Thank you all for the hugs and support, without them I couldn’t cope with this way of life.
Not losing much weight but it’s going down slowly….. very slowly
This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by ccco 7 years ago.
Day 18 slow and controlled and its hello from NI
@rainbowsmile – hugs and just like any storm it will pass. Just hunker down and deep breaths. I thought it was all sorted but hopefully you will put it all behind you soon, for good.
@songbirdme – OH and i are good thanks x
@debster251 – yes Donegal beaches (sigh) even when the wind is blowing does the soul good.
One week to go 😢
Hi. Thanks to everyone for advice on coconut oil and its uses. I’ll pop up Kings Road today and have a look at the Argan moisturiser. The trains are on strike, so it might take longer than usual.
NFD. Day 18. Slept very badly last night after that AF wine, and I’ve managed to get a cold as well. Olbas oil at the ready. Bleeeeurgh.
Day 18, London, UK, NFD
I had another CD yesterday, OMAD but that ONE was highly calorific; thankfully it was just the one so I’ll call it controlled!!!
@coda, no Lions midget gems here. Just the Maynard Bassett ones, I think I should get shares since I’ve added so much to their coffers over the years with my wine gum ‘issue’!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought of you yesterday as I snaked my arm around Jason Vales’ waist and had a lovely squeeze!!!! I saw him at the Better You Expo in London, and he signed my book, at which point I grabbed hold (like a limpet!!!), had numerous pictures taken, then when he looked at me and said “Do I know you” for a second (or 5) I thought of responding…………. “Biblically Jason, Biblically!!!!!!”…………. But knowing that would lead to him shouting “Security” I just smiled, blushed, said “No, not me”, and sauntered off…………….. can we say ‘Starstruck’?????? Humour is my downfall as much as cake, I think the phrase ‘could laugh her into bed’ was made for me!!!!!!! He’s sooooo engaging!!!!
@onahealthyhigh, I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been called wise!!!!!! Resetting is a lifesaving decision, what else can we do??? Resetting included going back and reading my posts from that really successful period when I was thinking, “Yeah!!!!! This is working and its sooooooo simple!!!!!” I’ve been there and you forget that uphill is still ……….. uphill!!!! Sometimes it’s a doddle, you could hold a conversation doing it, but sometimes you’re puffing & panting but you just have to stick your bum out and keep putting one foot in front of the other!!!!!
@rainbowsmile, stay strong, my friend!!! Just keep thinking, “Revenge Bod” ”A*se” ”Revenge Bod” ”A*se” ”Revenge Bod” ”A*se”!!!!!!!!!!!!
@strawberriesandcream, I’ve always found a sharp jab to the kidneys stops that unsanitary, inappropriate, stupid behaviour!!!!!!
There’s been some mention of snacking lately, I have to say it’s the one thing I don’t do, I may hurl myself off of the wagon from time to time (!) but snacking is like giving the dragon his very own personal, gold plated set of keys to the cage!!!!!!!!
Just thinking about the biggest lightbulb moment regarding 5:2 ……………………….. Did anyone ever say about 5:2, “When this diet is over I’ll treat myself to….?????” Knowing you can have ‘it’ today, if it’s a NFD, or tomorrow because today’s a FD, makes that whole long term deprivation followed by spectacular derailment & a return to old habits something not associated with 5:2……………….. Thankfully!!!
Keep the faith people!!!!
Day 18……Florida…..NFD
Good Morning Beautiful People!
Today, I’m think this is going to be quite the day food wise, everyone is going to be home today and being Sunday, my MIL being here and my hubby off from work, the hubby will make his famous no egg omelet. It’s a tried and trus favorite around here.
Not to make anyone hungry but it’s made with potatoes, peppers red and banana, onion, fresh ham and mozzarella. It’s fried until it gets a nice crunch glaze on it.
So that’s to start, what else may happen after that…… well it just could be the death of me today!
However……. knowing all of this before I even take my first bite of the day, I’m going to take this as a test of strength and will power! Just because it is there, just because it available and just because it offered, does not mean 1…….I have to eat it all! 2. I can lose my ever lovin’ mind 3. I have to say 2nd please!, although, I have always done this!
I have the strength and willpower to say……Just a small piece, no toast for me with it, and it’s so good but I just can’t take another bite!
I am not hitting that reset again Monday morning…..I’m going to work through it!
@button resetters………
I’m hoping your all fairing well! 5:2 WOL affords us the opportunity to jump back on after each day and try like hell to manage our weight and our Heath. We’ve come so far….. the struggle make the journey tough but it’s make reaching our destination so much sweeter! Yes, You can do this!
@rainbowsmile……. don’t lose hope, you got this! Sometimes the process is slow but I always consider the slow process as my body trying to catch up with what my mind and heart already know! Keep it up, your whoosh, is right around the corner!
Well……I’m off! I have some veggies to get out of the garden this morning!
I talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!
Day 18 USA (Illinois) NFD
Off to sing with the praise team at church shortly. Going to make today a very CD, likely 16:8. Supper meeting tonight promises to have soup and sandwiches.
I heard the funniest guy from Facebook do about 15 accents, speaking English, but with all of “our” ways. He is very talented. It takes an excellent ear to differentiate the variations, and then a great vocal fluidity to create them. Can’t figure out how to copy that, but it sure made me think of all of you!
Onward and downward.
Day 18, Rocky Mountains, US, CD
I am not caught up with all the posts because of my Olympic fever.🥇🥈🥉 Watching TV most hours of the day with dog walks/hikes in between. Now throw in the biggest snowstorm 🌨❄☃️ of this winter season that will arrive within the next few hours followed by the coldest air 🌬 this winter season, a holiday tomorrow and it is the perfect cocktail for hibernating and the watching Olympics! 😄😄😄
Yesterday’s lower weigh in was a fluke as suspected but I just have to accept that I joined now the tortoise club. 😊
Eating well, no sugar, very little or no alcohol will continue!
Have a good Sunday everyone and a good long weekend all who are in the US!🌻🌼🌹
Day 18 USA Wisconsin FD
Hello everyone! Feeling strong for my FD today. Planning to have (as usual) OMAD towards evening. Until then, hot coffee and tea, which I can seem to drink all day with no ill effects. When we were in Costa Rica recently we visited a coffee plantation. If was fun learning about how coffee is grown, harvested and roasted, and I bought a lot of coffee when we visited supermarkets in various towns. When it’s gone, I’m lucky to have a great local coffee company that roasts and sells Fair Trade coffees within walking distance.
Activity today – earlier I walked almost 5 miles at the mall, and now planning to do housecleaning and laundry, which will include lots of stair climbing in our old three-story house.
Wishing a great day to all. Take care, Markie
Day 18, Emden Germany, NFD
@annemarilyn @debster251 and @onahealthyhigh after a sleepless night we sorted it out, I’m fine living here for another 2 years and he’s fine with working a few times a month. He loves his work and I was the one wanting to retire. I think it was wrong to go into retirement without any plans at all, we wanted to go just with the flow, not very wise. We are now making plans what to do in three weeks. I don’t want to live in the Netherlands on my own, that’s not what I’ve been married for so long. There will be coming up more houses that we both like, our best fiends thought we were mad anyway and called it a listed (always difficult when a house is listed) money pit (but we always feel attracted to money pits, they are just more fun). @annemarilyn have a great time in Peru, I hope your foot doesn’t bother you too much. @onahealthyhigh the mice story was really horrid, it took so long to get rid of them.
@coda is your foot like is was before the operation again or do you still have problems with it?
@shinything thanks for the advice on “how to not lose a post”. Will try to copy and paste.
@lindasue I have the same time problem with the internet. I wanted to look up something this morning, a few clicks later I was on the Guardian site and read an article on the closing of DVD- and bookshops, from there I go to the trailer of the movie”The Bookshop” with Bill Nighy. The story sounded familiar so I had to look up who wrote it, found out I own the book, had to go and find it. This cost me 2,5 hours, so I’m also trying (not always succesfully) to limit the time I spend on the internet.
@michelinme I like your chattyness, please go on with it. Lucky you for being able to forage in the neighbourhood, Good luck on the MRI scan tomorrow, it’s time to find out what’s wrong with it.
@lemons I hope you get well soon!
@rainbowsmile I also thought you were through, but eventually you will, I wish you stength and send you virtual hugs!
@dingping when I started doing 5:2 I looked up the amount of calories on everything I ate. I found out, I mostly eat and combine the same things, if I eat something new I look up how much calories it had and try to fit it in. I only have 1300 calories to spend so I have to watch out.
Tomorrow I’m going to try a FD, haven’t done one for a long time, but this weekend I overdid it.
Pocketlist for Day 19, if you want to join please copy and paste and add your name to the list
Take care everyone!
Day 18 – SW WA USA – FD
It’s a travel day as I head to the airport shortly for Peru. Thought I’d go for an FD – about 800 today. Not sure why @flourbaby but as I was reading your post, I pulled out a dark chocolate with almonds Sugar free bar (Trader Joe’s). I won’t be arriving in Lima until early morning so planning on keeping it light as I travel south to summer.
@daffodil2010 – due to my left foot metatarsal still being in the healing mode, I’m taking a little more footwear along to be able to switch out if necessary. Your word pictures from your earlier journey to Peru have created great anticipation.
@rainbowsmile – I’m glad you’re on this journey with us. We’re all at different places on the wellness journey. So many facets of life affect one another. As I came out of an abusive relationship as well, I know it was important to start getting new tapes going in my mind. Some things that helped me were Abuse Recovery Ministries (ARMS) based out of Oregon,plus book and other supports from Dr. Cloud & Townsend like their book “Boundaries” (worth buying) – they have a lot of online support available. Sometimes the recovery journey seems long but with this international forum and other things you’re doing, you are making progress. (((hugs))) & prayers
I better go get ready… Together we are stronger!
Day 18 – Ireland NFD
I fell off the rails in the last three weeks with friends visiting and lack of will power…but think part of the issue was that I’d done really well in such a relatively short amount of time…so may have become a little too cocky in myself! Not that any one other than my BF even knew that I was 5:2ing.. have to get back on track and apply myself …work has been so busy so have not been snacking but I usually use lent as a 40 day challenge and pigged out big time before hand… and am now paying for that…I must get back to reading your posts and committing to at least 2 FD s a week.i am in this for the long haul!
Onward and downward!
Day 18 – Massachusetts – nfd
Yesterday was Chinese New Year and some of my friends celebrated by cooking a delicious dinner. While I was controlled for the dinner, I ate many yummy desserts. Despite the indulgence, the scales didn’t change this morning so I’m going to just keep going!
Cooked some delicious curry today, preparing my meals for the week. Would like to get to the gym but I’m not too motivated so we will see what happens.
Day 18, Newcastle, NFD
@annemarilyn – delighted to hear your mind has been put at rest and you can go off on your Peru adventure with no worries. All the best.
@toddybear – my belief is that snacking in between meals was yet another marketing ploy by the ‘food’ industry to make more money. If we go back to year dot when we were hunter-gatherers we were actually fasters who intermittently ate when we managed to catch something. Fortunately for us on this forum – we’ve cottoned on to their wily ways. Great to hear you are in a good place and on a roll 🙂
@songbirdme – ooh err Missus! Morning Glory muffins has a whole different meaning in the UK I believe………….. (says she, bringing down the entire tone of the forum…….) Btw – our Olympics coverage theme tune is entirely different. Not nearly so uplifting.
@michelinme – looking forward to the flapjack recipe and loving your posts – wouldn’t dream of skipping!
@lemons – sorry to hear you’ve had such a rough time of things. You must do whatever your body is telling you right now. When the weather improves, you may feel a fast day is easier to achieve.
Oh heck @snowflake56 – that’s a spanner in the works you weren’t anticipating. Sure you’ll work it out in time, but glad you’re back here to offload. Big hug!!
@leggit – I think accepting this is a lifestyle change and a never-ending journey, can help take the self-inflicted pressure off. When the time is right, a fast day will be no problem.
Thanks for the further messages of support re both foot & cold – much appreciated.
We’d have been thrown of the coach @flourbaby – although I can tell you that’s exactly what OH was itching to do. I wouldn’t care, but they promptly plonked themselves down next to us at the Airport as well!!
All the best for a good start to our new week.
Day 18 Stevensville Maryland USA
CNFD so far I have been able to stay under my TDEE’s over the weekend. Planning out my FD meals for tomorrow. My new Yunmai scale came today so of course I had to weigh myself (trying to stay off the scales until Fridays). Up half a pound from Friday, I guess it is because I weighted while fasting on Friday morning. 🙁 oh well a new week coming up.
In a world where you can be anything, be kind, have a great day/night.
ccco USA CNFD Day 18
I’ve been on a 16:8 regimen for the past few days and am on a controlled NFD today in preparation for tomorrow’s total water FD. I am loving my new Mediterranean diet, so tasty! I wanted to share about what I found about Ramadan on line the other day. I googled fasting instead of intermittent fasting and a whole new world opened up! LOL I questioned what we should eat coming off a fast, especially the longer fast and found myself on a site for a hospital emergency room in Dubai. It was very interesting. The doctors were talking about how many more patients they have during Ramadan because so many people don’t know how to come off a fast properly. Their instructions for their patients were to eat only about two dates and something to drink. Wait a few hours until prayer and then have a meal. Their patients were eating too much coming off the fast and these problems were everything from acid reflux to digestive issues. Now I know what I will do when I come off my water fasts because I have been having similar problems! Have a great Sunday, everyone! 🙂
Day 18 Lexington, NC NFD
Since last Friday, I’ve been sooo busy, cooking, cleaning getting my Dad ready for surgery on Friday of this coming week. He has to eat more to get his strength up for surgery. So it’s been potatoes, bacon or sausage, eggs and French toast. I’ve had small portions… I’d like to get back to my small portion of yogurt for breakfast but he doesn’t want us eating different things at meals 🤣 I will find a way though. 😅 I’m enjoying reading everyone’s posts!😍
@diana I love your quote and I agree! 😊
In a world where you can be anything, be kind, have a great day/night.
✨✨Wishing Everyone Well!✨✨✨
Day 18 UK NFD
Quick check in – unexpectedly full day so I’m late, not prepared for supper or for tomorrow.
Here’s the experimental flapjack recipe. I made it on Friday with less of both coconut oil and honey, but I think it needed a bit more of each so I’ve added them and altered the calorie count, but added the calories for each in case you want to tweak it too. (I’m out of oats so can’t make it again to check- just got side-tracked into making a chocolate, beetroot and banana cake instead!)
Chocolate & banana dairy-free flapjack
adapted from: Hedi Hearts Clean Eating Recipes
Prep time10 mins
Cook time40 mins
Serves: 12
Ingredients / calories
2 cups/180g oats 600
200g very ripe bananas 180
1/2 cup / 105 ml melted coconut oil 940
2 tbsp/40g honey 128
2 tsp cinnamon 12
1tsp powdered ginger 12
1 tsp vanilla extract 12
⅓ cup/ 50g raisins 143
¼ cup/35g chopped almonds /seeds 207
2tbspn/20g raw cacao 62
pinch of salt
TOTAL Calories 2246
If cooked weight = 650g=345 calories per 100g/12 pieces=188 calories each)
1. Pre-heat oven to 175C degrees/fan 160C
2. Grease square dish with coconut oil
3. In a small bowl mash the bananas with melted coconut oil, honey and vanilla extract.
4. In a large bowl mix the oats, cinnamon, ginger raisins and almonds.
5. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, mix
6. Pour into the prepared baking dish; bake c40 minutes or until top is lightly brown. Cool, chop, eat 🙂
Quick catch up b4 lights out.
@michelineme – thanks for the recipe and your hard work. I’m going to give it a good so I have something nice to look forward to on my slow days.
@annemarilyn – safe travels and we look foward to hearing all about it.
@okeydokey – hope all goes well for your Dad x
@snowflake56 – thank you for asking and remembering! My foot is not back to what it was, yet. I think my whole foot has to re-learn the correct balance so it has been a bit of a surprise to me that it is taking longer than i imagined. I still walk with a slight limp as i feel it in my ankle but I managed to walk a few miles at the weekend. I’m going to try some stop start running soon and see how it holds up. It will be 6 months next month. I guess I have to be patient and one day I won’t even think of it.
Nite from me x
Day 18, UK, NFD
Very late post, I’ve been at work all day till late in the evening … Just read all posts , I always enjoy reading them 😍
@ccco that’s interesting, about fasting and coming off fasting. I’ve seen my colleagues breaking their Ramadan fast with few dates, but I didn’t know why they do it that way, it makes sense now, and its useful to know 🙂
@okeydokey hope all goes well with your dad’s surgery 🤗
Have a good evening everyone ❤
ccco USA Day 18 NFD: This was my first noncontrolled eating day. I thought I would try several days of a complete fast.. I bought some bone broth, which I have never had before. I saw it in this forum for the first time, so I thought I would give it a try. My sister said it was awful! LOL We’ll see! I can always get some regular broth if this doesn’t work! I planned a busy day for tomorrow, which should help me through, along with all the food I ate today!! 🙂 In any case, the first fast day isn’t hard for me. It’s the rest of the time that is difficult! Wish me luck! Stay strong everyone! 🙂
Day 18 NFD Oregon USA
Late post–will catch up more tommorrow!
@AnneMarilyn–best wishes for a great trip and safe travels–I know you are already on your way.
Today was a total over TDEE. 16:8 but then my DH and I went to a tiki bar/hawaiian restaurant that we’ve been trying to go to for years. Two creamy coconut drinks, drunken noodles and sweet chili chicken wings. But so good. 🙂
Little snow flurries here today but still planning on a run tomorrow.
On to Monday!
Day 19 – Japan – FD 83.7kg
My weight is okay but I’m disappointed that I miscounted my fast days. This is only #13 in 2018.
The big problem I have is with my fat loss. I have very little fat on my face, upper torso, arms, butt or legs … but I’m still packing some around my middle. I’ve lost too much fat in my face, I even have some loose skin below my chin that sometimes sags. UGLY! Hopefully fasting will help tighten it up, but it will take months. I still have at least 15kg of fat, so I could afford to lose a few kg from around my middle.
Day 19 Reading UK FD
Like @daffodil2010 I overdo it at the weekend, then have to start again. Not clever. But I’ve bought a book on intermittent fasting, so hope that will give me some new ideas.
Day 19, Newcastle, LFD
Started by @snowflake56:
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Together we are Stronger.
Day 19, Leeds, UK, FD
Starting weight – 82kgs (Jan last week)
Weight as of today – 77.5kgs (Up 400gms from Friday) 🙁
As expected the weekend got to me (munching and been a couch potato). No surprise there to see the scales show increase in weight. Felt so bad really. Hopefully this week is better, targetting 76kg, 1.5kgs to cut down. Lets see. Starting with Fasting day today. Another FD on friday, might add one more FD on wednesday, lol.
Good luck to everyone. Keep the motivations going on!! Best forum ever.
@shinything Thanks and good luck to you too.
Day 19, London, UK, NFD,
Another NFD, going back to basics (for me anyway!!) just my usual B2B2B at work Tues- Thurs, sometimes I throw an additional FD in at the weekend because I’m not great having more than 2 NFDs in a row. This weekend I managed to stay relatively controlled, but I really am looking forward to tomorrows FD.
@coda, to be honest, I got one of the free tickets and really only went for one thing!!! 1 ½ hrs of JV speaking was fabulous, he makes so much sense!! The Expo wasn’t really for me, lots of life coaches, seminars on empowering women and how to enhance your life for £X etc. although the shiatsu massage trial was good.
Good grief @annemarilyn, I hope my post didn’t encourage you to snack on that sugar free bar!!!! With all the heat and walking you’ll burn it off quickly anyway…………… Stay safe & Enjoy Peru……………. Jealous, again!!!!!
@strawberriesandcream, I thought ‘it’ about the morning glory muffins, but I felt I couldn’t possibly comment!!!! So glad your filter isn’t as sensitive as mine!!!!! To avoid being thrown off the coach, maybe a stage whisper to your OH, perhaps ……… “I hope you remembered to rub on that lotion, considering you’re still HIGHLY infectious” ……… would have done it!!!
Stay strong everyone, we KNOW this works, but we still have to work IT!!!!!
Day 19 UK FD
Defintely podgier after a weekend with too much bread a whole mini-batch of *healthier* chocolate & banana flapjacks. Need to drink lots of water and enjoy the focus of the day, saving my calories for supper time. The food’s already laid out in the fridge – i’ve been calling it my “fast food” 😀
Tired & grumpy day, easy to get caught up in negativity but I’m going to try to mindfully switch to more helpful frame of mind. Letting go of moans and struggles and resetting my mind to gratitude and noticing positives.
Just realised I’ve got to get ring off before MRI scan – ulp. My white gold wedding ring has been fine for brain & spine MRIs but looks like not so much for a scan on the same hand. Loved the white gold but apparently that means there’ll be soemthing magnetic in it. I moved it when I got divorced about 20kg ago. This could be interesting!
Have a good Monday all
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Day 19 Belfast FD
Pedalling backwards☹️
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Second post
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Hello from NI Day 19 fast day
Dancing along with many 2 steps forward, 3 back 2 to the side – all together and slide…. 💃💃💃
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London UK Day 19
Adding my name to today’s pocket list. Don’t feel that great today. My bones ache for some reason. Off to have lunch with my sister, but I’ll just have coffee. Bleeeeurgh.
Day 19 – UK – NFD
Day 18 – NFD
Day 17 – NFD
A lovely nurturing weekend – attended a Saturday morning Pilates workshop on Fascia and yesterday was so lucky to attend a Love Yourself Yoga Day!
Unfortunately I also nurtured myself with plenty of great food and lots of 🍷🍷 over the weekend and today will not be much better – ladies who lunch date with 7 others which will involve some 🥂 no doubt……..But tomorrow will be a definite FD
@fivetwofan5252 and @taraga- nice to hear from you again and to know that you are doing well x
@johnnyr – enjoy the week in the French Alps ⛷
@annemarilyn – look after that foot of yours whilst trekking and enjoy Peru
@basyjames – (((Hugs))) – New week = New start – We have got you x
@diana123 – How wonderful you are doing great – so happy for you
@ccco – slow but sure does it – remember that 5:2 is a WOL! I still do 2 x FD each week and have been in maintenance for over a year now (+/- 2-4lbs on any given day but always below target!) and like @califdreamer and @songbirdme said “Yeah for our skinny jeans! ” If I could do this so can you 🤗
@coda – a bracing walk by the coast can be so invigorating! and absolutely right in not sticking your head in the sand again – positive thoughts coming your way for your son’s imminent travels! I was one that moved far away – to the UK leaving mum/dad and sister behind in Australia……….
@steve-toon-taxi-driver and @Strawberriesandcream and anyone else struggling with ill health – hope you all start feeling better soon
@toddybear – what a great post – thank you for sharing
@songbirdme – had never heard of morning glory muffins!!!!!!! so had to look it up – they do sound yummy but as you say needs to be eaten judiciously! (great word that!!)
@michelinme – been enjoying your posts – keep them coming! Good luck for your MRI scan today and I think I will be trying your flapjack recipe soon x
@snowflake56 – good to hear that you and your OH have sorted things out regarding retirement plans. Things always have a way of working out. My OH was the opposite from yours – although also a medic he retired early as he was fed up with the politics in the NHS – he had to wait for 2 years for me to catch up and retire and make our dream move from the South of the UK up to Cumbria. I made a conscious decision not to make plans for my retirement and see what life brought me…….and it has not disappointed.
@rainbowsmile – sorry to hear things are still ongoing with your difficult ex – I thought it was sorted out – stay strong!
What a great community we are – full of support and advice and hugs whenever needed – so understanding of each other and no judgement – the world could learn so much from our multinational little community ………..
“You Can’t Cross a Sea Merely by Standing and Staring at the Water.” ~Rabindranath Tagore
Day 19 – UK – NFD
Going for a controlled day today but it’s set to be a stressful one. Two years ago, after my Dad passed away, we moved into his house. We have been sorting through belongings bit by bit but I have been finding it hard… we lost my Mum, sister and brother in the space of 12 months so many of the ‘treasures’ Dad had stored stimulate beautiful memories of these three wonderful people. As I try to sort and make decisions all those memories of these fabulous people come flooding back (usually closely followed by tears!!).
Anyway – having one part of my life under control at the moment (Thanks 5:2 and this brillian forum) I feel ready to tackle another… I feel duty bound to make headway (even if we had children I couldn’t leave all these boxes to them!) – I must remember their memories are not created by ‘things’ and with any luck the local hospice shop (which so wonderfully supported my brother in his final days) will benefit from my new resolve!
@Strawberriesandcream – I am convinced the reason we hear so little about the value of IF is that it is of such little commercial benefit to the food industry and I agree with you that the ‘snack’ industry is promoted for the opposite reasons.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Day 19 USA WI FD
Yesterday’s FD crashed in the late afternoon, so pressing reset today. Not too much damage, but scale is not moving in the right direction.
Plan is for a successful FD and completing activity (teaching water and yoga classes, riding at least 5 miles on the bike). It would be so easy to give up (9 pounds from goal!) but giving up is not part of the plan.
Thank you all for posting and keeping me motivated and inspired. Good luck to everyone today.
Take care, Markie
Reset Day! Day 19 Akron OH FD
Yesterday was the first day in a week that I did not succumb to temptation and have a beer, which would lead to indulging in refined carbs etc etc etc.
I was not happy with the trend I was noting with my choices and I am happy to firmly reset and get back on track. Ten days to March, we can do it
Thanks AT for the encouragement. I am adding myself to the pocket list, I haven’t done that in a while
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8:38 am
18 Feb 18