Day 16, Emden Germany, NFD
This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by ccco 7 years ago.
Day 16 – Fife, Scotand – NFD
Positive day today, weighed in this morning and had lost another three quarters of a pound. The losses have all been small but consistent so I’m happy with how things are going in general.
As a non fast day today, as usual I ate heartily, probably too heartily given my lack of cycling miles this week. Work again tomorrow, then a good pedal on Sunday will hopefully keep me heading in the right direction.
Have a great weekend folks.
Day 16 California NFD Maintenance
After yesterday’s FD I was down 1 kg from yesterday. So at 58.1 this morning. It’s weird how my weight can fluctuate so much between FD and NFD. I do tend to overeat on NFD, mostly in the form of snacking. But I am making a point of sticking to healthier snack foods like raw nuts, fruit and whole grain breads which I try to keep at a minimum.
I’m beginning to think that once weight is lost, the body accepts that as the new set point and tries to come back to that, if you stick with the 5:2. And avoid alcohol. Alcohol (wine for me) is the one thing that throws a monkey wrench into the whole thing, makes me gain, and makes it hard to get off. I only drink about once a week, if that, and then it’s only a couple glasses of wine. But lately I’ve been avoiding even that. Fitting into my skinny jeans is more important to me than a couple drinks that wear off quickly anyway.
Day 16, UK, NFD
I stepped on my scales today and, just like @debster251‘s , they don’t budge 😠 , so I think you have a fight on your hands @mjrbcd44 for that Queen of the tortoises title 😂 . Ah well, we keep strong and don’t give up 😎
At the same time, I’m really happy for you @suresh3101 and @scotrodg, great going , steady is the best 😀
I hope you are feeling better @ccco, you are missed here 🤗
@at and othersthat lost their long posts (thats so frustrating!) I usually write my post, and then just before I press “Submit”, I select/copy it, so if it goes awol at least I don’t have to type it again, I can just paste it. Just little habit I developed after it happened to me few times on some other forums 🙂
Have a lovely weekend everyone 🌹
ccco USA CNFD Day 16:
Wow! I really need to get on here earlier because I just can’t keep up in order to respond to everyone! I did take some notes, though, and will try.
Thanks you for worrying about me! I did it to myself, so it seems. I did seem research last night both on old posts here and something else I want to share. I will have to do that later because I don’t have enough time right now but this will be well worth sharing. It answers some questions I had and some of the other newbies had but aren’t in the newbie faqs! Anyway, I did two wrong things and have learned my lesson! One is that I cannot drink coffee (whether caffeinated or decaffeinated) on water fast days! It is way too acidic and causes my acid reflux! 🙁 Love coffee!!! Also, my Valentine’s Day went sideways! LOL I gave up eating sugar when I was only 18! That’s about when Sweet and Low came out! Also LOL Anyway, that evolved into no cakes, candies, etc. and I didn’t miss them at all eventually! I decided to make Valentine’s Day a sugar feast after all these years. Lo and behold, I can no longer eat refined sugar without getting sick! Those two mistakes were a good learning opportunity for me! Between the acid reflux 🙁 and the sugar bloating, I felt so sick that I couldn’t eat anything! I will find something new to do next year!
I found that I bloat easily when doing water fasting, so in my boredom yesterday, I surfed the internet and came across something unexpectedly which I will share later. It has to do with Ramadan fasting and is something we should keep in mind.
AnneMarilyn: Hope your foot isn’t broken! That would certainly curb your lifestyle, not to mention prevent exercising! 🙁 When I was younger I was a competitive runner. Due to that, I have broken every toe in my feet and collapsed my metatarsal bones! 🙁 Fortunately, while I don’t have the prettiest feet, I can still walk! 🙂
CaliDreamer: I agree with you! I seem to have the same problem!
SongBirdMe: Thanks for the Chicago link! We seemed to have gone for 11 days straight without a single murder! That didn’t happen last year! Unfortunately, that record was broken two days ago. In case you didn’t know, the police don’t include people who were shot but didn’t die in this stats!
I am jealous of many of you, as you are approaching your goals and I am not, despite my best efforts and not going off target, but I am tenacious (not including Valentine’s Day)!
For everyone else, stay strong! 🙂
Day 14, 15, 16, USA, Missouri Ozarks, NFD
Hello all, hope everybody who celebrated had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. Ours was wonderful, very grateful to have such love in my life.
Eating is going well, exercising is going GREAT, still guzzling my tea and water. Went out to eat the last three days but didn’t indulge at all (psst, okay I did have my weekly Wendy’s frostee (and made it into a float with Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper. y u m m y …. )
Am trying to stay up with the thread but am also trying to limit my computer use to a few minutes here and there every couple of days (other than for work, of course where I am chained to two laptops and a tablet, haha…)
I heard tech expert Kim Komando (hope I spelled that right) talking about how she deleted her personal Facebook account and has never felt so “free” in her life. Well, I never had a FB account but I did find myself just aimlessly reading my laptop for no real reason at all, just stupid stuff like – last words of famous people – I drank cider vinegar for thirty days and here is what happened – what these 70s start look like today – why the Kardashians do whatever… – how the Queen will command the new Royal bride to wear nude pantyhose at public events, will she rebel at the suggestion — etc. etc. etc. SO, I moved my laptop into my exercise room and just log on every couple of days to check here and another health site. I get my emails, etc. on my Kindle Fire and that works out just fine.
I do try to read and catch up and continue to wish everybody well – we are over halfway through the month. Crazy, huh?
Day 16 – USA – FD
@bert1802, you have such a knack with saying what I’m thinking!! Over the past year I’ve been on this thread, we have had some very major tragedies, and many of us have discussed them, but the gun issue has not really been discussed. I shy away from revealing that I am a gun owner and carrier. I am a city girl, like you, but I got introduced to guns a few years ago as a form of recreation and self-defense. I’m so glad I have my concealed carry license. Now that I am living alone, I know that I can defend myself if I need to. I hope I never have to.
I’m glad you raised your kids to realize that guns are tools to be respected, used for hunting meat to eat and for target practice. I’m positive that none of you are dying to shoot up other people. The last thing a responsible gun owner and carrier wants is to have to use it on another human being. A concealed carry permit is a privilege, costs money, training and a serious attitude about safety.
Day 16 North Wales 🏴 NFD
Maintenance going well. Still doing two fast days a week but eating more or less what I like the rest of the time. Have been listening to the audiobook Alcohol Explained. Not sure who recommended it, I have read quite a few posts about it. It has certainly made me think. I usually drink wine on a Friday night, but not tonight. This forum has been helpful in so many ways, not just about the 5:2. Have a good weekend everyone and remember TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER 💪💪💪💪💪
Hello all from NI day 16 slow day
I have 5 pages of posts still to catch up on but its so nice to hear from you @okeydokey, @fivetwofan5252 and @snowflake56 again. Glad too that you are back @at from your trip down under. There were a few others I am sure I meant to mention but I was trying to catch up on posts on my phone on the journey back so had no pen and paper to make notes. Well done to battles won and strength to those still fighting and working out the best battle plan. Welcome to the newbies who have recently joined us.
After our party last Friday I didn’t quite fit a fast day in since as Tuesday didn’t happen as planned. OH and I have had a few days away in Donegal and managed to fit in a very wind blown beach walk – it was invigorating battling against the wind. We then visited a castle by a lake on route home which was another good walk. But my jeans are saying i need a few fast days under my belt, I hate to think of the groans cruella will make but not going to stick my head in sand again! I think indulging in popcorn left over from party was not helping matters. I think I was kidding myself that popcorn wasn’t too bad, oh how we can fool ourselves so easily. I was also not drinking as much water as usual. Hopefully getting back to usual routine will help.
I’m also trying to stop procrastinating over starting some exercise again. Now the evenings are getting a little lighter it should be easier tho of course I could have been doing something rather than nothing. I just wish it would warm up – I don’t think I have felt the cold as much as this winter. Getting older?
@flourbaby- have you tasted Lions midget gems tho? Any others don’t appeal to me…. but I have given up midget gems for lent – I had changed my routine and was avoiding them, successfully I might add, but just in case I am tempted i thought I would make a pledge.
@bert1802- hoping you have stayed safely buckled in on our wagon after those dreadful days flying here there and everywhere. Been there got the tee shirt. You’ll be fine as I know you will not give up 💪
Second post.
Good to see you are feeling better @ccco , and now that you know what caused the problem you can troubleshoot it 😉 . And don’t be jealous, many of us are in the same position, tortoises and struggling, but we keep going 🐢 . Maybe join our club? 😉
@coda good to hear from you, I’ve been thinking about you after the party you had for your son, I guess he has gone to NZ now? Sorry if you posted that and I missed it 😳
Days 14 – 18/NFDs/Melbourne Australia
How wise you are @flourbaby refocusing is hard. Joining the BUTTON RESETTERS. Only 2 fast days included in my routine this year! Clothes are feeling snug so I’m pressing the reset button firmly starting Monday. 😔 That’s my problem. I’m always restarting Monday and when Monday comes I put it off! Back to basics from today. I will – weigh myself, use my food diary, recalculate calories for my favourite foods and cut back on carbs and 🍷🍷 I’ll commit to fasting on Monday and Thursday. No excuses I will not go back to where I was.
Lovely to hear from you @taraga
@strawberriesandcream ouch. Wishing you a speedy recovery. @annemarilyn I missed your post. Hope your foot is ok?
@snowflake55 what a good memory! I haven’t seen a mouse for nearly a year. Thankfully the only ones enjoying the fruits of my kitchen are my husband and I! And congratulations on maintaining for over 10 months!
@okeydokey I hope your father’s surgery went well? Wishing him a speedy recovery.
@ccco perhaps pen and paper will help till your children find time?
@hyacinth welcome. I love that you’ve found this lifestyle and not another diet! That’s such a good attitude and should help you achieve your goals.
@diverdog and @songbirdme I’m another 65 year old taking no meds. It does feel great!
@leggit tsk tsk! Remember fail is not a word we use! Sometimes life just doesn’t go to plan. We’ve got you.
@michelinme How is your wrist feeling? I cannot imagine waiting so long to have it repaired.
@debster251 thank you for the links re gut health.
@johnnyr and @annemarilyn enjoy your holiday
@dingping well done 👍
The shooting in Florida was truly horrible. My heart goes out to you and all impacted @mjrbcd44 it is hard to comprehend. Our government took action in 1996 after an horrendous mass shooting when 35 people were killed by a mentally unstable individual. The government organised a compulsory buy back of semi automatic weapons and thousands of guns of all types were handed in. Our gun laws were toughened as well. Thankfully we haven’t had a mass shooting since. Our gun laws restrict semiautomatic guns and pump action shotguns. People are permitted to own guns for legitimate purposes- sport, hunting and farming – guns are licensed, gun owners vetted and all guns must be kept in a locked case. I am not anti gun. I grew up in the country and hunted with friends but I thoroughly support our gun laws. I feel safer with fewer guns in the community. Gun related deaths have also fallen. I hope this doesn’t upset anyone, my aim is not to be political but to share another view from another country.
Day 17 Newcastle UK NFD.🇬🇧
Feel like I’m treading water here.
Near the end of a two week cold so hopefully I can get back to the exercise next week. Two fasting days we’re ok totally thrown out of my routine with the Lost days at work last week and my cold seems to be at its heaviest this week. Think I’ll get this weekend out the way and press the restart button. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend
Day 17, London, UK, NFD
Quick check-in, I’ll catch up on the page 23’s posts later.
Wonderful OMAD yesterday so it was very controlled, even with the wine!!!! Aiming for OMAD again today as I’m out and about until early evening, it could even become a FD if I stick to a soup dinner, we’ll see!!!
Lovely post @michelinme, that’s what we’re here for, so feel free to be chatty!!!
@emmataylor, you can substitute coconut oil for any cooking oil you use, slap it on your hair under a shower cap for ½ hr then wash as usual, don’t dry yourself after a shower just rub in the oil then towel off, I use it in combination with homemade magnesium oil as a natural deodorant too!!!
Have a great weekend everyone, my missing mojo is back so I’m sending positive vibes to those struggling like I was!!!!
Day 17, Newcastle, NFD
OH and I are at the peak of a nasty chesty virus we picked up on the coach back to the airport last week. When someone is sneezing and coughing without using tissues, right next to you, you just know it’s inevitable.
A quiet and controlled weekend ahead. Lots of tea to keep warm & hydrated and not sure about food.
@ccco – I’m not sure if anyone has volunteered to lead our March challenge – but I have to say you are looking like a contender (imho) if you’re up for it?! 🙂 Anyone else thinking about it??
Have a good weekend – whatever you’re doing and wherever you are. Together we are Stronger.
Hello all from a bright and sunny NI albeit cold. day 17 slow and controlled day. Believe i have finally have caught up on posts, phew!
In addition to the big brother voice over ‘day 17 in the big brother house’ I also hear at times star treks ‘captains log – day 17’
@basyjames – well done for keeping posting. These hard times will pass.
@flourbaby – that slow? Eating sweets is the only thing I am not a 🐢 lol
@michelineme- I enjoyed your long and chatty post so keep ’em coming. Sometimes when someone is giving an honest account that is when it resonates with others. We sometimes feel we are the only ones to do that or feel like this. We are not alone and together we ARE stronger.
@emmataylor I use coconut oil as an eyemakeup remover and a skin moisturiser on my legs which can get dry and itchy at times, especially in winter.
@shinything and others who are thinking of me – son number 4 heads to NZ next Sunday 25th 😢 oh my! I’m not going to turn to food for comfort I’m not! I’m going to look my running shoes out and begin my c25k again. I need to get back to where i was b4 christmas when i derailed the train i was on quite spectacularly. I reckon my foot should be up for some running.
For those with foot/wrist problems I hope they get better soon.
Have a good weekend everyone x
Day 17……Florida…….NFD
I’m putting an NFD but Saturday’s are always up in the air. This is the day, I play catch up and get myself into little home projects. These projects make me forego the eating to get them done. I’m going to tackle getting my ceiling fans cleaned! I have 6 to contend with today! So, it may end up being an accidental FD.
I think my cravings for sweets and soda has passed, although, I’m really disliking getting up in the middle of the night to stumbled to the potty. Since starting 5:2 my inability to sleep has corrected itself and I’m really enjoying going to sleep and staying that way! I’m hoping with time, it levels out!
Well……I’m going to get going!
I talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!
Day 17 – UK – NFD
A bit of a ‘ramble’ warning!
Since getting back from Rome I’ve found I really am on a roll! I have been totally inspired by some wonderful posts and also empathise with the frustrations felt by those who are finding times challenging.
So… what’s different for me at the moment… Well, for one thing, like some others on the forum I have started to weigh every day. It’s something I have stayed away from in the past as I have found myself too despondent when the scales have said something unexpected. I would like to be at target by the time I go on holiday in May – decided I needed to ‘sort myself out’ so a target weight loss graph was set up and I need to stay beneath the line! I know weighing daily doesn’t work for everyone but for me right now it’s working wonders – long may it last!!
Also, after starting 5:2 in November 2017, I have been an avid reader around the subject of IF… a number of authors on the subject advocate avoiding snacking in between meals so I have now taken that on board. It’s interesting as others, writing about weight loss, recommend ‘small and often’ to avoid blood sugars dropping (which I have tried in the past – but sadly, my brain doesn’t seem to comprehend small when it comes to food!). However, for me, avoiding snacking seems to be having a significant effect.
I have now lost 16lbs since I started this WOL but more important I feel so much better in myself. In the past, I have tried all manner of methods to try to shed the pounds – I have had great success with some – but pounds have gone back on… also, other methods have seemed such a battle and I have been constantly thinking about ‘what I can eat’ – this is sooooo different and, for the first time, I feel a sense of confidence that I will succeed.
On a more somber note – I just wanted to say how sad I feel for all those affected in Florida… growing up in the countryside guns have been a ‘normal’ part of my life but I am completely dismayed at the way some see fit to use them.
This is a wonderful forum with so many ideas and guidance from those with experience – thank you!
Have a great weekend everyone!
You don’t get what you wish for – you get what you work for
Day 17 UK NFD
Long and chatty post – do skip!
Glorious sunny day today, and hoping to go into garden to meditate, read & drink my coffee for an hour before the sun goes down or it gets cold again!
I Haven’t weighed myself this morning – partly bc of the enormous number of tester flapjacks I consumed last night in my quest to devise a recipe for @cornishjane who only asked about dairy free (just swap coconut oil for butter).
Instead I challenged myself to come up with a healthier recipe than the 470 calories/100g of standard flapjacks! I didn’t have many oats but after some research made small batch vegan dairy-free chocolate, banana & almond flapjacks at 300 calories/100g. Still a tweak to do around the amount of fat & the baking time, but I’ll post the experimental recipe when the sun’s gone in 🙂
@mjrbcd44 i live less than 8 miles from the centre of London so not quite a forest! But there are commons and parks nearby and my garden is an eco-wilderness (ie very overgrown and slightly tamed, or “re-wilded”)! I’ve got a flock of sparrows, lots of different tits, blackbirds, wrens, robins, woodpigeons and a mistlethrush, plus 2 squirrels and a few foxes. The apple tree died but I have several elder, lots of blackberries and rosehips, some lavender beds and a baby oak with galls. It was a conservation area back in the 1930s and the residential streets are full of fruit trees. I go round streets and along sportsfields and commons foraging for apples and gathering wild plums as well as picking my own stuff. Definitely an urban forage, and the neighbours think I’m mad!
@emmataylor coconuts are marvellous things This is a pretty good guide to the different parts and uses
@daffodil2010 thank you for starting the wonderful conversation about kefir, and to others for great information. I’m going to have a go at water kefir
@debster251 i think there was a toffee-chocolate thing – long and flat and really stretchy?
@onahealthyhigh My wrist is pretty sore now – again self-inflicted as I wore padded gloves on Thursday and it’s made it worse 🙁 I’ve upped pain meds and doing lots more with my left hand. MRI scan is booked for Monday and I should get the results Thursday and then hopefully some treatment, but it’s always complicated by my other conditions. Really hoping that i don’t need surgery. Most of the delay is down to me for not noticing/taking it seriously – i was distracted/it was Christmas….
@ccco hope you feel better today;looking forward to hearing your fasting and Ramadan story
@metatauta @bert1802 thank you for talking so helpfully about guns. Coming from urban UK, a lifelong vegetarian and pacifist, it’s hard to imagine how different it is to live in a hunting/gun culture – even tho I have friends in Australia who hunt regularly. It’s good to understand different perspectives and experiences.
ccco USA NFD Day 17:
It’s a beautiful but cold day today! Yesterday’s NFD went well and I am on track for an equally as good one today! I am trying something new! My NFDs are going to be 16:8 days. My FDs are going to be one water fast day per week and the other FDs will be on course with 5:8. Water Fast Days will be with bone broth. I’ve never had that before and didn’t hear of it until I came here. I think this will help me with acid reflux on those days. Also, no coffee on those days because I can’t handle it without food!
I took notes on everybody and will return to respond, including about Ramadan, but right now I have to go to a meeting. I belong to a group who knit for the homeless, cancer patients (lap blankets), and for orphanages in Africa. I must say that knitting is good for dieting. If you are knitting, you are not eating! LOL Stay strong!
2nd post
Just wondering how those that are calorie counting are monitoring their calorie? I’m curious as since starting 5:2 my OH has got interested and has spent the past week logging his calorie intake on a different app to mine and his seems to underestimate compared to my Fitbit. What and how are most of you calculating your calorie input?
@onahealthyhigh – many thanks for the support 🙂
Day 17 – California – Controlled Day?
Hi! I fell off the thread for a bit. I think I can safely say that I’m no good at the fasting. I would love to get a decent 800 day in here/there, but I think I may be better off just trying to take in 1200 calories daily, the boring old standard. I imagine that is called a controlled day, am I right?
Side note, I was extremely sick this week. I kept thinking I was better, and then I wasn’t. Top it off with some added stomach flu, the likes of which I’ve never had. Yesterday I was glued to the toilet and could not even hold water in my stomach. Not fun.
So yeah, I am alive and well and thinking just a steady stream of 1200 cal days might do the trick for me. But if I can do an occasional 800 calorie day, that would be a bonus!
I believe my previous post weight was about 163lbs?
My current weight is 162lbs, probably lost some just from the sickness.
I hope you all have a lovely, healthy day. 🙂
Day 17, Emden Germany, NFD
Oh man, never a dull moment with my husband, it seems I’m the only one going to retire in three weeks. The nurses at dialysis tried to convince him today to work as a nephrologist full time, now he’s considering it. He’s kind of trading places with the guy that works there now, good for our patients, he would be a good replacement. And of course today I found a beautiful house in the Netherlands that would suit us, he likes it too, but I’m wasn’t planning to live there with our cat! This is going to be interesting, had 3 glasses of Portwine to calm down. Didn’t help at all.
Day 17 – Massachusetts – CD
Hello all! Using my Saturday to relax, catch up on chores, and reflect. I think it is time for a hard reset button on 5:2, so I am also joining all you button resetters! Time to go back to what worked starting out – frequently weighing myself and limiting carbs. Also planning everything out from FDs to my snacks for the week. I’ve been too busy and it’s screwing up my planning! So trying to be more mindful there.
It helps to know that others are struggling but not giving up. It encourages me not to give up too! I need to spend more time reading the forum each day. It helps reinforce my own goals.
Day 17 – SW WA USA – NFD
The chiro did a check on my foot and concluded it’s not broken. After your situation @Strawberriesandcream, I thought I’d better be sure for peace of mind. The foot is really improving. Hopefully the trip will go well.
@snowflake56 – so, if your hubby takes the other job, you’d be heading to the Netherlands and he’d stay in Germany? As you say, it looks like you’re rethinking things. May it work out well for both of you.
@daffodil2010 – enjoy your Valentine’s celebration with your hubby
@michelinme – hope your wrist situation improves. It’s amazing how we take forgranted everything working, until it doesn’t.
Enjoy the weekend! Together we are stronger!
Day 17, UK, NFD
My scales, showed 55kg today, they moved, they are not broken yay! 😂 I mean I’m still far off my Feb goal of 54kg, but hey, any downward movement is good for this 🐢
@rainbowsmile sorry to hear you are having a stressful time, and omg, abusive ex! Its one of the most stressful things 🙁 . Stay strong, it WILL be over! Sending you virtual hug and support 🤗
@ccco that sounds like a really solid plan 🙂 . I am waiting to hear your interesting findings too.
@coda its so hard when kids go far, for everyone. I know because I am a kid that moved far 🙂 . But we go where the life takes us, searching for our own place. I’ll be thinking about you next week 🤗
Have a lovely day/evening everyone 🌹
Day 17 NFD Oregon USA
**Long post warning**
To all of my forum friends and most certainly including @bert1802 and @metatauta…my views on gun control don’t mean I think all gun owners are “bad”. I appreciate and respect people’s right to own concealed weapons. Thank you @onahealthyhigh for articulating Australia’s laws that I am very familiar with and I believe is similar to the UK. Both seem logical and fair to me and allow for healthy and responsible gun owners to enjoy hunting, target shooting and personal protection.
That’s my last comment on it all here…as this is a health and fasting forum. 👍😊
@coda–love the Captain’s log comment 🤣🤣 How many of us are trekkies I wonder! Also keep forgetting to ask and others may already know..but five boys? Any girls? I have four boys so just wondering if you are a fellow “boymom”.
@michelinme–ok my revised vision has your neighbors and the kids on the soccer field wondering about the crazy plum lady who is rummaging about the trees and bushes with her bag.😂😂 Still your garden sounds wonderful and I have imagined a proper English tea garden. You will need have a chair and table out there with a proper China tea pot if you don’t already. 😊
@flourbaby–well done in your OMAD. Sounds like you are back in form!
@toddybear–I hear you on snacking or the “six small meal theory”. My problem is that 200 calories at a time (x6) just never makes me anything but HUNGRY!! Seriously it’s like turning on an engine that just wants fuel. Fasting makes that engine look for fuel in all the stored fat inside my body. Once I start eating it’s hard to stop so best just to NOT. Congrats on your success! 16 pounds is awesome!!🏆🏆
@redrockgirl-congrats on shoving off the plateau. 💪
@Rainbowsmile- <<Hugs>>
Yesterday was a long day at work and I did not get out for my walk/run. This morning despite the cold,wind and rain went with my friend and we did three miles. Was supposed to be four but at least we got out there. And in two weeks time I have shaved 1:30 (mins/secs) off my average pace.💪
My goal is to finish the race faster than I could ever walk it.
I have missed not having a quote at the end of my posts this month. Need to find one that resonates for me–another item on the list this weekend.
Have a great day everyone!
Day 17 – Fife, Scotland – NFD
Hard shift at work today, followed by a huge calorie intake this evening, now being washed down with a few beers. Cycling tomorrow morning, hopefully the endorphins and copious amounts of fresh air will motivate me.
Usually fast on a monday but have to attend two funerals so thinking it may be difficult to stay “on plan” so have opted to fast tuesday/thursday this week coming.
Day 17, USA, Missouri Ozarks, NFD
Hello all. Nice calm Saturday. Made real honest to goodness homemade waffles for brunch – yummy – ate a couple slices of pepperjack cheese with whole grain crackers and one piece of Russell Stovers dark chocolate coconut a few hours later.
Drinking green tea, will have chef salad for dinner.
Hope those with “bone” issues are doing better, don’t overdo !!!!
Also sending get well wishes to those under the weather, wishing you sunny skies ahead.
Day 17 Belfast NFD
My weight is static and my mojo is definitely on holiday. If you bump into it on your travels, please send it home. Monday is a new week.
@rainbowsmile – So sorry to hear that. I thought your troubles were all over on that front. Be strong. You’ve come this far. The end must be in sight.
@annemarilyn – I’m thinking that you must be embarking on your travels. Wishing you Bon voyage and here’s hoping your foot doesn’t hinder your enjoyment.
@bert1802 and @metauta Thank you for your frank commentary on the gun issue. It enhances the truly international flavour of this forum. Here in Northern Ireland we had our own obvious problems with illegal guns which has mostly subsided. If you live in the country that is a totally different kettle of fish. I have several friends who are farmers and they hold legal fire arms, which are subject to the usual vetting and safety constraints. I am a townie through and through and couldn’t imagine giving my children a gun to fire.
It’s just a different way of life.
@coda – isn’t Donegal the best place in the world to blow away the cobwebs?!
@snowflake – retirement is a funny thing. I launched myself into it like a project and it has given me an opportunity to exercise more, learn new skills, renew friendships and of course, buy a puppy. After two years, I don’t know how I had time to work. OH currently works two days a week and I honestly hope he’ll continue for a few years more, even though he can claim his state pension in August. His whole persona is so caught up in what he he does. It will take a big project to fill the void when he finally gives up!
@scotrodg – your mention of cycling has made me go and look at my own bike which lurks under a lot of junk in the garage. I must dust it off along with my resolution and get back out into the countryside.
There was definitely some warmth in the sunshine today. Spring is around the corner.
“The hard part isn’t getting your body in shape. The hard part is getting your mind in shape”
@michelinme. Thank you v much for the link. There is a massive hole in my knowledge, but you have helped plug it! V interesting. I shall get on and use it as described.
NFD today. Just drunk a bottle of AF wine. FRE by name. Not bad.
Have a nice evening all. H
Day 17 USA Wisconsin NFD
In the middle of a controlled NFD and doing pretty well until the little girl down the street delivered the Girl Scout cookies I ordered from her back in January. It’s hard to say no to a child who is selling cookies, now I can practice saying no to myself instead. My husband, who has amazing strength in the face of sweets, will probably have his usual two small cookies a day, no problem. Oh well, I’m just going to pretend they are not in the pantry.
Snowy and cold today, walked at the mall and will do a yoga class (for myself) later on today. Good luck to everyone this weekend. Take care, Markie
@califdreamer – Yeah for you (and me too) for our skinny jeans! Maintenance for my past 13 months has been much the same with minor (+/-3 pounds) on any given day.
@shinything – great idea to copy posts so they don’t evaporate into cyber space.
@ccco – please don’t feel jealous about reaching a goal. You’ve gotten along the right path which will get you there. Just think of all we know who never even start?
@coda – so wonderful to see you pop in here. Hope you and OH are both doing well.
@onahealthyhigh – many of us here in the USA are convinced that Aussies do lots of things correctly. Maybe you’re all just smarter than Americans. Why can’t we emulate many of your social and governmental acts?
@rainbowsmile – hugs to you in dealing with your ex. Our 39 y.o. daughter has been divorced 6 years but still has to deal with him as the father of their girls. No fun at all.
@markie99 – good luck to you and GS cookies. I have a couple boxes leftover from last year because I could not say no either!
2nd post
@michelineme – a curly wurly by any chance?
@mjrbcd44 – yes im a boymom tho have never heard that expression! I had 3 boys and last hope for a little girl i got twin boys lol. When they start coming in 2’s it’s time to give up lol. I was just destined to have boys. I had a late miscarriage in early 80’s at 24 weeks and that was a little boy too, he may have not been born alive as I didn’t see him tho my OH did – that has all changed now too and you are encouraged to see and hold your baby, they even take pictures in case you change your mind. At that time you had to reach 27 weeks b4 they thought babies could survive – they have lowered it now to 24 as many babies born at 24 weeks started to survive. So i hope i can be a good mother-in-law. As long as im not like my MIL i should be ok lol.
Day 18/16:8 CD/no wine/Melbourne Australia
Yesterday’s NFD turned into a OMD with no wine. Very happy with that. Just didn’t feel like eating. Today will be similar, no willpower required. Food holds little interest at the moment.
@songbirdme thanks for the musical links. Beautiful. Our house is always filled with music but we are a family with no musical talent. Singing Happy Birthday is excruciating! Always feel very sorry for our guests!
@snowflake what a dilemma. Hope you sort it out soon.
@coda I’m a boymom too. Only two though.
@rainbowsmile 🤗
@lemons we are all so different I cannot do 1200 calories every day but I can skip a meal here and there. Even though I’m struggling to commit to 5:2 fasting regime at the moment (I’ve been doing it for 4 years) I’m managing to maintain my weight below my goal by fasting for shorter periods and maintaining the healthy habits I’ve worked on.
Looking forward to pottering around my garden. A beautiful warm Sunday here but I wish it would rain!
Day 17, MI, USA, NFD
Today was going to be an FD, but DS convinced me to see Black Panther, and I cannot turn down movie popcorn. After the tragedy this week in Florida, I will take advantage of any time I get to spend with my boys. Excellent movie, I loved the strong women! Highly recommended. Going to try a B2B FD Sunday and Monday.
Hope everyone has a restful Sunday!
Day 18 NZ FD
Hi everyone hope the fasting is going well. I am on a fast today and so far so good, I have been snacking on Biltong during the day and although hungry not hangry 🙂 Lettuce and egg salad for dinner 🙂
@strawberriesandcream that’s so annoying about your cold, you’re kind of stuck without anywhere to move on those coaches 🙁
@emmataylor have you heard of Lush? they have some amazing shower mousterisers Ro’s Argan is amazing.
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6:51 pm
16 Feb 18