February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 7 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,001 through 1,050 (of 1,595 total)

  • Day 14, Gozo Malta, fd

    Strawberriesandcream i hope your foot gets better and you’re well soon. Take care.

    Today is the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday. For those who are fasting for this Lent, one can fast by being more tolerant and patient and kind. Also one can pray more and be more charitable towards those in need.

    It’s valentine s day. Happy 😃 Valentine everyone.

    Good vibes flyin’ around the globe on here today. Perhaps fasting is the recipe for peace too 🙂

    Well done folks. A virtual pat on the back from me to all of you. 🙂

    Day 14, Emden Germany, NFD

    @daffodil2010 thanks for putting me on the spread sheet again.

    @at, @okeydokey and @onahealthyhigh thanks for the warm welcome!

    @okeydokey I’m so sorry your dad has to undergo heart surgery, I hope everything goes fine. Take care of yourself!

    @onahealthyhigh any mice in sight this year?

    I’m trying to catch up with the posts but don’t think I can. So many new “faces” so many posts every day. I’m on maintenance for the 10th month but lost my way of healthy eating, have to get back there. I’m not fasting at the moment (got too low with my weight), but doing 16:8 during the week and NFD’s at weekends. I sticked to the basics, it worked really well, did a water fast once, that was enough, I have to eat otherwise I get really grumpy.

    Take care everyone!

    Day 14 – Massachusetts – NFD

    Second attempt at FD yesterday failed. I think today I’m just going to take a deep breath and try again tomorrow.

    Happy Valentines all!

    Second post

    Thank you for that title @beddardo. I’ll give it a whirl.
    Wow @strawberriesandcream! That will be a cruise to remember. Wishing you speedy healing.
    @okeydokey – sending healing vibes to your dad and best wishes to your family.
    @hyacinth and all the recent joiners. It’s never too late to start or take part. You are all very welcome. If you go to the first page of this forum @daffodil2010 has written a great introduction.

    Oops. I forgot to add my name to the reset list.
    Add your name to the list to see you are not alone!

    You’d be proud of me. Today, at training, on the table in front of me were JELLY BABIES, popcorn and mints, Not one passed my lips, just a couple of pieces of fruit. 😇

    Stay strong everyone!!!

    BTW the ‘F’ word … (fail) is not allowed!

    2nd post

    Thanks for keeping me company guys while I eat my solo Valentines Day meal of quorn and veg. Actually I have a,so cut up a Kearns and apple, sprinkled with nutmeg and sweetener and baked them in the oven for dessert…….but I am too full to eat anymore 😇

    @hyacinth you are very welcome to join the February fasters. As you can see, we are a lively talkative bunch of folk who are doing their best to live this way of eating and supporting others. As @debster251 said, take a look at the first post on page 1 which lets you know the ethos and posting guidelines. Any questions, do not hesitate to ask 😊

    @beddardo….I had never considered the Big Brother Uk voiceover for this forum, but I do now 😂 Day 14 in the Big Brother ‘Ouse and the housemates are considering what to eat for Valentines Day and Ash Wednesday
    (I have that accent in my head now 😆)

    @debster251 pat on the back for ignoring the jelly babies and popcorn. I really don’t think I could have 😉

    Day 14 – Atlanta,GA United States- NFD

    Monday was a fast day, Tuesday also a semi fast day for religious reasons though i consumed little over 500 calories on both days

    Since today is Valentines Day i’m eating carefully so that i can save calories for Dinner, Hoping not to eat too much junk but may be i might have a drink or two.

    Happy Valentines all!

    Day 14 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Happy Valentine’s Day all!
    As for Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter, @mjrbcd44, us protestants sometimes get involved too. I usually give up something just as a discipline & also thinking of what Jesus gave up, but this time I haven’t settled on something due to my Peru travels in the midst. I’ve heard some wonderful ideas from @anna6 and others here.

    @strawberriesandcream – wow! sorry to hear about your metatarsal break even. Good you got an xray. I wonder what triggered my metatarsal issues presently. I’m only a few days away from travelling to Peru. I have no pain when I’m not putting pressure on the foot. I’m seeing the chiro & accupuncturist once more later today plus have invested in metatarsal insoles and or pads in shoes I’m using. They’re giving a lot of relief. Were you in pain all the time? I’m hoping we didn’t miss a break in my foot and it then could be healing poorly. Think I’ll mention this possibility at the chiro today.

    Oh, we’re on a surprise snow day/ no school. We woke up to snow. Many of our 245 miles of bus routes are up in the hills. I’m appreciating the gift of this day.

    All the best fellow 5:2ers! Together we are stronger!

    Day 14 – USA – FD

    Day 14. London UK NFD

    Tomorrow going to try a LFD. My clothes feel a bit tight. Does anybody want to join me?


    ccco USA NFD Day 14
    Hey, Emma Taylor, I would love to join you but today was an all out eating splurge for Valentine’s Day. I won’t do that again! Ugh! I feel awful! Can’t eat like that anymore! I will come up with a new way to celebrate next year. I will go away. I will need a full fast tomorrow but I would put my name on our pocket list or peoples’ button restart lists but I am so inept with technology that I have no idea how to do this. At least I can say I will be thinking about you and everyone else! Have a great evening and stay strong and good night! 🙂

    Day 14, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    I am so involved in watching the Olympics that I have the feeling I am constantly running out of time doing my regular things such as walking my dog 🐕😄😄😄!

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all! 🌹🌸🌼

    Day 14 UK Unexpected FD

    Yesterday i made chocolate & banana pancakes with coconut flour & cacao and a little honey, pushed myself over TDEE but enjoyed the symbolism of pancakes before the fasting days of Lent.

    Today was going to be a CD – I made a healthy packed lunch but suddenly decided to fast, it being Ash Wednesday n all. Had a strange meeting this afternoon, sitting with a priest with a cross on his head from the lunchtime service while he ate his latelunchtime sandwiches, and I was the one fasting – but pretending I’d already eaten! I quite like the external structure of reasons to fast, things coming into alignment.

    But now I may end up having B2B as I’ve got a fasting ultrasound tomorrow afternoon to see if my annoying pains are caused by gall bladder, pancreas or liver. Keeping my fingers crossed that it’s *just* gallstones – and then i’ll be back to ask about the diet that someone here used so successfully back in December.

    @strawberriesandcream o my goodness, your poor foot. How exhausting. And I completely get how it’s possible to go round with a broken bone and not realise. Hope it gets better very soon.

    I’m the one with the broken wrist – from a fall before Christmas – & didn’t realise until 4 weeks later. Took a week to get a GP phone appt, an x-ray the next day then a week to get results. Now waiting 2wks for an MRI to find out if I’ll need a cast to realign the bones or surgery to repair the torn ligament too. MRI is booked for next week & should get the result the following Monday. People don’t believe I could go round with a broken wrist without knowing so I’ve stopped telling people unless I really have to. Thank you for making me feel more normal!!

    @suresh3101 Wow! amazing progress already, well done

    @johnnyr So sorry for the loss of your mum last year, that must be so hard for you all.

    @hyacinth welcome 🙂

    @debster251 you resisted JELLY BABIES??!!! what’s the secret?

    @ccco – I’ve added you to the button resetters – we just copy & paste the list from the most recent version. Hope your lovely family members can get you sorted, I love learning new tips from my nieces.

    Button Resetters, Ultimate edition – there were 2 versions so I reset it 😀

    Pocket list – Button resetters (Ult)

    ccco USA: Thanks, Michelinme!

    Day 13 USA Wisconsin FD
    Day 14 NFD

    Hello, I’m posting ridiculously late (and for two days!) but just wanted to check in. Very busy home and work activities, including completing 4 hours of mandatory education for my position at the Y. Feeling good about all of that, and pretty good about my FD and controlled NFD.

    Also, the scale was kind and I’m a pound down.

    Will try to read through all of the posts I’ve missed before I post tomorrow.

    Take care, Markie

    2nd post

    @strawberriesandcream–very sorry about your foot. Hope the boot is helping and not making things more challenging.

    @Debster251–passing up popcorn? That’s practically a health food! Very impressive. Are jelly babies the same thing as jelly bellies here? Would have been my undoing.

    @Michelinme-I really wish I had your baking/cooking prowess! Everything you describe sounds so yummy.

    @Metatauta-thinking of you and sending supportive thoughts and strength today.

    @leggit-you’ve got this. One day at a time!

    Have indulged in sweet coffee drink today and some random candies. Hoping an 800 calorie day tomorrow shows progress on Friday morning!

    Thinking of you all as my Valentine’s friends wherever you are!😍

    @strawberriesandcream – OUCH! foot pain is such a pain! Hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery.

    @diverdog – congratulations on your terrific BP and numbers! I’m right with you with low BP and no meds (me, 69) but doesn’t it feel great?!

    Day 15, Norway, FD

    Day 15, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Loooong day ahead of me working in a kitchen today, so not a fast day but it’ll certainly be controlled 😊

    Have a good day all!

    Day 15 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Had a very good CD yesterday and great nights sleep.
    Think it’s going to be an LFD today for the 3rd FD of the week. But, as I am preparing food for tomorrow’s dinner party with the girls, I might have to change plans. We will see

    Still 3lbs to get to my pre-holiday weight, and about 7lbs to get to the top off my acceptable weight range goal. Slowly does it.

    Can I ask a question about kefir? What does it do for your gut? Can you feel any difference after taking it? I had heard some of you talking about it, I saw a litre of it in the Polish food se toon in the supermarket, so I bought it! I took a small glass this morning, not bad.

    Thanks fellow fasters. ☺️

    @diverdog great results!!
    @annemarilyn hope your foot heals 😨 Take care in Peru, walk slowly in Machu Picchu ☺️

    Day 15 Newcastle UK NFD 🇬🇧.
    Day 14 Newcastle UK FD.
    Struggling. Refocus after this weekend.

    Day 15 NSW Australia NFD

    Day 15, UK, FD
    77.3 kg. Today needs to be the beginning of re-finding my mojo. I need to add a few FDs – and be more sensible on NFDs – in order to get my maintenance weight below 75.

    Also interested in thoughts about kefir… Particularly if it’s worth making your own….

    Day 15 Belfast FD.

    I woke to the news about the shooting in a school in Florida. Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved.

    Went out last night and was the designated driver, so sparkling water all evening. That makes two 😇😇 for me yesterday!
    @anna6 I am not a Catholic but fasting at Lent is an opportunity for mindfulness and an opportunity to address many areas in our lives. Hear, hear for tolerance, patience and kindness.
    @michelinme x it’s @bert’s reset button that did the trick!
    @mjrbcd44 I expect jelly babies are the same around the world. Anything jelly is my undoing so that was the ultimate test!
    Great stats @diverdog 👍

    I finish with a quote previously from @borealis

    Vorfreude ist die schönste Freude, the anticipation is often much more delightful than the real thing. @borealis

    Day 15, London, UK, FD (3rd of B2B2B)

    Feeling so much more positive today, I pressed the reset button with gusto & support from my fellow resetters and had a fantastic FD yesterday (i.e. <500cals), the first in a while!!! Excellent Box to bass class last night, a full and satisfying sleep and I bounced out of bed this morning…………….. It really is all about attitude………………. positive, Positive, POSITIVE!!!!!!

    I’m giving up the treats that have crept back into my diet for Lent!!! No crisps, biscuits, chocolate or cake ………………… I will have a day off on the 24th for my Birthday as my mum will bake a cake and it would be rude to say no!!!! Adding a little more tolerance to the aims, I must remember, not everyone is as perfect as I am!!!!!!!!!

    @strawberriesandcream, cruise day two and you broke your foot but soldiered on unaware!!!!! I’m glad it didn’t ruin your trip, healing vibes heading your way!!

    @debster251, popcorn is another trigger food of mine, the bag appears bottomless and I feel the need to find the bottom I KNOW is there somewhere!!!!

    @mjrbcd44, British sweets (or as you might say candy) are some of the things I couldn’t live without when I lived abroad!!! Wine gums (they don’t contain wine, by the way!!) jelly babies ( they contain NO babies!!!) mints of any & every variety – humbugs, imperials, Everton, Murray, Polo, Glacier, extra strong, etc. etc. etc. I love the retro sweets from my childhood – sherbet fountains, peardrops (I would suck these until I had shredded the roof of my mouth!!), love hearts, rhubarb & custards, strawberry & creams (name check!!!) and the mighty Kola Kube ……………………. I’m having a sugar rush as I type!!!!! Is this the wrong forum to ask what everyone’s’ favourite childhood sweets were??!!!

    @steve toon taxi driver, I think the unplanned break in your routine has derailed you a little, join the resetters and you’ll be back on the wagon in no time, the refocussing part is hard!!! I found that starting 5:2 was actually easier than I expected, but hurling, myself off of the wagon then clawing my way back on is actually harder. Stay strong @steve, we’ve got you and you’ve got the knowledge!!! (Taxi pun intended!!!)

    @bigviking, military style planning of NFDs is the only way I’m managing not to completely eradicate the benefits of 3 FDs per week!!!! Hard going, but what else can we do………… I refuse to curl up in the corner with the chocolate fudge cake and that bottle of Shiraz!!!!!!

    Keep the faith people, there is NOTHING else you can do to improve your long term health and weight this easily, painlessly, this sociable or this forgiving!!!!!

    @toddybear and @daffodil2010

    Dr M’s book the Clever Guts Diet explains it best. I have been taking kefir daily for a while now. I have issues with my stomach, and although I make and like my own natural yoghurt, I don’t like the milk kefir. It is too tangy for me. However, I make water kefir daily. Can you tell? I don’t know because of course I don’t know how it feels without taking it. However good gut health is the buzz word at the moment.

    If you feel you want to take it daily, absolutely make your own. It’s so easy. If either of you wanted to try some water grains, I have loads spare (they increase) and would pop some In the post for you. You can buy them online for about a fiver, but if you’re on Facebook, there is a site where people give them away if you can find someone close enough.



    @flourbaby – I’m with you all the way, no treats for lent.


    Day 15 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Washing machine has broken 😱so will be distracted from hunger as I’m off to shop for a new one.

    @flourbaby since you ask, my childhood favourites were liquorice and blackcurrant sweets. Haven’t had one in ages……….NO, don’t go there!!!!!

    Strength to my fellow resetters, hold on tight 🤗

    Day 15 – UK-Reading – NFD

    I’m through my two FDs for this week and delighted to have lost 1lb. Now I need to be controlled so I don’t gain it all.

    Day 15, Gozo Malta, cd

    After two fast days I’m 67 kilos up by 0.2 kilos from today week. Next week I’ll fast three consecutive days ie B2B2B from Monday to Wednesday.

    Have a great Thursday everyone, onwards and downwards.

    Norway, day 15, FD

    Still here, fasting today. Hard day, but I will prevail!
    Will try to do a B2B today and tomorrow, even though I hate fasting on Fridays. I may brak the fast tomorrow evening if it gets too hard. We’ll see…

    Day 15…….Florida…..CD

    Thank you so much for all the love and support! You all are fantastic!

    @button resetters……..we’ve got this! I think it was @at who said “together we are stronger!”

    So, yesterday went smoothly, I was a bit worried but I made it! The hardest part really was that I craved a soda big time and with all the water I drank running to the loo, more often took on an interesting twist. And I was up twice in the middle of the night visiting my porcelain prince. Hoping the trips will lessen as my body adjusts.

    @borealis……..I’ve never seen that movie with Tom Hanks, but have put it on my play list. My YS and I try to do a movie night a couple times a month. He likes old movies with substance and old gangster movie. So, when it’s my turn to choose, I try to find something he likes and this sounds like something he might enjoy as well as myself. Some movie nights are tough because he likes those drawn out movie!

    I talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!

    Day 15, Surrey (UK), FD

    Halfway point for me, folks. Halfway through the month, halfway to my weight loss target for February, and halfway to my overall weight goal since I started 5:2 3 months ago. What a journey it has been so far! A good time to pause and reflect, I think. I will write more on my own @fatfingers thread.

    Onward and downward people, you CAN do this – if I can, anyone can!

    Day 15, Newcastle, FD

    Enjoyed a controlled Valentines meal at home. Feeling good.

    @emma-taylor – yes please, joining you in a LFD today.
    Thanks @anna6 for your good wishes. I will endeavour to practice patience during lent – I think some daily meditation will help there. Whilst I don’t go to Church, I am a Christian and pray regularly.
    @snowflake56 – great to see you back on board. I miss so many of our virtual friends from last year – love and best wishes to any looking in.
    @okeydokey – was your absence anything to do with your dental issues? Did you get sorted out yet? Love to you and your family as you support your Dad.
    @debster251 – you don’t know the half of it……… You are so right – Dad says I ought to write a short story about it.
    @annemarilyn – oh heck, with your trip to Peru so close, I’m not sure what you should do. I really didn’t think I had broken anything because I could still move all 5 toes. However the next morning my foot was totally swollen upto the ankle and bruised badly. But after ice-packing and Ibuprofen I was able to walk around with not a huge amount of pain tbh. I then started dancing again two days later – think Michael Jackson spins and Tamela Motown slides and jumps with modern jive thrown in. So both feet ended up painful and swollen from Plantar Fasciitis (thanks to the flat trainers I was forced to wear as result of right foot still being too swollen to wear anything else.) The PF pain then disguised the broken metatarsal, and not even the masseuse cottoned on that it was broken, even though she gave me a reflexology session as well as lymphatic massage.
    Prior to xray yesterday my feet were examined and I was asked to give level of pain out of 10 – and I said 3-4. It was only my suspicion that things weren’t improving, because of pain in both ankles when I walked, that prompted me to get checked out. Bottom line is you need to consider the implications for your travel insurance. They insist that you tell them of any changes/treatment since you set the insurance up. So in my case, I am going to have to disclose my injury and treatment – otherwise my insurance for our next cruise could be compromised. All the best for a happy outcome.
    @michelinme – you’re very welcome and thanks for the good wishes – we’re obviously made of tough stuff!!! lol!!!!
    Thanks @mjrbcd44 & @songbirdme. To be honest, I’m already loving the excuse to sit in front of the Olympics on TV and plan all my viewing on Netflix!! With OH now retired and completely recovered from his knee replacement op – I have a full time carer and chauffeur – yay!!!!
    @flourbaby – Yes – weighing it all up – in my ignorance I’m pleased I didn’t go to the ship’s doctor or that would have well and truly put a damper on our holiday. Anyway, the doc had enough on his hands – people walking around with black eyes, arms in slings, wrists and legs bandaged – not to mention the sea sickness victims – which included OH!! Maybe cruising ought to be included in the high risk category of vacations lol!!

    I also woke to the awful news of the shooting in Florida. It is so sad and heartbreaking. I was doubly shocked to read it’s the 18th school shooting in the USA in 2018!! There must be some way to really tighten up on the gun laws – surely. Prayers for all affected.

    “When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is.”

    Day 15 UK NFD

    Weight up a little bit this morning. (+0.3kg) after a FD yesterday. Today is NFD, but not eaten yet & may last until tonight… let’s see… 🙂

    Off skiing next week in the French Alps. Happy days. I might take a week off the fasting, but given the price of lunch up a mountain I might not have any choice in the matter.

    Thanks for your kind words @michelinme. I know everyone goes through such events, but that somehow doesn’t help that much.
    BTW, I hope you’re last stone goes away in the night 🙂 I’ve about 10kg to go!

    Day 15, UK, FD

    I was looking forward to my FD again, and so far I’m enjoying it. I think its just the matter of getting used to it, but now I like the light feeling of hunger and “emptiness” in the stomach 🙂

    @daffodil2010 I make my own Kefir, full fat milk one. Kefir has a live cultures in it and is beneficial to your gut. I’m not sure if its only Kefir, since I started using and making fermented food, zero processed, even my own sourdough bread etc. , but I feel great difference since I started doing it. I used to have a problem with acid for example, and couldn’t eat many foods because of it. That is completely cured now, without any medication at all. Just one obvious example 🙂
    I like and buy from this site: https://bacillusbulgaricus.com/ , its been recommended to me from my Bulgarian friend. Bulgarian yoghurt is well known for its smooth, mild taste.

    Hope everyone has a great day 😀

    Day 15, FD, USA

    Too cruel, @flourbaby, too cruel! Now I’m salivating too.

    Allens’ Spearmint Leaves, and Milk Bottles were probably my favourite childhood lollies / candy / sweets. They don’t make Spearmint Leaves anymore, sadly. And there was another striped minty hardboiled candy with chocolate in the centre – what was that one called?!?!

    Day 15 – USA – NFD

    Day 15 North Wales FD

    Day 15 Akron OH 44312 FD

    Day – 15- NFD – USA

    Finally broke my plateau! Down 2 whole pounds this a.m. The gym is a big part of it too. I’ve increased the intensity of my cardio. Looking to increase the intensity of my weight training too. I’m trying slowly to get back to the workout routine that I had about 10 months ago. I’m totally committed to this WOL. Way to go 5:2’ers! We can do this!

    Day 15 Stevensville Maryland USA

    FD today, I planned ahead this week bone broth waiting for me for lunch, and hard boiled egg and slice of ham with greens for dinner and I plan to drink 2.5 liters of mineral water.

    Yesterday was a good CNFD. DH made baked lobster tails and a nice salad for our Valentines dinner. Only down fall, he broke out a bottle of bubbly (YUM), I only had one glass, but really could of drank the whole bottle. It’s really all about the choices I chose to make, this is my mantra for now.

    Feeling good about the week so far, have not stepped on the scale this week, but I was able to go down a belt notch yesterday. I am looking forward to my measurements tonight. I trust those more then the scales along with how my clothes are fitting.

    Prayers to all involved in the Florida shooting yesterday . We need to pray for our children all over the world, and prayers for my country.

    In a world where you can be anything, be kind and Have a great day.

    Day 15 USA Wisconsin FD

    A bit of a tricky FD today. I’m going out to lunch with friends that I haven’t seen in ages. I know the restaurant and know what I will order so if I stick to my plan, this will be my OMAD and FD will be a success. Please wish me luck 🙂

    No planned activity, but hoping for a walk later this afternoon. Temperatures will rise to the amazing height of 40F (about 4C) so I may be able to walk outside. Most of the snow and ice has melted from sidewalks because of a similar temperature yesterday. February can be such an entertaining month in Wisconsin. Sometimes it feels almost like early spring, and sometimes not so much.

    @flourbaby thanks for asking about candy – my favorites hands down were coconut strips, Neapolitan striped goodies that I never see anymore, thank goodness. Yikes, of course there is always Amazon. I’m sure I can find them there 🙂

    Have a wonderful day, all of you strong and beautiful losers. Namaste, Markie

    Day 15, Germany, NFD
    Am sooo frustrated!!! After 2 FDs this week my weight is up by 0.9 kg!! And I was struggling so hard yesterday! OK, I must admit that I had lots of salty broth and was nibbling on some cucumbers and carrots to survive the day! Also had an extra banana before going to bed. But what does it help to whine about it! I need to get up, dust off and get going!!
    Yesterday was just NOT my day for fasting!
    Today I had a brunch with my colleagues. Counted that as breakfast plus lunch. I realize that I am triggered to try to fit in an extra FD this week (which would be very hard due to social occasions) Or to skip dinner tonight?? Don’t know right now, just very frustrated… Hope it’s all about the broth! Get up, get going! Get up, get going! It is so much harder for me in my holidays…

    Day 15 – London – CD

    Mood yesterday dictated I should be stuffing fish finger sandwiches on granary bread with mayo and tomato ketchup and Twix all day but I remained committed to FD, big pat on the back to me and amazed I could do it! Must stay focussed today.

    @diverdog – very impressed with your BP. Mine has been creeping up but has gone down since starting 5:2 in Feb and I’m going to add a shot of beetroot juice daily to give it an extra boost as recommended by Dr M in Trust Me I’m a Doctor (BBC2 last night).

    @debster251- I’m a big Archers fan (must age me!!!) – Susan’s Kafir has been a hot topic there so very intrigued by all the talk, thanks for all the links I’ll investigate a bit further.

    @michelinme and @strawberriesandcream – ouch, good luck with getting your broken bits all sorted.

    @okeydokey – best wishes to your dad and your journey.

    @flowerbaby – yes it’s soooo wrong, pear drops, pineapple chunks ummmm! @missybear what about Pontefract cakes and Callard and Bowser liquorice toffee!

    Must stop, teasing myself now, sorry to those on a difficult day.

    Ta everyone and have a good day.

    Day 15 800Cal FD Oregon USA

    The shooting in Florida was truly horrible. Working for a news radio station we often here things quickly so I was aware early however it wasn’t until last evening on social media that someone posted cell phone video from one of the teens inside the school that I just was overcome. I cannot comprehend my country’s inability to control assault rifles. It is devastating.

    I will post later and comment on all of the fun, supportive, caring and loving posts I see this morning.

    I know the world is home to both amazing acts of kindness and hate, true love and true evil but it is so hard when there are innocent children involved.

    Take care of yourselves today everyone. 💙💔

    Day 15, 2nd post
    @beddardo just ordered the book! Thanks for this recommendation! Sounds very interesting! On YouTube it was compared to the stop smoking book from Allen Carr, which really helped me 20 years ago 😉 so I am really excited! Need all good input I can get right now 🙂
    So, thanks a lot @beddardo!
    Already feel a bit better now 😃

    Day 15 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Valentine’s Day yesterday meant buttered popcorn and “The Shape of Water” at the movies. It wouldn’t be to everyone’s taste, but it was interesting. I also want to see “15:17 to Paris” – heard it was very good. Not such great reviews from my friends on “Winchester” although I adore Helen Mirren.

    It will take a day or two for the water weight from the popcorn supper to leave my body. I know that. I’ll eat controlled today.

    @mjrbcd44 – you are so right about assault rifles. Why does any civilian need them? But I see Chicago’s awful gun violence as out of control with very strict laws, so I don’t believe any new legislation would really work. PEOPLE need to change!

    @strawberriesandcream – what a great attitude to have about being laid up. Netflix and Olympics works!

    Onward and downward.

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