve done 2 solid FDs every week but also a fair bit of dining out…..I’ll be pleased for no change in weight this month. Planning to shake things up in March when there are no celebrations to indulge in.

    Have a lovely day everyone 😊

    Day 21 from NI Hello all slow day hopefully within tdee

    @snowflake56 I am hoping there was a not missing from your note to me? “6 months is a really long time to recover” you have me worried that i should be further on than i am. I have my 6 mth review with surgeon next month and I’ll see if he suggests more physio.

    Into town tonight with my sons partner. The last time we were in we were looking at makeup and I tried a couple of blushers with very risque names such as orgasm which the boys found very amusing. So when I said I was going into town again they have asked am I going back for more of the same. Made me laugh.

    Day 21, Leeds, UK, NFD
    Starting weight – 82kgs (Jan last week)
    Weight as of today – 76.8kgs (Up 200gms from yesterday)

    Hoping to have a steady day with more water and teas. Good luck to everyone.. Dont give up!!

    Day 21 – SW WA USA – Peru N FD

    Behind in reading posts but checking in from Cusco, Peru. So enjoying the moderate temperatures here compared with Lima. Heading down for some breakfast before an all day excursion to the Sacred Valley. We’ll be walking a lot as we explore these beautiful Andes.

    @daffodil2010 – I’m drinking the matte de coca to help with adjusting to the altitude.

    Day 21, NFD, US

    My planned NFD yesterday was over TDEE as I shared a bottle of wine (and, let’s be honest, the last of the port) with our house guest. So I can relate Mjrbcd44 – but as we all know daily re-setting is not 5:2. You’re still on the dance floor, though, so keep the 5:2 dance-step going and we’ll move forward together.

    Day 21 Stevensville Maryland CNFD

    Yesterday was a good CNFD @at thank you for the tip,

    Are you eating to the TDEE for your goal weight and not your current weight??? Do this now so that you lose weight faster and when you reach your goal weight you will also be used to eating much less too!!!

    I plan to do that on my NFD’s. This week has been a challenge for me for sure. I have managed to stay off the scale so far, (only stepping on the scales on Friday’s). I find that planning my meals ahead of time really helps me stick to my goals. One day at a time for me.

    I know I am down in inches, so feeling good about that and how my clothes are fitting. Might need to buy new spring and summer clothes.

    In a world where you can be anything, be kind and have a great day/night.

    Day 21 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Yesterday’s FD came in about 450 calories — yeah for that. As normal though, I never sleep well after a FD. It’s been that way on the night of a FD almost since I began 3/15/16. Maintenance still going fine.

    Keeping plenty busy again today – Silver Sneakers followed by piano lessons and praise team rehearsal. I do still manage to find time to relax!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 21 Newcastle UK FD 🇬🇧.

    Day 21, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    day 21 Akron OH CD

    Day 21 – USA – FD

    Day 21, Norway, NFD

    Day 21 – Massachusetts – FD

    Shaking things up this week. Got up very early to meet a friend and go swimming at the Y. Feel accomplished 💪but I’m very sleepy and also very hungry. Hopefully this doesn’t sabotage my FD plans! Going to hold out before eating as long as I can, then eat some oatmeal and see how long that lasts me. Likely some caffeine is in the cards as well. I will do this!

    @flourbaby – indeed, free food is the worst food. I have gone out of my way just to avoid free food, usually it works. Yesterday was not one of those days. P.S. Your posts always crack me up. Actually, many posts on here make me laugh. Thanks guys!

    Day 21 UK CD

    Yesterday’s CD had a suprisingly lot of food in it but still came in comfortably under TDEE at c1500 calories.

    Thank you for wellness wishes @mjrbcd44 & @flourbaby. I used the ribbon trick to get the ring off – got v stuck on my knuckle but persevered and off it came! Scan would’ve been cancelled otherwise – thank goodness for early morning inspiration.

    Despite feeling v yuck indeed I had friend visit who’s really struggling with big stuff in her life. We had healthy cake (65 calories) sliced apple, berries plus my current fave hot drink, which makes me think of a liquid Bounty bar. 1 tbsp raw cacao, 1 tsp maca, 20ml alpro coconut milk, 1 tsp honey mixed well together in a mug and topped up with boiling water. Under 80 calories, full of nutrients, great self care; makes me feel cuddled on the inside – a perfect hug in a mug 🙂

    Head swollen with yucky eye infection which has set off nasty trigeminal neuralgia – so strange trying to talk to people about my broken wrist! No choice but to be home and mostly sleeping, listening to the winter olympics or trying to catch up on reading with one eye shut. Sometimes you just have to let go of lists and emails and go with what is.

    I’m sorry so many people are having a hard time and feeling stuck. It’s difficult to keep momentum, energy or enthusiasm when we don’t feel progress, and hard when living in the dog days of winter too. Small changes done daily change lives.

    So, first puppy mishap. Rosa stole my walking sock and when I caught it on, she had demolished the top. Without too much information, we had a trip today to the vet to make sure that there was nothing was stuck in her wee tummy. All is OK thank goodness except my bank balance. I’ve been so vigilant too. Very annoying.

    @michelinme – I’m glad you managed to remove your ring, and hope you get your issues sorted.

    Off to Dublin tomorrow to catch up with young son. Rosa’s first holiday!

    Good enough is good enough and done is better than perfect.”

    Day 21 CD Oregon USA

    Going to try and get my head together today.

    Yes @flourbaby-a definite self-sabotage moment. Odd because I was feeling good about my FD on Monday. I think a lack of planning lead me to hunger in the afternoon and that just started down a snacking path the went from bad to worse.

    The saying that keeps going through my head” I didn’t come this far to only come this far” (which isn’t nearly far enough btw but better than where I was). So yes, back to it. Reset. Back on the wagon…hopefully today will be better.

    Together we are stronger!

    2nd Post

    Struggling a bit on my liquid fast today- I am online now to get inspiration from you guys because I am feeling quite hungry. I KNOW however that I need to get through this LFD as late as possible, and then maybe, just maybe, a wee snack of oat bran porridge at bed time(which means its no longer an LFD but if it keeps me going…..).

    @leggit I am following your plans for this FD with the late evening oat bran. Maybe I won’t have any but I will hold out, like you, as long as possible.

    @mjrbcd44 lets do this,back on the wagon, hauled in by @flourbaby and clinging on for dear life.

    @ktcaroline Thanks for your thoughts, much appreciated. I am not too worried that I did not have a loss after my FD, I figure that I may have had too much salt or something yesterday that held back any weight loss. I notice that sometimes the B2B days don’t work as well as they did back in the early days, my body is trying to stay on this plateau but I will prevail!!! So, if this ever happens to you, don’t be demotivated, the weight will come off, eventually, if you believe that this WOL works. And it DOES work!

    @annemarilyn The Mate de Coca does work, but have you tried chewing the coca leaves yet? I hurt my teeth with the chewing so gave up and went back to the tea. Hope your foot is healing, and that you have a great time in the Sacred Valley. If you climb to the top of the Inca citadel in Ollyantyantambo, WELL DONE, as myself and DH only managed half way up before giving up. Middle age and altitude was the excuse.

    @debster251 I hope Rosa is recovering and has a lovely trip with her Mom to Dublin tomorrow. What a scamp.

    @michelinme Get well soon

    Here today’s pocket list. If you’re fasting, copy and paste the list and add your name to the bottom ****


    Day 21 – USA – FD

    Adding myself to the list:


    Day 21, Emden Germany, NFD

    @coda don’t worry, it will be well eventually, but why do you still have a slight limp? Perhaps a few more physio sessions?

    @michelinme sorry to hear you’re not only having the wrist issue but also suffer from a trigeminal neuralgia, I hope it will get better soon.

    Take care everyone!

    Day 21 – Fife, Scotland – NFD

    Another rubbish day at work meant a real craving. Held off until dinnertime then went to the local shop for a scotch pie and a fudge doughnut! It’s not helping!!
    Back to fasting tomorrow, hopefully all goes better tomorrow.


    Day 21 – London – FD

    Day 20 NFD
    Day 19 NFD
    Day 18 CD

    Day 21, UK, NFD

    Just reporting today.

    Day 21 – UK – CD

    Busy day and a very controlled day after a successful FD yesterday 😌

    Feeling good!

    Day 21, Guildford UK, CFD

    Vegetables today


    ccco USA FD Day 21

    I have had a very successful fast day today and am happy about that. I think for now my best bet is to stay with the 5:2 diet letter of the law, as water fast days are not working for me. At night I found myself wide awake all night, then I suddenly became so tired I slept most of the day. Finally, I ended in a couple of major binges and I am not one to binge. Doing the FD with a 500 calorie or less food count works for me. Maybe in the future, I will try a water fast again but for now I will stay with the original program and see where that takes me! 🙂

    Thanks for all the links that were given to us yesterday. I checked them out! I found the articles on MyFitPal (I think I got that right!) most helpful. One article was about dietitians busting myths was particularly helpful. One myth they mentioned was one I recently saw. I almost fell for it. It recommended not drinking water when eating because the water could dilute the digestive juices. I was considering it and am glad to find it to be a myth.

    Good luck everyone and stay strong! 🙂

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