February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 7 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,051 through 1,100 (of 1,595 total)

  • ccco USA FD Day 15

    I think I learned something from Valentine’s Day yesterday! I can’t eat sweets anymore without feeing sick! ๐Ÿ™ Well, I suppose that can be a good thing, if it prevents me from indulging! Anyway, to regain my fasting gains, I am on a B2B plan, which, if my nausea continues, will turn into a 3 day fast! I will get back to everyone’s posts as soon as my stomach settles. I think I will celebrate Valentine’s Day differently next year, perhaps a trip to the Caribbean would be in order! No food and perhaps I will have my beach body back by then! LOL

    I am sorry about that shooting in Florida, too! Children and guns!!! BTW, it interests me that everyone speaks of Chicago, when they speak of gun violence, but it is by far not our most violent city! Baltimore is with the highest death rate in the country inn 2017. It finally beat Detroit! Baltimore is poor and one of the top places for the import of Colombian and Mexican drugs on the east coast! I have seen much here since I’ve come here! New York City isn’t even in the top 10, which is where I come from! I don’t know what the answer is but I hope we find a way! Just saw recently on the news that a new addition to our violence has begun! Now they are making their own guns!

    Good luck everyone and stay strong! I will be back when my stomach settles!

    Day 15, FD, Hampshire UK

    KEFIR is amazing stuff!

    Just in response to your questions above, I have had great success with kefir. I make goat milk kefir and jersey full fat milk kefir and soya milk kefir.

    It has made a massive difference to my digestion and now I actually take it on holiday with me otherwise I miss the fantastic effects after five days with no kefir.

    It is cheap to buy and the grains are easy to look after. Go for it!

    As for me, this is my 2nd FD this week. All going well. Haven’t really been hungry today – probably due to the huge amount of delicious pancakes I ate on Shrove Tuesday and then tasty dinner on Valentine’s Day!!!

    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 15, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Day 15, Emden Germany, NFD

    @strawberriesandcream I’m so sorry about your foot, how long will it take to heal? When I look though older posts so many friends from last year are missing, I hope they just took a break and are doing fine.

    @annemarilyn I hope your foot improves before your leave to Peru.

    @ccco is your stomach any better already, hope it settles down.

    @flourbaby I’m with you giving up treats for lent. I think it’s getting hard, I eat sweets every day at the moment. As a child I liked everything sweet, exept chocolate. I still like everything sweet but mostly I like Dutch liquorice (it’s different from German liquorice, less sweet).

    Take care everyone!

    Day 15 UK FD

    Today’s the 2nd day of B2B FD – my second experiment in B2B and feels every bit as good as the first. Both times I’ve done it accidentally and then gone with it, both times it’s been much easier than I would have imagined. Phew!

    Really glad to have hit the reset button with a pocket list AND at the beginning of Lent – lots of reasons to make good choices.

    Think I had a whoosh overnight but didn’t have time to weigh, now looking forward to a weekly weigh-and-measure Friday morning. There’s something quite liberating about losing the daily weigh, tho something quite disciplined about doing it. The problem comes as weight goes up and down naturally and sometimes our hard work doesn’t show dividends in weight for a while, and we get down – but inches lost & energy gained are wonderful markers too!

    At least i felt more confident going to have my fasting ultrasound this morning, checking for gallstones. My stomach had gone down overnight – and I even remembered to wear nice knickers!

    @flourbaby Thanks – I’ve just given up precisely these sweets for Lent! I found myself hooked on veggie Percy Pigs or Colin the Caterpillars after just a couple of packets – they called to me everytime i went through the station so I had to switch off my ears ๐Ÿ˜€ As I child I loved milk bottles, shrimps, cola bottles, lovehearts, fizzers, stretchy things – not liquorice but the other ones (??). And all those lovely sweets in big jars you could buy in little bags or scraps of paper ๐Ÿ˜€

    @ccco what a shame! hope you feel better soon

    Day 15, Atlanta,GA USA – FD

    So far doing good and not hungry may be because of heavy Valentines day Dinner along with couple of martinis. Yesterday i ate just a fruit and few nuts until evening so that i can enjoy my dinner with less guilt.

    Hi Suresh nice to known you are seeing the results

    Day 15 – Fife, Scotland, FD

    Pretty physical day at work today but have managed to stay on plan. hoping to have dropped another wee bit tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed.


    Day 4 FD.
    Hertfordshire UK 8pm

    Is 8pm too early to go to bed?

    2nd Post

    @carolinehp Absolutely not too early. That’s where I am right now, teeth cleaned, kitchen closed, iPad in hand…no venturing downstairs for snacks….and tomorrow will reap the benefits of this FD ๐Ÿ˜„

    @debster251 and @shinything..thank you both so much. Ooooh I am so excited now about kefir. I have read the links you both posted and I am definitely going to research and go into making my own. I really aim for good gut health as I suffered badly for years….was even diagnosed with Crohns Disease over 25 years ago (I don’t have it now), so digestive health is something I am interested in pursuing.

    @fivetwofan5252 and your endorsement of kefir further fuels my interest. I had never even heard of kefir until I started the 5:2!!

    Which, by the way, brings me to say that since starting this WOL my digestive system has really improved.

    One more sleep before official weekly weigh in….๐Ÿ˜‰

    Day 16 – SW WA FD

    Probably a 800 cal FD. With no school yesterday due to snow, all the treats were brought to school today. For me @flourbaby, the homemade goodies are what tempt me plus dark chocolate as an adult.

    @snowflake56 – yes, working on the foot improvement

    @Strawberriesandcream – interesting about the travel insurance. My son bought ours yesterday, on-line I think. I don’t think anything about the foot was involved.

    @therealwil78 = hooray that you got off of your plateau!

    @diana123 – your slogan “in a world where you can be anything, be kind!” is something we need so badly in our world; especially in light of yesterdays sad loss of life in Florida.

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 16 – Japan – FD

    (LFD #13 in 2018)

    Question for OLYMPIC watchers around the world:

    Our USA television coverage always includes John William’s “Olympic Fanfare & Theme”

    Do you hear any of that on your television coverage? I figured we cover the world in our group, so who better to ask?

    Day 16 NSW Australia NFD
    Hi everyone, just checking in!

    Day 16 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช -NFD
    February Goal – 132
    Current weight – 134.7

    Good FD yesterday which was liquid all the way until evening where I had some lentil soup and threw some cooked chicken breast in with it. Finished with an apple, so it was an OMAD. Despite lots of water, dandelion and green teas I did not seem to be going to the loo as much – so maybe too much salt in the soup?

    Anyway, pleased that I am down a pound from last Friday’s weigh in. That’s 3 pounds so far in February. Goodness, it really is slow going when there is not much to go ๐Ÿ˜‰

    That’s why I like daily weighing. I can see where weight increases after a weekend, I know what I have to do to get rid of it, if it’s not moving as fast as I hoped I know it’s due to salt, lack of water, hormones, constipation, and I take steps accordingly. As long as the Friday weigh in shows a happy number then I know I am on track.

    Tonight I have my bestie girlfriends over for a catch up dinner. Onion and pancetta soup for starters, pasta and a rich meat sauce for main, one of the girls us bringing dessert, there will be prosecco and red wine……..oooh Matron……..no calorie counting
    tonight. ๐Ÿ˜„

    Have a good Friday. Today is a good day to have a good day!

    Day 16 NZ

    Just checking in, NFD for me, I did eat way too much chocolate and brownie this evening.

    I went to the supermarket and found some low calorie options
    – little packets of snacking seaweed, I think its called nori, its actually real good
    – biltong (mine that I found was 100 calories for a good serving that I could have half of as one serving really)
    – konjac rice/noodles/fettuchine – 5 cals per 100g (check it out!)
    – apple crisps (baked apple thins)

    If you are struggling with how to snack during the day have a go at some of those ideas, another I use is low calorie jelly

    Day 16, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Weekly Friday weigh-in and another 0.3kg down. Not a big loss but a big relief to have lost some, as I had a few self-congratulatory celebrations this week after getting under 30 BMI. Then I had that horrid feeling of regret as I approached the scales! Phew – that was close.

    Did a lovely Valentines meal at The Cornish Vegan. Very tasty food but why did I choose all the high-cal options? No regrets really. But I need to think of other ways to celebrate than with food.

    After thinking about making sourdough bread for months I finally got my starter started yesterday! I think it will take a few weeks to mature before I can bake with it.

    And yoga is developing into a bit of an obsession. I am quite amazed how much more is possible after only 7 months of practice. I am doing my first yoga 2-hr masterclass in St Mawes this Sunday with our lovely teacher Sophie.

    When I started 5:2 I didn’t really expect to find other things too – yoga and plant-based eating. And I like myself better. Overall amazing. May I never be tempted with reverse-gear!

    Day 16, UK, NFD
    76.4kg. Yesterdayโ€™s FD was good, but I could really have done with my weight beng lower before the w/e. I seem to operate in a band about 3kg above where I want to stabilise. t the moment I am finding it tough putting in a 3rd FD a week, but without it, I fear Iโ€™ll stabilise in the high 70s, rater than low 70s. Maintenance is frustrating!

    Day 16, Newcastle, NFD

    2nd successful Liquid Fast Day achieved yesterday. I am now a convert having tried and not succeeded (see how I cleverly avoided the F word) at LFDs in the past. Weight this morning shows 1.2lb down since Saturday but the more important figure – my body fat percentage has only moved down .2% to 32.8%. Still too high. By aiming for 30%, I’m interested to see what my weight will end up at.

    Thanks @dingping & @snowflake56. Recovery is expected to take 6-8 weeks or if it does need pinning (I’ll find out later next week) 6-8 weeks post-op. I’m not experiencing any pain at all and my only problem will be finding suitable clothes.

    @annemarilyn – what did your chiropractor say about the possibility of a break? If he/she has ruled that out, then I wouldn’t be worrying too much either. When applying for insurance one is asked about any ongoing or impending medical consultation/treatment. So if your chiro has suggested getting your foot checked out with an x-ray – then you would be advised to disclose that to your insurer. As most of us will have experienced – insurance companies will use the slightest excuse not to pay out! All the best for a wonderful holiday x

    @carolinehp – any excuse at all to go to bed at 8pm (preferably with a good book) is ok is ok me. If it helps to achieve a successful FD – go for it!

    Sounds like you’re going to have a great evening @daffodil2010 ๐Ÿ™‚

    @songbirdme – I’ll get back to you on that one….. The coverage has always started by the time I tune in. I’m up in time this morning for the beginning of today’s coverage.

    @flourbaby – when I was 15 I got a summer job in a sweetie shop where I proceeded to stuff my face – especially from the chocolate brazils jar. After piling on the pounds very quickly, I gave myself a good talking to and repeated ‘fat & sugar’, fat & sugar’ over and over whilst staring at a Mars Bar. It did the trick and I have never regularly purchased sweets and chocolates since. But I absolutely love chocolate if given or bought as a present. Such as the divine truffles that OH gave me on Valentine’s day. I’ve never liked what I call ‘c**p’ like wine gums and other sucky sweets, as they are just pure sugar. Now cake of any description is another thing altogether……

    “Nobody can go back and make a new start, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

    Day 16 Newcastle UK NFD ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง.

    Day 16, Cornwall UK, NFD
    Day 17, NFD
    Day 18, NFD

    Just getting these in now as I’m about to go and celebrate my mother-in-law’s 70th…. so no fast days for me this weekend.

    Have a good one y’all!

    Day 16, Leeds UK, FD
    Day 17, NFD
    Day 18, NFD
    Starting weight – 82kgs (Jan last week)
    Weight as of today – 77.1kgs

    @beddardo – Good weekend.
    @michelinme — Thanks a lot, good luck to you too.

    Half way through Feb, already feeling great. But have a scary feeling that i would blow it up in the second half of the month (hope not). Family been so supportive for me, but the wife now n then tries to feed me some food out of pure love ๐Ÿ™‚
    So far my feb goal of 79kgs has been smashed. Not being over confident. But I am very strict on my diet. FD has been mostly liquids (Green teas, herbal teas). NFD has no rice intakes, oats to start the day, 3 rotis with veggies for lunch, a veggie soup to end the day. Having hot water n herbal teas between the meals and fruits in the mix as well. Body feeling light, so happy with that. Having lower back pain (long standing issue for me). So not trying any physical activities as of now. But will try to do Planks from next week to burn the fat in abs ๐Ÿ™‚
    Good weekend buddies, keep the mind strong!! We can do this!! Positivity is the best part here.. STAY AWAY FROM JUNKS!!

    Brisbane, Australia

    Day 15 – NFD Total Disaster!
    The ice cream dessert on Valentine’s Day absolutely sparked a shocker yesterday.
    Day 16 – FD I have stuck to my cals but hanging by a thread. Can’t wait for the day to be over.
    Weigh day tomorrow. Not looking forward to it.

    Day 16, London, UK, NFD

    Quick check-in today, hoping everyone is doing well.

    Aiming for an OMAD & very CD today, Iโ€™m back on track after the B2B2B so I donโ€™t want to hurl myself off of the wagon โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ… again!!!

    To the sweet lovers (Mmmhh cola bottles!!) out there, I can limit sweets as long as theyโ€™re not in front of me, then all bets are off and I could (I have) demolished an entire bag of wine gums in under an hour!!!! Cake on the other hand is a bit more of an issue as Iโ€™ve inherited my mums skill for baking and making ANYTHING taste good with a bit of flour โ€“ so tiny dumplings in soup or stews made from flour & water, pinch of salt (who doesn’t have those in the kitchen??)โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. done, and heading for my hips!!!!!

    @strawberriesandcream, unfortunately my love of wine gums and all sweets really, is probably equal to my love of cake & bread & biscuits!!!!!!!!! Well I didnโ€™t get here โ€˜cause I adore carrots!!!!!!!!!!

    Stay strong everyone, locate that mojo & that wagon then hang on for dear life!!!!!!!

    Day 16, Hants, UK, NFD

    @daffodil2010 Glad you are going to investigate kefir!

    BTW, I understand that IF is pretty good for revitalising your digestive enzymes, so it would follow that 5:2 has improved your digestion anyway!

    Next week, I am going to try and fit in 3 X FDs, as this week I’ve only lost 6ozs!

    At least it is not a gain and TBH I hadn’t fasted for the preceding few weeks due to a virus.

    I do find it tough trying to figure out how to fit 3 X FDs into a week – I might have to incorporate this coming Sunday!

    Day 16……Florida…..FD

    So far so good, in the no soda or sweets challenge. Minimal cravings! I feel bad for my OS, he gave up all caffeine, he was suffering last night and going through with drawls. Hopefully, he feels better this morning.

    About the shootings and gun control…… My OH and I raised our children around guns being avid hunters. My children went on their first official hunt at the tender age of 8 years old, official carried a gun in the woods at 12.
    From the time my kids were babies we began teaching the importance of gun safety. Itโ€™s not guns that kill people itโ€™s people! As parents it is our duty to teach our kids about gun safety regardless if we carry, own or even if you donโ€™t believe in them.
    There way to many gun influences in our life that show guns as cool toys not deadly machines. Video games, television, movies and even music, so itโ€™s not about controlling our guns but controlling how guns are perceived in our daily lives.
    My prayers to anyone who was effected by stupidness of people!

    Today is an FD, a light lunch and fish for dinner!

    I talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!

    Day 16 Wales ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ NFD

    Really good FD yesterday and just thinking about breakfast, already been for my daily walk and feeling really healthy. The Reset button worked on second pressing! Looking forward to a Friday glass of ๐Ÿท this evening.

    @daffodil2010 as someone who weighs in once a month I can see what you mean. I am about 5 pounds away from my destination and was wondering about weighing weekly after the February challenge ends, especially as I expect the last few pounds to be the most difficult to lose.

    @bigviking Iโ€™m watching your maintenance progress with interest as I hope to be there with you before too much longer. Iโ€™ve always found keeping the weight off much harder than loosing. At least with 5:2 itโ€™s one day at a time and any blips can be quickly corrected with a Reset. Good luck for long term success!

    Happy Friday everyone ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Day 16 UK CD

    Really long & chatty post- feel free to skip!

    This morning weighed in for the first time in a while – usually I’m a daily weigher but got out of the habit when busy. Also I’d got a bit down watching weight go the wrong way while off track for the best part of a week in a sugar & caffeine fest. Gave up the scales but instead of giving up the WOL I hit the reset button – thanks @bert1802 ๐Ÿ™‚

    Delighted to find I’m 165lbs/74.8kg – down 2lbs/1kg since 2/2 and 13lbs/6.2kg since I began this WOL on 1Dec2017. My fat suit has also shrunk as I’ve lost 0.5in from my bust, waist and hips since 2/2 and 3inches all over since 1Dec. THANK YOU to whoever said to hold the tape measure back where it started and rejoice in the gap. I wouldn’t have thought i was any smaller, but what a difference 3 inches makes!!

    Most exciting movement for this month is that my BMI has “shot” down to 26.6 – from 27 on 2/2 and from 28.7 when I started on 1Dec2017. That’s quite a happy movement, and a lovely gain for only 2lbs weight loss. Considering that less than a week ago I was feeling miserable post-sugar fest, abdo puffed back up to around 6mth pregant size and carrying a sense of failure on my shoulders, it’s wonderful to know what a button reset and a few days of mindful endeavour can do. 3 FD later, and the scales have turned – quite literally ๐Ÿ˜€ – and I carry a small but solid sense of achievement.

    This week it was suggested that we live a joyful Lent (“do not put on dismal faces”!) and I’m really enjoying finding things to celebrate.

    Yesterday’s FD was the 2nd of unplanned B2B. Ultrasound was fine, and I used the hook of being out to do some grocery shopping. Nothing super exciting but all useful, and great to have the opportunity after a very full 6 weeks so I now have some sunglasses, hair colour and replacement toothbrush heads! I looked ahead and bought a couple of Quorn frozen meals on special offer for NFD, which seem much harder than FD esp when busy. They’re not going to be as good as homemade but a jalfrezy and a paella will feel like a treat.

    Instead of buying sweets as a treat for myself I bought some tulips on 2for1 offer – gave one bunch to the friend who’d come with me and kept one bunch for myself. We were both really happy with these. Today I’m loving having a sitting room with tulips and daffodils – cheers my soul and lasts a lot longer than a bag of veggie Percy pigs ๐Ÿ™‚

    @cornish-jane – congatulations! and me too with the added life-changing experiences ๐Ÿ™‚

    @nesslook2018 thanks for the ideas of apple crisps and snacking seaweed

    @songbirdme – i think each country’s TV chooses their own theme music? I think the BBC use a different theme song each competition, tho C4 paralympic coversage uses the same one over again.

    @mjrbcd44 – Go for it with the baking, you’ll be amazed what’s possible. I was never a baker and only learned to bake stuff in the last few years. In starting this WOL have refound my joy of making things from scratch, finding parts of myself I’ve not seen for 20 years.

    What started me baking was researching online for a gluten free cake that diabetic friends could also eat for a particular party and finding it was much cheaper to make one. Over the last couple of years I’ve gradually loaded up and now have a great storecupboard of healthy stuff including coconut flour, cacao, almonds and healthy versions of standard baking things (gf baking powder, coconut sugar etc) so can rustle up a healthy cake or flapjacks at the drop of a hat. Since starting this WOL I bake weekly – a healthy cake & bread and try to spend one or two sessions each week making food from scratch.

    I also buy coconut oil in a bucket to use for cooking, baking, hair treatments, skin creams and bath products, to use & give as presents – I rarely buy presents these days. Spring-autumn I pick berries from my wild garden and forage from trees & bushes in surrounding streets, making chutneys, james, cordials and liqueurs. Making things can become a really reflective time, like gardening or painting or washing up – I feel in touch with the world and connected to so many other people using their hands to shape something of their daily life. I think I’ve become a witch!

    Day 16 USA Wisconsin NFD

    Good morning! I’m feeling strong today and ready for a controlled NFD, avoiding sugar and excessive carbs. Planned activity includes teaching three classes at the Y (Yoga, and two classes of senior chair yoga) and biking 5 miles using my own pattern of HIIT.

    Still behind on reading posts but I’m getting there. I appreciate all of the motivation and inspiration I receive from this group. Good luck to everyone today.

    Take care, Markie

    Day -16- USA – NFD

    Day 16 – UK-Reading – NFD
    I’m a bit disappointed that I regained all the weight I lost on the last FD, despite not doing anything too silly. But will keep at it. Also, I think headaches may be nothing to do with fasting. Next FD is Monday.

    Bon weekend everyone!

    Day 16, NFD, US

    Successful FD yesterday and how nice is it to wake up with a clear head and .5 kilo lighter? Great way to start the long weekend.

    Day 16 USA (Illinois) NFD

    I’m doing fine on maintenance. Hang in there if you’re struggling. This WOL is so doable.

    Thanks for responding about your Olympic music. I kind of figured maybe our John Williams music was just for us – his themes are so iconic. I used to teach some about him in school. American movie music. To me it is epitomized by John Williams: from “Jaws” to “Harry Potter” and so many Academy Awards in between.

    Onward and downward.

    @michelinme – Iโ€™ve bought some coconut stuff ( oil maybe? Anyway itโ€™s solid) and I havenโ€™t got a clue what to do with it. Any advice appreciated.

    Did LFD yesterday. It felt quite difficult but I feel better today. I think Iโ€™ll try to do one a week, and one ordinary fast day.

    Still not drinking. Bearing in mind how many calories I used to take in as alcohol, Iโ€™m surprised weight isnโ€™t dropping from me. But Iโ€™m much happier, and this WOL suits me, even if weight loss is slow.

    Have a good day, everybody.

    Thanks @mishty .. Good luck to you too!!
    The feeling of seeing weight going down on the scales keeps you going!! Amazing it is!!
    These green teas aren’t tasty, but they are surely fat burners!!

    Day 16 – UK – FD
    Day 15 – NFD
    Day 14 – NFD

    Very annoyed with technology – just wrote a lovely long post and lost it ๐Ÿ˜ 

    Devastated to read about yet another shooting killing so many young lives once more ๐Ÿ˜ข

    @strawberriesandcream – sorry to hear about your foot – OUCH!
    @daffodil2010 – I am also an avid Kefir fan – have been making my own milk kefir for nearly a year now and I drink a glass every day and account for in it my calorie count

    So nice to be getting back to my regular classes (Yoga, Pilates and aerobics) after a 4 week break and don’t my thighs know it……..
    Lovely walk on the fells today near Coniston with my regular Friday group – sunshine but with a cold biting wind at the top!

    I have a very nurturing weekend planned starting with a FD today and tomorrow morning I’m attending a 2hr Pilates workshop – Focus on Fascia Lower Body and will break my fast with a light lunch out with the group afterwards!
    On Sunday I am attending an all Day “Love Yourself Yoga Workshop” which will focus on many heart opening and feel good asana and also practice a range of Pranayama (breathing exercises to cultivate loving prana/ life-force). A light vegetarian lunch is provided by our teacher followed by a walk through an ancient woodland! and we will also meditate and explore peacefulness through Yoga Nidra ๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™€๏ธ

    Every time I get out on the fells it makes me realise how lucky I am that I get to live in such a beautiful part of the UK and that I have good health that allows me to get out there and for this I also give grateful thanks to this WOL 5:2 has allowed me to shed some kgs, improved my asthma and given me great energy – Life Is Good!

    Thinking of you all and wishing you a great weekend!

    To those who are struggling โ€“ Be Strong and Fabulous โ€“ Never Give Up. Everyone has bad days so pick yourself up and keep going. Firmly press that RESET button and remember that Progress means that you might not be where you want to be BUT youโ€™re not where you used to be! Plenty of time left in this February Challenge for a last push towards those goals โ€“ Great Job by those who are losing and to those who are maintaining ๐Ÿ‘

    Day 16 a cold and sunny Belfast NFD. A good to be alive day.

    Despite a solid FD the scales havenโ€™t budged an ounce. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ. However, I had a great swim this morning and since the big RESET, no sweets, cakes etc. I am also aiming for an alcohol free weekend. Weโ€™ll see.

    On the discussion of childhood sweets, Cola cubes, cola bottles, midget gems, love hearts, spaceships, sherbet dips with the little stick of liquorice ….. and red laces @michelinme?
    @songbirdme. Not on our coverage!
    @daffodil2010 nothing like some girlie time! Enjoy!

    I didnโ€™t come this far to only come this far. Have a great weekend my fellow Fasters.

    Day 16 NFD Oregon USA

    A disappointing weigh-in showing me .5 lbs back up. I know all the reasons this week but it is still discouraging. I think I may be dubbed Queen of the tortoises. I should still be in the losing steadily crowd based on amount needed to lose but nope…๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’

    @songbirdme your post resonated with me so much. I grew up in a musical household and raised my boys in one as well. Jaws, Harry Potter, of course Star Wars and the Olympic fanfare are iconic and evoke so many happy memories. What is your favorite musical? Even though I love Rogers and Hammerstein, I have seen Wicked four times including once with Kristen Chenowith and Idina Menzel. ๐Ÿ˜

    @flourbaby–I didn’t mean to start the candy ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿซ thread but while we are here it is clear that the UK treats and US are quite different. For me it was and still is Hot Tamales, gummy bears, Sweet tarts, and for candy bar a Baby Ruth. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @michelinme…oh your post was wonderful and I can now imagine you gathering berries out in a forest. I live in a state known for emphasis on gluten free, vegan, and natural foods. (Lots of “hippies” here in Oregon) so I know I could probably even find a course. Maybe you will inspire me–though it would be a new skill set as I really struggle in the kitchen most of the time.

    I also need to run today but it is dark and rainy out this morning so am postponing. Hopefully that won’t mean skipping altogether.

    Definitely feeling like I lost my mojo this week. Not sure my 3×800 plan will work out. Mostly because it seems like I can’t stick to the number. Just becomes like a NFD instead of true fasting. Might need to reassess. Also just find my smile.

    Have a great day everyone.โค๏ธ

    Day 16 – USA – FD

    This week was just blah. Sabotage after sabotage. so dust off and get back on track on Monday, in the meantime I will try to be mindful no sense in going overboard.

    I wish you all the best.

    I am so sorry I have not had time to read posts and respond, it’s all I can do just to log in daily for accountability. I promise to do better starting next Monday.

    Day 16 Stevensville Maryland CNFD

    The scales were very nice to me this morning. Down 1.5 lbs so my BMI is now 24.1. My measurements are great too down 4 inches on my waist. Still have a few inches to go.

    The second week of January I started doing 16:8 everyday and my FD’s are Monday and Thursday. On NFD’s I am staying under my TDEE. I am getting 36 hours of fasting on my FD’s. My eczema is clearing up and my skin is much softer. I had my monthly facial yesterday and she notice a change in my skin as well. I can’t wait for the weather to break, so I can start my two mile walk everyday at the marina.

    In a world where you can be anything, be kind and have a great weekend.

    Day 16 MI, USA FD
    Day 15, NFD

    Movies with buttered popcorn don’t help when trying to lose weight. Saw
    The Greatest Showman with DS yesterday, loved the music.

    Back up to 147, hopefully a fasting weekend here will help get me on the right track.

    I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend๐ŸŒž

    @mjrbcd44 – how wonderful you got to see Kristin and Idina! I’ve seen Kristin in concert three times, and I just adore her. Our youngest daughter won “concerto competition” doing an infamous song of hers (“Girl in 14G”) at University of Michigan back in ’03. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBJn4BHtqqY Daughter Monique stands about a foot taller than Kristin, but she can sing musical theater, jazz, and opera like she does.

    Yes, our family (4 kids)all are wonderfully talented – we even had to make a dinnertime rule of no singing!

    Favorite musical? Wow. I also grew up with Rodgers & Hammerstein, Lerner & Lowe, and even Bernstein & Sondheim. I’ve been able to perform some of their best roles in community theater as well as Maria, Mother Abbess, Lady Tiang, Guinevere, Grizabella. So I really cannot pick just one!

    Day 16 Sarasota, Florida FD I’ve been doing fine on maintenance by having 5 CD’s/ week (under 1000 calories.) My sister put ice cream in my freezer last week ๐Ÿ™„so (now that it’s gone) I’m going to fast today so my week is not over 6000- my formula for success.

    Day 16, Rocky Mountains, US, FD 800 cals

    Day 15 – FD but not
    Day 16 – NFD

    I feel you @basyjames. This week has just been full of uncontrollable cravings for some reason. Best to start fresh next week. We can do this, we still have a little less than half of February to go!

    This has been the first week since I started 5:2 where I didn’t successfully fast. I’m not sure why it was so challenging to me this time, but it’s been rough on my mind. I”m just going to take it as some weeks you eat more than normal and some weeks less but it will all average out as long as I keep sticking with 5:2.

    Happy Friday everyone!

    Day 16, Gozo Malta, nfd

    Prayers to those killed in the senseless and cruel killings in Florida.

    Iโ€™m going out for dinner with my sister in law this evening. I think Iโ€™ll get over tdee.

    Next week Iโ€™ll start again doing three 800 calories fast days namely Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I hope I wonโ€™t yo-yo back the weight each week.

    Good evening ๐ŸŒ† everyone. Stay strong.

    Day 16, Cornwall UK, NFD

    @michelinme – I am impressed with your ingredients cupboard – do you have a good recipe for dairy-free flapjacks? What do you think about replacing butter with coconut oil? I too am a forager – mostly for elderflowers – as my OH makes a lovely elderflower champagne. We get stopped by visitors in Cornwall asking us why we are picking large amounts of flowers off the bushes. I think some of our old foraging traditions have been forgotten by many – more for us!

    Day 16 – SW WA USA – NFD

    @Strawberriesandcream – because I haven’t directly discussed a possible break with my chiro, I’m heading in for an appointment at noon today, just for peace of mind. I’m thinking it isn’t broken as I’m getting more relief especially after epsom salt soak & iced water bottle (rolling foot on it lengthwise); 10 min cold followed by 20 min hot, repeating 3 times. Also, wearing footwear with metatarsal support.

    @suresh3101 – you’re doing amazingly well!

    @michelinme – I get a boost from trying new healthy, tasty, from scratch things too. Most recently I made scones for the 1st time – with almond flour & almond butter in them… so tasty. This forum has definitely encouraged me to head down the “from scratch” route.

    @diana123 – you’re having some wonderful results!

    @vtenks – yes, you’re in good company enjoying the music of The Greatest Showman. @songbirdme & I and probably others have thoroughly enjoyed it as well. I’m a real lover of musicals. I’ve enjoyed them through the years with my son especially.

    Enjoy this day 16! Together we are stronger!

    @ccco – here are the shooting stats for Chicago from the Chicago TRIBUNE:

    Baltimore may have exceeded this, but these are just from guns.

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